wgfiimimta: 2‘?8333%2mm m . A. .7. Cover, Trouser AT LAW. wxll {.rnmpuynugna A a; f‘ofloclinns and ull OUIFr In sin/p}? {RW— mmg whim. mm bOll6O ~ f'Khfiunoc .~ Hldp‘i'n‘gf't Zioglcl’l.‘Mfififmhlmore Ilruet, Di “QM-73"” . M. .__ “Hip": 51-13.51,. . Edward B. BuAhler, mm; it? Law, wig! rui‘gmuny Ind ‘ I);.de km} :9' uygth'n: ientr‘qulcd to): ‘a. gygaki th Gvn nu runaways.— bmyfiignhé place. in Spu‘th Baltimore pg?) orney'u drug u re. and nearly 3’9““, Dgtnnor k_ Ziegler‘l "$1“. antylburg, March 20.. ‘ , D. leeway nom‘r n my, (om ‘ o! “Mahler's drug dud b -9 . pg lIVCEIJ Arms!" n 'np’ps un .anon. non spu,'lm'ck-pmy‘ pulpcngled Pu clm'mu ngflnn the (ion ng‘on. D. 0.; also AmericnnCl but! Warmt- located and no hl-khul price: given. Agent. has; warrant; in lown,-l Twuurl Stat" fi‘Apply 1 9r by bury. , M 33531? 3?; W; ‘ ~ -J. J. nerro ‘ Homn'uncuuss ti 433 cc or) Baltimore :1 t , p 1.9;); B'uthfl‘!‘ Sm LH’WOgsffg, out 1, 1800. : ‘ 7 J. 0. Neal. . 'I'I‘ORNBY ATLAW, wil floa- nnd I“ other but won. with prongntnmu. (1 ‘ 'r' of of Illa Dhmmd. (fury ‘ gunman“. gm.) . . ”ugh-r 3. Aprifi 11, 1859 ‘ Wl3; 3, Me i 'r‘ronxr. AT Mm— ' dlo strut, onn’; dug! ' grin Hausa“ - - agnpsnrg. Nov. )4, 1859. ’ ,‘Wm. A; I HORNE" AT LAW.— mfl. corner ochutrc S ,n. ‘ ' ~« [ ' -q. Lam-ones E AS his one-. 099 (u -‘ , 6500er am”! - ‘ 1m «in éhurch in lift-blunt)"; street. and : non. rhqn thou wishing "pun! on performbgl ar‘e re! cnll. Bin-luau: Drl. I ' gunk. D. 0.. I%ch H. L. I}. M. ”. Jacobi, Prof. s|. [..‘ Guiyang, April I], '53 ‘ Still at ". 0“)"an AND ‘ —T§:e undersigned r . hi: (richl Mpd tlge pnhlic thogoabhmtking and Bin 4 in way branch It an en: ; m 3; ' I; 9;, a has fian’ufx‘ggm‘iéf‘) order ollkll BUGGIES. SIIEIGHS, Spri 1!» hell matei'iul, and mad hxon.‘ ”Ru-511nm nqd fining: do»; at xensqual End to the intidfncfion of I pout-u} Puoouc: take work at. market price]. . " fil’ersoun desiring nr figgghmnking or Blneks‘ml Ipeclfulli inplped to call 0- JOHN M Gettyxburg. Jun. 24, ’59 '» Hardware 8: ‘ TORR—Thesubaorihen S nssorlmen} of IJARDW } their old esubliihed in”). ‘ “ , ‘ “iflicy hue just rammed In immcnu‘uock o! (1! part. of 1 BUILDING HATERIA i Sran. Hinges. Bolts, Loc‘ ‘ $OOl.B, including Edge n; Minn. Saws, Plnnes, Chi aid Bill, Ange“, Square om, etc. i ' nucksm’ms "will .: Linuphliles,‘ Hone-shoe ' te. with them, \'lry chen- ' COACH’FINIHNGS‘ sue Dania}. hinges. Cotlm Sprint; Axles, Hahn, qu fol:s.—Slugh.clc.. ctc. . ‘ A 'SHQE FINDINGS—ij fiench orwunJJnlngsJi ohm“, ctc., win: a g, Shoem‘nker’l Touls. ‘ ' CABINET-“AKER'S T' nonment; also. furnish, ' HOUSI-ZKEEPERS will snrtgnen! ofKnives and FOl and Sflnr Plated Table .; «wagickn, Waiters, Shov‘ k“ as. Ennngeled’and Bras Mk"? QT?" Omit-ti ‘ Mi . n e on“ user: Rani IRON. ofnll aim-s a, Ind Blister Steel, which u u the cheapest. GROGERIES—a full am such I: Lmnlhed. Ruh- 1‘ {Hahn Sug’nrs, Newlortlc‘ Bufur-hons’e [Molusau‘ A Spleen, Ch'ocojlnte, fine. c- Linseed, Fish Ind Spe Fjih. m. s ‘ A‘ fullns-or‘tmem of L 1 In on', In) “(Eire-proof P 5""? If [db in' “It: liar Shoo flmflnk, I u e- Cybinct-muhu. Pai'nter l" of whicfl they me do! Tor cull In any houpe onl pellysburd; Dec. 2-8, 1 ‘. , Mudfmval “ . 1 HIS FA .L.—Larg ”Stork than Eur .‘— ‘ ucoa. a mm. Tve jun received thein Deco-cl pure m of F 1! sud Winter Goods} Vila: they ofi‘ea-chen 'r than ever, having Bought. it ":0 most fnro?ble rates. . The! ah the finilie‘toxnll in and set their lug. ”lon. h‘cnt, calving”? that, Griff tum on be gnu. led: EH ‘1! Q] OIIIIS, ‘ASSIMERES, VEST 1368. a'annpfhrdeJeans, km, cannot, be hxcolkd for “view; andlthen the 1m? pricen at vhlci “my are lam-roll are really nitonishing. Goal) mndo' “ya“. the ishonest notice, in gho rtdu'lfiy'ln, and :11, 'us' rieusonnblo rates In can i upecfld. their gsfiblishmemb :"n Chum» “til: . 'strocg, n fgig “but: below Buelzler'l pm'gfin -~ '‘ ‘ "' [ 1860.4 ,_‘ fickle; Yam} Rfsmoved. H u acriber hnrin re 21‘ is late 17! T lg: #1333 v. 01": Y'lik «Sign? gfi'fifl‘Lx-g dia upce W ‘ .' Imes‘u un-h, would nonnce lo the public thit he is my prepareq {Squawk}. ill' kin“ at work in his lino. sic}: in hqhu. xmntlflfvtditofien. M 2,! kcmof' eéery mrioly of style ind finltliffirlh‘ pm; Without base; Ind no: ha. to init puj‘c mankind ntfiric}: go suit the limes. l'é'i'spud dgsifiug‘ gpfll; pg 5510141: like will findm I 1561 Half ndz'amag’? u; ‘2'“ ‘lqe’hi. flock Hid pricés lgtfhlo I,“an 1m: elsewhere. ’ . ' 1 Wu. 1:. 1831.3; Gettysburg, March 21,118.59. , ‘ Last Notlce! . 01301! is‘fnqrepy ivefi “tut/{lw Books, ‘ ten ol‘Dt'xs'sq‘ lam. A JUL. hive pliced in the hind o! A. J. Conn, Enq‘, a: collegtion—lh'fegth of Mr: Wag-bright Ziegler compelling mi do inn thi; Ist use: .. gong“ hulng huretofér’effi‘cfi Riffu‘ (q ifl tackled of the necessity oYclbsqu‘their’ ac. edunu without'delny, mfid they hh’y‘fifig fieglect .4 30-11434 to the umg, has com’pg'qed 113 10 (are thi: course. - i—‘ ' M n I.‘M‘ . DANNER‘: k ZYEGLER, 13$. Ang.5,1861. ~3: ‘ 1 . ‘ . w H a] Oil L m 5 Che‘ fir o fhzéfir; ”£05.33“ In :hßP‘Ofiflif? 3?. *9??? WWW??? S3M opposite 111133.ng L‘“““"‘" "‘s'” “H‘Ws'c'urzg‘srt fight? } .:,,.l §..‘ MA 3.18 th New Hap: and,oha.rts ‘ FOB TUET‘IHEQ. ‘ LE\SE up Sen Fri“ [Jul up Circular P D (are engng'nz glewlnn. j A I cimvn of tithe: of the {piloting will be F“: ,pou mini, (u: 23 cents. The whule 5 or —- A ‘ I 01;: I’m: Knit“? Kip- J ' or 1'“ { 1' BO RDEB AND SOUTHERN STATES, En 3nd from the up" n-linbll‘ ruminant 9nd 0 hu- some“, it; Wad-nee y zh‘rhe mud recen .infurmuigu, up 4 ury [urge :Iculy, in the late". and * Mus]? CLEAR, ooxpma Axu RELIABLE, x \II tau :5 the ; r exhaust ‘AP I-zxnxr. pyeplflfioll. especial ulnflbh I! given position of 'l'roiops, Yurul Milt-«wk. Di uncel, leqors. Sc: Cdaut. nuid all [H4O and man“; either {uh-bud; impot likely c 9 1 mm. to in ‘zboficuu. lixo inch,» firing 6p; veg”: rJ MI to 1h River Tow )nul. ~ 84 5 a 9.113 door west 0): lnnJlhnm n Snucn'on 'O3 Ly Luna War l'uimt, uni I“ .nmrnl a) Kuh l iiqpin Hfigllnd.‘ ’ ,orbouaM,nnd engaged,“ lo noil Ind other him personally gnly I'l. seen ; mg 0 the i ”.01! AT LAW. eel, nearl} oppo- workl Ipnrl '.V P i (“HF 30 c E uuend to colloc ucu innit-20d to flee in the S. E. rly occupiud by "In (mum, cat. on the nu‘ I can, ' flies in ‘he North mre, Getty-burg, ct. 3.1g59. a ‘ M; D. {Sppqsno Fichlng'l 0 buy; an] pent”! ectfully inuilmim orner, Rev. C. P. ugher, D. D., Rev. ‘St-uer. ' I. [: LACKSMH‘HING lpecfl‘ully inform: r but he continue: smilhingfimlineu lilhmoM—iu Clum v hundv d ‘3l] »» f'ql' UlnfipAflk, u: quods, #O., 0! by annex-jar Work ‘ngxsqwmxn of lo mm, promptly nsromrn. in uchhnge for cloa or war}: in the hing line, :ou'e re~ Lin Sc J Kn, lou Sln 110er wonm Grocery still h-fi'ein splendid IIEtGRDCI-IR'EH, and» in Baltimore ran: the Cities with ads—consisting, in ‘ such I] Hails. sJQlnss, etc.. etc. Tools 0! every da sols: ungn, {Braces Gang", Raquel-i, il EW HA HHLE WQRXS, co‘r er of Balli- II more End Enslqulo sand; ,directly op he the new Court} Honse,i oll_vs|.upg.— 'ing recently nnivedflrom P-Hi ndelphia, and ins: fun, GQmPck-nt to «not?! all york in fines! “flu or, the Mt, we‘wo‘l Id respectful!- uvite the Mtentibn {lf the pub’ic wishing “to ‘ are anything in ouffliuqto f \'or us will! a and examine spocnpens of : work. We prcpnr‘ed to furnish MONU NTS, TOSIBS ) HEADSTONES, MARBU MANfl'LI-IS, BS for Cabinet-make", am!‘ 11 other i'ork - rtaining to our business, am e lowestpqs -1 Prices. “‘9 do gm. hpaip to guarantee our work shall be put up In mnnne; swh: P 0 | Ha fuel the 1;" n 4 units. Vices, - llurao-shoe‘fiafili, E" is Cloth, Cum-u, , ‘ Mn", oil-cloth, kfil‘ Felloes, Bows, mulco, nmsh Ind iudings, Pegs, Lgtsts, neral'nisortment of 90LS—a general as i noHI, em, etc. 130 find u large as ks. Britannia, Alhau in! Ten: Spoons, Can ‘ la and Tongs, Sud -5 Kettles, Pn3§,Tghs, g 2. 00.. em. tin] and tasteful equal to IL in the cities. where every . experience has sn'ggcstefl - ‘ glpecinlly do ‘ije guunntee‘t x .d Grave and york ghnlkfl . nu; mhg affected by frost” for years that women 9f 33 completion of‘n job, and :s . nuc_d gracefulnesa and sym \“3B, 1859. tf f ,f on! of Forged and Pd kinds, Cast, Shear, my will sell m 3 chqup Eu genamlh-nortmem, } izcd, Olaiilicd, and ‘ nu, West Indies, and ad Sy‘rhps, Com-e, fine, and dairy Salt, In Oil, Jurpenfiue, I d and Zinc, dry, and in”; in {ac}, almost ware, Coach Finding, oeping, ’bllckflnith, , ibd Gracogé line— nnined to ac in 105 of the City. _ 03!. A”: mxxm, AVID ZIEG LEI! EEO 15 )"'" AND 1529 _ Ll nmmuu. duct ~ for two yarn “lifi‘l Cum" t 03H mnnmpqn the uni .\‘ew York. um 18” will re-open on ha I: In! ample and co odncitiun of Young L of, II am; D'Hervilly. quit .0 information, 0: mi ‘ unh's Brine? t A v. 13, 1861.‘ $l,, The W RBACK'SC .\I R LET AND WAS T R Th underalznrd In for _lmnufnctnring County of Adams, Pn‘ lens that thty are no Township and Family all who wish to ehgn both ‘Toilel and '\\'a ‘ unlit-r.) gratin, n n] are dbinz and be sure gin-y Invest {heir mun '{his anix-Ic has pro [EL '8 ULTRA " of a) Introducrd [flu inmr a“ 0!: bra,‘fz'i)m its ch iféritj', ta thch ever. _n :1 MN 'wlll (tearful Karl-Rn fur‘f, 'er pg; pneufn, n? \ grlf, git}: ..irful; -rglierp‘ygg 'a n 1 \’crk, In. ‘ . ’ . 9_. uh: v Sep‘c. so, 1861. 3: ‘ N neg. ‘2‘ ‘ HE undersigned, myifi'fid lugge 5111 mm filming on m: be?“I fog: cag‘stfuhk length of li' e, princi' 11y m'ule 'l3; ’6 {sunny} nccnu‘au. “has this cthod'bfld‘ol _(‘iiigqh'baé i' de'ngud to him, that he need! money, mi! 11‘ lfis friends will call I d scallo' their Accounts, he win (otl uh‘ge'; ma obligngin‘lu 10 them. Sepia 186 .I ---- {1 1,. hcglmz; TYSON BRO”W”2."§-2 mfii‘ipg weir Rum wig p‘cture: at plums d It (ha Luge . f G. C 13% has '11:: reqelvegnfrpm gins H 1 (11% (a ilndglthjn‘ it Very ‘c~ ri'ihgrf "‘9'“ka Jl." and In“! G pqeme‘hfis Neck Tics, :bltc}; in: is scllifg #qu: yum 67812! Fm: BEST uptown“ run A G‘BN T S ; “,proma. ‘J ; g 3. 1!;me a: 00:3 'nm EQUESTRIAN! unitary Pom-an (mien-y, J gulps)" ; , 5 as}: m: ova mm sou-m FIELD | Hymns or; nonsmpcx, , r you“, very 1539,13!“ {he heads ‘1! nevenl athers. 1 Chart in gronqunccd by 9! wpm hue t. to aim the bes'. likenessep of our lmd can ya engraved, Had to pg altogether out i Ll).-SI‘IRITED AND, AT“: ACTIVE‘ of the kind ”I. .iuied. . q pains Ire - to masks the uuluflufl mid bpiah as near ;fect u ponibll.; This Ipleudld naw 2’3 733- 511 nadfi. Size 28 ;x 38. Who ' s. -—:- 3 MILXT§RV ”ORTRAUfS, laps any! Am, ‘ 1m to" tum}: ‘won w'unm. ' _ large, spluidid "fad-pier ‘exhibits a uh mob of the uniform: or}! in.o.nr' : proleflln'gjlle Stairs and Stripes with lelsnndlh‘flchunnon. In: foroipouml. gnu" lnmpling on the Rgel Flag, and pen! underngnth, glue flig eing plainly In. Under this. nr‘n come; pods-alt: of rnls Scott, McClEllnn. Lyon, Butler. he: I’ Bank'l, Sprague, BrentinJ enker,Wooll pcmn;, Burnside, {Ding Sig l, McDowell, liomquon Slriu lynx), Cg 5: C rcornn I engher, ind levfi?:l others. I 4ft tile but; is a New an, jujt unpaved, H by 28 I in lize, showinptho whélq of Missouri. lucky, Tennosleo, Vilh [mm of Kenna, ; nun, Ohio, lndlus, and Illinois, “word: ‘0 Ih. lawn info: tion. Tlte Border of aha". ll cqmposm of Mill ry Figurel, ing to rtoan o sf r flu: )1 an M:- ing {'o liurdéofitil‘mlcs? 3' ‘ _yk ' L- This Chart can hp had with the mum; of Vitgixgiq, Narylgnd,alc., In place 0! phe i of Missouri, Runaway, eta, 181'“ 28 x :18. m3O cnnta. . .g ‘ v _l I THE CU!!’LETR-;‘ ; unitary Campaign 111-t. in large nnd carefully prep red 3' :k, in _v with man; recent nddili m, uni now lain: u very amine: .\lsp 0! ’irziu‘m {ghd mm! 14 by 27mm. A m u nap ofthe led States. with lecelsion 1i .'“ very rIL-xn isof the Nil-ch Untoliqn Guzfit nnJ Bull I Rania Field. with explnnqlinm. 41,40, incl Map! ofthe Diurigl 'f Columbiu, linsippi River, .\‘aw Ollenns nd vicinity: I'o and vicinity: B:4“th ml vicinity: Heston and vicinity; Mobile nq rihinity: vgston nnd vicinity: Penmmlla ‘lhy. For! 'enl,etc.,etc. Bilq2Bx3B. l’riceau'cu. I l-w Political Chart for t-o Times. ‘ his Chart hislnrge“ life-life e gmvings of i oln and all his ngbinet, «ml of Grnernl (I, General Butler, GeuwAndc lon, Colonel worth, Head-piece {with H: 'B. Washing etc. Slaps sho'wingfthe Free . mum, Borrlur eStnlesund Sece‘ded State; at Térrimrics. I ill‘erent colon ; Snlz‘tries of U 'cers, Statis of tho Election 0fi,1860, (‘e an: of 1860, r! own thing: to male the Chxlrl nttrm-thu 1, useln'l. Size 28 fie. Brien» 15 cents. ie clnful lo mldreui < 11.5". LLOY k 00., 25 llownrd Street, \’ew \'Yrk. 01. 5, 1861. ‘ ‘ ' Cannon & Adal s ‘ A 2 Tan hone .mum'm swa-‘ruu for: at Prim“ Sal? me Br.l ‘w reaidesvl mama in Exp: shun-g, ncgjoining S. It Tali I l'l. .\lcElro; on the east, in the rear. T 1“: "0!)- toerulue, Wont erhgqm tracer,“ , 'aty o blinding; a 39" the door; an a. afipears, patche ‘ s,all lhh molt c; } K nprjncoll, ice. 1 » mum! • 12, NM 0 Chegary '.mmc s'r., PHILA ' This nstitutell‘ can -916, i 4 this 'city, by - her {niece Hun)“ ‘lme principles In the linked 3 5m in the yen:- ondy, ept. lath. with - piety provision for the iel. under the direction Circul+m and anal-C!» be ohtpinod on appli- in ’s Pfend. Incxnc EMICALJOI ,m: sq”. 'ilruzr dh 'ht *n u M: t ms: !e 2&qu Soup {9; the l, henhyfinform the cili ' nrepurpd to lg“ both ‘Rights, and will furnish e in this business whh 1 ing Soup, (to tag: its should know what (liey Tim, thcyare right before v. 1 a I on itselflo be the“ NE I sflnps, ‘nnd where once > ably “Jen the plum of npness nd great supe one thhu once given 3' testify: iculm, hddreu the pr0“£2.12 “£2.12 ; STRAYEB.‘ QTEAM .IJMI-1‘5111.1., CORNER OF WEST L, AN!) RAILROAD STREETS, NEAR THE Fl )UXDRY.-—The lubsoribu’, hnvlug land the vaelm.\lill pfllr. C W. llunux, in this [11.09, has had it thoroughly repaired. by placing in n the unccss iry machinery lor grinding Lime— Ilona. The mill is nowin uperntlon and l mu ren’dy to mpply nny delnnml for this useful Fertilizer. GROUND LIME-STONE it now cnnceddd by those who have lasted it. to be a much boner Fortillu-r {hm 39"“ Limc. ou in. deed any of the mlxur l-‘ertilizl-rs generally up. plied to land. Thu l‘nllawing Certifimtu from Mr "mun. an extensive finrmcr, and highly re iprrtnlfie citizen of .\dnms foamy, will “tell. the trulh of this assertion: ; ‘6'“! have hen-n tryihg Hanson myland fur thb I find, It m be u beuer fe-lili Lime. and cant-n. It‘gha in the fin! crop. 3 : Numerous other nortifirnt could be producrdfilmt ibis ”Pittman nrg requcl ordrra and to give it n din Mar. 4, lam. u i --._. -.373. __..‘3--_e-1 GettysburgL F "E subscriber. hivi Foundry of )leurlJZO (formerly Warn-n!" l'onylr husinell,dnd is new p cpl :uhlic li\ larger assortmgut n 3: hnretniore lICUn‘ oiferfed.‘l l.\'(‘: .\l.\Clll.\'l-‘.S, ClnyeriH “‘s’ (“urn Sh" llurs, and “or lime unkeL Akin. smv Syn-es, three dim‘rtnt k"nd liirs ol' Te‘n-plute‘ Slovakia. Suw—mi‘ll Hastings, and in Iron a; “'nnd. ’ I finnmmmn o’fn 1 k and Cir-slimy: “ill be d ne notice. Putter-us made la 0‘ lug; remly mmle 5911 mm! Wither-ow, I’lm-hpr, \‘ others my! mentioned M 4"; law“ at max ricxcix . Porches or Yunls. i j ; Mm, binnising‘Machinea‘L one of: the bug nontia use; 'l‘hisimnchirle orks LWIUI a lever by" hand; any little haycip innnngb it (full and examine n'nr‘ nick; np {doubt but what m 1 can pledge. 1’ s'3tu (might to see it their ndvuninge td hny m llincvyzullinny kind ntllome.wht~:e itin mnnu n turedJnL that they can Yeryeuall) gcmnypglrir plat-ed L repaired, 3 fl). V 11) S'lngNl-JR. Gettysburg, Fell. 13, 1890 . L 3 ~_‘ ‘, .. . ,3 3w» ...!__._. Only 0:15 Dollar Eaph! "'0 000 REAI‘TIFI’L STE? PLATE 9 ' EN'GR \\']Nf§Sor-r xI.ORD’S PH.“ Ell FOR SALE—Yuma“ :Puornnv Givux AWAY i—T‘lll‘ idm ;of rcprpséntlug the L 0 .l'x Pmycr byjan vngr‘kwing. n5l of arm:- men 'ng rigid nrmnglnz it ip such _‘a [Winner us to pro we at cure A model of.nea‘tness unul tnsthr' s rnnroiiiod :Ind cirried on! by Oms ii‘. the oelvbrnted Bunk .\‘ole Humidor. oth‘w York City. Mnmmenu's frith exquisitely ex: eu-uted worh r! ‘! Our l-‘nthFrJ’ mud gilt-n follow in auureuiufi the other phi-u of the prayer, given-y phumw of v-"liuh is e gnu-ell in the most. ell-grunt. nnd_ huh-Mi ma‘nnc‘ . Nezir pie bottom of the picture is In suherbl executed had of um SAYIOR, and mcirt- in: (hit upper m of thcfingrafing? airt- ton' n‘ 20h. enJFh bearing mm or the TEN counts" Maxis: The en yr'njillem!WWll/011th? mo, t uuqimlifiedpmise from Plu- religiou‘a cnmmun ty. as Lhéri- is uoth. in; u g a) sectari:in__r-hnrup ‘i- übohti it. having been {rcrommemlnd by Cl rmmdmof all de nmn'nintions. Ajs an on?" out. itiiu one of the inn-2t Hpil‘fl‘nll cfi'l' pu‘Jfil c.) in th’is runntry. and i ‘ dentinerl to tuko tli pluc‘ r a poorer rlnu if engravinm. Tho 7.2 of 31 plate is 20 hr Q‘Ranht‘fl, um] ls unqucF ionnhlyilhc clump est c-n (nvinu‘evrr offi-rml‘ n this ountry. “‘hgthatlnws nut—.wimg’t :a‘dcl mlnstoatudy n finvinhcmrinrza—whn tbrfi' “'th 'leveivc the imp’re iinn: whirh finchiui‘ work 5; cnlvuintul in im nrt. would fail tn evnrt- rom’ vyhan the‘ 1 ice is UNLY OXE; ("J.. R, with the clmnrp of securihg for thd sum. i addition, it permunt’nt home or nnoqhi mlu. lilo gin? As h work offlrt this \"nfl I \hlc “(ml beautiful enmr'iug ifiwutth mure‘t n the Dollnrnsked fur itvgns will ropdily be; knowlédgwl an an ignsnccitim) of it ; but. {liqsl «(TIMI-s intuml to make u Gift Didrihution l purt-hfieor: of the tinyruriugs, nf mlnnlnle nr' outa.‘ni follows: i Home and L'm.‘ I." York I‘- rough“ 2 Buggies. (Quinn 51 Pulmd ‘s multmurruntcdl) i Rm-lmw y, . ‘ _ k ‘ ‘2 nuililinvflmt: in York I} 1.000 :anulnhle ”nnki, , ' .10 labia. l-‘tinur. (Farrimtc. ,lfitmjflnid (lilt‘l’mmes '- tlmJlmrd'a I'mven. 1 500 Steel Plate Engraving! Magnifire t Lo‘vkiny: (ilnsfi Gnlil hurl ilvoriWntchcsfl All kind or chwulry. Phi-outta, Mésnic, Gold‘s A Gift orlh {ram 50 c ‘ each engr .iug SOM. l When t e ong'rni'ingq nr ofthc pu hnnvmphll be 0 Hall. Yor . Pin," when th will he~di tributed in such chaser! nr éqterminv; lcctiup A icnmmittee of~di‘ to make the inwards in all m-n- designate. * . t ‘ The pmprietoi-s, frnm‘ttl in \vifich This Gill Euterpri. and the numhvlf of ongrt hope go l/e able to bani of by; the lat nfj'Oct., en; are srtlrl V£téj will notifylt have .he I ibtrihution ofi't with: i 1 . 1 This onfrnvln‘g hna ropéi tion of th Reverend ()lein'p and iiulued ofull classes, iv spirit}? ‘0 best to be improvement is nvhilefl of, 1:: our Ceme -9 so carefully at shall Innin onitiongivbu . neoe‘nnryvto etry. .depaig-n'efl or. Tnerty in whirh .\lidfil: ”rift, 4):: on tho west vilh an. 38 is a 'p .yvith a" ' Fill) a pump in ‘J fruit. such n 5 9, éberries, and a AUSTIN It W J. *l. Ann-m ~ ‘{ a g: myx‘mnmxm We inhite muelmm‘. to‘ mvlml‘ntinlvf: ‘ from Rev. .W.Tllommn.nu ‘ n: Eplncopnl Chum Messrs)! Austin ll Wehrl of the “ «mfg Prayer” w for splé 12y Makers. Augti Borough ‘s “ got up ” Ii benniy, and ought to rot" . .lic Mtenti n—nhything Ilsa bi comp sition ‘qcfpre titre lilialyluo 0 good. The at to requirei examination in . and l‘cnannt hope that have in 11 mi in: diatribmi rue, willhbe übnndnnfily undcxtnkin. . ~:€. hunt a. v. I. I. Hugo-é ' ‘ Chm-ch, Yb : “ ’ Yarn, . .\louri. Austin s'. Wehfl pleimirc ql‘ inspecting Miss: ly‘n splemiid engraving of 'wuuld cordially repommem unenzinn of their friends whrrp. It I: not only a bei the dwelling of every Chfri n usgl‘ul and eiifying 39:11 schools and similar benq‘yr =CM 1122111 @Edltors or Publiqh this advertisement 6 inner to an “Engraving and Tick plum; for that ,time to duv serung it until the limo'gn lrilmliuu, with an Edlmni weeks. they will rcreive? .‘ with a ling gold gilt {tunnel Tirkot. AU l'ork,.lllne 24,1mr. ‘ I ' , Tinning! T HE underqigncd to!' I ci‘izeus of(§pttyxbuf_ "any, that he has opened lablishment. in Chainbe'rs opposite Christ Church. ‘ arid Beer consmntlv on )1. TIN-WARE, pnrzssmw ‘ and will Always be ready] RUOEIXG and SPOUTI best manner. ‘Prices m 9 spam] to render full snip ii _lh‘g pnlilic'a patronage is: ‘ ) gettxfi'gqrgutu‘nele, Llsl Butter, . HICKEXS. and gt e' O l'y to be buddy?! 52 '~ 41:3. 26, 1841. ‘ 'G.c.um h“. juit I I. nfisorupent of G- Cumc an cxumjneflhgmfl Gettysburg he Ground Lime- In {our you" and I" thnn the Burnt givcm nkjwtion lmsn DIEHL‘.“ ‘I of lfke chmcuu l sumcient. d to tend in flash OWN HOOVER. . undry. ’ c. s. comma-r a co., K Pulfhlflid “'8 123 South 41!: street, Philadelphin. 'angll‘, SlonttCo” . - DKRECTIONS ;FOR USING UOLBERT’S ,) hu commenced BALM IN (“LEAD—For Todthoch apply it red to ofler u, the over the {nee Ind» gums 96, mi tog”: mama, of Muchinery than pressing the hindinpan the‘fnq‘n; npeat I! mil. such _as Tillman. ‘ ouud. In extreme case- wet; cotton witg the 'lers, Fmiders cm, Balmh Ind cover, the moth nd mum”; For un's l§teiimpfoved Headache. bathe ghq temples nd apply til the ‘S. we]; .5 (look nose; Indnke from ten to th' ty drops in half ; and Ifive dim-rem? atnmhlu of wutnl, aweetened‘ ' ‘Likewicé Hill and‘ F 0; Group and Son Thmntlmke‘from gen to im]; of'l‘luzuing in thirty dmpa imam-Hy, on sugar or’inawecten ‘ _ 4 Led mum water: bulbs the 31m“. freely and nds on machinery bind‘onnflapnel, : For Hulls he, Rheum-tin), to ordcr' on short Nenmlgin, Lame Buck on Side'hgtbg (peel! yith .1”; l’lo‘ugh Cust- Bulm in Qilmd; IBM gellernll tn 5 lntatnnhg. S, such-R SL-yh-r,I ‘ For Burn: mix, at part Bu 1h in Gilead and wrk,: “lid many two of water nndg flour, :0 3: lie 3 pmgle, coval lam] gig)“ amen.“ the burn with the‘ume. Eur Colic, I|:ka from. _ {OY9 Cemeteries,~ ten to forty drop: in hot. “fawn bathe the,‘ ' ‘ bowel: and apply we! fitnneln 11l the übovo till I uller dose it for ‘childrcn, and the [Argu for n alts; vary *ccogling to: age uld circum amn a. ‘, ‘ j ‘ Co bert’a Bnlmlln Gilend‘ll harmlou. :Col ben' Bulm in Gilead‘givulmtlihcllon. : . T 330” who halve used Bhlm in Gllud will not. 0 without “T . . -' Agent: minced: Fol: term; mldren ‘ «l. 10, 5. contain 1; 00,; , So. 133 S. I?\ uclh St. Philadelphia, [’l. , N. ;B. Orders $011! by Expl’csn to nny pitta! [the Unit-d States: at the nhunleltputlne. '. April 29, UGLi on g d ..f ' . ' , 4' "~47: Prot. 'l’... 111101“: 1 n rough * suit fijgrming of )irlh r.‘ jolmst, mhrm-i is; Ffimoos, lfltone. u,. kc, .u (o .100 00 with 1 ! nll m h :1 meeting HM M 'ushingtnn Gifts mod shave .manne u the pur -5 he 1m rclx‘nsers sc 'i'ntvre;p,ed person! ~h madper as they I fuvorrilyle mnnneu I 0 lmsb . nreceived, .'ings agent“ sold, e nmon‘m dispogewt ling, anrli when all .e pnrtl‘hanerfl, and c Giflé proceeded 'ud tlmkommendn ;, car 3: citizens, 0 cute Into it will: .URLY., ‘iouun'Wlnnu. 'TIONB ; lowa u! the, pawn»; en!“ 8:. 'Uohn’n I‘mhu , York, . :—l‘h?engrnrln¢ ich is ‘ orofi'cred L a; Wain-Ly of this h much into and _mean iigdftn pub ‘ will ket-p am no ind mid memory in F k seem to me only rder to Ibe admired, he gentlemen who M so;modemle a sum-esgul in their W. T" MPSON. . a 91:“. Hanna 3., Feb; no. 1861 A 2—Hufing had “19 ‘ rs. Austin & Wehr he Lanna Prayer, I i it to thp favorable at thk and else lutifnl ornament. for flu: {unfit}, but Ilsa lisitionjflor Sunday _lent infihnlinm. F. F. ‘HAGEN. rs of pnpen giving mus, will be entitled I, by forwardingtho i nddreu. or by in pointed for the dilv :vl nogia‘e gnce in 3 :e cngrnving frame Ito with: size and a. -TIS & WEEKLY. uning ! ' tfully informl Oh! and the public gen : new Tinning as. urg street, directly he will manufacture, nd, every variety of '.d JAPAN-WARE, to do REPAIRING. '0 Also done in the crate, And no efl‘on ction. A in" of “cited. A. P. BAUGEER. (o.ly’ ‘ 88% . ‘ nrketilg. consum [l.o; QARR‘S. ljeqelv ' qver’ he J 5. 9%“ ww- $lOOO Reward! WILL BE PAID FOR ANY "ENGINE THAT WILL. EXCEL COLBERT'S BALI IN fllLEJDl—nunn AND Hun uu 70 mt Soxs un mronnus or Anne -1101 !—F’or theqni? cure of Headache, Tooth ache, Rhumntism, eqnlgia, Pain in the side, bark or stomach, Runner's Colic or Cnmp Froned Fee: or Eu: Burns. Fresh Cute, Sprain. Bruisu, Diarrhma, Sqrp Throat, and :11 similar complain". ' Toothache cured in ten minutes. Ranch: cured in five minutes. Headwhe cured in ten minutes. Burn! cured‘n'om "muting in two mlnntu. Neuralgia pains cumd in flv'f'. min. um. Colic cured in ten minulu. Swami relieved in ken minmen. Sore throat nlieved in fivominutea. : 100 Cue: have been Cured by one Agra! in I Siggie Day! EVERY BOTTLE WARRANT ED. 1?" n! 'l'" 1'!!! Tu I 1 I H Price 25 mid 50 cont: pet Bottle. These things we prove on the [pot and before "9‘: ”pg only bring on your run. , fi-A llibexcxd discount made to Agents; one wanted in every town 3 use, A few good lrnfellnw Agents. All orders and communica tkuu‘lhoultl boaddressod to ' I IAIRIX\'IGgRi\TOR.§:-;An Effoctirefinfe? ‘ i and Bruno, luul Command. 3 ' my: nnsromm mm mm to It: origi nal dolor without dyeing, mid p’revcntink the Iluilafmm turnln gray. , 4 ' . F R I’REVENEIN'G BALDYBSSJnII curing it, wimp there ilfiha lenstpurtifle of Vitality or reruimmtlve 0:10;. revv-nlninm: ‘ Fo]? ‘REMOVI :3 SOUR!" AND DANDRL'PF, em] all mutant-wil infection?” the Scalp. Ft BEAI'TIF‘YIXG 'l‘li [[.\lll. imparting to it n unequal]?! glows nnfl*hrilliunrylmaking I! go ‘ and aiiky 1: ii: texture and cnuslhg‘lt to curl, eudilyu ‘ t 1 ' ‘ | The great celehrity and thelnrrnnsing do mund ft r this un'pqnulled [WI-putatinn. convigu .e the :oprielor that one trigiljarunly nooeyiry to rmist’y 1 disderning puiliiic‘of it! .‘l‘fi‘fiur qunl lieu over any other prpjmr‘ ti'omnt [in-sent in u. 1., It cleave: thehp‘hd scalp from dam rull’xmd "the: iii-hummus ium)", causes the hair to grow luxurinhg‘ly, ,uud given It 'a richiisoft, gloss}; and flexil , e uppm‘rnnce,_and nlmHlVhoro the liairfis’lnnseniug nn-l thinning, ,it “Fl giié slr‘ ugth and vigor In the ronti, und gu-storo the Frrowth tdlthoseJuntts which huve‘ hecumo bxuhl, taming it ‘lO field a {nah «availing of hair,‘ Tithe n5O hung-lrudu (if lmliot nml gentlemen in NEW York in Iq'u have but their huir restore-«l by‘t Ale uxo 01' this Invlgurujov, ”on all other prepfimtiuns hu. fnilml. 10. M. lut: In his pus seisirpu lt-ttcrs "numeral? tealifiiufllmthe Mumgé- facts, frthn pnr~onsluf the highci! re. Ipedithilily. It;I will cli't‘. luully prim-ht 1!“) hairli‘rom turnirig gray mini} tln- l.ite<t )mrifid oflii‘e; and in} lists “hem ihe hair has zdreurly ,tlllll ged its ruler. the use‘pf the [nrigurntur \\ ill "ith certainty reelorclit to ils'oiigiunl hhc, phi i: it n ilurk ‘glqssy “pm-Mince ' A.” per. , fm'u lfou the mile: und u H Oir {ii-{curative l! ii I hurt hulnrlyrecommended‘ jlpwlhgé‘hn :lurconhlr I [mi lure: 11ml he grout. ilrilitica it ufl'urds iu :rlrt- ' mg the ha r, “‘Jlll'il. \‘hen mnist with the ' lnrifinrutor can it: drum-din mij'li-quiretl {min I so ”310 preserve its plnce,[wheihizr plnin or ni ‘t'urlei—hence th,‘ preut dihlmnil for it by the Lidi :1 an n suuiilnrd tuilet‘ nrti‘rle nhwli none I ouglfik to he withput. aq tho prim: places it. ' within the reach of all. lung 1 :3 ONLY nwnxrnfin‘u «laws per h‘ottle, to bk haul at ‘ l respectable drug | gistafnnd pectin-ii“. l i 1..}i§111.1.1'2R w‘puld rallithe attention of PM lenujnnd Gunrtlinns to the use of his Invigor gltnrllin cases when the children‘s huir inclines 10’ hf! weak. The u’se of it lays the foundation, for ,’good headl nt hair, is it removes nny in), putrilies'thnt may lime he ome nominated With the :ncnlp, the r'emovnl- 11‘! which is necessary l both for the health of the: child, xvii the futu‘re nfipearnnco ol'in's hair. ‘ f vGKl'TluN.— ole genuine withnut the the smile of LOUI% “will“ b \ing oh the outer .w'ra penalso, 1. MlLLH’I‘g “All! INVIUU- Rfi‘fOß, .\‘t Y.. lawn in t' u: gluu. : i\\}hol‘csnle Dd at, 56 Day 8%.. and sold by all the Krincipnl Mei-chants mid Druggists'tllrough 'out he world. -§ ; ~’ ‘ rLi ‘ernldiscox 111 to purchnscrsbfihequnntitf: 1 _ 1 (51:9 chim to pregent tn the Ain't-titan phh‘it my Siw‘uojnrnpvnh Ixsnxnuhvs I.}in ”D HAIR bYR illicit after, years of wife.- ti erxperimeuttigi have brought to perfection. itjd‘es Black 0 Brown i‘xiitnutly withput in ,jiiryi to the Hair or Skim—Vi ”muted :he best ' a ti lc of tho kihd in existence. i’lllUfi.o.\'LY 15? GENTS. Depot, 56 Dry Sit-bet, New York. 1 ,Oht. 2g, 1369 i 1y f x , . ll"' ‘ ' l ,1 1 Change otl-Time; ‘ Innrsnufia RAILEOLQD,—On and um , Wednesday, May 14?. l’dfil, mg Morning Train will lean-l Gettysburg M 7.40 A. IL, will; punengeu for nll the cdnnectlons. North and South, on the "orthern lCentral Railwq, and return about :P. 11. j'l'he Afternoon Train w‘ill‘l leave Gettysburg , t 2.1;). P. 51.; but passenger; by this Trnln‘ nso no further than [hunter the muse eve ing. Rbturning will readh Gettysburg about ELM P. 1, with punch gerl from Harrisburg, ljhilndelphiu,.kc. By lhhifimnzewms Enrica: from the country, can the line at :1: Railroad, having business to transact in Gettylbu?, can take the noon ‘ Train up and hive near] ‘ two hum in Gem .- ‘ burg, and retmb in the he‘rnoon Train. \ . g n. n 'URDY,Presidont. 1 May 21, 1860‘. ‘ f ~ A «at—b» ___... ,_L-‘,__...r+_______——-—.——— ’ Hanover Branch mead. : 05mm Ainmxugnnxrsq—r-mngu , ‘Trnine run‘na follow.“ _ FIRST Imm lemi Hunover ass, AJL. I mklng direct (tonnectio‘n nt Junction for York, Harrisburg, Ph lndelphin, nucl the Welt. _ SECQND TRAIN leaves Hanover 9t 3, P. IL, with Pulengerh for Baltimore and intermedinw poi-tn. u 3‘ 1 Through mm. are mud to Phllndelphin, lColumhin, Harrisburgfl York, William-port, e Bulfilpnre, Ind 11l princlpnl eny poinll on' the ‘ line of thallonhern'oemynl Elihu!- D. K. T 3035, Ticket Agent. June 10, 1861. ; ~ RemmnUit. > Enndenixied,being the sufihofiudpmqn ‘0 make rumpvulu hm Eve'r Green Cune te ,hqpes up: sgch as cnqtemplnte mo roman] ofthe rqmnim of qegeused reluivel or friend! gill avail manual“; of this sen-on oflheyear to have it done. Removals ‘made with promplneu ——temu low, Ind no 63(12‘ gutted to plane. 1’ ”3R THURN, Huck 12,150. Keeper of the Cagggery. ' -ISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHQE§.—A M blrgenlsortmcnt ofMiuea'lnd Chi] ren'a Shoes, Bhok ma Colored, at April 22. _ B. E. HcILHENY'S. OMESTICS, TickimglV Checks, Flannel ac.Y cheap gt Fahnuwch’. We hue nlw u USLIN branded mm our own n_nme, go which we il b, tar. ..., pd“. fiISH Ll} ‘lelov « out ryceiveu INEnAmj a: SULLIvu beg leave to can the nlention of their Friends 9nd 11,3: pub hc generally to the fact. mu they hnrejun rc tumed from the Chin of Bhipdt’lphia and Bnltimore, with a NEW AND SFLENMD AS,- SORTMEYT OF' GOODS, cheaper um; cve; before ofl'ered in the county. lining b'ouglnthcir zumls {or Cash, at panic prices, and am time when the decline in many kinds of fJbHCI is unpl’l'CNll‘nloll. Huey are en abled to ofl'er such BARGAINS naval] nstqn.sll the most. creluluus. If our friends will but onll'nnd examine our sunk, which is complete in every department, We are aum‘wn can 011'” lgoh luducemonls as wlll amply repay them for their trouble. Every article u~unl§y Ram in 5 fir" qlnn oonntry more will be fouhd on hand. We ah diwrmined NOT TO BE UNDERSULD uywhqre outside of the City, as our motto ll " Quick Sale! apd Small Profits." X 0 trouble to aim“ goodn. 5 ~ fi-Wa also take ship occulon to return our thank: for the very generous’pnuonnge wgbave heretofore "delved, and indulge the hop. that by lain nttenuon to b‘uQinu, In? (high re gard for the lateral; of both o'u patron: and oumlvu, to merit a continuannd‘nf tlu-igflmd rum. mxnmm a: SULLIVAN, Comer Main and Mountain ”if , April 8, 1851. ¢ Fnlrfield, ’ ’n. . Come to the Falrl. I ‘ NI) DONITHRIQGETTQ “SF". PLEA AK? A RIDGk NU b 3“ KS.—Borsons' 5' hing lq hm Trees will find the stock in the gum! remarhlfly fine, and offered at eduqm p‘ric’us. The Apple number: 100 varie‘lbs, emlpinciqg all the npproud sorta. - l g X. B.—;Se_c the index banli nehr Flora Dale Ponnflice. I‘. E. caoxtgsms, Sept. 2,1861. ‘ l =roprpdorB: . Snmpthmg Ne ‘ Ixcmvdutm.—m unam gneqiufqrml (he chimp: of the town _m‘d c ungy. um. he has commcwed‘ Hie BAKING business, on a llrge lcnle, ii York street, Gettysburg. nearly oppouite \Vatnes’s Hotel, wfgere lie wj‘l try In amen-o, and hope: to receive, 4 Liberal patron- N 18,; 111 mm. ROLLS, (:Akrzgzuucxrzus, PRETZBLS, MO,, he" [lnked eV; 1"." (lily, éSun dnp‘exceptedJ all of tho best Illinlity, an sold It the lowestllivlng profits. Crncker-lmking in all m branches 1- llll‘gcb’ carried on. nudi order: to any nmoufit, from mid and Idlyinjng coun ties, luppli ' at _the shone.“ giu‘fire‘ Having greetedn Isle-g: and commodiuu’é b :kwhotpe hnd secured the belt workman mad Ihr: lur‘m. Ap proved machinery, he is prepired to do a hurry Lulqulg A Removal EW annex—Gnu. r. E(‘§‘|E.\'l:ODE hna N nmovdd his Oyster cstnbli uni-:‘niim the Iplcndid new Salonn in Javobs k. Jim!“ Build ing, on the North “do 01 {‘hnmhofrshurg kin-cl, where be will at all limos be matured w servo up the but 9! UYSTEIIS, in my; style. at! keeping n gq‘qd nnlclc. he uxpeutg‘ to mr‘eive A liberal that? of public pun-cringe. TK'RTIJ'} sow, CHIpKI-IN', BEEF Tug: FEET, TIHl’ I. ISOILED nml F (THAN. PH DS. &c.. in their glut ot'AL or L (El-IR can al Comq: and t l "12.? G], F April 2, Imm. 'Grogenes, Notion? [IE undérsigned lms openrd'? G“ V Ll Notiouiswrc, in llnltinmrgegwtrget, nearly opposite 1h €0le! House. (lefiiyelugrg, where the public Jill con'lmnlly'finll.l’!“n4: cheap 3 the cheupeyg SUGARS. Syrupi, .\fnlgqsus. 0:32 feel, Team: ice. Cheese, Spiqu uf' 11,]! Hugh, Mackerel, (illocolntv, Brooms "ml ,llruslwo; Fresh ilulter nnd Egg‘. Hrmmd (‘oJl‘n-r, Bud-nee 070047915 St‘blch Herring. (‘umlh-vz. Snug" SJ“; Tobacco, 86km", Snufl': (‘unfm‘liung all kin-ls of Nuis, til-nukes, lmmunw, ll.li~ina_. - llrem'l, ('rnrkerl. ('.:lkos of dillerent Hin'lw; $llOO and Slow l‘olifH: Funt‘y (lmulll, Muslim.“ ngllnma, Canon Ilat’siill'xldding. llnainrgutlazul l-rchiofs, Suspenders. ’ins, ‘Nfz’ide. "20! vs I 'in. But tmm. with Nbliune uf all kind-I. v,.~\ hllh/el)fll10 pub'lic's pnlimmge ls roipmflfull" unified. ' ~ I. } LYDIA (3.5 m. 11-;('K. Nov. 19, _uaao. it if ‘ ..; Arch Stree‘ , Cwnpm 3v,\nannl'sn._cy,im:x'&mm:— NEH. 9m! Art'h Sued. 2llitqr<lpfilnw :nh, ‘lmlth <idc. finihdelbhin. .Wa {Ennanu'c the Full mule Whflh one othwhou . ssnytevl stock“ imd Amerimn (twin-Mpg: to be fltyqinrchmrd To" mHhM wryluw tcall selling them M, currnwly law have all tho new !-t\l¢-s,‘\'el\'ei, russelp.’ Tllrouqily. Iluzrnin and h n srtemlid m..-karma mums, Druugut, kc. NOW is thi- time for o obtain hurgJiM in the t‘nri-vt Fill sollnt u ury “will mlt'nm-o "nil ll 1:0an to be as r«-..ru;nuédlufiq ixtlifxwtlon to tlu- fiurvlpunn iiy knd nollfixcluiian-l; tun cash, , _ V V 1861. 31:: i‘ ‘- v N , "‘#“‘Z‘“+"‘ 1.... -‘-—~"“»-;--~——- \ .JUDSON’H» ‘ l - Jf- Chas. D 9 (irath’s Mountain Herb Worm T LECTRIC (m..-: 17., fh'rn ..r m.. 1-11.3. ‘ 3 '.~ 3 _ , , _ - E is A ”we”; “more“. fondling, qud ‘Hhfllm, mum- my) 1100sz gently stimtllitting \fcdirino. l. 3 * g .7 j ‘ \‘SVK‘I-S; V ‘ltwns diagercl-edhy PrnL ('h‘SflEfißATll, 2' l’ulSuNUL‘.‘ .-llNl-.ll,\Lb AND Tilll C while travel 'ng in South ."pll‘ricil—o-lntel‘" ‘ . ‘ ‘- —— ' . h'een hroufltt out by urgent col 'witat‘l‘uns—nm] Y JIU T‘llbix’S‘, TAKE IIHI'II) 1. 22.2;"'a%n;*°ssat inn-tilting 3m 33m Wt.“ ‘ ““I 1" ‘ ‘ “, ' 'l‘ " . " .'n‘ e "um cii r n-n. comil p: t lfllt‘i‘ “my 0‘ 33110;;stgddamemz‘lm:{l fog‘rfllixll'3iE-l: 'itlijn a more t‘lmlilc that “mat-:3: tin-inf}! hi ‘ ' . ‘ .: 1 ‘l‘ca-os‘mitofn-n. He came a, thr lit: as: Felons S Lmin] unit Brunoxt‘u :nnd \\"llnda 1 . ‘ .. g _ : Swellczl PGld'ndill- l-Zrysinolm, {\'qre Nipplcitl2:ol’32‘liuhh ls \' ““"5 “d ""9"” 1" Swollcd Bréan, Womb pimnlr-tjsl S ilt Rheum“ ‘ Canker in Mouth mill Stoi‘mlgli, l'. lpitntion,” Eruptions. Cdkécl Breast. Quinsy, SUJ‘t' 'l‘lirmt. 3 PalsyJ‘thnfiay, t'lccrs, Lock Iw, llr’nrt Burn, Tpoth and nfllhflt‘ht‘. \'ermusx r, (lustivemss, Burns, Stilt Joints, Si-rot‘iitul:,t‘tum (gums of teething infants, ML, than nll, dud Hwy athu medicine. } 'r l _ 1 file will be seen tli’s gr ‘ remedy flat-I: not clnim to have ow‘rjtliin'g l 3 t .001} It cu my cuss t complaints. .i 3 = This Oil gas on the-system filth elomricityflJ ii of pure vigetuble prcpnnitiJnfi hot the slight est danger [fly-plying it nutinltdly or inward ly,.iut,on¢ kins»; pernmnliu! cuff, In most cues from ti to twenty mini ta. . , ‘ Thu best physiologins ol‘ Bumne have clin coverad th all OiganiCrDei-nligoniem in the Animnl Sy t‘Lm is the effect pf mi obptructinn of the Pbrai¢o-Electm Fluiitin the organ dis. cued—ralliillful Application dt‘ this Oil puts in; immediate motion the nerve fluid, and the cure is u once accomplished. ‘So Weeding. no vomiting, ivnrging, or blisterihg in rofiorted to. of Hnflish fuund in lhil mtes, n‘nd i. prices. , \\‘e Tnpestry, \'enetianflvh Hugs. \lats,‘ purclmicrs line, us we -‘ guarantee ' give entire Inga-Wei Sept. 16, lORH REMAKKABL CERES". $lOO «(illl be given, if any I th’o following‘ person- 'cnunot be found. ,1 ~ ‘ . $lOO if may are not ofthe highest respectaJ him, in me city qf Philadelphia uld vicinity} Rheuumtiszm—F‘x Duffy. Ea ‘, comer of Lo cum and Twelfth SL. Phlludcnnhin ‘u' Rheumatism—Mr.W.Bbmchnrd,2o6Eleventh. u“ Philadelnhin. * - (Rheumatism‘nlohn Clinton, 79 N. Ninth IL, Fhilndelphl‘a.‘ - l ‘ Bhgumnti‘nm—Dnvid Strand}, No. l Lybnrm street, Philndelplxin.. . ,l ' . Spnlnedi’Wfist—W. ankllh, 24 8. Eighth 1 It, Philsdelphia. ‘ ' l ' ' ‘ Felon—W. Kincnde,‘24 l-ligblh .:., mum’s.“ Spnlned Wrist—Jolly) Pihle‘ gm Arch .:.,l Phllsdelphlb., ’ IT r, . ' Gout—Juno- Logan, 2 Geqrg'e m.., Phlls.‘ ‘ Neurnlgih—br. Wood, qud I Manna, “ Inflammatory Gout—G. W. Humyuncy, Flflh l Ind chkenlon street”, Philn. ; Bhenmudam—Mrs. Sarah Sqtton, 332 South, Eighth .:., Philadelphia. '. A ' ‘mxegmullm—S.’ Stetson, Filbert in, than Eighth, Philp. ‘ Bpralned Ankle, also Enlargement of Elqul Joint—John Draper, 397 Blunt-street. l Eruptions on Head and Swallen Neck of l little child. only one yenr {)ld, 28l Thirteenth Itreet. A very remarkable cure. ‘ Burned Head of sun, and Swollen Breast of wife of D. E. Duns. Esq,, Snmerset Boro’. Pa. Erpsipelu 3nd Rheumuism—B. Tree, Each, Port Penn, grain dealer. i a Rheu Mism—H r. Williams. merchant tailor; N. Cu $6., Ind hundreds of other; that may be seen Ind talked with by any one. ’ - Sold 1,, Au Drugg'uts. Depot 217 3. Eighth IL, Philade‘phin. [tum 27, 1861. an HE “union of the Ludiu I: especinlly in-' T vited to 0. large and beautiful assortment; o Ladiu’ and .\liuen' HATS, FLATS AND! SHAKER HDODS, oflnm: ,pring nym, em-‘ bming Boulevard: nnd "email, which we .Ir. oflering It greatly reduynd prices. at. April 2:. : a. F. chLHENY‘E. Attention, u it excel! ‘ thin market for the :18me Imm; Ind Wido Sheeting, ” ‘ ,SCEKCK’S. FAIRPIELD in the Union! VALENN Rwy-made Clothing. ‘ { OW ( :EURGE 'ARNULH hat now gut n‘pnhis Fall EL‘YJR PR l‘% Ind Winter Stock of Rudy—ma Clulli- Q - 3 irg. confining of DRESS L‘().\Ts,of¢-\ cry kind, km“ XSBXQN‘ My ()VKRCUATS, In great Yuk-(y, BUYS" U()., i ‘ ; MONK-BY JACKETS. PAN'PAIMUNS, VEST-'5, s ' Drawers, Shirts, Cnuna. Uéuxes, much, , " [Josiety to. spc" win: Alma“ every aruclo in . ’ our linoi of b’usineu, all of which um he told URING the past year wu Inn-o Introduce?!) cheap, for cuh.‘ The clothing are manly of y f the medial Monk}; our oun mnnufucture. Give ul 3 all, Ind if; .to the 'no Ice D p _ , we cannot fl: mu (1;; n gmxn; 1131.19 up, we .ofthns country the Pun Oryualmd W¢ will sell you the buds t_ e yqur measure - ‘ EMEDY FOB RUIUIA‘ and man you a In“ in qb’ort order. ‘ " (WP’W’ " b R J: ’g on. 4, 1861. 3 i [1331; Ind bunny received from mntnymrufi. Kiss 0. Sheads’ ommxo AND DAY acuoeL, ”I+. Monduy, September 2d, 186:, g Terran—Per uulnn of “we mouths, 8754—: For Hui: :nd Langnngu exém. i 1 For furthe: nic Inn Id run 1 4 9'. ‘1 i c, L. SHEADS. 1 1 *Aug. :0, not. an: _LGcttnburg,§aL I Pm a Tuhmc. . 3 1 ROP. ROWE , of Littlestmvn, i qudflfld Pinno‘Tnner iMonns hi! friend!- no be m nice! puhfle i: general, Iflmt lit: give. in Nine, not otherwi o occupied, to Tuning find Repairing Piano . In moth-ran .'pricei. jle promises entire ufiisfnction, or no pay. Urdu received It, this an ce. [SepL 16, 18“} ‘25 Lancaster Book Bindery. ; .1 EORGE WIANT, . . ‘! 1: a 6’l: 1H .\2l) Img ~ um um: loo: xncncrunu, ‘ i - mmuswnk: nl. ~IYm'u and Omammtal Bmdiny, of every jdo ‘ ripuon, executed in the moat nubahmtinl ind ‘ proved s‘tylei. ' ... i ILIA 33113:12 B. W. Brown, [54]., Farm": Bank of lam-aster. W. L. Pciper, Esq, Lnnnnstér Count‘y‘Bunk; - Samuel Shock. Esq" Columbia Bunk. J nmug‘l Wagner, Esq., York Bank. ' ‘ 'imnm Wagner, .81qu York County Bank} .D. Parson, Esq., Hank nngltyjsbxxrfi. ‘ « eler .\lanin, Esq., Proth'y oanncauer co.,iPa co. 0. Hawthorn, E 30,, Register “ ?- co. Wlxitson. Esq., Rcco‘rdur “ {“ J “pl-ins, 1801. ~ ~ ‘ - i , N Trees! Trees! Trees! § 1 I K”E findcrqigned invite nuonUun‘to ‘11” large and we}! grown "(wk of J I . FRUIT AND (”NARI-ESTA]. TREES; 1 sll4le, kc.,emhrac‘lng n l-ligp nun-l rom Moi ‘Mnurtment of APPLES, FEARS. Izmcnas, Yuma. CHERRIES; Amuours, and Nina. ifiAflINE-‘I. Smmlnrd for We (Irrimrd,#\d 1 ‘nrffor the (Gm-den. ENGLISH WALK S, ‘ PANISII cnnsxms, lIAZI.HNI"I‘S, Etc.“ . ASPHERRIHS. snuwrmmufisk (11n h.\N'!‘Q :Ind GOUREBERRIESfin grpm var my. amides, or rhoicest kinda. ASI‘ARMJI'S’.‘ zlll‘lh‘hfl‘ kc..&c. Also. a fine §tovk ot'kvch mum]. bum. m Emmi-2x3, suitable 1% use i fclnetery/nu'i Eacwn.’ ~ .‘ HEOHJUHDS TREES, tor “rec! lelaugiug, film! a gcuorm asiorimepl of , '5 ‘ plwmnxnu Tmuu an Fwwxmsq Sn rnsz.‘ ‘ ROSES, af rlmh-e vagitzugu‘ CAMBJAS, APEIHHSU‘PLANTS, m. ’ ‘ ‘ g ‘ Uur»stuck ‘is rcmnrkuhly thrifty nndlfine, film] we ufl'rr it at, prices l‘xrmhil the times. 'l‘ fif‘nmluggeh Inmlmhn‘ull {\'pm'gvnul I; Address bl)“ AND J. EVANS k (‘4). ! (‘cntrnl .\‘unericu, Yer-l- " 1} 8993.23, 1861. 2m 1 Alexander Frazer LOCK AND WATCILMAKEILIH‘“ QC‘MI shop tn South Baltimore street, {floors gouth'mfthel‘ourt lluusei'lwhcre‘he ’ilwuy‘ be hnppy to Mtond to the calla d instomoru. He ls thankful for [mat {Morn} limpet to twelve rho eominnedcustnm 0 Emma. [Gum-slung, Aprilflylsl . _ . . _ . A l‘ Gettysburg Restaurant; lll'l undersigned. having hmight out Cl 'T 11. Buahry. \\ill conlinut' the (”3'l .m'm: RHSTAI'RANT‘ nl [ln-111'! stun-I,} TMcl‘onunzhy’s lull, in “wil-49 111-cot, ‘ he \\ill always be really :0 wn'b up. :l ("Ills ufcuntmnori.UYß‘Tl-Ilfid. L‘llll'K l'2.\'-, l‘ ;T(I.\'(:l‘l-Z. THIN). 191-: mm“, kc.“ '.‘IIUMESTIC WINE”, .\M'I. LEUEER nnd ”gilt.- “ ill ppnre no effort to render szlllsfin'tl I” who may pulruniu- him. He only it all. VALENTINE WEBSlii -,‘ Juiyi,iacl. 3m . . L ,_._ . .__ , i,V ,_ __...._____ 3 Fine Liquors. l’_ g 0. mum Im. midi-d m high-neon»,L n ‘ . Notion h‘lnre. n department fur th , of Liqnnrs. mnl Inning laid in n large mu? , azionmcin, he im‘ilgs the ntrl-niiun nf‘ hr .xhrrl-Xu'. it t-ml'rncua BRANIHES, ,Wl WINS, wmsxmfi. am, ufllill'l-ront‘kimli ‘prices, some lllHUllg the but to he hm! i gciflos. At his mutlu l’s‘, “ quirk snlcn MT?! ‘ plums," he will sell rhv-ap. wry cheap. fc gun-11. Tn‘be cnnvinye’l,’ iliis onl) nvccnsr llaiw hlmnuur [rm-ounce. E Ucuysburu Jul) l,_ltlu'l. HEADS 0F I-‘IAMILIES; Do not lg-Kyour children suffer; when w sent. \ou in . Junsok’s won.“ TEA' A S\FB AND BLEASKN‘I‘ CUR! I'O‘R WOIX How much better and snfo'r would it have it. always in the home. A link when a child is Likon‘ill mayfiflcn be {he 0! iln'deuth,‘\vhile acting in mu: «lulu i by giving the MOUNTAIN HERB TEA " dialely. _mu will not. oifly pave the child ‘ and tedious illness. and yourself much ex! but also fcél happier in luigwiug tlml yo done your duty, nml peiclmnce sand its This. medicine is cpmliinegl p‘nrely of 5 usn‘ns AND ROO<TS not A rung" or _ CALOMEL 0R MINERAL Ia um I! It. ' ‘So mqm finhxvermifuge wiil be‘us those who oncq use “xi. .Tg-nk The only i principle of all other Vermifhges and Killer! is Bil-.'RCCRY. , A ' ’ 1 ‘ axvlko " P o If s o N I'o . YOUR CHILDREN Ute this S‘mple, Sufe', ‘Vegeinble Modigln'e This ,Worm Tap wna discovered in an hung unl wny umong~the Wild: of Noythem fiexlco -—I full unOuul of in you will find in o .r A]: names. Ask for the “Rank of Talc Ala-pan," of the Agent, and when you have red i 6, and ‘it to your neighbors, um they any allojkno'w‘ of sad be cured by this GREAT, RENE”! l JUDSON'S W 03)! 73!, rum vans, ‘ f , , nvn. nuu—u runuu To “I? car A gAcmommcn 25 cams. Quart—Alwyn find the Name nnd’fii‘gnn hire of B. In. JUIISON & 00., and tbé pfirfinit of TM, 05 each pacing! of this Wormfl'u. ' 3.1;. lUDSON& 0.9., : SOLE Pnopnxua‘ons‘h: - so Lloxnn Srnn, wa Yum-é ' fi'Jcmol’l Won TIA Is sold by one Agent In every Village, Md by s" mugging H. G. Gun, Agent for Gettysburg. July 21, IBM. lyeow George Arnold 3 , \ 8 selling off LADIES’ DRESS GOODS u cosh Call, if you wmt bargains. 3" . OctJ, mx. 4c , . , ARGE womanms mdo magnum picturol u grenl re ' colaior Sky-light 6J3”! NGLISH DAIRY cm ‘ “Q 9. ngw to be N'u "_.q .wcneutrom m ' y...» » bod: from ‘phyllciam at the high: finding and from pnglenu; pm MST rmnnm _ TasrxxumLS 0531's am. ”can u; ‘ the mum-um! mi: painful and almimm dl‘,’ r‘ease, wq lendnced to pmont it 30 tho pnbllla ll}: hlforln mum run mmnum usfig: l ylficln wo‘ hope will commendA [we]! to flu ‘ ;‘ "who no ngflering will: this Mull-flag complnll , I» I and lo a? medical pmetilludel: who may f ll dinposed to tosf tho‘powm 9! ml. "lab I ’ remedy: ‘ ¥ . i 1 i ‘ ELIXIR PROPrLAmxa. in a, (on: ,‘M‘l‘l PM“ ofxluu rebamly been) extensively ‘ w‘ fienimenled wish iii lhe PENNSYLVANIA H 0 11 'pmn, and with MARKED success (“3‘l iappw from the puhllshu! Iccountl in' ! i podical journals.) >‘ :5 ' - 'fi‘lt is mrefully pm up ready fur ll! I ‘ flute rue, with full slit-action, indie“: b. o l Imined pom nu flu dtugglsu n 'l5 can 1 bottle, m 1 at whaleado 9,: .' . 1 . BULLOCK £5 ouzxsuxw, 1 ’ Drug-fish! mnnxlllfuclyhug Cllcmiut; T} July l, 18!“. I] ) .' l‘bihdelphlg j, ‘ A. Mattnoe a; 303‘: | OPA‘AND FUIINJ'I'UI!E\\'ARERO&IS,IO S '..{5 and 27 N. Guy Itreel,'L‘-NM (n Fnyoné at.,) extending from Gay tn Pnderi IL—thc lurgusteslnhlishmcnt 01"!" Ihd “t llfninn. Aha-1131, an hand a large numnm‘ ‘ "HOUSEHOLD AND UFHL‘E FURNITURE 0 J[mu in: Hun-nuwlh-d-tondx, Wmhulandl,Wl } tuba}, Mmtrrsses ol‘ Hush, (‘unun ind HIII Spring m-ds, Sofas, Telu-e-Tetes, Arm Chli Racking Clmits, Emgcren, Marble T-blti, » E “gal.“ooemiun um! Upholstered Chain, A! NJR’TST‘ZCULORS (IF PUT'EACEFURNITU~ 'Wcod chairs: (mire Chair», Barber thi Cram and Urudlns, 1m leu-ks. Hull Furnim Gil: and \annm Frgmu- Looking (Missal, Si -. Lnnrd», hawk» nun-s», 0! Her} length. l 1 Persons Hisppnud to nun-hasn- are invitod ' cnll In‘) give (mr sum; rm exmninmion, whl l for \\lrinly nnd duality of workmunqhip iI , 1 «died by nny estnhlishxmm 'uuho an“ fl"; A. mmmr h 305, l‘ ‘ Nos. 25 and 27 N. Buy it: j AngJGIIBG“. “ x, ‘ 3 'Merchant Tailonng.‘ 1 Ew (mons.._(:mmm AIISULD ‘ N just rclurng-d from the vhf/with I In ‘ , stock of (‘LUTHS, (HSHL‘IEHE‘V, puin‘ Benn-r (glutha, UH-r-cmningl, \'r-hid! 'Uur ”mus, Drilling‘ uml \’eningi, M oven? little I Having an: ‘urcd [he scrvicemof W. 1; KJSU‘ I,lFnreumn, ’l‘ 1m: prr-p-lred to put uptlxo .bq finds in st 40,91;qu To the h”! city hunfl 'luéug cnu shmmu‘wwing ‘urned 9+; A 111 :mmufi of WWI: duping "w )mu xunpn, a" l :whirh h. the.“ autid'ngtiun. Willi I In ‘dncrexuc m uur N‘usincs-L, {on to II or ...! chwiuly llmi \\‘Q-Ju l-uuinmx in. n “Hymn! .‘ to he surpnswq. ‘hur I-‘wck of good! cnu 3.3 - turpnsavd in qurJiler style. “in u 11ml}, wchuvc uu duu'o‘. grqgu please. I few will his and the 061.4, ms! w rl‘ea mgi nllhr’ 'luere ’1 ”wt EHFI ’\\ ithl (H‘.i m In) is: a; Fancy Furs! Emmy Furs,” ‘ ‘ THIN FARE.“ .‘ 3,18 M‘i Sm mhuwn 7th I“ 1 Sum-lat (luli of ! \lurkcl BL.) l'hflud phin, Impo‘rlrlr l ‘flrnul‘uctup r 'of. I )v-ulor in all Hind! 'ASCY FURSVA ‘ .:Idiei', l'liuu' l 'h'xhlrcn's \\‘mr. ILniu': now run . . :rzutur'vd 2nd in u f ‘5”:._.;.,,§:f; £13"! nn- u<un| .Inrgc Jmnmml uf~mum~ul of nll thr ”mu; lt_ ,aml qua] fir-1 n! Home. MANN] to [he E-nm fFull xlnd Winn-r Sunrmnh. I would rupee! l_\ invilo an Hnmin-lfiun ufmy stuck and p' _'§ Imm Ilmse inwn-liag m purrlm-le, II Kiln fath-d '0 «(Tor lh'wm v‘rr,‘ dramMuimlucemc .4 .\H my Furs I'a'u- lu-oulpurrunaquor 1- [3mm] made liy (\pq-liru' HI and comp“ lllnnd!‘ find lllc wean". uxun-lnry truu eruh'r iv not-«wry Ilmz I «Ah-uld (lisp-n9O! goods at wr} small vdrunre on cod. .. ‘. lam “(hm-M Ilml it will he to 1h!- In! ,0; thowmhu design yprrlmnix g, to giw I! . call. ' ‘ ~ 'lvors .\l-ZS, nu-l ’ the mall rlhc rv lo ,EgY'Twnllcr' thn'nnmo, number and Hr. Jnlmfnrm‘n, (XL-Ix fur Flare.) 7M Art-h l'ilihdrlphia. [Sept IS, 1881. ’ 5 o - , . Howard“ Associatioq, Plll~lu\bl?.i‘lll.\ —~A Benevolent lnu liqn cs nhli~lwnl by special Endowm ~ for the lh'liel‘ul'lhu Sick and [mug-nail, I . ed willy \'irulont nml Epidemic Divonsu; onpcciqlly for the (Jig-e of Dinenul of the SS Urganl. ‘ . . MEDICAL ADVICI-J given gratis, lty the . lug Surgeon. to M] who apply by letter, vi ‘ ilesuriplmn of #luir condition, (age, at: liou, habits of life, km.) and in cue! 0! u pu'rrzly. Medicine.» furnislzfil free of chug. . VALUA'BLE REPORTS on Spermnlorrh and other lnsoasu-s’ ol' lhe Sexual (lrglnn, ’ ml an} SEW lgumzmizs employed in “no N penny-y mm; to the niflicled (I: [filed L: envelop s,'free orchurgc. Twoorthrn Su for pasmge will be m-conlnble. Addfeus, DR. J. SKILIJN lIUUGHTOX, < ing Surgeonhflnwnrd Assucinlion, No. “ll Ninlh [Sn-eel, l'hiludclphin, PL. By ad the Directors. ‘ ' , ‘- I= pine Ifl'er- UM CM ho to delay “use i», and ;- me ! long one, L have life. - E2RA D. unanrwnzn, Glo. EAmcmw, Sac}? ‘ Jun. 1,1861: 1y ‘ ' . Chan. Fields, I COX-BINDER, Papa- Ruler and 1} Book Manufacturer, 36 Itory, Sm: building, Centre'Squnre, YORK, PA. I! - County Officesfind Counting Hon-‘2- furni with Blank Books, mad; of the butlintn .. and on the most reasonable (ems. Bindi ‘ cvorj descridion wanted with names! ‘ dibpmck. Urdcrs by mml prompxly me In: . , 5. [.\ug. 26.1831. 3‘ d ‘by ctivg‘ ‘om . Flour, Groceries. Bw. HAVE consuntly on End. FLOUR, and Buckwheat MBA S, llommony, cam, Dried Fruit, and Pickclllpsufl COH‘EI-IS, Tent, Smpa, N. 0. Hal-Run, crop, at 50 cents per gallon, the very but for baking) English Cheese, and nary a article usually key-I. in n Flou- snd Gr Store. Give me a call. WM. GILLESPI Gettysburg Dec. “.1860 9M '. EOBGE A. CURWELL. ofthe Union in. on the Chnmherlbnrg Turnpih, he 1). top of. the South Mountain, ukel Ihil we hofi of informing bin friends and the public t the in pnpand‘to gccommodue sll who warps troulze him, in ihobest manner, 3nd I: m n no charges. ‘No effort will be spindto YO satisfaction. Hi. table and bar will be r I}! well provided,nnd hil bedding unexcepdcn 19. Large slubling fun- liorsel. He only II ‘ trial. ‘ [my 6,1361. 3. ' Removal. ‘ WATCH & CLUCK REPAIRING.—I¢O ZEI'I‘LER. has removed MI W“: mock Milking Establishment to South 1 timore street, two doors north of Du Ziegler’r Store, where he will be gm ceive s continuance of the patron." of .- public. By close attention tq busing... ’ work, and moderate changes, ho hop.“ - xencrnl utilfncfirn‘ u Munro", Guttylhurg, April 8, ”61. ‘ , HE attenticm ofthc Ladies in m. , 3" T mum! to a large Ind aplendi, H meat ofafuldies' fine 71! Boon, but!" I gem Gmn Oven-shout, in. just meal"! nf‘ 'O9:. 28. R. F. It] 333313. Union Inn. 1 A Il E 3 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers