"'tthiwro. The Coy-mum is'puhliihcd cv‘ mflrning, by HENRY th'nmm. fit: 51, 75 per nnnum if Imm ctriutly IS AMSer'n-Ai‘Q 90 per nmmm ’if nnt paid in m vanee. X 0 lubgript'um discontinuoa. union at the option of the publishor, until a“! ntreui‘nges Ire paid. ‘7 l _ Anvnmsnxzxrsinwrtodatn: Jon Pain-Isa done with n. dispatch omm: in sollch Hammer? sir 01>1m>ite Wumplcrs' Tinning Es. -“Cu.lru.nu I'nn'nw. ”rm-z” . ' ‘— Pa omgzmm a:3 ‘, A. J. Cover; ‘ HORNE" AT LAW; ml! pi- A to Collections and 1}“ qthcr I trusted to him. Office hetwo’eyn and Dunner 6: Ziegler's Storcu. mg Gettysburg, Pn‘ [Sc-1 ‘ _ Edward B. Buehl' «mam-:12: AT LAW, will m} promptly Attend t6‘n‘J Musing I" lilkni lie spanks this (‘u-rmnnl (mic M. tb'e Mine plank, fin Sun line? near aney'h drug: Mortal opposité Dunner & Zioglcr‘rxfio‘r-A Gettysburg, March 20. w, = i D. McConaugh monxm' .\T LAW, ("nu-c“) A pf'lhn‘hll 3"! drug: and hunk orsbutg strum) .\TTnux'mgnw‘i 'Pu‘wrs AM) hzx'x'lpw. I'mnn'v Cyants, H Lek—[myx mwx-ndmi (‘lui . robber shims againn [ho (fluvv-rm inyon. I) o.;(Us!).\liH‘l‘icunCL‘illt , Land \Vnrmntaluculc-l and «tidy ‘hizhesl ptivt-s gin-n. Agent: mv cntfng warrants in lowa. IH'nm westernSFntcs' WApplftu-ln ,or by letter. ‘ x _ Gettysburg, Nov. 2'l, '33. " ‘ ‘ . ‘ J. C. Neely.- k ATTHI’A'EY .\T lm‘C‘A', “ill Mll [lan :nuL "(ll ”(Lin-r hlwinn- s Jlsi'gdrr with prdmplnv-ri. “flu"- ‘htm'r of Ihr hinmmul. H'urulcrly Wm. 11. .\h-(chn'm. Em.) '\ Uultgshuxg. ',\;u'il_ll. Him. l“ Wynn B. Memen- ATTORNEY AT I. \\\'.'——-Uflic{- (112 street, one door \wa’u Court'llmnw. 7‘ x V Genny-Hg; Sow. H, 1.43:). ' . Wm. A. Danes: . TTOR’XHY .\T I..\‘.\'.-—(mim ‘chsu'arm‘r OTCL‘HH‘L‘ Sq wire ’4, ._.. ~ [lll5l. 1 > .‘J-.) - - # - J. Lawrence Hlll, HAS his office one _ ' door wen ofthc "‘ Lutheran chnrph in” C’l Lmhenlmrg street. and 6mm Hora, when: thmxo \vishingJo In: Ullcmtiou [II-rturmeqmn‘rtulu-r'lf (full. th‘IIRPA't‘EH: Hrs. “mm- Knuthz Ir. I) . liner. H. 11. “undu ly’ruf; )1. Jacobs, I’ruf. \l. L. Simv '« Gvuysburg, April LI, ’.'.3. ’. 5 Adams Count ‘ {'TY'ALF'HKH|\'SUIL\\'(,‘H~( Xucurlmmmd‘Murh 15, 18 -‘ . - ‘(H-‘Fl(‘}fl3‘. I'-w:'.7vll-——flr:orgn Swnpo. , \ I'irr I’ruu’ruf—h‘. R. R'ls‘il'”. ..S-r‘rrhlJ'll—D. A. Burhlcr, 7‘7'l:urrr—l).u'i-l .\l <‘rnnry. ‘ Hui-"HM (11M: w‘llrv-Iluhm L ‘.\[L' K 3211. 2"I‘H‘OW )Ir-intzvlv'nnn. .\ _ll.lr|dl/rrx—(harm-fin mun-I). .\ F I I Ki'lj. A. ‘l'lnllmlmJn. H. \l A. \[ wall I”, Q F Ihllf‘<tnl‘k. “Wu. “\Y XI. R Nil-In". \I. FH¢_-lll‘li|s-rg(-r. ‘ J um w .1: mi. N. .\. l’ivkfinz. .\ )Jufiu'lflrnm‘. R. G. \lr'Qrcxlrv. S. )1 l‘rmré‘, .\ulrew Polll-y, John Hora“. ‘ ' g _ 'fff‘hh (‘m-nvmm- h Hm‘tx-d tinny to «In- county. at .-\v].nn~. I “99¢“qu opumtitm fu} nmrv "‘1 an! in MM pnriml 1m: puivl MI I. ~Pt‘llfl‘i. liilhpm .m-nu‘uuznnuh lmvi'y Furplun mun-fl in the 'l‘rt-uzurv p'un’ cmnlnw no .\ce’msv—nll I; dune hv'thl- “mung-H, who nro ux 01 hv the Shu-k'ml lr‘r=.x Ml." ,5» an l-uur-mre can ‘npplr to an} ‘ nn-nn-l “am 71-“ for hlrUu-r iwfdr ‘ "QS‘TIIP .I'Zx'm‘uti‘w Pom-nutm i‘o’fi’cn nft'he .(anplhv -‘n “lé‘lfla - fii e‘rory nmmlnznl 2, I‘. .\l. 1 13096.27. ”38. 9 1 ‘Maxb'q Y‘n‘l Ram HE §lllm~rilwr Inning rr-mmw ‘ ' lmi'vu-is tn Hwtfl'mli Wren! hnoe M-l-m‘ VSI. Jnmwfi' (‘huh-h. u ‘ In the puhiic that M h min prvlm Ml kin-la of \an in hi~ 11m. ‘,l “firms, Hunclzmmd. .\“l2, (ha. MM! 5 yle and fini<h. with and “Him to: kns. :9 sum [llirk’h‘nw‘ryund .'l I the timM. Pcr<np~vlo'~‘il‘iw .Injfi 1 “i" find it n doci-Iml :thun Iqa-‘l stock and 8'1““ Bcfi'yre pun-11min? ‘ “I“. I} Guttythurg, “.ler 21, 13."; - C‘mnon Br. Adm E‘V .\LHHHJ'I M'HRKS, mr more and Hut \lid 1h- etn-ot pnfite ghe new Court Hnuso. ( Havi'ng recnnsly-nrriwd lrum lfhil fi'eliug fuily rmgpetonl m ‘c_\m~n: the fiifest style of the urt.‘ we mm ly invite the Mtemion ofthc pu'nl procure anything in on:lim-,m> f cull and examine sponmeux‘nf m‘ hrs prepared to furnish ,\H>,\'l',\ll£ AND uxzwfluxfis, mum,» 8111138 for Cnbin‘rt-ITnkul-s,’unul :‘ appertaining to our} usinc<s a} (1 Bible prices. We do um lu-fimto thy!» our work shit“ he put up in: stuntinl and ““0“” fquw} to 1!. Been. in the cities, where every .gflnich exp‘cricnrc has fqunstcd nnd aspen-hilly do we guarantee fl. tery and vae Yam! =Wnrk.s.lmll \i set us not m be affected by fi-osm: min for years that erectuess of I m the qomplexion of n 1011413111 5 I continue-Y grmefnlncss and syl’nm 'Ngr.38,1859. tf - » I __,_.W , z” , \ Still. at Work OACHMAKING AND BLAL -—-'!‘he undersigned respect his friends and mhc public tlrw the Conclimnking and Blacksmit in‘overy hrhuch at. his establish berlbnrg street. He has on ll manniacture to order all kinds of BUGGIES, SLEIGIIS. Spring W: the best materislrnnd made by 5‘ men. fi'Rnumlse and Bud} All kindsqlone at. reasonable mi and to the satisfaction of auto 4 J‘Cqusmv Pnomr‘cz taken in work At, market. prmes. ' fi-Persous desiring “tides ‘ Omhmnking or Blacksmithing lpeetfnlly inuled to call on ~ ‘ JOHN L. HOL ‘rGoitfshnre. Jan. 24. '59. ' 'Removal.‘ ‘ ' ws.ILOON.—-GEO. EXEC removed his Oyster eatnbli ; lptendid new Saloon in Jacob; g ing, on the Noni} side of Clmmbe when he will M. all times be pre.' up must of Ox'smlzs, in ma} keeping a good amigo, he expect libernl share (If public pan-mm SWP. CHICKEN, BEEF To. FEETJRIPE, BOILED and FRI “ ‘CREAM, BIRDS, km, in their 39" 111-s’s cum-z ar‘LAGEn can alw C_o'me And try me. G. F. EC April 2, 1880. _ l 51‘ PRExIIU-W awarded to T l by the Xunnllon Agricultuul "CO. and by tin Kahlua Count Socleiy, 3e91,, 18151. for best A ‘ Photognphs, over m omen on Amls' DRESS mmmo L‘Wt.“ _ . MEMO usunT rates E ot. djrectly mblislxmcm n the siy[t► f 11'30 s- Dr H. J. STAIILE [My attend mained‘ tn: ‘uhncstot'ks’ imuye dwelt, . 5, 13.19. 4:11:11 Year- .r, ~ Rhifixny and sscntrncxcg .ln'Vll'flT'E'P” l lhllmmrv and near]; Blue-q ed girls, 1 . Wm. Finn-y curb, § Bright pink dkaa x 594 foreheads fin‘ir, ‘ link-eyed unii‘ds, ¢ . In LcaM' larzlldi. - 1“; Twine their puh lislz rmen'lmirl ! (- 11081' “’O5! tdrr,(‘hmnli- ‘nucnun FUR Lamd “11”“- a, nanH “-m M Wash: ~ Aulesp (3') glances, Soul I“ rm cc" “cart hi uuyhcd hy nuburn curls, ~ ‘lndumy “Ms". A ’ lien lldrrng siglw, , Uh! U": drum: is in thy girls! ~ in I'lncivlml. luo'xghtmnd Aged in M'- s and mlwr perzonijly . . . . In thosrnrllg ~4~. “Inning \nlus-a— j “I N“: ('ulll-c -in'rudwi In in [ht- S. E. 'cuupicd by ' ’ “lurk-03ml Innidé, } ‘ ',Wiljx int)“ braids, i _‘\l.! howituhipmure your smiles!’ ; hut Hie true; 4 ’ I; [flew (|fh'nc "1 , »' Evcr will aim-rin- yon—ever! I: 'l‘ruur SH. . ‘ ‘ Urlm of jx-t, H Sou-r rnxi )0“ lrmr Iht‘m—n'n'or! )3 - 'u “'0“ .\HII u! , the IN“: "I.lm .\Usrfll (h-nghurg) 15.30. H‘ a llpw “:9 loyo‘lo rycall the past, fix all in fink-J glando’ur: to’ dwell in Ixiéxxlory lilion. g'tln- c-vrnt‘y th‘ut have cast a. mingled: my (if jrv' null .~.-nlno-.§ upon our career, unjd point to mine gn-vn spot in 'lil'c'fi “1&0; where V l‘““' lxnpph-{vl l'murs' were [nifaedrwlil-re ogr ; lu-nrts mi) pilfintvd lorevbr. Ulil ngg grrgivs i gnrrulouc. as listvnin'g youtll benfls tin outle llli‘ feeble nnntcrings of ily' valor-l, m the ltVOll“ of a long life‘come back again upon ltlm strugglingluni-y. which ham-bl gmws lws tmuvmuf nl‘ tlnngi I‘ll'fll‘ off, nndjthe Ivy lgune mlnlosz-ollce 11-05.“: the sighs orismilea the jQ)‘:li;.’ll{€ll or. tem- dimmcd eyét (3f mums fan- l‘vllow pxlgrlm. dying erg: lit-’5 {jam nr-y lmtl linll‘bnilnuoncud {or tlxel snort-(l i ny'mnnt'or-s of :1 youthful lm'e. novel-Dummy i till nnn‘. nmr'maunu-d lih'. Even cliiflgliifzoil lrmke hut-k“l and from the mist. of growing , flu‘m-llulngw. (lr'nw purlig‘ulnrml'im‘hgpji to (~llmt Il|c funky w'tlr. .\‘l, all lmv? tlly‘vii‘ rvm'nisl’vrmfis. 15R not?“ “‘urtlzymiiu, film! #5"? knm\~ing.thnt menmry‘w'ill be leil'l. u‘s_in tlm coming yelp“. Qlmultl an <lmpen¢rlrros~ mlt (*nnrluctr that we can look will: ,‘IVIL‘ ‘~uro uml nnt'witlx pain upon the inftillonts ltluil fgmoy will rv-Hmct fm"us? lE.w. ‘ r Mwhuniogi'illn, Jun. 1302. E ~ H. "D. ' a to l.’irl‘in;:'§ r why IH-nh-i Hy in‘liwdm ,‘HPV. v. n.“ , D. 1)., lies. r 1 ' - \| PA NY.— nly, brob Llrhh‘rJ-‘l nrh. T‘uN' \L (“If-Nun .linl l-‘Jiin -I"I' ~\\'piLllt; . [hum-FL D ckjng. 3.1 L .’ i = n "a op"!!! h.e< In-l‘fii'h‘ n‘sh’ wink} "warp! (‘\’- ~ll<h :1 I‘ll“!!!- Thr ('um- ‘i'ut-«Wwini u IHV 0%:- Exn tll'4h‘l L’ t Ilu- nhme :Iliun. Pa~~inu domi town the other cranking as the ~tnr~ “WIT" Int-ginning to dayln. 'n‘fler an :x?-~'(-Lxr~(- nfa row days.- spending! the $0426!- otl Impfuimt ({HYs‘ of the your, (t‘iiirii'tmzw) I wgu‘met at tho tlobr by a. fairy. little},- era.- lum- who Hmlw horn-1f into my‘arrhs an“ oxv'himod, “0. I lavo you!" I I i What moot would, tlmught we. "Thou nn'«l< hzu'r- <pnkon them :liut none mo (mi: mm-u sinoere‘y. Ym, spaken thvm‘umnie only mam-amp: I love‘ynu. Whm}, heath: would not thrhwpfi' its \voiglit of gbhdr‘lcéss‘ nt *ur‘mswr-otfiwuAls? And Wife Wdlllld pot {‘ol-} “‘l‘“ repaid uftm-yoars‘of weary tlhi! and jrhuhle‘ to Ira’ve them spoken him? “I lnvn you.” _ Sweet. woida, fresh f‘rofig' a child“! younfi hmrt—tl‘ie‘expresaioh of a sunny. younglspirit':ufl'cction. Ang‘vls re; mnl them“, :squ Witness their since'a-ity.— Happy is 'shoin whom they are spoktbn; ‘for lmr'3 is a train"? no gnhl can buy. ‘ 13:. w. I Mochanibsyiile, J‘.nn.. 1‘843‘2.‘ I . |“"""‘ ..t the [ \\'eJm-<du) CM hi: pher- of n Ehm'! M‘- [M |\l‘|nu|l'll‘(‘ m‘. m furnlfh 1“] :H “mm rn \‘I"EF:S‘ at MM u'iu-s [d .\llit "gin h'w lim- Mnm‘mo his (-lq‘vu‘hv-rc . MPH LS. or of Exhi .xhrmtl_\ up- PH_\>h-llrg.—. I‘lg-Ipslljgunnd ull “park in d'xt~.~pvrlful- L WIS n‘ng lo \‘nr us with a. r “mi-k: We "I‘SV TOMBS ' .\l.L\"l‘lLl'}.'~'3 11l nthér “(u-k c lowest p’os ti) gn:\r.|ntee mnpncr sub ! mist m be £9?Knnmd. enamored of‘strife nnfn pug— l nnciout y’lislo3y, has nnwi < own litit eiqlmr- ‘ rel to fight over, in additin to wlinjt it can; «l‘o in the Way of Jayhawki g: forthél‘U‘ninn. .; Two Governors are cute ,ding'forgdomin ion in the nevi Stat . ,Chnrles QRtibinsoti,‘ the prewnt‘incumb nt’gof the‘qfli'ce, 09!)“ tends that he is entEtled to hold the reins ‘ of ppwer number y‘m, notwithsiaiiding the people have elected another man, en; 1 (lpr the (-mii'iclion that Robinsohfs term“ expired with the close of 1861. Ilut eyen the lea'n pickings and the barren flignilies’ of the’npw State ~scein to be {on rhuch for ! Rnbimon's firtue. and he refusee to 'va cate the pluqo. Mr‘. Crawfor}, the Gover- 1 nor elect, mornoses that the claims of the ‘ contestants heireferred lo the supreme Court of thel State for séttlement,f promis ing to yield” to the decision of the Court: 1 But Robinson has a contempt? for Supreme ‘ ; Courts and £3O gréni; dpinion of léw itself, epd accordi'pgly refuses the ink; 05%; ‘ Meanwhile, ithe peeple of Kenna“ no in a. straight betwieen the t'wo masters ~Who claim their allegiance. thoroughly seii‘bfied that one Goyenio? is luxury enough. for I new Shite, a‘nd having no desire to} increase. ‘ their esmblisflgnent in these times if per plexity. 'FJ ' i ' } impmvmnuut ‘i uvuik‘rl of. ‘M nnr (‘emo so art-fully 1t 511411 Innin 09mm) given ’ nutmeamx‘y to 2 try. IKSMITHIXG ully inforimt ‘ e bominue? ling bpsineab qntrin Cham l‘ul’ and will ARRIAGES, gous, km, of maria: work }Ksm-rmxe of res, promytly ors. 7 . xchanke for yr work in the lline, are re, ZWORTII .e-A grocer-gpurdmsed ofau} Irish wo knan a quantity of butter, lh’e {lumps of which, inténaea f 0! pounds, 119 fieighed in the bthncn ap'd: found wanting: "‘Shure it’s your own fault, if they are light, ” said Biddy, “it’s ygqr own fault, sir ~;€ for wasn’t it, a pbund I)! your own soap. I bbught here moself, that I weighed them with I” 12mm}; has mien: to the Bro's Build shut; greet, ared to’a‘érva ry stylle. By - to receive I e. TURTLE 56K8, PIG’S I) EGGSJCE son. «A nice ys be had?— ’ENRODE. ‘fiJenks had goi back. He says when he was in JSn. Louis. shout evgry man he met came up to him and aid inquiringly, “ You fight mi; Sigle 7" ‘9 Yes." 1‘ per: come and drink ..a ghu beer unit Ind.” .He sel dom refused. ‘ V’ E , eon Brothers : Iciety, Sept. Agricvfltuml hrotypea and xhihmoxi. - fiTher-e is a. firmer in Putbnm 00., N. ‘ Yorknyho has: mile ofchildnen.f His Mind is Furlbng, and he hu‘oight boyfl and girlg. Eight.fm‘iungznxmkoollolllllol;a _ ‘ ‘ in. iron: 1;. WHICK’S. Mr” @312. £9olllng G1R1,14 BY ONE WHO WAS THERE. ' “Inc—o} ed lu-Hes, WM" mm hie! dwt-Hs @flimtlimtmfifi For {lie COI’In/Iflcr. Reminiscences ‘ . Fur Illr ('lmyziltr: The Little One'a Welcome; ‘ AEEMéBCfiATm ANETF‘AMM d©URN§L ‘Berdan’s Only Duel. The l'ollowinganehdoteis told of Colonel Berdnn. who WM alWays an expert shot.— Mnny years ago, hm was talking with a. friend in the bar-r am of an inn at a town on the Kentucky ule olilhe tho. In the room wusulso one of the bowie-knife bul liesfwho infested he‘Soutb and Westr—n. than who / had ‘ rule himself dreaded “jlu-rever‘ he was In Imin, by his readiness to‘ I pick a. quarrel, um his skill with the knife, ‘ minnow") the iistol. This man, seep— iping up :‘lo Mr. rrlan's friend, midihe wanted to speak to him. ‘ . ; “ \Vuit a momen {was the reply. - Afnd the interrupted cot versafl'm went on. E '- Soon the bully stepped up again, find laying his hand on the shoulder of his jac ‘qu'uintaneo, said i a tone Qf'hnlf banter, find hnlfcnmest, i 1 l -"‘J-—. when I expect ynn to com} “Certainly. veer was talking: uhnut i so‘ infermiing that,———v-.” _ “ (Hull—n those kaeeinyentiom, iiml the Pculy flellows who («the to sell themi” The wo'rdn were‘ hardly well spoken when the speaker wan fll'ing lmekwurrl over a 'huge open AthVVe billing] him, being obn s-lrnined thereto by 11‘ 'well delivered 'blnivl helm-en the eyés from Mr. Benlnn's right! arm. "l‘here was i tumult. at once; the men threw themuelves between the ‘in'vi-n- ' tor :ind an immediate llenlh. They inform- 2 I‘od him, however, that lie wohld prnhnlily; have to fight. Ben-dun replied that he was; not a fighting “manfli but. he should not! hroek an insult: llé we: challenged: in (line fmm, unrl nx‘cefltetl. fininihg as his 11 ‘ n. ~ . V‘..........,-_' - 'l cvn. .«g- w‘hk ~ 3'9" pli‘um . weapons rzflcs atfwo inumh-w} yards. The! It is mm Hint flu, ‘,fié. “HUM “in" with arms suited hi~z niq'mpcm "e.\*a(-l.iy,"but: the culwso liunciuiphi f. ' i . ho “hinted to mrit i; few dusttill ho reéov. » ‘ I «gin: .{w _—i ‘ ' ermi [no use; of his hymi. Mr. ii. was nc-i . A $11931) 3’93k1'573t" i ’mignumluting. liu‘t. lfhe blow WM; so m-li ! Am" "f liirih. M s“"""""""’d3" Emu-d ”‘9 pluiltcd ”m few“?v “m ”mam.“ i inredkfunt bj-l! ringmi hpnril n‘o:§nai boat :than “.M‘pxp,‘a“ed' "ml-Wfllmhile a “this" ‘JH-‘Y muting} out for [Spliitlm 'l hmffilgnfli‘t‘. iexlim‘tul rifle mulch éqmu ofl‘in the m-igh- L 0: ”'0 Vie'“l:“|i"‘i"“h“l3‘1"“ m .1!“ 5' 0111‘“- bnrhluui, “itil'il wux lp decide (lu- mn-ritk oi‘i “Sum, Ti'min- «Ivar, (MM: J‘ii. and two rival. mainu'fucluxipn—nne ol‘whom win; wlmt'll yn ‘ix n‘nmnifor lmvoliix 'nn ym thq finmugsWVessnn. “Wesson had bniiil-g-zaL' ilk-gym! swan ofnlmnnt 1’" 'l.i I ken u» produce 11 main who, wiflx his rifln,i “"Ili)’ a “I" andl 1‘ M“: 3.1%in and ‘gnpiti Mat liinimick} a great Sim}; wlmxe’ found," replied tlmx-ya‘pluin. j . ’d ‘ rmnmflmifle Tm!“ had i»rm;ght the rival guni “‘An' is it the vil’lills ye ‘lmmnfl i 1" ling, ‘into [gt-Imm! favor. iTo; nmkel thq slin‘yi-“UN'Z'W " r J. ‘1 1 idshnrt. ‘\\'o<sn’n:s ‘clmillhiml braved to; bci “'YM. .\H'i if Ynli‘m‘" Si‘ing WWW-‘3“ ‘ Mr. livriiunfwhn, unitlujeo trials of ion or. 111 mm to im-nH‘n.~§." & 1 ‘ lm-ive shot: Moi), :it; two inmdxécl yuhk, } ]‘.ut didn't wait 'lO l'w midi: 50(%b1,timo. ndt rmiy bent Dimmick on every triad, ituf i-ui imi'ingz tilrstfl‘nth'lii inln «'Hw twin mu! Inn-In 11m gronicst rifle slmolingfm record" nmh- a hearty Inc-:Ii, inn mini“ on i }(-k inhl in thi< Eountry, Hit: nmno, of c-nunenun,” in that plum, at ohm) in evm'ylvotly’s 1|)nlilll;l but the huh .fjlhe n'llole ntlhir was that; he ' I soon recoiveJl it mofisfligc} front his chalh-rfipr l ' that it wasl ‘mrdly “gm-m while for hlni flil I await tho rot-ovary of} thé tlnmngml nymnnd ’ i that he might consider the clmllg-ngé us' i witluhuwn. ‘ Aml FOE omlml llm only (luulf and the 61le rillo nuttch in {which ,‘CtJloncl; . Bénlnn was ongngnl.‘ . 4 ‘ __: ‘ ’44P.— ‘ . _ 3 How Tu‘rkey Makes Nigger. f l ’ “Tom.” says lllckz“ you’yc been strutting lfim‘sn'b turk'ey." r . l ; l l v‘fll'nin't [no surf) iting; who say I tuk 1‘ ! mmm's turkey?” l , ‘ 1 . l i. “I say so.” said .chk, “ for ] seevl yon 110’ ‘ into do turkny-houso, and come/out Witt do tnrkvf.’ homl sticking out of.“ bag.” 1 l ' “011 well," repli .mom, “if you (“511ml ‘ mesum onufi‘, Dire , an I tuk do. tnrltfyz low if you won’t it nnythi'ng ’bout it,'. I’ll ' give you de drm ‘. iok dnt’s l'eft.” V. ; ' ‘ Dick made 0‘ romlse, but the muffler who hml ovgk‘heal-Ll'the conversation, soon haul thed/e’linque‘n Tong‘befo‘re him. : ‘ “ Tony/f" said 11 ‘, .r‘Pve just heard you confgss having stol‘fn my turkey." , ' fl, Well, mnmh” says‘Tom, “ since I’m ~co/tclzed, I’lljest. :oan I tuk it ; I wnn’tg‘ go ’ing to deny it, no how.” ; “ Now, Tom, you t know I don’t. glow stealing on my' Jut‘nd, and I must punish you for this.” 5 l , 3 “ Pray, mama, don’jt let,th!overseer3flog.a, me ; {or mussa, (i aludfien thought seeming l to strike'bim.) you‘ hmiu't lost. nothin’tif I did steal‘dat tdfikeyfl’ _ l ' ' ' “ Why,_you I‘agca‘l, didn't; you admit you had stolen mid ett‘it 7" ' ' ‘ “ Dat’l; true, inmu‘m,” said Tom; “ yet still youlhain’t lost nothing.” f “How’s that I" t , ‘ 7 ‘ “ Well, yomsee, mass, I tnk do turkey, and done eat it upl :Whenl tuk do tug-key imd eat it, It got to be pan-tot rue—it ivent into me, and mode Emore nigger for you, 11111553. 80, you 390 ‘wluu you 10“ in Quirky, you made up in nifiggr.” ' , Tom-was canned for his wit. 3 ——~—¢—- «on» —« » - . ” Mrs. Paningtlzn firm the Gimp qf the RlyEng Arfillay.—“ miter“ Century,” gaid she to the guard at the gaté, , “in this the Camp of the Pennsylvania yolénurigs!" l l' l“ Yes.” refied theséntry milingly, t‘this‘ i 1 one department}. the Flying Artillery de—‘ ”Marcus is over on the hill." ‘ l l . “oh." said she; “ thin is the light infu l tile corpse, is “3 When is the lrflllery going to fly I" l ‘ t 5 l' ‘3 Why, mu‘am,’f slid the gun-d. "the u tillel-y is moved by m ..d wheels, v. 3 y6u see that. gun Ijow moving.” f‘ Oh! I thought it was one of my” wings oflthe "my 1" ' - i ‘ The old lady words“, thankih‘ the sen try for his attention." ‘ new P‘zenchmin once saw I gerifleman walk up w 11; open mufl‘box in the'hand of mother, and take a pinch of muff, hav ing pr‘efaoed the not with the nordlr flay I cake the hberty 2” Soon after the Franck dun went. into s hobweo Ihop md Inked for twenty-flu anu‘ wot“: of M I GETTYSEURG, PA-, MONDAY, JAN. 20, 18%2’- tell you I want you_, I iply; but Mr. Berdnn is Unventidn :'snd it was “uu'm ts man" no mu ”mum" ' mm mm omm The Dewey at node w: T"f”Ps9::;‘;2‘£°:;";3:t¥;:§”’PP“ 0f the many anecdotes of_this:cccentric 'E‘he Democratic State Central Qq‘mmittee Ingview if the departure of the great ex man 0f Roanoke. we don’t. believp the {ol‘ of Ilhode Island met at Providonc? recently‘ Pediiion from Cairo the following brief (le lowing was ever in print: ’ . ‘ and, after afmrmonious sessnon! resolved scri 3Lion of the 0011,31,), it; supposed [tic-hue He was travelling in a pal-Mot? Virginia unanimously gondopt immediate nd ener- ofoiéerations innv not be uninterestingz' ‘ with which he wag unmluaiutiedi in the gain measureis, in view of; the ld action Till" Tennehwee .river is the larges‘t' “illu ‘meantime. he stopped during thé| night at oftheabolitl intsinCorigrossJosfi engtheu cnt inf the ‘Uhio. and ii formed by two an inn neai- lhe forks 9H1“? WMJTM‘ inn- and extvnd t e Democratic orgflgim‘iofl ofi hmnkhm the Clinch and llnlstcm whirl) ”we?” mfs h fine old gentlelna I; and no the SIM-‘3’ ”3 eing the surest andfspecle-‘l-i‘ rise 'umo'ng (he llllok'lmny mountain< in doubt of ouq‘ of the first families ' lthe'Old why of dealin political death to t‘mse (Misti: Virénin mm “nae mt Kingston. in Ten. Dominion. lKnowing who h]: dijlinguish- dangerous enqmiea ofi—the Unin ".“d thei nhsL'ée ’Tlmlonglllofllw thins estimhtpd 9d 3'19“ wait, he end avored, m ‘ raw hiin Constitution. The vamenw I, tin 0.9"." at ei 'lit lmxhlfi’d miles. but if the Holstvn. intoconvcrsétionlut 'lediliall Ik‘qeffortg. gi-ntiulnting the Democracy upon «3,18 fiction; this largest bit-finch. is include-'l. its lofigth is But‘in the Il‘norning. hen Mr. I‘ indolph of th’e_Centrul Committee. make? the {PL elev+n hundred miles. The‘chnnncl ofthc wn: ready to start. h calledi forr’his ,bill, lowing spirited comments: .' ‘ . 3 river is obstiucuid by no consi‘femble fun“ which on being Presvrei m)” Pd”? 3":1 *wel have published no better ens for A; 05"H‘tpi(13' fixcept Muscle shank. in ”Ala, landlord, stillgnnxious o‘have‘somf conver: fn\ng time; than yestenluy’s anno pct-minim bumh. It iii mivignble for atmunboats to Aation "m‘ him. bngmi “'3 followxiz : ' tof ti“? o°ol and deliberate intention“ 0f ‘ihoi Hdrhnce. Alabama. :1 distance of twohun “ WhiCh “by are you trqvolling, ML Rant-"i “Wino“Dbm‘MrMicmlumri‘ie“Ofiti’cgu’i‘o’i dredmml eighty miles. lixvopt. at the up: dolph f” ‘ . ; J V'_ i in, 11;” again into mmnlote working orchard per part ofi‘s course the banks of the river ‘ “sir!" said Randolph, with “1 ki°f dis; ' the old Democratic patty. M 9" have bcien'li are mu slceqi. hut the country in the'yicini: pleasure. ! ' ‘ - ' ipem’isu-nlly saying. that Demmimcy liltulv 1y isiquife lowland.unnhylructml by hills " I asked,” “id ”‘0 landlonl, f‘ which tended its mimiony; that Tlonwicrnl had bqonfl or other eminenccs oi importance“ ‘ , - way are you irnvelling l’” . ‘ [mended 9“ from the stage of tinir mndi} The (Eumhurlund river, by which a Ivor: u Have I lipid my bill?! \ i | wor‘e, to‘be consislqretl as among t the by-& tinniof hf"? ‘txl’edi‘i‘m m'uy advance. is six ““93“" , ‘ . i ' ' Emil"; lhglttho D‘emocmlit‘ pm- hfld f 8"! hun‘dred n“. in; long. nntl'is navigable for “D” I 0“"; 3'o“ nnyq'lving “3’me ceivhd afatal blow, (mil if it was, 0t BEEN“)! steafialloats tnio hundrid __miles’, ‘0 Nash “ No.” i ' i l ' ‘3’ dead, yet it, could “ever be ”how“ ' to“ Villa, 'l‘cimol-scc.‘ From Dui'oi‘,"l'cunossee, l ml“? .lu“ ‘ healthful and vigomuv-ilife and ac vityflml‘, the hourge of the river is frarall'cl with and and y" ‘ 0|" State Cbnnnillt‘c hixve furnish '1 I“ With“ ton inilc-s west of the Tenncfisenu ' ’ , “Him“ ”‘l9 be“ “id ""3“" nelusnv’e,}, At Sandy Month, on the 'L‘c-miensce, and by tbih tir “I“? here n‘Rhode mm“ the ' mocrocy}; Dover, on the Cumberland, the tack on 151711401], sliui finds imrlaut work to do}; t, ahflho‘lozi the Methyl!“ {and Uhio railroad (“05305.”- surpi‘igo. lslfln'l D“ “007““ aro_still really; nml art-.7] From Dovei' ti) Glnrksvillpf'l‘cnnz; the hack ““3““ too.‘ “3501 £ol3" "solved' (0 “I‘9? position ‘ hf this road‘rtms parallel with the Cumbex“: null: 130 5009'“ him bod-V451. alien in dur n 5; and‘inixlund rivér. ; , ‘. - ' .r' “i“ ‘ doing for Wei“, country: nndflg Um Pemii \ Mnyfiéld mode, at the moutlmf which n 'l’ 91’ ncmtih pa ty of Rhode‘lnlund is W§.hr’l’c‘; pm- I'on ‘of {the expedition encumpetl on M“; ‘ 'f‘ull‘y “H‘r'i and is wanting only .“ 'imlliliimy [ Tittldny n ght, is about right mills below l|.’ rpm - ‘if all ‘ '\“ *fl’ ‘ ‘ ,1 K “ Well. I aim going juit whine do ypu undqmlamd T" ‘ 3 x u "08.” j . L T-he landlbrd by filih 'timé gbt‘l excited. and Mr. lbfnt:1«)l[)h drbve to the lamllérd's surpfiso, in h few the servant rctunléd§tbenqfiire the foxksiof the road: 1b that. I not being out of heurin ‘ diflunm,‘ Innlppokv n't Lhé {Up 91 his vhim. “ Mr. R'mgulplph, ydu; don't owe wtzjmt tilkv "Molr ’l| ' ,h ruliu-stml that the bout. might. b«- l )mw'L-«l: “ “',lmt do you “'llllu loath)“ furY'l l‘ltllllrflli (ho captain. : ' ‘ ll ‘ . “ How far have \\'(' cnhw?" :wlcie Put. “ ( Duly :L littlt- (“‘oth milvl’ ll 1 . Put tlwrmimn hurich-(l ill!) mil lin two Eonts, and cuinlly told} him dialing: livved ho “()1111l ndt g 0 mly: furthlir‘witj‘n im, :13 .ludx w-mld limit the‘ bl'uflk‘flbl', Ii: know-r in: tlmt he Itmt bummed foul: I}; ' The joke iv.“- so go‘x‘l lhlht, tlthicuptain took the twd routs. Qrdermli the Mn stap petl, helped Tat :lahore. m’rl told llil‘m that should he caviar have occasion to q}; 'el that may again heiwgald he most haplfylzo cairy him. i ; - 5 ‘ " _.,.i A_‘ ....f~_.___7.'_. The lrrepresbible Gonflii Said 9. laliéring-mdn tlxc‘dtherl had been in llw habit of voting tly liimn ticket. II‘I begiri to see‘ivherls repressihle mhflict’ is to bé,.if t 1; made an abolition wgtr.~ It will bé the white lithoru-rs of‘tlle North mi :9 no groes turnodllmw to compete \vitl mm.” And so it will he. ofcoup‘e‘ [‘lfthx Rates are gi'ormn with wandering and llléfilf-C‘ivll izml hegroes, compelled to wérk iiimply for their' bread and clothes, the pride of labor will hdtumlly run (him to a low figure, and the white laborers will foel;t.he 4film pres sure. ~ i ' ‘ ’ l PhY-Mr. A‘enndet Cummingfiwho has been associnxed with the I{W;(l¢l:since its commencement, resigns his connv'r‘tbn with it in connequcnce of qmpuired hodlth. grow ing out of the sevenflnbor‘whit‘h has been incident. to ;the esqiblinhment of a new journal. Mr, ,Cummings co‘nbemplntes a visit to Europe. “is many friends; .in this city mid el~dwhere éonfillently 1 pa that. entire rolnxution and n gief sojoq n abgogd will restore him to His Wanted 119911!) and vigor. 7/ f ' .1' We cut the above announcementfrom the New York World; of Saturday yeek'. In View: of certaip awkw‘ni-d facts degéloped by the Van Wynk Investigating Codnmittee, it strikes us that the Govemmént sHould pre mil upon Mr. Cumxhings not fig} take his depnnuro for Europe, before} plaining what became of the‘fi'flOfiOO be from the fund placed nfikhin dis ’ in New York ; and also how it happen‘ that Ed purchased provisionn from a haniy‘vnre firnn, chartered a vessel that he never Examined], and shipped to 80an unknown port a mis cellaneous cargo of S‘cntch' 6.19. Lyndon pop. ter, straw hats, linqn panta‘oons, codfish and red herring—Patriot (2" Unum. ’ ' ——~«—-‘—: «I» --—:—‘——l—- éThe staff}: iold of a cei‘tain New} Zealand chief, flint a young_missionary lan ded a! his island, to pucoecd a. sawed teach ex- deceased somo time before. At an inter view with the chief, the young minister asked 5 “Did you know my‘brothert” “Oh ya! Me {1986011 in his ghu'rch.” “Ah, than you knew him we“; and was he not a good and tender-hearted man 1” “ Yes." replied the pious deacon with‘ much gusto, “he very good md’very lender. He out In piece of him X" ‘ . . . Where in s rumor thst Cushingfiill be sent,j to Ship Is x sedo Gen. Phelps, trenching I u 363:»th General . MI Imewhat H'. But unique; hich of m’lnlph he limel- Ml= to :len:0:11r;lr§!¢ that it is heuhhfup ulivio nWoVer, 11nd nliv clunl' th ’ 11;. What} may he callefi the phi ,ler that has; Loan, as it were“ prnpoum d by fine Cmfimittee for the Do‘mocx‘nt“ o the Sum lnslumlfogotlmrupon,*z~hr)uhlor shoulder,’} and 'hnpd hold of haml’, is‘of \' ry simple 'con‘sfmction. and ninth mam 1t purely;l ox-thqxlox. ”is nothing but‘un 0 uncintinn' ‘,nf 4:710 oh] and " lime honort d Dvmo-Z ivm‘tib clpégq'inonfalllegixumo. It ix‘n'mls of ;us.; to mic-0m it {olll‘ (am- houml 73 «MW 'm' ll‘nyzal and pulliétic cilizuns uml ‘ A] Ilmsnn. I (fruits, (OI giyo n'nr hearty mil-ppm tn the \of (for); that ‘(hwinyum-nt niny lnw Hy nmkg I‘de rmh-rhxg thv Nurth and U. ~Sonth: to" ché-ir form” auongse. :nnal lhv( umitminn 1 '10" ifs sulhcmacylover the wh h: United; lSl‘a‘tos. ‘‘ ' L g 5 l 4f I 515;) it énlls "mm as tn keep up our phi ’ pnlitit-xll drgnl-limginn. and nnljjlm let- Um Dompcrnl'ilc pniglyl lag, nml (lroillafi nndj go! ddwn. link to Mini «inner-hos upon our: infill fanifliur ground under our murgHJM hm: new and Wearing t‘lwvsmm’o’b‘hl Dumorrnti'c‘ ixniforin 31nd t‘qpiplm/‘nts in and 'itli which 1 wt: have tharched into many it ttlo. anil " gq’incd "‘3le a. victory; and so h pgnnpliotl' fdr'tho coining th-fi'pomto hand I:}an fight: with tho almlitinltists: and 503%! prnpnrml ‘ ? tommwxyq] (mains!r them vigoro ly, lrmve-! lylystmdfly and mlculutingly. (gull timiruf shall be total defdat, andours a} I‘enldilk vic- Q ‘totyt 'i"-“‘“‘; ..-- F:— . i ‘ { Indiana. Democratic Conn tion. 1' glxmnnzrnu‘s. January 9. 1e Donn», ct-ntic Stalte Confoution come «Lyestor-i ‘dhy, and was largely nttpnded, e or: court-- 'ty But eight being repro‘pnto ' llomna_ ‘A. "Hendricks, ‘of Marion, wns'nppointcrl‘ muss-idem. After some well: inary pro-g [c‘ecdings hplnll‘oi‘m and resell ’hns were ”ppm-tot] 9nd 1155596, under th ofiorfition ! of the previous question. , g E l. : The resolutions set forth that ‘ graham-l lgtion to power of the Derriocmti petty can jalone [preserve lthe“ Union: 9:???“ "'9’ principles heretofore put forw r‘d by the. :Nntional Cameron: of. the party: declare’s ! the pnesem civ' was mainly res terl from l [the slavery'a‘gitation, and the nsequentl [organization of a geographical / r 1; in the! Plath; produoing its counter rt in the ”South. ofeeoeslsion. disunion an “med re ‘eistsnoelo' the government; ‘ damning the courge of the Republicans “lithe lak’t Congress. for, the injection of al‘ fiance prol fiasitions; that pbace and bar ’ ny would ' inow reign, had the party in p{ her shown Iho snme__desji'g to settle the i'lternal disp éensiom flfititjuceifly exhibi ,lo avoill '3‘: war with England; that the pdblican‘s bud demonstiated th‘r inabilit ‘ ”conduct :Ihe government lbrough tho éant diffi culties; denouncing all the Blfiions of the constitntloxbvs uaurpation cf power; that. the disregard of the ml for huboas corpus, the impritohnaentof cit ”up in the loynl States, and ‘flugrant. viola I, as of the constitution ; that the seizure 0 ‘Mason‘ snd| Silthalhwns either 18391 or i'uégitt—il th'ej foi-mermeither’ngtion had been; umiliatod by their nut-render under Huerta; if the. latter, they should have been (glivered lip before ilnprisonment., . .p The reisolntlon‘ compliments e conduct of Indiana trodps in every the field where victory had perched at “he 11» ttonal bonnet, and sends greeting to e‘ery Demoefst for their future ‘ "'mlaenu in owning contests“ The following ticket Secretary of State, J: Treasurer. -Math'evr State, Joseph Ristim Oscar B. Hood; KSVJPI Instruction, Milton, Convention then adj! a: ‘ it 5 ' :11t y, who 16 Repub {q he ‘ir hi‘ ~' 9 \ $ th as u. L ES) Imm". 72313 132:11 Pious Darkey.--“ Sm to your moans, Ind 1 treasuré in Heaven 2' Practical‘ Bam.——“ laying ugh-cum dare, 'uxp spin?! ‘ Gen. Caleb . d to lup§r~ I9°mmiuibns NEM Cum), i§JTfiSlumhm ab about thilty milo‘ below. fiMn3liclal, l(y~., lb? hrminus of n failibudifrom‘ Puducuh. isinb-mt equi dis; tnnt; in It §truight lines, Lolwvcn the moufl: bf JJ}u.\fiVL--Islcrcuk nnd Syn” Mouth, Town, Finelée'ntizé distance being about eiglny nil 9. ' ‘ ' . ‘1 t 'l‘ 1e e‘xlwtjitions up (buTcnnowoc nml ‘uliberlumllriven can join: upon Sandy %[nqth‘avn.d/ Dover, 3;; which (hm-e are but {slight idrlffivutiom, and M om-o'mmmqml ’the‘appnmch hemven Mcinphis and Clark:- L'ifle, preventing reinfoyceluenlfi imitnggcnt km.“ .\lpnkpms, slmuH mtg-ybedmn-m; {TIM dcpwhnn-ut Vl‘rnm‘ {'l4) main Muly, Qv]:.iyh.fncunlped ‘nc Ma‘j’th-M creek on I'l:§nutrsnl:ly. can/arms the Slate [o_.§;mdy iMuukh, «whim: yeiMbn’vmm-ntg at; May {uegm Glmfkavillc is mama to some m:- ‘tc'nl. [LS/{L is an imertant keyfto Nashville. ' ‘ ' » «no. 4 M , I ‘ Titling Cure 15/ I’L'nmjflnunilaml MTV/JCT.- irmk‘ Simon Cameron is disli'nguishud for ihis gym! of Pahmylvimin nml hon-inter gertsg The lzlLOrt instunve’ol it we iii)“ in the; gChicngo Tribune, the lending. Jig-pub“. “paper of Illinois, in it's i>=ue ol' thy‘lSth. lmyjs: , ' ,- ‘,Pennsylvgmia may beftruly ‘mid to have ltrnctcd.‘ “'hnt will he lhuughiuf trans ing‘atlfiovernfnunt oxpchw rang/i pine [ling from Pitta/nay (o [-224 Lomvmwvrtfz, inn yet shell a-ahipment "(finally pmscdl fgth ugh this city With sucli dtatmutinn a. iféw days sin (:B.‘ The pit-OL7: were 4x4, a- I{'bc’ teight féet long} and “rough as when ”till; came from ' the saw-mm. Think of iicnrrying common, pine lumber ncrqss four ‘ iSmtes tb the lelt bnnk'ol' thu ‘Missonxfi, that -"éouya Pennsylvania contrnctormight pocket l,u li ml mar vin ofthmpmfiti. and thuMoo, ilwitr plenty if lumber yard»: in“ oFslm-k, 'islmy oft-tale, {on the Missouri river. This ‘ Ellnlost pause? belief, but is an acmul "flu-t: l‘Th en9rmiu‘cé untler tliq name of carrying [on this‘ war Would r'uin financially n‘ny nu ’{thi on ear-tr), twin if Midas h'lmrel‘l'WOl'O Jits iking. \\ ho will stayithme‘ taunting e ijvilui or is 111+ nation roully given up to be .lisp led at home and flodtud abroad. Art} hthi mph {‘o look in vain to Congress to ‘iattgck the great army of fraudulent pecu |;la:€ra, nnd. éleanw tlreso Augean army my :bl T 1133 the Government the desire to 51w t the hlrjim that dmnld fall, though no jpo nun and éorrupt favoritism shrink aloud Eto pure and save those ‘who richly merit ith cdrd and sword of the Provost Ma;- rshi n» - . ; . I 1 ,100 HPOI'I Inathrr Reledse.-'—R. 11‘.- Alvey, Esq, of Lllqigersmwn, Md; has been rek-aserifrom' "1725!; Wurep, after 1m impgisonmenz of in rly saver, months. The Mail says She tor aof hisu-arolc require him not to enter ‘thsaficcededimates,unll 1.0 return to Fun “" rron whenever notified to do‘so by Secre ta Sgunrd. 'lO. R. rcncfled home on ‘W nosday evening. * IliaC is if: verygoogi ‘he Ith, as was also, D}. Chagles MacgilL ‘ “in Mr. A'. left the fort. ‘ ‘ c . —-»‘———obo——- ~—-- nntéd : SM“ it,or of General, ‘ Public The onmk r_up his of his eber te- Et TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR. Began) Thailand Dollarxfn; a Ificl~.—At New ford, mm. the reform, in the we 'of Di! mock we. Cleveland, duster of, the bark garot Scott, - has: messed damage; a ' at the defendnnk to the amount. (”$2,- -. Dimmbck’m' a lemmas: hand on the m and brought an action 'nst the r. chiming damn“ for.- kflk by which complement mu permutat ly iinjured. Bi order of ‘oourt the decision is M find. , - e ”German (toofriend who has boon inw 1; “ring after his son.) Poo: Hons! he bitf h‘ self mit q rpttleanako Ind was lick into: h‘glped for lii weeks in te month of Augnm‘ do .11 his cry m u uteri men" And: ha oouxd'm m uothin' at all mm be m plfiined of pain: a leetle penal-{so he coold' slzgund upon his elbow md eat soup of (at. . .-.. ....._._.__ bu giddy Itudent hnving got. his skull " tured, was told By "the duster thn an :Ei: wu visible, on which he remarked : lE. write to tell father, l'o'i he dway! mid hind none.” -* ‘ ‘ atma ARROW??? Thou New York Tulmnc mnkm a union].- 'tion ofithe expenditures of the Govrmmont per dnfi. and estimates the toml sum M. no. if“ {rain three millions of dellars. Tfifi aocouxita [or I 8 follows: “ for Quarterma fter's Department of the army, as shown by I',Gen. Meig’s report to the Secretary of Wu. 32.00040“); for PaymnsterGoneral's Depart. 'xnent, $210,000; for Ordnance Department, r 341.606; making I mm for these branches pf tbe'sogvice done of $2,299,wa per diem. fiomo (animate, and with pretty good rea sonw, t’mp taking the oxpmN-s 0|" the Navy jmd oflhey Departments, the aggregnw il ilot flu“ (“1' of $3,236,600 I: day, may!“ the limaging gum of 51,]82,454,090 per‘yoa‘r I” f .This isindoed an astounding statement, find i Lnly rests on too strong 3 foundation to give‘groom for doubt. The official luthari -7-: ii?» ma appalled at the m‘gulmac of E No- 17. "‘3" N 3 the Q“ ~cl Nation‘s] difficulti {with “ennui they hex-er pxperienc'ed before. Tufgfim,‘ groovy tml oppressive, 160 m up “the in'evi gable "fault. that has groin out of sectional éonlro‘evaios and no mun, abs! or sfnnH. will esL-‘p'e the ponlysing mnmquenceth the public mind looks on {vith dread anti ipdigng‘fiqn' at the frightful yequ‘el. From Ihis Lim'e out, instead of beixi‘g the huppicsg. 3:” mmt'mzu-vellous peopie lon the facet)! e‘iia b, we shall be a nation overburden +l wit: tight, our National prestige lost,a qur N liunnl hopes fuux’er‘ud, mgd~God ‘ litiuowsfihe rest: Meanwhile”, Congresé goes cin wilt its work “£l3llin ind carelessly u ' it we +32 in the most undisturbed pros housqndspf pn\liticnl naupcra 'grco [on at the public corruption - )ecility reign w? M. undispu y, the pgoplo groan, murmin- and flood. [mile their profesued wivnnlq revel lierity, Jay n .n‘md in (1:11 MY rrgmy ave 1 ads {Who ~§ we (’l6 I": '4 “,T-l rim”! P ‘llo ll lain : Am é “ 11 six months I expect a separation.— Theag me in up. the Union is at an and. We 113 w? :urchmwd‘nothing hntdhgmoe. The 'nrtl is bunkruptin cimrncjeraa in money. _sofor'b the summer ends we ulna” see two ¢nnfederacies.” ‘ . ' Ilc "I’o re the grand éonspirngor ngninnt the in throws of? the mask. “The anti y pdrtyfidnnned disunion’," sxlj's tlmir rutbr. “ Anfl-shvvm,” 1w mlrls; “ was fly for (In: Union. The game is 141),!le I:.de an rnu'!” ». i k : ‘tlcawnuhlc plot is tjfus avowed ; its fimt! 81190055! is glnafod over. It in not I~y but. pnti slavery which inn vaed' rung l'rir the Union. It in nnt the 33-, gas of tho slave-holding South, but~ mpimcy of the “ unliuluvery party f' North against. Union: will) tglnyebold hie-H has brought L 119: country to this ion over whidyihe armor exults. AI oprcfentntivn of antidislqveryl, he prm #hicf (00 8h {Vida ‘ s‘thht the trensm agfiimt 916 Union u't the North. The 350 mm driven to iemtion, recklessly. dehpel'apke, crimj: mmlcud inm the alum; of llisunion Pxns' nan] pvhi fdrl I hips ‘1 :pd h lll'é anti-slavery, pnhy had planned 6mg, (flvil wru- l'ollows, and Mr. Phil aunt?! the North with‘lmvmg purcluw thing but diigmce by its outpour'm‘ 13.0 th and treasurefnnd 31mm the Souih. E 3“ 7%: south,” he sfiys, “ damn-j writes. Sh‘e ihus ~ uixhillited: better pldtmuuumhlp and jinn ‘ invcity for the cbnfest, than the iNoxTh.” ;That in the key: now which Mr. nghi hps stflke‘s for his anfi-sluvory oo’mpi ;mt' against. the Urgon. They lnvo iipln ned long ago to diséolvo the Union, {'lde Phillips ekults that the crowfiing glory -1%i5 n lmnd,—and'before thnv‘summcr ends we ffh Luce two ConfedPl-aclds l—llwbu l'oal.‘ - ~— co.» - r I“ "The Svcrctmygof W 5; u-Hn us that Em!) men have boal'ubcx-ptvd for the wur, ‘thnt he’has no doubq zhisj'm-co would 32 b‘cen swelled to a millixm, had not. the c ' rtment felt. Milt/Milli", ta ratrlcl ib—nnd in the face of (his fnkt ho luiks about |."milifiry neceuity" ofi accepting of the {vice oh paircel of ignomnt mummy ne« 5 8! t . ‘ ‘ ' ~~ An’imbmun as: age Bull Run was somewhat startled When the head of companion on (he lgl't haufl fins knock- en 08' by ncannon ML} A few moment: 3 er, However, a ppent baa! Evoke the lingo:- 0 {his comrade on my otl’gr side: ‘Tho l»- tef threw down his [uni and yellod‘ with .péin: whim the [risbm ”q mbedco hi . e claiming: “Blnéh‘t yaw]- now], you; Ed w‘ man, amp your cryin’ii you mnkn more nfise about. it limp the inn" that 103(th [1 ml!” ‘ 1‘ ' A . ‘wwwe—‘t . . ”When Dr. Frankl‘n was timking'llil (E et experiments in ele ricity, he: wished 1 try its efl‘ect- on ll be , and while hold i g the wire to the bird, ‘1 struggled and he liq-Wed the whole charge himself. On to verin‘g from the shock} he good natured: It remarked thu insteafl or killngs hen b electricity he had nearly killed a goose.” , —— m- —-—o - 9—— —~———- i: Dab-active [Mud—The {01101313 I wai lately given : “ Dam yhur mall. blast your furnaces, wiik your edging wn with you} railroads, away with your ectric telegraphs, md over with you} may ‘ cionhridgya.’§ - ‘ " \- fi‘An Exchnnge noticed " a lady in our reels recently, strayed in the nations! §slorg find she created quite a‘unnfion, he had red hair, blue eyes, and new! i‘v'hite heck.” It issaid she islorthe 13mg ...- w .- coma—~— —- r I " 0n the 6th of June. Cherry Creak. had a [kahuna of mm sufficient to m c gist mill, and ten day: momma/5‘ madly is a doctrind minon.” . , ’ 1' ’ an'EkGov. Momma/of Kentucky‘, 1:. Jim released (rpm Fgr'tLWarre‘n on hi! paw 111316. - I ’ . ‘ - ";.. ween. Mgclbn’u 36th w' oecuudd onusorad o; Rumba. 1 I ;k that stares them in the rm, and enof men begin to look upon our am] lnxyrl, and from the‘ highest " owest of our officers. scarcely onb in " ms to {lave an adequate oopdeption risis, or a care for theo‘énsoquenccs. ; the ‘rcbclliozj is subdugd before Er year, which Heaven grant may bo' Lt. it is 106 pldin to be deniéd, that .‘ 11l be on the [verge of National ruin. ; 'q to gratify the mad ambition of a M m.” pofiticim‘m, who have as little I for the inter‘estq of “$0 people.thoy ctrnyed, as a‘bul‘toher for the lnmb he ‘0 the slaughtefil—Erie Observer. ' m - - «I» ~ »~— re the Traitors mid Seceszéfniata ?. " (lell Phillips, in llis'omti » borqro ternity (it Tremont'Temple. snidéz , e nnti-slnvm-v party had hoped far ‘ nnal :lixuninn. because it. would lead 19 welbpment of mankind and the 010- of the black mysmt” then be exulbingly‘ndda— r 3 11=1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers