List of (Mom nnd Prints: In Cumbf/ 2P, ‘_‘ Thain A. Scott " RMFm ’ 0” :Pen‘m/hmnia Vu’unzcers, commandrd '.upl. u'm. J. Martin. ‘ ' William J. .\larup, Cam-fin. Getlyl-hnrg Junca Admit, lat Lieutennuz, “ Theodurc C. Non-15‘ 2d hxentcifl'ut, “ William F. B |ker,_‘ ls! burg-9:11., I“ \\'lHmm E. Culp. 2d " .f‘ John H. Sin-ads, 3d “ “ ‘ Jerome J. Marlin, “h “ ‘ Hrnry Duumnn, 51h “ “ Johu She’u‘dn, ls! Corporal, a “, ‘ Ymuk. D. Duphérn. 2'41 “ > " JohnSOli B. Skelly, 3d " “ ‘ Elma Shends,lr., 41!: E“ “ .Wm.‘ Menonigal. 5m ’" “ Wm, Holtzwurlh, 61yL “ u Samuel Georgy, 7th 4“ . H PNPI' W.|rrcn, ~ Bib 2- N Willmm “'.lognndt, Mush-inn, ‘ ~ “ Joshua ll Lppold, " ‘1 ”Sm-y Aughiulmugh, Wagoner; "V Armor (.‘hnrlcs, _, , 'A ‘ “ iirickie William, _ “ Bentley Theudow, H ~\ 4 H Bowers David, Nigunljoy I-ownlhip. Culp nmd Jr., ‘ “' Cole Btrmml, . “ ('nlly Mlvhul, ‘ _ ‘ ,“ (‘ofk'Hi'rlmrol L . York. PA/ ; ‘ (‘uon Hey-nay I-‘ ’ \lmm'jnv tmnul'fip : ("Ulf‘rllu'l' J -‘I"Q v “ “ Dentin Jr ,‘n H“ l ."v AHA-“ 1““? In hn m: \ |-'_ I h lwnJ ‘ an :I . n' ‘l‘ll)”—’u. Adams to F. -'lcr Swmurlfi-l Yul-i “H'LJTJ'. Humersxown, Ad.Lms (1) FM}. Henry .I, ‘ ‘ Fifllermn Wl2hum,‘York co (‘..lhert l‘ulvin, - . Gray Wiilhm ”‘.. “worth (Jr‘o’gt‘. ' . nun William), .\lounljuy tp _..Admhs-co. Hillel (:vbtzc. - - “Olll'klowph, ('urqhvrl‘d ”’.. Adnms co‘ Jacobs Reuben, JIM! livrlin, A-lums co. 7 ‘ King.-\brim-um,lllxfnrrulowannhuco‘ King Ranrt I'l . ‘ “ ' b KLefer A men. ‘Agilnms county ’ Mule Dunyafi, ' Little BM", ~ < LiuluCeorgc T., Lima. Format, Little‘Ed‘wm-d, ~ mm: mm, Nye,” Lewis, Myers Pity, MrEiroy Jnhn, A .MI-Elmy Forrgfl,» ' Ml‘QM’ly Michael, _ Murry rings, ll‘untcrulonq, Ail-ms co: Rum-rs Zepheu’iuh, . . - ‘ ' llupp Wm. H, . x; um Jncobwlfl-hd'nhfllg.Adumsrip. Rhudga Charles, “ ‘,f ' IL-igle Dnniél, .\louutju‘y ”D., Adams to. Sllcnds Inuit, ' A ‘ < Shanda .\Yxllfnm, " ' ' i I Shanda Dnyig, ‘ . ~ ‘ 'Shunz 101 m, Y'ork, Pa. A 2 Glenn Tlgtdaxeun, . ‘ Slum-yr Ephraim. Aslmnu'?o\m‘¢y. ‘ ‘ Stun Jerrmmh, Moun'jny (p., Adnmllco‘ H'vm'fvr Snmm-l, Getty-shim. Smith Hairy, (‘nmhcr‘lnnd en. T ‘ _.Hmrnor Ji-‘rmninh. Adam-l co. Skelly (‘ll-xrlc! 'H” Gun: slung. Stu inuurJumu. Adams ('O. 'SLuuL-h .lumu, "n‘nplun, .\‘duma co‘ Sqr'Hl-r .\lirhn‘ri, York, 1’». __, SmulTt-r .\l_he~rt. \'u. '- »‘ “'rlllia R John York, co Warm-r Go ‘43. Gettysburg ' \"ignlzkey I‘Tnmvmfl, Wis Mikey erpl", Ynuuu Jm‘ub, . ' Zfdglur'fimauud 91:5, ’ Zin-£7" Jafin, ; " ino‘gkr‘,“’m’. T.,_ ‘ ._ “ "J 2:“ William‘, - - Fu . {A 7, J ‘in]: Gall-drum: Geily’shurg; has been .fcrrcd In ”And of chlnlgnl, and UFexi to Uuu‘nqiesnry‘ficrggunt‘ ‘ ’ _ Hat 0‘! Officers and Privates Ql‘ Capt. I’l}i'fi'7".¢ ”On'mny. “‘77?!" ‘1 ‘ fi-ofl': Hr (mini. . _|. . m..-d. s. ‘l‘feifTerJ‘qu ;< mm. Adam‘l c" ‘.AM'y ‘l. \ln‘riin. m LL,’ “'f “v l James Hersh‘, '23! LL, 1 “ ‘V ”’ M'm. H. 'lmnius, In‘! Se ’t, York, Pa. ; (‘hriu‘qWV Kchrfi. 251' ‘ ()xfxird‘ 3:111 ,1! Efln’nrd F. (‘O9, 3'! “i LUIIumWn; I ~Grmgs‘anh, ~ ‘th— ‘1 Athttltnw] ' .T. 21. Montgom'grv. mu a“; , anu-wflU' ' Imm. K. 51"ng? lutCqu'l,Oxfi)rd,Ad ' (‘hvtrlu Crnsm, 7. 2d “ “, I l". J. Thnums,‘ ‘Zidr ." '. “ . mnfe’x ncr‘ker, m. u n , l AIM. Mrfian'us. 5m “ Harrisburg. I .\dnlphus Rnkmr. 6th. “ Link-stony; Eflnft Slough, ' 7th '9‘ ()xfoi'tj. I W. D. HomhAuzh. 87h ‘4 McS}nerryst' 5 "any \Hller, Musician. Littls‘ltown, l D. .\.Yount, _ " , “ J‘GrorgeAdnms. Cdnown‘go‘tp., Admin c “'11). lffrhn. Yo:k,_l’n. ‘ ’ (‘i§rlel Burner}, (fiqord (owfiship, Adl _Nélsbn Collins,Mounxpleanms tp., I ,Mnlthew Dcmscy, Oxford tp., Pint Kline, .\lcSherrystomn, Jamel Fella-s, Oxford tp..~ George F. Folly. Conowngo tp., - ‘ 13m: 0. Full-3r, New Oxford, , Geo. Fleming, Oxford lp., .‘ . l . Hoary Flémidg, “ ' - j ~ , Jonphh‘iei, Littlestov‘rn, ' . I ‘Fredetick‘Gl-een, “' 1 Joseph 670%, Oxford (9., - ' “ yAIBerLD. Grove, AFboustown, : {Anthony Geyser. Frystown. York count filial. fisher-Ila“, Gettysburg.~ ' ; Join Kale. Gym-d towmlxip, ‘ i . chobfifllnrman, Abbotfilowv'n: Dunlé‘fleluel, Jr., New Oxford, ’Zophniap/E. llenh, I“ Chu-le- llowle, Oxford (11.; ~ : Joseph Hoover, York. Pl}. “ l , Wm. Kn‘hlbaxixgh. Oxford *9, _ ’ h Johi Koqklér, Sit-shun ‘2‘; ~ Jozhu. Luo. Heldelberg, Yorkpo. ‘ Wm.~Little, Gettysburg, ‘ ' ‘ _ JlMy‘n, New Oxford, ' -. Bigot. :lu'win, - u , . 7 Levi Inrkle,'AbbotutoWn, “ john H. Mam, New Oxford,' . , ‘ Samuel'V. “It'll, Abbo‘mtown,‘ , ‘ F‘s-IR "61?”, New Ox'furd, ' " . Ti“. Keel-ind, Conowagn tp., I '‘. 193.. McElroy, Gwyn-n. 2, "‘ , Pew} Relative, New Chesur, rid: D. ium, Oxford tp., Sol. Hellutor, " 7 _ Henry Hotter, Abbolutown, . John Mentor, ' A “ r ' Elli: Haney, Oxford tp., '; . '— Boinrd Myers, Abbocutowi. ' John Noel, Moqltpl'ouln't, lb“ " ' nobm anon-.mimlmdwn. , , Wu, Pdrlixz, Abbotutovm‘ _ ‘. Tank F. Peters, louutplemnt ‘ll., Bun). Ruhter, Littlutown, ' ‘ “'m.’K. Bagdolph, York, P., .:. , -mm lipkmdo, nompgmmtp,‘ : Punk Rim. ‘ - w a flair: mods, . ,u ".1 E Albert R‘ubern, Unknown, lumh‘ Rummy, York, Pa. (Ego \V Selmver, Uxfcrll tp., ‘ Jacob Slum-fl lu-r, H . !Sunuel Sheeu, Slm‘mn 19., :- ‘Luther C. b'tnufl'cr, NewvillC, . on-eph Stqhelifur, Linn-awn, J Henry Swope, Néw Chester, I Henry Schrom, York, Pu David N. Tpumua, New Oiford, Jeremiah \\’ilt,)lounlplensnn£ Augustus Weigert, Littlcswwn Milton J-. Yeager, .Hflmthtuwn- Elias I “ York, Pa. Wm. B. Van", u .i Wm. Younge, Hanover, York 0 . Philip A. Ziegler, Dover (p, Y Albc-n Zimmerman, Conoqugo Edwud Hfrr, York, l’g. A few, More men are wanted full complnmcnl'.» . MI Flour Rye Flum- While “1h nod-When UM Oats ”......i, Buukwhogs‘ (‘r'mur S -I 1 'l'uuuwy ,qt I‘ltnx 51'" 'l3. l‘mi‘cr u! 1..-~ -r.rd ME Flnur \Vlmnr ...- Rye "urn ..... (Lus ('luw-r 8M Timothy . _lhxot .Cnli Ir Hogs, per "arm..." \thkkfi. .. Guano, I'e ' H Flo-n", frm Do. 111-m Whe‘llt Rye ........,.| (‘urn........i ()ut1........ ('loror .Se.‘ Timothy 1 Hugh's-..._! ICI , cola]. Not I <7 A—wvooo—vi JL'DSQ. ‘S BlOl'N’l‘AlN ll llnw thll c and wonderful it In Hm! a I‘mluim- composed x nun lu‘rhi 1111 l Punt". .\hvuldfd) c out and c‘ure (li-«mac. lluw gur lndmun rh' uhl kiln" nnd pry-su well :1 our -t that h p vsyupui tl grcnledt plgsu‘lfihs flu.- wnrld h I‘l‘ll3. the . llljll'lll. inlmbimutix a. un) gt: rch. luuuul by llxt: film lurgchtig , unzl nllmuug lin‘ t 1: toms and rcligiun as n all ‘cn confurrnrn. In [ht-‘wurdn ofn «elm-brity. “ They l) we perihlied thdr cl 'Ol me glgnuuc pll‘ps‘ Kings r€d Princes «so might" ll humour ; their ruins and their are Jrfl." The united tuitimon gun! persons in, tlmt JI'DSUN HERB PILLS are the mast sumo iuzthe wurlul in, curing distan- Sl «Elaine Dealers. [St-lit. 2 .t l -»—<ono’+ V = ifl-anmt “raunhn‘sSm (far .I \'isitjnst M Lhii lime. Mc‘ flrn lu‘unr L‘l'gbf HUM, sin fix Stave-r. cnfi he found. Their Tull ~uf Slows ul' cu-ry pnnr‘yn; 1‘30!)\ 01' Hull'lnv Ware, Shekl-i Ware. i'lun‘i‘hx-x‘l \\ nu-rflapa‘m \ inn, imlocdr‘r‘ernlrfiug n; 111%. In line. _ du-(u‘, Sfi’lu-r l'uLlu-mJa 1..-rd l’rvs~es,,kt~:‘u. 'l'hby u Eel] u‘hulemlé~ and rctnil, '1 1h \\ iron erc of [ln in own manut'w n sufliriew. numhcr ufhamld m ummi. [‘hvir uamrmmnl of L age; :Ith Lgunl ufm r"11v kiuyl'. u u § n . 1 _, ,< «co: 2: , fm N).\'Sl‘.\il"§‘l\"ilfi —Thc._ E j in; been thuwd £4) health in .i l ‘VI-rymmplr remhfi", after having: ‘ years mlh severe him: utfechnn.‘ dmmso. Consumption—is innxi » known ['o his feiln‘Q-suifvrvrs-thc E To all who dEesife it. he “ill I E the [IEESCHIIUUD used mee ofch ‘dirm-lions for prep.trmg mud u E “hich Hey Mi" find a uni-"CurE ~ tipn, Adhnm.‘ Hrgnirhilin, St. I] ‘o} lhethurliser in ‘scudiug‘ the . to bcutiit' the uiiiicted, and apn- Twhirh he tuna-hut to ,he HH'JE Ehopcs .ercry cum-re' W 1” try hiE ‘ Will cost themguul‘hiug, and um E sing ' E ; Pun-lies wishing the prescript Enddteas um: Huwmm A.E l‘ ‘1 _ - \Viliiams‘uu'tg, i . Oct. 22,860. 13' i E.— E 013X1 ZEID ME! EOM G R'EAT A {nSCQVICKYI-—Amp by able pr'm buc- dcmoua Shah's hem: - d. co Talk) “0111;" fur the who! hpd c Bu}. lhe’penl‘lu Lhclllat‘h‘ca are ‘ their \'ch‘uv lg a. manner bnxh unn ‘l2 Sand auistuctu y. More than mm L mnres have bccu‘sold m n vuryshor , greut prupuniuu 91‘ lhuse who hjcitl‘d. athers decom mcud it, who hal tne‘l it. '[Thl IVS: n I] undid discmery is every where fuck" wlcdge , um] novhiaé like it “an: ever lgcfiure 1 refined The only genuine hlgktriu Oil is PM f. [)0 G nth's, wluch is m’ be h'ud at. all “.6 res; rcmblc )rug gisjs iu ”1&1 cxlius, and M. Wholesale, and“ call, an l.he\)rupfictoruf prices ol'the néeul htrg. See |d§'gratiemjeut. ‘ 1 “ ' ME fi'TwAnty-five to sixty (L: Kw“! per ‘momlx will he ptid bi] ing )lnchillo Company to their} ing the Erie Sewing .\lachhze. l Maclnne, alul so 31mph: in its 'co 8. clfild cam [burn to‘uperkm‘it byl instruction; 4'l: is equal to‘gny ' Machine imuse, nngl they take the‘ the b‘ifty‘nqd One' Hundred‘dolla‘ The price il-bnt Fifteen Dollars. wmh to Hurley Agent‘s in every United Sta us. Address, for pn Spvxsa Allies”; Co. 11. J.\ Agent, Milan, Ohio. [Man 525 !] EJIPLUYME§T_! wand WANTED’s—~—we wi l 0 575 perlmonth, and nl‘l‘expe Agenthnnrkgivo’ n coinmissi ’ leut flee. [ Address Em! SI: Com-Aux, R. JAMES, Geheml Ohio. ‘ I ‘- [Sept . - ‘ Notme. _ j ' ‘ :Post Ulfice, Gettysbllrg,EPn.,l , ‘ . Octoberl4,'l36l.} .) AVING received a supply of NEW EOST AGB STAMPS, 1 am prepared no ex change Stamps ot’lhe old style for an equivalent lmunt of the new iswe, for six dnys {llpm the date of thisinpgice—l-nfter which Stampsiof the 61d issue wm not he received in pay eat, of posuge on. gale" sent lrom this ofice. "Ex 01'- der of Postmaster General; ‘ . .. D. A. BUEHLER, P. M. ‘ Stray Helfer. . Am; t 6 m‘um of ms. was shuts, 0 near Ii mpton, recently. a red andiwhile wound KEEPER, about. six months 01.1.; The owner is rhque-Led to come foru~nrd,{prcve property. ppy charges, :nfmke it llezg Uct. 1431861. 3t * g ASHIONABLE BARBER, Nonmeaa‘p cor- F net-_ofi, the Diamond,.(uext floor tq Mc- Clelhn’s Hatch) Getty?urg. PL. whdre~ b‘e can It :11 tihea be fouu ready to attend to all busineu in his line. He nu also excellent 13- 'aisunce pdd will ensure satisfaction.§ Give him A_ can. ‘ V [Dem 3, 1360. QQNG In': Spring ml! f Rails and 09p! 20 per cent. lower thtn nuns!» 'ce: 3: ’ ‘ ‘ B. F. McILHEN-Y'g. iliZI 'ungy. Irk co. “1., Ads o make s::—akin " a £551- : TYSBURG—Si'rc‘nnh LAST 119 100 MEI 4 (:6 l 7;” =I ELIE , ‘li; mu, In‘-r n -Fq• ?kv mi“! \1 mu EMII .'v 75 l 2?: 5H 55 36 4 73 . cu 1................... . ,per him-1. .......... mud”.......... .....L 6 0M 5 00 15 all 1 '19.; uviun, prr t0n....- . .- 1 _ . hA. , , NHVHm—Tncksui \rngoni.... IMIM Storm 00 IS R 3 PI Jfien a‘d impli ~it .iuly MIZE |\:U so !u 10. sum-l ITIEGI pinion 'EnJ'ngn ll‘ stun dim-d xx u‘er u mm the If ,rums ? th‘rir n nedirin 1‘ ‘uf an 1 . MOU ssful In SCH , 1501. MESE uuhl w c a di~ '.- Inge!) ISU. 73“- EVE auc—eu um: furl ”am: a: r' prep reguxd hirc‘ upply‘ mbcrf lrerli‘hn' ew \n-n-l [uh-red ml the (ms to IMMO MEIE we.) w 35;; the for ('1) he. only ‘reacri «I infer unble, ‘ rcmm A MEE on am inLSt lugs üb‘ 'cw X 0 -00....- - - C tests icgl‘ m nu of P: alled “ u-tuioneru and char strated'lhu great Va util‘ul combination; m: of leudefim isLnléLh liUiCn . ! Lime—- hrs nnd‘ r:- i the Eriq Sew ents, for sell } his is a new structioh thnt hall‘s“ pour-'5 numl‘y~ Swing. premm , over unchi vs.— The to" pauy county 1: the ,Liculars Em: \ ES. (5 n‘enl 11, ’6l. 61:1 ' $751 lpny fr m $1.5 sea. to active ‘ Particugars 1m Mgcmxu A'gent, MiLm, 2, 1861., hy John W. Tipto'n, i 1 la g Mmrnn. r ) On Tlnm-dnx last, at “anlny Home," nut Fairficl‘di #1! U \MES MCCIU‘TARY. of {hit puma, to miss MARY E. nussflwax. dnug‘h terof bb .\lxlsarlmnn, E”. ‘ On “I: gf'thlL, "3‘ RH. J. R. Warm-r, Mr. Hm: G. Ii .ACK to Miss RATE .\l. mmm. ‘ OW. bnfih oermlwrlnml townihip. “ I, :01: the Hub fins: ,by llev. “CE. Krrbs, Ir. [‘V‘!. H. LUW" ‘0 Miss SARAH E. BAKER, Nil 0!} Adam: «:oqu. _On the 82h Bush. by the Rev. T. P. Buch‘er, Mr. MIRA“ Mdl‘Km’JY to .\im cu “(LOTTE HI'NDORFF. bath, “1' Franklin trm’ustflp. Lin "it: 'l4 infut . hy the “0;. Jncob Ziezlir, Mr. JA 'UB HARSISH, nf Cunowngp ton nihip, to .\liss ELLEN M. LEINAIID,‘OfBuIIc-r town— . Iship. . 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ " l ()u the ‘M inét ,by the:l{ev..\[r. :Essick, 3h. SAMUEL W. ANDl'lliflONthof Jnmeat'mu. 5):, i(form€‘rl_v of tlriu plum-0,) to Min flATTIE“ J. 3 cO. EBEXZ‘IJ', of this place. 1‘ i' K / t . _ 1 {, ; L DEED; l l i‘ On thlrdflv m urnlng‘ week, lllr, JOHN - WHI’RFIRT; nl‘llllountpleasant tow yahip, aged 7 'shout 93 yl‘uril I ‘l I In: [ln lpth bf Sept. at the resit lnce of 3;: sorrin4luw4 er Preilerirk l'lllarl. n Hunti - o 5 00 ,ton townshlpfi Lb‘AML'EL‘FLEUYD aged Ih‘nt ,3 05 7*yenrfi. : . f _‘ l 01 20 1 m Sundry venmp; week, W‘IL lE. lonfnf o {O5 (‘.npt. ‘llublrt cL‘nx-dy, of this lace, aged 4-,, Mom. «tummh . ; ‘ 3 J 58 ’ *0“ the .mth nit. ALLEN SILV STER. gen -\ 30 lot Pram-is Cf" n. deee med. of Kutl townshpp, ‘3 'nged awaits J mpntha mm‘ 19 day 1 O ‘ 255 u“ the’M'i ust.. infant. son of Ir. Tobias 02 00 R. Confinol F :txlhliu tywnship. ‘ _ 3 . I «m. ‘ 4, ' i _ i , ('umm nivated. . 6 _5” In Abhottat wn. on’ the eroni‘n of theft] 1 W ‘in»! , \'erj fudi euly. Mr: LOUISA: “ll'e of Vr. Fru-Jericlq \ol wage-l 51 ”l” 10 IUUIh: qflhd :5 du_\§. * l , , \ l o 5 H 7 ’l‘iie drrnnw'of this most‘eclimfi 19 am} @l - In': etnplnry ehfrisli‘lin \luthcr hm: fillet! ot‘oxlly her 6'; fumily, m Mmln she was $O, jlhtly endenrpd, ‘ 82 :but. :tho I? huut’emus circle of warm ymttuchpd r) 42-nuqunintxlmes [UH] fnenls, with t c‘idccmat o '. 25 isorrowfl In nll thi- relation; of life it way fire 0 2 75"lruly Sui-L‘sltelhxlly exemplified a d agorp‘ed 8 50 the holy dnrctrilnes she professed. A loving Mid u 5 75 idlttiiul nlithe , t him! had den) |d wiftlhn 17 Ml '-si cercth attitd‘fast friend. -" nou kueq [her ' 20 ibm. tgxlm bleHP‘nuue-mliued her bu to ymi ." CO 00;. A: n 1 m-mhnr ol' the iiiermun Helm . d . rChuych. in wliose successl she so alums! lh _t-biir (I, xtudlto Milli-h her energies lend prayers '5 "o-eril =55 Meal)“ given, she exhibited all fithc 5 s'o lme'y uld utnliuule glam-s and Vlfhllui "LN-N5 u l 29,1;hrlstiuhl animal-r. lied diing, I)ch welt: ‘ 55 'nuee lél’iieué'll' (nltllough‘she 1;: \'e no lull ‘7 sittisdclilu’, u'lntlered no Tumfurling wurJl, 3l‘_hut [lo.di huts litany) roof-Wm: hqn tifhll} il -4 00 " lmuinml. 25y: Iln- Eight iii“! picsehce‘bllzhe " Hd y l 1 75:Ghust‘-”jn:ud xhltt’ heavenly mussel: er sent 3' .6 1556061 to yd: heH ayirit home. \Vq' gem-yew r , . dL‘Sll'L'S'WeFll! toi“ lnll ixsluep inJesh ,undWAHe {up in hen cnfl which lefty mud slu ll’me upl— ‘J mlion she is ilo‘w. heynnd m y dillibt, shun- LR— tl‘nullly felt iLinfg. iu trendihg (ll: 6 uks of my to m'l-r ul 5 “than; and drinking onitiml 41 “mum. wall-rs. I » - ' ‘ { ié curt-h,» llcr shill en ‘(rlepnrture from this nnfrie I‘ll} at thr-I would. 1m a-Morld ofblina nuvl_ete Hal humil g apq ues's, [nny ve hhpe W 1” prove n loyill cuutni’n ufthe ’ lonll’. thin: ‘~ ni the midst of lile we Me fix een.—. duplifl Much more mull! we my i behalf {at ‘m-n- n thls pious mother, but me will 1e \'e her to u: 'w’ (hld,‘un:d c. luui‘end her mice cnptir hut imiv guy-7 free, cgem n ngdrlmppy Fpirit, m the tale Illeir'nuil euhco ylo‘f the once ,cruril'xe ,but unit :Qme t’syu Savi r, thlcre topnrtlcipute at but brlfllll, \rthnél'ternfilrii l sill: shall no; more b imcr,i:lild' ‘.eir ‘ dri'nk ol thut vultu- in “high is ever astiugilil . zu‘el ‘ This \lufi she i‘is rejoicing will. th inmyiu» - me :ilile hosts hf hermen, nndmuw she walks tl e li~ ' golden mm: In' at: yonder lmppy sho , howls-lie lN is singing {he hi) mns of heaven and pinyin: u‘n7 xe n 'guldeu l :11), mm! 'xmw phegu'eurs the (ir )w‘u ll‘ \\ hich M4l; Ltml the'riyhll-uuk Jud e ha, .lnid l up fan hen, from the fonufintiom of thé \v rlti, - x-nd w! il‘l‘l is still in rescue iur all the :lilly ‘ lzlilllfui. ’ 1 1 She ien (yar- Id, fin‘iiyz -, bumliejr :uemeuti‘of to Rumm himd gm ‘ Sut’lir :Iy ‘u‘muwe of qurien‘da. ’ull—é— l ME Wur mhqr, 1.13 uf ole is Imam-n over her spr find roligiuns vhuihu :' suns nuddzmghler I lguiu. The cth l. ther vans q’unsiguud.‘ n lumlH'lLShflH :6ul .‘na Ahbmtstowq,‘m ed iw a. largwro: l‘pathi’zing ‘YrethiVL-s u , ' > For a while {are' 11-41 muthrrv! 'O9 w} _ms at turn, 1‘“! ‘p; «mlury } qnvutc lo<s ii} grlelern the do] 111 d m in“. pH i},~¥lll th thg deJ‘ M 5 ljfc. lust. M’CU'PUJHHJ “WWI“; .Lnd _Yll‘ Furliuiciil, n‘um iy ‘3l-" o, Tiu Abrac ishing l “HMS, L ed EU I” ‘ 'ncet- ‘ [ epixq; Ivy do— - ! flex-x !, 'our IL “4i” n Wm mm )1 be lung Hubwe dwell [ :mm'uer I ‘ '3! like lbé bhunle fll' :lrk life's {night mu. '.n'e we'll meet \mh Ivor. Emlm tz‘o qur des I 1r wt-eping! Uhrlsn‘é, )llndlthou fepmgfl 1 mflu e'i'l’ l he 5 Timr'q s ‘.\n|gh‘u\f B") “u Yesi ' ' ' = EZEiI "11 s“ lrfs n \'c is 01} k St is cvoml i‘ ‘ drcnd‘ Th. make J. fcure. :; The 6P5 of ‘2 The '.h the ‘ AIM same, ‘_: U sump. l l 1:)hj0l'1; 12 um l 5 5-, _ i mtion ' . xfil he? (Sm , u 11' cathlnnd all its wl s'renm fun-eve} flu 1 ,_ (lupuo éunsel kno , thou‘ haLt lcfc‘us,‘ s'ur dorm; fév), ‘ thh hag.“ horn-ft u. ur gmrrofis lu-nl. ‘ 'anLy‘ psuu I 'umb'e Me [“lia‘ Gm gnh an ‘ I|;Ridge, ‘ .:., Out. 5, 1801 ‘ 1 1 E Comm inst.,lElllZ.\lsETl 31-an b‘ thumbs .8 whst mild and love e snmmwl breeze, the air. oflcveuln-z, ls among the trees. - thy silent slumber, he grzn'e‘so‘low; Ore wilt join our u'u n're our soqgs Wilt kl I r. thou hftst left us :s'we de‘eply feel; n that Has hen-ft us, 'lu sornm‘s haul. i‘ 0n ‘thd lth [NYE B,;ngcd 1* t h' st’cr, tho tulle m 4 1 ' I euannt n; " ’l.euitiflo [ ‘ “if": h ‘ 1 "dc ful in bles EMI ME 31) hit“ of. De LEC- lIMIZII AU no in Dem-est sist ”ch thy In - Hm 'flis (’o‘- ~ Hepajn all a] lIII=I e hope I.o"nl2‘et thee 'p;' of life is fled; qven with joy to gret {run-ll tong: is shed. )5“. ‘ Mill ngflz‘lhe d'f. 'flllcniin I|qu thtle no hi: L —y I . ‘ . q, i f Aslsigneesi Sale ‘ E vhuunpt REAL ESTATE. I Vtcn‘ihers, Ajasignecs of PETER . and ."xn, in hurt for the benefit 01 will dffeu- M'Pul lic Sale, ion the pr Thurtfdai/r (he 31;! day of October "all ble Tifnc‘ of’Lnnil, situate in “ Cnrro : nbounu inile and A half fi‘om Fairfiz] couutiy, ndjoining the properties of 5} ginialllyers, Thpmas A. Marshall“ ’ John i‘Vgngh, aha others, and cont-l Acres, niorc or lazss. The improve mentfi are a newlTwo-story BRICK f HOUfiE, with basement, 3 new 4‘ Frnm'pl Ba‘rn, a genant-huuse, and , .. thriving young rcbard. IThere are i exmellent waterulnt tha Houses, MI w ItGli in the flea s. The Farm is w-l ed, and in good larder and cultivatio is Nbuxfdnnce f Liniestone On it. Shops, Mills, ‘ ‘chool-hounes, n Churches, are cfinvenient to the pm 'I it is situated in n intelligent, ugreea boyhood. l' ' r fifl’erlons ,iivishing to View ch wil] be shown tile, same by the Asaig ingj theroon, ("the Assignees. geaiai' fifb‘nle to ppmmence at 12 ,0, on fwd dgy. whqn attendance will he terms midi known by‘ ; I , f ‘ ; JOHN MIC " ‘ ‘ WM. CULP 00p. 14, 1861.} (s ; - A. Scott 85 Son, 5 runs ii Foreign‘ and Douieqzic Dry ‘ Goods, Fuhcy Articles, Queensfnre, Gro ceriep, kc.,K. W. Corner of Chumhersbnrg and Wading-don streets. We have just receWed our Stock ofGoods, suited La the FALL AND WINTER SALES,IO which we invitejme atten tion of buyen of pietgy, good and cheap Goods. For lhe.Lndies. we have a good Msdytment of DRESS (fiOODSI SHAWLS, TRIMMENGB,‘M. Our ‘sloqk of Cloths, Cassimeru, (mssinons, Jenna, &c., for Men and Boys, is lalrze, good sud cheni). ' fi’Come one, come all, and efiaminq for yourhelves. . A. SQOTT i 8031'. Oct. 14,1861. . , i =I 1861. Fall Mflhnery. ; 1861. 133 McCRBARY havin’g jun“ returnéd I from the City,“ now opening an unusuaL large assortment of BUNNETS and BONNET TRIHMINGS, of the incest styles. Also, Drug Goods wd Dresl'Tl-immingsfibawla, Mnnzmu and Fun A Goods, of every description, all ‘nf which imaging behn puJ-chued for cash, will b 8 sold It pnicea to guit ghe times, ‘ 0ct.u,,1361.-‘lm_ ' i _l. . l 1 ‘ \ L ‘ :‘ i’‘ ‘ , I Valuablq Real Estata 5‘ .' T PKH’ATF. SALE—So. 1: GREEN- A MHI‘NT.-——This beautiful and very tleqi'ru bl: country scat, adjoining the Bowing}; of Gettysburg, on the ram] lending to Fnirfiuld, in now oiferedat l’dvutc Sale. . ~ I The Fun: contiiun 124 ACRESmwe oritess, l 101912 acres ol w hich are in timber, and about 30 acre. of meadow bottom; there nreipro young Apple and Peach Onchnrda on them-rm ‘ ilu,lhe lund isthe red grnhite soiltlmcelptihle ofa high state (If cultivs‘tinn: lime no“ me" upon it and can Alun} s bciiud 11. the Built-Enid dcput, which is in night. at ll} rt‘nts-ptrblwhul. The improvements are nTw‘o-atury - . \Venthefliotrdcil IIUI'SI-I \\ uh '-_"-_ e-llnr, HackJmflding.Bani-oval, :“En Smoke-house, nlirgc hulk Burn, "" '~ with bins, CoruH‘rih. ac}. together with all HGCQ‘ISXU'” wit-building“. iin Ewinplute order; there is I pump at the dongaitid ii rinx'cr—{uiiing spring nf but"; close [34 Wilmhy’s Ilium ibonnds the west q‘nd ofthe run. This pm er :ty willpie than} by in: Join Ilartirup, lii'ling on the premises, or by the istibscnber in Get i) murm; ‘ ' 1 ‘ I No. 2:: CUMBERLAND F is also a hnndsume and ver 1 aitn rte ‘n the Tnucytuwn r A -Gettysbjr,é, cuntlinmg HF less. About 30 acres are i 30 acres‘lin {meadow This‘iliu red gravel soil Lind, clear ht“ li\qwdlprmlucu'well. and”: highly improved. Ail it of the Last lilrnnjn lllt‘ nei h farmer snd,: iittlv limo.w i " had eilhL-r at “(‘in sburz :6 112} crnls [Tar bushel Th e 'annl l’mch Orchard and t; '0 near the home. nlnd n sin-3m the auuth vnd ol'tlie tnrm n '1 Tim nnyrnvvments nu- “ or'e éhnlf=tory Stone Hnuw. Balin 'Smuhe-honse,» iflyrg‘b Ihmbin [with “High“ Shiedk, Cur? 'nog Pen, and all neck ‘in church. thin and ischuol-h ml :1 healthy und plduwnt nt-i hi 150 i iety. This pfroperty.“ 11, ‘an. Reef-liver, living up Ii ißlm kndjniniug. i Terms eh“. i N 0.3: A \ALI‘ABLE ll containing 33 AURIGS ut‘ lain Rio in lnnhi-r, stunt”: one- nl :frmu [Juli-«mm. the termi in ”The inlpl‘tiYiml'fllm are u. 'l' QFrmne MILL lipL’Sl-I, it! lugh'ing nil] the net-eunry m for .\léitihnnt \fhrk. A Ii; st'oFy LU‘G HOUSE with I ,kc. This is a Vet)’ deaimi e ‘hc sold on ucron mud itin -t illi idle, living onithe prom 211‘ ICnll :uul ~ee it. i L‘ | Gutlphurg, om. 14,186 . ! Notice of I iV’OTH‘Ei is ht-rchy giv r i l und legulri-‘pwscntnlh Hm.Sr., Lite of. Jinntingt I tummy, duct-used, viz :‘ ‘ 1 Gardner, and lineal dcecon ‘thc inuc (if his dt-cmwd 5 win: JNCHIJ .\.Gnrdncr, J 01?! {5911“, inteimnrrit-il with J :0. (mum. and Sumac Gal 'in-n) John Gardner, Jncul [(idrdllcl‘lltlie issue urn do s‘. (inrilncr. ”web in nun : usehu Gardnem‘ Liliiuu iEngt-ne (I. Gardner, nll n 'tlwir Guardians flohn (iul aGnrdm-r, Arnold iardncr, .nt-r—xlmt nu lnviiuest wil ,luuing pruperiy, ~10 \vit' [.-md,-iitu.lt9 in i of lluntingtun, h< ('au‘lisle Turnpike from mid Kuxnpzk“ .\vnnld (Llrduvr' (:urdni‘r, runtnini which are erect dwelhgg home, I u ith‘a oneésmr) frame burn; can home, with a w Tmct of llAujnd, l hnd< of lfuh 1m Spmlmnn. “on“ age, .luini (fmrdm Jusu\h:\ E‘cflfcr, n; 35 .\uc?V inure: u'uy In'/.\‘m'n‘nl/cl, the [uremia-i, to nnmngstglhq heir said dw'cnscfl, 1 lxon, wilhuut pn thcreox ; PM" In“ pnrminn‘, tu inqu \g in conm‘nicnliy (li\idl' lhéc same t as the sum- will will mu. Mmil v! judicc tokn-‘bpoil value and nitppmi vided~whcrenfz by notified [u all he, 1 ”.Ich Mr, 3 rt t litre 1111 Sheri‘T'siUfiic-P. Octubdr 11, 1 - 1 = gone ance to Till) sirhecril) rs liuu- llu- ‘illl ingllM’ir fr: ends unrl the that they nave: eeeived 9 fl! and \i'xnrtrfl'lnm s, nliich the} sell at th'ciif usml low- rut Is ‘ 1F( n c .i’ s I ‘ Our stuck consists in port l(llnhs,Cnssi 0 es, Vestingsd Snttinletts, Blnék i Fancy f ‘ilks, rind Ladle; DI so (‘.oudl; ge orally. riiwn nnd White )lljsilllfl, Tit-lei gs, Qsenl u gs, Sheetingll, (blenxlied nnd lnnl , encheil,)i Dillon nnd Wool ,Elnn els. Sm kin Yarn. ol',l \'iery description, llatd, Cups, Riots and Shoes an’ nets and; .\ltillinety of ull‘ kid 5, Read) mama Clotliinz, Ilurd 'nre, Gr oer es‘. Queen ware and Drugs, Glasl, Oil and Pill ts, ofall h nds; Moliocco Imdjjning Skim. P 935, Shoe T read, (Brink's, kc. We also so] ltli. celebrate N'ew ‘Anchor Bolling Clothe, n“ icni m: ri'Lw wan: RANT. Also, Shetter's unequalled Pu~t Alugcra —in factl we have everythingEnsunHy kilpt in country Store's. And are prepared to sellith' m, we think, a. little lower than; opr neig b rs, NorthrSunt‘h, East or Welt. friends, 12; vfus iron". and examine ,for yourselves, as w are at all times pleased to allow our goods; Ve return our sincere thanks in nigenErous n lic ‘for,tlie kindness thus far annifested tow d on, and feel confident that h.. a “riot nttent‘, on to business and GOOD Anni cupar GOO s; to merit a. continuance oftliel same. i. ; , DAX§ER§k SlllELpfi. Fairfield, Oct. 14, 1861.‘ 3.19 g, , ___.._— _.-.r”: -tv—“fi New. Natio 31 :Loan. 5 EVEN AND THREE-T s':le PER i: S TREASURKNOTES, no rendv fora ery at the oflice of JAY C ONE 3: CO., Ii ers, XO. 114 South Third Ind, thlallz-lli Pursuant to instructions from lthe Secreéal theéreasnry. the Subscfiipti n Book NE; NATIONAL LOANJJF rensury , beari'nk‘intefeat at the ratio! even and“ tenths pa cenL per nnnn ,wlill remaid at my mote, No. 114 S. Tlilflfl ST-REET‘ further notice, from BA. 11. ti SP. 31., d 1 Mondays til! 9P. M. l ‘ l ‘ ' These notes will be of gm finminatl FIFTY DOLLARS,ONE H ND ED DOLI FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, UNDTHOU DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DUL and are all dated 1.9:]: ofAiJguit, -1361,p$ in gold, in three years, or convertible i twenty )‘Bul'S' six per cent.jlo:m. at the o of the holder. Each Trenturylxote hns' eat coupons attached. whidh'cdn be out o collected in gold at the Mint every six In And at the rate of one cenkpcii day on ed ty dollnrip , 1 3 Payments ol' subscriptions may he moi Gold or Checks, or Nata of alny ol' the P delphin Blinks. ; ‘ ,- PARTIES AT A mausolncam'remit by friends, throngllzthe mail, or; by exprq: through Banks, and the Treasury Note! it immediately delivered, or sent to each seriber as they may severally direct ' nicnted.l Lupls nys.‘ I 4 l 1 I her I low I‘ l I 'v ~ ‘; 1 . { The squ— } usssnfi .3 . crodiloFs, misas,, on . a. ValiLs ‘ ’s qut,” 5 d, Adxims 1 ss .\l. Vir l m. Dip, lining 00 .pring of In runn ng .11tim :- . Th re Mgcbquic vuripus eny: nd Ile uei h- 'Pmperty. I or, yard. . ; nee. It. ‘lo_ck, 31., [ given pd -l 1= Parties remitting mult‘ add tjbe inter”; from 19th of August,'the date of 311 the notes, to the day the remittance reacheuPhilndelphh,“ the rate of one cént per day on esch fiftyidol lus. Apply to or address - ' _‘ .. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agenf‘ Careo'f JAY Coon-A: 00., Bankein, , No. 11% South Third Street, Phjliym‘s. _°°.‘-_1,L”61- _. ___---.,», -_ __;_. The Gettysburg i . mum INSTITUTE mu commend m E Winn! Session, on’ alondq, the 14 of loba- ual. For further, pahiculan “$33” of the Ru. Dpvm Eur", High met. ' I ‘ _ Bch 23,1861. _3: “ ; , p «nl.—This Ffum esimble prep rgy, ,four [mind émm CRES, mdrp pr timber and 213‘ gto ml is also {’6 the Jones, cusilylcul capable ofl bring ts io‘mn-ke lq‘ouc Vurhoud is m 100 d I: can nhv’q'h '1!“ .t LilflrytuLUl‘, m‘ ii a _v mm; A vple sprinza of utm anuut-r "Mew-s ‘rth’e huildiu‘gi w Hutu _ ' ' IVE“ ffigg ‘. «i _ - n. 1 .fl lulu ‘H‘J If out-bullrfinge, c all (lose by, in torhood nmj‘péuod ‘11.: mm”: bydlr. h, or by Mr. J‘lvhn LL PROPER ,8 to m 0139‘ '0! n. mile 8.1 . of the Knilr 'o-ilmy ‘ ‘ Shade, 5 mhiuegy :E ‘L Twu- :4 #:1 :mm-nlws‘inl Property and H'mfi Mr” 'l'] i. will shou‘ ‘ Ed. ARXOL E3Ol ‘ uest. all the it of Juan 0 A I wn~hip, .\de \\ idow, J 4» ts us foll'u“ .v, 'illiam Gurfl V. Gunny-I'l, b Swim, A} or. (’lne in a) 'rdncr; Bi)?“ F. led-son lienkubin :, to»\\it: 'rAl’ice h: Gnrdne , 'an ,4, who hmle for ‘ n'nd Retail". l’rnnklm ‘ ‘ (1- held on“: al— ‘ LaA Tml'c of '1: sad tmv lip 1e “we've? lid‘ ry :1 public: 11d (‘ null, lmk‘l f :L-r Lynn! Inuit! gnm‘e or 11's! on twu—sxary ‘b iék k lvyck-blli‘id uh, no store I) hie. L-oru t'rib,:g Jpn Aim, No. ' , IA we, hound? y uhu Smiler‘, 0 n nlwmn Pa ‘O9- i’urvlm r's‘ H il‘fi, Ipcr, co‘utajihlg rmm'ny, ”1" I121]! «hikk. .\. .‘", ()u u [bun-of [(1) mid, [llt‘at‘hl‘jllfi' .s of udmig'of u‘li oilmfg tlu: tihule tndmn. of: ugh ul'said IN" c, and 1);th 1: many M4}? :hul illlhdw 11. 'uithnui‘ “Wu-Ur, Hi tbnlc un-H mmd :er Velcrshu} qundéd l : mud; n} :‘e In the " Jnhu (. ing H .\c .l at law o—stury ; , hillllt‘ll‘ f. rigge- hou :- ‘ll of \\’:| (‘l the sum - 1 nivl Niel] it i J. \viri’, _1 rr, lelnun md Mrs. .\lm nl" it's~,~—-an 86}, at 100‘ nuke pu‘rlllio‘ ' and legal rq the sgune will » udice m on; same Will H Jrc‘huw man hrrmmnodn 1 I mu] among ‘ ccumnmdnfi‘ \lh hlUHIIle‘ Hz the who] ~o the same, 1 ll [u-rsuns In! *nd. 1 r 9 1: and I hem mm: L re ‘l‘)! 10.! lei- { lurc- 41i , She i sun'm v :oupburg.) ul. ' f All. ' [ nénre ufiq public gcd *l.suppl_\"d .u'u enab‘ orm r Hy #nll d to .n of ABB, AND RSI able a - tion der and I e‘in il3- CM --_“. _ .._”- ~4- - ——'—~- ~- 31" w l-~—-- -- ~ A A - '~~-""‘ “'—“' —‘ “h wiffl‘? ~""""3"T ‘ Notice. r :A Valuable ,Farm, 1 ' flees! Trees! iras! ..3 up; undersigned heroin" Kl“ novim‘ to-‘hhe ( T Pl§l\'.\Tl~3 SALE—The aubacrihrr Ex- 7—llle undersigned intite “mention to thlr T puihlic that, froni and filter this um. “file; I cunlur of Journ Hnmx. Method. of- Jurxc nnd V‘lvll grown “Wk 9f pudm'ply will put the luv in force "l‘““:‘"f lbri 1L l’lgamlr Sale, the Ilenl Hague of suit! dr-l “Ile AND (TRSAIthTAL TREES, In'-‘0“ 0' P 0730“ who may he ““9" "filth? “9“”‘l' ‘3‘} ‘ l‘.\lUl, 5""“"'" “m""l’m‘"; Slxrufb-z, Mn, rm‘»: .:m‘ n lxrgv- nlnl mmplnu in: upnn their hmds, for “19 purpose of hunt» “I" luwnhhlrv ro'mmfl "files 9““ 0' ammlm-nl of ‘.l’lßlJZrl. rmuru PHAt'ims, ing or fishing. lg " Gellyshv-rng‘thc rvgdlendlgmto “Onfl'l'l-{l'flPll‘lMfi (‘mamm -‘ “rum”, and Sign, ‘JJmeg Dicks, .5' l Snmuol O'prhl’llhuii Imm. adjmmnz ands at John Lyrcm. Abrauaun I TAIHVES. 5“.” ml thr '1 e (MMM. turd ; Wm. Fickn. ’;. Sarah Neidiqh. :- g ? Rv-ever, lamb Lott, Pun-r Trestle. (mil others, . Dunl'l‘f'ur the (imdr-n. llNlil ISIIEWAL‘SL‘TS, ‘ Emanuel Keidlrh, l Heirs MC. waif;l ? '«m-mihiux 1U Acres «mi N Pushes; My!“ smlusu ('in-z KN" rs, HAZMXVUT-‘l. Ar , Jacob Miner, ‘ 3 John AZDit-ks. \, '» 4" acres gm of Tiuper and a mod prumrtwn 4 -R.\:< 'z'uJuurzs. b'll'..\\\ Imm: 33, CH:- “mm...“ mummy, , 3 Jonn» ” nf “er-(inv. The Imivrywng-vjj . -‘ Imfm unlliUl,)~ls."llll‘.l{ll'.rl,m:&runivaril-r'. Jacob‘smu.‘ '~ 1‘ Sin: WP. $919-$100: RUU'IE-l .‘bl 3 my m. m Ami. m kiu-l‘ .\..PA’RMH'S, llcnjAmianl-OpislcTl 'rtn. m-I m.. End! t“ 01””! l‘"“-l""‘v s RIIiHLUKH. m: .m. Ala: - l'nw flack ol well Jul-n Simpson. 9 Soil Duuhl'l- ,1; P-nrnymtwn bhml and. i K fun“ -.1, him,- HVi'JliUllliENS..uuiamle form. Andrew Brnugll, Jrl‘ Eliz: I(‘nrn (‘rili Hog Stable, Smoke-lmuw, hm-smry (‘um lurv nml ann. ' 1 , , Juhn Baker, 5‘ lion Smm- fining [lnu=e, “ill: ununfailmgspring,r I) ,t'llfl‘ul'h‘ TREES, lm' Luci-t plnnving, William Jam-s; E Am and all [he flt'ld" wan-rl4l wuh m-vrrfulmg‘nml ' gem-ml as‘snrtmonl of u . ' V James T! wusend, ‘1 N iapringd. lA good Applo Orchard, mill: pecu'h. Onh‘ “urn. Thus AM) I’Lu'i‘tnlm Fauna. Szmiuzl March, 5 Jacol I penr. nmfi'utlwr fruit trees. ‘ l m KEEN“. clmire‘ \'nriuiw, CAMIIUAS, Jaruh Manes, I .h.n.' WT leprnpervj is ium (and mu- ol‘ culli-‘ mm H“; PLAR'TSJ tr. .‘ l . Heading (1):: UM. 4, 715"” I\'at|oh,:\f.d will he sold enfirr or .in [Mn-I. M‘ u r stack is ‘ rommknhly l‘ivifiy and {RIM}, 'mny sml Furehuwh. l'vmlns “idling In New ,an I w- "If"? I; M. prices In suit the liumx. 1 . {Hiepfopt‘ ly urc requedrd 10 m.” an l‘in‘x‘ or: ' ‘ {331.10.4qu main-41‘1" all ripplinmh. Jmepln Hauler. "riding tln-rcun, or (m thr: _ Jams l-Z-llll‘ARl) ,1_ mfiufi .c‘» (15),. suluscrihel‘,r-:sillinirin Slrnlmn township. l l‘vulrnl .\iurwnes, Yul-k, l'a. l g «Human 1133 mm, Humor. . Fe .:. 22. 1361.3 2.1: ' ‘ $0111.23, 1861. . I" 1 - 1 . ‘7' - ‘. - u ~-_— ~- i» A Rjeddy. Market. ‘ l “ u 1 p - , *‘ ursmmnumx WANT? l).‘)()() lily—We lmve Lilv'n llm : lull-1y til-cnll v-l Ly Klinefi-Llrrvllnmter ~ “ill. 01 ilulrrmiu..liun in? pa) Lhu human, ‘cl pl‘hts fur nll~Lin-ls of “rain. You hill lm “mm“! “-.n. H «\"rizn. (WHO 5:! ”dz, LililH'l-lIUI‘IF, “'lmk~.llv nml ”Mill. Hill. (‘tmlpnml 'ezcr vtlncr‘unixln m mu :l h-l~|l)CS~‘. mld ul Ttlu: hm LA pus-IMB ll‘ul‘ (‘A 11. ('nll‘Aml e\‘ lux‘hf‘mja .vakmnl a lmlm'c,purlhxhing rlv \\ Her". 1 llllijll'i. lllilNKiilillUl-‘l’ & (H): ril ‘32, 18“., if g New Provhsyon ‘ HE undersignel hlyu‘e npt T Styre in \jurk slncet, 0p xmd hope, hyz keeping a. gum! scllmg chca‘p, [0 ohm}. nfuir: lic's putrmmge. 'l‘hei _Cll‘ is . v ,1! more rcgulgrly. so 1h t their supply will r“ only lue’ fullant ulwnyf fresh. Thrv hnvv nb on hand a lot 0! shlundid SWEET PiITATOI-I. , “NS“ NU ‘ATUES, the bra: cured HAM . SHOULD}: {S & FLUFF” '. FISH, (‘HEPS , ‘gdd xL~‘\uri¢,Ly 'ul otlwr nrtixlcs {n the prnrlg’l line. 'lljwj also deul‘lnrylv in OYSTERA. Sognra..Tubm-ru. km". of ,d‘ifl‘erent qunlitkfi, and then). {llwc-ys at} hand. . L ' Thfv 'nsk huycrx to l pi'ro thvm tstall—4);)“- finm-ll ll: .1 they will ibu'nble m giu- sum: ‘ C'- tiou in all mat-a. l . ‘ “" (‘. STRIPKHOI'FIIK', ? Valuablg' arm, ~ ‘5 AT PlllllMl SALE—O Thur;zluu.lhq 7/1. A rl'n/ {of Nurrmhrr um. h'y Urlll‘f n! the Ur~ fphnn'» (‘n‘nrt‘lnf Admin milmy. tlw slleh-nhcr. JAdma‘niql-umr uf Jlmwn lllzvlngosm, Frl lilccvfiwd.‘\rill ”if" u! ‘Puinlic Sale. on 1h:- l prmnisos.,’tlge following Relil Estate nt‘snid dc chcnl. Hz: _ ‘~. - ’| .\ FAR} aitnMe in Liberty, tnwncliip._\d:\nl - rounly. lafi, mtlmning Lining of Jnvnh l'likL-r. ,‘ .\mlri-w \fhxlc. [‘l u’itl'lnrli ‘ .fJnhn Welly. nml ‘ 'l‘mlu-n, L‘ nmi‘ninu '.’ll ‘Ar 03, more qr Inks. (1120.! ~ . . '} nhuhl F 5 'rns of whirh Ml: cow-red wmh iinr‘ '1 J. WILL. E I [.’l‘iinher, Aulh about 40 non-530i" .\lemlqn‘. :Till' .’I " gl’urm in m n "and stale 0F- '('ulli\'.uliou. (purl ”’_:"‘"“s§‘ . having he?“ Him-nl.} and uniler non-l I'm-ing, ~ ‘i ill is one (If the wry hrs! Fu‘rmfi in Hmt‘rt-ginu. ‘ ”ms . Tln-imprré'cmo-lsnre :1 lnr-gil Two—S ‘ ‘ ‘ Mm’y lhnlhleijcfiliug um SEX" rs-o “'- Bank. Bi‘ll.,‘\\'iigt)_xu Shrud‘ mm “9: ‘ ¥g;’ lt'urnkCriß, large liny filu-di Cur-.‘“"r‘ l ":i l rings Hmjw‘, Hag l'en, Sn‘nlu- Hume, \\‘u~h :lluufie “ilh Fish-rll, Ln; Tenant Home. {mg .‘olhcr buildings; n well nj’ g‘zuml wan-r m the‘ ‘huuw I|!th nnllihcr in Ihl- h it'll-3' Irtl. hmh IIO“\'-‘ ,erfniliug. yilh n pump in ou-h; I\\olhfii\in‘g j..\m)le ()liLhudq. l-f (imiroLfi'uil. with penal .I};9nrh,rhlirry and min-I: fr: it. Thu Fnrm is Well mu wlgnnd is in evei'y .‘r'-rpm u Inmc deflrnble iruperly. Perm-iii: wirlling tn View ’ 11.:er rl'lp (Mg 0 to cnli 9n (it-:m‘gc RidAliqudSL-l',l . residing! rrmn. 1 ‘ ' t 5929!! m sulll nn said My, tho Faranill , lu- gvnwdéut lulbliguuu'ry. i . ’ ‘ | [fig-“Sula.- 1K) vnnilnl‘uu-‘nq l o'clock, I’. .\l ,> : on said an . “flu-n :ittonllnnrq “ ill hegij‘i‘ll null hum)! mm , known by l _ ' l 9 l . JO. EI’H "Immmmslmt. m.., Adm'r. . lly (hc'l‘u rt~JouN Eluuonfiz, Clerk. ' x Oct. 4, grim. Is .1 , . i i ASSlgnee’S Site; ~ : ‘ “.\. F'rr'ritlil. Illc 231/: Jay 9! (’CIIIYPF nrsrl. ”lei O‘subsgxilmr, Assignce qf CnfiRM) .\h’mm} ‘mm “'in: “ill hill-r 4n I'llrliil' Suit“. 3n thr; premiums, ?\ TIIACTUF LAVJ). <ihmll- ih Lilli-I mur!to“_l§hip, nwr York“ .\‘p‘rinm‘, Adam: county, ad minim: lands ol' .\..lh‘lhxf Sin Lh, .hlv-uly, Miller. G r,_-e “.\Cl's, Ininl ohm-rs;vouhlimng 95 .\crce, mrp or {O:5, “ill: ‘lnopmflorlimi: 9f Timber. l M Mmdnw. Thci im- ' P pruvenwnls are u ’ljwn-sxuryl Log , ‘ Fm me HOUSE. Frnmu Burn, incur ly new, Spring: Home. “ill! aim-v. :91 1 : orfuiling Spa-in): ol' “'.ncr', unc'l nthor out-builll-‘ 55454.5“ ' :xl guml springi inn llu! Exam, and waler ire-gums! awry til-Ll :Ln thrirlng 301 mg Apple Ur‘hunl.” The furm l~ in n ’guml slnlr‘ of cnllisz ion—l—fenm-sgoml. in u ill hr ofl‘yrml‘ in two pa 1. or together to fluit [nahzhorm—l l'ersmia \ i-hing In \’my lhclpropt-rxy rim culli on Colin )Lwrs. Axsignorflrcsiding thclcwlfl. orlon the hndarSigm-li, livingtnogr lny. M“Su¥f lo comment-v n! 1!, o'clock. P. '.\L,onl said day, hon atiuudnnce nlill “be given 11ndI terms 1115.40 human by ' 1 ' . l ' ( JUIIN HENRY MYERS, Anny/um; "l ‘otica =( 3 Sept. 30:. 19:“. is , , ‘ j 1 s 'IST.\TE.-—Lciters tad- ‘" “"". 3 “’3 ET‘“"’_‘T‘l Lli‘é (Mute of Sarah Elfin-rt, 9‘ Woman 3 “find. ‘_.3. ’ nnownship. Adnms conn— Rplm‘ (‘K’S"(HH'UI'U’“”‘NIUALmi‘ ‘héen gmnunltn the ufinlcr» LET AN” “'ASIHNG SOAP. ‘lw sumr township, llCJHBI‘l‘m ‘ TIIY I 1' Htln-rguus ifixh'hlcd‘l bzlid l Til'! um hr<ignwl hzuing In‘. cdinu payment. and (lime i-{nr mand‘fmtluing the "buy f‘llhe mine to [rm-sent them} Comm" .0}? Adhna, Pm. ‘ll'rkiilg («I lor getglpmom, ‘ zvns th~n 'hiy ure nuw hrc-pzi JUHN ALBERT, Adm}, ‘ TUWI’IShIr nnui Family Rightskl 60" ' I" nll who.“ sh E 0 engage in : .!"‘.“"“’ both Tui l. and Washing .i ; ~ . mthce. ' i ‘ qnulitv.) rulifus =nll «Maul LIZA LEAKES ESTATE—Le: hr of Arc «10,1sz unllm aurcthnlllm,‘ ~ 4 ndminialrfllin on the’ astute of Eliza thl-yiuwét their mum'y. 1 Lake, lute of Latimurc township, Adams This nrh‘rlv lugs {nun-n inat connly, dwe‘uscd, l‘puxing been grumrd Lp‘ ther PINE [7} ‘l(.\" of nll amps; underaigned, rcsitliiugl in the same tuwudiipflintru um- hn; iurmizihly l.‘ he hnrehy gives n ice to ull pt-rsum imlrblcnl ull,u" era"; fluru itx‘ ‘cluuipnrri to sni‘l estate to m. kc. immediate pnynnmuml riurity, mgwl-inh H er'mu- \\ thuschnvingvluim. nguinsl thr Eflll‘lc Ln [fitment it :v. lri-II fill «theorfullv Eiwlil'v them property :11“! euticated lur ht!liu.uvlll. ', ‘ W'l’ui i‘urlhvr pnr'ivulan, , 7 ”MIN lrerNitY M\'lLll:l,.lilm'{. ‘ prim-tors, zjllmkhl’n. ‘ ~ Aug. 19,1'86'1. «it: , ' ~ ; 7 A, 'Fliilllllin 32 . iv . . a“ B J. WILL. r L ,hsal. , .3'! Merchani Tallormg. S‘l TEW Goons—GHURQE‘ Anxuu) Rugs 3 ju-t return 'd fi‘un thuchy with n logger ser of CLOTHS. ~\FS! ”11115.“, Cn~iqms, Beaver moths, (hcr‘unmfin 4, \'clwt Ccfids, Jeans, Dri]!ingn and Hul'v'ng , of fiery <t)‘l!;.—‘ Haring secured [he a rvicya f'\\'. T. Kl\' us lFuremn‘n, wv are pm] hl‘L'lhll put. I}: the l‘. \'o goods hi «flux-gun! o the 05! cty nmnn It'- luriug csmblishuwnLThMingiturn Ipm. :I K ”Sgt: Hmong: of “prk duri 1;: the plus! Amrwu, nflio,‘ “’bit‘h hus-givn-u sflfid‘ndhu} With a. trim: ‘ - ‘JAC‘.’ mr-ltyshnrg, od. 4, I Y, ‘ ich . WT: ad. ‘inéreu-e of our Imam-'55, go}: lu shuw n clusi‘vcl)’ that “e do Quhilu-ns in n mnnnor 0 l 0 hp rurluuaml. ijr stock of goods en 10 he suypnsreJ In mighty or utylé..lGi\e: A? cn‘liguchnvc né'doubt “e cnu pl'L-nse" . k. 961. 4,1551. i K , _ _ . ”_M _‘ . .‘ Georgie Arnold; ,1' 3 selling Orr LAMES' [muss Guorjfi m I cost. Gull, it'yoh wmt burgallns.- 4’ _9gf.4.1e017 ya x} ---_”. {L ‘ Ready.m4_ 9 Clothmg. ,5, ‘ . FORGE ARSOUI hm now got up hidfall » fund “'imens: 'c of Rmuly-nmde ('l‘ h. ir‘g. conshting 0H)“ 2 ‘S CUA’l‘S,ofo\ crvk§u¥i oh'lmmws, in g at varimy; news" ”UK 31'0me wau'r.‘ .\xmmuxs, maps; Drawers; Shins, (tank. Gluve», Smgksg Hmi‘crf, Jun, Jun, wi l‘Mdesl every nrliclé. in our [me of hualinlawYl ll of which will be £1011! cheap, for cash. Thl: 'clotjring 'nre nmstly (If our own' mnuufu‘hxré‘ Give. us a cnll, and il' Wen-mum lit yo‘u in In guinea! ~made 11;}qu will sel! you the (Ym Ids, take your measure, ‘ulnd hmke you :I suitjin abbrt' Mdex. -{f w _.,‘__-V _._+_ . 1 Tailormg. - I Lows xvmmlgur reipcvtfully infoltms his friends um? ,(he public, that. Inc'ihus ,c-nmumt‘od the TALLUIUXQ business, in (‘zlr : liilci sin-ct, Ueny‘sburg.‘ m the o'fd .«and Jr J. ißoix‘inger, where he hupcs‘ to receive IL Hip-ml a m of encouragement. He wan-antanllifiis I'an to fit, und‘thqmukini; tonhé subsurfiinl. A HLJ; regularly in ecyipt of the Fashfom so tha Ihe “in be abl4to pleasapn mstos. dive ;him;ntrinl.‘ , ‘ [UcL 4, 186;}. 5‘ S mm ALBERT ‘ nini§muiun on Q Page OT .\luunbploufi: My, deceived. hm in‘g {sight-)1. residing in ‘ my gives no'lr't- to ‘ ? estate to make im ‘ E baring chums ngai properly uuthcnum August 2'}, 1301 , Call .at Samson’s. ‘~ ‘ {FI I .\ViNU rcturfied {rum thwwur, (the stark f being aqmewhnbnegleq‘ted ip x-nnfmluem-n Am' Samanthhciug silt'kJ) but as A. BULLIN _ERJ is at. hqme‘ minim .u fil‘st-mte «cwrlmen .'of “CLOTH! (s.6lchan bt-cn turw.|rtlrd. u’ ich ,wzll he 31:! as .Ixeremfivrc n'. the 111.1”! IPRIGES. N. E. (firmer of the Uiamond‘. 'l - Au .19,'180.1‘ ‘ = ‘. PR volvers. ge‘ ‘ .\‘EW lot,of REVOLVERS, of 'dimrg‘vnt styles, embn 'ing the latest, weenie?! at SAMSUN‘S, north est corner of the Diamond. Having pin-chasm [fdr gash, M. the host ,rgucs, he is prprrgd to sell as low as the lowQsl—if notlod'er yet. Dr pin and emmine them}, for‘ yourselves. .\‘9 l uublé 10.5h0w gods. * . July 131861. j : . a ‘3 , -.-“- ”—.‘—_..»— ' ‘Uton Inn. - l; sonar. .:.. c )IIWHkL. or the ['rn’ion' inn. on the Chaim wrshurg Turnpike, near the top ol' the South 3 ounuin, lake's this mclhod‘ ofinl'orrniug his fr ends nut} the public that he‘ I! prepared to ace mmodate’nll who mayipau troniJz‘e him, in the be‘st munller,.nnd ntnufler ate chuges. No ' lfort will Be spared], %i\'e' saitisfmetion. His fnle and {bar will be} 312 mm wfllprovidvdmnd isb9ddingunexccpti¢uqblm Large stabliug-l ‘r horsesu He ov' ' ‘a. trial. 1 ‘ 1. ~ [May 6, li . may Bake. 5 HEADS & BUEHLER have on hunti‘g‘two S firu-rale‘EAY ‘lnd GRAIN RA RES, \ ic Will be sold allow rates. This is a finaop portunity forFannbrs 16 secures mluabte bar and time savhlg implement. ' Call and look at them. . j [Hay 27, 1,361; it! ’.Photogzaphy ,N ALL n's nmxcnas,‘uecuted in the I best. style known in the an. m ().;G. ()RANE’S-UALLERY, 532 Arch Street, East. ol Sixth, Philndelphia. LIFE SIZE in Uiii'lillld Pu(el,Stereoucopic Portmiu,‘3mbrotype Dn guerremypel, m.. {or Cues, Medallinns, Pins, Rings. &c. , [Not 12, 1660. ‘eg New Go?ds 8: Lumber. ETER. 3081.] Z. M. Arenduville, has in: B relnrned from the city with a, largb an 3: act. Mock of Dr:' Goods, Groceries, Gucéus were, Hardware, Boo‘ls, Shays, Hats, U§ps Trunks, km, &c.. c‘henpgr than over. 1 Ho 8150 has on Imm] 8. lot of POSTS, RAgLS and SHINGLES, 0; excellent Quality, whia b . will dispose of at. nhe ‘lowest. .living =profi . Give’him a call. He will always try to pig“: )lnyl3,lzs6'l. 3m - If; Change of Tune. ' "z ETTYSBUBG RA!I4ROAD.—On and,dfter G Wednesday, M 3115, 1861, the Morning Train will.leari¢ Gettysburg at 7.40 .\. m.. with pusepgers {or 311.;the connectiuna. North and South, on Lhofiortbun Centiml Railway.}znd retfirlahqut 1 P. SI. The afleruoon‘Tmin Will leave Gettysburg at 2.15, P. M.; Ebut passengers by this fl'nun can 50.110 farther than Hanover the 311mb evening. Returning .\vill reach Gfity’iburg about 5.151’. 11., with pagieu gera from Harrisburg, Philadelphia, kc. :By this arrangement pencns'frpm the cough-y, ngan‘the line of the leroad,’having business to transactzin Gettysburg, can take‘the nflon Train up and have maul)~ two hours in Goth":- burg, and retuxn in the Afternoon Train. n ~ > R. MbCURDY, Presideli‘l May 17,‘ 1860. , - . ADIES' DRESS TBIIMINGS, in gratin— L fiery. M scawx» : CM - . . ‘ ‘ * 3 1 cnu fiance to Asséssors. ,; jhll YIN”?! [brawn ole-10d “x; the XML Spring “L . ‘ Eleni-m are hen-by n‘n‘li’fibd to Attend (It th Cum is<iom-rt' “nice: inl the Bnmnxh of A A (kjnydlu .- m reren’c Blank Awesmuem !:up‘xi-i cnha and 119' m'tr‘qsnrv inslrnhmrs. ns l‘nllmy’sfl V The Answers 9! L'nionM‘onowngo. Bern-icky Bel-wick Hurongl' Jxrord, Hlmihon. Ran-ling, ‘ .\lounlple 5.1 m. \lennuny,:.~'«tr}u|mn and “Jun”,— I.lm joy’, will menu 0‘" Tuesday, the 151/: of Orlubcr ‘l}l‘ nexf— . - ‘ . 5,, ‘ IMX“ Aud t n'sae-sors of the ‘flnrmmh of Gct-j 11." tysluug ‘umberlnnd, Fret-dang, Liberty. Hnm- ' 0"“ iltoulno.}rnnklin. mulch, minnlchJ'l‘yMue, .1'“ Iluneifiirt n and l4.btixv)qre,*lhill mysud :ou 11"“ "Mama, (In .IGIII-fof (firrobcfiinrxl. . By‘gprder of the thm#<iuners. 5 ‘ i ‘J. .\l. \‘ALTER, Clerk. , ‘ USoptfi 18‘”. M ‘ :H l ' 4 ' ”-‘"" 4 . . ;_ , , § . Notlce; ~',' . . [IE \Endcrtigned, lmvinfgfd lnrge Amount sun ing on his Bucks f'dr u. cunsi-lrtilhle' length of ime, principnlly blade 'up inf slfizlll. accounts, takes thi‘K'lm-tlnnl fnnlilyfug unme‘ indc‘xl'd t) him, tlut be news mouu‘riamd ix" his friend will‘mll and 51-21 I: thcir :u-coutule; hewill feél under many obligutinns mun-m. I Sep‘. 23', 1861. . .L. HG‘HICK.’ I ‘ Notme. ; ‘ a. ' {3:131 ['oo I’ll ITHOMAN'S ESTATE—Letters. “"1 R [en menury on the egmte of Rudolph mid Thunmn, ate ofa'tmhan tow‘nship, Adkins cu.,‘ Lin!“ defiemedjmviug been granted to the tudl-r- “.:.—«i signed, rflidiug in lhe‘ smue mwnahip, hel ‘ hereby gi‘cs notice to all persons indebtcfll to said as tau) ,mak ‘mmedivue paymem, and‘ those ha 1:, cl uims gain“ the same In present! them pro] rly puthenticated fpf semohwht. } . l. AAQ l". BRINKERHUFF, Euculor‘ ' Sewn!) 1861. 6!. " Chan. 0. fields, r‘ ‘ ‘ noxfimxnan, Plptr xluxer and ‘Blank B EDDIE Manufacturer, 3d filmy, Sgnyll's building, .‘entte Square; Yum", «PA. Junk», County Oflces, nndvouutiug lluusgis furnxxheg with Blnnl Book|,msde of the beztlinen paper and on thfi moat reasonable terms. Binding of every description executed with ncatnes‘a and dispatch. Orders by mzul promptly attended to. ‘ [.Aug. 26:18“. 3m HE ngdersigned respectfully informs the puble «has he continues the CARRIAGE MAKING ND REPAIRINGibMiness in all it‘s: dxficreut firms, chotpcr lhdn‘ _uny aha;- in lhc' county. 111 work warranted: to give satisfac- [ tion torustnmars. ‘Cuunbry prnduco what in; exchange for work xfi market pl'lccs. g ; .\. 31. TUWNSLEY‘ Gettysbxirg, June 24, 1861 ‘ -' Removal. i Notice. ~ ,ATC" A: CLOCK REI’.IIRI.\'G.—-LOUIS]‘ (I's3:qu mnml}:‘.u).\ifin. Sl‘L’S.y 'ESTATE. W ZEh-LER has removed his “'mch &,J putters»! mlnmn‘al-rmiun on the «gum (Hook andug Establishment to South 1531-;o'depl,,Lneof'livamitsbur‘, Limarc stréet, two doors north 0% banner ti Md.,';decellbed. gm"; Wm 1:11!an to the Zlegler’n Store, where he will 54: glad to ro-lundénigned. rvafimg in Baltimore, “(L ‘ho eivo fl continuance 0‘ "‘9 puronage Ot-wabbgnkylgires nonce In all person‘s indebted L 0 §ublic. By close attention to bun'nnm, good; said bst' ’ make Immediate guymenl. uni work, and moderate charges, hi: how! 00 xi“ l ume llimn ngaixj‘st the agnw m prmout genernl satisfuclirn, aslneretofi’me. A . i‘hem‘p swung-3.9a furmvtlicmrm. ‘ ueuysmgrg, Aprig'a, 1301. ‘ l 7;: ems-Pam DLEMUSEILJR... _., ~-—-—«-—-—--——~' m: ”playing at ‘ 1“" i Butter, Eggs, - HICKENS. ‘lnd othcxg maxi-rating, mum-m. Clyto He had at '. Gr CABR‘S. - Ag. 26, 1861'. 1 -. irvhnu-d me right \l'» Snap J'ur the ngv inform the viii: um! to Fr“ In)!!! kl and will furuid: :0 business “ill: 102 m. ((0 104, "a 1; know what [hm 13' am- riglit M [lm- ~ILIO he [ht- ” XV. mill \Vhbrtfium'l‘ kl‘ll {ln-mimic of :fnd p. 150“! dip! - 0 has uncy gi‘n-n l zluldrl's :Jtlu- pm- a; swam-2r: Ela ownsley Ahead. IMM run» pl‘u‘l = I , , . ,_,V_- 2. _ .‘.< : The Great Disco cry TIIE .\(2lLL—lufl‘wantul} £11.! (‘hrnnic ‘lshcumqliv-u rnu lu- nnrod Mj “ding: If. h. {lull S UMJEIHLA‘I ELY lilliiUßL‘J‘lt‘, MIX‘ '2. .\hny prunnhrur {mucus nl lhis, 11nd .ljuiniug.ummin-x‘ 3mm- lcrm'M In in ‘ utilityn Hy:- slum-03‘s in ILJu-umnh un‘.»v\. ' films hec-n Lhilln-rlm unpu “Helm! hy my 410,4 inlrmluced to flu- lru plic. Pnu- .10 pm" lumlr. For nulu‘lry n 11! druggids Incl 'm-pors. I’m-lured only hm”. I. .\HLLKR, ciule and Rep.“ Druggiflt. Easting-ml. la‘ cguuly, l’.x., drank-r in lungs, (‘lmun-uh‘, ‘ \s'.x_tnisl|,Smrils, l’uinls, ngslufll, I-m -(Ms, East-urea and Tiurtfiun-s, \\'i|‘|.lu\v . l'L-rl'umvry; I‘xrlL-nl \lcglxc‘ncs. .tt‘.‘(fl'. \ “A. l). ling-Illa is the .\m-ut in (Jenna; [or “ “..L. ‘.“lHuT‘a U: h‘lll'ljudll [Slu‘um- tic? [ngan J, lmil. ;u_‘ E hur’,‘ .\liu; l- --_ 'z _ ‘ . r ' Pubfic Nothg. \K'E this method to iufdrms the public n: I lmvi- recpivyd irum [hp riiy 0| l'hih in n I‘HESfl STUI'K UFJGOUUS, rum g’ all 1.3! the Iguwmfishlcs f LADIES mums whys. UA\\'LS;’ 1 . . Cmumm: chums, ' (in!) vm, - * HUSHIR'I', BONNET mm i ll‘ .1“ _.l i H rm n fluems‘mgvmfint of ' PIRFI'AII‘IIW A3l) )".\'.\‘(‘ .1 I-vvrythintz that i 4 “8!!“ . of Dry mu? Fancy (i mils. | [ FOll THE (H'ZN'ELBM _o as mmph-tc at stock 0! CL Es, uuuhs SI'ITABLE’ : R, a: well‘ as GLOVES, 'lilx'l‘lßCHH-IPS. .\‘HUK Tl 3.5.13, n: m“ ever hmu'zlzt .rilzz. 13m.- J. ErE th .\1 H 5 “1‘: ”.\. DE! - ‘ ‘-\ ; “‘The Umon' {RCII STREET, .\um’y} 'l‘” 3A ‘ ‘ - PIHLAMI YPTO}: S. NI'HVUHMI‘IK. 1’ ‘ This {Old is >(‘k‘n'r:ll, PJS‘l‘llgl‘r Hrs lo Ile Wm 0‘ Juli? in‘ every pmfirnlnr In 1‘ wnp z nf'thé } Hahn‘s; publiy. Z " ' .'l'crms %! .31) I's“ tin)". _ Sthn. 23, 13 EJ.- ly 'w , a ‘ ’Chagary Instl [9- AM: my smm] _, I I)HLI’HI.L.-'l‘lm. ‘1 mr two guys put, n ‘um (‘uxu un' xm'l ln'r .m‘uJ-‘v “pun the gnnw p u XVI-\'u-l‘k, c~t:\\:ii~\lvrl I ,WIH re-apm rm I‘ldmllw“ ‘lml 'qlnplr- and numplt 1'" I .Ll'wn nf' \ mung Lmhc». nn txdamf IVHP‘I‘VIH)‘. I‘irIJJI. w: inmrnmtiop. mmr bu ml; m H: lhb Principal. Ingfilz, 1561. mi 3 Last Noyice mm: is new; gum: M M 2, at Huang 9; Z'nzuL . placed in the hu “1‘ u! .1. ‘nllcclinu ‘11“: dud: ul ‘ In: cuurpcljn'w; us by Inkc I 'c hauug heretofore hvcx crnvd nl [bu "nu-wit};- m“ cl Is wirhnutdchy, nudJlu-yl Innmwl 10 £le 341110, in» u lih‘h cunne. l \ nj he” [on Kit | Nuli Hon 1' n;\.\',\'ml 1:;an lg. 5,A1'861. :n f ', , , N once. .val) THUMAX‘S EHTAT ‘L.Au)eul.cry run the cunt..- o! ot'fllh-nymucg, Adams c >.séd,'hm‘.mg been granted -1, residing in Straw" tuw ivcs nmiuc to all pcrsum i 1 c m unlu- iquu-‘linu- pm" kg . u~l2lilxw“-ugniu<l the. su ‘prupcxfy .nuthcnliwtu] lo ‘ , ‘ ' Juux 1s pt. 2,'1361._Qt _ .Miss* (1. Sheep 4)“th AND nu‘ S‘r' .\lynd li, Scpjmnher 7M, 18: f[inns—l' r St'hion of {new For .\llmc th-l Lung“ [gm mm. 1’ 1' further pxirticulurs’mldrc 'i » . ‘ u. L.‘ Arg. 26, IBM. 6113 Ur K P, Piano Tunin m. mnvrzngor Liulealo I’iunn Tuner, informs his I Mr]: and the cal pnhlic in general, UM _ he give! his 1 nupmherwiae occupied, u 'l‘umng unrl inn; J’iunm,’ at modrm‘c prices. Ho \ises‘encirc snlinfnctionmrn pay. ,0?“ [\'quAl ghisofiice. Tick“. Hi. 18 LL ‘ ‘ ‘ Arch Stree . O’mhm'r w’mrzaouss.'~(»r mm k mam, ' ”NEIL. 8325 Arch SlrecL 2d“ rs holow 9th, soqlfh fiidc. Philmd‘phia. W 9 cnmmancc [he [fallhradc with one ol' ”up her "inn-nod ".00“. of uglich MM American Umpvtinzs to bat {an 11in‘lhizcityqnnwhurdfurefuhu. very i- w mu: , and intend suing th‘ .d‘eercnOb ivn'.‘ prices.‘ “'0: Mac nll the nrw Flvte-.\'clw~t, I'»;p§:slr3', Brussclz‘ Three-15%.: Ingm'n' ‘ nd ch Gnu.“ Ith usrleudid Much I)! ‘» Ii l. CLO BS, ,Ruut, Slums, brunt-t, «'.‘c. MW in tht'ijlnln .- puningsvrs to nbmin buznim iv! o‘. "'furpel lineslu we will MAL-A} u very small .v!‘ 'ln’w‘ g; ! guninmee—uu gandum he HI rr'pre.(xxtcd, .lml give! entire ulishction w the purchaser. wfl‘u’cl-uy aufi soil cxdum‘dy for cash. Slip!” 18, 18m. 31!: k ~ - Aymfl .- —r--—T—-..-—...__.L...__.W___4. Come to the Fair! ND nnxvr memm vl3 (1‘ PLEA :‘ANT A; RIDGE NU-RSRRlE‘.—Pcriof=a wishing [to 131 m“. Treex‘wul find ihe shmk in a.» ground rcnmrknbiy fine. mm all/red a! rl-Almwd pricel. Thc‘ApMc rumba-a 1W \‘arlkhh, mama-in}; \ all thugqurovml _wrfiil. j Sill—44cc the imbe bum-J near Flora Pale Al’wuofiico. ’ T. E. Cu'Hi k'bHNS, 1 mg». 2;!8'11, f , ‘ yl'lUPr..u,r:. /or Nyer's Ca Q: Pelts. =I SEIM f $ ) ms, .mm'rs, '_SO.\I'S. . y l'mmd in u 'rns,c.asst-. FUR BOYS‘ ; STOCKINGS, a 3, ‘ 51:.- P ES to (io-(yrhurg. L. svnn'k’. no. mun, m (lI‘IH HTUH. ‘mxuuil'ul. by g Uu- vity, :ml .'° cumfurt ,nud I :- ST” PHILA mum; um- Vlhls «fly, by lil'l'l‘ .\lmhue l\}‘i|lll'fl :u Hm rru'in 1h» )enr pL hith, wiih u\"i‘:ion Mr Un -r (htfnlil‘twfidn ~. .lml' nH rn. mg! ml nlnpliv .11 [hr Hunks, 'u, JIM, luine L'uuzgx, Huh Irv, \\' Lynx-ugh: hln lasyrl'surt. gn’vn lu nll miuglhl-iruc n'iuu: vmglcvl min-Mud us to mag, Jaw: .—-Leu«r~ tos- Dm'ld'l‘lmuinn,‘ “my, Penum, m the under x-fhip, he horn .lrluéd to said unt,’ Mul filmy: m: l!) preach; aclllcmvnt. , EIL'I'A, h't'r 00!„ opens a./the, $75. Isumns. U :burg, I‘xl SEEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers