" ,ALUu a - -g- E- .-_ "‘- 3 i ”ms 7%? mwr‘nywrx‘r roz: ‘ G— 12: Na? :3 3, A n In. “3.1.; TL 11. LLOYD & 0038 Wffflefi Mani and Charts ,‘t-‘ul: TH r; 1' nuns. ‘juaasr. me New mm 11 I .Jpgtpn cam-gin: pm» hi \.Yjpcimm of when of l‘u nmib'l.fou pmi-l, for ‘."y (.QH‘ 52f. m ' , New LIIHFGII g‘fb‘é 0r rm: l ‘ 'g 1; “'9‘ Sn 3'31"?" F 1 1'“ I‘s ‘7 m them m r‘l and mirr\-nxlrvc~. in mum-v! U n-cchl-ihmrln uibu, rm u wry/1 Int-1 and V uufl-mJ-ZML (‘HHPLRTE .' ' : :l- “'0“ ~|~‘ t W‘ (“_lmmnsr \m’ r ~jn Etz'bri-n mu‘um. v :p:-.'i.i‘. 1n myJuwhiuh ul' Tfhlytyfl. 'llivch, Dill uw-v. H Lrhors. k Wow-hi, l‘figgc mrl small. Huh '2 \nTJ‘r “(My [0 h'-¢‘ am': su il in x 44 Lubes. Price 50 cu .for 4,14 , ’1 ‘ 7:115 quwzsr Kimmy Pam-fit ' § , mzvmzun 'rumrx-zm mt mm mm" . (WKERALS UK N“ In two gram". rvrv Inrgc, unYr Drum-MI -I‘wr‘4. , “I'soth h [mm Imrml I'rrnfivfi) aim “In ““21: likkv ing 03$th y? tugmv ._d. n", 1111- m ‘ t. ‘ '3 ‘ _-,n Q’Qfinm gxxn'. "“0? h‘ I ’h‘ )‘CHi—‘ilu up.“ , W {the l'nlnrin'sl ly portal. gu Jmaanhie. ’l‘ll "Imr »is day alledy. fix: 30 00:). ~ ‘ ..._ 3" “11-ITARY E’mrr Map: an?! An Tum uvn'r £214.21an wo‘ ‘Tlnq Int-gO. apicn lg‘l “Md mlvllnr m (nu-£1 «If I'm uuix'u urqu, ”rulectiu; 1‘1; ‘Surs Hush-tum Uhflud (Janna, ‘ Hrl‘ 7.o.}ng rnplin; on U; n «vqmiufilcmuu‘h, we I'l Hunt". " :I r UIE. use (d lex‘:m’x¢s§:’3[9. ‘.R'fldl‘ m. L Inuni. Ev)“, Spl'nrruu. l’renli Huw'll't‘fillflL “mum” Im, :m-I (' m'un I l ire Siruuh un "ml“l'.l;.'h'l‘_.“l’lémn‘rll nth 1m“ '|\' “Vt-u .hp. jual Hi mrlwvin sin-.‘fitmwzn: Lhre \ .'{t-utl -k\’. 'l‘omjpwe, with. Arn: has. Uh‘im’ hx‘li um. um mg In _‘thu Llluit inf-mu Llinn willf‘hart thmnp Rel of ”'3 u'il‘n;r’lollr(r-4-Ix p--rlr.ligs f 0 ‘.rbr‘liu-J‘fn I! min- 4 T-uu-th-s. “ rgr'l‘hh ('lmrl mu he hm ‘hf: uf‘Vfi‘giuiJ. )1 u‘yLlu L cl Mcp nr‘ 317*: \uri, Kentucky, U l'ricc 3;!) ccms. i > -‘ jrm: mun-m _ W Campai “Hui lifrgé _‘ un‘rchflly 1' rhxdy 3% rw'r-nl a-l mum savory rl'xtinv'l Mun: .\larflzufl H l:_\' 37 im 110:; I l mlr‘l 51.\('\'~‘, \\ Hh NH" 9310 ‘ Sims «:1 I‘m: \'nnh (3 n-nlnm Ilium Lilith l’iLH. uit‘a H. , (“~lth 3.1 mi 5.1"1e IlEchil :Mh‘i‘aulifi th", \rn 0:104} j(‘.urn-nw} \ix-iuil)‘: Snvuu _ Plutrlt-«twgmmd \ilillll‘\:.\l|; “.\ho-lmi MM \iujnil} ; PL“ I'icknn's,'clc., vlv. \ Bin: 28 x‘ ' New Politibal Chart I‘- .This Chart ha; I Irge. “27:3 Liuvoln an"! all gigfl‘flfim :x‘mm. (‘.éuo n 1 lhuler, Gt-u. ; J~§ll<wbrlll,‘ {lemltple 0 With ml. etc. .\lnm showing the l“ fif‘n'c Skin's xind'SL-rcdul Sun in (“fen-n! ('n‘kn‘s': s|Lxriu ‘ Grim! [he ['llm'lim. uf IN3”. um! Glhcr ghmgs m nmkc III" and tut-Yul." Site 28 .\35. [- ~ise «mm H) addrus, , . . H. 11. I. ‘ 25 Jlowrd Su ..\'ov.f4,- 13561. , ““"_:“"—’I Cannon 8; All VEW 113 mm: “mugs. LL m’nrc and [jam Middle at} JHRiLt‘ the nuw Court Um! 4 liming raw-M}; arrived from froling Tully ctnnpeu‘nLLo ex ‘11.;- fmqst My}? loc are. wc , Igimnc the Attention of the firm-un-Jnuylking in of" fiiuc, mm and exunfim- =pL-mmene n are prefinrod ta fu rnifih MUNI‘ .\xn nth'mes. .\m: .\‘l..\ll.~Tfor Pabinvt-nmken, a' ummrtfiniugvto nurbu-ines-I. ‘ nihlc‘pi’n'cs. We do nnt_lmsi thut on? work slmll he put up nmnliul and tuneful equal 1 1 ..tu-n in the cities. \\hcrc ev which cxprricnpc 11M. Sllzlt"_ and ¢\[)(‘(,‘i'.ll‘_\' do we figuraulr foryauul (have Yard work <h:l 'svt- a: nbt to ho affected by fro. hit: for frankly.» vrwmwsfi :11 (he cmnpli'tl'un of u SAL. nn 1-nntin-ml ‘gmrefillnees nnll ‘." ' 'NDL '13,"!859. M‘ .-‘_‘-. —l w >— “‘ ‘ ' ‘Town Prop 5 T PRIVATE SALE—The] [K t‘e‘ns m Private Szde‘the‘ i he now Flick-R, silnnlc in Ha ‘ Gettysburg. mijoiu-ing S. H. Ti um! MrLMCEImy .on tho cm 1 nllcy in‘ihc "MW-THE HU twb-qnh‘l-‘rzmye. \k‘eatherhou lhkamihling; a well at \mle it. at (he dmyrg'nnfi a “witty apples..p9:\rs, pout-hen, {IIH'ICa grams“! the mo“ Hmiul‘. ‘ . J ‘ recelreu ._‘V 1.“. «601‘ purchase of Full nnd‘. 'inK-r 0001 s.; hfi‘conlru .\'o\'. 12. 1860. If ' ‘ I'which ' they on‘er‘ cheaper; lthfip cvelzi‘hhadbng,‘:ikcly m a ‘ ”fi» ~ ' “ ‘—“" “‘“fi—m hon at the nmil‘fnvnrn )e r, tM. ey 3k 'v n "in l , - Chagal'y Inst; tuts, ‘ j the in Mic call in and see lll’jir large Marx-l- 1 any: cinl ,'.' {)— _\Nl) \53‘3 Sfil’lll' F- ST.; ,l‘l'llLA- mutt, omv need that every mun can he_ pink. hnro in hi 10“ DBM’HhL—This Immune, can-i Md. Thei. CLUTIIS; UAsswl-zm-zx. VEST- mc. will ‘llllcled for 'rwo years past. 1 this city, by“ «ms f‘nuinots, (,‘nnhiulcxnshfim, cannot. l!“ lindeqwkl Emu": (,‘ntauu', and he xxipcg .\hmns . Blvd :1 for \nriolfv. nn-lhhen the low prices at} From he D‘lln‘ku. upon the qamd rlnriplos as thong-hil: j‘filiey are offered are le‘t ly astonishing. r‘ one in NM Yorla established there in the year' 6606 made up at the Lshortq t amine. in .thc, 18H, will rc—opgn on .\londnnycpt. lclh. with! Lllcét‘stylcr, undnLns mnsona‘ la rates 1: ran ilsusmilrample andJ-omplctelprovision for the; be ex outed. Tlu-ir cxmblishmfnt is in‘tfham. \an 27 ”“0“ cnlucntihun of,\'ophg Lndufs. Ihder lhcngirci'lion ’ be‘rsh m; 51%;“, n [few doors .lgluw llnehlotr': _'_ '__,’ W- l at .\lnd an: D‘llogvill . lirc an. a -nll re-y Drug tore. i :1. 15, JB6 '. . i qnisi-c'iguutmalinn,{an be cTuincd on appli-' ‘ " >- 7 ~~~ Eil— < - «o-mr Eanover' B] "no” u“. pma..n. l _ arble Yard Re awed. . A Sum: Mum. Aug. m.. ”H. 331: ' ‘ ITH huhficriher having relnuved‘lfia plnril of ' . Trauma 'l‘" 3‘; M _— Th WM ‘4f" ' ." .’“w‘”'_J ' _ wing-5:10 East York Inn-col, a short dil— ll,ll'\T.Tß‘l‘l lo: ‘ 6 $1119.33. . 18nd. “m ‘ 10w St. James‘flhlrch. Wnuld’announce' mngniz direct L'jll‘lllm (fillll.;\l'l\:‘xr‘ nxj'm'xn fiiztzxxchlfiTOl.‘ to fhelpnhlig am he is‘gfiwrepnrcd‘m furnish: _ F 1 “hrrlsbllrg, Phxmtlel - LET AM) W,\sU|xigs.r.uq t inn ki na! work in haunt-{such [Ls nonn- ”fig: 3 FEW-W ““75 h i Y R 5)" I‘l '- 93‘" {amen ,Ucndsmnes. 512,132. ol‘ruory variezr of t j "‘1; fl WIS-h l “Hangers fol-I] file uidei‘sismed havingp rchnle tho right style 'nd, finish; «rill! tlwl without base: Ind :Al‘ }n . povlnls. _ fur m-mnfm-(nriup Nu: ahu e Soap for the-golf: wsnitpnrchnscmnud at prices to wit 2Tr "cl l‘hrnngh Tlt‘kc-IS n .(‘onnty a? Sdangtl’au hereby inform lho citi~ the 6 a. Bersuns desiring naming in his line v (Surf‘lfi Cf)ll{mbxll, Flnrnshn Icm an“ they an: 'nmv lIer: red to sell toll) z'will fi d it n derided advantage“ to enmine his. “H. 431"? ll“ll‘m°"‘v ‘nnd all Pf Town=hipé|fll Family Right . run] will furnkh “oi-kl nd fork-ea bofgre purolmaipg «lack-hen. - w.“ q’fi lmuof “1950'“1e ‘ all who viflwtn elxngo in he busmeas wilhl . ‘ . I ' . “'l‘ B. MEALS; T'l llrlt ' I _ ll- .1; both Towqht'Wl-hhz ap; no team: Gatsbmgmgch 21, Ipm... 3 . . ~ “w“; . __Jgge_l»o:l§mj~,’l_ __- quality.)hiis as I’llfihouln'knnw what rhfiy .:.- ‘..”. ".-....‘r .-4 1 . ._‘“. ..- ’ .T. - ’ ‘ ,are (livinilllghefll’rerhalxh’y srn right. beforg’l l - mt Nétil‘gl ’ inning! Tinniug! l' HEnndenlmlede eiggvtfi'mhnflxedyfiwn ‘lhs3h:3;:;§l‘s::n:;¢£n “l Hm hp the u \'F ' Plll “‘5 “ b'tch‘g'g.‘ ‘3‘“ Bl" “T‘MV. IMB Intlehlgnrd rC‘ifl'N-rull)‘ “1107"“ ”I“! Tto make runov l 1 intn Eur Green Ceme plßlS‘L-wuwnf “I <onp¥dnd whore m 3“: h’ ‘ c.. "l: Dr)!" “E“ IE: 5"“: "" Flu”; ci'i/ ns oerltyflmru and the public gnn- tcl'TVlHlpeslllnlflflt'll scontomplate the removal 'inmddcfld has iu'mfiuim. Wm, the pm, of "f“ ll!""".l "' l 'l': "3“ ’l‘: ‘r' \l. 3.”; 1““; ernlly.}lx the has opened I new Tinni‘nz e=-'ofthp remains ul‘ .li: onsoxl relatives or friends] .110» err {ium il< chmpheg: and are»! nune- m.‘ tr'fllecl"°“Fl e SH" :1: Ehrl' l "y mg; ‘tnblishm nt. in (‘hmnhershnrg street, (lira-ll]; will-vnll lhcmsclvesiofthiswnmn aftheyuno ' r‘l I‘ h' l‘l cl‘e n- n 1 ha ante :‘éen 71m“? 4-o!an "“1 u: t" l e I‘. ‘lm resor ' opposite 1‘11”.“ “WWI" 'n°“"“ manufacture“havehtloue. Rému ‘ls "Nd" withpromptngu I‘lo ' .\'_. 0“: ‘9 '7", ‘ 3 a. 19‘:- .\(DllCl lmvlng hurt-burnt: been gnu go all and kc‘r‘p'cnnvtnntlv on hand every uric“, (:f‘ ——lorins low “I“ n ‘eflurt sparedto [,lth n n Inn! wnll chem-fully test . . - ‘ ‘ cpncc ‘.mi of the necessilvfifclos-ingghnr 1w: "l‘lY-WAl'm PRESSEI) mull JU’NV-W (RE l , 01‘ PET?“ THOIN _/ wlqfiif‘liqr‘pu'iclilar ,Iddressthe pro-’ «null withontdeluy, nmhhcx hnnng‘ ncplhfl-‘l and will inn" 3“ M Tiflfll“ m Flr; RI’PAIRIIXG' “flab 12 '6O like Ho' lbs Cemelvl'v View”: “‘0?" P“- '"\ ‘ AYFR {otl & tend to manhunt.- bnmpelled n: m‘ ROUFQXG “’nd Sl’Hl‘T'iNH “1m ilmie in the” _ ‘ ' . P , - q . 76’ 1:88! ‘glg-“JE ‘ 81:“ ‘. I ' lmk" 9.” “”55" .j ‘ ‘“I %lw~t mmhe". Prices movlomle. nnd rm éfl‘orl ISSES' AND (l -'-'P -- - ' l ‘ ‘ - l DA1~3¢5315 ZIEGLEL’ J 1“ v spared «'o', under full nmlsf’mtion. A share of‘ l""fl“““°“““’ . . r; Notice . X - , Aug. 5, lash 3:; l - ' the public} patronage is soliiliteg. E ‘bllj‘msalfllnlck and (til? i ' . i . . ‘.....__-.-V..-_. ___-___T*_,~_ , ,r A. a A' u m 2'. ,= “5 'fa-W'M‘l‘muy‘ 1"”? .’"”““” "T l {:3lth 3111011,”: ~, H - 'Ge'h slum. June 13 1860. IIG R' ' ”L” 7““ "‘75 3mg on his Back} I nmhsnlcrnhle _’ U STREET Anl‘lVE “HR". ‘ ‘_ l_ y 7‘7 :. r, i 5' -‘ V- WODQMESI HIS, T 1! 11-ngth *1"???le dimrae 131:0? mall ‘ A ‘‘ i , mumnurum, m. vi ‘5 z : Butter, Eggs, .ln rig???“ ‘cl ll 90356.!th I ullfifllllhvlllficlllhl‘llipnlllgwng Elicia; f; U 0" 3‘ XEWCOMERVE'OBH'ML- ‘ ‘ - HICKEXS. had other marki‘tinzi Mn‘tnnl; I n-hichlwlc invlltllenfloll Ellen»); dzoki‘mlfill‘hhl} rr-fllb tlleireiclczll‘n': 5 Vm'l‘his Hotel is turn], mummies: by C 1,19 be lmd at. H. G. GARR'S. _l M f“, “I “u oft-l be I'm; "1 "Wm“? "WWW" ""dw‘m; firms: figy‘fiaili‘c’ffl‘r‘i’o‘fiiin‘ilfiz :23: .‘“.‘r 3?:3=f".:w_~..::.;, 7L Parr- .; , 3'l“ 139319;" ' li'jqnlm“ :‘;W~l lof {jig- ‘bmlnmlpnblic. ' ~v , . ~ i G", CARR‘has Suit reunited is very “Ml min LTXEX'H’HE _, v(w "Riff" {2%an nkinztheir pram” .g-sii‘l‘enmz Shin per day. i; l" _l .3: in; {233; isnnment of (inure flqufii Ham-7 ‘- Pl’llmt T 2413" 11' T l mmn;a_npucu um um tunes. I fight; 13,1H61. 'ly i r». gml. union? mnfin‘e thorn“ . ‘1 , Nathan-2?! “ I ; ..,au«m»m-J. . ‘- - . - ' - ' f ' ZACIIA m _ J Wm. A.-_Duncan, L ,1: Trunk” A r LAWN-mm“ 2» we Kenn- A ‘& wealfcarner qu'cutn Ftp: m 2. Cvm Jung} 1?... 1 ‘ [l)ch 1.1.59. ‘ll 1 TTfl VELJAT LAW; I’l“ piompflg land Am I‘ Us on: and allbthc; husineqi en uuncd'w‘him. “.‘fiec hal\rcen+‘ahnnw-ks’ nn-l D mn4rt Ziegler] store-‘.‘lhlrimorc street, acuphur . Pug. . [.lch 3. 13.3 w. ..7. _.- _ .._...“ ._ _,, .--. _. Edward B. Bustier, WHY AT L U"! will [6thtu and null): attend :0 MI husi‘ncu entrain-(1 [a iank! the German lungunge.-‘ he s-ImP pth-{in 86min Ballimnre Ii Forncy‘s drvlg‘v More, and near!) hunt-r 3k Zieglt‘lxr'svsl'ofe. V ' Hg, March 2U. ! z 101 nu 4 fullnwinpym be a The \vhuh .‘H J- TTUK . A ~ 1 to mm. - IRS 57ATE"! , (Mice in t rnhh-gnvrruumnl urcet. n! 'H'f \\ .l‘t 1h : umfl. ‘ opnnjilc Y #lryr, nah, 11 (he, Gattysb" Sip Vb mam‘zm-z I L' 0 TT i l‘A\”f. , A (.3: ’ m-nuun ix 21w); hmmmg "um, Ruilrm h, «Pun-rs ‘ 0.11).“!de all! an", m rfigrmtly ilmmr- ‘ other clnil In: fulurh. 531°: ing'on. D.‘ u. ‘ ' anl \Vnr - lyhizhest pl ‘I \.N 15,“ng W Gallery, ' weutva: ~ : an by 1M mmm mmm. Gutsy-é SHUAUY", v _ burgxu‘n‘. 21,13” Ali ‘ 1 ‘pb ‘ V ' t J. J. Han‘mx‘ A \‘Nii‘f .\XD GWL'NSEI, ,0". AT LAW. {Tu-n on ”.'lltimo'rg "w”, nqafl)‘ «mm ('-(m k Brochrrs’ Stung.‘ ‘ 3 mm. Uri. I, lEC'). tr! ‘ x ‘ J. c. Neelyii g ..‘;F:\' AT LAWflrill mend tort-d ich h yntl u” uglier husimafi in‘rmn to with [lf(llfl[t(l(§'§3. Urfifile in Hu- 5. Hi the himnuml. I'l‘ormcqlp' nccupicd by? TIL-”An. I'lfiq.) ‘ . ‘:- .‘ frg. April IL, [9.39. i , ‘Wm. B. McClqian, , '. i Trolxxm‘ .\T r..\w,‘_omH¢-in \flatllid-‘J 'A (“U urn-t, one door \vch M Ihr new: "‘01”! H min 1 ‘ f; « 1 ' Getty“ urg, .\‘m‘. H, 1859. g; ' ‘ ‘ "I“! ' ‘J. Law-ranca 11111,}M. D. .\S 1%: Office one , r H (logy \W‘st Muzak} Lutlmrn‘ C‘Hln‘ll in ' '1 ' * Chmuhor ‘.nrg ‘”an. and oppnr'ile Picking”), store, “'1 no [how wishing to have any Dcntnl op~nuin px-rtarmodnru mqwru‘pxlh’invitwlto. cnll. R rahlcwae: DreéaifnrrmrJflz-x'ffl l’, Krnuth‘ .D . nl‘V. H. L. Ikumlidr, D. D.Y RQY. prof. u, .u-pm. I‘rnf. 314.45%”. ‘ i Gcltrs‘nrg, .\rr‘ri H. ’55:. ‘ “L ‘ ' .- _ I . f " Still at Worla‘r! ' ~ ma MAKING AND m mmmx'c G —-g!. c lug-Imuigncl ruepocu‘funy Eltlpxlns his lrien < run] the public thufi'ho cnmiuuls: the Cone nnAkiug: nn-l Mackinaw-Kn: hw‘mg‘x'sg‘ in (Wu-.\- mum-h :1! hi: czzublhh‘ _t-nt in ('h'lln-Z bcrshur 3 «(rm-v. llc Ins On Mimi "fix! «in Ulllllll1l‘:llt‘l‘tfl nrdl-rn}! kinds of PARRIAQES’ ‘ “I“Hiel'h'. SLUI‘HI“. Shrine “fig-Joni, kO,, U] the lu-St lII‘H‘JI‘LIL :I‘nfl’mmlo hr k Ilwrinr \rol'kl ‘Pllm'wtn'c and BLi-cxxmrrnn'n of \ cai'lx-q tlo hm}: ‘ , ‘ ‘ A7ll ihy :11! w'm Imm ‘ :4 mix»; ofnur hawk 3”", “h 1 M bf: ullpgcther' ~ _(‘N‘3 ’ TTRU‘TH'E «Kn wins gu- TTOI pd finMlffiw mun-H 1. tin” is ‘aplwnmd um" hii L‘mcr :1? x :53. I’riuu' U'l'ller of ‘ M m. I}. 3 guns, ~ . VI: Getty: {ln}. I _- #1: 19 ”up. ,1; kpil‘ujv ex‘ubih a mi \\‘llfll HI 0111' m 1 Stripes with n (he forggruuml. . [’..-tncl Flag. and "\ huiw; plainly ML purtmitu of mi. Butler. Fro: i.l:lA-I|kt:r.\\'nul, Sigc'. .\lwmvcll, Cola. (lorcoruu 'l'i. .\l the bot vnu‘ed. 14 by '23 h m; of .\liéuuri. Rn; of.‘ Khusna, Illinuia, m'mrJ- NM ‘Nle Bomb-r of filihry Figuruf .lhc Mushcti, m;- wim'm'e .\iililmjy a, m plzue of {Up c. Size 25 x 315. i- Chartn ‘ Hymn-‘1 work. it llizimxa. [lnd nmv ' of\'lr,:ima mu! *Vam 111 Map oflhc [ l:n~-I \'trj' dear (MAJ uni “all ‘..nuuoxu .\Lo, 'l. bf t‘nlnmhin, Ha nn‘i \iriuity; uh um! \irinil): wile :mJ x'n‘inil} : sun-uh H gr. Part .13. Min-30cm. 1H kind mud to t ‘,Cnt\'r Wn'k :1? ’ a??? ‘.(‘rmzrhnn '.spemtul gin“ nf mgrm'inqa. The In- '.‘Rvim-h "I.ng I is unqua (‘.-1 manning (war omm! fi'flm thr? Lujos '\tt—:—\rllu a fin:- on 'qminz—“hu I'm" immruuin-fq wlfivh mu"! :1 tn ilmnrl.”\xn'xH I‘Zti' !) J t'le rriéz- ja (NIX (wt-:1 rh-mcc nnl‘ Fouling Tar t'm! pornnngj-nq hnmt' nr mum:- , ~ ‘ ‘ .\< angrrna-k ornrl thia u are h“: rctnrnm‘l fi'O'h “In P3!so3"aitl§ ““2.’""""—';‘f “."Ffl‘. "‘"m ‘l‘ 1 neg: stuvk of ‘L‘louds—Lcunsisling, M “r" “f ‘Y'l'f'm‘l'lv h" ‘" '~ ‘ H ' I:lxl4;vcl~tvul}o'xt‘; hint tyc ‘1 m: uxrxanu'm. s'n‘an‘ «a 1mm": mm =19?“ Wrihmrm hillL‘”‘. “and. Loch. “1.15. Mm. etc. ’ ' CHEWHJ'ET?’ of m!" "310 "r <. i..r‘imiing Edge anld lex‘orr dl-- 1 "W" “93 TH" ...)er - . Sm’fi I’LrnN. (‘llil-rl~.fl:.()t‘lgv; [inter-g ‘ 2 I‘. ‘Qiikfiquumn‘sz P4llllO , Angora, Squnzes. Gurigm, H: mhrra. ! [:"f‘klw‘lv' _‘ _ J ‘ 1 _ ; ‘.' ”.rv‘nlf‘ntrlfifa In \ nrk Bf :‘KSMITHS u-{u’ fin} {Am-m. Vim, Hm \wahlg Um M, ,l ‘ ‘l‘O‘v ”fir-‘F-JIOP“. Marie-shoe .\"uih. 5" ”awry“? (\\zurruntg“; , Ii , I: them. rrrr cheap. It, . 1.0007({43111' (III! l-rnmc: [0 Nut Ell;;AV|xlg of ( H FIN!’IXGS:_‘I]P‘I M 'muth, Inr-w, ;. ”"14"“ ‘ “"3“". _ ~ ' J . Fringo=. (‘nttnm ”fink "5“,,"th MOSH-q] may. Engraving: Barth ofCanst, a .\xk‘s. Huhi, Sp)k(li,iircllocs, Bows; ‘-'“"'—'"m4"“?t’ T‘m'kil‘: (Has “52. i g ' lmng~ "(._‘ l-tt‘. . Gnld min] filvor \\. :v't('|l9‘, ‘ H FlNDlVGS—Tampirn_ “rm 'mu] All HM” n.’ .’cwoluv. , mhrM-hw jf‘nvzmna, lorovru,[.illinrzs.‘llilnlivlg<. I’cg: any,‘ .Flnyg'tlw- “Nit-fin!” Shun-53w. kv- _ .- ou. chm. with lb generalhtgsorm cnt'ull .A ""1 \prlh .frnm J” c Ith 14)}.qu 0” “’l‘“ .kor’s Tani-I. ~ ' . i: ‘ Lie-'H‘h ongrqvmg ~11“. ’ I ; .xFLT-VHKHR‘S ’TMLSL—q gem- .139! “’hfli ”)0 fuck-‘in?! M n" “o'4 n "wtin: t: aha. \'nrnis'hi Knohs‘, mm. on‘ 1‘ I (If 'h“( "HHS”? “'m 5“ “fluff fl' “:fihillmun "EKEEPERS will-MSG mid lnr ’..; 1 Hall. \ rk‘. Pa .'whvn (In? (Mt! namin-d ulmre t ufKn'n‘M and Furka. nflmafin. Ihm,‘\,will he ‘diatrihutod in me]! mnnnqr flfi‘ tho pur- Vnr Na! d Table and TV? Spoon» ('nnl ! 'l“‘=°”:m’"' dqtcrminv. {the [mruhpceri ‘O - \VuiulJ-a, saw-ch ma Tung‘, s:mL'-‘°rfin'zr " m MW 9F 'ifintvrcm‘ ll lwrwns Zlmmcleulnnd Brass K”'l+“‘ Pingifl‘ubs; 1‘“ "wk; ”‘0 awards "1 "l“,h “13‘1”“? “5 ”'9." l . Chums. Carpeting-eta. etc. Im" '1“ “film?“- ,-' | ’ j - r a General u~sortmhuJ>f Forged and E . Tl!" “METH‘WN. from f! o farm-rude-i mapnor RON. Mall «in: n‘ndkiéfls. Casualwnr, '" “mi," ‘ “‘ ”JR Entcrlm Q ““5 "°"'F"“"""‘". m... Steel, whichflwy “3PI “n nscbcnp and the ’n _ brr of omzr \‘jmza already suld. I‘MPNL . "‘ | hnp‘e tn 1) able to have tup nnmunl iv’xsposol 'CI-mll-IS—n full and, gonfl-nl msnrtmcnt, g of {'3‘ ' “ 1“} 0". Oct. cn‘l‘infL "W 1 NIP" ll” 5 ’crushed, I‘ulverizc-L §Clnrilicd, nnd.f"'," '10“, 1 fix in" _nnflfi' “0 Plgrcllnfvns. "ml “Sugars, New Orleans, “fist Imlins, and: nlnx'c “'9 Ast‘nbuuuu of he Gm“ piToccedcdl ‘lmme Mnlaues' and \'{llp§. (Joth-anwflh- 1A . 1 ‘ I Clmcnlalv, finn, c'oursé‘ u-l dairy Silh- This {ln raving: hn=frnrrlVM tho cnmmondn-l » , Fish an? Sperm oi}, ~'l‘|irpcutim-,ltion of {h Rcwrrnfi-(flt-rgv. our firmrilizmw. 0. v‘ ,g‘ i and imlcc' ufall clusscs. who cnu-r hm) it with l ns=nrlmont 01‘ Lead and Zinc. dry anxl‘ spirit. . - I ’ I also Fiukprnnl' I‘ni:ns;‘in fact. alumna" .M'STIN 8: \\EEHRLY. ‘ ; rticlc in llu‘ lhu'dwnre‘ 'uarh Fulfilmgfi J. 3!. .\ int ‘ ~Gnomm “1311:“. 1 Findings, House-Keepili . Ulurkimilhfl ~ j -——f ‘ i ‘; t-m'Ws, l’nintpra. and h-ucery ling—l-h i REPOSHH‘IADATIUNS. i . i 'hh:‘ tin-r are dptcrmiufil to sell as low I We if“ M nth-mien to [Stunner of thé ruom ‘h m :uiy house out-ol‘ mé (Zin: ' inn-". 1 Mn ‘1: _ f. j _- i , JOEEV . BANNER. , Frum nev‘ W "I‘Mxypmnznegtnrq! sl.lnquu Pmteu‘ :. UAYL ZXEULER. Y ' 4 ml l‘:|v!|fl-pnl l.hll "1: ~l4er, Pl. ‘ _ l Nlf Dcc. 04 ““50 l _ \.--u.,u. Au-tm 3: \\pm}! ..~_!‘hc ongmvmr ys ‘K‘ ''-- ' .. ‘0! tho TI rd's l‘rrry/rr" 1"! Irh 1: now offered ' “ “‘nsw‘ " EMI TO2l. S .lfi‘l‘n [m their MIN-ct. ‘ -r the Times. il'v t-ugnn’ings of nmlpt‘ficxgcrul lhll‘l‘:0n. Colonel , Flags" \\ asking:- Icc smm, Barkley i am] Territories. Officers, smm [('eusus of H 460. [Clmrg .\ltmmhc ME an hum part. of .Bl'”. Sérewal T 001: scrim‘m and mi} “(‘.. cl h u: 15 cunts mu Raspe, } ctr. wit OYD a; m.. 3 ct, Ngw York. 3 ‘ .(‘UMI Dunn: i .‘Tvpring‘l Poles. ; 1 INS urncr of Raki cot-‘.dircclly op '. (:L‘Hf‘blll‘gn— , , 11‘ Fr‘! [lOO -t ilmlolphix, and Shnom. (‘A 3 .iortmo clue :l” work in vonld rc<pcctfi|l ublir‘ wishing to ‘o fnmr m \\ ilh a. { our work. ' We [.\IENTS. TOMBS I; LE .\i.\r.\’Tl.ES, d an other work : t thclou'cnt‘pos r to to guaruntce ' "01' nnflme and Si rumm jrnn:_ l Bucket .\ltnl Rnllc'd and m I“ Chr- ' (m I such I a mxumer sub- the best to he: ry. improvement «I i»; nvnilcdpf, I 11m! our (“cmP-l H»? m curt-full)" ,lpuuhnll unin f‘Pmitiun given.“ as Irv-essay to - lien}: ' l'tro m Suznr Spiro; Limeol Fish, A fl in oil rty p ever-v u: I .9 'Sh I ‘ n crsugnod oh 9" roperlym which “Mn" . MhhHl-Hzlru-t, ".‘““ mu nny the \N‘J‘ n" “L with an ‘ , :sn is «@331. cd. wikh {~ “('3 ,xx ith a pm‘ip in ' _"" , ffrm't. such H, a, flan-tries, and ' "7 '7 ‘ Second Angel ‘ S FALIL—Laryer‘SIM-ld than Errr.'-' iACOBS a; Bl§():ha\'cj\_lq:feceire.ltheir! IE \II MYERS. , A. J. Cover, D. McConaughy, \'I'IY AT L.\\\', (uflice one rigor west chlcr'fl drug and back stun-.thm (rec-t.) ATTORNEY A\l) Sonluno ‘ run. 'in Puuxms. Bmufiy Limd 1W"- k-puy Mupcndml Ciainu, and pll‘ ns :lgdins‘l (he Gm‘ernfineut M W‘n‘h. (1.; :flmAmericun(‘l.mi’-ns in Eng’l‘nnll. .uns'locdzcul .Ifitfsoldgm bu_u;tht.,nn~l [ices giu'n. .\génu engaged in 10. rmuts in Innfn, Illin§oiu :nul qtlur I nos [vi-App}; toilfim penumlly PL, ‘ I ‘ -lnnr- at rr.lslon:\‘-h 'rgmu. Hump“)- o‘ntnhminuohcustumorfi. ' -‘3 "Y l'lnnt'v‘a 'mken in; exchangl- f0!- » :u'kel prim-vs. ~ ‘ ‘rsuu! dcfiring artichebrwnrk in (he ‘Lin: or |3lurk=milhin¥ line, are re ‘y ilnllL-JJII on" an ' T - . ‘ rJUHN [..JIO;TZ\\’OHTIL mm. Jan. 2L 'D‘J. L ,' ardwara a: Grbcery ; _ , . ‘ ._Thc :vflmrrihern 51'1“:pr n spII-nfl‘n'l tin-Intur'l \IUHVJRE.‘ GHOI'HR'IIE. ,ul-l L'sLIhILJICJ “and ,in Daltin'lcrg wfiMWv-mfilwwv‘ “MG-WIN?» m. "l“ ~ A rnnnnm! ;« 1., .. 1d) wnw‘fia l: -1 p :rl):»§4€'3x:: m. * a ..l ‘... f KILL. C BNER F “’F‘ST ILI. INC PAID FU' ._' '\l , Irx,‘ " .3 . I'. ‘ - ' I xRP S \.\'o Ralmmwstn ms, VYMH Tm; ‘V TIHT WILLI rrxfzgvxrlongmrxr': . Still in'the' Umbn! ” ‘ Mpnntain Herb Pm," EL‘ l i" " “ wuvsnaY.—~_msub-mbdaumnuundm. BALM 13 h'th‘Jllfw-llnvvu- m "m.- R135”“BT.““”‘“.~‘-‘. ""f “m WW" “TE 11"" PM“ “Wm M “mm, " ‘ Sm ’ ‘ Steam Will of Sir. C. “v. "or ”‘l‘. in Ilnn MW". . urn To T"; FME'HG l).n our!“ or Mme-l . the nth-Mum lor-u- frwml_nnd the pub- .. ¥ clue-f nfn Irihc uflln- ”run!!! .\zler .‘(u-E _‘ «l 3.34“!“ MAX“ h., had!“ thoroughly "WIN“- h). pllulnu‘ m no.l g__l:o, Llqullk 'cur” of "Md ‘chv, Tooxh- lxc generally to the Iran 5h,“ the} hrfiqjllsl re- mm. that onre rnlo‘l lluim, You mll fimi n r ‘ it ”19 ner'r-llsnry machinery or “mum“: Luuc- “h“. RlI-Imatiuu, .\‘a-lmlgm, Pain in lhe aide tut-In'“ from _tlw “.'"”. or_ I l-‘xlztdljrahln nn‘cl full sen-unlofhlm nmllmunnhlcmunrl'nmnh- E s 1 stone. Th:- mm is now“, dpmruhun find 1 "m “Mk or “mum“, l‘alhu-r'a “olic or cramp); g:- lgimmel «uh a .\EI“ ‘\.\D .51 LESPXD 3&- lots «ml .\lnmnnrnf-AO he had .'zrntln. flow the A "My to snpplv nny dcmlmd for Hm uu-rul ‘ Profiled Fer; or Fully. Burma. Frrsll (‘umlii TME\T QR GEO! " “fur“ “gun ever Alon" for those l’nlla. ' \' ' h N ' " Fertilizer. GROUND ”ME-STOVE i« now Span-u, mum." “lutrhaa Sore Throat and clarefiolfered m the-(.ounlv l {The Invent»: null manufacturer or -. Judgpn" DI. HI. (I l 9 put _wur w.- lmvc "Rodi“?! «mu-dell by thon- who MW 104 ml it, to be an“ mun” (‘Oinplahllll y 1 ' _l‘“”‘g houghtvlhmr goal: for C‘xrshuntpnulc .\lsmnuun .llor'h ltxllglu lms syn-m the grmn-r to the notice of the medical profeurflll marl: but" “Hp”... um" “um, Lime 0, in“ Tumlmc-lle cnu,” lnl 1m nlnuzm. Run-he . Em" and flu {I no \rln-n lllctlt‘t‘lllle In many pair! of his life In Iran-ling, llfl‘lllfi filmed A ) I deed rim}- of 1m: nlb :r Ft-rlilizr-N :I‘llI‘l‘.Ill:’ np-J “my, in n”: "1:"qu lll'nvluche cured in ”n“ it?!“ of fnhnci w uxmrr-F‘uln'c‘led. ”.10! are ('n- m‘nrlrcrery country in the world. llc gm"; or “in country the Inn Crynlalmd C‘Mnfififi‘l hlicd In land. The following (.‘t-rlil'mun from luiuulu. Burns runld lrom “mutiny: “1 “V 0 - threw! gifflcrguifi “.\R‘. YEN” 2"! “ Illinilonlsh o‘3” '11? you: umonpllm lnrllr-ns at. {he Roéky ‘IWPJ’MMM’ as ‘1 REHEDY Fon‘nngu‘x‘l" 3” lmznn. nuutewivo “mm, “M highly n“ mmnu-a. Nwmm“ Fin” mm! in n“ min-I a s cre ‘u 01H. If our {Twila :mll but .Lmntn!“ and ol' .\lauco. and I! ma tllui flu! NS) , .. . l lpet‘tnlvle chm” of Adnmi mum.“ will attest M“. ('nlic cum] i ”a miumu‘a. Sprain: Full and enmme our sunk, which n- ;omplote ll»: “.\lqrsnn’flunn PM.“ u “are dincureml. I; and bxwmg neoonml {som my .oqu the "H,“ nl' this “Wynn“. ‘ relwvud in u," luiuut'hl. Sure throat relieved m ital? deparxmcm, We are sun- we ran ofi'l-r .\ very Intern-hug prcqnnl of bit adventure: loath from physicians of Ultel‘llalghm lunllill‘t 39m” llm‘e heen [filing 'tlm Grnuxul Lime- ‘in fire minutes. sue. 1m ncementfi MWm 'mnply Crpnyfitllrm for there. you "I" find In our .\lnuumc and d ‘ ‘' ‘ r “ “one 4m my {and fur rm. um rm" 1"". "M ' UM) CIHQI'II-u'c I." Cured hr "M Awe.“ in l their lmuble. Evt‘ry nmf-le uulnHy kept in a annhlt-l. . ‘ l 1m {nun paucfnta, tho 310.51 I IInAnKRINGI a” it to be A: law: “flirt“ “I!" ”It llurnt ' I(9th DJ." EVE Y BOTTLE WARFHST. i first Chis copn'u)‘ «tar;- wxll hr ‘fnxjrjrll’in tummy It In In nub’lushed fact. that all dist-age! TBSTIMUXIALS UP ITS REAL "Al-b" Ml Lime. und‘nxmrn. h !\.\s‘g‘n'en .mhrmsun . El). m- n! my :11! Tu mm mm l~ ° “2' ""mwd M T T.” m. LN . usurp agile from l! l “In mu 1' ‘ ‘‘ l in tho llr-xt crop. ‘ PETER mmw' ' I's and 501~cnts pqr Bottle. ‘ any! er“ “mm“ 0! fl" F'ty' ". d“?'¥"°“° ‘5 ~ . .IllPl . E "LOOP! 5 ' “WM 0“ M painful mummy". db!“ Numeroua otlnerrortifil-nté: of lch‘Cllflrflt‘lcr’ Them lhiflg' W 0 Prme on the spot and heron V l Qllz‘k B‘“:de bunall 11mm?! 2"‘& H’uuhle Th. blond " the l'r" ! “"51 when. any (a .Z" N“ cnuld be produced: but thislh ‘nmril‘ul. 4‘0“" eyes, OM." being on your cases. A l 0 n “wwgoo I. >’- . i :1. ' 0“ ""h?“h.hv"'"“"" 8"” "med “uh i" h' M erflrm"; an. ""1"“th to send in their; ”3 liberal ”lawn“; nude .0 Agents;‘» lag‘f 9 nice tnka thr: Orr-anon to reltum our 0‘?” dmlnbuud m Vl-wrv' mm!" or. the bod .-- ordarand lo‘givv it u lrinlf. (one wanted in owl-‘11! town : nlw. fl Int 1100:] v k If“ s or the (My Kellen)". palt‘mingom'e 1”" "$0?! “"‘1" fad“ ”’1: Nikon. ”'“d‘ "H “’3' ‘ ._’" Im. 4,1301 :1 10m noovm. ‘lr:u'(-liu:.\:.'enu.r .\uorderuna cumm‘umcu-'h”°‘°~f°'° "”Flved' “fl"dmfllm 1’ P” ”m ”9““? ““3“" "" """"' 7"" “Yuma" "” _.. U . ~_ _ -IL‘v -fi _ liuus lboulibe “d 9” ”a to ‘ ‘hr stud fitte'ntma to “name“, nnd a igh re- n 9! dlgest the food filer-fully. Thtl'u‘cr us: 505 . Gettysburg Foundry. l > “C. .‘ (‘rOLBERT‘k (.0 igard for the '9‘"??? of both our put us and m rocrelo a nnfl'lrlurlcy nf'l-ilc.: The action WT - HF. irxhscribcr, Infill Inn-chased the" 193 Soullr-l - slrcet.rl’hi}hdelrl;in. igur‘ulrea, to “Wt" n,cnntinn:\r3ce 03' t" it lund ll" hm" h '"M‘m‘ 11‘ and so the riruflnfun T Foun‘llré'nfMe-xsrs Zolfnugh,Slom&Co.,‘ .mftw'rmxs *n n USING .\JOLHERT'SI "W'" 0 “5'5“” “ ”um?” “".‘"““°- 7"" “Ml“ “mm“ “mm“ ““hfl'" {fnrmcrly {\\.mrons, Fuuu'lrm h“ commenced BALM IS GILFJD. For Toothache l‘l‘l'l' i&' Ar“ 8 ”(ant .u u and Meryl-am “5.. m'imlm'f" nmtfenthu-m cnugh—l—nn‘d nrlrftom 'hu-infss. And is ndw Prcl’l‘lrml to ofier to the over the lace and rm of the mbth nfiecied. ’-~ g 77’ '4 —a r :urfigld, P“ " aft]ll’ililtoll'lnlvurltriF;—gllphg:l.:l2:ngit’ll“: (‘le l-uhlit' nllhrzor nnsortmeuohf .\fuchinery Hum prt‘uin thclmnd u: n the fave: n out if ‘ ' g _' ' I 7 ‘ ‘ ~ ' h-u hcrc-rzllnro‘lwc-n ol'l'cn-dl inch 11::: TllßliSll- cured. gin extremelm sebwet Imm: wi‘h my V (3ng to. thflfau‘ _ Mr i."“"".‘ F' m “.‘"l". “l":ml‘" from \{lmh ‘ n!" l‘.\'(l.\l.\("El.\'l§3.L‘lorrr llllllors.FoHrlL-rs Cm- “Mmflnnd coven th loom and ‘mxms. For? AND 00" TFORCETT‘UHSITN‘ "“SA’VT 8% tiny rrnnlet. m re“ minmp?‘ t.f ‘dfl‘fil wry-z,l'nrn.‘lull:rs.nmlMoern'slnM imprm-ml Headache. bathe the ample; nud applv lo' thel “196 E qu'q'm'mfi‘QPfls.”m “PM"! , :“Exrsle 0 the “rm- ‘ 1.)“ ome's dim” w {NH i “()N‘ llulzc. .\lm. STUUKR. an“! M "00k mmuunduke {Wm nto thirty drop; in hnlrlw Plant Treeswnll find thr-noun"! ground - . “1.. and. As qlr vkl) Elm-.4.lmp‘urelducu“flyl l Fluvv‘. Mil-cc dlfl't-ronl kindlzl; and five different Mumhlur of wxm-r, Event-nod. ' 'remnrknhly fins. “I," Ofl‘ercd nl ffitlur n‘l priqpq, “l '~“ “I" l'"?*- ““‘l “I"? ”H 51m}: b‘flllfld. ‘.“l' 1 sizes of Tl’l'~l‘l-‘l“ Stun-'.. , ll‘lkmfinc .\lill and A l-‘nr L‘roup "M Sm Thrownmke from ten to ,Tlr Apple numbers 100 vurietfiés, e lblflcing “if Fxlssrzuslzecnm 01-strhurml‘, undrup‘lu- the! ‘Suw—m’ll!Castings, aml n“ hulls 6lefiXlng in thirty “ml“ inlL-rixull. ‘on sum“ or inskeeum L.!\-th§kmzr°vm arrrls. , 5‘ 4 ‘ ‘Oflm‘tful': on. Is removed, l c lump 01l 0 s on: Iron orl‘ll'lmd. l‘ 5 (‘ll warm water: lhzh 1c tlm lhroul lrecly nnd 3? '4 {175" the Invlex‘hn,;u-‘1 "a!" r}! Dale e“ a: ' I]. nt 0' J LEV'RIIPAHHNH ufnll llijnds on Machinery Bin‘lallfillfllllll‘l.l F‘ ”ca-inch. lllmumntism.‘ o” n "'9' T: P" Loo7}; 5 “,8- :_!_,w‘° I" ’ 0 I" . ¢ and ('naéihg? \\ill luv (loud I u arm-Er on ihnr-L Nonrulgin. Lann- Bar 'nmice. Pl. uz-rn: mzuli‘ tn drrlcr: Plnugh L‘nst— Balm in (iilcxul; 4m! ium may hnulo : I’LUI'G 1}“. sudn‘iu 8031-I,‘ Fur Burns mixzolie Witheréwi ' I‘lnr‘lwr. “'OO «film n'ml lnzan two bf water and flu Mlu-rs‘\\otjlgemioncd here ‘md eigifl difi'ernnv. “10 “UV“ “”1“! HIGH-H kinds' orlmox Inscxxrfi; for gexumrics, m to fun: drug's i Pun he: a , \'nrda’. ; 5 I huwéls and upptyl w .\lan, Mgr-1M": Mnrhincpj one o the has: ”It shudirr doécip lb now in midi. This mnehiuelfiorks wH) u lcn-r VHF .Nluhg; wry dccu by hand; iny Hittlehoyv (_n Ih-mnge !. . simmer". ‘ .(‘all and oxnming our'e bin-k; no douht hut ('¢z:.'b~~rl‘n [him in what wing-m p‘r»\§~c. Y-‘r‘ifln: mug)! tn sup it bunk H-hn in (inn-31d H‘ur nhvl‘v‘l-‘jntnyc M lmymm‘llinpry nf nny him] T‘im-‘c \\ho h ‘c 11' home \\flwm iii: nmnufnJLhu'M so {hut lhcv not He without in can whiulszlfgul nnypnrt kkulnm‘d rrrrop.nircd. ASH": “MIMI; ‘- F If D “ID 5111210133. _ . ' ;(‘.- Gettysburg, T’t‘b‘lS, I.?ch i ' FO. 123 s‘. F‘mrt V: r - ' f‘ ——+ - ~ - N l". _Ur-h-re fw! 0011.7 \OIIS Denim Earn! the \‘Tu'm-d Sum-s at t ~ ... .. . 10 0h“ RF, \rTlvx, swam. Irrmrn "‘s',” “"1 °’ HN(;II\\'I."GSnr-‘TNP. .1 {Yh' ' I ’ I‘nu’u‘u H-‘(ru SALI-L—‘LLA‘ALUZ El'nmmm- 1 Pro - ‘ Hun A‘T‘EM‘ {—11.9 jxlcn xi roprnu' Ming the IT“? IXVTG HM and'gl'riwr by nn’onpr \iing. any! of 0y) I- '_ J an“! EK‘IDIII:!|{i-::‘ muningnnd nrraim‘mc.“ 31 mm. :1 humue M ‘.J H” RE-‘Yr‘lllhkh tn I rodzu 6 M. on' r u- mm (1 nl‘ nu II‘II‘S" Sun! In] "HOT “‘llhf'lli 'i‘ “do. m}! i‘unrrwrl Ind r- firicnl i-uf‘ Ly t‘vnw- ‘Nv‘il'fl'lml 'I‘V‘HIH Lil“ 13' (the qolf-hr-Itcxl Bunk NOW Ell'gr'.l\{l'|‘. uf \'r“ . “iii l’ill§\’}‘2_.\"rl.\l York (“up It vnmnmn o: Nth I:qu him-iv ex. '41.. “Jun {Mn-1‘ In: I w "10"! {goth MH mm “MVT'U nun-113w" fullnw 1““ '_'H(‘T~‘“_H‘ my U; r‘ in 1|!!“‘?‘~ylln 1h“ “flu-r “mm: of' ([lO nrm'er. Hm HLWH lat > .ororx I'hr'F" ‘.l‘ “kid! '1: Eng-raved h'the Imm MM 41! rulnnwnu}:llrx' -v~‘!v\;_r:un huh t-<t.-f:fl mlnm‘r.l: Xmlr (11m hnlmm HI! IHIA l'vrl' Y“ the hie-tinn- i! :l anlu-rhlr’owru! "1 [HM ut' mu n ‘Hlf‘q‘lth‘lL’h' (H'R SAWIIHL nnr! encirclipz the app-"r 1m: i‘ W' 31"“! “In‘." 3 I “8 aflhc enginvinr: nro Mn «man-14. mqb Mari-v: NH] ‘Ol *1”): ‘ 'onq'nr tin-i T!-:\' cann'nbuaVTsJ The on- , 'J'h- mvt ”War?! craving?) I rot-rived the Inofl‘unq-n \lilfivdprnim m J“, “Uh-H """I‘l‘Hl frum ”HT r lizinns cmnnmnzkv.gum-tx- i< nmh— “W l 'T’lj'“ “W.” ‘t f" he nf n ~ Marian rhnrnctg‘r about t. lining in \l“\’)‘ n. «11w run Im.“ rr‘vn‘u‘mcn‘h'd 1.§.-(-|o‘rr_.‘m,.u { all .1,“ qu H‘iim‘m‘rrun th Mn‘n’nnfiv‘ =. \q nu nrn'nm‘nl it i: we of the i” H“ - in “1""1‘ 0“ mmt 'ph-nylivl M‘ r {ll’ “JIILI in II}? cmnm'v. Wm" “fin-"“1 3'11! "' "' and is ¢lv~3incd w LukrAho} pint-c u rrpmm-r ”I“ I""’ '" KW“ 1'” -' ' ‘ ‘ " ' I-i' 11.180". I!!!" ‘wd \' Mon”: .\‘nstfi & Wehvlv of this “got up" “'th much {ante nut] d might to recommend (Iv/Vb! pub n—l-Jllni'thinrg Hm \rHI hv-p thn't nn- Mr SM 1 Homug I beauty. :1 ‘li‘rnnqn? I 'i'inn hoioro‘ tlimind and n‘wm’dry is t v goo l. The \ r 1: sot-ms fl) meonly ' Examinnkion iniordor w hemdmitcd, but fume that, me nunfleim-n who nd its distribution at no mflgviarnte a he nbuuifanllj' rnm'oufnl in their Im, -~0. w. THHW’SUN. 9 v. I'. I'. "urn. EPA-Mr of ”‘o‘ Mc-rirlll Church, \'unk. l'a , Yurk ’9". Feb. 26. [an]. , Any-tin 3r. \\‘i-hriy :~—-Hn\inq had the finsporting Mrswmmuqin & Wehr :‘d engraving «7‘ the Lorrh‘l'ravler, 1" rliuil) récommoiu! it to the farm‘uhio (if-their friend? at York 'nml ehc‘l L ii, not nnlv n ifcwntii'nl ofrinmcnt for' n: of m'l-ry ('hristinn family, but aim nd odifyin: zirqnisitinn for Sunday d similJr benemient institutions. : i i I .T. F. ll.\GE\'. mm m- T’nhlilh' rs of papers giving lilcmont s inarrtinnu. will M enmlod raving um! Tirkct. hv forwnrdingllie [hill lime to our minim“. or by in until the time M-poinlet‘l for tho di--‘ vi-ilh nu llditofiiaii nctivc owe in 4| )- wili rom-ive lhc engraving {mined gold gilt think in mi! in size and I. V AUSTIN & WEURLV. g In: 2!, "if-i !‘ Métftrl. Iv‘mmre « f I)": =llh‘n “would I'o - nttention "Mirna. lee mu 1 a useful “schools n fit 11%....“ {fit-“vim“ :‘.[~ . pulherolheluiri~ it vi” {:ch Hr with anti [IMMUN- tho qro.\ Inna-4 th'nmt‘ I. \i’l. m row imp nr' lmir. 'l'h -‘n- :-r:~ hurr‘rmh x’n \'. ‘vl Yurk “:‘ni Inn |-)‘l‘..- "~qu 1M? lvu raiinul hsl-l {hilt m II ”II"! Awnm L‘ (new. tip I [w :Ilt'liijf. h \\i'l l‘mm Inrniu; gr: :3 and in u»: s \\ _rr ! i-h nah-If. [h rim cermm‘r n g 1: :I‘da\rk..;£!or :nr’tiw loildt'uu 'nl xrl} rerun me lace: and (I o v! ing lhc hnir u‘h ‘n‘uH-r cnu ht- dn In pn-sor‘.e {is 1 .anm‘ llth-‘WT. an n utuml r-I tn ho ““L'm' .. the reach pfu ONLY 'I‘WHN ~fmr ‘ (Mir, tn In‘ luu gids and pvrfinm'rs. ' I.‘ ..HLTJ’R \\(ILH rom and (iuntdifiJu‘ nmr. in taxes “ML-c I tn 1; \vcuL. Thd uic for n [lnml luau! d! h:: pmikLN llmt lunya’lnn the 561111. the rcynnv both for the 1mm?! 0 uppenrnncc of i‘sflpi C.\l'Tl()X.-.\'n'mc "mile- of LOI'ISNII wramu‘r: 31:0, L 1; MI Hymn, X. Y.. hfimn ' Wholesale Ucp t. 5 the principal \lcrflmu on! the \\orM.‘ ,' Libcrnldirmudtto 3&3”! also dv'sii‘e \ puhliv my Nuw Tn I LIQUID ”AIR 1) if: v tific mperimcufiu’gl h It «1305 ”lurk or firm jury to the Hair br é nrtiul‘r of the kind in e no news. mph. Oct. 29, 1815:). jly Changa ‘ ETTYSBI’Rq} ll G'" ‘qujh .\X‘ tizc ()f‘hh‘ Lttc i~ ‘l9 ,:tsn_nnh|_‘ true gin-4].- it} Ihh rm n‘ry. ha‘doliuhizmma 1v thnlfld rvlm-h‘r tht‘, “-nrk i: n. ”Cl“ 120! hour-:1 «:upx “hm NH“J..\R.‘}\"\'Z\ k'uv Hum. i'l nvld‘linn. -l Ir} \'nhtnlnlo‘ L'II'I '.’ unhh- IM‘] ‘rhmnlilul ET) lhv Dol] Ira“. (ml ‘IeHVIWIJ‘HJ nu :m ‘r-crfl, ~rs iu'cn-l In J va‘msb‘w fif H'H‘ «min a: Malian} . ‘ umuu’h. i r '5 mrkcnmirr 'me-l.) J ‘ 1 ipruxlgh, I} l I m It)" I . mm] ~qu l. h ‘ir ! 0f 1.: Imi Sn‘n our! hu’fv (my? \\flh ‘ Wednesday _ Tmin will Imu'c (Felt; passengers {or n I lhl South, on the Slorihl an about I I’.‘ . rclum . rain will leave Gettysburg o_t 2.1.3, I'. .\I.; but puscugcrs by this Thur. can go no Ember than [lnnorerqhe same pvenhlz. Returning “in rcmh Gettyshurg abopt 5.151’. M. with Medan gar; from llalrrisbur . Philfldqlpllia, kc.‘ By this arrangement pv sons {my the country, near the line or Flue ulrnud, typing business to Irnnsxrt in Getty‘ urg. cnuitdke 1h: noon Trnin up and hmio nr rl)‘ two Hburs if: Gtttys burg, zlud Nuun‘in 1 lo Afternoon Tram. 5 3 . SIcCL‘RDY, President. ‘ J '3 . _ , "”3“" Sept. 2 1861. if“: Vim " ”MW" “’1 'h" 9‘ ur Side bmlli‘ fricly wnh ---_. '.# A ,A~ _ -, ' é’ ,_ j ‘ éc, thr-refute. Inn-h :cuer h“ e intern n. . 5 t "Y ‘ purl iliillmll‘i: Gilmlduiiiidi Prof. Chas' De 61$th [{3\'or((§n;i{|:ulfg?. .. Ir, ‘0 "mm.“ pasle. cover ' ‘ LECTRIC OIL—TIA! FrinuNQfi.” .'w—This Ami-Bum!» Medil'i i 9. F\)erdiil',«t)~ke from Jis 3 W‘Tfminy innm‘em, ,5, 0”] "is" ““0 hidden sol-(ls‘ 09 (ii I but Mailer: Imm, "mygoully stimulminz Mr-Jicinc: ,’ 3 fluid! m.., “credo" ! diam-H. In the nbove' INNS discnvorcdnyl‘rn'. CHAS!) .I‘..\TIF, a?!” anAciluling‘fl children; and flu: lug" whi'e irm‘eliing in South Any-yim—iumly ‘l’lcnmnt indoofl,’i mu); m “g;- m“: circun‘- ' been hrgughl‘nut by urgr—nt miiwnniunw—nzn! [1 Ivlm'e within w‘mr hm: cured mnro P'lil‘ini RHEK'\L\T‘.~‘.\l.[JE \l~'- l:\luunn|in lh-rH‘Pi .\‘l-ISS, (‘.OI'T. XEI'R \LGI \. M'MIH H], H'l- ¢ Hu- nfliicu-d 6.“ .\Ti('.\. Spinal nn-i “mm-hi4] i-mnpi irli‘. Tic fBlidi'nf 'ho hm \- Imloreux. Hmidm-ha (‘rmnpg '(‘lm u. Imus; 'il’ht't'" “iii! "‘1; 1.! Folnnsbjnnins n’nd I‘»rui<m,(fuf~um \‘nnndai 3 ,_ , 1 ' Suolimi; Giflnd'l. Erv-fipelw. Hon.- Xilnllhui: ‘u‘hon'l‘u'wflmf Suwlicd'flrmfl, “‘mnh hierzrficré. B ‘ lihnnm. g _ ,M' f ler iffnukon'iin .\hfimh nut] .\‘mum-‘h. 1‘ tézyl-Lllyu'L‘ 20“” (”'"l’l'r'm Hrilptio s, ('uip-fl Hr(-.\~l. Quip» . (Mir! 'l‘hr-Ln“ ‘nugjm, { ‘IMLy. 1’ enriqy. T‘vefl. In'N‘L-Jdibl . llv’lr' 11mm; (.i‘Ma' ‘ Tnmh n 41:7”.m-hn, Xena-"uni“. (‘.r iVellf‘iH.i (,"e‘? ”"0“”? g. . ' tßurm, Liifilninlq. FI-rog‘uh.’ .‘fplc r‘qmfi ul' it"uwm,~.‘v i‘ “ Miller’s I “"031“??? infuntsgkcq iimumll an” rifry uliur. i 1 ::::lr';'l:;':' 1 , 5”.“ ~ . mt‘uuln. , 1 i“ ~ i .‘. ‘ ‘ ‘. ”Mt :3; \\-' H M 1; “‘in; orifi-‘I nut vl-xhii to ofinrc ("\‘QTHiiillg has on!) n um- ' “_er jn'h‘ hm“ . ' 1“ . 'l'! 'q- «'inN .‘ '." .‘ ring, .ind : l-l‘lflerllllg liu- h’Phi‘ (‘ivl ni-ti-iarmpt‘hir “S! _m '-:i§il H .:ri. it): . 1 ['i‘mzlilplflmzll‘lfii‘ '. ‘ ~ .. if . . ['iq of lii-é- n: 'olthlepitmmruinn.‘rimt o Jiig'n— _ ‘ ‘i ~ ‘l‘ 'i ‘- m «l “ I, “3.1“”, w 1' ‘ i Ix. it v}! nan {thaw :\ P"?!n:’n"nt «gun-,1”: must 3.1;}:2': ‘:,"“:;:mfi;’l: ,I,‘.‘ ‘2l. , .. ~ ‘ mm mm u-nt var‘nymuum: , :,' ‘_ 5‘ Lliul- AM) Is) >sl)le Ft; The In.“ phytiulufi<t~ (If (ink-AW. “J“: .nfi- 3km ofnil p-mplqu i:X:;.I.I;,:"lln"[".\‘:i‘ p: .», NR Fred timt nii (Hg‘bnic Drr-HWI mr-nt in 1511' ['ch “0“."- nflmnl‘lll ‘.i I . \: ». “lunar-3 in Animal 8‘ 4"” i; Uié ”mm nf ‘3‘ uhfi'rnmi-nu 'E-QY'TIW [4mm :1 4 um] ln'xKHL-m) .lh‘lirlllg of the l‘hi-cil-nJ-Zlmxrn'Fill“ g" “I" n “.1 ,“h ?lil.~-’ITP mudr. “1'? ,-:\lnrc “Nd " 'unmé nlo "mind—n skinful :Ipplu-nnmn of Illic U l pin; in I'VHHEE. “'5". aiming -4 immedinh- motiuullu‘ "l'rll‘ fluid. «m I'h' ruro “'f9s'i!""'z m {WM-X1 ii at once igv-cninp'i~‘.nu-al. .\‘m‘ hin- ling. no "“" f‘?““‘- “”h‘l‘l'i'w dunking. urginz. or Midcrim: i‘i r 0 :rici m. s"(‘ls' ”gravy": H” . amine m-‘M:\I!K\IH.E rl'mz . 6231...; 311;: if SM!) will ho inon. i! nny ui‘ illO "0M": I" 'n', in. 1 “up" porznnl’r-mnnifi‘c foumi. . i g gunmiiw 40)- MIN. 5 .\‘IOO ifflleyarl‘ n"! nf'tim in 'in”: r .'zynwh- h w .‘” genltiui‘ i hilily in the city, )C i’ixi'nlll-ipl ni.il-giri|lil_v.'. JL'D'WJ‘ k l‘” 0“ Hhonm'i‘titm—F. “HT-Z ’3 ‘i' (ml-"g of [‘o' b ' ' | "u .(ix) , lila-ul is Mnnlon. (‘uL g'n-s Rani -l‘.wxiun. scd Bulm‘lin Utlcnd \\ill r It-rm‘ xvi-fired: , i . (JULIH‘WT & (KL 1 1 51.. Phil \dHIIIIiJ, l'n. J ;_v Erma» {lt an; pun u!" 1:: Allurll‘fl nuliw. I mu] 'llc‘jm-m-nmg dc- Ir .1 pi't-anawliun. ium x ivn' 0 IL tr] I] L‘ Im‘-\ um-o-«wy w publicflnf 11‘ u. ~1-lil-r -rp'rr~psl_:iuit§n ~-l prmmll h" Inn"! :unr mnlxu I'lnm ‘l \nn/uv. dim-awn. (‘|’!l~('s llHunH)‘ ‘.‘ucl giw‘ it n “(NH-11-up'nc‘n‘thl'. nnd ‘ luau-wing and thinning, :nn! virnr m thr- run“. ll 10 [ht-<6 'nru whirl] u in; it foghl-l a fresh n.’2:ulin< M l L'mxllnmr‘n '.‘l l. HI their ‘mir rl-Murml 3;: Irllllr. a lu-n all nlln‘r cl. 'l.“'. has ixlhit p-N.‘ ('Tlll(‘ tumlnim: M Illa ~Hl|~ u’l' ilu Milled re» «ill-ct'lquly‘ I'm-“ Lit [le y mml llh' hum: [grim] ld‘t khc Mi: has airczdy ‘ l the M 1 t‘lc [mi-r r 10h 'rorcu m u: origin .1 lmo.‘ ‘tnyru-mr‘mm. ‘ .\fin prr~ll ll x: H sir llv- laln'uv .1 ii" .p. l.’l| n Itl:iill.~'_'rl‘cnllnl\" u l..IClll|l§.'4;l,‘.I:lrll'Il“ in_ HM. when "HIM with Klu- Rhi‘ll inf-1y rb-mirv-l {m m mm. \\lNlIIV} pl lin "Mgr [ (llll|:|ll“ film Why the 0”!" nrficlomhu-h nnnc“ " :H {be liri'u: pl.\rcs"ilr ' Irving ‘ .‘ , } ‘Y—l’l'v'l'l {CENTS } ut. all '1 6pc“ gable 31mg- '2‘“ the aflo‘ltinn 531' Fu -0 llw nfltnfhis Infiznr (- chilvlrvq’t lmir TIM-lines of it hf: {tin- fimntlnlinu Ir. as it rdmm cs any im hcrmuc Juuncvletl “ith l ur u Md}: 3: m‘R-r-sylry the cluhl" hull the future ("mine whhnnl the fnc LER Mini: on the outer LER'S qua (.\‘VIGO in tin- leqis. ' Dry SL, “Inf!!!“ byn” am] ”nights through- un-huwralbythoqnnntity. [wen-Mm me anricnn Man-uu ,hsru'ms‘nuts 'hirb :tflvfl )enrsol scien luc Fuuugh! In perfection. I n iniingllly whhdut in: kin—\\alr‘uutunl {he best 1‘ ”touch, x-xucauxu’, ,6 Dry Shim-t, Nei‘ York. of Tim). ILRUALn-Hm and after 1' mul‘ lh" .\l~ ’ .3, k . Iho Morning iburg m :Jw .\. 31., with ('unuet tidns. North and Ar“ (‘t-ntpxl. I:ai|wuy\ and ‘ . ‘Thc :mernoou Trair anch Railroad. (El-.‘“ P;N125.-—l’usepger UWS 2 \es Hanover “'9, A. XL, ion at Junction for York, big, and [he “'O3:. ave} Hanmrr It 2, l". M., .xlt.more uud intermediate l- 9 killed to Philadelphia, ' 1:. York, \\‘illinmsport, inrlpn! wny points on the rentrnl Rpfli‘ly. ‘ 'l‘Ro.\‘E,Tic'§ct. Agent. mwnzx's SHOES—A ‘n, oflhisea'und Children's IlorL-d. at. K. F. MCILH ENY’S -kmga,- Checks, Flannel: hnolmckh‘. We have am with our own nine, ‘0 'nl utleufion, 11l ‘1: excel: ed in mm market for the and int! Drown Muslim, 51in Ind Wide Sheeting, . SCHWK'S. V , V .. I]. cut! and Tun-[fill =t'.. l’l)il:\nf«‘.phh\ m ‘ . Rhuumnfimr—Mr “'.lllaJiohzirdgthlElmcnth 9L. Philadelphia. ' f ' Hhoumnvism—John (‘limnm ’7l! X. .Vinlh nl.. {Philndvlphim E f . I f llhonmqlimit—David S'reitl :tho. I Ljh'hrn sun-M. Philmie! uhiu. ' Q i . Snruinod “What—WV. Iv‘mumnéu Q. Eighth m. l’h'la-iolphi‘a. ‘ ‘ ‘3 g;: l-‘pln'u—‘V. Kim'nd'm. 24 Fighlhftu I‘MIM'A‘. .\‘n'nined \\‘ristquhn l'ihle‘ 4'16 Arch sh. Pililzlrlvlphh. I f ; t ‘ “nub—Jam“ 1.035“ '2 ”nurzfl'gflu Philn. ‘ Xeumlgh—lzr. _\\'uml. \\iumi'n (huvhuh. “ 3 mnnnmm v Com—l}. W. [gum-hwy. Fifth and Dibkl'nsolx} firm-('. I‘l'ih. , y ; Rhonnmtienj »\lr<. .Qu'mh Fuflén s3lsolth Bughthmt . l’lnhdvlp‘li'i. \ ¥ ‘ , Hir-um-Hiam—S, Slrlmn, Fillvtrl s .hnhnvo EighthJ’hiln. ! , é ‘ Sprnim-d Ankle. n‘m '.3, liar-20mph? .f‘Elhuw Joint—4oh" “mp-r. .:JT .\lnrkr; . rm- , , Eruptions‘on ”cad and Swnl Nit-ck or 3' link t-lnild,.puly mm u'ur nl.]. '3 l T irm‘uth 'strnqt. Avery rmnurkuHc cure. ’ l ’ Burned "end of mu. un-B Swn on )lnmtt nf ,w-if‘e OH). H. Dans. l-Lq.‘ Snmvr l-l nnl‘n'. PA. ' Erpsipelns and R‘wnunutiam—h. Tree, FM}. Port Penn, grain donh‘r. ‘- 44 V vaumalinm—Wn Wil‘imht 'méfi-hnnt‘ tailnr. 3'. CM . "OL, and hu-ldrvda ofmjfix-ri dull. many (m term and talked \\ ilh. luv nay éhlfh‘ - , SpM h_\' All Drquhti. Dumb?” S. Eighth St., Philadelphia. [.\ug. 27,‘ 18121.’ 3m , Somethmg Ne AV. -- V YGETTYSBI'Rfl.—Thounfior gn ‘li’nfnrms the ritizz-ns of tho lmrngmul q un .illnt he bus commznccfl tlu‘ MAKING vim-‘in «V, ‘nn ll L'lrge scalp, in‘anrk strum. l; hid“: xJIu-nrly oppmite “Rude-5'3 Hun-I. “In-{g he ll Lry'lu deserve. and hope: to rw-v‘vo. n lllmr patron age. HlmAbi RuLLS‘u (‘ \ixnr. \x‘n viii-ms, PRETZELH. tn. km. hakm! m'q‘l‘y ‘ 3‘. (Sun days excepted.‘)‘nll oflho Inc‘s! tummy and sold It‘ the lowest living prnfire. =(lr:u-.kvr .:L‘ing in I“ m; hranyheg i~ lu-rgt'iv curried ‘bn. «’1 orders to any Amman). hum tlhis‘nml mgnin, 12 mun ties.suppliod m the shqm-xt m m- 11mm: erected n lurgpmnd cmnmmliou: hakc- nuie and secured the hkzthvurkman and 3M nos! np prm‘ed mac! snery, hf: in prepared4a do a be“! business: ' § ' ‘ \'ALEKTIM‘) s. Y" July 25, mm. 1 [garner-01hr! lllt- nnmi', niunlmr I‘le uroul ”lull” Fur-lira, {.\uw Fur .4:ch 'ilß An In :1. vl’uilddcdplfifl. ‘ ‘ [Si-pl: 16, hill. ‘.Lm ‘l\ ' \ . . j a l v. Trees! Trees! Trees! l: _A . Howard Assocumo , IIE unlll-hig'nec imit‘c unenliun to Illl..\Dl‘ll.l‘lll \ ~A Illcnovolnut lii-ml: a large nnvl m-ll grohngtnck of ‘ 1 lion (‘Slllilli‘hl'd ln‘ spin-in] l-2n« lymcnl ‘h PRI'IT A") 0 (.\..“U'fXTAL Timings“; ’fur ”I" llt-licl'ul'tlne .‘li ~k mnl'lli‘ln-uéd. uld; Shruhg_ m. . rml-r. :"E‘n hm? am! mm} He‘ ml with \'irnlrut uml Epidemic 'llE-aexnu, my n<sorlment of .wv .lzs. l'l-MRS. til-‘..uriJl-zsgL-I-rvinllyflurthel-‘urcofDian-lulufthmium ,T’LI'WS. (‘Hl‘illßHi ‘. .\PRH‘UTS, nml . Elfin, firms. . . 'l 3' 'l‘.\lll\'l-‘..~‘_ m..-mm~ .1 far the nn-Ima. ulna ‘ 3 NEW" L M“ Wham" mum"! 41".!“14 ' “mm." the m..-a n_ l-I.\'(‘.Ll§ill “‘ALN 'I'S mg Surgi n, In ull who apply by lvllfl', WIUI 1 "PAX’S’I (‘HESS 'TS,‘ ”.\ZLHXI'TS. 3...." durriptioi of fluir 1-ululilinn,(n-.:I:. orrupfl fiAyzlvm-jnnms. TRAWBERIHI-IS. {‘lll. tion, lidm: ur lif.-,.h-..1~nml ini‘nl‘cx of ennui #L‘ \v-ni 1111 l HOO9 HERIHI‘ZS, ill 9",", "--%.rh-_: l pOHTtgr,‘ .\imliflll’t‘: )furli’lfllod {2'o of cling; , JRAPIZS. of choi 9,“ kinds. ASI’ARA. p3l; \ .\l‘l .\BM‘. I‘M (llllb on‘l pfrmnlurr a}: ml'lmm (co. m- Mm. n finvslnok 0' "In'”! 01"" D'bP-‘W 0““ 59"“ “W“- W ‘ rme'l blls‘llll' IZIT GREENSJIIENIfle {0 the 'on the NEW REMEDIES g-mplbyul iu lilll‘ ”it“ (‘."...ng ““11”“. _ . 5 l fpensury. PHI! to lhe nfili'rn-«l m wall-d “"11“ ‘ I‘ll'2(,‘ll)l.’0l"la‘ 1' BER! 9:: meet '“W'ég'k's333,3s2,3ll:iififi’ilififlmifewMei-MW? :lriilv ”it: ’ltfi. "12':- ‘ii'LowninsnSn was ‘ IWJN-“sv ML J' SKILLZN IIUI'KIIITUN, "(L I ROSES. ol‘ chm-.- varieties, CAME AS: in: Surficon. "ward .\~'sm'i»tiuu. Nod-Wu” ail-11mm: vl.ur.,&c_.- ‘; j i an"; Strut-l, Philadelphia, Pa. lly'ordcr' r a Our stack is re nurknhly flirifly and fine " 1"“ 0”; . , .. I inn-l we offer it n! p ices to wit flwtimen. j 1, ’ LZRA 0‘ ,‘IE-\RT‘\ 5“"! I'm “ Wl‘n‘tulogues nilrd {mall npplicnu‘q.‘ GW-f"“‘:““‘"' 3““ . V] . ‘Addrcss Elixvmmumznsa; cu. J-n. 1,1“01- 1! __l H.. -_’} ' Fe lral Nurperiu,\"ork‘, Ila. ' ' Chas 0 Fields ‘ s (.23 mm. ‘m i - - 9 ‘_ » P ' Ly- - , , 1' l“l oommxmug, up“ Ruler and mm" Al9lB. del’ Mar, ‘- V l Bonk )lnnllhctllrl-E, 3d “Dry, Snip" i OCK unlit TCll-IIAKI-lemnsrcminem WWW "“"”° “‘"‘“"°' “”l‘lK’ “i “ii“ - ' ' .Co t (lfli-o IndCouminz onus uruu‘lq “m” 7- ' -""*"‘T“"“"=""“* : h" "m" “'5" 3'“ "'{“"1°"j""~ 4 “5" wituhn lilnnkklliilih mnde or the but linen Imp-r, Grocenes’ Nation; &0. “do soulll 0f the 9"" 1 clue} I ”"1 he} 1"! "Id on \he must rtiaxonuble (emu. Binding T HE "“d‘rfilnfd h‘“ "'F"~‘"‘“’l a Gravely "“1 “‘xgix lugmy ‘3 flairszé‘,’ 3:; :zlgan”: ‘ "an desrrinimn executed Willi nonlnvn an: Notion Score. in Ballimnre stree¢.neurly g: _ mu:- . . {is élcominngilcunnmq mo'cl‘upiuch. Urdcn by mm‘ promp‘ly .mm‘m“ opposite the Four: flange. (legtyahurg, where , at]? “cu"[llou _sh“ A rile l’l ‘lO. [Ang.‘26. 11101. Sun" the public will éonsminly findfiolling cheap an‘ pll "' A‘- ‘ y rg, p ' .V'_'_ ’. - ..V . . - —~—~ ~- '- ~~4—~ ‘ the c‘henpesl. SUGARS. Syrups; Malayan. (inf-i Gettysb g Kashmnt.; l Flour, GI'OCBHOB, BPO. ‘i. feps,Teu, Rice. thee-10, Spicfs of fill kinda, V . . ' ' ~ ' ' ' - h d F! OUR 0 ' ‘ . HP umlcrsx nod havmghoughtoulthtrles- - “All;conslnnllv~ on An . . , o Mackerel, hhmalate' Browns maimwhseil T R‘ Emmi-E wil continue the GET’EYS- I Ind Butkwhan'MEAlS, llommann Sou “”hgmmrwd Eggi'GMMdmi-Q' E???" m R(I.RFZST.\IL:II.-\iNT.nt the old £tnnd,uhder Beans. Dried Fruit, and l’ickrlu; slum ’. o‘fCo ec, Scotch/Herring.(‘.mdls'y, ‘ w“ ' 3‘“; l “(‘Connuwhv's Hill in Curlialr uree: I'lherc OUFFHEH, lons, Syrups, N. U. Moluuu, (m- : I°bamo’ Senna; 8'1“": P"““‘””’" 3““ “Mali; u'll u'l’u‘}! '5 be ’ready to‘aene up, iii the crop at .30 cents pongnllon, the for; but kin of Nuts, Ornip‘res. Lemons. Raising. Broad. ellfilfrllfilnl’llfr‘ (Il'fi'l‘EllS Cllll'KßG mtg]: fox-linking) English Chev-Be. and envy oth Crickets, Cullen of diflerent kinllsg‘b‘hoc and fl‘BVfil‘F TRIM-1 ; ll‘H (81-Hull k'c’ 55m: Iniclr “mm”, in." in . no” um} linen? 8“" ”"5"” 5""?U”"“‘z'““‘““5"”WW" ; mim'm‘ic \lefi, ALE, “(mi "4' pop, ' Snore. Gimme a call. mu. muss“!!! ‘ 333233;:3::3‘132‘11'12“iri‘gtngli‘iengwgfi ‘in: will spare no e pft Lo'rgnderifnlisfiwliin lo] ”'Gettysbnrg Dec. 31 1860‘ lull" -..L.._ . tons, wivh'Nulinns ofnll kinds. , A sgnn‘ ofthe Enllnwho may palrolnef:bé'£‘llmKasai-2:13“? ', . _ Union 11m. ' public} {)nlkoungc is relfpcmruliy iu cucll. ”Jillv 1 ”a. 3n? l ‘ EORGE ‘A, CulLWflLl... oft!» Unlau {n V, , l UWA Cf 5033’“ K- :wwfiija, m-- Ww' Gon the (rmmbenburz Tami-sh, "turnip Nye”. 1860. ll‘ 1 , Fin; Liquors. . ’ ‘wl, or the b‘zmtll Mount-tiny taken Ohio melhud ' ' -~“"‘"”' ' "‘ H" " "7" 7“" ' . . ‘ l' friend mllho ab 1 1i '' ‘ Arch Street 3 {H ('... QARE hi: adged “y". Pfrocaryélqd - arggimnrléagnific-rumixmi'hw allvwbiwm:;pli: .\RPET w.mmor'sn._—nr,bn.\l k RICK- 3 [.O ""“°“d‘fl 1:1" ln‘;{{”fn‘?{,’“ 11.3121: trimile him, in Ihr mm mnnnr, Ind n moder .‘ film. 832 Arch Street, 2 doors below 9:», ol 133.13% lax-insane mammflor hnl‘T” 4,. Charges. so «tron will be spared to sin youth .sidc. PhiJulelPliin. \\‘e commence: the lunlsso 1 ll: emhnices BRANDIHS Wl‘il‘lfi ““s!“th m. null; null bar will he found h” "m“ “'m' 0"" ”m” ”MW?!” “m" Eluciiz‘soivmsxms ac oftlill'ermlt'kili«l:fanni mlprovidvtnndhidwd'lluzuncw “onw of English and American Cnrpctmgs ‘0 be i. ’ n )"mé‘hcd to hi had'iiilhe Larger slnbling fur horses. He uni; hi“ + found in thistily‘purr’lmschd for “8h 5“ "Flow gait, [alriilnriaotil‘fu iI “ qiuick snlesand unnH (rial. . ’L [may 6. ”til. 3ny l 4 at and inund sellingl cm at extrémey my , ' ,' . , " < _.7 - ~ Eliza. We have all the new \stvles, Telvet‘, Wont“ he mll ".1?! 'cllen‘p..rery‘fzt‘etlzgzill: Removal. ~ :- Tnpestry, Brunt-ls, Three-ply" lngnin nnfl .°’_“‘h'h,T°'¥‘° c““‘:‘o““‘:‘é ‘Hm’u’ ‘ 3 AT‘C" k CLOCK REPAIRING-. 7440 ’ " Venetianwith n Irlendid stuck of'mL C1..0T11.\, ligating? ornr 3:) ‘1 ital-$1 , l‘V ZEITLER has removed M, “'3“; ( Rug-z, Mum, Dluggcat. kc. Now is (he lu‘ne for, f 3 uE) .V , 7' - ’ m :_ ‘ (Hock Making Establishment, to Soul]: punhasm t? 0W” “”31““ "‘ m" "’"P“, ARGI-l pumocmvns made rrzm small 'unm urcu, two and” north or Dunner, ; line, M “'° mil 5““ M R “if-‘7 "M" “mu“ “d . IJ pictures at zrl-mv reduced rnlcs, All“!!! s%iegler'n Slurp, \rhcrc lie will be glad 30 "L" Knnramce all gnudf Mbe as represented, ”d.l;xcelsior Sky-light: Cam» ; .'“?” “ cnuxinnunce of the patronage of ml give entirQ fitflFfi\*'U”n m “’9 PW'CV‘MH- ;‘ 7 A l 7—‘~ —— ‘* . (Emma. uv clnge ”manual lo bushing, " ‘ “gr-Webs}- :ma sell exclusively for cash. 2 G. CARR lulu jun-Lure"??? lrumvlho woukaflul 'modpmu, charges, he h‘opel u ‘ ‘_ 5993;113:9214. 1"“, J." A____- ____,,_ . city’of Phillulelplhm 9' "'7" hue, “mi: geupp'il salislaclirn, XII heretofore; ~ 114' -_‘ E nlienlion ()fUIc Lndicn’ia eqpcriany in- gm?“ o‘. MC!,““" lenh “°""&“:'.: :1“ ! (laughing, Aplil s, 1801; - :a . a l I vitedlto a large and beautiful Ilsmnment ”has, which hei’iu'mz c caper e ' l''”E n. .a!I " l "ii" i ' oi Lndiw’ “'s‘ “35"" “ATS: ””5 ‘5” «91w nnns‘ Inwmxwh smtirn~.T lnvm-d m n Imm 4 n s n SHAKER BUDDS, of lat?! 5??“ bylaw, em- xL‘fleu’. nl. . SCIHCK'S- Amen! nf lndi'ca' finc Kid fitfififim . :v A ' -; b l-weue: »‘ . l,» ‘ ‘ H , . .. , \. 335:2: 335233231“: 3::le at l: mus" rm ‘Y CHEESE. . vérmnnr-’ ma. (film. Memo". Im. Im. revived in; L. April 22. , ‘ n. r. mwnxy‘s. 5; title, now 1.0 Inn] at. a. G.‘GABB'9.“ I. Oct: :8. a. l'. nemam‘a, ‘ . ' i : ‘ . h ‘ l . A .l' - .. ‘ l'w‘l __Removal. ' . , EW SALOnNn—GEU. F.’l€("-£EN(IDEhns N"romnvnl 'lrifi Gym-r etthlntlk‘hmf no the splendid new S-llonll-inCMoha 5: ll; s..l)nild ing. on the'North SM n! I‘hnmlncrsln rg'stroct‘, where he will at all :51.“ .a )w‘ pn-pnn-t to serve 11pr but of o\‘S'l‘l§l‘..\‘.lin qu-ry :yle. By keeping n from! nrticle. he tampons w.- 1308 ch a liberal share? nf public put-(mute. TURTLE SOUP, cmdxm. Hagar, 'ruxn -.‘ . mars FEET. TRll’l- . BOILED and FRIED '- ‘.(:S. “‘l'! CREAM, Riki“. Jan: in llxoirficlsud, A‘m'ce glus of ALE ‘or LAUER can dlwryu‘pe hml.—. Come And "pr. {.S. F. EUKENRODE. April 2, 1860. _ S '7 No‘ 60:LI\‘n~:l :1 A'zopta wanmd M I § mwt. u. Gum. I , July 29. Ixs]. I I AMHS ”...; um} ‘ ‘1 the placeHo g fiery chm-up, j l t , Pian «5 , ‘.EOF BUWER. J’tmo Tuner, l unhicnl lmhlic in .. (inw. nut .otherwiw “~[mirmg l'nums‘; pi’nmicl-a entire =uli I "vein-d fl this ufiivl Lancaster GEORGE “TAN Ayn nun: I I}[ . Plain and Ornmm ’QI-rilrtitun. exm-iuod 31:1”ch st} 105. y m -1? 1". "raw“. Ev.” f V. L.l’c-mcr. ‘qu . l Enmuol Shock. H~q‘ -‘:\mm~l \\'w2nvr liq 1;“ illrnm szm-r.‘ E 4 ’T. H.‘ (‘.-rsnn, Hall" 1 1 Peter.“ n'rxin. 55¢, l‘ ‘Gcn. (‘. Hnwzllnrn, - Urn; “'l'xihan. Esq. .\prix 15, 986 i. ram :» 1y puri’y the Mom], notions of the body; lulled u a ' ILmrs msmsnsi. ‘ 'irk' "mam-ho. tr. . [tum-h frnm 'tlle Mn‘nd Inn-c; nnd renders a"' I purl- nnd fluent. clca \‘itdl "firm". ~ l is In IN. (hut Wt: are? Much. n ml-nlivim- like I 15." Unit will pan: dire <, ti rough um h'm d {nu} rl‘lhe Ilw min-rl - ~|x M' haunt} Mid lug-n! Ma ,lbo‘ hei ‘ “g 312* _ A. Mathwt 8: Sop’s J an. [anA AND FI'RXITL’HHWARE \IHNSJOI'. “{I L 2.”: and 27 X. (In; gin-N. Hulliuwru, (mu m Fay-n» at”) “lending trmn “my tn Fredcbick h , SL—le I.lmm!cahfl-li‘lungnl ullhe Lin" ill llu ' {'nF-m. _.\[\\u;.~< on In nu! 7| lzlruo‘m-snrtlucm ufl IiIiI'h’IiILIHJVANU ('H’H'El23l'l.’.\'l'N;kl'3.Cm-y but in: fiurvnzu. Urddt'mli. “Frildundx. WHA r..‘m-.. \INUI‘P‘4N ol' Hunk. l'ultun null ”uirh‘ Swrin: Hui". h'nLls. Tclo—e—THH. .\rm k'hniru,‘l R n'Lipg lfhnire, Egg-w», “In Me T.|b‘€s. HHH let's. Hucpriun xlml l‘plunlm-n-d (‘lmirm ASH SOUTH!) “UL! IRS (II’VUTTAIiI‘Z Fl. RXVI'CKH Wow] Plaid“. (mirt- ('lmErJ, Harm-r (‘lmin Crib. and i‘rndlt-k, llul "MM. HnHvFurn'mmq. Gilt nnu \\'.lluul I’mmn‘lmul‘in': il|.uws,§idu Lwhb. ['.Vlnh'mn 'l‘ {Mmm Mvr) \'rnglh. » , I'M-mu: (l'npnsml In [mnllusu mm Innfm! 1 mil nn ! gin-«nu slm-k un cmyvinnfinn. whid fur Huh lyguul qualit) uf uurknmndrip in mi mwxllcg by nny cAluhlinhmvul in the nun-1r! A.‘.\L\'l'HHH‘ & .\‘HX‘ A Sui. 25 nun-1 '.‘7 .\. ”any “reel. ‘3 [III-II thwi/I-in (li-[mm ’11]: (’n mplmuh : . , He‘ulm hon. \ lluliuvaiinu, \ lnflm‘uzu.‘ luflumn’ “ion. 7 Inward Wanm Lin-r (‘oml-Inim anm-ns of Spiri l'ilrn.. . , ; ‘ Sumo wnd'umwl q Scromhry .\‘ym - ‘ 1 r, ‘ turner ‘l} r LEE \mmvn'r-I! ; (fill'ulhh, ”would m‘“ V)! ' Thu}; p'lriry thr M uni" of all kind“. cXL-nmw Nu" ml hhnvlrc-Jnd liriu: the n the p :h‘ (In-6k. 1 ' : lnd’ ”Mus offline!) I our| idiwhrcnod in u h-r’: nr. ‘cm- Tom-Hun. .1 trill:- of "0. (hf the .\Fm-vfinr‘nf will n-u-l‘ wifgt nl. lightf Ilnr‘ vmm‘ it vmlmius of‘flw“ 'f‘the .\zh-M. ; ' \qj‘nrfrlin Hcrh Y‘H-ls" arc iful \\ rapper. Envh Ilmv' ‘ d "chi! n! 35 connlpor.‘ a'u' Hn-‘signnturc of U»;> L‘ dell hm", { I: DSQN wco" 1‘ u: i-novnm'rons', , i In Srnzm, an You}, ; ' u‘s—.\c!drMs Id «In! I: llpentvfur Gettysburg. ‘ (HT lc-uen. at li. ,(L (‘nrr l n” Lindslof l’nrfnu ~ i [.\luy'l 5: Turning: J If L'mlr-rlmrn. n Prnr xf‘nr'nslhis frirn'h n'mil .munnLl UH: lu- INN”, om-uuivd. 10 Tuning: ’1". mud-rue primag nation. 0:110 pix. U 1 irrJ‘ |lh¥ I his 1 ml file ('l': (Sept. is, 18le Book Bindery. [may nrxrr 0K XA‘VU‘F‘C'TIJXPR. l use «mm. P. In! “Hurling. of every a! the must ‘a‘ubsuutiul 1131E2 aunt-rs mug: of Lam-m 4 urmter (.‘mlnly Hun} . ('nlumliizl Bank. A . Yu’k Bunk. q" \'h:k,(‘u~zmr flank funk uf‘ fictlyshurz. mlh‘y onncuslcr to” “1., Emmet, “ Recorder “ can, we uniuducud m pmc-nl it to the pub"); in a rum mum mu nnmmzma UB3, I which we hum: will commend ium” to mow . 5 ‘ who are :«ufl‘criug wish me» “Mining complain“ and to fine mediv-M pmflifinwéfir who may fail! (liq-um}! to test: tho‘poiwra of mi: "hubl‘p‘ ncnvol v ELIXIR PRUPYLAMINI-I. in the form abo lpdkén afllms rem-nny boen‘ cxtensivrly d-i pcrgmmca Mm in the x-stvm‘a “HMS-l, J’ITJL, um! \\ illl MARKED SL’Cl‘l-ZSS (sulwiilf appear: from tho published accounts in I): me‘dicnfjmn-nnlx.) new suavemn‘y m .p may khan}: diute u'sc, .\.-m: m“ dirt-"lonian“ rm bo'obv‘ni mined from all the drnfigisls‘ at 7.5 cent» per bottle, and M. whulw-nle uf . _ I IH‘LLUCK a; cmaxsn..\w.- ' Dragging ;Inl\l.l:mf.ncl.|riug L‘hmuisu, ‘ ‘ July 1,1301. I] ' l’hllil‘lh‘lp‘l‘l. ‘ Aug. r. 19mm Meréhant Tailorin g an mums._nnmum Ansnm _I.“: 3 jun rn-luru ll frmn UN' t'i‘r with a burgh Muck 66 mums. ('.xssanlH-Ik'; (‘.bilu-lw Blunt-r- f‘lths, UN-r mulling“. \'rlcct (‘u'rdvaj JI-uu-I. Drilling-I :nul \’r-nin-b. uf I-u-ry "flu—a, Having somirml tho «'rvim-e .uf W. 'l‘: Kl 5" Mi Furvm m, \\‘r are prt-pnl‘vd to put upstht- almvfi yomh in uylr. equal In thr- lpqxl vily mmml‘nr-l‘: luring \‘\thli\’lll!l'lfl. hm in; (urm'ul out} lutg‘ok lmhunl of “MR during I!u- In)! sc-nsum all fit \\hiv'h llns gin-n?snliafiwtinu. \\ ith a large} iylrrmajt- nfi uu.‘ luuimu, uuvn In xhnvr cnu-i cllmwly that «e ulu lumiurw‘ in u "mum-r nu lo be MII'IHV-(WL (My 5::-(«Ad gunds ummi‘. In.- surpnvml in qlmnl)‘ nr ugh. ‘ “in: us 11. cal}. We qu- uu duum m: cnu plmsc. ‘ 1 Oct. 4, mm ! Fancy Furs!!m (INN F\".IZHL\f a] TIH .\nh S'rvvfl luhH‘l‘ll Tlh uni NH P~‘:ru.~l'.~‘. 11:1”: ul “"1 Huh! 9L.) I'hilzuk-H ‘phin, huporh-r «In: \1 wufr tun-r M. In: Huh-r ixr rli HIM: «- .\\'t‘\' “'11“. (n 1 ”MM: mm infill!“- Amman-4i A It] in ulmx s'sl' .31 ...Lfitv nu (1' ml largo nun lwnu'iful..au-orhnum nf :In my \.trinuv phlu uurl quhtirw nl. fun. ml.” flu-d go (he cnmin; Full. .nnl \\ inlcr Smnn'm. I ufimlfi r-chuul- P imin: nn vimninnlien ufmfi arm-L um! prim run; "June intruding hgpur'chuwl In‘ I um ul ‘uhlell w I-m-r [ln-m \n_\ <k~-iruhlv imluct-nlrnh ' All my Fun hun- lm-u )dil‘lllflM'd fa; rank and mark“ In' P“) riom-ml nml tumult-tom >lmml<. 11nd Ilw prwt-ut oninn'tnry trnu’h ”lull-Vi! nN'l‘ngfl that l ~hnuh| di‘pus; arm‘i guml~ nl \'l‘r) qua” thllhl‘(‘lvll and. \ l .\m -:ui~liml that H \\"lu hr in the ium.» of Ihuae \\lm xll ~i;;u fungi-ash ‘nio ghc nn- ll m". r El II .Hl' I’. «l'io‘l-s' nu Ex‘Hr‘n' “’an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers