We??? «3. 53““ v - . ' ' V ‘” ' _. a ,z: 2' ' . ‘ ‘ ‘~"-' “at" "'“‘ “gnaw EMW'WWEV‘WWN ~ ~ ~ * tea“... , .:. . v , ' " if ”213’ ”5.. R 3%ng ‘1 ' ...“ ~ ‘ . ~ “--....” -....v..- .---.-,, ...... - _ . . 9 . n ‘ 1.. . . ‘3'» fl ' r“. :4 «'5 a ”AWE a: ‘1 .‘y‘ .« 1 ’ ‘ ‘ ‘. . ¥ . , ”...—_...) , WY, '4 4 W 9; «'r ‘v“ 1"... a ‘ “Wm ~. _ fl ~~,m‘t—~—_ww. w-rw‘u- ..m,..,__ “ ’ ’ , ~ ..I. ”risfif‘v :JI £3.24: ‘13:: _, ‘- . ufi ' "’ ‘ p . s . . ’ ’in ). < - 2“" ....» ,-._ ¢ ~ ,3,“ at? ,‘_; _. - ' :‘,, ' r::."- ,«m‘ _ , 3‘”- ""3"“W, . H _.....” 735.4,: -,..,.. ~ ‘ . ‘3‘; .5524: ‘y ~ ’ “1%?5v . m , 3.4, » . -. ~ . » ‘~ " - an? x“;s*."s 1”“ ‘.' «Hm ”wfiW'Wv‘Ayw" 7' .3‘ " . 7:3,? 1" Mira . 'in .- ... 8" “.2: . L‘ ' ‘ _ _- ’ g A ‘3 . ‘ ‘K . ~ 36' ~7 . .- 3'27”?“ g‘i'fl’. “"71". win 3:} ..h? g 5 A, ' i -A ”sums! 3 —'< ' J— - ‘ v. ..- ‘ " - “¥ arm ..’ .- ' . 4‘3. ~_ 3”“ "a?" _ ‘ 3 ,’ z!‘ . '5” r; .- < 1" ‘. _ . 1:2 ’ " s “"”' A " "' ““ ‘EA‘V’W _-; g“? ~ $3”? ‘» . ~ . g a... a? 9-, . . (mm-Rama pm . Ma;- . arm ' f" ‘ fen ~ ‘ ‘ . 2:; =2?“ . f"; 5.2-. . '— «A 3:" é» “ ' .«I ‘9 “new: k.“ “.,. ,<. War. 1113:11th ‘ . I/ 23. t: I!‘ ' . g - .:ing \ .« v 3.; g 7.2 'f' ..yi '3 b‘ ' ”3.1. "’9' , ‘ «vaaw* fli ‘ “ p 332". r”. E . v.) .; %?q:\‘/ .‘ ‘2 ~. . " :'_ ‘~. \ , .r. ( ‘ (4‘ ~in 1 [I ,“' ‘ y ' ' t > . .-_ 4’ ‘2’}, ~..- xO- «I . in a] .a‘ I] at“ 8' I ‘l. . , J ' w“. «an-ewm . - 5 \. ' \/ / ,1 . .a t. »\ 3r’ ,' - ~ a . '3" -“M .215 ‘u -, . W filluo'nch unmet-ad - / ‘ , / ,x' ‘ J " 7 / / - h. a. \ > ‘ 4 / ' _ V I z .. : / / r // . ’ Q...“ I \ . I . . ' Ofnhin South Buhimore streetdhoeuy 7 ‘ j a ' Ww melen’ Tinning Fttabli‘hmelt ‘ . ' ”Colman P-- ”...-..-." \hr ‘ . L, E i P‘ E F I P _ , ‘lxsrtxc Urricl." on the nip. _ 31—4..»- - 4-”. _.. i as r w (3 1n Batmsmomb vans. V D. HcConaughy, ___g!___ mnxm’ .n‘ LAW, (once one door mt "‘”””“ ' _— Aof Ilulfler’n drug mi hook Iwre,Chiun— “7 ll’. 5- STAIILE. ' enhl'g :treet.) Arron" LJDSOUCIM m i ;:.:m:r::::_‘—‘-’“' I’Arun u- Piixaion. Bounty Land “'nr tutu. luck-pity suspended Claims. and all léad. Year _othor clniuu lglilfl the Government at Wuli- i , Invent”. 0.: tho American Chin” In England. “W {and “ ITNBII locnted and sold.or bolghmmd l M“ M‘ “_h—fflw ithfl‘ price: given. Agents engaged in lo- , ' fitting mar-nu in lOWA. llliuoia Ilnd 0th"; T 8! ADM ‘ wen". Staten. ”JPN." to him person“; , ll}; (‘omir'mstoneri of Adnmnrnunty hereby ‘ 2 ’ 1152 .1» by letter. I give nntice that they have tin-d upon the ° Gettysburg, x“, 2}, '53, ’81: “firing 31111;: for} the buying of .tppcnls‘for’ :———+—~-—«_~- Tu: , .7“ A x __. “_...“ . . - __._.__.-.__ l c ncrcrn rout: i- and ownslii tqu ms , ' 7—— J" c. Neely. 3 county. at the Ohm unhd‘numy (Pummlnion- POI ...-:E‘CTI'LI“ "mum AT LAW, wiiimmi to collar. ‘ '{f ”; “flaw"?- “4;":' and Ihm they win Sunly. "artfully, tiunl and all other buxincu intrustcd to (A ‘3' to ”:1‘ ppm} ietwccn the hour: a! “Y M" '° 7""; di can with premium-st. (mice in the 8. 16. “in" ‘ “cf-'H‘L . l “311 3 o clock, P. 3]., of each , I'hyce the Nari lightly mum of the Diiinmnd. [formerly occupi'd 5." ii {-‘hh; 0'? r (‘ h 0" b" ’0‘"! "Mil Wm. B. XL‘CleHnn. Esq.) ‘(‘ _ e PP”; ‘o'." ”Ha” urg, CPMMMM‘ Gently. ”m‘f‘ufy Getty-burg. April “,1839. it i lif‘gfigihx‘ :‘T’un;l';l';§"fy; 1711 mm ":1 “ mad o'er tLo bod, __‘ V _ _ H . __ . H. r, .-t u_ flldeMl . ' . a". n Wm B Imam { Fur lrankliii, Slrab‘nl). )lcnnlleii, Butler, l THU’FQ‘lug‘hmd , .‘ . ' ' _ , _ [Mountplcnmny Mounijuy. Ind L‘ouutagu, on TTURXPA AT LA“ -“"Uflic° ‘” “ '" y'd‘ ’ “'f'llflddy'lhf 23h! "_l'Jummry/ nu! “'l'“ ‘ you“! 'ulo' “1° “WM, me 0001' we" of the new Fur Braiding, nummuu, Liberty, Tyrone, ( ‘0“ “I h" Kn“; ’(‘l33‘y‘zu‘e- \_ l 4 ”'9 I Uniun. Freedom, and Bcrwick borough Ind “grit?“éhu'd." _ i “'3' ‘ o‘3 ~ -' - iluh’nship, nu Thuruhiy. Mr 24!]. "(January Md. , ‘ ' ! "'¢i " ' " A. J. Cover“ ”—1 .... ” I ll; order ut the t‘omuiisxiunen, T‘Om' ‘ln'“ 3'“ "3' ‘ 9 . J. )1. “Lu/flit C! k. '" "Hm" ‘ Tronxm' AT LAW. mu pmmpny mend ; Dec. H, isoo. td t’ " Sprinkle lmh Mid: them to Pallet-[inns Ind all other hit-line“ un- . ~—-——~r— ”—O-“ ‘ Benny Incl bloom. tuned to him. unit-o lit-tween Fultneatm-kt’! Notice Lu ' ' ' . ‘ ' o y the [od llghtl)‘ 2;"! ”tun“: thud" ’ hurt-s. guillrnyflxgget, ' HE A-uuorn Il’l: hen-by instructed that it , ("If her brunt; ~f}‘{:{“_rl~' “' ‘ _ _ _["P ‘ '_"_ _ '>_ ‘ in their duty. underline act uf.\.-~emhly,to' Cdliu he her Ilumherl, give notice lo Mel-y pcrmn whom they shut" l‘curi-ful her roll' ‘W9 A‘ mean? . it‘lllbflcc in thrlr Militur) rt-111. lhnt he i: so ell-i Beautiful. lth-Iy. , . 1'1"“) ['l‘ ATfIC‘ “ ~~4§m09 ”bu“: h‘orth- rolled. Such nolire may be given by informing. She “'lli but given, A rumorncro ‘uulre- Hurt. e 2'! “"14. and [mum in writing. by tuning the nine It: Am: bud on eurth, 5. [UCL 3. 135'"- I', l hisplncc of ?Esiill‘llct‘ ur buuim-ss. _ | To bin-sum in “much. ’ _,__ ‘ “‘”‘ 'fl “ By order of th: lilitnr; Board, ————-__—_ Edward B. Enabler, g ‘q. u. lll‘EllLl-ZR, I‘rn'l. ' a , ‘ TTutthi' AT LAW, will faithfully .nd ; W. A. Drms, My [Dec at. taco. ' . rouiiitlv attend to 11l hutiiieucutruatcd ‘ ‘ ' ’ ' ‘' ' I:2 nuts” P . , 0 “turn. ll: upmtka the Germain lungunge.—- 2 Procmmation. l Ulla. stflhe tame place, in South Ballluioro ‘ 1:: :-——_~.—: :5 ' 2 :77; ‘47" :"t‘iifzi'nt;°:':’;:~£{2s:3s: ““ "'U ' “3 mm m WW“ 4 t, e . g . Paeujsburg, Mun-Ii 20. 0F ABOEIONIBH. J. J. Hex-con, ”(NEVEY A!” (“ ll'XSl-ILLIH‘. .\T LA‘V. A -l|m.'u on Baltimore sin-ct, nearly oppo ‘Kl P'lhnutm‘k Bfuthl-rx’ Swrt'. Gouyshurg, ogp). 1560. (f J. Lawrence Hill, 11. D. AS hi- uflirc one door “’O5! Mme" n Lutheun church in Chunbcrshurg strut. um] oppmite l'ivkinz‘~ Ito". where thosc uiahin: to have any Uonlnl Operation perturmed urc respectful]; im’in-nl H) ¢IIL ltlvxlau'ls: Urn. llurm-r. HM. (‘. I'. Knuth, I). I) ‘ Rev. 11. [1 Bnngher, l). 0., (Lev. Pr !. I. new". l‘rnl’. \l. L. Stun". fieltylburg, April 11. 53. Cancer Insutute. HER many ymrs of «um-euful practice. A 1111. KELLIXG still ilcsircn In dn gnu-d lu ! a tuicled. llc ruminun lu cure all kind; of CANCHIL‘T. Tl'llllle‘. “TENS. SCRUFL'LA. or KING'S Hl'll.. SHIN-L". km, if rumbla n‘ilhuul cutting ur puimn. He does not cunline him ulf mrrely m ll). cure of llie nlmre dig sun. bu! lill [run all 0311:?! with gurus“.— I‘Alienu will he \isiml. if desi ml. n rr-mmuhlu diluuue.‘ l’rrsuna desiring to visit l‘r. K.Will pluu stop In the Railroad lluxclin .‘Jvchunii-sv burg. whom may will he (llmtt‘ll to his rosi dam-e. For all pnniculau write —sule div.— QOMI plainly. Enrlulc I postage \lnlup _to inpay aml‘cr. Address Dr. (‘. 1.. KELLISU, llnlmninl'urg, Cumberland cu.. I’m. Uct. 15, ”HO. Um “Wide Avimke” Meetings VERY SIGHT THIS WEEK. .\T THE E “l'nLl'ES' HALL." nml evcry d:l_\‘ lota-era the Imurs 0f 7 .\. .\l. and G} l'. \l.. til. the .....m welt corner oftlxe Mahmud. in (it-org: Arum“? (‘lnlhing Store, h. hming jun rcmrnol from 1!” ch; I‘M“ A Rupt‘rinr mwk 0| Marl. (Hire and Brown‘ (.‘lntlls. for chr um! Dre-'4 Conn, the hen-I selection uf [Huck and Fine: \‘a-si .creo, (‘nhurg Vniellcizu. Solfcrinun. Mun-x. he hinn. Ginghmm, ('ulirm-s. "lucked and I'll. Notched Mu‘lins. Slit-cling :lud I‘mgghmn" uf fixin or nut thiunuMe figure#: in a \urd, the ~l¢flel are jun: the ".lymw" (or H” (inn. :1! of thick Ii“ be sold In. the may loul‘t cash price:. ALSO—Rom” .\lmlc Nothing in ever; nuje :y. "er Ind file. If we unnm m ’0“ W. 'l', line, who never mis‘H A m. will Inl- gruur Insure and make you n gnrmcuwu 1!!“er olt notice, oa. a, lan Second Ari-I'Bl ["3 T.\LL.-—luryrr Slot-k than Hwy-3.. ‘ JAPOIL‘) & Bill). ban-jun: rertirel their mold purchase of Full and \Vinler (coda. ‘ kid: “my ofl‘cr cheaper than cur. having rough M’lhe most {.n‘oruhle rams. Tluy nsk the pu’blic to call in and we their large anon lOI‘A,’ cunrincml um every taste can be Imi led. Their CLUTHS, CASSINERES. \ CST -1563. (Instincts, Fords. Imm. kc... cnumt be accllcd for \‘nriely. and mu" the low prior-s at which they ure ml‘cred Me reully Mkmisling. Goods and: up n! the shortest unlice, in the hint styles, und M. M renaonnblc mm as can ‘bc expected. Their e‘lnhlinhmvnl is in Clum ‘bbrnburg Itveet, n few doom hclow liuehl-r'l Drag more. [mg 15, lucl. Lime Factory ~ x GETTYSBI'RG !—ATTE.\'TIO.\', mm- I BE l—The nndenigued would um“ xe .Jpemxllyillorm the public in general. Indme Imin; community in paniculnmhu they!!!“ ¢nuodtwo opuioul LIME RUSS, M the concr offinntton meet nnd the Railroad. md gre pow burning. 10‘ will continue to burn, late , Idliu of the BEST LIME, which the, ill _3‘ o of“ the lowest livmg rates. rum"! ”miner! Arciuvited to give them a CI“. Iy ”whiny “good snide, which they expat Ali”! to do, they came: Ml to give satisfa thl. MCCL'RDY 8 CRASS. ~ Aug. :0, 1350. 1! ‘ . luble Yard Removed. nboaiber hiring moved his place n! « Abusing to En! York street, a wort as “it!“ 8!. June!’ Church. would announ 3fi~ public tin: be is still prepared to [main fl! kinds of rock in his line, and) u Rona. 3.2 m, Bend-man, to” ten or every variety If fli- ud finish, with and without bun n joke", to sump-Mn, and at prices to :- :flo kiln”. Per-om daifing anything in his 1i :flfl lid 1; t decided “Vantage to cumin: I: M and prim before purchasing elsewhen “'3. B. MIALS. Quay-burg, lhrch 21, 1859. :',’,/-_ [now Hotel. .xonra mum mam, .- t PHILADiL I’Hu. n; mm W ‘ a. m 1r m’ mutton- W» 7‘ w- --.» -.A , ; ”wa ‘ cw meat, the rum Panamanian ;.. wflflfifim Tnfshfiz flaunt-‘l', 3 " 1.5., Do“ dehy,bn“eomdgh .~ , wane-MM ‘ntßrond- "ERIKA." the lion. Ron" J. FISHER” l’ruitlent of the sewer»! t'onrtn nf L‘utn~ mun Plea: in thel‘unntiu cumpming tho lf'th ll'htrict. and Junire of the ('ourts ut' (Dyer nn-l Tenninrr. nnd General Jail l)eli\cr_\ . fur the trill of all «mpitnl and uther nfl‘rnders in the said IllMl’lt Land luvm Zinnuu and ii uc E. “'in uu. EMF” Judges of the t‘unrts of l‘umuiun l'lmu. null Ju-ticm of the ('uurh offlyvr unil Ternnner. mnl (lent-ml Juil Delivery. fur the tritxl uf ull czipitul uml Ulll?r Aim-inden- in the ('uuntyuf .‘lllllH—lll‘ut‘ inned their precept, bearing d-llt the 22d «lay ut‘Nmenil-er, in the year of nur Lord nne thou-mud eight hundred tilt} mine. nml to me lllrt't‘lml. t'nr holding a (hurt ut‘t‘mumnn Plea-.nnd General Quarter Snsimu nf the Pence. aull (lent-ml Jnil Delivery and ('nurt of”) er And Tet-miner. nt (icttyphurmon Jinn/[11.3]. (In 21-! «In; I.] January nr:f.-——XH') [PH [s' HEREBY “IVES tn ull the Justices of the Peace. mix-run” tin-l ('unxtnhles within the mitl (‘01::in (if .\tlunl§. that they he then and there in their pruper per-nus. with their llulls, lLM‘Orll". lnqui~itiunn Emmiimtiuut. and other lleuwmlmun-e4~ tn .lu thu-e things which to their (Jlllt't‘lmlnll in that behalf til-permit: to he dune. and «1:0. they ulm will prmecute again-t the {Hi-mien thut ure ur then that" he in the Jail of the mid ('mml} uf Minn-4. are to he then uml there tn prosecute again»! them as thnll he just. murm. WOLF, S‘cnf. ‘ Sheriff’s (Mire. Cett},hurg,} , Deal“, Irma. tc Notice. "HJP J. CRAFTS ESTATE—Letter, of ‘ mlminixlmtiuu on the edtllt of Philip J. (graft. lane nfStmlmu (own-IMP, Adar“ county, fleet-Jun]. Inning been gnuted to [be under siguml. rmi-liny in the mme ton-uphip. he hen-by gives notice In all prrwn: indebied tu Mud num- to make immulinte payment. and Hunt hu'inp; (hiuw against the same in pre~ scat them properly authenticated for 301811“ mun. JOHN S. (SHAFT, Adll'r. Dec. 17, mm. m- Nance. DUN TATE'S ESTATE—Letters 0! Id ministmtiun on the "tut: of John '1 ute. 51,1qu ufStmlmu tvm'uillipTAdums couns ty, dei'cm-cd, htu‘iug been granted to the uudcrsigue-i, Raiding in the name tuwnnhip, he hen-l»; give- notice to nll person-t indebted to mid cstnte to nuke immediate payment, and tho-e having chim- Aguimt the name to preient than prupvrly flnilltnlit‘nlrll fur sculuncut. lS.\.\l‘ l-‘. BIUSKEHHUFF, Ain't. Dun 17, 1860. m .\(‘On TRIMMER'S ESTATFk—lekn of mlminmnlion on “I. "tut of JM‘ub Trimmer. Sn, lute of Hamilton twp, .\dnnln «0., tin-eased, luring been “mun-d to the under »igued. res? 'in lbe sum-township. ha hereby gin-I write I All persona indebted to said mute to make 1 mfm p.|yment, and "mm Inning finish “gains: the sumo In pmeulhem properly uuxhenuclicd for lottlemcut. JM'UB TRIMMER, 111., .lvlm'r. Dre. 24, 1800. St OHS HART'S ESTATE-L—Leuen of NL J ministration uu‘thc eunu- M' John Hurt, lane of ankliu lowmlflp, Adan" county, drceucd, Inning been granted to the nuder~ signed, residing in Hue nun: LoWuh p, be here» 11) gives uolirc to all pawn: indebted to Mid hmle ‘0 luukejuuuL-dinle pa} mom. and those hmiug chim; again»: the nine to pmeu: them properly nuthculimtcd mr lcult‘lui‘uL .\UHAIIAII HART, .ldm'r. Dec. 6. 1860. 6!. HE undersigned, having been Appointed A!- lignee, under- deed ot‘lruu fur the benefit ofcledimm, o! CONRAD MYERS nnd ELIZA~ BETH, his Wife. of Luimure mvnphip. Adams eonmy, notice is hereby given to all penum knowing themselves iudchted to said Auign or: to milk. immediule payment (A: the under ligned, residing in the nine township. and those hunting claim uglinlt the name to pre vent. them properly nulhenliwod for lelue-. meal. - JUHS HESBY MYERS, M' ' Dec. 17, 1860. 63 . July-Ire. BK cub-crib" elm At Print: Sale, T his HOUSE AXD LOT, on High street. :djoining Solomo- Powen. Th Hons. {- u two-utol‘y Brick, nest], new, ‘ifll t Ruhbnilding, Ind A well of inter. em. any. ' DAS'L. r. Prussu'ur July 11-”:‘3; n . Notice—Ga Stock. T 0 STDCKHOLDERS.—I'I'yncnt of tho l'iah lulullmnt mu lubncripfionl to the Ctpiul Wk of the Gettysburgfiu ('ou~ pay. due on the u of January, Hm, is I'9- quind to be nude without dehy to Jon. B. Dunn, the Imam. fl-By the Au or Aucnbly ruining to 9:: ’ which ii: all panti- is confnnmble i 5 tine waid- V Me. I" ‘59 “530‘“ I'll» mot-Ami. he a pufl'ed up with pflde. md We! Stock be not complied will. the knmvel nothing either of “no Jewish or mymrequinueperuuuupr month the Christian reveluiom. thongh he pre hum: on the mom due Ind unpaid. . tends m In" N [new of both: ‘l-JAWIPW‘ butindistemrerod'mhh ' shout idle “Wamv 39° I~ ‘ qnafiom mJ debate of words, which Alford Mm m“ .. _ , _....-h_.__.fi- . no'fimndntion for ”5606??? th untho 1331' WEDP'A fl Md banana noun-of an . contention, making. “any «Gnu 11.4.55... h: :m _.lmjtut mpic'h thu flu truth in not linx ‘*P‘""‘”§‘§§‘§3§"sao-.M .mm‘y‘ mww I manyi xcedpdou, .. >_ o moon! to Ml.‘ ‘“ “ Pa. .1127:me :ug'mfidzmu “1 "M w W W 0 Mk“ \ gv‘wmzzlqufinm WWI-tho but? “Donna’s.“nlmz “all, hump when ‘ ——_-————‘-. 1d 1r thy-elf, donating.“ nth (‘Ez’éfii’w mum “W by " A .9 ‘ 1_ ‘ ,- __ ‘ ‘ I! !! I I ~-- E mm Notice. Assignees Notice. Private Sale. A DEMDDRATHD AND FAWMLV JDURNALO ' GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY, JAN- lé, 1861- A Sermon Prmelu'tl Dawn/w 9. 1360, I!" REY. HENRY J. VAN UYKE. SERMON l. Leta: many serum; as are under theyolte count their nun masters wurthy of all honor. thnt the mine ot’Uod nnd his doctrine be not ‘ blasphemefl. 2. And they that have lpelierinpmuten. let "themnutilespinethemfloeenunetheyurehrethreu: hut nther tto them \‘trvice. became they are faithful. and bclmed partake" of the benefit. These thing: truth and exlmrt. 3. H II)” umn tench nthrrwine. nmi run‘ent nut to Wllolciutttt' unnit. eten the worth of uur , Lord Jem- Christ. and ttflha doctrine vliieh in neconling to godliuei-s. 4. lie in prund. Lnun in: nqthiug, hut doting . about qmptiuus~ and «trite: ofwmh whereof cometh any, strife, railings. nil sunnilingn. . I». l'enrne di-putinxg of men of corrupt mimlr. nntl destitute n! the truth. Humming that gain is gulliuen': frum gut“ withulnur thyM-ii.—l'uura I'm] [fl-ml: Io finality: till. chap” 111 to 5" rrrnr. ' l Prullflxc tn «limun the elmrneter and in , fluence «if almlitiuniqn. “'ith thh View. I .lutve «elected a text from the Bible. and puma-e tn Mlllt‘n“ tn the letter nnd spirit of i it: ll'nt'lling. We tit-knowledge in thi~n plaice , but one rtnntlnnl «It mural-l. but one authori ; tntive nnd infallible rule of faith and prac tiee. For we are christimm here: nnt heathen philmupln-nt. to gmpe our way by ‘thefi-elvle glimmering: nfthe light of na ture: not mndern intidels. to nppenl fmm the written lnw ni‘ Hod to the corrupt and liekle tribunal of rem-on and huntnnit'y: but , (‘hristinnt 0n whnee haunt-r it inn-ribed ; thit- sublime challenge: "To the law and i to the teutimnny—ii' lltey nymWfi‘rd ,' in: to thin wnnl it is betuuc there it- no . light in them." .. Let me «lireet ynnr apeeialttttention to the 'lnngumze nt'nur text. There i~ no tlifipttte aiming ("Onllltt'lllulfIB‘llN'" il nu room for ' dispute—as to the meaning of the expri-vx . ninn “nervmihuniler the ynke." liven Mr. linmm, who i~ himwlf :t ili‘tinpuhhed n 1» , litionipt. nn-l lllX" (lttlll' more. perhaps. thuu ' any other man in this country to pmpugnte ‘ abolition tlm‘trimw. mltfit.‘ that “ the nth“- ’ tinn of the phru-w 'und‘lln‘ynke ' " 4mm nntlmthtmll} thnt it (i. r.. he original wnnl Jotlfm) it to he under-40ml here fur slavery. Let me qumu unntlier lt‘elllllfilly nn this point from my eminent Scotch divine—l mean ltr. McKnight—whim: expmitiun ut' the epiStle is n. nintulnrtl work in tirmt Britain und in thi-I muutry. uml whme muo ciatinnt mn~t exempt him t‘rmn nll flll"pit'ltlll of pro-‘hirery pn-imliew. lle intnxllieml his expodtiun of this elmpter with the fol lnwing explanation: “ Pn't‘all'fl‘ tlm lnw nf Mow-4 allmred no I‘md‘liil‘ to he mule n glare for life without his mm mn‘ent. the Jutlaizing teaelmrx'. tn ullure ~lnve< in their puny. taught that under the (impel like wiae involuntary winter} is unhmful. This doctrine the upo-tie mmh-nmn-ti here. in in his other epixtle-u li)‘ enjoining Christian slave-4 (0 honor and (th’y their master“, whéther they were ln-lit-vet-u or unln-lieveri, and by auttring Timothy. that if tiny penmn taught otherwiw he oppo-ml the who Home preceplsuf .l(~~tL~' ('hrirt and the «it"x-tiine of the (impel. whieh in all points it conform able to gmllinew- or munrl morality. and was putfed up with pride Without rummaging any true knowledge either ut‘ the .lewi‘h or ('hriitiun revelatinn." Our leurnmi Suitrh friend then goo! on to expound the plewtlge in the following pant mute. which we mm tuend to the prayerfuiuttcntion of all “hour it may comet-m : “ Let \\ lmtm‘i‘r Chri‘tian times are untier‘ the ynlte ornnlxllievers pay their own mun“ ters all mpeet and obedience. that the ehnr-‘ neter of God whom we won-hip may not be calmnniuted. tunl the doctrine of the gmpel ‘ may not be. evil s lam of u tending to d!» stroy % lnlititnfiights of mtnkind. And ‘ thme tl'i'lilfln plan-s who have believing" muten. let them not despim them. fancy“ in; that they no their equnlu beam-e they I in their brethren in Christ; for, thou it all { Christians- BN‘ equal an to religiuur pnviieges, 1‘ elm-cs Ire inferior to their masters m station. I “'herot‘nrc. let them serve their masters ; more diligently, bemuue they who enjoy the ' benefit or their service m- believer! and be- 1 loved ofGnd. "these things teach. md ex-i hurt the brethren to wmetise them.’ ”any" one tench difl'erently hy uflirmingthut under‘ the gospel dues are not bound to serve their mil-tern. but‘ongbt to be made free, and dou- not eat-sent to the wholesome commnndmenta which are our Lord Jesus Chrittt'l}, mil to the‘doctrine of tho‘ gospel “um I) Ila-n um nu. rnvuL" tmtimony need not he mnfinnrd hy qnntn—l tinns {rum all the nthvr vomumnMriPd.) iu a pmrphwy written for the-o day u, and won-l de ully n iplivnhh- tn nnr prv-cnt circum-I ntlnccs. it. girm us a life like picture of} nboiitionixm in it-t principles. it~ Hpirit, and i its practice, and furni-hml u- with plain m-(l lt‘ructinn in retard hmnr duty in the pn-mi~'. son. Before onu'ring upon thosliu‘um-hm of the doctrinv. lot us define the term: pin-i ploved. By nimlitinniun wnnwnn tlwprin ci let: And nit-10mm ofnn nlnlitinniwt. And} Ilia! in In almlitionitt.‘ ll!- is nnn whu hw liars- thnt lion-holding id liu. and ought therefore be uholinhod. This is tlm funda mental. tho clmrut-tvrb-tic. thv m-ontinl 1 principle of nholitinnism—thnt dun-holdingl in nin: that hnlding men in involuntary M‘n'itude i 1 nn int'ringvmont upon thn righti; nftmn. a heinmu crime in thu-ight ottind. A man nuu‘ lx-lim'é, nn pnlitivnl nr t‘ntnmc-h , rial ”with. that nlnvurv i‘ nu umlwirnhln ' lynttm. and that slan- lnlmr i~ not the mint . profitnhle: he may hnw- \‘nriuu-t vii-its :u tn’ the right-1 of «lurclmldi-n muh-r tlu- t‘muti— tlltion 0f tho vntintrv; ho mny think thin 01’ ”Int law upon the *tulutolxmktnfSuuthorn Stum- ix wrong: but thi‘ thO~ nut miutitutv him an nholxtinnh-t. unit-«s lu- ln-lim‘m ~lnvl~ holding in ummlly wrung. Tho nllvgml ‘in l'ulnms of shareholding. nu it i- ”in \‘ltnr‘ur-l tl‘ri'ltll‘ doctrine. m it i-A tlu- ntrvngth of uln litionism in till it: rnmifiwl und vnrinm' fnrma. it in by lilli (llit‘li'illt‘ thnt it lnyu hnhl upon the ht-art- and mnuvirnrm of‘ nil'll. that it t‘nmw 1L“ 3 ‘tlixturhing l'nrm- hr 5 to our occlmiadtivnl iuul ('l\'ll in-titutimu.‘ and hy oxviting rt-ligiuu‘ unimmity llTllit‘ll All histnry prove: to be the ‘trunumt of hn~ man passion-x) imparts n porulinr intnn-‘itv ‘ t 0 oyery Oflllll'“ intn \\lll(' lit «uteri. And you will pvrooir» it inju~t hon» um nhvvli tinuism prmwntn a prupvr mhiwt for dis cuwinn in tho pulpit—for it ii mw‘grr-at purpose of tho llihlv. nnd thvrrfnrn (inn grout duty of (:ud'x minffien in it: o-x -ptNition. to hhmy uliut id tun and “hat id not. Tho-w whn hnhl tho «lm‘trinc tlmt llnvi‘hnhling i 4 sin. and might tlu-rofnrn to he nEnlinlu-d. tlitfvr very much in the r-xtvnt to whivh thm‘ rHllu-t' tlu-ir theory to pnu-tico. ln mine. this faith i. nlum-d without \t'nrh's'. They umtont thmn-mlvm with nuly'vnting in such a my M in th-~irjtulxim-nt will hat prnnmto tho ultinmtr‘ triumph of their vii-In. othor< utmnl luff at ulmt they unp pmc n mfv distnm-fi. m Shinu-i did When In ptnnd an an nppn-litl‘ hill to turw Kim: lm yid and rebuke tln- uinnnd «lr-nnunm- divino juclgnivnt- upon tho *lllhl'l‘. Uthr'ru. mnrn pmctionl. if not nun-t- pnulmnt. un into the Very midst ul'tlw nih-gml \rickt-«lnma and ' toarh “ m-rvnntl unth-r tho yakn" that tlu-y nught nht to munt thvir nwn Inn-torn wor thy nl' all hnnnr: that lilu-rty is tln-ir inn liennhle right. which tin-y ihuuhl lnnintnin. if nmmry. «rt-n hy the dlu-dding nf hlnod. Now. it in nut for me tn dmvidr- who of nil those an‘ the trim-t tn tlmir um" principh-c. lt'iil not far lIH‘ tn dr‘ride- wln-the-r tho mnn who prt-nnho-n thi- tlm‘trim' in lmn'o words, amid npplhudiux multitndw in the city of Brooklyn. 0r tlu- on» wins. in tho mtillnw of night Ind in the fuwol‘the hm ".- tort-on. got-n tn pmoti-tc tlu- prmwhing at llnrpvr's Furry. in the tun-t (utuiwtvnt ntmlitinuht and tho mmt lu-rnir nmn. It in nut for me to droid? which is the that important part of tiw tree: and if the trw lx- pnimnnu‘. wllit‘h l 9 tlu‘ tun-It injuriuus—tho mat. or the brunt-h". or the fruit? But lam here to—night. in God" name. and by his help. to nhmy that thii tree of ulnlitionism is evil. and nnly evil, mot nnd branch, flan-or and leaf. Ind fruit: that it upringv: frnni. and is‘ nnuril-hml by. In utti-r rojectinn of thel Scriptures : that it pnxlnm no real hem-fit to thn (‘ll~lt|\'(‘<l. nntl i« ”It‘ fruitful murm‘ of llirieinn, and «Irifp, and infidelity in both ('hnrrh and Stntv. I have fuur diutim-t propositions on the yuhjfict tn mnintuiu—' fnur thou! tnnuil up and tlvl’vnd: ' I. Aholitiunisui has no foundation in the Scriptures. . i 11. It: prinriplr‘ have Mon pmmulpttod ' chiofly hy iniWepW-ntntinn nml Ihuse. ‘ 111. lt lvmlvn. in multitudeu of om, Ind by n logical wot-«u. tn uttnr infidelity. I I". It in the rllh-l'cnuso of theftrifn that agitated nnd the duty-r that threaten: our country. l. ABOKIVIOSL‘I NA‘ 3'o fnI’SDATIOS IS 31 Illl’l’l'll Paving hy‘tho row-nl5 of the patriarchal ngn. and waiving the qumtirm n.- to thmo 301'"!an in Abraham" family who. in the simple but exfir‘fsspive lauguago of Scrip— turr-. " won» bought with hip- mom-y." let u -omm> at once t 0 the tribunal of that hut which God prmnuignh-d amid the noiomni tiou of Sinai. “(hut said the law and the testimony to that yovuliur ywnplo m‘or‘whom God ruled. and for whose inutitutiun- he hm! anumod tho renponsibility Y The answer is in thr- 2.51.11 chapter of Leviticus, in those worth: ‘ " And if thy brother that «lwelleth by thee be waxen poor. and be sold unto thee. thou shalt not compel him to serve I: 3 bond servant; but as a hired servant and I m jnumr'r ho shill be with time, and nlmll serve thee unto the yen ofjuhilco. and Hum shall he depart from thee, both he Ind his children with him.” '1 So far. you will observe, the lnw retard to lthe children of Int-Ml, who, by roman of poverty. were reduced to norvitude. lt w“ ‘ their right to be free at the your ofjuhileo. funlm they chou- to remain in perpetual ' bondage, for which one provision in made 'in other And distinct ethlm-nu. But not I m with slaves of foreign birth. There was Enu year of 'uhilN- provided for them. For ‘ what say: the law? Read the 4-446 veneu } of the name chapter: l “Both thy bondmen and thy hondmaids l which thou shalt have shall by the bath ‘on that no mund nbout ' ¢ Of them {shall ya buy bondmen Img hondmnidm— Moreover. of the children of the stranger that do sojourn among yaw—of them lhdl ye buy and of their famine! that Are with you which they beget in your land: md they nhnll be your mion. And yelhdl take them as In inheritnnco for your chil dren utter you to inherit them u- : postu n'on : they shall be our bondman fon‘ver." There it ix, phtiniy written in the mine luv. No leg'mlntire enactment. no “51th fumed by lo?! nkill, Wu ever mnre explicit Ind incaph e of perversion. When the abolitionint tell. no (hot nlaveholding in sin. in the dmplicitv of my kit): in the Holy Scriptures. I point him to this ”cred record,“ tell Inn in nu candor..- my text dos. tint his touching Nosphemeo the unhe- of God nu! ma doctrine. When he ‘tntbeginsdootdxu 83:!th mdstrdu’ of l words. slope-ling to Mutation of In dependenoo, on met-ting “the idea (I lma-ty in nun kinenormtty ndqcrimo. ‘ "WhhbMMuying.“Yo ”lull unh- u tubal-tweeter you: and.“ me you to Mt than for I pm (ln; if Db h 38;; . quote- . am“ am» by a» w whether they be of God—the very spear ofi ltliur'lel toreveal their true chamterjwhcn he gets angry. and begin- to pour out his evil rurmisings and shit-Ac upon rlavehold ere—l ohev the precept which says, “ from I such withdraw thyself." comforting myself with this thought: that this wisdom ofh‘od l is wiu‘r than men. and the kindness oftlod. ‘ kinder than men. I'hihmiphers may renmn ‘ and reformers may run- till anhl‘dtl)’. they never can convince me that. (ind. in the Levitieal law'r, or any other law. sanctioned nin : and as I know. fmm the phtin )mtgt‘ l hue quoted. and many more like it. that . He did nanctinn whiveholdinf tunomz hi'l an cient people. 1 know, nlw. 1y the logic of that faith which believe: the Bible to be lliu vronl. that alaveholding it! not sin.— There are men even among lprnfifihing ('hmtiam. and um a few mini-Item of the timpel. who "newer thin argument from the “hi Te-tttunent Scripturw by a itimple dc nirl of their authority. They do not tell in how God muld ever or anywhere counte— nmiee that which in morally wrong. but they content themm-lvm with saying that the lxritienl hm i.~ no rule of action tor us. and they nppuul from its dcci-ion to what they t‘OlHltln-r the higher tribunal of the limpcl. Let in. therefore. join iasue with them before the her of the New Testament .\‘criptum. It is a historic truth. n('kllO\Vl edged on all hand-i. that. at the advent of Je~uu ('hrist. nlavery existed all over tho ‘clt'llllml “'m’ltl, and vii“ intimately inter woven With its mcinl and civil imtitutiom. 1n Judea. in .\lln Minor. in Greece. in all the countriea- where tin-Savior or his Apno tlci preached the (impel, nlaveholding wan juet its common as it ll to—dny in South ('urnliun. It is not alleged hyany one. orat lea-t by any one having any prett-ttfiimm to nclmhtr-dtip or candor. that the Roman lav“ . regulating rhu'ery “t-re even in mild mi the very not-"t thtutm which have been “550(1 upon the ~uhjeet in modern titnm. it will not he denied liy any honeslt and well-in formed man that modem civilization. and the rmtruining inlluenem ol‘the (impel have shed ameliorating intlucncm 1111011 the rela tion betn'een hunter and slave. which Km utterly unktmnn at the advent of ('hristi unity. And how did .lv'flll'Hlnd his Apostles treat this nihjcct ? Modern and «layer met them at en-ry ~tep in their missionary work. and Were even present in every undi ence to which they preached. The ltonum law whit it gave the full power of life and death into the nnuter't hand. Wm familiar to them. and all the evils connected with the system i-urrouuded tlu In every day' its 01-t'iouuly set the light of heart-n: and yet it in a remarkable tut-t. uhich the abolitionist don: not. beenua- he eunnnt deny. that the New Tea-tntnent {3 utterly nilent in regard to the alleged ninfuhn-ss of «luveholdingr— In all the in~tnietiuns of the Savior—in all the reported termnni of the impired a )0! thw—in all the upiutleu they were moved by the Holy Spirit to write for the instruction of coming generationp—therc is not one <li~tinet and explicit denunciation of slave lmlding. nor one pm-ept requiring the num ter to enmm'ilmte hia llau't'fl. livery M‘- knowledged Kin is openly and repeatedly condemned. and in unmounted tern”.— Ill‘fljlkCnht‘x" and adultery. theft and mur der—all the moral wrongs nhich ever have been known to atllict nocicty are forbidden by none; indyet. aceording‘to the teaching of nholitioninn. the greutmt of all piuw—thii Imm of all \‘illniniluh-in never spoken of ex cept in rcstm-tful terms. llow can this be acmunted for! Let Dr. Wayland. «lime work on moral science in taught in many of our «chool-t. an swer this qumtimi. and let purentu. whom children tun studying that hook. diligently omiider hitl nmwer. I quote. from Way. land'n Moral Science. e 213: “The (impel mm (lg-finned not for one race or for one time. hut for all rat-N and fornll tinim. It looked not tothe nhnl ition of slavery for that age alone, but for its univeml Abolition. Hence the impor that object ofitx nuthormas to gain for it a lodgment in every part nfllie known world; so thttt by its universal dill'usion among all clamor society it might quietly and peace fully modify and pubdue the evil mfllttns of men. In this manner alone could its object ——~a univeml mnrnl revolution—have been Wimpl'uhed. For if it had forbidden the nil. ln'ltt-Ml of mhvertinx the principle; if it had proclaimed the unluwfultnu ofllnvc ry-and taught nlaveu to mist the op milt‘ 0 their made“, it would inuttmtly linvc ar-~ rayed the two panic-4 in deedly ltn—tility throughout the (jivilized world:ity~unnounce~ mom would have been the signal of servile vrnr. and the very name of the Christian rc~ linion Would have been forgotten amidst the agitation of univcrual bloodahcwl." We pause not now to comment upon the admitted“ fact that Jesus Christ and Ma Apostles huntued a course entirely difl'erent from that adopted by the abditioniats, iii cluding the l tied author himnelf. nor to inquire whethxfie teaching ot'ubolitionism in not an likely to produce strife and blood» shed in these day! as in the tint ages of the church. What '0 now all attention to, tnd pmtest again". is the imputation here mt upon Chrirt and his Apostles. Do you believe the Saviour nought to insinuate his religion into the earth by concealing its real dentgn, md preserving a profound uilcnce in regard of oneofthe very wont aim it i rune to destroy 2 Do you be ieve tho! when 3 he healed the centnnon'u servant, (whom 1 every hone-t commentator admits to have i been a slave.) and pronunced that, precious . enlogy upon the master, “ I have not seen so great faith in lat-nel"—do you believe that Jenna suffered that nun to live in sin We be deprecated the mmcquences of preaching abolitionism! When Paul stood upon Kar’l hill. surrounded by ten thomand times In many ulnveholders u there were idols in the city. do you believe 4 he kept. back any put of the requirements of the Goopel. beau” he ran nfnid of the tumult among the people t We ask these abélitiota -philoaopheu whether. an matter of tact, idolatry and the vices omnected with it were not even more intimately inter woven with the social and dval life of the Bowen m‘rothau nlavary wart Did the Apostle- ’ from poaching giant idolatry! Bx. who day not now um by demo-dug in ria they W down upon than-elve- the whole power antic ompiruf:"Bao covered the hodie- of 0.1104 Chink! "Erlithpitch Ind lighted up thocity will ' burning WM be earns they would not withhold or mp» Whom int-aprtltothe lonhipd idols. In the light of that. fitm‘axcrmr mkh-Wfiflfihh. nyhnd.‘ a any other tun. to us that Jesus or M m h& that? m opinion- of alavery {or bustier“. war. in which the very no Christian religion “Rim W” The name a! l mm is not» anemia-ant» Insane _ Welt-damp dn d tau-bud TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR ' declaration of "in truth everywhere and at l all times. And yet this philmmphor. w d‘m honnring to Christ and Ilia npoutlos, in moulding the charm-tor of our ynung men and women. It. comes into our schools and iminglm with ”10 very life-blood of future ignemtions the sentiment that (‘hrixt and is apostles hold hack Um truth. and puf ‘fnred sin tn g 0 unrebuktd for four of the wnth of man. And all this to maintain, 1t nll hazards, and in the Tue ut‘ the Saviour's l-cxmnple to the contrary, the umcriptuxnl , dogmn that sluvoholding is sin. But it tnmt ho “Inert-ml in this mnnmtion that the Almtlon wen? much further than to , 3},"th from prom-hing ngnimt hlfl‘W‘llfiltilllg. L'l‘hny mlmittml slavelmldr-rs to the mmmu~ ‘niun nftlw church. In our text, mmton Hire acknnwlmlgml m 4 “ {m-tlin-n. fuithf'ul \unxl belovml. pnrtukon: of tho bonvfit." lt' 'tht- New Testament ivt to be rennin-d as It {faithful history, no mun wu‘ ewr n-jcctod {by tho npmtnlio church upon the ground . tlmt he ownHl nlm m. ll‘lu- nhuwl his pow : or us a nwtor. if h» avaih Ll himaolt'ot‘the nu ' thoritv confer-rod hy th‘u Bumnn hm to mm tnit mlultnry, 0r murdt-r, or vruvlty, he was rejected for tlmw crinwajui-t as he would be n-ioctod now for nimilnr crimes fmm any (‘hristian church in our Snutlmm Stan-«=— xlf parents nhuwd or noglm'tvd their t‘hiL tlrvn, they two cemun-«l. nnt fur having .r'hihln‘n. hut for not trozxtingtln-m properly. And so with the slnwhulder. It “on not, ‘ tlm owning nf «hum, but the mnmwr in ,which he fulfilled the dutiu uf his autirm. .thnt made him a subject for chum-h di~ci t iline. The more fact that ho was a r-hww holder no more ~uhjuctml him to (‘l'nqtrp '5 than the more fact tlmt lu- mm a father or u ‘ husband. It is upon the ru-ngnisml lawful nvss of the relation that (\ll the met-opts n-guluting the reciprocal dutios of IL“ relu tinn are tuned. l Those prwoptn tire smut-rod all through Ithe inquired opistlr-s. 'l'lu-rc is not one _commantl 0r exhnrmtinn tn (‘tnttlit‘llvttlt' thn |film/r. The Apostle wvll km-w, tlint fur the {mm-m, eniunvipntinn would ho no fi'ttl ileuing tn him. llnt tho Xiltbit'f is vxlmr ‘ted to be kind and cun~itlemttu and the .Ilnvo to he nlwliont. that m tht-y might primer“. the unity of that vhurt-li in Whit-h there is no di<tinr~tinn ln-twcvn time}; or .lc'fi'. nmlv or fornnlv, hand or frx‘o. Uh. if tnini‘torfl 0f thr- (‘nwpvl in thin hmd or nun, hnd hut follnwml Paul as ho followed Chriq‘ and. inctmd of hut-ling nnuthomus nnd ox c'tlng wrath agnimt sluYFllfiltlt‘fi, lmdumuht ‘nnly to bring both mmtvr and tilflYe tn the fountain of Emanm-l'p blond: iftho sgnnrim of the blessed Goqwl hull only been nufliln‘d ' to work their way quietly. as the light and Idew of the morning. into the structure of society, both North and South. how differ lont would have lwn tl’tf' position of our mintry thi-iduy lK‘fOY‘t‘ Gm ! How difl‘or out would have lw‘n tho irrivilt-gm enjoyed by the pont- hhwk nmn’x mul. which, in this ‘llttt‘l’ mntmt, hu- horn—too much neglected and despiwd. Tht-utht-rgunuld have lit-en no need to how («invértml our churches into military barracks for mllct'ting firm nnngp curry on war upon a dimint fmntie-r. No need for a mrnreiyn State ton-scout.) the 'fmrt‘nl penalty of the law upon the invader ‘fiyr doing nu morn than honestly to carry out the tidying ot' abolition prom-hen. who hind hen _ hunlem‘ and grievnuu tn 1.0 home. and lny tln-m on men" xhouhlt-h‘. while they tom‘h them not with one of their finuvn. No Hood for the widow and them-plum to Keep in nngnhh ofho-urt (‘IVI‘Y’ jthmo mld mvm. for whoa-m (lit-honor mid desolation God will hold the real authors responsible. No nfi‘nxinn or prvtt-xt for pint-holding Stun-s to parts such stringt-nt j lnwu for tho puniahment nfthe secret inn-n -'dinry nnd the pron-mien of senile war. I nhsll not attempt to show what will he ltho mnditinn of the Atrium race in thi‘x muntry When tht- (ins-Im] “hull hun- iii-ought All elm-rm-I undo-r its oomph-t9 dominion... Whnt ciril and main] relation! men will rm:— tain in the times of milleniul glory i do not. know. I mrdinlly ombmm the current. opinion! of our t‘hurch thut nln'c-ry is per mittml and rogulntml by the divine law un der both Jewish and ('hridiandispemution‘. not as the find destiny of the enslaved. but at an import-m and mercy-nary prawn-s in the“ transition from lu-ntlwnism to ('hristi unity—g wheel in tlu- [reut machinery of Providence. hy whiclrtlm final h‘dl‘nllflinn in to be :ceoniplishod. llum-vor thii may he. one thing] know, and every abolitionist might know, if he would. that there Ire Chrifitinn families It the South in n'hivh a potrian‘lml fidelity Iltll afli-ctinn Fllllfiifli be tween the band And the {rs-o. and wherp slaves urv better fed .nd clothed and in strucu-d. and have A better oppnrtunity fur nitration. thin the majority of [shoring peo ple in the city of New York. “(ht-tongue of Mmlitinninm had only kopt lilvnce these twenty year: pout. the number of ~‘uch fnm< ilies would he tt-nfold as great. Funnticicm at the North is nnn chief stmnbling-hlcx-k in the wayofthn Gospel It the South. This is one great grievance that prev-es today upon the hearts of our Chriy-tian brethren at the South. This. is a measure, explain:- why such men an Dr. Tlmrnwull. of South C‘l’Olintl. and Dr. Palmcr. of Now Orleans—— men whone genius and learning and pie! i would “lam any State or station—me wily- i ling to mode from the Union. They feel ‘l that the influence of the Chrixtiw ministry ‘ is hindered. and their power to do good to ‘ both nuultyr Ind rlavo crippled. by the con- ‘ mm ugitotions of Ibolitioninm in our nu tionnl councils. and the incessant turmoil ‘ excited by the unsciptunl dogma, that ‘ Ilsveholding is pin. . (7b bu Gndnucd.) unmmmm: Tho following nddm to the people of the United States, origixuting with Senator Bigler Ind John Cochnue, of New York, but boen signed by Mr. Crinunden tad my ny other member: of Congress. The propo sitions are those introduced into the Solute by Mr. L‘riuenden. The object in toga: the appl'ovd of \he people in order {hat the posed Amendment: may be paged. - 93° of two thirds, u mindmenu when: Yeu «runny is iuinuninent peril. The fedenl Union I: in process of di-mlitiom; Wilhou‘ Maid Comma do 'ttle to ever! the impending 'ty. The Santa Committee of Thirteen hm "period theit mum, toeyeeuqmenyhm “lunat ment between the ford: end South. The Home Committeeof Thirty—unpehem n!- rind Arno m conclusion. Item- which“ -' -nfion‘:amo'u" mum-3mm mmfi mafia: Mail-inhaling ' the Ind. MMEhywhm. Yonhnthgpowectommmow whbhmouflhtohvokcdmwholo 39. flouhl'dflkhm.mudh 4n ; 7 7 to My», , may tho sooth . urife M an menus-h rpm-ion: Marianna willbotwoen the Ema-ma ml. .We merdox-eeame-flymdurgonuy _ d that, with as little dehyuu poaibk. as» , our 'ud enton we m x“:- ‘9“ fin he“ tell m curb. done. whether-by public mac-tiny. m tinna of debs-en. «- than): the knob box. [if sedan can be had At all. :10 b 9 09 {active {must come prompfly, '11: Inch form a to indicate unmishk‘iglyour rill on the subject, so taun- Icpruonufiveu in (‘nngrosn may go their wfionaypcar diugly. Mon-while‘wo aim” endeavor to maintain me government and pram-vs th public I:43am. , r - 0 . No- 2.5. CONCESSIOR AND 00130101. Our nation has smrcely at miivefio nilottod [period of human fife. and d y it is writ ling in the throes of a woody: din solution. One Hat has {Allen from our M timmi galaxy. nnd has set in darkness.— Fourteen others are making hate to follow. What min-M power has dmturbai the hash moniom motions of our plan-lay ayatoln of States? The answer is upon every one’s iips Ind it in the some everywhem—qlqrery. But we Mk. has not this I. «iii-lurking (‘it‘n‘lf‘llt existed ever since tbyogbirth of the Rvpubiiv.’ Undoubtedly ithu. Whythen him it become so violent, iflhue days,“ to thnatcn to overturn a ~ he ordinary laws of gravitation, which havepo long llehl mix-Government ingvther‘.’ Toeverythouizhi _t'ul ohuervvr. the anon-r presents incl It once. and it. is (his, the qumtion of slavery has, to a great extvnt. [out its political Mg. and has Msumml the gnrb of religions Tm“- ‘iuism. Fumutim. in the rulpihxmd out of tit, have sourchedthe ho y scriptures. Ind .diuturbod its blessed truths to prove that {slavery is n crying sin. Tiieyiiare hem gri i siduously striving to educate the Northern ‘ mind. into the hoiiot‘ thnt this sin of slavery ‘liko all other moral evils. must he cmxhed ' out. by mond suimion. ifpmmibie. by “Shorpe's Rifle.” and gun-powder. if newsman-y.— lit-nco. u crumde hm: boon commenced ' uguimt bllfl't‘ owners. which in meant to Be. .and nucvsaariiy must be. monor or later 1113 reprvnibio. Ah, but my thew self nproiutr' led philanthropists, we do not moan to mtg: fore irith‘ din-wry where it now exists—:- I’m-4ibiy not directly. but we my you :“O - nmm to crush it out. imcaliso you have , turnvd against it the mmt potent engine 0! the prosont dny7pubfic GIN/H.071. 'mdtlpnva hitched to tliucf‘enginc, the ungovemnblo stoodx of n niioguidod religious fnnnticiup, ‘ that out-rivals the limos of "Peter the Heb mit." Tho mnuequencm of thick religion! «pod of the slnvi-ry agitation, are mimitput. and naturally flow from it. Fir-It, a settled de termination tn violnto the Conntitutionnl w quiru-ment whivh oninins all good citizens to delin'r ripl runaway ulnvm. Second, 5 fixml illurponc that the soil of thof'roe Suites slmuh not bé soiled by the font-prinmrg‘n shire, in hid trmw‘l through than. Thi , n pnwlvtcrminod and avowed design to pre vnnt slavery from going into tho Territorial of tho l'nitc-d Sl‘llOfi, hy the excrcit-e of all the pm» on of the Govvmmvnt Against it. Of this religious warfare again-t nlm‘fl’y. the South has good right to complain: be muse it renders slave property insecure. nnd so dobuuche‘i tho nothcrn mind u to render it incapable of either perceiving the right. or doing it. Who madc- us keepers of our brother‘s confidence? Tho slave own vn my to the North, “let the blood of tho slave-I be upon us. and upon our-_drildren." “go you nnd wash your hands or lt—ond you will bc clean.” Thisia mting the Inor al guilt ot'xlarm’y. ifthero is rim-Just where it is, and where ltihflnld be. and just when the Bible puts it. “Every one Shall bejwdg ed for thcllmfls done in M: can: Indy." This n-liginus battle is waging between the North and South, and oven the sacred ta-mpln of Liberty iu dot-med an unholy thing by tho fiat-co belligl-renta. j Whnt is to be dnnn by [in of the North to save this l'ninn .’ We admit it is worth saving.— Thon wo mmt quit. this (lehuuching the minds of the masses by inrectiveo 331115“ the imtituu’om of our brethren. and teach thvm to look upon ‘0 slow owner as a civ iliwd gentleman and nm M a. barbarian:— We mixture to prvdict that if the northern mind in turned into the oplmim direction from that in which it is now rurining, that we will won discover thot we are wrong and that there are a! lay! two sided to these [)0- litiml and moral qnmtiomc which we now firmly believe have only 0‘: side. By-und. by we will lit-gin to learn but it ll I pliln oonulitutiunnl duty to surrender fugitin's frnm lnbnr which no good citizen can no glect. and yet retain his loyalty to the (lov omment. ' «=1 Soon we will commence to realize that. our Tamera meant something. whgn they virtually dovlnred in the Constitution, that. the citiu-n of a. fltutn, crossing hisown bar derx into a neighboring State is still 3 cili zen. and entitled to protection for his per mnal pmu'rty. and realizing this. we will understand that the right of transit of the master with his ulnve through out-Common wmlth i 1 about the same as the right of I l'ennxyh-aninn to pass through Virginia. with his horse. Shonly we will be mud to find that our right to exclude Flare pro? my frnm our .nntinnnl domain. hung I‘l with the blood and trouure of the whole count ry ,is not so axixfinalic}: truth as we thoughfi it WIN. Suvh on education of the northern mind ‘ as we have hinted It above would mm to store the harmony of our system. We pg l pose to try it at all events. As an hulg‘blo ? citlu‘n or the Keystone State we are wi mg - to concede that .11 personal liberty bills > shall he rn led, and that the fugitive slave low lwfaitllglly executed. and that where slaves are rescued by mobs that their mum ters shall be paid their value, that t luau. lcns shall enjoy the uninterrupted t p{ pM-uge through the free States with lm pm perry, that t e luthority of the Gal-em mem shall be ually dinded by a compro misc, forever (lam-nus the encroachment; of slnvory North of that line and le-ving it to the inherent vitality of freedom to 001» quc-r free States South of it. ‘ ‘ But our Republlcgn friends ul: uaagith surprise. shall we surrendgr thejruiuofmr great victory? By no means, there are the offices, go fatten upon them. they ere the spoils of victory. Shall we sun-ends; our rincipk-u? By damn: if they are wrong. Elle greatest victory of a victor u a triumph over himself when he knows he is in error and the noblest of tlljictoriu'il that of justice over injustice. . : But we no told the South will swept no canoe-ions. You hove not tried them yet. Hold out the olive branch uul if'fixey re -9"” it the fault. is not yourm—(deuy IM. H‘A very smut friend of our; if: this city. up one of the “Newark. H. 411 mm" -e fluoroughigoin‘g Republic-n. ou' waking the day after as action. requested”: wife to look out of the window 9nd tell him how the election had gone. “ 119' mu I know 1" add the Indy. “ Watch the coun tenance: of the puma-by in file 'ltroet." said our Republican orator. “ind iffflno Danna-nu wen-:1 face on; Ildo‘lnn % sud tavern." Tmaflerw cube windowforefewmnmeub. drill-ii! toherhnsbeod: “I daft may!“ pu ling byqu a little nigger. He'g' _' n 3; Isaak Lincoln's it? ‘f? . '11; p ‘7 blunting who in catch - » 'Bouur u “ J” . kdighflyoomolod' 2.2.9.”).- "f‘ z --w L: ... flu. ' ”1| ,% : ' y . :rw‘fi“?f'i .1. _ .-. was. 3:“ .. ‘ -, - L‘l‘Hs, ‘ 3:; 3:: n“ 3:. 11:51:: , ~§§lnmj ' ,»;‘.,>. :5 15;}- i.‘_. . MI '.hit ~~~
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