mififi’tinig, I= e_ Mann 2 ‘ "1113"” ‘ Atmh . CLOL‘ W m ' ‘ Ds; ent 0W n Mm . - . neg. ~we “:3 "“1: e . ‘Q ' v. 3 (30- P. .V . 1‘ "‘3”, “0w "'l'. A . 1(I‘T". ;§y' J 'B62,FflnlTel Tjorrered no“ ""5 "MI I: . - A"m In: ‘s’ dl.. . . "nilcugommnn ‘lnchmenil‘l ‘lo ‘0 ..'.er (‘ouiimt‘ anihlhng to f . .l '2 . ’3O "W ‘in .e.n ' ’ » ' ' grc‘nflg Fisheriflnln‘ of p A ivo “Cm; 5;. 0' Whizhl'u AFR}: . “”hcwfll ‘ IWe “‘)1,“ oru‘id lio'm‘i-‘yr'xidcung Al'le‘l meadow an iII(‘I:“’mOr “feet. :. en“ ‘3 .mflnd llm,___l Lu,“ 95nd I’ —'Wlx.,;;“'.'l'9r 90,1” J The ‘ ”a “cum '\\. II -‘"°n q “’th ,"Idn." who ’ an, much.h 3:11: ~ “my,” ‘ 'oihwis I" "V e?l"'“'"'l.'.".‘ MII 339°“ If}. “W of "d “Tm-'3" “’e 3:" P-rnlmm‘°ie’°"'uum¢d . -, )| ' ‘ - .'n ' Io : 110-mhg'gf'°“‘°:dii,‘:d ":32, "IquL’ ‘l," ' 1‘72“" WW?" uni-21?;"i‘fien‘3i'3".£21"va . spBrIIiDNG "M oral"? mg a - ' “ml. “Cr "'1: - in‘w 'mm . “in --e h. ' 'n-e Pm; few - ‘ 0 s.— “c .. if. ' P 10.“ "Mn-n We 3"IWb ‘ emu “‘ern “She M; 1&3 1° 1- '1 ’l' ”AT ‘Qnu Sim, ' I’m ~lal " her “Inc,“ “Hem-L e'i'rl. , ”Nu" I‘ll: . “by ,We) . 00L “’Kd ER! 2 "Slin . 01" dcm M‘ hold Ore o I, b I sllur 04ml, l'n-r 4pc“ 1h” ‘ Rr‘ ,S - 13")“ AIR 2 g, ln‘ ‘7! “We ”"930 "“ Ac -“" Co '- sm .’ ”MR. 5‘ “on “’o‘: ”Pa "“‘d, ll“‘On 'n""lnd‘ ~Lo- ’ "1c is}: 5:“! J:;|nl,\n;"r:rllll§ 2"l||;;‘;;n-‘l'_'br?:; inf Wing‘s-houubzlllfling [£l2, ‘32:: . ”Nah.“- 2:2lmuv’iz'gi’mimggkfflg’“: rt: XI“, “ fim‘. 05m , 51' uni” ”,0 Jnm’ ain't" 1n... (,I urgc'k “.0“ . gaze. 39* 3mm sm"a 1‘ dc of .\l' ”1”. In" '-“|’,V F‘s”. urn (. .2 any 11, LAC , Swumffls (. er" _- ; "1" “s:"an “‘,IJEI-luclolfinngn 11:27“ genre 15-: fizghuilysmv gen 1:23, Sign” i-‘i‘lillr‘i‘nq I Gngfg’fii, 13,32: ‘th ludc] ~e hflud m: ‘. li“e ingub ng 0f PM" 25, in “he? ‘ '“i‘l ~. n. “*1” ' ‘mm I eon “It” '4 o - 0|! t'v or out"! Wat .1° d “in with CO .‘ ”1c ”fie-a fin'l o‘3 "I «m a. r -u u I I o I. . e . m .l .. ’s‘ 6")":ybb; Riffc‘fi’znnfi‘fifinofmn in a. “"In a? :hen :'n§l:;e -(;:,"“d\=I::L::r 3mg?! E‘max’u :HIII'J; 5113? ”01-1223". Vic ’ 'fi’ow "Bu "0': S-° vloe "hem ’“ld " "‘8 ."Wn "'9l? ‘VHI ' “ilin’ 'Mngs' ”0v ‘5. I ' -r0" \' 335! o . ore u, 'l M! u “no” ”u" Paw“ by ‘1 mm "M"! ‘ ‘87.}:018 .A“ Legr (‘ “ch n ‘ A “111» 1W 59cm] H {"oan 251 d ('6 Inc’- "In! D, 3“ Xrg‘ , on, Dr D. r. Joy a T'li; Huh ‘i, sh” I}. "oh'uu‘m S (31¢lh I ‘5. "‘“or K“"‘flthewd“Mann“"l lh ”’0 3.' °' 2: 31”,. .‘M'Oru. p’f’l‘Er- F ““75 ls'mc. ‘I 5p ’. “on l..C‘mvr Inga?” '33:?,fifurtm’,lnamXJflJ-5ifi”"3123.“ “REE‘IBERLAVD “wrn’wlgifllzhg 3:2? “”ilcxmgé‘: Take" ”ibzyhxilom’ .3“ -' I- en a" n‘ on "m. '- F ' 'Bt-s ‘re "30,1; "—3lll- 3‘ xo,' .1 ‘ng Wr 1 'n‘x ‘ "lie «1 lb llnd . .\n h ('5, nln ‘ “nu it, 1.3;“ hegtfzbupgil‘L'n‘ tangy: 3X“, :2: I...”:y’hctg. :°:s€yto;;? de‘riY‘LL—l‘Thi. rm- .1 gglfi7sor,ie¥33 rilll'llfii' “ingiffgfi Frush I 1 ' din, l W!“ e '9' n], ' .0“ ‘Nu -; fling “duo “Dru m 30m ‘ ET. °‘- Senor I ’cg. “M J m, 0 0.“; n. m ”Sin -0 “tr 138 nrm pen: “cm, ‘ ”Mir a) nu ”LN P - I’.‘ '3" In ‘dgrl‘ me an . M 73“ lies . [lO v. v nl-' , -R's Jon '5 ark-w B'\"el'2'\")rl"‘¢. d I'ntedmiuilM-"V' Tzs'n‘mb’ql mofm‘“ 'O‘n LSEKE‘ "3'nt 70014.; mm" 0; ~ ' alumni) I'm” ’ “-; it’ll” '-pm|lc:md’fleu:. link is" um] 2r: 0} ‘ “Mtg?! "(Karl-Jl5 :E'l'lKnOh'. «:.gen'ml " (P- ”To af “3‘ ’ 'm'lro C "CH ”rim .130 ‘0 (“é 1‘ *9? "'O5“ I “I! V - Cl , . 2he I rm] . “nd' ,nu _or II ' ,nmk P 1 [ed nd F 0 0 find - 91 c. - :Q’rm‘. 5‘ {gym '. All it u an? 'Pnsll' '34 ”on, 5v W, T‘bl ”is.“ .‘3 In IBM] {and a'IIIn “I wflml “Ma “r. “Ill—‘8“ . EnAm 1e" S {and T rlflnni l‘ge “- If, . Ouh‘. 11m“. ”"dgubp In “‘81; bein I‘ "km 0“I d.‘ ham c“ “lAN, “‘3 C(‘nt ' M I‘m "“0. “11- g"ho -“ itb g min ' h“ "d “flu: s “"d frpo°nl ‘um .“d P ‘I I"'l' I, t) “"urK, “5“ mod” (I “e Rolled' 3 ge.‘ 5' Clix-Po .‘Keul J on". ’ ('“n -no"? ”WK-h “r .qul. 'l‘ of? I' u “qu-(emd ‘ acid H IRON fim] as, “"15. etc“; 9.1;} $01!. I "was" h‘,”“'h“fnl "T! he“. i llulp‘lo .“ be “I _ "sth 49““11 5' Ortlnen ‘- §tc .yTuB“ “ In ‘P-n ‘ dv. -I “v “'l‘ ‘ ghee ‘tkel W's. "0! v‘ ’ Tlll. i 1“ 'll Inndnurtrd 11 “ft-:0 3:97“; y’lln“ A: “I \ (’ROé‘mWh, 1 \fllich‘nd kinq Illo'Ked £"Vsno',:°;nncm"" fan“ n"! 4r "‘5: or W’gt'“ ‘glrh MERIFF may ‘11:}0651 gh‘md _-- ‘a m;e, er 3'. g :s " e I I "as he): “ag,’n";l"rge U'mflll’cmOVE: , m._sl)irql:h°‘r<el’“xe\v Skel’ileder'fl 855011 ”a“; bfil. m‘ bed... C; II: Burn! -';‘y I; ‘ln'nle 501.094]. O‘ngflcs cans, d, gurmedlnem' 11. hefflg'niu ..',Z‘q "H We“ Urib' Wm! Fish ”(1' Pin}; “Eng-n. 'c""d 3”,? ‘nd;..’. “nd am". _".".ux; 'S‘II‘ “an; cur-nil;- .A} ‘o' ‘ u S. 0"”0. ' “We H "‘3 :42: I‘n n I" nn‘trwnknen. ”“2 ogfinaigfe, v‘nflrk ale "lvl. H‘l'L‘n ' I Ibbr) 0 "‘L‘[ my every I-“ 0 “I . of! a: urpe in ‘1 . "'ljg' - r:“\' 3;“ “illfi‘ ”’Uiln IF! in Sh: ' “'licl I“up“, “NI! 3 . u‘lne i{o::'-7‘"l'{n{y'\ 'Flfl'lgxflpou)iéooflhln“l:l;z\g‘;[dd aflfncfiannié‘ ill“, iif‘rfiuintsqdiginc. dr‘r I "13" .1. :_l,‘:r r“; - , '1 1‘ . . :22: nn'u'EEWIMGII‘I ” 2:,“ are-emf: (‘lniwrznnxt L ‘mliin :“l‘i .11“: M‘of In. .1 PR E' “‘lha 410’ n. “to”. I "K. 3] “NH” n nofm I I ‘ Iln ‘lm. I-r -} . . Wl“.' " I Out I i V :hn‘i’l‘e MILL m":‘rcm'n‘llofqmml}c SHIN}, Get“, i , JM: ‘he 3 90H “ant-5" 1" 2"H ”HI " ‘ “~TW ”P '“- ’- d'bnr ‘~ ”ll: 3 ”Y. 10w ,Zmr'r .‘II-rclnl‘llt'e he”; in ““h*"£:'”rv "“quad,l . : u~fip De; 0‘ 11,8)!“le 'D'IDA‘VVFR‘ In 3-1“ ‘ u ’A‘ r_\-'» 3' "HI. I 7--27-9 (-0. 1.2. x. I: n‘i- n‘; n was“? iOlnnnPi’Of D "‘l‘- "7 ““h-‘I I ‘ ~ . ~. .‘- .l .' a I “—l—.. 154319;: ere-‘07:: IKE}: MM“? 2.! 5!! an‘cfifinwn‘ifranés “I ‘ "‘H “lld "in“ on "”‘h‘ti. ”PM nt, St 7am} fl“long; "'l‘ is . "nu. . ‘ . u, "I: Y’t'n- “He ’J' :1 lm !.._ _ I _ ‘.1.1,.“.:("u__: ‘3 prenli,:"rm' RI‘MMVWH' (“01¢“)? Colémrvtemr; (remin‘ This [I e I. I~ “'l' ”N.” 1 61‘6”“ sl.:‘Tllos ‘C » rymiilwi. h\Villmc"!%:(grr°"t?f eS ' . 7" ' I .. Cu ’ lRm-lun” Attenif'ffl'dm ““0137:“aggreraflinflaxwr; “0 , 7 Wm - - SW. ». 10113‘ ‘*~_ 1 EC“, .‘ms" L ““1“. "D TOl Isl-1‘9“.“ A“. -‘-\rp4 Ir ‘ —.‘ "(v e (,rm I'Lfi” -"‘ “vied ~ ’bf‘rq‘ “""N'd' "(Ni -‘ ’1‘“? O ’- ' Illl‘o De. IF] 0 ’mln'nr I “Y‘l « : 'llre,‘ Mtg] . ““VT 13 “0 .\ 1‘ ( ‘lro “neg -"9 uh, B‘3 H jmerel e- an...“ .\n.” £l. to “LI: n' C '1": ,4," t. .Jlt; , g. “n' ".m “‘r-{ rc "91p “rc- “A“ 9‘o: ' awe-en ' In“: Sé‘minn":wvnnmn n“: ””30I,k‘.n“I»u.uI,mI un ugi'ét‘nd ~e0(:?(l1‘,.,n Pu,” ‘I 111, 1, louudsnn'eqmm? “Lion"? in.” Ln ‘,qu “ “firm! “MT: at ; I (:an \P:lnm‘+ “Eng-s:- nd “imig'é; r: . “onl . 3'9! l err r' 4I - “I'ol " uni {'mr , 0‘14?” In” " »\~i -.“ N“ I\" “'“hn‘ "9- p 2:: 3i". (' 11 “hp .1 ‘I ’Ol I g hm.‘ "In”; “fined, "19 for “r"ll. 11 euro 1' "Mint,“ "out. “y- i l I 5121“ oft“. -‘ 1.!r” ”7|": (if ”.196 I e “”0 V leg. I Toou' ,1 . -- kw n 'll- r? ""1”! we»; 0:11.. ~ r 1 'Lbage' I la: I In. -u=l-n:..~‘"rnm Ira: “In- Cure]; “91:: . Seno ‘ ‘ n",- “-“; «13;; vent?“ I ’ {‘2 I,§:;'lce=,wou . “he A | ,z( ' 5 . _ I 1"“an “."=- m, 3‘?!“ . I [(3% 15“,”eg “‘l5, Ten . ,‘lld -0! \‘- 0‘ ll - "l: I , tin-F 9“!) q 0r 1 wen I'Jif““‘€n'en 2I I :Inns'n‘f . ' ‘- n 3 '0: “MW EH“ flri '(‘ I “)k A 1' :'“ “lonfii‘z“'lsn«-fifig,‘Wine“ “I“ I “’F mtg: °;ix SKI-”‘95?“ .run'kg svtfluqc P Duff 1 0 ‘end My "73 2’ “ e __ .. ~e! ‘ up _ ._ N. ‘ ant”. Fit'rl Cllrhct’ _Al.soL“Jl°m€u'-:§nd 1‘ I ‘5 .\uhmis,‘ “honi‘meq : finch“: 11.4"" . 3;":sz F “BM, Cur to “my l‘flsy (‘ , fixhl‘ I)“; 1,; “HI! I St- ..l 98 F l‘vd‘l 1 10m V._ on“ ' lstol Ah.- rfi'to C I WM?) “"5- n "n om." . 10m IRe C 1 inck‘ I ICh .‘ Fee" ‘.n 2" hm.l l 1“ endvn" in” YF’E‘icrsffi-‘sn V 101: 30‘ In?!” “1103' ‘nlil‘ I). n' 1‘ lo“ "3!? \_’, 01M. nix-95 n_ns,’ b \‘er‘ :1 “Wu, “Haggis Chitmtgql 3:01“ §E;\ ”gulp?” I Burgh“ .2: (“PW 1,03? fife" ern.‘ x .LI "i ~Y‘nd ‘ (- ".- }}ln:.',,e.. ’lan]: Ami} 111 m“: :Jhe pm. . “Mira: “Thrifmm ri "l3,. h: '1 "lei-1;] “In Pre‘ rchpgcd I Opr"; kcl Hung), 5“ “..'“3- “line 9"» Mr"?! n " 31-3.! {fly-{L ~ 5 (If " “- 1169”“ ar’ ‘ "Inn i, 't In: "F-Nm I ‘MNG ': Agi :Ihnddecg‘lrcd ‘,f‘ ELI; y ' In ' ‘H; “To n 23 pm ,3; 2:20 m 3: £13,522“- '\"1“"‘"e "7"" i‘ ‘l , l'cl t. lI'IIML nl3“ "I“ 12"» ellnnnnfien I,(:n.“‘)lhor;_\“‘ nn'flt‘flric “} ”Tm "-bloln “‘l’imrqlum-‘ihimts an: . [I I 1 “’nil L: "l' - “to, "n I l ghé On ‘1 “In u-I ~ lo 1 . vl‘ ‘ .\rr 1 :5 “I? "“Pvcr .\ ‘x -‘ I: "‘l‘::ll‘ll_\l€4:4§“hxnv $113111“ 5 sl":an ”f i‘ “ghfifvfizivk‘iw “(Wk .1“ thc'G'ThFLHi‘l‘n mid ;t‘.Y"|:oté - li ‘v ”an New?“ recldwneck 1,. n 0. me “I‘m ' Cs“? AND vJ tau-21' cauWT‘n' ("“3tc‘TK IS. I I “ hero; :‘uy 14 3 $3,. I -"U I.\c "I “(".I bot lt‘r-I I "l'ul -’:ld ‘ . I I ”e, n ng"lipl.¥'"nf‘l.lv‘“* V‘h Mr. 0: nmlbg’ You“. I‘M! 3 I "‘lmn‘amliheu nonnenn .Elml “”d Mink}?! Minn I ”Ye-III.” "‘ In hi.~ f fc‘v.rl;i.3m,°r M"sl' “:5. “'llloh “"filyf “ “3‘ nho “‘lna. Rent. 'sva “(10" H the q I'M] . I I’9 “‘1 0t ”‘er. “In S 1'50" I he'- 1’ (t II: l ' Gnu ..5 111-e .emed ”‘l‘. ' l I.” ,(13‘ it i; I “'0 or“ ghlh Sir '." can: “II I)!" . S “100 d Cc“ I) ‘I A: “I ‘ I “412- I Crt hlln . . v-_ , _ ,itnrgo boalqelfk “loc‘lr‘uirtell’h v 5 l ‘‘Y I) .\ ~ . '—___ r 501 d 93 u (‘9 9f? S “>O3" i; The sI? 14mm- by Inuit} Che“ :‘tsrflnq MIC-1m“ to 1: '" in Vol-391}! .. 501- SW" Shh-355g“ Th .1.. - . ‘ . - "r- s scm): ( lotmn‘cl' fun 2- 71pm “vim?“ "H n, ‘0 none “nd {-:: Immune I -eI am Mr ch: ou, Thy .‘elh r-I “ ' “1'0: (fishes. ‘Fifi'iire mm]: I’l‘Lh-(irzto‘le. :Stock‘ _ 72’ [but 1 inflow“; 32M“; :Gmn'; 11., linen,“ 'ange o 47 o}." “HIS .hl‘no.‘ , ‘ “Whine: “rs: ‘T. Swat LEI; , fTi Mr _ to” H: In“ 51“ 1 I lmn .'" <4 “M We _\. u {3l' Wu“ H Land Anxhln‘rm m‘ 3031 16%;: ; Pfisaé wlll l V‘U, May “80““ . . ""d ”Maw .1 s’9“an “lbu‘m's‘fikfi ‘C H Suuungfis {o ,e “cu .gbl-hlTgG‘l‘G—On flu] __n~__’__:.:_:.:t°“ ' "'“w‘; n,“ _ m 2 ‘‘ T ' hoes,V “"511“.f s11;:"it’ wu‘ifn “50:? yam“? 0011116;ng ‘ 5310‘ II ‘l3‘ “If“ ‘in le;.qlp Crnp manlfinu SEA‘H‘O“ Disabled :I [Deg 2’P;.‘B"lkln§ {315:("2‘43 glottfsi‘u-“J Ti‘etmqtlhszni ' n.’ . " ' ‘‘ " ‘r' n '8“ _”R A)“ $Ol- 'I. ‘N‘ orer Nib} “"9'l‘ 0 {lt 2 Crno u ".\\’l.- OTIH; RIAI’] - dle ‘ flab (l 9 Sfln mm Cg .ls' 1" 0n t N'ICF‘ DIED L‘R Ily \ 38$, '\ . I‘s. ' 'lgcrn f "with,” “‘ eVe . “go 1' 'IL I . .... In B . 4R5 ‘5 5 .\p r q,- "om 4 “film “an £0 film Inn“ 1‘ Cu“ (. EH}; KI NE T ”()0 s ‘5 “tr “Wu“, “P 5.1 ' c: ."3 .-. -_ _. H ‘ ”0:; W 3 hen anm3 “r by 3‘ arm“ 9nzzu.’°3'“‘\‘La mum “LDIV “‘7 “'1 ' t ””6 l’lm‘mfi 3' I’h'nl ' wit a dim '5 "“n'n and “nail; “horn‘ T"? s 10 °‘"‘n m” “f p"“‘On "Mm "P I ,». g..- - _ . ever ' En- Tm- ”c: i the na- ‘ lfro "R. a \lbl.n 8r “linen in" Pen -Cn§|on A' °t (3hr “‘ll n Ge“, ”'O3 ~ u, c _ .‘ .d 3 .“m: , Bcm |m-Ibur Ban 1. Mb ‘6, h.- ”'OO up dlse:'d'ssblpd larlne fPTocu :Wash I Sugar "‘Vcn urg‘ 'cn In,“ b' Din“: [59 "Ont byl‘en'l, 591' “IO red 101% s ' 2 “uni Surly [w n “We II I . . ‘Ol ' l‘flcted .‘9“»Jf we“ o]. Ma, \ 0 file A 0h .um 11'3""‘1fem‘33 Mon, “New“ "Q“Fds gtfifir f —'3__2_7; 360 11.3; {wine “a". In G -Tc dltd MOW; jan‘x I 39“.!“ Celvcd’. _ - OLLRD _ 'lrnin mEWv E: b‘°“§rill9l””3\g;-u" “lgfmmt ’ I‘m £356.47 I 'Prcsi‘il . n .I ‘ , "_ I ‘ j‘ “hex-“3:lProm]?!‘tfiillelfiiithosgs3.l I £05?“ 3:16 mgr-h J c ' Cu ”Pr" ”‘5? °‘ °°°nd S Q my” ~' .\'. .\‘n ‘k‘ev ‘ -w- pu ‘BR SI , .\Q ‘ LEI, , _r C_ V 2111; " I hich WWII! O, h . 9‘]: n‘~.:-_l§g 12:5 A 3011: “asb'TLLKI-lan’ 0" h"u ] the! og. °f F 5 "‘3“: 1 _m., ’ Genie!) "WWII—DI” -| ‘hexlt Mv.m"Ch 11 ‘M I. I ~ A:_—’ :. urg. ' 7C. ‘mcrg‘mic 09cm105‘fnvflope, ”In ; 1 w—L ‘‘c< . 31‘ YA “DE".‘LERS 30°“; ’Et 1...... n , ‘ Rd: ’ T 32. "fed ”1:: and 5:01: “erie 'Dods 7F In Fore‘ son >“‘«, e» (,5Y Cu 1" ”LOT,“ every ml I‘vn‘l?3l&¢_’§ ‘3"l'3'Arégn3’an‘d D, ‘ . argued (nines, 001$. CASS! I“? Q‘ntm’n ‘Comc ”’s‘ Qt! °m°9fic C 1°“ ‘hwm’ieév rd" ’OO 1‘ “v ‘ high Street |' of if}; aellswn Dryl 'aOdg -I “re o''Md th I“, I IlliumTEß SfLGoOd’s-l 'w. 'hg‘mbmbff’ Gm- E lite“ an?“ up Eered “Fee“ t ; F°:)t%£t’lufersg§’ lo’w‘gitggito the; 3;}: “gang; Ezriipec’teffv “311 d 31:9 ”10:;3 e" THU-2‘ ,Jndic Pren‘. Wei : LI '9 D “1g ' llei reason 2 I?!” :?o§koo3swesg;éz:§d nnfi'égzlhe‘“s:‘:) 1g S'Oriueeti I rfiivmablisllg ‘ M of ’A. v ‘ 00d ' ”LG ' " °°rs I ‘ndnflf, hc'i fo Plow! KEV 14$, TRlassonelezods' " v-0 O.’a - ’ C. 2‘93‘50h12e Ono, Co ‘1 31113 hugging!“ u l In: a“ g”: 30 ' . 4:186}. ‘Ax‘hand “I 0d I 3UT min I T & Sb! (o]- : 7 “Y. ”1" T'Yfimhenm" No.’ aqua. T. 1862. . C.”- Hhfl'mnn. Foreign Alt-uhhu‘m. ‘ ”Anu- corn-r. u. - “ Thel'ommnnwmlth nf Pcnnzyl a fivfiin lo the Shcnfl'ofsald county-- “hitting: ' .chommnndyu‘d that you «Hm-h . Churlca \\'. Ilotl‘ngnn, latt- of your ‘ countybyull untid'pgulthiu goods “Ind «hunch, Inns]! and tam-monk, In \rhmc hanfln nr pnncfisitm men-r lhe‘mmn‘muy hr, no ‘thutr be be Anflmm‘mur before our Court oHJum man “can, a he lmldcn at Gettysburg. in and for mid anty, on the 20111 (by of January 50:}. the“ to annwrr John T. .\lu-lenny,'of u ’l‘bfl'fl drht. and also that ynu nuummfi all gin-nun! jn rhoae Mm); or pailvfliun the yfllli gum,“ and chum-I», lnndumnd tent-menu; or ~, ’11; of them. may be uttnyhedgso that Hwy 1M!“ b..x|!;d.npp£‘:lf Inc-for; our mid Court. at :thé d 4: and plum nfu ' mentioned. tn nnm'cr “but Ihall bl.- objevtmqaguinst {ht-m or him, had nhiulc the juflgmcn‘ ohtlwt nu'rt thcryun. tum! have you thug and there this writ. Wit anell'lhl "an. Robert J. Filher. l'i-oud‘nt Judge of an: «id ('o4er, I! tigttyshurgfitlnh clu .1.-y of Ducumber, .\ 0:. "“31. ‘ . . _ J. F. BAILEY. I‘m.“ ~- Per R. W. Inuit, liq». I‘m. _ [Ni-let S. White mid John ,A. - Iwopo'. doing budge.“ undrr .\‘n. 9. Jan. I‘. 9h? mums and “Ho of White & ”1.2. Foreign _ ’i’upfi; vs-t‘l' ’ d .\nuch'x.cnl. “ ' C. W. Huifgmln. E .. z . A 1301: comm" is. « ? q, . The t‘ommnnwonhh pf I’Pnnsyl ' ‘ vrmia Po Hm Sheriff of mid mum)- greetingza \ C ' We cnmmdnd you'thnt you n! C. W. llofi’m' In, late ofymr cul by all and xii‘mhlnr his good-I. "H. Ind: nod [meme 1; in whme hnnd , possession mover the mung may-bo.~ao (h " bf Mid nupear below our (‘uurt of Con Pit-nu l 0 berhulden at Get!) 51""3' in am . nu ‘coumy, on Ihe 20a: of Jammy !.u\‘ ‘ ‘19.. ”62. then find lhvre to annichj-ani While and John A. Swopc. dnin: huhiursi ; G" 3!" I‘m: nixd ‘atplc 6f Whitogk ‘Swul‘: " [5:51, and alsq Hun )ou nummon ‘ ll pkrsn ; whose hundix or pbssmion “101‘:an gnods phlfltll, lunds‘nln'd lt-nrxuenta.:or any of « may be attached, an thfn they shall be un 41p; I gnu-r heron; our said (‘ouri nrl‘hc any and live) i tformo-nlioned to :11st what shut! be oh m-H . 6d again-I than: or him and nhhlejhe Juvlg .lt‘nl; ‘ (inha- Counxlwrvnn, mud Inn-a you lhcn mu‘ ‘h‘rfl “I“ I' t. Witnc's's the ”9n. Huhdrt J,‘ fisher. Presldenljudge of our sn‘nl ('uur}. :11 'L‘Goflyaburg, this Shh Ihy of December", “561‘. “ .1., I". BAILEY, ”my, 4 . ‘- ~Per R. W. BAlLnYi’Dtp. I'lulh'y, j R, Vimle of the above Writs, I have mark; M We tollowing’dcmrlbod Rm] hunk: of (I, W. Hnlfmon, the defendzim. therein. viz: ' A HALF [MT 01" GROUNIL on the Sort!) Ilde of Chumhersburg street, Gellyshurg, ndi. filling In! of John Slant: on the Rust. 1 Also. THREE ACRES UF'LAXI), mom or kn, In Gettysburg, adjoining the Railroad oil “I: Sortinflot‘)! Fnhnestock'x hem nn‘ tjnv: Wm. SAHUHL wum, snmyr. ‘ ‘ Mum’s Office,flenynlnlrg,»Dou.3oH“. m E ‘ . ‘A. Fresh Supply. I TIRE this method to inform the p 1h! 1 hnve received fmm the [city of 1’ ‘dhlphin a FRESH-STOCK ‘o!’ {50095, ' {Mixing I" offlzv nut-en stylus nf‘, ‘ LADIES’ DRESS GOGDS. ‘ ' SHAWLS, 5‘ ‘ - {JLOAKING CLOTHS, " z i ‘ GLOVES. , HUSH-ml", u: . ‘ poxsnrs, ' mmmxs, ; ‘ ILLVDK’I-‘SI no well u n lino-”assurlm nt of "‘ “ FEB-FUMRRY‘ AND i-‘ANCY SOAPS [i flu everytlningllmt is uumlly found Mkl“ Dr] and an-y (lands. ; arow. THE (,nzxruzsmx . ‘ [lnfo n_ complete 3 stock of ('LOTHS, (‘AJSSI- Swans; GOODS 817 mm”: Fun mn’s' WEAR, a; well as GLOVES: STOCKINGS, mmmmcmms, xmrx TIES. srsvux pm. to“ M w" cvpr hmucm lo this market. . Mln' Duns Trimming; in gnu .‘zlpiciy, Visiting Cards, Envelopes, Nun-[Letter and Cnp l‘nper. ‘ ' Iriah.Linen. 'Blcaclml and Brown .\luslins, {ill-w Cue .\luslln and Wide Shot-ling. ' omm. xscl. J. L. SHIICK.‘ “—Mw—f—b— ‘- . .- in ——.—._ “ ‘ ‘ Another Ballroad f ‘CCIDERTE—The Cars of! the track near ' York, but All safe! ‘ ' . G. CARR‘S is the {\lnce! l.ndi‘o<, just‘ some and see his fine selection of Scarf: nnd Flier Sleereq, Spring Skirpz, (llnn‘s, Slack ~M “tin cl. owrytlning in the Hosiery IV "r ch 1: urcruh m- coumry oduce.‘ ~%§m§nm d‘IJOI-dtn young), ".6? Mn: twinning d. from the city ot'Plnlnde phia, fl bought. a lino asmrtment o!" qulleu ", " 9nd Dal ”also the verylatuts it of ‘ lien Comforts; in fact. everything minke figlolpll comfortable in cold weather. , J ’ ‘. B;”CARR his just receive-«la very fine mm of Liquors, wflich he is selling “chap, for cash. _‘ -, Vllqn'yforgu the plan—right. opposite the link, I! York street. 1 'f‘fleujulmrg, Dec. 9,1861: , Ngtice. ISE ABOBSTOYER'S ESTATE‘eLcm-rsgf ad ' mipmpnfion on the estate 0! .lncqh Storey, fig aminonhlnttownshipv Adams eonn‘y, “fining been gruntcd to the under “ 'dingrin Liberty town‘ship, be here *{fi‘efiuo’iu to all persons indebtpd to said my 3; make immcdmxe payment, and those ‘5 M 6 “593115: this same mfigrg‘som them ‘ ‘ ffllnticated ior genie ng, ‘ i "I!“ BSDEI‘JCK .\ICINTIRE. Adm'r, inn—139.1891. o: . F flour, Groceries, 8w ‘ ‘nxw unsunuy on h.tnd.FL(bCR, Corn ; sad Buckwhem MEALS. Hommouy. Soup an Dried Frmc. gnd Plckvls; SFGARS, OmeglE-FS. Ins, syrdp.. X. 0. .\[oksueg (new muse cents pru- gallon. thc very heal kind hrbdinfl) Bail-sh bjheeiel. and can; when In]! 9 1 ins ~on u Grace: £33 Eng. 33m. WM. GILLESFII-l. ’ uy‘ Dchffl 1360 9113* ’ fifty SOM pipmrqs an securely :m‘d- _ I . ’ .m an! pmtnru m WI“! proof. fly cent. pictures are entirely dunbl ' a!" can picture; no unsurpassed. . 31” um pidurgs are warranted. .m' flay an! yigmru an put up in Mr an." all“. [O6l. 21, 1851. “ LA 'uport-lnentof Men's hi W - _ ”r 3311 meg, Gulf, Bamf‘xgg 81-2. “v3l” My”; sud {nu sue chap, .1 J. y, < Im. XcILHENY'S‘ ”‘3‘ min, 31mm 3min“ HER}, ' . w ~Cns¢ Muslin nd mde Sheeting, Wad“ 1 WHICK’D‘. :wvgafizrm“ ---:-~- g T““’.. . . w ’ "f‘ - «1'" *- : Valuable Real tstatg : 9 Hardware & Grocery { .‘ T wa\'.\TF‘. S\Ll-1.-—-.\'n. 1. WHERE}. “ITH“:~l'hfomhscribenslillhucnsplendid ‘ A \lOl'S'l‘.-—Thid bemuifulilnd \or‘ dcm‘a- b AnonmendufuJßlJWAßßJzGßUCi-LIL'LS. ' ML- cuumry mu. ndjniuinrz u.» Horonuh 'of In their old established stand ii Bullitncrc‘ M 11; my,‘ hat» I‘m: It he man MS (he ".\smn‘ MAKING Muiuou. in s‘muh Mllnumo slim-r, (lonylmrlg. two doors Nbrth’ gf [Mum-r & Zit‘glcr'a Stow. u'hgre lie lmt; qn lmml 1| large Mini-uncut. offliulkcti—iuclullidg Bat-ken fur Sleigh“. WIN! Backer". .\lnirkcz Buskvu, Inn. kc. lle inviims the cnlh at me gnhlic and promise: to fur? i<ll hut the he}! of 'nrk. Prim-s modvmtr, tqi'suiltlu: times. in“? ' ' Nor. q 5.1891. 3l* i ‘ ‘ l l 7 v» \’ ‘ f. ~(h 7v” ...A ...__;. ‘ l' ‘ Arch Spreet- r , l .\RPET W.\RI-lefil'S§3+L-OLDEX§ RICK. k KER. 81:2 Arch Straeg, 3? doors bulowlmh. l rmuh kids. I’hilulclphia. Ye mmm ='uuzr llie‘ Full mule with one uflliq l) 1! assm'uid stlooks? of English and Americanik‘uniotinga tq hel found in this cityfiurvhuscd Il'ur cagll: utwerflnw‘ rnLI‘S, um! intend selling (hbfiu‘m extremel)! low prices; ‘We havq all the blew styles, \‘dle ’l‘npeflry’,’ Brussels, Thea-ply, lngmin land: \‘cnefiam.\\ am a sylendi‘l swékomn..Cl.OTus.l , llu'gy Mints: Drngct, In“ Now it the time {or' ? purcllzifivrs to obtain lmrglajins in tho (‘anob , lin'o, as we will srll n: a \‘ery'small ndvnnréund: L gunrahtee nll géods m heuis representcdlhnd l giife emiro Enliifddlouitq lh’c pprclrncr. ‘t ‘ gn‘yfiVe I~ny mu} sell exclt‘lsivuly for cash. " l l, Scpl. 111,1m1l. 3m ' bug: flu:- muf- I _L.;.‘ _L—.—7 ———_.———._-. _ . fl..._-_. - .W._lz _ Another Victdry! Chas 0. Fields, : ‘ FARMEjLs. take notice thahf $115131} gum ' - 5 lmstM agency forth: sale 1 ‘ l-JR’S 0351““?135u‘igcfiz‘1i': 3’3‘3'Z{o,§“‘3s2‘:3-‘:' nrnovw mm mm‘is, which have utildin~ Cefin 5 mm FYORK pg: 3...,“ Itaken‘weniy-tbreeFirstaniqmsthroughou; Conmvadffilcu nnquonn’d Boilers furnished, the State 0!“ Pennsylvania, and the FirstPrem. '- ' ‘ " ~ “,1“ - ium at the State Fmrof minuis. And «150 the WM: Blank 300% made 6 lthe beatllnfrn paper, f it i fA B ZIFGLER'H‘ CAST nnd on the most rcuonnhiéderms.‘ Bindlng of :gg‘vcy °3i “5;? $00!”. éfiFkR P 501368? "‘3‘" “scrim“ ”mm." “'m’ “"3"” “-"d whiéb I?er take; the- PirsLPreJmium nuu 11:; ‘31:?"1‘511- Unle‘rs bl',m;u patimfgfl .“éenliiw ; Fair: Hm; gver tin-y‘were exhibited in, vahich i—mP—_.__ - .__“.|~: PE- 0. -..-”...“ ._ -is sonic 512: or eight in number; I ‘ - I F’nnershho Mills and Plan sup Iq'rrnnt f JOhn W' 'lahptf’n’ jnd to give? sfatisfu-zion. If they don’t, y'pn are ASH‘ONABLE. BARBER: 50"”‘4'3‘ 9°" I privileged to return them to the Age“. in Get: : ner of the Diamnud, (next door £0 ”buy-bill‘s. “ [oct.2l 1861. Gm‘ V gleilnn's notch) Gettysb‘zrgd, Pm, where he. ______‘..P_.i.'_.._- .-- Z-_ ' ran at all times be found ay w “tend to :11 ' 8110 Tuning i humus: in his line. He has liso egcollent 51-! ROF. 3W5“ of Lithlendvn a. Practical nistance and will ensure satisfaction“ Give P Piano Tnnerfinfurms his Trie’nds 33nd the In? ‘ “1"“ - ~__-_L_[D_°c' 1}! IPBo;'mu¢icai pumic ”In general, Chic be gifieu his AKGBPHOTOQBAPHS for $1" n the Ex- ‘ time, not othuwise oecnpi:d,§to Inning mm! L Mlsior Simngm Ghuerf York um: impairins yum, It "10de prim. Re ”PW-“1' gh. Bnhk ; ' * i '1 promm entire Infinhction. or ' 0 pay. Order. ...- -.....Lé...;__.'__‘——,’—.é—l received ammonia. [sllk 18, 1861. " ‘IRGE Puoroamms ludq mm mm L pictures at grew; rgducefi 1mg!“ the I I'm-armor Sky-light Snuff}: ‘ ;. 1 “ Miss c. sll OARDIXG ASP DAY 3. Mondty', Sep‘emb‘er 2d, 1! arms—l’s! tession of five FoF,Mnsic nd‘banguages gxtrl For further particulars mldréa ' o. 14 snubs, Gaptysburgq Pa. Aug. 26,}861. Sq N 1513139 CARDS. Envolo ‘an C+yPnyonjuatuoeiv l v V MIA—IFHFL'L STEEL m. V”? 10‘1“ ) HSi,:R.\\'lNG.<.w rul Loiurs I'ltA‘EK Flu: SALE —-VALI'A|’LK Pnu‘nmn' Girls Awni-Jrhn iuir-a of rt‘prt‘sf‘nfillg the Lord’s Prayer by .m engraving. and of orna menling and arranging it in such It manner as to produce ltnnr-e n mmlvl of nentnesi and taste! was conceived and carried an! by URI:- IY, the och-brazed Hmk Sate Engran-r. oerw York City. it commence: with eaniyitely u ecntdd wore}: of “'Our Father," nndfiten follow in aunt-«ion the hther parts of the prnycr. every plume ul‘whidi is cngrm’rd in the most elem-m and tndleful manner. Xrnrthe bottom of tht: picture in n whet-My executed hmd of ()l'R‘ S.\\'lU!L Mir! onurglmg the upper part of HIE cngrzu ing nn— tt-n Angela. each bearing one 6f the TEX CQMV.\.\'D.\IENTS. The en gratinghureceivedlhe moat nnqu‘tlified‘pmise from‘tbe religious cbmmunityms there is unth ing (5! n sectnrinn character about it. having been; recommended by ()lérgymen of all de nominations. As an ornamc‘nt it is one of the moat“ splendid {everlpnhli‘shed in‘ this country, and is destined to take the ‘pim of A water cln ‘of enmvings._ The size‘of the pine is 20 by 2% inchex. uhd is unquestionably the cheap est eingraving gvor joined in this country. wrotbnllovesartL—whnthatdelighutostudy a fin engraving—who that would rereire the impllusiom which lunch n work iy'cnlcuinted to i part. would fail in "mm a copy when the price is (INLV ONE DOLLAR, will! the chat cc of securing ‘for the lllm‘ in addition, a per any)! home or] author mlunble gill? A a work ol'art. ibis mlihble and beautiful cng wing is wonh hora thim the Dollar naked forl ,M will teadily ‘ )e m-knowlcdéed on‘ an insp‘ection of it ; but tile snbncrihcr's inn-ml I'o makl: a Gift Distribn ,on to [hm-lumen of the euuunvings, of‘vnlufihle presents. as follows: 1 Ilquse and Lo: infl'érk Borough. . 2 Bu‘ggea. (Quinn & Pinlmer’t mnkamTl-nntem) lßQt‘ktm'ay. K i‘ _ ‘ , _ 2 Blinding Lnlts in Ydrk Borough, 1.00;! Ynlunhlu Book“; 50 hhh. Flour‘ (wnrmntod.)' , ‘ 1 1,009 Gold Gilt Frames to suit‘ Engravingwf the Lord's P'Fnyd. 1 ‘ g 500 Steel leq Eng‘i-nv‘lngq Birth of Christ, I Mlgnifivent Loch g (Haunt, *v ‘ , Gold nnd Silfl-r “fitéhcs, " 1 All kinds 0F Jn‘yel'ry. nmbxjncing .Oumoos, Flnrenti o, H‘i‘sn'wflold Stone. ha: I". A Gift 30th to '5O cengs to $509 00 with each engrn' ink bio]: . 5 ; ' “:lmn th emit-1‘“ ink: are ,nll ‘sold a met-ting 01‘th pun md‘é- 4 “ii”; he mull“! at Washington “Ml, York 1' .qw leg the (Rift: mum-i above willibc dis riu‘ux‘dfin‘ such xfmphcr u: the pur chnfcra In 3' I 1 mnmini‘.‘ Thq plbrl'll}ls(‘rl 16- lecqnz n unmhflu‘o nl‘ nlisi‘nflcrested, lierione to xpake ”PE whns in suv}! manner ‘hs Whey may desigqnto; v v 'Sto 5 n npc Hg 1c 'pro hich I {the n inad‘ hop Ile, Burn ‘cess, i us on of the indet- i one to in on:- d n llhcm UNWJVEHHLY. j ; ‘ i w. 4 (smm: Wang. :0 mnmxm'rmxs. - j llflliujn to nomu‘of the recom -3 J 4 1 l‘h'mY pnr‘m. Rec!“ of j“. John‘a l‘x'mt‘eo— ipgucF-pn! thumbs \‘ogk. l'a. ‘ ‘tin & M'uhrlg :—-.‘l'he ongrmin; I‘ uglir” whit-Mia now ufl‘emd 0i“ s. Ans—tin: & M'uhrly of ‘his 5561' up” \l‘jt‘l rp‘nrh Hush? and LghL (q rm‘mnint—nd Marl] w pub lnlifithizug (hug “ill krrp t M M)- iu {hit-mi": lhe n‘iinrlrnnd umpiury is #Oll4 The “urfk «wins to ulepuly gndxfinlinn in ordmflu ln- :ulmirrd, {' ‘qpo that fill‘? gentlemen who tsfilhflribuliuu M m mudnrn‘m ‘a uhuufiinnlly fumrwsml in Llulr ‘ ; C. l\\'. THUWI’SI’HI, ‘ ‘W "non. [‘,n‘llur of the lluruviln ¢ (xi-mu, Yurk‘r.‘l"l. ' . ‘ ‘ 1‘ Yurk, EL, Feb. 20. ”61. “on". An tidik Wehrleé—y :niug find the pin-“nurt- Minna-him; .\lg-ayre. . “vi?! £th!— Iy’srplomlid ryng‘qnving ut Ellu- Iwrrl'a I‘ruyrr. I. “’Ol’ 11l mnlinlh' hut-dingnvpflf’it‘ m thc’hfiu’omhle .nn nliuu T their triumls M yfwk and (-Ich whjrln hi£ 'uli lonly u hmhltifhl urnmnem for llu'idwl-Iliu A; it Her} (‘lni'shiurxfnulil‘vmufiuldo a uéeful n d k‘ofifividig urqn‘ifitinu for limlay schbok {ln simi ur Luuc‘» 01px! imlixmi mu, ' , , . j ‘ ; +1.13. HA :E-x, arr-Radar; ‘rPuMidu-rs ufpnpgr! gm" .thi advertisefnog to‘ inthibxm will he "Titlei m in Hugr}u’xn;_rl Im’. Tickn. h - funrnn ingthe rpnn'cr for has! xi u- ‘lO uurm'lvlrlfis. or fly in , sorting it Jutil [lie tinm np‘mimo»! fnr'the dis trili‘uion, wk 1 ap Editorin notice once Kin 4 weqks, they will fictive the onyx-axing frxlmed .. with a fine gold gill frnlné in mi! Ms sin um! n .Tickec. ; i Ausfi‘lx & wsunuv. . \ank, June 2%,; IRS]. j lsy, in a I l R We invifiq metidnionfiz From I!" (‘.W [ um 559 pebu,i Li SM 1‘ MThront. Wade lo “sin.- I. Sor nme II .\h‘nrx. I‘ll! of the -«L nl'l for sale b' .\ Borough i " beauty, nu l 0 "fix: altculk n—l hle compo ititf likely to dv gu‘ to require am“. and] Inn In: h:u;é in. had rmd. will he ‘ 1 ”find pica «a fur cm: mum dicm‘ i mm 01' 111 ml I nc ex!» { they wil : Ml rem .ccll‘ic f) I 5 ,ns it '~ upmed: :Ilinus, .1 ‘ on! my sud my I undrrhki tnko Nl‘ I .1 m u nu Yrote the l- E 0 thait ha w by one u p‘ rd by “F“ T I ‘ i . l, \ above u! ;mm 1!: ‘ Croup.‘% ‘ - 1 county, 1 I and st: 1' en gland ‘ r in pc “I: thin an it is. ‘ 3' office a, and ta ta. '1 per h 71111131) I calers i utDo Gr. 217 S. E ; 1861. .cons 3 it 1 1 $lO6O RaWard! " 1‘ t W 1”; 11;: mm mu ANY MEDICINE THAT “high EXCHL‘ (’oungrs: ' [LE/J! IN HILV-Li[fl—Hum" no "Arm erii‘s Tu THK 30x3 Mm Dlluml'ntrs or Knuc- Tlnhj E—For thcqnick cure in He dnchc, Tooth nchc, Rhumntism} Ncurh'lgin, l’ninju the sidb,‘ back or stomach; Painter's (‘olic or Orb-mp l Framed Foot“ uri Harm .Rurnn, Fresh Pun, ‘ ‘ Spniins. Bunisemfi Diarrhmd, Sorg ’l‘hront,_ and fl" ‘ all similar Lfomlnlginls. V. " ‘ ‘ k ing; Toothnulw cnr‘d in ten minim“. Engnche I“ hh , guru! in fi\te‘iiifilflt£s. ilem‘lau-he mind in ten hind minutes. B'drmlcxircd from rumrtinu in two‘ u a. d nunmea. ‘.\|J||r:l‘l_gi’ pains curnd in live min fi." 11 ulna. (folm currd ‘in tpn minult-s. _Spminl bx t' relim‘ed in ten magma. ‘Soro throaLrelicvcd 1m“ lin five minutes. i" , wiili 1')" (rue; lmve hot}! f‘ntcd h'y nnc Agent in LEW H'Single mm mm“ nuTTLEWAquNT.; ‘ Br l-Zi). Tin-. 111! In ml; TH 11!?! . Price Ln“; ~1 25 and 30 cents pg haul}. ‘ ‘ xin‘cés‘é These things we prorefoh the spot‘nnd before: udan your eyes, only bring on“ your macs. - 'tt hi ”A libfi-ai ldigcnufnt. made to Agems; ’ '7 long wanted ‘ll emery town; also. artew good “ LrnvelingAgo:lts.& All order: and communicm‘ i tions should be nddressofl to , , _ } ~ 1 ,c. s. COLBERT & vo.. ‘ 123‘ Sqnphgflh ptreet, I’hilmlelphix. ‘ DIRECTIONS“ r( ‘ Usmu— umnzmws‘ BALM 1N GILEM’). or Toognoche opply il. ovfcr me facd and gu :of (heiuooth nfl'ected, prpsning the ham! upon the fnco ;Tepent it not cured. In extreme cases wet cotton with the ‘lnlm, and (juror! the tooth and gums. For liéadnc‘hc, huhe Lthe temples and apply to the nose; and take from (on tofthirty drops in half atnmhler of water. sweetenog. X For Group arid Sore Throat, take from, ten to thirty drops internallan Sugar or in aweueu.‘ eq warm infer: harm the throat freely and ‘ bind on a flnnflai.‘ For‘lieadnchc. Rheumatism, Neumlgin, Lame Back qr Side bathe fuel; with .‘v Bilm in Giiead; and generally take internally. ! iFor Burns mix one phrt'Ralm in Gilead And ‘ two of water nnd flour, wlmnke a pasts, cojer thig- burn with the same. For Colic. min from up to forty drotps innhov. water; bathe the, , mini: and apply w:t;flaunela. In the nhovq I t ‘ smaller dogs is for children, and the lorgcr , for adults; Vary hccordling to age and circum qucu. l ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ U r . moth-en‘- Balm in camp 1. liq-mien. to]! Mr?- Bnlm in Gilnd gives satisfaction; ‘T‘loso whio hue hard Balm in Gilejld will duh be within: H.- g , . 5 lAgents wnnl‘ed. Po lems'nddresl ‘ l r ‘c, s. comm a: on. i 1 Not 123 S. Bouflh Sh. Philadelphia, Pl. ' TN. 8. Ordergiselt by B; press to any part of the United Etnt‘e‘g at flip shortest horico. MW“ 39, 1851}. 6131 ,‘ - . IM Iho. Ie (')il I .lhc lul'i. ghlh film! If" 19-, received heir; Yiuter‘ ods,x ‘ ever, hqvlng lea. They ask; i r large “#ort: 3- can befmti- j BIKES, \ EST- ‘ term, can qt bc‘, :1: low pri‘ rs at y “waif-Hing. E notice, n the le rules :5 run-' nLis in 'Vhflln-. :60. elow Bu Itct. 15, 1 BOOT r- oaths, ME E ‘ 35111 me , . ‘2 REnndersigaéd,be§nglhe anthofizodperson ‘ to make remaining infio Ever Green Geme-i te y,hop¢sthn nuc’hufanmmplam the ramovnl o :the reminl of thee sod relating” friends will an“ lhemsdlvel otithhmuon oftheyear to l hive it dopie. Ramona} nude with promplneu ‘ «Hem: low, sud no e ort spared to please, 1 z _LPH rm mum, 1 Much 12, ’6O. K‘ apex of the‘CemeLery. 3‘ ‘ Nance, ‘ E desire :11 petsons indebted to us to on.“ snd nmh Settlement, huh-lg mlde u change in autumn-e; dfdelng basilica. 50cm; 1m” maxsaroc: BRQ'B._ +0.... A 3—_—v—--v --_, ..‘, 4 ._- xssnsu Aim cernnm-‘s SHORB.—-A Inge assortment ofui'ues’ :nd Ohfldren'l 8 nos, Black aqd 0014” th ' ' 31m“ 21‘ ‘ ; ' n. b. HcILHKNY'S. .. Non, Letter at SCBIOK'S. Only One Dollar Each! _.\%from theflnvpmhle ugmimr Eugerpriqri hag In?!) gqrgfird, I (if éngrmjngq nlrg-ndy‘suld. | I Mun- th'é amount vl'x‘poull (He's, cnsnning,lnllcl Wll9i]. ll ’nnitif‘y the [ltlll’thlifit‘rm ‘utiiou of the 01th pygccu‘dcd r ‘ Q Ii ‘ (1' :zhfl‘l am II st M. 93: w to b ' the old [I the ETE nfz in: receive-1 the conu‘nnq‘dn 'dre n 1 (‘lerm‘g our firm cilizpnx, [l3c users, who enter into it filh \‘ ' I FEM . ‘ r- Somethm NEW ! l ; BEAUTIFUL ILIEUS RATED MAP : o\' ”rill-2 PRFSEIU'ATH' .\Vll l'l LTl'llE ‘UF FRUIT .\.\'l) t_!lt\‘.\ EVTAL TREES} COPIES are being puh‘l' hml. wlnrlt leuin mnnv Inngmtircnt' I qrnr-ngu; writ a Trrn And various kind: 0‘ {int- hunt and Frné Treat, some at the finest ccinit-ns that hm?! ever lit-en put un paper. 'he grail TN‘Q‘S inf? net with übumlAnl harden. of uitv similar tLj that ‘hll'h nature prt‘svn in ‘propt-r wanton". The tree-s are PQ[|H.'~(‘MOl] ,s h win: their mutt running through the soil i: n nmuml pmitimL and the Engrminus of Tre a nrc lwnutilul and grand. It also eotuaim a 1 e linguving \\ hive: represents the innumoml c lhrczul-liltr' rmné-x ofn Vigorous trcc runnin through anthem; the soil. The Root Eli raring covers tvn inrht-s in diamaur on pa r. and «hm forms magnificent engraving, wl ch cannot llélp hf prove'gutifying to the of of all who may h hold it. ,Such am I'll raw 5: hna never be ' printed‘yt paper before. The engraving room no only prov" ndm hip lb the sight thr- eye. but is tic-signed t prnve of grout in pol-tame H" all who take intern! in the en tintion of (rum Ind ho to (rant fruit tre‘ properly. 3 A’ COPY c‘ontnins Twenty ihg! 0f T'rres, lt‘ll of Evergrerns. l'i < l Dwarfl’ymmid Pl I Sic. The Fruit _ f Rupberrics. (‘ron‘ ‘ tier, Curmnlsil l mu. l’enru. T‘eac are nll colored ’ - theniltnrnl fruit. , with printcd mn , Lance. and form 4n in‘rb‘es, on ma - luck and fut'!‘ v A COPY. with in numér he grntifying to ‘ admirable ornnm parlor, and I‘ll , \ apartment with " ofmuch importm -' 1 copies are pllllll‘ expense. Twenty » paid to h swim! the plates of si trr-fi. rants; «tr. * many mfn ohmi . trifling figure, t ‘ will he tnmlo an 1 son:- cnn mm 0 sum that has he ‘ grning! of trot- A COI‘IY conmim prime portnnrc mul grt‘ how to treat all to rt-mler them v duuhe. even in It will lull ho wirhnut income the trqcs in: to in VlIEOI" and to . . ncrs'nhtbunduu ‘ ‘annblge sensuns‘ proper and easy A COPY will tell lmw to _ kinds of Frnit Ind line: Hm us to prove suigt‘fisfni _ ‘ ly evcr proving‘n fail" f ' mtluy ‘lrww who pmpc‘ 1‘ dirvctml. ,lt u (will, . nn‘xl plant Ilwur_ ’oni 'l' ‘ tuim Lllhrmmt uvnisti . 'fnr the: culture the l‘ . yil'llNllOW to 2: n and‘ (irlt'pc. A COPY will tt-ll hnw ti .‘ St'mnlivrrim, (‘ ‘ lllawkl-wrr‘ll'i. (it A COPY “‘,ill tell haw lu “rt-stun- lhq-ir rn . ' dims'r-mr wilful ' ~ will toil lmw mi i ‘ ' l'mlimt 7w»! ill-0“ '1 trt-rJ in PltllfL‘i‘ lcniler frnil- lfrnl . mun-r-kiumlin“ ‘4‘ flaillllt‘nlllln :I ~r l‘rs‘mi taking he 1' ' minim: luis 4hr “mum Hit; ft in. ‘ ‘ ntld llioJrg'cl \ 'V ' w-“i'qpr'o'iurliil-n ~ ht- npplicm or ‘ ehpr-n—iu‘. \ll liri Il~t an ill ir ,l (X l’l'iwill illl lmv tn , Fruib with l :t 1 lteil‘ how t 4) '0 snrrt‘u. l't ‘\ i' , mnnnxo l’t‘m‘lt ' to Mininltd llll‘ A COl’Y pit-«omm ill: nu . a glnirrtx :I.tul F for the will :Ia ¥ ‘lQVyJ'j ufujluln ‘rlm'ts. ‘7: A COPY cnn nmr'hl- lLancaster Bopk Bmderx.‘ Fulani Wl.\.\'T.. ' , ';; J [lll/1K ,lll.l'fll,h']2 1 AND xuxxx uuux vun-‘wn‘mnxl J v [harm =" llm. .‘n my? finmmullul lbulmyxnf M Jr} do inn. Morulml In the moat, sunrumlful Jfi-d st_\lL-°. ‘ JJ Ji- \ I Hummer-:5. 13 ‘ E. W: Brown. l'nh” l’urnu-w llnnll of La ‘rnst . W. L, l'ouner. KW"? lmnv'nnll-r (‘mmly lllllnk .\‘nmnél filmi-k.‘li~=q.. i‘nlmnllin llzmk. l‘ JSmmu-l \\'ugnrrL Esq . lmk lluuk. ll 1 M'illiilm “Linn-r, liq] . York l'multv ”Auk. ‘ _ T, ll.Jl'ur.~«m. Esq“ Hank nl (lt-llyshulgl l’clor llJrlin. l-I<q.. l’rnlh'y ul lmncmu-r lgo” l'n. Jlicm l“. llnwllmru. 15411.. liegificl’ ' " l “ ‘Gco. “'llitunn. l‘:4ll.; lit-rumor “lJ u 1 ' .' ti , l ‘ .\pnllu. lb‘l ,- ~ ;- __.,,.L “—2 1 Trees! Tree’ Trees !; ' ' J ”E ul/«lurdgxml infi lontlon :3, th J Y'l‘ large and “oil grnwumtock nl‘ “l J ; . Hu'n ASH ,mu' \mzxnx. “Islam ‘ Shrnhh. Jun. Nnhriu in! a l‘rw- “Jul ctmploto , ‘ausnl'lll‘lf‘lfl inf .\l’l’lll‘lh'. l‘l‘lAllS, l‘l-Z. "HHS; J mums. (.‘lll-1111111-Zh'. Al'lllCU'l'S, :lml .\‘ldv- T.\lll-.\'l‘§.\', Smmlnnl for thy Un-hnhl, nnd , j ]l\\.\rl‘for 1110 Halide". I'LVGlflSll WA .Sl'TS,‘v "“ ‘Sl‘.\SlSll (‘HKS\I'TS, IIAZLENI'T‘, EFT ’4 J “.\."l‘lll‘lllllllus, r S'l'll.\\Vlll'llilill‘ls,l ’(‘l‘ll-v llgl roispgrt- .ll.\ XTS uxul (ZUUSHUERHIHS, 11l aren‘t ;\‘3rll'ly.“ ltlu- [mlilia GRAPES. ul chain-st kinds. ASI'AJFAGL’S, 12m 1.4...11; mu'lwm. kuJA‘c. Mm. n lim- ~r.u-:.,di we,” R‘GOUDSJ, fanned, bush; li\‘,EllHßl§E.\'S,sulwhlg (or thel r J Cemetery nnu luwu‘. . Jl J ' l mg c «1.; lmmm'm‘s TREES, for lune: phmriug, lhl it, l and n gelwrnl «smrlmvnt of ~ ‘ lute. , quunnu. Tamas AND F‘snwnnmo forum-13' ”fits.’ I 11127 395.141. 01' clmiu- \‘uricuu. ('ABIHLIASJJ gm.- r; ‘u. 111-lellllxll l'l..\.\“l's.~kr. . ; mph-1m mg Ursuflck is rz-murknhly thril'ly nlml inc, 'mulm'o oflPfif‘firprrm‘m auil lhc mugs, _7_ fl " llu‘ ED; m)“('zlulltlgnc= m-ull-d {n all appliwgnts. : . ml. r‘JV Address. EDWARD}. mama's l n.;, ‘ r~J—~—- 7-» .. J . l‘enlrul Nurseries, Yun‘lkfl’a. J 6S. 18 1x: ESFLZJJEGI. ‘ 211) l J 5: lo rcss ‘@ rorp red‘l ”"4 ’ "‘ ' _. -. "T d"I ‘. .\l mu: 'r lmfilust; J Alexander Frazer, J J . (mt-Ia ol‘ IATS 3'an LOCK AND WATCII-MAKEILIHISJo owed Moat}: fall style llk,\C his shop to South. Baltimore one? tn-l’ew one I] ol Wilh— 311 mm soutlurflhe l‘mnrt‘lloqne.‘ “hero M will Ml fandv llntslnmi 34‘1“.“ he hippy to nltend [p the (‘nll‘sfiofhis a9f nish land qn‘lity cutimfiers. ile is L‘mnklnl for 13'“: lnrprs,,and ind eker olfcrcdin his hopes to receive;llrcmontinucdcuswhzlof the be Inlld nt tlhms ng— vpu‘hlic. j [lit—“3slmm, April 81 “81. ‘Also, 8 01‘s xn.rl~- '—v——- J ~ J < i; -- nifiqumcqt of LI ics'l f Gettysburg Restauraflt'. . v‘i"“‘[‘,"‘}'§ S“? "..‘" J HEundursignmlJunivmboughtoufldhnrlu ‘RbAT r:-§l‘..\"l"s LR T R.,Bushey. “ill continue the (ll; TYs .suvdl m fmy hull m m an RESTAI‘RANT. at the old stand undo":- ‘I9 m‘e " cqll. ’ l lllcConnughy's Hall, in Unrlislc slrecfi-rwhere J ‘ ' ' lie will always he rmdy to scrrt- 11mm! the. F MILE. J 11sorcmmmmJUYrmzns.«:lln‘xuxmxar “1 fl, nht’dr'lof'prlcesy usuvs, 'l‘ltll'l-Z, m: one”. 41:3," with lakedilor crjsxs. l‘ UMESTIC WINES. ALE. LAGER add f’Ol', ‘5 ' ' l 0 will spare no ell'urt to rsnder sgtlisfxlqtion to J a I who may patronize him. He olll'-llsks 5 (+ll, VALENTINE “354515“, i July l, lflcl. 3m :lf ‘ _ l l - - - v-«p -’l Somethms New ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘Fme Liquors. 5 U , NGE’I’I‘YSBFRG.—-Thc undersigne infoml § G. CARR has added to his Grocery and ‘ I tho citizen‘s of glue town and count ,um I» ‘ . xotion Storm- «iglmrtmcmror: theme; has commenced the BAKING basins s, p: I: (gt-Liquors, and luring loud in a l'WKeFflllfl {inc ' large scale, in York street, Gettylbu , nelfl!‘ ‘ssqrtmeul, he iu'l'ites the attention of buyers opposite Wutles’s Hotel, when he i ll try to llllereto. ll euibnces BRANDIE'S, JWJNES, deserve, and hopes to rccelvc, s libel-l pstfoh ‘ms, WHISK‘IES, &c., of dill'erent‘klnds and age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, casein-:38, grins, some among the bcsl. to b 6 had in the PRETZELS, &c.. to, bsked every day, 58:11:- qities. As his motto is, “ quick sales and small dnvs excepted,) all of the best qullity,‘an sold profits," he will sell cheap. very cheafi, for the allure lowest livlng profits. Gmkeroblaking In dull- To he convince}, it isonly necessuy to nll m: bunches is largely carried on, and order! give him I?!" PMWMHC- ‘ -' l to any amount, from this and aquoinihg cogn ‘ Gettysburg, Jul! 1: 1551- I ‘ ties, supplied at the shortest notice. 1, llsvmg , ‘. erected a large and commodious bake-hints: Old Jsecnred the best workman and the most up ‘provcd mllclqiuery, ho is prepsred {'o do n ‘ mess. hoary bus VALENTIXE SAI'PEE- 'n-rn s' -iu hwsxcl n 1 m Me A In fin Iron 11 jinim-J f - antmnp _hr-.l In- F. \I. l‘i~ ‘l|-'. v'h’ulu nulu-d “ - Hill any 7 _'r.-~( to :m b‘t‘uunl‘y in: this n l. ‘ mnucy or pukt Those cdpws am puM ’ l . - . ‘Ymr Bender“ WW": .\lup is now 5 and cnnn-t be- sent In" will be forwarded Shy M (it-red. on ‘ receipt or snmph'mpy can bv svr ' {uh-criptiéni nro Wren» 3012‘”, 1861. fny 5 oods. ‘. New 'I AIKTZSTOVK "111) F fully iufoni) their that “my have ills! rec-c some stock uf PS“. I COllFibfillfi of 1 . Inldic~' Dress Goods, m'cru-J Flanueln. I: Mr, Mug- Queens km, which WHIJn: sold ing ('hrhlgud our “nus, or will mm: GU dufys L . cxmnmcrs. ‘ ‘ ”EMS “'0 1' icnnlfl‘ and \"m 3| lnru '1) \fi 15'] P 11.1“. z, (‘1 :‘gh‘unix‘ \ "Irm‘firm' u shun pr ‘\ e 11-uT 50! ~11]! [0 pm IQ-ILul enrly‘. 3! ”mm. 1 1: «inn 0 Un .‘JH 1861. Lages; lI’ST as W? wane gni Q a despntrh that R. opened a oomph-tn Mal CAPS, including the‘ BeM‘tr, Slouch, Cnsai 3051' and Infunu’ pl Cnps,whiéb for neat sorpasa‘ anything ofth ‘ place—nu of which wil Iy low furioo's for: on: SHOES, inrlnding a fi Morocco Boots. lhski GAITERS AND SLH'R PAIR. All in Wnnlo zespecfl'uliy invited to . Come one! (‘ome a And give Inc a friem ._ For aligoods will be To overcome the on! i on. 23, 1861. j ' 411. ‘F? LShO‘. ' s A? TIL‘SIU. 0F ‘ Theéuudehignodlmvo ‘umnli- o'f Hus, Caps, nrpeq Rage, kc. Also, Saddle: and Mutual, F ' . kiy‘ms made to bram find on «hon nova-e.— -. aon hand. Pricdslow I c 0115»: t cum». ‘ Hat. , Bo ORB NEW 600! M 1m: BIG BOU’l‘.‘ just received a fresh ‘ ‘3oots, Shoes, Tmnks,‘ “ \ have a good supply a 1 ‘ Bridles, Collars, Ic. % Shoes 3nd Boots of by fiat-rate workmen : one-made work alw for cuh. , ...- _+ _.+_..m; _ Go £8: Lumber; AOBLITZ. Armdpvflle, Em? just ad from th cixy win: thép and 9f Dry G i d 5, Groceriél, Greene ero, Boys, Shoes. Hats, {Cap / 80., Chen in than ever. ‘ ‘ ms onlmnd m, or POSTS, whims LES, of ex Hem‘qunlity, which he . .of at the " owcst living profits.— 6.3;! him 0. «1% He ill Always try to p can ‘ay 13,186]. 3m 4 . __‘“‘L E ' Rev .; lveys. § fl NEW lot of R 'Omes. of mifmnc A styles, embracing theilzuest, r9cei d It .‘A. SON'S, northwrs corn}! or the Dia' ond. Having purchase} for ‘czlS‘Ju-n! the ban $21.42!. he is prepared to sell 5 10* a: (he law’én—if notloweryet. Drop andkxnmine their: for yourselves. No tron 1c to *how gods. 1 Julyl,l’B6l. '1 , ._ - 3——— L.——————~—v~._ masnon ASH-IE?) Arm ANSWERED.— Q Why is it. that H. . CARR sell: HOQIERY I - cbenp for cub? can he buys for on]: "d buy; nothiqk but gun Article, and sang, at n yer] short profit. Indies and gen 9mm; W 7&9:th aim-. 44 ighc opp‘oniuthe Ba in York st. [Kg 9‘» . ‘ . 3 ‘ « , , V}: gnr n pert“! hkvm—u ..r Tuxut‘o, A ‘ chiuf ofa xrihv ul xhc «mug:- .\l-IL't Sn: lion, (hm uncl: rulc’d .\lv‘ll'n \nu mll I‘m] a fun .\uununt of him .m-l :lin proplcinour l’nimph- In: and Alumnus—Lo he had gram, frum the. Axel]!!! far these l‘llli. . The invcnlur nndJuunuhr-(urer of “ Judiapn'li Hounmiu Herb mu." had sth Ilu: grpiuer' put of his life in trawling, having \Hitcd' nearly every country in the wurld. llc finent m‘vr sh ycnri “mung Ihr Xndikns of ill/llllrly \qunlnins.|nd of \luxirn. mud h \ran “his: ”13“ the ” Worn-UV ”mm PM.” " \u-rc din-Mona, A Very intur‘cfliug~ ucvuuul of his ndverélltlres there, you will find in rout .\lmunnq 3de Pumpkin. ._ I H . ‘ .n u , n 1". .L... ..n .Ih. It‘is an enablidkod fact, thnL-nll diuretfses -“in no'n' 7 » il Thu blood is the life! and whammy fciraign or unhealthy matter get- mixed with it. it in at bnco distributed to every organ of the bad!— Every nerve feels the poison. and all thq \htul organs quickly cumjihtiu. The slnmxtgh will not digest Hie food perfectly. 'l‘heliu-r d.” seal to secrete] mfliciency'of bile. The «clip .ar the heart is weakened. and sn~thc rirl'nlai ion is feeble. The lungs become clogged \ritih the poisonous mutter; hL-urc. :1 cough—Mnd‘nh um (t slifi‘htimpurity at the Fountain-head "Hire—l the lilbodl .\i ifyilm had thrown some l-Mlh. for instance, in a pun- wring. (rum, whiq‘h ‘rnn a tiny rivnlct. in | fr“: minutes the lrholg course of tho alrcum bov'mnca‘dirturhéilfind disculbn-d. As quiukl‘y. dnui impure biobd fly 1 in every part, 111111 lom’e lls illllfl lu-hind‘ ;All ; the pump-p hecnnm obstrur (-11, um) unltiss the i ohstrmtiuu is rmuotvli, ths'llmuy of life]f quo‘n i dies out. _ f T ’1 il. ‘ 1 Thwe pills not nnlyilmril'y the Mom), hnt reguu-rnu-‘all the st’(‘r(‘[il)ll¥:.of the bad; l they ure,t!n~rufm'l-. unrimlluul‘uwn . 1 11'1”: FUR 1:111111'5 BlS‘E.\f~‘i€S“ ’ 1 j 79 difl'e-rcnt Hngm nits, clef, compos m‘st. Apple, Pam: uunndl‘hi-rry'l’re ‘ nznvingg cnmpri mbcrrles. {Hnmkht i pea, Plums. hp cs, Apples, Ghana 1‘ hum! m “-I)er ud are (\(‘FOIHI uui. tor at great imp‘ a copy in the 33 ; ~ [mm-f. with mus nisln-IL ' nsmngrnrings, \\ ll 10 I} (-.jan‘ innns u l! M {he wnll M"! e riéhly‘bmruligr n‘ty ortirulturéxl mm :- 'c‘almlfnm‘y. TllOllO Ind m n n-ry he» 3' h'edullnrshm‘k‘boin r :xrtist Inr formi 2 pl»; warm-i 1314 lot mu. i‘n urdér u“: snih cupios ti; 9 pvt:- fur n “(My hw, 11m finn- Limr Complhint, Six k Hex-(lurks. ‘kcH‘ This- Ann-(Illmua Medicine «.\p'cls Imm the blopd the} hidflcn seeds of uliéeusc, nngl remit-rs fill the: fluids and scum-Hod: purr nnd fluent, clnu‘mg unfl nespsrimtin: 111-: um! mgxms, _ l 1 i I‘leuiuut imluul,‘it ia to us. 11ml w'o uri- athle| ‘to plnn- wi(hin joiu‘ reach, a medicine lilcq the “ Mountain “ch l’ilhl ' that Will pus~ Ilfierll)‘ 'l‘m the nmicll-d pans, lllruugh flu- lmmy “and yfluids‘of 'he lnul},mul nuke the anll'ohéxJo brigh‘hn‘ With the Inn-h ol‘ bunny um! h‘téullh. ) I’— t he 1- 1 aL- .I'm/son'l I'd]: urr (In [ln-I In’rmur'y in uim‘n’ ln‘in (11pm: fn ya I] [or §in let? ‘ lmnt 1‘ r of mu [O. It “ uf Truit (Imm :n mhlo st pure H 'fnl’t‘p] n are-w m prmlv ‘t_\':\.l ind u- l ('0 4.! D) u |' “In. II: ‘ Dr 4" IN -- Fe :u,‘ Ft 1116 mm H‘ it-ur‘ l rvn ll: rm ll NOW! or (’0! “01’?th rnphr (‘Ynll 11 ”Minus. Mun-II! Emu] [n {urn-on ll “illnl m renß. ('~ ,skm Of rich “5' ,[g‘ in Jinn” II- ‘ pris’l N ' Ahoy; "n |...“ . will) <1” w 'm if] l} '11?“ In“ In. ul tun} “lurh.~' cjiti‘Ot \'l‘r\' (.51. On PM ‘ "a“ apt? i 1 Ulu‘pht» i 41("(‘. { ‘ ugh [N ‘r y fmnl mu. 1} I mu» lm “”471“! '0) HH'! l ruhi ‘ rum-a: med-0w trunl. H as hinl‘ nl' wul vhnlg haw. l Jl'l). .l'tn LS“, in .ll he mks u ml m HI» [’l-:' I ”I“ M [llO fin rl"-IUI'I' ':-'.h{f\~ Lend". ‘ I‘Hl incl (”Olga as of II ‘n he 1 ie‘h Mr “1 Thu b You”. I b: g Ju iV'Yho‘n .v (”For l PM ho 1‘ ‘.‘ E I! firm“, Inn” (in [bird i fic’u M 'l MEI I I‘m irrip‘ nppr :1 "13V iv' 'r..~k..-\| 'n kin] H“. I: \ v. ixh x: v tn-n‘ . Hen!“ "pm 1 lmrh A! I nrnuhl :ix‘wl 1W "111-C 3h Eur n-‘- = .\pffl 0H ht» HfllMTl' ghéu Sl.OlO TE“. . ' ramifif, a th Rf?“ rl. nurtJ put ' par < )r_- "mum. .\ lion. wigere.‘ ‘ EORGE A. CORWELL. of the l'qion lnn, on the Chambersbarg Turnpike, near the top of the Soulll Mountain, talus this method ofinfonnlng his friends and the [nubliblhat be in pnpnred to accommbdme all whojmly pa tronize him, in the best manner, and a}. mode:- ato chu’rges. No efi'ort will be spared to give snlistnction. ,His mnle nnd,bnr will lie found well provided, and his bedding unexceplionable, Large stabling for bong-s. He only .n‘skl a iuial. [May 6, 18613 ‘3m ‘ ' Removal. WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRING.~—LOUXS ZEXTLER hue removeg hi: VA“); ,3; Glock Making Eltablishment no South Bab timer: "net, two doors nprth of,DMnef I; Ziegler’l Store, where he will be gigdkto ro éeive s continuance of the patron: “of {be public. By clone nttentioa‘to butting” good work. And moderate charges, to hop“, It) 3372 genus] utishtticn. as hrretofore. i 1 ‘ Gsttyuburg, Ap‘ril 8, 186]. E f < J I' It s n \ 5 Mountain Kerb Pills. IMPURE “LOUD'! [hr foltummy (,‘mhplumlx: {cl (‘omphunth Hcfidm {lO3. l ilghi, Indigestion, ! ‘ Influenz‘, 1 Inflammation, vL L hnmrd chLIJQ Liwr (.‘onunhiiu[s Ln“ ness of Splr l‘ilve, , ‘ Stan. and (hair x-r null Agno‘, Semurlnry >.‘;" ‘unh‘ ('nmlx‘lhiqts. toms. ; (:I:I~Z§T’FH\L\LE name-mm} luau-s who \‘nhle |u-..[th, shgmh‘. nob u! their Pill». The) )wrily (ht-3!] un- olwtrlwlhilhs of ull kinda, clam” bf nIl pimples land hloh'hosmml Minx. -ol.nruf|l(-I\ll|l w tln- pnl'e «In-R. 5,34 #‘Thn I'lmnu‘fimd ”l‘l‘hi ol ulncu‘thrso juru made. “we (liwnu-rc-I Tn a wry nur nl; way lU‘lllil‘r’ the 'l'g-zumus.s t‘rihe of nigint-fi in .\lc‘tiro. UH. the Alnrnumc ul‘ Aw m. nml _\’l‘:ll “1”!ng thl. tloligfhl. the inn-roding amount it continua :03 Vthu in”. .\lvdirinu '.‘ u! the .\ztvvs. '‘ A x alum—Tho “\ln)ll|(~}til| Herb PHIL." ar'e {l}! if] A Bcnulilul “:rnppt‘l': Engitflmx gins. 40' pinh‘._uud Hutu] M ‘.'.‘n C: gm» pl-d l .\H {rt-puiinq luvr (he ~igmuuru mm. |.. SUN & (1)., on with box. ‘ t. ' . V ‘ l 3 B. L. JUDEON & CO.,‘ ‘ i 4 sum: ;'|:«.1'1;1y:TI_»|::§. 1 .\'o. 60 Lrun. uzu Swan. szwj'tux. qcnlx Human! :duuya—Aqdunu n: uhus’e 75"”. _l:. ('um; Agg-ul for “on; rhur‘g. I) 21*. 1801. lyum , . ‘’: ‘ .4 DNOIIEI‘H, 'iwno-s, ‘repeiu, rrhuu}, .IN)‘, ilit‘r. ' Union Inn: W HEWW‘ mum :52 pm". ,-m w. have sumq’uod D to the notice of the mcdh-n! prof.l lon anti: couniry the Pure (Vi/(allied Cl «1 l‘rrq:l,lnln£nr, M a REMEDY F 9“. [NIB ¥.\v HS.“ ; nnd having n-ceived from mnny m recs, both from physicians of the highefl IM’dlnfi and from panicnu, the MOST FLATTB [ISO THSTIMUNJALS Ul“ ITS REAL YAIJII ‘I the tremble-If! or thin pginful and out!“ ' lu cusv, we sre {mini-ed lu preugt it in the ' b“. in a form rumm- von luanu‘rlj 8!, which. ‘we hope will commend its." to! 1 who In: sufleringwith this afflicting m‘ M“ and to Idle medical practitioner who In feel gisposed to has! the power: or Ihll'VQh blo remedy” . . ‘ } suxm PROI'YLASHSE. in tho {mi 0". Innken’ of. has recently been {non-Iv?! u-_ 'pcrimcntcd within the PENNSYLVANIA OS» mun, and «nu .\ummn succnssik vi}! Ippear from the published accountgjl '5O medical jourmfin.) ~ ‘ ‘ f ‘ . ké‘lt is (“awfully 1m! an rend! for} flu diute me, with full direclimu, and cgh I) ah taiurd frum n" the nlrug‘islu ‘M. 15 ”3:11p" .butlle, nnd at wllolosulo of Z | . BULLOCK & CRENSHg‘W. ’ ~ Drugflsls undlhnufa’qluiug (‘helhiuu I July 1, 1861. 1y 3 I’hihflolp h. A. Mathiot 8t Son’s ‘ (WA ANWFI'RNITUREWA “BROOM-,Noa. S 25 um} 27 X. Guy strdel, Baltimore, (nenr l-‘nycltu‘ul.,) cxlrnrlirng tram Gav to Fre trick SL—thc largo“ csmhliahlm‘hl 05th. kind 1] the Union. .\lmqn fin hand a [urge “mm“ In of "(H‘SHHULH AX“ UFHG‘E Fl'RNl'l‘l'fl .em‘ hmciugl:ure:ms.licd~¢c:lds.\Vuslmtuudl, um!- w‘xx‘. Mann-9w» ‘ut’ ”ml“, (‘mton Inqi "nir- Spring Bods, fiat-.19, Tar-« Joni. Arm ail-h Rdr'king' (Elmira, Htugero‘u, .\lathlo Table , Bel. tern. film-option um! “phobia-rd (‘hni , AS- N)R'l‘|-I|H,‘I)I.UH.\‘UN‘U'I'TAHI‘ZFIYILM URH, Wood Chuirs.‘ (mire (‘lmil-s, Burbeifi huitla, Cribs and, ('rmlleu, Hal Rat-k», ”all If“ ilurl‘, Gilt mm Walnut Frumn lmhkingfilnnu Side.- bounhl, littemiun Tnbk‘i, 0! any h-ngt . ‘ Pusan-i di-po’ml ((3 purchase are My led to call an I give our aim-k un exumiuuliun, which lnr‘vuriz-ty Hug! qunlily of wurkmuusbip in an! cquulled b; n'uy ash-Mishlm-nt in tbé :« any. » - ‘ A. ”.\TIIIUT 5‘ St ', . 2XO». 2,5 mm] 27 .V'. Guy a cot. Aug. 6 19m“, 1]; T EMI MI P - -r be 1‘1»!th p the SID Fancy Furs! Fancy Fur: ‘\ ”HY" FAR _ OI 718 Arch 9 between Tlll m film-u, (ltlli 1 Market St.) l'h phiu. lmpurm Munufnclurt'r ( [funk-r in 11l ki “.\NI‘Y Fl'll .xulh-s', .\liuu- Cllilllren's Wrn ' llnrinq mm film lured 11d l 7 mv u-uul lur lwvuhl‘nl :xunrlnll-nl nf nll lln- anlou unll qua-H1129» nl‘ Fun. mlnptl-d [9 the Full and 53 mm Shawna, l wuuld r" l_\ im m» an mnmivmtinnfifm; mark In from llmst- iutt-mflng‘ In purl-hum, an I nblml 'n ullvr Ilium wry dull-Mule induc- , .\llmy l’ure haw iu-Pn pun-nasal 1" ml mmlu Jay expu‘ieuced nndu 3:01 flxludi. ‘nnxl Hm prt-M-ut monetary I‘ r‘punlt'r il llt'l'cbxnrj' lilflly] “mull! Hippo: ghmln 2n vnr') small ’mh‘iuwe on: God. 1 I nm -uli~firnl liml il..\\'lN ‘1; Li: lie of Illubu Mm design purriw.iLg,‘to gi mill. 4 , MVm-r‘olk-M line name. mmihrr nudl John Farr-Inf, (New l-‘u‘r Stow.) TIE I 'f’niilaulripliiu. { ‘ [5llll. 16; 1161! j Howard Asaociatpon,‘ 'IHLMH‘IU‘HU ~A chrrulvn‘t P Yinn (Nixihiipiu-d by Flu-vial“ find I fur liu- i'u-lwi ot'thu Sivk um! l’i-flrude gtl with K'iruit-nl "qu Epidemic Din-on I r-[m-ciali} for the ll'urqui Disturb! 0H1: ‘ UrL‘il‘ls. \ ; I - Amman. .\lmu‘h ghl‘ng‘rfllll. hy ‘ in}: Surgt-uu. m A]! \rlln Illlpl)‘ luy‘lellrr‘ \lu vriplmn nf :htir t-imnlilion. (Imm. 155 m. hubrh ul'lil'r, 5;”) umljan-s- of‘ ,‘phrrny. .\ls--liruu€~ l'arniplscd I‘rre of ti \'.\l.l’.\lll.l‘2 111-Il'nlin' on Spc-nuut and mller l’lSQ'Llfi‘t‘S m tho Sexunl “pg um Hu‘ xmv unmanlus employ-d in ‘ pcrlmry, soul. m the nfllivwd ill nml 1 muwlupvereo uh-luugi‘. 'l'u‘u d; lhre ‘ fur pusmgu \\ ill bc‘zlrryplnblo. 1 ‘ .\(ldrrn, 1111. .l.l\'KlLl.l.\llUl'GllT( ing Surgeon. llnp‘urd A‘suclulinn. No.l Ninth Strut-l, Philmlrlphin, I'm. fly; , ‘tlw Directors. J 1 mp {y nmmwmt, (hm. FAlm'llllJM .'r¢"_l/. ‘ ".1 Jun. 7: ISIil. ‘lyr a is l Grocexfies, Notions, 7 VII} undu I‘kigw-Il'hn! opened a Gm 1 NutimLSlurc, in Baltimore slree nppmilc tho ("unrl Home, (:«ttysbuf Hie puhliu “in ('nm‘tuully findfielliflg fllr‘clwnpud. .\‘L’GARS. Syrups, Nolan {025, Tun, Hue, Plum-:40, Sllil'i‘! of n Mm kcrvl. Flu-mlmc. "moms and I Fruh Hum-r and Hugk Hrn'und Ponce. 0f rum-c. Smlull “wring, (‘undk-Q, Sop Tobiu‘ro, Sngnrs. Snufl': (Jmmnianu, .‘ of smg, ”ranges“ livmgum. J’mi‘ml. Gnu-ken. ('nkc's ofldiflcrelil kinds; } Stove Polish: FuncyGoods, Hauling,“ ‘ (‘nltou‘fiulm “'ndding. Hosiery, Uan- ; Suspenders; Pins, ’Seedlea, (Home: P tons, wi'll Sotionq?fdl kihds. ‘ A lb pnlvlic'a patrouage l spoclfullyysoli . - : lA'DIA C. NOR "K0v.19,1860. tf ‘ K 'Come 'to the Fair! ND DUS’T FORUETTO VISIT 13L L‘ ' [HUGE NURSEIHESA-l’crlanl j to 'hugl Trees will find the flock in 'JI remarkably liuu,;nd ofl'crcd at rednc j The, Apple nlunbctlg 100 varied“, e-‘ all the Approved lartl. ‘ N: B.—-78ce the index bond near ‘ Post office. T. E. COOK & 3/ Bap}. 2,1861. ; J 1 July 25,1559 —._.-_— _. .7.,_..__,_, __,_,‘.__l.._.s - a Townsley Ahead. g ‘ , [IE undersighcd respectfully inf run the L public um he continue! the CA mm; & AKING AND REPAIRING business i .1] in different forms, chap" than "I“? 1| tho county. All work, wan-mad to gm IMMIG tion wcbstomars. Cyan"! Freda“ tith- in exchange for work at murket PI'ICOI. ' y ' A. M. rowxémy, :.Ju’ne 24,1861. ‘ ; , rm 7 HE mention onhe Ladies inure: ‘ocpfully T invited w I» lam Ind Iplendi sued.- m ‘ t of Ladies’ fine Kid Boqu, Lu PI Gd. tine-r, Gum Overly)“, it, just recei‘v d it a“, 29, n. F. )IcILB . NGLISH DAIRY CHEESE-I'o 1* E 2itlo,oo' m. be had at. H. 6,0 m ~3 'mnA, gnu-1, \d_ Hlll ~f HIM Hudd- Inn! If and Id. oi mnuu~ ‘mmh o Rid n 31"! oming' MEM pr'Lg-M .. m fu- InvMl. :- pelt-u! onl lot '0 uf my I , nterePli s WO 4 slrn-t: r. b... inn n+tits. anent, 10- •, aud Sem.' IMES Willl n . 904).. nruuc rgo. m ham,‘ mi. and he hit.- lull" Hum-pl N,Arl-€ j'h‘onlh rdcr, K 'rev' t. ('ll m: > . fiffl, . w ”e; , ‘ help a} . l"! .1 WE , l kind‘li. r‘ushu; Hatchet “.3111; n Hayd- I [trench hoe Ind hghlufi, 5 ram . lnn, Bru ruof "1- I iced. 33 ”2:" v" a snug? ‘ prim. bruin‘ {.m um ms, E i 110".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers