‘ “If: ‘U [ :ss§§:9:: awn-{321; if" V 4 ~ g'QHJ‘l‘iL‘t _ ‘2' [fiemgémgg'puhfished gray Mémday “9&9 ""fiffiafisrafiSflmafi'fl 75 per fmfigwfi‘fificfly Tu! whiten—9B2 00 flfljxfih if—n‘ét paid ixi gamma. ‘No . flgfisfiipfiéfi discon’tiuued,’ufi§ess'ast tho ,option‘ (If the publisher, until'nu arrearagex nrgfipaid. ‘ ~‘ . 2, . Anvsn'nsnmgxuinsertedamw unis! rates. Jinx Pawns? done with ueatneas and dispatch, ‘ ~Omar; in South Baltimore street, directly apposite Wamplors' ’l‘inning Establishment m“Cuprt.aa Puma-mo Oman” on the sign. l m. hm , l A. , $3,532. fiéfifififii xe-AREEE‘O 5. Lawrence Elll, m, B, , AS his dflice one ‘ fi ' g. 3 door WEN. ol tlle ‘9‘ « Lu: etan church in , ~ Shambcrsburg street. and opposite Picking’s store. where those wishing to have any Dental Operation performed are respectfully invited to eull. Rapunmicssz Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P. Knuth, D. 1).. Rev. 11. L. Uuugher, I). D., Rev. Prof. ill. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stmver. Gettysburg, April 11, ’53. 3). McConaughy, A T-TORNBY AT LAW, (office one door west k of lluclxler'sz drug and book sturo,(3lmm bufsuqvq street.) Arrouxsy Axub‘omcwon Full Yum-rs AND ansmxs. Haunty Land War- Nuts, lzncE-pny suspnnded Claims, and all other clnims ngnifist the Government at Wnsll- Sngton,l). 0.551.150 American Claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold,or boughtmnd highestprlccs given. Agents engaged in lo cating wnrrnnts in lown, Illinois and other western States. wApply to him personally or by letter. . Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ’53. J. C. Neely, ATTORNEY AT LAW, wm Miami to collec tions and n.“ other businesa intmatod to hm cure with prumptueds. Ulfice in the S. E. corner of the Diamond, (formerly occupied by Wm. B. McClellan, Esq.) chttynhurg, April 11, 1859. tf Wm. B. Mgfileflafl, ‘ TTOIL‘JEY AT L.\Vs”.—-Uflice in \Vcstmd- Ldlc street, one door west of the new Court Home: Gettyaburg. Nov. 24, 1859 A. 3. Coven ATTORNEY AT LAW. “111 promptly attend to {'ollectious and all other business om trusted to him. Oifivc between Fuhncflucks’ and Dunnerlc Zieglcr's Stores. Bultimuro Qtreet, Gettysburg l’u. ~ [Sc-pt. 5, 1859. - Wm. A. “Duncan, \ TTURXEY AT L.UV.—--Ufiicefin the North _L west curueruf Centre Squu‘e, Gottyzhurg, Pu. [oa. 3, 1:559. tf Edwa "5 ‘ rd is, Buehler, TTUHNHY AT LAW, will‘hithfully mu! :- promptl)‘ attend to :dl lnléinesscnlrmtc-l tn .mu. He speaks the German lunglmgu— (Who at the ammo plnce. in South Baltimore street. near Foruey's drug store, and nearly opposite Dunner $1 Zieglcr's btol'e. Gettysburg, Mun-h 20. J. 3. Herron, \\ TTORVEY AN!) IT'H'NSELMNI AT LAW. ‘_\~ —()l'xi:e nu B.:ltiumrc 4mm, nearly pinpo- U'Rc Fullnestuuk BmthL-ru' Store. ‘ - Cancer Institute. FTEI‘. many years of successful practice, li‘ii. KELLING atill desires to do good to :he afflicted. llc cuulinue< to cnre all kinds of UANI‘ICRN. 'i‘l'llUllS. WENS‘ SCIIUI"UL.\. ur KING'S EVIL. SURI‘IS. km, if curable. without cutting or poison. .110 due: nm confine liim~ self merely to the cure of the ulmvc dis -0 was, but will treat all others with DUCUCb‘Su— Patients will he visited. it dcsi roll, n. rcnsonuhie distance. l’crsmis desiring to visit Dr. R. will plexmu stop at. the Ignilrnnd ilntcl iu Mochanimh burg, whore they will he directed 10 his mai denue. For all particulars writer—state dis~ oases plainly. Enclose n 110%:ng stamp to prepay answer. Addrms Dr. (J. L. KI‘ZLLISG, Mechanic-thing, Clnnbcrlund co., I’u. Oct. 15, 1860. (in: F‘Wide Awake” Meetmgs 1‘ VERY NIGHT Tlllh‘ WEEK. -\T Tlll‘} "lELFES' HALL." null cwry day between the honrsof 7 A. .\l. mul G; l’. \l.. M the south \vostcm‘nor nfthc Diamond. in George Anuuld’s Clutlxing Store, 110 having just returned «from the city Wilh u snpnriur mock of Black, Olive and Brown Cloths. for ”var and Dress Goats, ihc best selection of Black lllld Fancy (Elusi mcfes, (‘uburg Ynlencins, Solferinog lions. De ]sincs, Giuglmms, Valium-s, Bleached nud Un bleached Hurling, Sheeting and B-Iggiug,nll of ylniu or neat fashionable figures; in a word, the Myles are just ‘lllc “.lg/rmy" for the time“, all of which “111 be sold at the wry lowest cash pncm. ALSO—Ready Made Clothing in every varie ty. styll: (\ud size. " If we cannot llt gun, W. T. Kim, who never miwcs a lit. will tulle your measure and make you a gurmentuu the short est uutice. . 09:45, 1860 ' , Second Arrival VIIIS l’ALL.——Luryvr Slm'l: than Em?!— JAL‘UBS & BRO; luu‘cjust receivedtheir gecund‘ purghnsc of Fall and Winter Goods, which they offer cheaper than ever, having bought n: the most favorable rates. They ask the pxiblic to cull in and see their large assort ment, cuuvinccd tlmt every taste mu be gmti licd. Their CLUTHS, CASSNERES, VEST- Ip'GS. Uasslnets, Uords, Jeans, &c., cannot. be excelled for variety, and then the low prices at. which they are altered are rcully astonishing. Goods made up at the shortest notice, in the latest. styles, and M as reasonable mtcs us can be expected. Their establishment is in (71mm hamburg street, a few doors below Buchler’s prug Store. [On-L 15, 1860. Lune Factory ‘ : N CETTYSBI‘RGI—ATTEXTION, FARE?- E ERS l—The undersigned would mast, re {spec-[fully inform the public in general. and the ‘farming community in particular, that they have (erected two spacious LIME KILXSJ at the corner of fitratton street and the Railroad, and are Eiow burning, and will continue to burn, largo \ ‘qunntitios of the BEST LIME, which they will ‘ the lowest. living rules. Farmers we invited to give them u ml“. My ,good article, which they expect (0, they cannot: fail to give satisfac- McfEURDY I: GRASS. 860. tf -ble Yard Removed. ;cribet having removed his place of :s to East Yon-1;: street, a. short dis- St. James’ Church, would announce that he is still prepared to furnish work in his line, such as Monu ndstoncs, &c., &c., of evcry variety of finish, with and without bases and suitvpurchnsers, and at prices to suit Personé desiring anything in his fine a. decided advantage to examine his . vices before purchasing elsewhere. K > WM. 3. .AIEALs. Gettysburg. Mag-ch 21, 1859. . ‘ ‘ ’Mepphants’ 3191161, 4:6 xon'rgnrounm STREET, , ‘ PHIL4DELPHLI. (c. 'M’Kibbm Mann, Proprietors. lfiffflApnl 2, 18?; \ly’ ‘ ‘ ' ,gglheadts, , ‘ f 3 - Carma. lftfie‘».lateéf£eti9d§ca,ls,.m ‘ A slug-3!»:'hazitsgfléésiwwmtwfinv BY 11. J. STAHLE 4:8(3. Year- Eublic Sale 1? REAL Esmmmm he offered at - Public Sale, on Sulurduy, {lie s!}: day a] January next, at the late residence of Joux TATE, Sr., deceased, in Stratum township, Adams county. the valuable Real Estute of said 'deL-eused, consisting 09A TRACT Oi" LAND, being the mansion and late residence of said deceased, situate in said township, adjoining lands of Isaac F. I-‘riukerhoff, heirs of Peter Moufort, deceased, Philip Mann and Isaac Jlil ler, containing 1:2 Acres, mdore or less. The im rm‘ements ur alurge an eon- A . reiiient Two-story Dll ELLINGW noose, (part brick nnd part log mgnfi and wentherbuurded,) 11 Double firing“ Log Bum, with Sheds all nronnd, (Joni Urib, l'urringe House, Wood llouse, ling l’en,~ Wash llnuse, Spring House, Smith Shop, two excel-j lent wells of water, one at the back door andl one in from, both with pumps, with n ne\'er-‘ failing spring of water in the meadow. There nre n vuriety of choice Fruit Trees on the lot~—l Apples, Peaches. I’enrs, l'lunis, Grapes, Aux—l There is e snilieiexiey ot'uoed Meadow, and also i of’l‘i‘inher. Thee-York and Gettysburg Turn.‘ pike runs through the tr:n-t,the buildingsj‘front-l ing on the same, and the Gettysburg Itnilroud I within a. short distance of the truct. fi’l‘he: property is. within three miles of Gettysburg,[ undone mile ot‘tx‘rranite Station. on the Railroad. " The pluee uttered is 11 good situation for a; mechanic or business of any kind. i 3239“Szile to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 31., on 1 said dny, when attendance will be given and terms made known by . ’ ISAAC F. BRINKERIIOFF, Attorney in Faeti‘ur the Widow and all the l Heirs uf’Julm Tate, Sn. deceased Wlfthe above propeny is not sold on said day, it “ill be offered for RENT, (or one year frum the first of April next. Dec. 24, 1860. £55? Tax Appeals. HE Commissioners ot‘Adnmscounty hereby T g'n'e notice that they have fixed upon the following times for the holding of Appeals for the :evcml Boroughs mud Towuahips of Adams county, at the ofhce of the County Commission ers, in Gettysburg, when and where they will ultuud to hear Appeals. between the hours of 1) o'clock, A. BI , and 3 o'clock, I’. 31., of each d:\_\-,'u.s follows The Appeals for Gettysburg, Cumberland, (lurlunuy, Uxfurd, Huntington, Lntimore, and ilnmillouhun. an ’l'm'zlluy, (he 2241(31'Juuuan/nui, For Franklin, Sir-.zlmn, Mennllen, Butler, )lonmplensnut, .\lounlju_v, and Couowugo, on U'niucsrfuy, (lu- 23:1 qt'Jamzarg/ nut For Reading, Hamilton, Liberty, Tyrone, I'nion. Freedom, and Berwick borough and township, on 'Tlmrsduy, Ilu- 2-H]; ofJunuury um. By order of the Commiasiouers, J. .‘l. WALTER, Clerk. Dec. 24,1860. td , Notlce. THE Assessors are hereby instructed that it L is their duty. under thenct ot'Asxcmbly, to give notice to m cry person whom thcy shun cmhrncc in their Military rolls, that he is 3U en rolled. Such notice may he given by informing s-ud persun in “tiling, by [curing the sumo at hi: place of residence ur business. By order of the Military Bonrd, . U. 11. BL'EHLER, I’rw'l. _ .WLA' DL‘NMr’y [l)cc. 31, 1850—. _ Proclamatlon. “Elli-MS the lleu. Honour J. Frsxmn, WV President of the several (‘ourts of Com mon l‘lezts iu the Counties composing the 19th l)i<triet, and Justice of the Courts of Uyer mul Tex-miner, and General Jail Delivery. forthe trial of flu capital and other otl'euders iu the said distrit-tmud lnnu Zuzutw and Lime l‘). Wien nux. E“l?‘-~ Judges of the Courts of (‘onuuén Pleas, uud Justices of the (‘uurts of Oyer and Terminer. and General Juil Delivery, for the trial of oil capital and other ofl'emlers iu the County of Adams—have issued their precept, hearing date the 22d dny ot’.\'o\'emher, in the yeur of our Lord one thousand eight hundred titty-nine, and to me directed, for holding a Court ofConiuion J’leus‘nud Genet-all Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court oftlyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday. the 2]."! day o/‘Jummry nah—NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace. the Coroner uud Constables within the suit] County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other ltememllrunees, to do those things which to their ottiees and in thut belmlt‘ appertnin to he done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in‘the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to he then and there to prosecute against them us shall he just. SAMUEL \\ ULF, Sheriy“. Sheriff‘s Office, Gettysburg} Dec.3l, 1800. to ‘ Notice. HILIP J. GRAFT'S ESTATE—Letters of administration on the estate of Philip J. Graft, lute ofStmlmn township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, rcsidiughin the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. JOHN .\'. GRAFT, Adm’r. . Dec. 17,1860. 6V7? Notice. OHN TATE'S ESTATE—Letters of ML J ministration on the estate of John Tnte, Sn, late ofStmban township, Adams coun ty, deceased, having Leeu granted to the undersigned, residing in the some township, be hereby gives notice to ull persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims ngainsLtbe some to present them properly authenticated for settlement. \ J ISAAC F. BRINKERHOFF, Adm’r. 'Dec. 17, 1860. 61; ‘ Assignee’s Notice. HEnndersigncd, having been appointed ks signee, undera deed ot‘trust forthe benefit of creditors, of CONRAD-MYERS and ELIZA BETH, his Wife, of Latimorc towpship. Adams county, natice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted in said Assign ors to make immediate payment to the under signed, residing in the same township, and those having claims against the same to pre sent. them properly authenticazed for seale mcnz. JOHN HENRY MYERS, Dec. 17,1860. 6t Aufgnce. maggpied $l3; ‘ , e ‘ "~=F%~'»~:c'r.§ox $305.2," :W “‘14.. WW eryfifimw ‘ . . 2:435 ‘. s~¢r€sa€gy “"9 . . ,4 , , ‘ x _ 2w, . . .a» , ;‘§b'fi};. - «“5345»;va 2%“figm .»,. . I »~ ‘ . ‘ .. :‘J ‘3,» ..« ,'::— «Vim»- gen-vi: WO5 I??? 4 , A %.' «I*, .. -fi“‘*§ ~ _ . . . ‘ ‘ W type {ar’ieveml'weeklyhf ' ”7,37,“ mi“; jig/(w , g , W % .'5 press of other maugm but ‘ " 1:3; .1 ‘5 , * g 7; . ,'3 . . Spoiledbithedehy- j. ‘l5:. ~v":”3; .3‘ , , '- . .. .. ~ ~ . / . -- 's‘ ‘m ‘~ "3% -% %. . ' , ‘ 933% .1 . K,(4~"I / 4 / * ’ E ‘ WW9 WW 'l‘“ W “W- 3”“ 4‘ ‘ 4 . _ . } ~» ~ M x . , .0, . ‘7 9..» ‘ mbmlgentpapwqto plinth. ; , ’ ‘ (é ‘ \ "f' .. h; . I)?" , C H ' ' dewmhmmedwr x»: . - . _ ._, ~ \ _ x , \ ,‘_ 4, % we. The bqneoflbgieat ‘. ,1 . ._ .. V , . , V «Q. K i ' Q/" K “ < 4/“ .{ Pennaylvnn' rhndonvreac :*5 = . _, ‘, ~ , . x f , / / , -~. the cannot {ln racy. ’1 euro- " ,'« - ‘ , ““ ‘ / ted ‘ this 'HVJ’HW" ”‘fl ‘3 ". . ‘ ‘ .' ‘ . an evxu. “0 ->> " ~ ‘ua' \ . ‘ ed. Out in. \héhmn «g , ' .. ‘ ‘ ' é _ with just such a. r 3 ""'. and we hope that m; _\ »————~——~———m return. to furnish h‘; "' 1 means needed to connei THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of .1021. B. I)Axmm,Esq.,.\ssiguee of H. S. Mix- NICK and Evu. 11. Mixxiun, (doing business un der the firm of H. S. X; E. H. Minnigh) under H. deed of Voluntary assignment-lot the benefit of creditors, hereby uotilies all parties interes ted that he will discharge the duties 01 his up pointment, at his oiiice, in Gettysburg, on Tues duy, the 15/}: day ofJanuary next, at 10 o’clock, A. IL, at mid day. to make distribution among the parties (guided thereto. WM. A.. DUNCAN, Auditor. Dcc.3l, 1860. td ‘ HE Annual Election for a President and Tweive Managers for thchttysburg Rail road, will be held at the office of the Company. in the secopd story of the Passenger Depot, in the Bdrough of Gettyshui'g, on the Second Alon day of January nut, (January 14, 1861,) at 1 o’clock in_ the afternoon. At the same time and phlce there will be held the regular annual meeting of thc‘Slockholders. Dec. 31. :4 DAVID WILLS, Scc’y. Flour, Grocenes, &c. l ’ HAVE constantly on hand, FLOUR, Corn 1 and Buckwhmt MEALS, llommony, Soup Bums, Dried Fruit, and Pickols; SUGARS, CUFFEES, Tens, Syrllm, N. O. Mob-5593, (new crop. at 50 cents per gallon, the very best. kind for baking.) English Cheese, and “Dry other article usually kept in a. Flour and Grocery Sun-c. lecme ucull. WM. GILLESI’IE. Gettysburg, Dec. 31,1860. 6111* ’ OR one President and twelve Directors, to F manage the affairs of the Littlestown Railroad Company for the emuiug your, will he held In complizmre with Law, on the 14th day, being the .vecuml Jloiuluy influmurynefl, he tm-cn the hours of Mind éo’clock, P. M" in the room of the Company, Mtnched to the Freight house. All persons inlerusted are invited to attend. By order of the Board. ‘HE undersigned, his term as Register & ’1 Recunlcr having; cwired. hereby requests all persons indebted to him for Fees to make ilumedixue payment. He can be found at the licgi=tcr‘s (Juice for u fi-w days. ‘ ZACUARIAH MYERS. RESEN'I‘S! PRESENTS f—Gnons FOP. } P I’l”stsz T 0 Sun- nu: hunk—Plain and figured Dress Goods, (‘nlicoos. Furs, Hund kcrchicf‘s, Collars, Gloves :md ”use. Neck Ties, Scarfs, Port Munnaius, Wallets, l’érfuuwry in great variety, Fancy Soaps. Note and Letter «Paper, Writing Desks, and many other goods at 1)ec.24,1660. J. L. SCIHUK'S. ACOB TRIMMI‘ZR‘S ES'l‘A'l‘E.——Letters of 2]}— mhninishntion on the astute of Jacob Trimmer. Sn, late of Hamilton twp., Admns cu., deccuwd, having been granted to the under signed. residing in llie ancmn'nship, be hereby gives no'ire to all persons indebted to- snid estate to make immediate payment, and thaw having chums ngninst the sunn- to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JACOB TRIMMER, JIL, .lirlm'r. Dec. 24~,1860. Gt. O STOPKUOLDE(KS—Payment of the T Firth Installment. upon. subscriptions to the Capital stock of the Gettysburg Gns Com pany, due on (1m 1:! of January, 1861, is re quired to be made without delay to-JpL’L B. anr:u,.the ’l‘reusurer. gym» the Act. “Assembly relating m Gas Companies, if notice for the payment of sub- Scriptious of Stock be not complied with, the Company can require one per ceutum per month interest on the amount due and unpaid. )1. JACOBS, l’z‘es’t. 1 Account. HE account of ISAAC F. Bmxxgnnorr, Com- T mittee of the persun and cstntc of Jon}; TATE, Sn, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on (he 25!]: day of January next, unless cause be shown 10 £llO contrary. ‘ J. F. BAILEY, J’rollz’y. Houses for Rent. W 0 BRICK DWELLING HOUSES, g? on Clmmbersburg street, for rent. .- @ Enquire of M. EIUIIELBERGER. fi Dec. 17,1860. n“ n 1860 Fall and Wmter Goods. THE subscriber, having just: returned from the Eastern Cities with a large and splen did assortment of HATS «and GAPS, would re spectfully cull the attention of purchasers to the shine. His stock of Hats is full nnd com plete, consisting in part of Men’s fashionable and handsome No. 1 Silk Bats, Dress Hats, Soft Hats. high, low and ‘medium depth of crown, Cloth and Glazed Cups, Plush and Plush trimmed Cups. for men and boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, together with a good as sortmeutof Wool II:1ts,all ofwhich will be sold at very low prices for cash. Also, a fine as sortment of Ladies‘ and Missgs’ Black and Bram; Yemen Hats, Felt Huts, &c.' » LOTHING. for Men and Boys, with every article of wearing apparel in that line, to gether with Boots,‘Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Sucks, Double Barrel Guns and Pistols, Revolvers, and a. splendid article of the im proved and celebratea Cplt’s Revolver, with all the necessary fixtures to it. Buffalo Babes and Over Shoes, India Rubber Over Coats and Leg ings, Hosiery, &c., Guitars, Fiddles .Flutes, and Eifes, Jewelry and Watches, together with mnny-other useful articies, all of which will sold VERY CHEAP. You ask where? Why, at SAMSUN'S, where every one can buy good and cheap goods. That’o the :pot. The old County Building, N.>E. Corner omm Diamond Gettysburg, Oct. 15, 1860. ‘ '8 over, land although every one can't have his wishes entirely saflsfied, it. hecomea' us to submit. The next important question for all men, and particulafly the people 9! Adsms county,‘ is where to tux the beat and chenpgst m: and winter Clothing. -Wo “hauntingly uy,r§tSAMSOYS—thu'a “amt—3l¢. E. corner of aha. Dimnd, in th: 914! County Building. ;G¢uynbn:z, Oct. 15, {#6o: _ . ~, ‘ Imsnaamaiwmm. mug. W 2: W. my. am 0' 0‘ 93. 531.." L f w s’: ra‘i‘ir-fiw'tzsox! - msm““;:fiififi:az:f“- B it ASCOT? ,Af SONS chafing,” 993» A @EWfl©©RATH© AND FAMHLV S©URNALD GETTYSBURG, PA-, MONDAY, JAN- 7, 18€§2L Auditor’s Notice. Railroad Election. An Election E. l". SUURB, Sci?! Dec. 24,1800. ((1 Notice. Deg-13421860. St W» >7 ___ , Dry Goods, 8.20. Notice. Notice-” Gas Stock. D. McCoNArGuY, Sec'y Dec. 24,71860. 4 Dec. 24, 1860. 4v“: Opt. 22, 1860 New Fall and Winter The Electign “mum Is MIGHTY AND WILL PBEVAIL.” Kmn Punoxs : I um here again this morning— Is the Carrier “all forlorn,”— To give )ou all fuir warning ’l‘lmt another yenris born. lum weary, very weary, , And my heart is almost broken; Ah! this world is very dram-y Without a friendly token. 1880 R. F. McILHEN Y. The population of our “city,” 3 By the Census Ml: return, ‘ ' 15 two thousand ccc, ninety,—— . I But that rhyme will hardly turn. The Railroad still is doing fine, . ‘ And daily making money;‘ e. - ‘ Q But where it goee, shoqld ldirlne? ' ~ And that seems rather many. ; Whichever way our eyee' we cut. ‘ ' ' New building: meet our view; The ouykiru of our teem, st lest, K Ammyvlngwldeymg _, ,n’t, The Court Home flew-finance quite; 4 Sumodnted by it: We; ,5? . The townyelockgw‘ «- ‘ 31m . Kmflmm‘h '.' '. v 0f!!! Confiw . " J 7113.5: ‘ Fa »' ‘ 17949116" th film-22 5' Except‘tlmt mater , . ‘ gap" z 3w toothed; (\ . ‘, a r‘; w; ' ‘ "5.. H ' ‘27:.3‘ ' fiiujklf may? men 9: than; {Was-{NH ,- we» fwd: . “g K}; ‘ ' @sng {flaws THE NEW YEAR’S ADDRESS 01“ The Carrier of The Compiler; man. 2., 1&81. I have come again to greet you, And to drive your cares away. And, my friends, I hope to meet you In a brighter, happier day. But there is a. certain mutter Thnt pains me very much; Just present me with a Quarter, And my feelings you will touch. All hail! all huill nuspicigus day! Thou (lay ofjoy and glndness! Thou hnst returned to elmsonwny Our sorrow and our sadness. Without thee, what werelifc on earth lint one grand S'ceneof trouble? Without thee, all our nxorul worth Were but. on empty bubble. Another tweh'emonlh has gone by Since lust \\ 0 had uNew Year; Another season hus drawn nigh When no should muke good cheer. Said one of oid——and be well knew—7 “There is u Atifne for all things ;" So let us then our duty do, ‘ And coudcscend to small things. 0, how many wenryjourneys “us the Curriernmde through town, With his brief for loan Attorneys, And his nonsense for the Clown. With his “Markets” for the Merchant, And his “.\lnrried” for the single; With his “Dentin" for skillful Duclors, And his Stories a la Criuglc. In return for this great fuvor It. is meet that you ahould buy An Adm-ts: from this )0an;; shxn‘or, And light up his youthful eye. In the your thul’s ju:t depzmed, 012,11mv mamy ties were riyen; Oh, how many plans were Lhunrted, And how many farewells given! The deed is (loncLlct angels weep, And clothe themschcs in mourning; Our blessed UMUN now is rump—- Let mturc Slums take warning. Distracted are the councfls now Ut'mu‘ beloved nation—- There’s trouble in the workshop North, And on the South plantation. Our fine no human eye can see, Whether \veul or woe shall comm—- Mny kind Heaven keep in peace and free, This broad laud—for all :1. home. Black Republicans are making A terrible commotion; . W hen asleep, and when they’re waking. They lxuld the fuolish notiun,—— - That :he glorious Constitution, “'hiL-h our wise ancestors trained, Is 11 useless institution, ‘ And are long will be disclaimcd: That there‘s a “higher hm" tlmn nll, The “law" of unli~sluvery : A “law” involving Freedom‘s fall, Ignoring all true bravery. ' The Japanese—that jealous race- Who live beyond the oceans, Came over here, with friendly face, And brought us sundry notions. The fairest one of all the ans Was one whose name .was Tommy; The ladies slyly gave him slaps,— They luvcd this little Tommy. But the wonder of the season “'35 that great and mighty ship, , Which, fur no especial reason, (Ere she made her trial trim) The English nnmod Great Eastern. Sire, Regarded as n sniler, It may in truth be said that hers Is quite :1. total failure. But hark! a sound that charms the cur, ’Tis music on the waters; The Prince of Wales is coming here To court our Yankee daughters. The day is fine; breezes gently Weft his bark to this fair clime; All are eager-eyes intently ‘ Gaze upon this royal cyme. ‘ See! how lightly through each figure Of the gay and sprightly dunce Trips the Prince, with all the vigor, or an Emperor of France. To have :1. tilt at this younglion The ladies all were eager; But their chances for the English cion Are verynery meagre. 01d Jenkins says that some e'en went And kissed him for his mother,— Thut certain dumsels kindly sent ~ Some swcetmeuts to his brnther. , John Heennnnnd Tom Sayers, Two pugilistic rowdies. Made up their minds to fight like bears, As sometimes do the dowdies. Of our town and its improvements 1t behooves me next to sing, And recount the movements That were made since early Spring. First and foremost in importance ’ls the Gas We burn at night; Would you raise a. great. discordance? J ust deprive us of this light. The richest thanks that we can give - Are due to the commuter, For long as these Gas Works shall live, He is our benefactqn - ‘ ME We can’t, with safety say: He may (or not) shed copious tears, And see about his pay. Yes, more may this young member do ; Ile’li aid Covode :5: 00., He doubtless will spit out n. few Hnrangues for sake of Show. ’Twas said that Becker could not, fail The Sheriffto become; But Samuel Wolf was sent to jail, ‘ And Becker staid at home. Old Metzgnr said that he would bet. . That Wolf said so and so, >. By which he thought some votes to get, But it \vns all no go. Though Buileyand Martin outrun Gentlemen ot‘high desert, We I‘licholtz and Gardner won, )iillcr, Piuutz and Dysert. The field of November was gained .By .\be and his “Wide Awake" force— The Union, thus struck at and muiu’i‘d, Is stopp‘d in its onward course. Let patriots pause—think and pause! By justice let peril he stayed—— In fairness and love let, the laws, ALL, be fully obeyed. So now, my friends, I leave you, I leave you with regret; May uuught'occur to grieve you, (Jr in any manner mm- the pleasures not only of this testul duy) but. also of the year upon which we have juit entered. Through the evil notions and slill worse counsels of a certain dare-devil pnriy of the North, reu~ tiered deapcrute by the desire of plunder, our once glorious countrymurchused by the blood of muuy of Freedom's gallant sons, is now rent in main. Thut kind Hom‘cu may avert the dangers that now menace us, and dis perse the black and ominous clouds which obscure our political, social and financial atmosphere, is the earnest wish of THE CARRIER. flimmmm At Lyons. when that city became the the atre of daily executions, a woman learned by chance that her husband’s name was on the promribed list, and instantly ran to avert the impending destruction by recur ing his ixnmediute‘flight. She compelled him to assume her dress, gave him her money and jewels, and had the inexpressi— hie lmppinem ofseeing him was unsuspect ed. A few hours afterwards the officers of justice came to seize him. She had prepar ml herself to receive them, by putting on a suit ofher husband’s clothes, and answering also to his name. She was led before the Revolutionary Cununittoe. In the course of the examination her disguiw was discov ered}, mu’. they demanded of her her hus bam . , “ My hudmud," she answered, in atoms of exultation, “is out of the reach of your power. I planned his escape, and I glory in ricking my own life for the preservation of his.” They di<played heforeher the instruments of punishment, and charged her to reveal the route her husband had taken. . “ Strike.” she replied: “I am prepared." “ But it is for the interest ofyour country that we command you to speak,” said one of the committee. “ Barbarians!” she answered. “my coun try cannot command me to outrage the sa cred laws of nature." ‘Her dignity and firmness awed even the members of the Rp'olutionm'y Committee, and n. noble notion for once overcame their spirit of desolating cruelty ! ~ Egofimw in T car/mm—l do not know wheth er it. follows as a legitimate result of their budness, or not. but I have noticed that teachers are {wary Positive set of men and women. This is Well, to a certain extent. We should be well established in our own minds, in regard to the great truths con nected with the business of life. But when that us>umnce bears the unsavory marks of egotism. it sadly di<figures the whole char nr gm. Nothing appears more uncomely.~— .Ncw York Tear/Mr. . . WDzwid Humbert died it} Schuylkill county on Thursday week. and on his death bed confessed that he and Samuel Heilner. of the same county. were the murderers of Adnline anor, near Mohrsville, in Berks county, on the 7th of October, 1857, the particulars of which bloody deed are still fresh in the recollectiorwf our remlers.——- According to Humbert’s confession. he held tha young and ifinocent victim, while Hell ne» inflicted the awful wounds from which she died, Heilner was, on the faith of this testimony, arrested on Friday morning, and lodgedinjuil at Pottsville, to await a. requi sition from the authorities of Berks county. 'Cun'mzs Gc’n/ngz’ral Fact.~ln a, field, the property of Mr. Benton. situate a short dis tance from the point where the‘Leeds and Liverpool canal is crossed by‘the Midland Company's Railway, at Idle, near Bradford, is a. considerable hill, or piece of rising ground, which liasbeen noticed in be gradual ly attaining greater elevation during a pe riod exten ing over the last thirty years.— There are even young men who remember the field being quite level, whereas now there is a high mound near the‘middle of it. The cause of this singular elevation has given rise to much speculation. Some per sons suppose that. it us owing to the upward pressure of-wuter in the bowels of like earth. WA Bangor, Ma. bully attackgd Smith, the razorstrop man, on Tuesday week, with a torrent of abuse. Unable to stand it- any longer, Smith put'down his basket, took ofi‘ his Insses, and said—“ My friend, I only get EM once \in fourteen yeam, and this is‘ my ‘ 'me—l’m mad all through.” With this remark, he pitched in and whipped the {:llng till he had taken all the conceit out o m. WWO men, strangers to each other, met One day; and spoke t 6 each’other in mistake. On; of them bargains to hem Itishnmz ”dc an apology ‘ this manner: ‘jD, gomh;zi§’l all a mistskg! I thought it 33.: 'you, slid You‘fimnght it wag me,but it's —: herofns.”, 1* ,‘ ' 1W Gav-1X Taft-413673861 winks the fimfi‘ efifiOthOlymM. “Therowill be on wind calipu: of the suntan €2qu of‘Jm ‘. I‘lier on the up: atlflzg‘nd “lin A ' 11¢“!de .-- i’: i; 1‘ .42 ; wk q—firz-r's' 2 rT was». A ~ ' W.“ was ~ I ~ new ' I . fly‘u’x' H » .u ’» :1 I“ T9ll ”MW H mo”, 71 33.119 worms", = -’~~-”g .1: k ' :2"! ‘ _“j i 5 V“ , r k a . ‘A ( ‘2. t 9 Feminine Devotedness. = ' y‘filffifl -IP, ‘ f ‘, " 'k. -- “.5. ,t» "' WA goodflencon recently. addressing a Sabbath scliool,- made apoint by the follow ing anecdote: “ Children,” continued the deacon, “you all know that I went. to the Legislature last year. Well, the first day I got to An gusta I took dinner at. the tavern, and right beaide me, at, the table, sat a member from one of the back towns, that, had never taken dinner at a tavern More in his life. Before his plate was a dish of peppers, and he kept looking at them; and finally, as~the waiters were mighty slow bringing on things, he up with his fork and in less than no time souzed one in his month. As he brought his grinders down on it, the tears came into his eyes, and he seemed hardly to know what to do. At last, spitting the pepzmr into his hands, he laid it down by the side of his plate—and with a voice that set the Whole table in a roar, exclaimed: “ J ist lie thnr and cool.” llow the Poor of Paris .Uanagc about ll’afcr. ——No family does its own washing in Paris. To help the poor, the government has long lines of floating wash-houses along the banks of the ever muddy Seine. Witter wheels, worked by the rapid current, pump the water into troughs, and there nrerhoilers for heating it. These buildings have 1:. second story for drying—apartments with open sluts, and also artificially heated rooms. The smallest charge is made, and a happier set of chatter-boxes is not to be found on the earth. Bathing is provided for by simi lar floating structures. Every variety of both, up to vapor, can he had, and swim ming is taught. in mnny ot‘ them. These floats are got. up in the usual tasteful style of the French people, and the approaches | are by clean and convenient stone steps' leading down from the quays, which hordvr the river for miles on each side of the Seine. Alix-fakes no! chtified.——‘The following is from Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine :-—- “ Towards the close of the Revolution. the owners of the North Chm‘ch,in New Haven, sent to Boston for nails to timkg’i‘Epaiix-s with. when one of the kegs sent in return for the order was found to contain Spanish Silver dollars. The deacons wrote to the Boxton Merchant that there was ‘an error in shipping the goods;’ but he answered that the nails were sold as he bought them of a. privateer's man, and he could not rec tify mistakes. So the silver wnsmelted up and made into a service of plate for the church, where it; is in use hi: the present day.” Tupcrz'ng qfi'S/zarp.—~A worthy gentleman, Major —, was once placed in charge of the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia. He accordingly had the inmates paraded in the yard, and, with a graceful gesture, com menced ispecch to them, as follows : “Gen tlemen, hem ! no, you are not gentlemen.— Fcllow citizens—hem ! no, I'll answer you are not. folio“? citizens. Convicts! I have just been appointed by the President of the United States, warden of this Penitentiary. Now, I wish to my to you that it is my de sign to have everything conducted here in the most orderly manner, and I would like it. to be understood that the first rascal of you that makes a. fuss shall he kicked out of the establishment.” WA person complained to Dl. Franklin of having been insulted by one who culled him a. ucoundrel. ' “ Ah 2” replied the doctor, “and what did you call him?” “ Why .” said he, “ I cnlléd him a. scoum drel, too.” “Well,” resumed Franklin, “ I presume you both spoke the truth.” w}. party of young rowdies in Vermont determined to “chivarce” a new-married couple, and in accordance with their intent. soon made night hideonamound the dwel ling of the young housekeepers; whereup on the bride invited them to drink a. friend ly rdoes of new cider “all ronnd,”which they dig; and as she had put an emetic in the picher containing the beverage. the result may be more easily imagined t’han described. The rowdies crawled home as soon as they could, after the dose had ceased to agitate them: 1 ' A TSlL‘grap/lintfcut.—A Boston paper no tices that on Friday evening last the ‘tele graphic operator put Portland in connection with Wilmington, N. C., and Charleston, S. C., and transmitted messages distinctly.— Subsequently, Bangor and New Orleans were connected for the first time, and mes sages sent from Maine to Louisiana. This is probably a longer distance than was ever befoxje connected in the United States, or any land telegraphic line over which intel ligible dispatcheflxfwe been sent. New 01" leans, to an inquiry of Portland as lo the time. re )lied, 8.55. It Was then 10.20 at Portlancl. @Miss Mary G. Willis, of Concord, late ly advertised for a. husband. In the adver tisement it was stated that the ludy‘vas in “a peculiar qbndition.” rendering early pro posals desimhle. Subsequently it was sug gested that the printer had make a. mistake —inserting peculiar for pecuniary. The error was corrected, proposals were sentflin, and Mary has been married. . A Distant Rmedy.—Rev. Dr. Tefi'ts, of Bangor, is reported as saying in Boston that. the only hope of perpetuating the Union lies in effecting a union ofthe Chris tian chux‘ch. 1f thutis so, the reading of history does not encourage us to hope that the remedy win soon be avnimble.——Praw> dance Journal. Another Royal Prince Coming.——lt is an» nounced that Prince Alfred is about to visit North America in his capacity ofmidship man of the screw war steamer St. George, and will probably put into some of the ports of the United States. ' fiPeople talk about. the equality of sexes—they are not equal. The silent smile of asensible loving woman will vahguish “amen. . r . “Wife“, how “IN-'11:! faflifir’ham or bi! Mamrmem ‘wpifisfigfl thafj,‘ I%?wa ‘-“' '-"!!l¢ushz‘h'e mmu‘gbduwgumw 909th MWW‘ ‘fgyapsg._ j VVML if: .> '3‘ ”'3‘“ M VJ ~» “3;”? “:1“. 54%. ‘r'fiiuibFiaf: TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR No_ 14- =ME The ber of tin new dress, nppearant papers in service in - ‘ - rejoiced to see “is 1611161115, , an evidence of sucoe licfi'ia well marit ed. Our friend Stahl misheshie mash with just such a pafie‘ , ch! time; require. and we hope that t will not hesitate, in' return. to furnish h‘ pr'omptly will: the , ‘meana needed to con. at In a propel“ man ner .a. newspaper if: the people !-'- York Guam. :5 ' ' ~ W‘Ve Mnifiedgjso notice; at the time .0! 5* its accomplishment; that om- friend Remy ' ‘ J. Stable, Esq., editor of Tile Comgilcr nGWa- ' paper, of Gettysburg, Adams county, has procured new typeforibisjoumxil and other wise improved its afipeamnce. The Com pilcr is conducted wi Q spirit, and althdugh difl‘ering from us, we “teat! it with the infer-- ’ est. which attaches toéfd acquaintances i 1). K We wish: our friend:: entize nuocess in Jun business.——.'ldromle. ' I, . ‘ Rig-The Gettysbu '> pilcrhas come to us, printed in new ty fil'gsenting (finite gm improved npisearanc'efis, e Opnnfi er 13 a large and we I conducted journ . and we. ‘ congratulate our friend Stahle on his enter— prising and progressive sphit. and hope; he " may be liberally patronized, as his "gall known energy so abundantly max-imz— ca; .' llu'nsln'Demacral. . : P WWO noticeflmt {ri'épd smgieggf the . ,zettysburg Conqn‘tai, xmfiipum as new“ type, and his paper of tthk cg‘fnes our. _ 1g in a. new dy’ess, presefiting n. veryhandaoine ' appearance. The Compiler is n vary excgl- » : lont and spicy paper, and we are glad to up this evidence of its pmeperity. Succ’gw‘fio ‘ you, friend Stdhle,—lLmovtrus'peclator. a“ ' ,Why the Black Republics?! mfi‘vir. . The Black Republicans! are-“we” i ‘ ’ 5 with President Buchanan because 1?; {:53 " willing to see his country devastated by w'r.” ‘ They were in hopes that he would take. Susi: " , initiative,nml thus r lieve Lincoln of the . responsibility and odgan of makinge civil " ' savage and uncomtitutionol war. They thought if war nhould be bequeathed as {m L inheritance to Mr. Buchanan’s ,suuces‘sor, _ that he could prosecuteiit without blmno,.- ‘ or that hecould mokegmuee with 811373 tho - “ they wuntwnr? 7We o’novwellundsrsmuii. . them, but begin to flunk that'whefhor the ', i do .nr not, they are making such 3% and getting public aflhirsin such ocgnditign thrit war is inevitablO.-. +5 "5.» 2 1 Suppose the Black Republicans force‘s 1‘ ‘ win: in the eventof secession? What then Y 3Tlie working classes of theaNoryh, who; ;‘.i 2 were cajoled into the eup‘porb of Lincalp’hyz- ; K )the promise—of pence, big I wagers analyze;- y 4,1 d sampled prosperity, ’will be called upon’twf 3." : enlist and be marched to the Southiqfim .. ‘ll yeople who lmve_uever injured filmy—gig;— They‘will be expected to fight the Bkckfi}; 3:: § Resublicen battles, to invade Southern‘muf" “I jam to pillage, bum and murder. ’ like fl. 1 . lßlock Republican party has thrown (50m 3 5, lout'of employment, and in order to hem) 31%"- ! them from turning upon their rascully l ‘ ~ -' g: ; yel‘fl and betrnyers, and teui‘inithem all if?- “V '. peices, they will most proba 1y V RWY)“ ‘ 'lO. war with the South, so as to get tidy}; ‘ 'bonp and sinew, the nrtiznns and Marim imon of the Norih,,who will be aeixt‘fioullrr Finder 1). pretended cry about country. coup tryx only asfood for gunpowderr—Pamyliga ' ‘ 2 nian. - "'1" ' »,Radical—'Blaék Republicanllq.‘ g, ,~ 2 . As Democratic “and canservutivejonfiizla ; .. sha‘ve been accused of. misrepresen‘thlg‘t a [spirit and language of the Republifiiu ‘ 7 .. I ty, we shall quote the very. words ofawxxfi; »’ * l ly-clrculated Republican paper pubfinhedgln :kNew York, to Show the animus byiwhjd: 9 [Republican party is guided.- TheNe‘wgoik - . (Maid Zeilunfj. Of NOV. 23. in speakiflg aft 0. 1 rufilun Montgomery and his murderoiia fél- - i lowers, says:—-“ While the Prefient lis » . ' weighing in the scales of exyediencfmfis , l {course to be pursued toward t w revolutlént .' ‘ lin the‘rSnuth, on the firscintelligenceof the f“ } movements of the frey Stqtes men it! sbfitlx- - ; em Kansas rushing to arms to avofige he . 'mnnyncts of oppression and shnluefuld ; i , ‘of tyrannv. he sends without hosituflon“ ' , Lnoloi’iovs i/ulc/mr, Hal-nay (the Amara-MT ” " 'nau,) to crush them with Bu; and swat ,3" \ [ Black Republicanism ‘ng modems and can»: . servutlve—-lsit? ’ , ‘ A Simple Question. - ,1 Suppose, says the Lancailcr liariligmcn,'él: 'l7 ; ther Mr. Dave-ms, Mr. ancxismnea,ar Mr: - . BELL had been elected Presidepton thew: ‘ 3 lot‘ November last, would such a SW of things mi now exists have immediately f 0- ’ - , l lowed clese upon its heels? Every candid, .’ liptelh'gent man must at once answer-indie , ~19 lnegutive, and why? Became these enfle- 1‘ ’1 1 men are National statesmen,and the elsection of either would have been a National triumph; )Tliis is the reason, and this explains’ the cause of the troubles with which the with» f : ltry is afflicted. Mr. LINCOLN is a. sectiggfl: ' 1“ mun, elected by a sectional party, and Maui ’1 receive a so]itury‘electoralyotein the fifteen J . Ishwe holding States of thé Union‘npr as , u ‘iteithei'expectedorintendedthathesbéd .3- s [when the Chicago Convention placed an [3“? . in nomination. - *P . . ‘ I Will the benefit, farmers, mechanicayifi-lu {boron-s, and business men of the count 3', ’3* ‘ who frere induced to vote for Liscom $5! 1" lthe promise of plenty of work, plet‘g; .09' j“ imoney, good times, free homes, & ”fie"? ’ lanswm' the above simfile intcn'oggfqpy as ' 'coxiscience and an an ightened judghe‘nt I will dictate, and then act. accordingly in the _ g " future. ~ ' , d {FI ;" llanl Tin-ms ("gong (In: Annivermriamé-u'fll“; Jouiml Qf (.bmmcrc; informs us chat theréfis t a. great falling ofl‘ in the receipts of the new r. eraLreligious‘ and philanthmyic societies ‘ which have th’eirheadquarters In that nix. ; . } These institutions‘ rec-ewe altogether ag’f . ‘a' four millions of dollars per unpuni. Aw- , I; her of them have already suffered thmflg'hgz. , a the introduction of the irrepressiblefifri " ‘ :57 H into their meetings, others ham been fig; ‘ into Northern and Southern aectionfigfiflii . j‘i now that the seed which 60mg of the ,' it"o'fi ‘ sown is bringing forth its hagit' we should not‘ be at all surprised ' ‘ next 3 ring that the anniversaf?‘ co , \ tions f 5- the year had fallen o 6119-le; 3%; \fi'hat will become of the almighty nigh”: t en? x .. ‘1 Ertrannlinmy Procccdinga in a Murder My: ——The case of the Commonwedlth vs.._}fack-;" j? , ett. now on trial before the Sufreme‘Judi cial Court at Cambridge, Essen: 111%,? seats some remarkable ,poin‘ts. Two yo~ them, between whom therezib certainlyl‘m ‘_ most ext;:aordinmyl resemblance in the ‘ matter 0 emonu a pemnee, - prominentlygt the trim 9 One is'the m 1 “3“ er at the bar: on trig} for warden-the nag A agpeared on the witneswtand'only 10 _ ‘. t at. he can not testify without crim’ sting“? himself. One set of witnesses qwair ' $535 fively thnt the prisoner in the guilt pg: - ‘ while another set are equally sure thy» the , assault was committed by the non-temfyfi ,witnessmmpon finch evidencemqntrol y“ only 1; a anion which ib‘pnt'm £l:de I: ci James somewhat‘extmgrdmarygflw} , j , tod'ecide the cum, .5 :f, a} .3! m‘- . »*, W 4‘» 3‘33} 13%. 'A may mega-Calebfiwmutmthq ,ewg post mam at mm Pi mmessgmfilf ’3 {ad m-moxithuinoefoz‘mhb‘ ‘ tings“ L: :37 " mm»?! to hm died?!" 132;}? 44:! snowing. b 0 " "high -‘O4. the t ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers