_ • . ~ artretutrix of the host . 4, 4 , , rtt Jiiit's "loos sit, 8 eeettself; ' A self itilibinliale, I ' , ...,:„., y k . , ''''''"' i4lsbgr ,Lirriczci. , , .. orthe - rivvratc i - noTreitititk , ete;nia., a• 4 --,‘.;.% , . e leatalser_lll.li39. t rAin'tcfay. t.te ItrlfitlF:Or PArdiliilletf., at - ~ 4 ~.. • , ......2. 5 ) :. i j .:41. . 2. __l4,4 p fl iip i 4,ll l ,o . 3 Cocarai of t o'clock ' l'. V., tlier'folli;wingßeal Ribiteitairisi . ~,...4 4, ~..y.1 . ,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, That braily isfeible Mithf in owlets- 0 i Itttlft-* i ..sltitr , . - ~.• t'i mei 0 ! . aitiTrati .....P.. , LANDS," kituste d-l-iiiilel lim - tb-eastitf,Ptede... of the 4 . • , Ataftil foc.four yeva,cvastrAtlng , riot City . , - ,certiftllniiii 351 - AMAPA. 1 'Rood - sad JulYltelabbs and -innisi* Jade-30 . 1884,.1n the 38 Perth i . a.tiefirst 'vial it. ir- Li niesbenchind.4.- i t Eta to of PENll. 4 l . l•Y4l.l.;,ssis I.lso %ipks„.l id fc . .ity tele§ of which Is . beselly 71robeitfatz- 1 by tisiLanibetheinaaflitliw l Bl l 9 l ll/ 111 Filnii/a*tl The potty prirr ements Cri nsi it oil Two- ..' ~ 1 in' Iltoc **in. D • .-- ... la RI story _WELLING, liu feel front ; ... ' ;I t o; i 1.) ".." 6911 ° " 'a nasiei Y A P 14 i 18 P" w a ith Back-banifing of, GOTeet ;- a_, ,1 U (Ataddage goal 4ZarahaaocartAtag the ins ryctioru an- Burn built in 1854. 815 by 46 feet.. ___-,., . Itintati t b . with a 43ittArn real** ir Floor, Sta iis .. :1 -- .,"1t 412Zrobt Csiellslo. l 4.-IVO,Lte 11004 - Dicicja- , ing 'Machine glied and Granary, linden/ll:scion- ; son, Walnut Bottom, and Lee 's Cnns 1 tint:idol:l of-lbe root, which is covered with i Roads. to Shippensbnrg, 20 miles and Cypress shingle t; Stall/ in the Basertood fos-381 ~45,34 iwixe is werk. Bursa's, and 16-Cows : with 2 Veetl:n7, Rooms ' Leave ...atirge !dondray 'and Frffrat it I pat; ' A . . Toting Apple - Orchard. in frlngbeariii,r, : TWO Arrive at i'llilppeusbisxlFrerr Vti i TENANT 110 USES. Quarter far aloryauts ;scar- LCa re Sbippenstiurg Thes ay d Battirdsy riagegouac, two torn Criti,i, which will contain , at I,p m; ' I otiO barrel*: lay Barrack, - Sprlng and Ice' Arrive at Carlisle be- t p re. Houses, Blacksmith . Shop, Smoke House, two Pl : opus:it i ure invite,l fur athtrillWireklytriy. Cow Sheds, My feet, each ,a_ DRAM LIME 24131:i - 0m Carllrle, by Alien, to flollfigt Springs: KILN. Four-fifths of the Feucing are - Post and ' 15 nailed and hick, twice a week. Rail. with , Gate to eac h h e w ; wit h et h er „1„,„' - Leave Cartrxte Tue.day and Friday at 3p m, stantial au valuable twprot einego, sal e t . Arrive at Roiling I`lprintil b# 7 peal 1 ~,,Lic t , hate k en muje wit h in t h e LA L"' Leave Boiling Springs fue;dify and Friday 'loefig‘ Fa ther. g-a.ig t the rceont, sea- . , ~ Yeats. This property lik...ast the liiigtrat state ate a in; ni6i3 . 14 the Indiana tonnty (Pa.) Court, o r c aitiv is.or tion, hat lag 'beau bearily Lined and Arrive at Carlisle Iv 12 m. 1:0 M 3 33 Wal rained for as..ault und umn ore t i i the past tan ytArs. - Ri c ' t h et a s ~ '241 4 I' roukK errs Ii I le.by Mount Itock,to Itonghs battery on big ()Wu eon, aged 8 years.— 1 is noted tiiroisnout time County oist and comp ikxl for its Bia - .0 ! town. I' milesand back. once a week. it Wll§ proved that lie hung the e i i i id , large crops of Wheit acid i':osa,.",l is c9asid- ',. . ..148....ve KeTrille Saturday at 115 a es; L the thumb top Bred in many the Inost highly improved add , - A i , ri" . . e a t ztourtuitolyn 1 1 12 m; y ?j, e prfAucit% t• Farm in the (..ouutg, of which all :. ' "are StottelPrtarVa Saturday at }p m; a youriger brother to burn him with ' , , perions who want to parcha•it , can ,tti•ify tlit.inl: , 4 . rtilys. at Kerrsrille by 3p m. pins fugols .. nib°, that he Ai:atm' tno ' , i.lics by enquiry and examaa.ition. I. :415 ram Shippensburgi, by Orirseown, Pleasant rkl 147th his bare lxxly on a hot st,P ' AL.:, at the game time .and place, will be of- ' Hall. and river Strasburcto Roxbury, ; and hurot his hare feet in tho sarno way. ' , re a . 1' . LAND. bee Tina. ' d lot of Mtn 4 . Ai\ ' 14 miles siitibitek, twice a weal. litred w nth Young Chesnut, being part of a .I.eateShippenshntg Wedwesday and *kilt lir4 was convicted, but hi* aentenco waS Alax . it V* zu :, Tract of Land known as -11 ill 'lasso "-coated*. ' iic4errag.l, as be wa't 'already sentenced' ins 22i .tens r I 4, ili rf .11 / 1 , oiti . t.,r 7 ' tilt p tn: to iCtavis wootha' t lap risooment far ' Also, lint Tuesday, the iltA i.f.l/oreG, .18ein t be. ; i.eare - U° 11)11 /7 .1711111 1 "id Safords, 'arceny. i ginning at 9 ti•chii , L, A M., v, d i b e aO 2 ,A Lie , at-X km:• • . ' premi,as .of the late John Nuotiaz i .,tiect;laid, i A Trite at Shifrisia* by ti put. -IttNl4'" 4 , in the 1 . folly fur ,at "they aro SOM. . of their own . vthey do not intend' If thoy have "a large _, then, do they not elect ,?. Are they keeping the Rouse disor to make party capitat 7 A ! ' r p ' y-vitt, at. any time,.-e4at,. Agee or-- *, csil -tapecielly u largo poe. ft trite sectionigiste have it, then Why don'ts they organizer lowa Republican. Conaaation fur Sew iteps4rlician Oonvention met - Wad iette4- . last. Til irty- th rue dele tea wen , elected to the Chicago Nat'. Couventioo, who are in favor tot etNlastion of Wm. 11. Sward for/41;Mo* as their, first ehorta). lying two miles No rtli-c...st of rrNiciiiriCAy, ParTl44o Wits,hi.r.gion eorrAtspon de n t Anife i i . e‘v I' ork Times anyn a company the x eu i. t i ' r `:, ii t t,o r6 :' L " al o ' r i r,_ . • - ,':?_,,," C ' ow slipib hall keen' forith2d there f)r rnunufaetur- Hoag, Ws4ona, Carte. Car - ringi.v. * rattle's t ing wino of 1,1,30 NA ild granite, with a ca pi- Ltaapiog itaLiaiades and Farming lmplanacols of tal of $lOO,llOll. //404.1. il;osus 1i....4..1al is. every Lind; 5,4e0 barreJs Corn in crib, 90 acres Ole prinetial stockholder. 1 Whe tt grow iug,lloowebuid oawl Li.(l4o6furni. toot, a .•,. ..., 0 4.- -- --___. I gir The United 6tittes &HALO WO ' „ rern ", ""f , 84 4 °I tie Rtai Ecialt• - •- , 91M 1 ;., f:) t h e pUtt.nrile tnOr.e . to be paid or glo i confirmed the treaty s itli Citiq>a. 1 of sale, - ,er on the ratitiLatian thercast . ..4__ 81.- Colima-114 the stOtoldwirtte , >' 44 • 4lo i•v___ _, l 'is"/"I annual payments, the kiirelotter Or puguiparl' , (ZEIT TSB trx-s, 1 as Alt Llt. . m h o e a r r s*. e4tog outs wit: Fattiest sets t ;If trig. . 4 , 4.440 , 440043:L5L0y0 7i 1a 5 , Rl:Terrine Flour ‘.4 50 to 5 00 gr.o4 psaalole at the eud of earl' }est, wl the 1 stye Flour ............ ........ , 350 , inter*.[ ,p• 141 siu the *l/..41.0.1WWUnt te its as- White Wheat , ........ ...,„..1 10 to 1 20 ', Breed paring/4i. Ited Wheat 10s to 112 i lgue - Potscasion of ells no? Ail peinues .Corn, .r ... G? can be given Igf.rne4ials.-4,01 4 •44,ags tag bwieft„ Rye.. .... ...................... ......44: . 7 ' lug., pusses:lon of 'i. - 1,41c1i wit/ 14 givislie the lit 0.44.4 P........ ..... ..... ................. ~,. . :Si ,Li r , s ii 4 ,.... irt , - _ itockwiseat - '54 i • ' CATUASIXF..wcOOx/V, rxts, hacks beat Ileal. - '' ' 1 410 ' - SOSEPII .7. NOM 3S", 1 A:lover Seed - ' ....:4 SO' t0'"4 . 47 ; 111'1111 Mc.ll..ltEll, I it g e°l3 ' . /Timothy Seed . z .... .71. • '' • -' fa . 115 ' Jan. 3,0 1 dew td - Flax Seed ........... ... .......... .....,„. - I'lo : ---- • .......4.—...._,.,..—A. parley ... ''' -- ' 410 t -'• - • ' ' ,resit Silo - i 'laster or Pari5....... e ,......,.......,...r r ., .. 1 ,0 50 t ' is-vins - mo p ? .. 17 . t _ ton ruadgy i taster srounu, per hag,„,„,„.... / .—, :: ' 95 1 a . frk.4. 40 , M.* ilw oeut2ll4i Itrye of _,..• -, • •-• • 4 • . ?wait . at 9 o 'N. r., bf 'each day. 13.11.T11111114:—Iettiolf.eas?: e -.sl ri t ttierA, At - - ic ft 4fterbvi • tcr Ilia flour •- - ' ':' -wene.teoo.4o Wits At'Vet'll se 7t Litt Yet, on the laVsniaiet, ..... ......... _ i Th ri k ,6 o - 1 in pone toguilsig - -tittinst 'mud ; ,onal mile . . , -Wheat a .•• • to , vb .,. vs 'N'o Eh of 'Yea tifestrr, [fie eftreavi, ialnatle iIY-1 ' • ' ...—••• ' - ... 4 .. _ rs - ~.., • i F i r gert?fla./ Propprty, lir.; i t ll F.Olll 1,01!..af5. I guru ...-•••••••• . • • - 4 81 1 1,41ptt of Alth are' str'els' et brootlfn4Pes,l NA PALI ...... ..... 'y 40 to 1 . 40; Ciro of them lira yeiellngs sat ow a' /....lover Seed 5 12 to 5 374 ‘••• - I' 2.4 * is t' 50 a Ye liw, C IMOVovai, 5 hfit3 of Beef Ultds, Timothy Seed.. ...... ..,..,„. acct Cattle, per Isuui.„... y 5 , 404 40 -09'.r, t y,, /2 liea • J of Yount Cottle , Anil *lot of 'Aosta, 1 • i i toga, per 'Pawl_ ..... .. '' 7 75 4•o' Al 5 , 2 two of them Mar-horde bread-tread al sy ..... ~... ..... .. ' •115 Otr-t0201.40ani•40 1 ) a twd-ttorse nate/tar-tread i PalffOrroP \t' hickey ...,..... ...... ,44 '4. ... 2 4 to 2 5 t / *Mi . linl* ° i4114 2 " s r " r r li tre i, tV ' N ' t-1 • 64- „, 4- G . 2 001 des.7.7eed Trough,'_ Stbfitlis. 2 t 3104 14 Inkier; di,:a UMW, i. cruuan, per lon-,.,.„. • 4ivriis . , Cone a three-horse) Double and ma- 1 _ -BA NOV ft fl-.Ter custom. Lafr. - . gle .no rel Ploughs, Cuttin,„, ,, notes, floral f lour, from wagon± -5 0(1' 4 4.11.71, 4/Ain Drlll. flat i tigltire e a'. Patent My l)o: from stores...... - 6 50 Pitcher, Cradles, rtiellbes, ke., Whe-efbarryw,l Wheat ' .A...."—... - .:..” UlBto 1 25" Jackscrew, Crlo4ona, erne.-cut AV ad! aid , 114 e . ........ .......... ..... ....... ..... •t , ,,• , 82 ! e• if.ili'd S aws, Aug/lc Chisels , 4. , te• . Are'. 2128 141 ... lira tri1.......i... d 5 i tuka 11`edge, trot orig. Spades, 5 florets, nom ..38" F.Yrl - 4..tc„ " 4 . lake lot of nurse near* Fly i %cur t '. seed ...... ...,„,...„„ .. .. ~. „6-41e 4 t tt*„l7,gl aau ffaPalle, If.a . ltettTh•ititur;Orivefisirl4. 11itt0thy5eed........,,,,,,...-”,,...• ~. ~, 4-74, ..I ( ,__M•ilq,i„ 'll th Cha ins, re.urt tlia'„hs. Irtitt. Platter ...... -....„.„44,„•,,,-......,,,,. - ~ ...0 5% 4 t3b.nhA'Fjpre.t.tara, single, double and throe'. I --- ---.,- —..-- --;- -- T.- _ , ! 1 -411:,/e Tree), tirii- tote doubt* stt of Vett Ilar -1-014-.4/4.ti 14ao. . .'• ' . T Ofisay.Tutalla do., lEirlAng ".4 ladles and Bridles, r 41Sur,from wagf aii,„...;......, ..... ... , ' .s'oo 14ii . " 1 4 - Et oo a, 170 11 the. Ton, fipro , e,by IWO Do._ frookatorsa.”-••••-1.-...;•- • - - 5' 7 5 tuatile , a targi - Si or Ortin and Vanua, t. AV tieat ~.....,....--r t ..r r. , 1 10 tol •- - 30 the builitl. and a lAri;&tioanCty rirMeit •Wy Ws Aye...-..... -.•--. , ,,,, fr •••••-• -- , , 241 ' pound. - .711,..0, llc.,asabold -Furniture, among 4 0 mialcji are '2. Wardrobes '5 flurotua Sidehotri TIEII . ..roa,c k rottre - R7414 to elotti mutt, K B ''l ' 1 Cupboard? 4 Dialog and 1 BrowicfaiteTultlecti 1 t .. 1 i n i , i i ii,., t ;;„ 4.4 k. ou Viso c - 5 4 4 1 17 BA toads and listlduig 211 ioltridadVantt • Leave"C etlysburrly iftatf&aattity at 1 75 ft, thAerware 2 Settees, 5 setts Chairs. l l44lAsi . ~. ' 4 6 501 Mirrerrs, Chest s, 1 Parlor. I Cord 1 1l Cook, land 'A .„.., . p lec o mm m e ,t, ll 4 sw, ____ p ate, . Stores and" Mix: Charms, bootee • , ! 4 ` l _7•C', si_isr_*,f......., go.p erke I Bowl Tell, Meal I, essels Flour Chew** Nal * li t- TA m dettribnif VISO' ro• "5 1 pc4l's'' ''''' “'771 '''. Gettysburg Gas Company. Bushel and Peck Vensurfs Sago, iiloppine and A rkl3A \f/ lTI( ) \ —N. t il , t erel,i glk en to Iron Kettles, Pm kett, Pots, Pads, die le•tartel *. 2423 A h0m Ph re tritia yr, b) , Meirilittiotaratir-o , JR,_ j the iul .... 1 er. to 0... r 1 ..1t 0 tool,, of the lot of alassw-fee, Itttelt. newale, Tiss-Orire Sail ~Fairo rt ymerase tgka a wid ela, , u s A • ettl AhUrg (...,-), ( ulll ) 111 \l,h tt the OrpOrJ tOr 4, F. irtht au ire and EL I tri, neither of anion WA- 1 t,,,., 5 „,' i ri s 2n „„, k , a and b ac k , &Inca a n tali ii in the Act of I,„,e,,q,ciailon hale op- clef nOt herttn irieniloned lir Ansi,* will 1 r mr 4 " i tha r r' :". •ry ;)(untod 11 .4 Jai 6, I , d^, f le ' rua a 14 " commence bit the 21st *ad edatinae to/0411404 ' "aa v7lll rre sa Wei Proldneoady ista attar - At 7 o'clock,P.M. , t t o 1-'wrttlon Moon, iti or until tett-111'111.41s veld e• , t 1 * iis eiri. swim, . the Court-hour,ln t' e It.- 311, , ,1 ~t, (lett) 'burg Attendance gt% to and term.' Millie litoallearan to 6. Bryn swine by l : p`iy 4 I as the Uzi i in I iI i r t r-the ~. abgcribere Of , day of sale by JOtif,Pti mirk, lAA; Iftlatete l sWeitektoilwy and Pieta'. stock to meet, in order to organize the sail .I,in 31_IBOO Dr _ JOUT IT. HiLt, t oinpanN and t, hou.e by a majority of tutu i A te, at elf ilif ' / b ' A 4tvbfitwroArry br at .. • - . pf the a Lll 4 ' =tribe . 1 c 1 ltt• a President Valuable Pertiiii 2424 Frew(' Raftefflll,4l, asratuiviat and Casa and six Manage-, to ate; ei.ntll th tie succe.. ors ROPRIITY AT Pattie SALE.-,The sub- I Fin ttrOilloelsalsieirerelf 11 miles and back; ahall be doh• eleL te I ...4. int v ichn i; to foutot a •tka wanalb r t twice a week.i , i ', DMf conaugli), R.G. .1; ereary, mil, kill , eni at P u b'' c Soic, at his rtaidenCe, i Lean STate Infrafontley and Friday at ;• Mary 'anti, IN David l'ilits ~ 1 iin siataktpiesaiint tow nsb.p, Adams pounty, a nil ID. Buehler, IT . S Bober. ,pear Yount Porno? :nebool Nouse, ou the Han. i ay rive a t t /4 Call a Fairy 1.4 11 ?.tree H.J.,t ihle, rt"* s T liw ne r, Neer It ~11 on T,esday, the 2 , I, da y o f Pehrwary j 11 Jacobs, 3.B. Thnntr, I Neat 4ho follow w ing Parami.Ll Prudent - via -.. Lealysegerlall $ Ferry Tuesday and setstr. , T.D Carson, 8" R. Ruaacd; chi) .ati2 P to 2 Alikßtz, one Ce.ll 4Si all i 0 41, A. 41 theothes I *rine JlLl,Slate 11111 b) 7 pm. • George Bhr)ocic, R G. Harper AA excellent finall akin-ill, 3 Colts, C 411141 sad ' 24E51 rum Lippert eil L_ entre, by Cross - Roads; Jos F . Fsbni toek Jno T.Mcilleenni, luting t attle, 1. .3 ) AFIC. 1 .1 art e-bur.e \Segue, 1 Apple Groff. and DallasAown to 'lark, F.A.Mnbtenberg, George ' 4 1% ope, true-horse \‘ tgon, .Sleigh, :led, rour- hornet '2 2 rules and ' back, twice a tweet • !I•m.A. Duncan J)ba fr tbert, i Thresher and llursel owe-, uue of Veatibauch's I l i ciree llooe%l ell ( entre IVednesditi and George Arnold, Darld /legler :ceders, with Guano ifft.ich licat, What inn, ,tiatarda.f at u a m ;Robert McCardr, Win nouglalw l Cutting Doi, Pl.Jughs aud Harrow'', „Double Ain% et at link be 12 m; Jan 30, 1860. td 1 Shof e Plotegns,Gora I caks. Mngle sard Double- , i Trees, Uurse Gear., of ali kliu.s, Cow c lialuir Lea‘e Yon. Wedoesday and Sateirde7 at 1 p m, Diummasb Ars 11-,og Chains, Lai es, Forge,soil other farming At•rive nt Hopewell Centre by ', p m Al C ltt A ent r' e F a r t ß o E f F a ß ifYr t EC ;;T: i sl a l C e;c r ETI til — t o : 4, tP u r il c u I LI 1 4j as "l t: la l 4 4 1 1: 2 11s1., te w' s d d I{ L ' o b :L h !n a g l' s u , :4 ' - 242 b k g ‘ " Tu e. " Dei n ta t. : ' III c, l e G t o r R 'i h a . r t . r i Ttle uß aFnudrrYaocrelC /Le nth day, ofJ tn nary, 1860. unclawire • land futuree, Ttit,., Barri , S L., -11i+1. 1 1 isc ti, 1 wrosee, to 11,Call's Ferry . , 23 miles and paoant of property Insured, 1231,530 ''9 o.itS and I alstoeth kid. the lin.bel with many baLdr, tilV We a‘N eat. • .• preni'lonot , <l , treasury, 16,11 q 63 other aitie'es, too numerous to mention.Le.ave It rightel .11e Tne , da) and Saturday cash in ii.frids orYret•orer, 44 W t r to cimispence at it] A CiuLl 4 , A. 'll , at it a ca, D h - oi said do), when att. odanco µ - l1 be gi i t.l and 4 4,..m . eAt Ifi. Call' s Ferry by 'I p m rash in band.; of Treasurer st lest teems grade known tt't Leaf e Cali s Ferry Monday and Friday settlement, $3l 21 4L4i4 , O;CILS M. BC DDY at 11 a ni Aryls Cash received for membershtp Jan, aQ, 5860. tlis . , _ fees and polteret, CO 42 - e at tl rightsi ills by 'r p m . Proposals to ;fie nonca at Columbia are Pasth receie tailor tY-1 1 10, 5 CS Public sale. . v r. lewd, .. ---7=1114 2iii rirrhE subset - Ater, intending to quit taming, .4,27Froqi Cysts' Roads, by L'mon, Chanceford, t will sell-at Putilic Sag, at his residence, Lotaar Chanceford and Celtic Fin to By expentmis or the Company km Ole ,e4rl 6 0 12 In Strabau tom nshtp _ l3 [ms cqauty, on Thciety,, Peach Bottom,. 23 miler. a r,i i baoki twioe _ ~ bats ,(Totter Seed Timothy Seed Vlnster ..... • 6F4141.11E Tliao3.refu, A ttest—JAstss it oasis ‘, a9cd.y. lan- s0(48410. 3t* . Pe T PlllLtQll:ij,4—ThisltteiliilCtiltigad initO sc quit' ttisk s t4,2 1:431ic st bat ree s titt r Adittersolasty i I ants Mill s o' as tAt 51A cloyAr Akiwitsit, .-. _- -- - - 7 :f ' . * 7 lhigkillinillet y virtue Oa& ; ------- r.„.. 4 ..2._ , ~...., , J.. !..._._•• 0,1111 34. X , •• of Fretieltre. •• T, . 1 1.‘ 4 , bsiber, *4 '.. . v sl! - 'IC York , owns .11Zon MEI tni • tAe 2d day or Mare Soest, the fullowlag Peril:l4;l Ptopatty, via: .3.l:Lead of tit/11614i,C661165iid Young,Cattle, Hags sad 6.imitp, 14944 Throe tasniqr %span, Wagon Bed. Bay. Lodiaters, nurse Gears, Plongha *pd llorsoivi, 5150r61 l'loughs,' eunisalope; -Winnowing -Mill, Gaattittg Lox, orbalitcnteif.attera, Chains, 46ses, Forks, and , all caber fig :tenni& Also, a TarietY of Jigaumataigijed Icitcliessluraitars, anal a lot of Potat6es by she tatuDiSPl -! Alargala id comamsote Id 9 D'olLelc, 4, X., ws disitilily,WWl altenslaspoe wilt be givisa awl Sensystualhoitiisra by . - . ASAAG 9.81.6011116)Ft Sr . _30..., Le • .... . Ss - -.-- ..-._ • / MCI C =co lr e i r "l" ' Stile O' veer b 0 - -.. ' Postime .: 41 dremektibicePligki4s4 bp4ii - - llpriag, to sairbarg, 7.miW ua 404 - Otte times a wk. 1.4104a-filfippaaebrat Taesday, Tbutadrf, OM • tifitso: 4 o , m; • ' - Anises' As% 4 p rn: L ea "' Aeldissill 'Ta 42 o s. Thursday, ind 1011110 4 1.114 t 1,4 pin; Arrive ailthippemeiburg by 2I p M. • Pomo*, Art hisTlimeks-iveek mole! are holm& 3417 row *Amy. if paw', 'am sad As. iistoiec 0 4 , Nut wit' altos' AilW buk, _ • ort•vormttli• • Lams mum, 'heads y andiledultsy t ins; Aatisa 4 .0 1 0 41 414 1 4% til-4 0 4 • Lame Swains', Taesaday AA &WO, sf I ass;. Aoki' P 4 Slabai4 by 13 qt. 24,1$ Yrom Herndon. bg UaLtapyßaburetea, - OPORiullti s UPC isin;rlPer tuu B " l 4l.; AO, 444,i6q %(nterstate, 43 444 1 elalet asek: Leave Ural anui• Ifolidey . and Ttlitty.it m; Aenie".4.3l,inepeyille 10y.5 p m: • / 4 eatet46 4 4 1 i51i 1 47.90.!31 "Ad Sainiday at 6•a_ _ Artia:a at Mabantit - 11-Ali m. - a 2:23 From rias., by . klintreettAlsa, Sough and • - P4"ke W ox t? LifPct Matlll4A go, ' *a pe a 'VOL 11111.!,Vor ete..., _Pits I/ k ar. • Arms at 'prei uu,sid.anikg= Lear* Caper liabarttanta 11" at 13 r • Awil* tIY 501a -2421/Fisjs cettyslpirg; tatteeld, Pcmials Pali, IraystaiLorr, limpid, 164 and Leftapla ure to Ifttetritawa , rime," sad Alktitir amp; seek. j ol wt Assieftssadity, Thuriday, ssd at_4 4 1 , 11 , Arrive afgeritowtell 4 p ts: • ' altrl,Own )1 unday, Welneetley, ' API Fri /t s t Antra lit *Sy tnieby 4 at. 2421,Fram C i attßtourx, 1.,t- Granite MI *ad UVIVITR , T YriV. Melte?, 14 Mlles bart. l'itee - dfnes a week. to - ;wiAa a a-set residue. Lat i 44 nelrfsbti rirCrae eti a v, 'tan tviday,' a a I • • lilt Arne., ‘ a nulot2l4lbirn '3) sm, sad at r .liaw4bWer. oa yttesday and Etitdrday • • -4 • Leave .ew 'Wet tetesdiy and iSatttithey' . 44 , 4114 • n ratdita IYr Irp tie, RIM at, tge mit , e,idai,Thifeli4t - tebtl urdny 3A mck, 44327kainfattla) urchy n amtastlirrite4 leigtVitettieswtie., ILeaftiftee r and e 2 i the **, • - eq.te 25 a week. L eftre , Class Xtoads.Tnesday and Frida7 at I # roi jarritp..at Peach flottoirt tIS" 7 A m' Bottum Toe Allay aid Friday - 44-rtiFe it, roft Roads i)y 12 m. :%4Vilgralla.l4l/6ver lanalon by Porter's Seid l' .0 1eN'eseat Statio4flinsoirsn and New , 4rAsid, tGetlfsbarg, 301 miles aad bask4akir, ascot Suticlax, by railroad ; wipli.;, l 4rtrOgrillsorrief to hitt*. iatass . ; asid Witt, di - timis **ea t w t. r s trik.OcitstettPn: Ak i o) daßy,SEXeept Sun. .tle t ifrAiimsi ' lazy alik • •Tf . ,s 4 24 , 19 F- minoilmr;ttOrtotakr Sast i * k t. #6lloVies 'O4 CI L IL 0;. Anise ,ilO . 161i 1 — 1410 a ~ • -- - . 444rw4 CarUid•AMll. es capt eittaday,l44l,z rival of risiThaaalphiasualk . say 1.4) to; -arrive at York iS•ulmaur Spanga by 4' p.m. 24,1,11r0m .llasoier. by .gt.SLuryslown and tiqUakeXOTAar, (r,.l:sts# akstrq,l Masi .. tad Mack, throe, tidies a week, Leave hapuver Tatesday, Thursday, lad 44turday at 1 p in. Arnie it 4..;-tot -burg. by G p tr, Lease Gtttyai,owrg T d. ite l 4v, TtittillAaf,so Saturday at a IL; Arrive at 11,4moser by 12 m. 24331 : rum Skrtug Forge to cud 3 5 nilies road 1411 . back, °LCe a week. Lea% e Spring Forge Saturday at 12 m„; Arrive at COdVilia tar 11 p ).eave Codorus S.tti:rday at II p Arriss 04111tassii low LI 4,p nu !434 From Essrilerliu, l,r gines Tavern` Old , -, Farmers, ip , York, 14 trYles. anal back, , coact a k a cek. Lava East Harlin Saturday at 7 a in; Arrivaat York by tO4 a Si; Leave York Saturd.ty, ou arrival of eastern , sajl r ayatSp ao, Arrive at Eirst Berlin liy 5 p at. 2435Fr0m East Berlin , by Han, Bertnualtarf. sad Frank.butowu, to Dillsburg,lfl miles • at e : back, once a neck, r/itsve Etat Berlin Thursday at 2 p rn; 141,m,ive . at. Dillitourg to 5 p glossa Dillsburg Tlaurs.lay alb a u 2; Arrive at East _Berlin 1,3 12 ra 2436Fr0m rhambersburg, by Fal4l Tliomav,• lam data. filaCcianellAiurg. norriaonville,. I Day's DM. dad Bloody Len, to Bedford, Ge. miles and i Leave Chauslaersburg &ill) at 7 a mi .41rsiye rat Ledford 173 a p • Lmse Bedford daily at T m; Castle, and Matt Line, to Hagerstown, 34. 317 ti : 7 : r rt lltd: v ern . e , r a : C 2 b t I b i e:n ni ta il l b e rn e e rit s r2li a r n b urg " d ubr b ; ti a r g e g i b k l yb ; e1 1 ,: a ti: t ot tn il es . s . a ti 4 vre n :sk il y . , alter - are rill or Mr:1404 mall, ia:V at , 4 Rite *t lligerstost by-54 pre*; I „,Lwa. -4 .ll4l,,antawn daily', except Sunday,•nt $ 6j ant t .Afshe t ritmbf+abarg'bt 11 nt. 1446. a rod Cliamkkilburg, by reefer's 'Store, Upper ilirrisParg - Prnmeasborle, gesnt klub; Mllto44klbbli,"libMlYB - burg itperwick •3111beart Yftteystit =to 3Laaal taiga, 60 mites apt baek. 1.42f 4 4 1 ‘ 1 ,0. 1 % e 1g -- In el day, Thnrsits sty at 4 an,,; Anty• at, tr rtiloa 'Dv i 1 trio Lstutd trimalija ttiott liteifbeidey, okapi itriday . at al it rat;; Anit at a by 11 p m. 2429 From ebastberaburF,.by Jsakson Hall, and , 16"Irtrptahato`, 16 miles and ' Sack, threetime:a vita. • i Leave ettamberataurgigetiday, Wadatadsyr, and Friday. nt .3 p txt Arrive dt 'Way riesboed by et p ow, • LeAve Illesday, Wednesday, • anal Fridive nt Y w erg • • Arrive nt flisainberiMatrabr, am. - I.44oTroin Iteetnintltsball'. tUWebeliet MOIL trralte% nerd Irtelt,-taslaa is weak. Leave- Ma-Cortnettsblttft - Iremplay and Vs-- day-, 114er ere' exelval tba tlaadders barg mart , use at 4$ p trot f MATT at•Weboteleirtillti tikllttrym • Leave Webster's 4llleTuarsday want /Way ' at t`p wit . • rri% •.It..ll‘Cteattl.gip, p m. 2441 From 31e14 7 ertsbarit, 'by - Wien, to Green ensile, If 'mile* sad. basil, Ads disc+ a. I.edve Martyrdom arty, *amid risi.44, 'et la as Arvii• at Green Cantle by f p at; - Leave Green email daily, except gatainn nt 1 4 1 Arrive at Memersbniir Ova p ns. 2 1 142Fram Ilercetaturg.V; l isaa, to ilaneirak, 24 'alien and mama weak.- ' Leave Ifereersburg Wrid at 8a MK • Arrive at Ilaseeek by 5-p m; Leave flaseoek-latititeditp at tt am; , Arrive ot Hercertitiirg by ip m. • 114ttrivieervale,•ay Dahlia to Oeitiseitrtol, 90 Oleo eine boaki,pook vie set: • ' • , frittilerrellh4Teeminfr si 6 a ak Anise *i ()iisonipart •. • . "" • 19eirre Oithemilivaar at C. sm; Are et Iferrisonyttle by 3p en. 1444 F4Ftssllarriaon"ll(FPleittlfrs. Tannery, w pm : 7 2 1N441( Dubli -4e(gr elle• nery, tb 110, 4 9 1 1rei1i2 0 ''' itharbapk i re a week. Partisan litlay - 71.48 am ; re at Hopewell 6)-4,0 sir. c Hopewell 1•i day lit lie m; Arrive at ilarrisonrillieW p m. 2445 From lipimilillte, iirx I.:manual SI nele 17 • *IL and.,WagiAlkkurgrkisikrack 7 / 1 4., I 2; eat,teil back, ouee IL week' /. j Jew Tie°, v ille Irontla4 at 8' a ibi • i • Seri,ve ailleacoeV . l4y 4 p nil ' ''' : ; 1 Leif • JJaacock 'Tuesday MAD a mg:: .1 Irsive.,at IlarriiouTiiioo3 - C ‘ p m. -0401.r01p 41ti04 Min, V/ clesrvilte, roblartn a • ' rale, and Wi;utOrdstouri, to AllesTenc)c. 4 liiii.. 3:2 miles and back, Mike ti Week, ' • iseinelklosktbl3un Al turdny et 7 am; , 4... ~,krire M il r wt. ockaq s Pri ; ' • • I -,lwtes"st-Thsbcock Friliii4 et 6am; _ AVII4 at Mood); ttun by Cii tn. • . ... 44,7 From Williamsbiarg, 1;•,Y 1 elld* - 1 0 'prints.' 4 • 11/161 Water Street. to Sprtiet Creek, is ~ Attlee end back, tette a week. 1 Live Williamsburg Tuesday, Tlitreder, i sad taturdea, at 8a m; , Arrive it Spruce Creek by r! Tn L. L -.Lame. Urpcit CrCik. Tuesday, Thursday ; I , - ADA S.PLON /4 i 2. m; ;• . Arri,ve IA ViliuittibUrg ty 5 p m.' . Propos , ,alsere invlloil for sia-ttbies-a-week ten - Ice. 2448 From Williamsburg to Cpringllrtd Fur ' Mac;. .5 miJes.aud back, 3 time= a neck. 1 I.,sv.e Williamsburg Tuesday, Thuradity, acid fialitzdav, on arrival of mail from ASPrnce Cree k , say af"s pm; . . _ . . . 4re,ive at SprinufhTLl Furnace bY _ C p m;' Lame Springfield Furnace Tues . d iy, Thurs day, and„Saturda:. at 1 p in; A rri% a at Williamsburg IA 43 . p tn. 2449 From FannettAurg, by iir Hun Illir!ii.7 Run, Deylesburi,-. (.'oncord, Watertcx , Peru Mills, E.l.st W.Lt zrfvrdr, nano' I ro re, NaCullot...Vs Mills,Mceoystllte. fleas:lnt Vinwoi k kruce Hill. and .I.vadaula, to r,..rt Royal, C',: tulles and b.lcig, three time, a week. Leave Fannettaburg Tuesday, Ttrursdny, arl.d Saturday at d a in; /wire at Port Royal by 7 p m; Lam ea Nat Royal Monday, Wednesday, sad i fility at a a y r , Arrive at Fannettabarg by 8 p m, 2450 float Fanoettaburg to Nrrick ran : lice, 4 gas: aud yank, clues a week. Ifeaat4lFennettsburg Tuesday at T's. m; Arrive at Carrick Furnace by 8 a tni Leave Cuspid* FissaseetguestiaY at 8 4 a m; .etrrivra'it Vanuettabititt by 1 0 a nl t 4 /4„, 2451 Prop Orbiounia ' r New Grenatirted Skifisville, to Re > s Iftil,"9" sulk& and , back, one a vt,ee . . Leave Orbbspnia retie:rat g ft ml Arrive 11:11.al'a gru.by 6 p rn: • ' Leave RA.Y . 4 'MD( irtintid!ty at g amt , • Arcire ftit'Oillis Wg br 4p m. i4s9Fro6rihititt 'lsll`l`,``lffirere taltleteu,' .Aland.•Prord,:lnlier iiipier-.-caulacki, 1 - - AndiTaltattbid fitiltere, tt/ ebiee Avail, 90 44,4T:wit - a a :atek :..L l aaianarat liTtu Wadi:a/del' et 6 ays; Xrrire tit (70 eltifn ay iti)rati - - • Leave Calree*Stlttersditiaters el 4 .. * r 4ir rrv ile a M 4 1 1114 1 04Pti0 afirPla• • „, tigoili~gbisteackfuel ireslit iy, , ~~ Isaractiv, /44 El I ... 75iii e . 245 . 51T0trar,.. Pahce l / 4 anew tn. Rtkwet *faga lititiete7B Nook, MO Grime-111dr in. Deets( str. to Lawiatistwir. 58 willeirandAsok, islet Suitor i *colt to; New Berlin, &timers biro!** **wok r***ltiv , •Lh Lew islittig daily,iineept-Sunday ; at; 5 p Arrive at New Serila by 8 p m; • !Aare New tterlinAviiiy; except Sunday, at at, 111trirtt'at brlil a to; Las New Ittrhn 7'l-testier", Thursday, and Saturday at i a , to: Arrive at lsewrlssosea tr'el p-tn: Len% e Len Nlondiry, Weduesasy, and Pridisy at 7,1 a m• Arrive at New Berlin 41hy E p m; 24541 From Stiertinrr, by IGine's Grove, and' Roalitown, to Danrijk, 15 miles and back, once& TX eel:. T.es re ItOntititi .F3torday" at 6 a - m: Arrive at Darirtlle Saturday at 1 p ni: Arwlive wt4Sunbary by I.p w. 2467 FromSeahttry.Ly Nortienntberiand.,Cliilii equaque,Leivisburg, Altlin Wa Wotan - u „ iiewart, aid Money, to IV illiantsport, 40 tulles and back, twice daily, b railroad. Leave Sunbury daily ati3.l4; p m and 14.15 p m; Arrive at Williamsport by 3 p in and 12.14 , a ist; Leave Williamsport daily at 9.30 a ni and if) p in; ArrivestSunbury by t0.;,3 11.11 pm., Coptslido( eeedlttoo. to be nee.peesteel is the onoteeets I. sfeertesst tbedepartmeut may teem prthee. "1. elven misstates sire allowed to es.ch intertaaJtate Ogee, lir Win bet ntberal-e ale.clnekt for sesorting the tnasia, bat oe netted awl sbessobnot met. then is to be uo enure delay than k sufficient for an ex,b3oge of the orui bop 2. On raittnad 1.1 stran.host Itnes. dd WWI. tbefets when the Mode Of crneeearsee nitwits of it, the sp. eiat agents nr tb. Peet Ol ioe lerpsrteseet, also pea oaten blanks, mail bar 1 , x1., ea.! keys, are to be coneserel without 'etre charge lla railroad and steamboat lines ta•mologreats a( the depertweat are 1., be coareyal • ttacaat ataxia, gal fug %herr INlCklair• a , e , 1114,1 e traveller,- wall the mails, I er.lllll , o4'utat ear, or apart.derlt to OP. orates all ear, nra. perty Ireill11.1„ ear Arai. ali fura shad, and adapted to ass onoreestut erparap,,,, slid due **sty., ty of the ....It*, is to lie prow vled by the Loutract,,r, unleitha directioll a OW department Railea,ad awd rtes Weal cpmueves are required er Use the mesh frt,at debrer it into Ithr rat otiose 14 Mot enotanenramuent and es-1,,f 11,04- routea,and to.pd from all flrrtr Mot wore ann eq,btr role Name lamina nr lalllex Prurrm mar be imbrue tell Areirseterriwmagrietalatextbee i'llinsorven—lio.t ultleee ogee eighty roda.ferre liVtrtiMl Or 4111.14. Ireeipt.. will IA tOctlirOW ft)r TWA begs twevoyea In ebarg• of persons employed' by raiJeltup dos. noroo. pa& nisi boo rtvu bliill'' pnrW ed po ottopetd , ..V.,4 of the de po rt 11. e mit s to ,eogstiow tbs . galls, sited. I fl a g'kovtniber atot dertTotitirts if enerso eames 7 A 1 ILO Priati,''sletafte isseifia. Illteeke, receipts will be re naked sal we,' bills ruClPidta t tI, kW mle"!•exi 4 o , o l4 tretie-oweref goo.otillte.fltrileluNoltreirtafft.T , a" %blot! - !livery of wall bans. i ; ... 4. tict psy sill be twin atorposot parformod ; awl for %eV et ea& obtaborroot .oUfiroctootriMlPWlP.,.. . 4 1Pook aboolg of Moo. lob tarm.,.- 0 4 , 11/1-• • Kerfl , /pi t! limos JO trrok CO ...71.13 fell tepee 1 MA not *West* etrasof. far•-. 114 0 11 ‘1 43 loonao• !toe tar ribmdbbrogeart Ors labbarai• , ....bytabitst MUM*, ligg °Mom* lora *nob if i..l4+w to Inat epeepled in ShIPARenI4.. rue .7* drirk u.' P e t tit ottlto WS Wes rparodal Neff ths; pigios- no. thew G. the miter, tbarooi $ * Sire tit elb onsio., ars lorsimo. . -- • . , 201,0 r 1 1".41 _ I.l.rit t M g olli e bt. ,, o n; :f ir tt* ' Ms `, ° L I Z • Dans ormerrool l Pia r oblllts4 olp OP sumbor be asproormsow. ....,r..... Jo ad , oomrs at dar bib, abIOSM: 4 NZ i r • "a i at ,27: 4 4. rtty .4lfiltiVbra de=e4ro si sass at QM Webb trot -obar oraiiirts IP mai 100 I 4 11 .4 s oe . ?rra I ttiat i MitZgli k e sy.4l. NWlsielt;fisttftf refswltst. *lter downwl, Wanner the tiny as I 11111116. 1 elesee,owereente4 iosiOstiosTL l N g ic , • ( Pctirt " a n tatl i bl Zit bop sobie 04 Imbrabbe ropelbakblbootro ao, assoblitowoobaorross foe *Woo t neil lb* Ilea the 4P.. 0 4 . 1 .4 Ah• -t=1,,.41.t....f0rga g V . — 14 stale ta L te-Se a iot riluareaes. 1.40 i C g senor tannislkwelai peratswee plaits/so coo , oc.icoomOWie soottite-oottof itio awil. .frjlt , tfietterreer :yrcal oar. oaks as Itieetilwi if NUT KO VI "ro4l,loßrill i =ettarlAlllllllllf, rate Irscreama on th e contract ray. 011iallettetiladiter- 1 awl er*V - fle ell arses, 1 416 :2 8 eartwo.larly to wake! gums 'onion.' Ileirio itellksols, wittoost In , Frew of pay, preerV i lt:Mo 'Mile be AKA 't= • ON boy *lf barb as barbabolorposik 14,0 xel ell lerof all it a lilmr.oiciMem the itionst stock or Kers, ogy !radar nay, boaster, I tbecan of feettlns et of ilmarteelinquleb <lifweberellt: liroullOaliollie• lifr Illoallallstrinellt .ffeleat inallletriolt#ear ipety Ass otlel 400 O l'inia_ pt 4100E 44. ilea esutsr j.il aAt ny also cuat.ol or obatibto 1 tlot serell.e, to *6 o I‘lll4 it 'Prof ritr-fetioocke bf 3 1dyeAr11114feeir Odor aisle :4011ipeastentii/SLOP 1 amount dupenawl •itb. • Itenever, to Wu; okumoo. the' co 44•114V1r41raajiltem, .1044114'-atttliduirr;t° Poitiroldvlr ' A lb•moriroboie babitr Oaks ..4411.161111* 44‘t t'• l i ct i :Tr th li tttlotil li ali r ;,orti4 IL P .‘I4 b i br I:be. bootaarf ire gby bilib. Marro! sassalritawy be griftsilmourltsitiow‘itk I 8 fl fovea IioA4MOOTI trdt ha ;barod.,. boom* sprr woo, osoi..almos on Tots sod sloe lo rertirette to VA osArt.r ofolotp oust, ihri 6.. de ..), Wilda, tau, slothifts....t.. sat sillallf t feerleasoe elineast stun ail 4 Mk IPY n promo mos be cars rrsd :so ttsupe foftlt tolott.a il em el. (Nan f, can Le'cviort tel.! , 5 fur a takes or tooqtyprehentson as Lk the dogma if min Ice ; Doe fuirigillsigg bratoo„roo. bob, Viababoroi. or inter elb. itreetieine barrooms dOstoure, woo mos dorm; itm obi. term. oak« o...taled'ortor tile ulrerthiensent .. W o Wei old:oill sea, datleso't elontrwi teem. aro tolllolllollll litillitoOloetileletoor. ar Mast Arab bri sot bootoottot. - 11. • bid irceire,l after tbtr tut dor uol Lauer era, ''t aithout the glut, roquiried tilt' a eertl one u to thokoalllatuttrag ouch aptorouty, craia..t be ovum:Awns ogepetittra withal nuoolor plupteut etiaftruhleths h. Median *huge) hut pruout for qn lc* atrittO le• cording I. the oJtertkoaLoent, usl naeb. if ter dultu atrtittett.t f.r di fr,—ent: servier, , cud If theasart. • a b. Otto to llubA telik,ffid for tee adv./10W ousla, Uka, 'taw iftrite tr N ot pity be eo LOUlsro.l 3. TU Le iwt.,0411 rate told f To pris C egotferi entltbillettr.n bkieriuupueer... riwlot tote venom motel ) aro IhrbodUto hur, otol•uulops. 14Vis route, the fterAleto, The yearly My, tilt lap. an 4 resk6nee ~f t 14.5 biddar. (Met . fli. but awed iikiet 41%4 elderiir Ow. of web abewitete ef a lbw s a isoupway Wow, .A.44/41. dirtiucv 44t4.. Lioblerii ale requart tallik 'WC' fi l lftlieibta, th• rinteJ f..r.n ..1 prrophital foitfMiltlllir tisiNfroportworat, to write CAI to fee ebb arts of star brie, 'awl 3u retain erlifea of Gime. Inv,* bet,slifsal:,l abet 1» beb 1 4 1 .4 L onr abeeld bitS l eau auhmitte I t • iitMidrietw -Its gratto44.ll4o of s bodklerr or yet.Arartur.l!l be and retaireil **- Inc* Cie tuba 4 fee ebreibai Lad+ meat vaar.liatinwaidusilt• "riot*. litre rsl va.ruit3lll , $ t.l. Th. hid sad slsotia M sputa plaip* 14.11 tbe foil Oat= Of prools.- ilinittrtiartit moires tb• flea t tmiect amj Lai 116dy M Sdolood ritrir•Ohat. en I 11.0 cir fieteranl the bki• nitallietkiintarsetors..llld trtildsts. Tb• Ofd *two 1 W 10404. superanbed && /Ntail Pro- P 8 0 .11 04 Suag -," Swot.' Arietant - Voottemiter Copettlict URlce," Jul I moot Ly m usu.l w,ll out UDC., pterool• ter I ett.tx.d.ay Mimi) IU {tat :r <1,6.4144s r.turus. 1, llop Coutrmeto an to be et vested dud rettimal L, tLealorktrttustit by Kbled. ; tot tLe eal rice ..ust I.e comutt.ue..tull 0 - 11- et-hug or OU tb. ItnOi gay otro, fiber ttut a ewar the ,otatnuts eimcm‘Ofkar at , t, No to - .1 ,, t+tt0 , .t0 t ,O Ol. for •of W cuoaldered outit the r.Ootrlet• are elecksted mod loceivoll at LI. dep...rtturut ; end ties tm, trauma& sill be ailowo4 mellow good •404 *Scoot re - ...A tit.relor ant urou, In be thtitnatiped by tb• 4.l,Artuotot to all rum the nArrlug Cuyarel...r be 1,4.1tr0l to 14totu• LIM of lb, ture:ielt on lam Ms eontr.u. • le I.,44atale•reat ruliwa ou or seer relinarde, bat siert thee *tett, wale fn.no a et..xtu,n, will , i.oleodietely after the 3let. of March next, report Their easel distance trop th• nearest st.iainn. aral hoer they it, unmoral's ropplted with Ipredl, ta camber thy Poeta:eater Yaw& .1.....a1emat a cant- warmonger tut ply from Qs let Id neat. 19. renting' ei„hteee of as act of Coogries approved blotch 9.1144, po.rillee that calla...We for 11 tashopona- Ma of the min shalt be let .• fro cremes** to the terreot Lo4dor tendering matlikhpatvahnaintd* fur faithful porton*. once, without ether ritkroue• tots* ww.l4b of such trail Portetron than Inv be useedverrte - pirethte for the doe eertoinhy, end *.emit) of arch trearipert.o.haa rt Undid Up* inn, Wan that prints" to traaaport the moil With "rwjerttf, ewrtsititv. aatl eresety,Obovieg brielf•- •idalts Sir the mitt legreiaide, ore aventivervi se providing for the oath, mail, harinnor lathe, mod • isolator. ray be the nti4e eocoiovenee liw t rkiary ti' Moats Orrtaihir nW'seemikv,'. sod hens the pre - over all ...tbdu.s. 40, - AS A empliileatie•-•6s hid LIAJUII ale nonstlal ken la taatanummt to GAIMIMik Ohl t be riceivai, we es to isterfirro vita liAiplor Una, alter the last .r Mt tenitant nea .440/nie:= l 4. .. 101 / 6. 1M" , " in*" 446 thy Waal g. 7 4 ' 1 %7 a :7r. It r latureet iimintopqc" Si. "wool • •••daillibiktiotapw . ems know* u th• Ir tat Anis drevy .pmwmaa. atlinaaat .5 0 C, 44 0 0. 1 netat., An awe 'pennant war , ' • - • J. Ualit, PasentiMaranannel. 4 fNSTItreTIO.NS J 416 ' 1. Aar& 01100 Apple Atllit Pat. Pim, A pritpt t revs Wia tar mid cheap and tin iocitt ternis ifhrollect for `lll °het • • Lifiltllll3looVlilt. •FOR - g A 77 1 pair !rim pm- inlitched kale*: 1113-fmni 014.; sown" 'end - it4feci li ty brakes OF hint% and 60104 - arofts., ItY4cfAt;'•wagoti'oilivrtiPllbOtes. 1 CI gt:tilose tiread tread Wag"- with liaso bad. tar'fon r tiormn. dearly -new. -; 1 CW•tifge fnl'fie or "14n horscs,'new. 2 thorcingh"fireri ilurharn,Calet4, a bull sad a hello-, 1 yertr old A varitty of firm implements !ne Public Sale. 1 . 11116 sulescriberhavingdiposed otb a Farm. I will s'ell at Public Sale. nt Ith residence. in Hui:l6'44ton lowngrip, .1/Invits county, mile trout Reidlersburg. on the State .mad, on ?meeting, lie 21illh day qt . Febrriary nev, the fol lowing valuable fer.onal Property, viz: 1 F.k..IIILY NipkTiF. 2 Mares t;eary with a Cows, taco Beaty with Calf, a lot of Young Cattde, Sleep and Idogs, I Wagon, Lime lkd, Ploughs, Marron a, Cultivator, Corn-cov erer, Double Shoed. Plough. Three-horse Tree, Double ant Single Trees, Hay Carriages , Fine brake, Horseilalse.g cord Crain Drill, extra good Winnowing, Gc/..rs. Collarr sad olie god Riding Saddle. good Crain Cradle, ova - net of Buggy tfarnes , :, Sleigh, Itaktts, Fork. ite. .kLso, Household and Kitchen Furniture. and a variety of other urtivdes nut epeciried above. 'Sale incur:l:nem:o at 9 v'clu4., A. M., on, Enid day, when attendancQ will be given and terms muds known by SACOR B. MILLASL -afar Also . at the same time and place. will be offered.* i.OTIIF I.III.OUND, attieining the farm, coßtaioittg 12 4cres, cadre onleer..with a 110Mita,pd STA BLit tHereon, nrf exceffen ttdr r 19rd of eitolietruit, and two welts of water. Any, peiivestiltiot to flew the lot before the day orsale,will call on the snbseriber. JACOB B. MILLET?. Jin: 23, 18c0: " [Jour !lists, auctioneer ' rbt Sale cxr.eticut T vern ‘.7 Stand, in New Oxford, Adamq ROW, comity, j)l,, tor ninny year./ known as • .Mikey s `cavern, t present in the occupancy of G. F.. reslec. Tlio Itouse is large and eery ,convenient, with good' and large Stabßag, 'large Gardca and Lot or Groulid," with Mery necessary for a tateht, adjoirfing . the . Pubtic `Square, near the Oittlltitirg ppyAf to - AWN ifkeff*R-, • South George - Street, York, Pa. Jan. 16,18G0. • • Noe 1..: tu,s,, - „ ~ped,,A.ud„or, ped,,A . ud„or ,ppiiiitCd todfsi . - tribisto the balinfcivetnaitatig Iti the hands i iiitaitits j Ii.AVIAI:9II end fiAVIR - Soups, lisecutor; of , At.riptAlkittcran,deteaged, here byliyei rtgAice 1114 - liii "Iteport of !ligtiftini 4440".lottliis bicit 7-ckeittiiittqt to Min' by - ttio Court for a re-hetripi of the Vrfieo i 'lle will Ali ft.o B _,4444,41004786firi, 0 fild4, AO I.otk *a qj rfbruraxii fitii,, 0)9 ticket, .l: lli., for tlkoßorponliforviiiril : ortieti and whim au par t:LP itt iPilkercailig reveststl tg.attend. • WN1.11...11c.V.ELL.111; 4 uctiYor. Jan.. Ti, : IMO. xt " .. . thtgrfa - i 3 AM, Old; Al athisatod uf itis A l twvii 6( 1410' Jr& /Away anti :Fancy GoOtts geneitilly, Flit now give his whole attention to theCLOTIITVI ill'SlNESS,;•tuni will ac adtlinseaximep on hand *Ave 14+54 Reap clottir,S4lfinleves,„Cusi 7 ffe tti Wi" sitel and'ilites.*Ar genetlllf - - • . A 49,, eAy t nutdeLervAr Coats; Dreg and riogst,pietkii, raptiilooqs ' 'lieges; nnkey • cket t r iir *ins,. Pill vi, '<omits, sroev, ravats, v x &e. .clive . uildcalt • IVe•iiill sell arcsy pliclAii i ptit ;Ice ILS elf ealias the dlitsit!ii. Jan. 23, 18ee. . _ - _ . _ . • FPUANICT4 I 44 I A I I4pi.YXitAfgnO j_ _of I Q kithAittui et NI fp the cAkatt of Comptoa ci( ~quntY, and wilt lko totifipted Or the itatff. iuf, on the 214 dell o .afiguitif 4 ,ll l.4.nicas,cliutte yelkhowp to tiro. tootrati:. Proth'i. at, ....... sAllit * c .• ieisaterprollifieit'illr theaistreenibtr, re siding at notes Ifni in ifrunikon town- Ix lOW nistset* *bolo-she ist.at bepte m bet last, 4 - best* of , Snake, marked "I'. INV Vie coulter trill twenektersr!rd A prose Properly, pi* &nig.* lied take them away. , , - .hit. 23, 1,860. 3t With a , Roaah 1 a t 3. oA+RR•lias jag, resaisod 20 dradis' of 4 ,-Vlole3 mad PRUNES, asd • fine tut of • net sad !Ayer 11 , 361N5, all of which are icing alFicith a iraFh. [Jan. 0. 1860. Lime, Plaster, T 4 l.lll3Plit and COIL. of all kinds. eonstamtly I on hand, which we will sell at small profits for eAsh. All Coal, /sc., must he cash on de lfriery. KUNEFELTER, BuLLINGER it CO. Jan. 9, ItiO. Book Binding. OHM MAGAZINES and NEWS PAYERS. bound Ind returned in one week. at. W. IT: ACGMINBAUGH'S .2,416 -, ,rs above the Washington tionge. J&4. lt3, 1860. tf, Gettysburg, Pa. Lumber and Coal, T .01) f all kinds conatant li ly on baud, which we arc selling at srnall proms for CASH. Alf Coal. 3c., just he cash on delivery. .t. 4 IiFIDS & Jan. 23, Is4o. More New Jaoods AT the Sign of this BIG SOOT, in Chntuisers burg, sit t Ws hare just received a stock oft TS,, C i rS, HOOTS, SHOES. Trunks. Carpet au. I. mbrelLts; Buggj• ll3r ues/4 llallars, \Slips, km., and ere determined to sell at the levrest pricy,. possible fur cash.- - atisij udgs for sou.crel yea. bck• 11 1 /S.V. . . COBEAN k CUP. 741111•W.'llptott. - G 0 to Tipton's—go to l'irit'ousi— Go sct•Tiptan's in.the curtly— In the coinerla 'the Distanond— In the Diamond near hlcOlellants, I fip u want'i•oualhair . Ciresstxf ru want 1-ottr then shalid sdloOthly. llaclthtors'who nevi+ Ichevillt— the feilciw thatian • Do it in the latest fashicitiL- - • . Do it quick sot d'o IffieitPr, And improtC irdhifhtf tOcilth:ireatly, .kirla'yOu tool; so tiiiii4randWistitlf,' , Xsti(tlOtt feerithit AttifiresiklbrAtiltly , , fetetilte treistrisightly To call upon some pretty damsel :Who. bito're' Wdald d'utltc&a4yoni, faesiol+Vany,. - 'llsllrbtritii pamitreet. - • • • • r Aqaten Who wear Moustaches,' 70 :11lr !Mita to' sew patches— ratcyCOr..C.refour*bAcches tear- - 1:6 - 7 0 ; r :to Mae up rattlchett--Z • trillfsditst lady fair. - • rime:, MAO.' Nirt,,AWA*44 O P, ••••,-$ ii aY 11E -cor ;Jai Idoe cil ...Arita, ) Wayitsftoro', and wi th ii two nti/oi ofladmits. Iburg. *The dtoppo%ements are a largETwo-stows•tiongheasifl,w4l4l`r, „ I ink HOUSE, Log. Ram,. _N:sigon ' : f ii IShod, Cara ... Crib, Sprlng Monte,. ......„ with a Spring; there sire upon lite "n 7' . v.., 1 chirds, one..af which . is not excellidArt arty lot. -that di'?ttri,:t of conntiy. • Friends' God tistil'e- Creeks both passlhi - Ongh the *grin. .116:111114Illr hai ll large body of choice Timbevaid litlsktitt 1 good Meadow. The farm will buirdlilentbis or • in parcels. as may belt shit pord'beisitS.-IMit Timberland, embracing about 70'etarttr, tinfibe I sold sepatntely, entire or in rots to salt;. ~ ..a.• - •- - 1 stal•Sitla to corritumii•e at 10 o'c4ock, Achy ' lon said duy. when attendance still hi/giver:mil 1 tonna made known by - . J :NIES ti. 11A11/311ALL I 1 - Jt)llN 11FSSELIIAST, I A dirtinittraiors. - By the Court—n. G. WoLr, Ckrk. Jan. ..), 18GO. is MEM Di BS LTZTIOOVER TSubscriber, Executor of the , last L and teit.tment of JAM'S BLACC;dectimod, sell at Public Sarc,nt the latereslauvfbit 38,1 d dece,ed, (timberland townlthii, A r aatua, couniy, within y.ne mile of HorneilC3rlft; Tuesday. the 28A-day of February next, - titti lowing Personal Property, viz: .MARF., 4 good Coss A, I Sow Ana Pigit t Ou.c-hursc Wagcin, Carriage, Corn Plfi l l t its, Barrow, Winnowing :11111, 'Wheelbarrow, d uone. Hay Carriage, Cutting Ilov, and a varie ty Ad Ao).lke.r :arming articles. Also, lloulehold and Kitchen Furniture, such is Beds and Ilea steads, Tables, ('hairs, Set rotary, Ten-tate zitove and Pipe, Hathaway Cook Stove andlix turo4, CArkeLang, Case of Drawers, Stand/,'lron Kettle,Nleat Vessels. liarreis, &c., a guard:4,6f Ilacon, Flour sad Cluverseed. Also, one of 41:1,ey's Kee Vices, xlith an Individual "Wight— Also the patent Right of the same for Cumber land township. IfeirSale to commence at IQ o'elock,A.l4., on said day, when atte.u.lanco v.HI be giviritind terms made lehown boy FREDERICK MERL, &relator:, lia'The undersigned will sail at privats saki; at his tesidcurt,tei Tranklita township, 4, - 500 best quality Oak Lap Shingtos. PitKDEUICK Jan. 21, 1660. t% NaTicE, is kereby glree to all legatees anti other persona concerned that the Adrefe istratinn-aecounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's (13urt of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, on Tit Aldan at 21st of February next, at 10 o'clock, A. 168. The second and film( account,of Peter Stalismith (ut John,) and Abraham Spangler, Administrators of all and singular the goals and ehattelr, rights and credits which were of John Stallsmith, late of Straban township, Adams county, Pa., deceased. 169. The first and final account of Jonathan C. Forest, Administrator de bonis non, of Polly Bishop, late vi Germany township, deemed -110, Account of Wm. I.lll4cliftnd, Alissinle tratur clam testamento annexo of John Row-' man, deceased, as settled by Bernard Hilde brand en 1 A. y. Iliftlebyarsd, Administrators of Wm. Hildebrand, deceased. 17L. The first account o f Hamilton Threntt s , testamentary Trustoe of Jane Fisher, uo . der tV/i Syll of Thomas Leech, decervied. 172. The Seat and final account ar Peter_ Smith, Administrator of the estate otilary Cluck, late of the townAcip of Mountpleadant, deceased. • 173. The neCountof &mite! Linnh, Adminis— trator sithe estate of Thomas Linah, deceased. LACIIARI.LH MYERS, liagistir. Register's Office, Gett)a baer, Jan. 23, 18Gn. f i ll r iE undersigned, Auditor appointed htI: : .Adams - - Orphan's Court of ains county, to !la ibsatinst. of the I/Monte remaining G. it itantitafJost, B. Dessau, Executor oftiiititell will and iertsanent of Isxxc litritnenosattl,6l,l elfAstier,totcnskip, Aduius county, dee2o.4a , and among the parties legally entitle toOa - same; hereby gives notice that he willialtiuito the duties of his appoinimeni at his office,. In Gettysburg, on Thursciay,4he hT day of February 1 , next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and w)tern awl partial intercated are requested to 'MIA ' - Jan. 16, 1860. J. C. NEEL Y , Aisifki. 'SAMUEL WEAVER - Notice to Partners , - 100 00,9-IzErrtilvsuit4T.. 1.47.4).3.ee fae whe`tiiii.tii• AK. iltirgtlellsovr Warehouse, weik4o • " A pirquinia, Plaster, Salt; Ike; • sisT leleeterstoclr Of Luta* surtfUstlf ou Land fur titan s _ ' ' lest' (LArd, • • - Go d' and' 'an e , S R I AG ps - a la s ic irXest . s •o: . es CARR E t.a r 4 , all sts brioche/P.1,441s esliiitlistasts • where be b 4 oa,trac ; s O t is may w e.„ visu • we sod Bost-bodz Ca rnaies Top, 11.0eic5.0.7 - *4 'Troti•lutliog -4.l.•sty Woppei *e. WI ifikpirZ ut ea-aar d eed.nnk. rf:01 1 ;11 n Atte 3ox„OttifieroTibit q• 'doss are A mosikke towe ejatirsokanue at stto &I AA= st apisitgio* Tates. Oulltift? is; 'eseliange ftir cart : 5 , 19 4sammitm, IMIE BEE 4 FMB .-•:---- Ilia! - 's4 i aid ActilroFk •it. eakotr ~e ~roi' •'-9Ab~llt'~. " sieelment nf is [wham AreaPti , AINELIkAVEII,, a cuiii, st, i MR*/ UZI Public Sale. Regitterli Not tee. Notice. Notice. rilBE undersigned, Auditor appointed by Ate Court of Common Pleas of Adalns rpm*, to report distribution amongst ereditomor,,tho fund appearing in the hands ofJuzu ijsu and G•to.CnitirmAN, Assignees ofJonwCWris was, upon their first account, will sit 10,05- charge the duties of his appointment, ow nom& day, the Bth day of February sand, at 10 p'elAlcii, 111., at the office of NE. W. McClean * * oaf trent' rg, when and where all persons utkaroilliwl may attend. WM. IIrCLEAN, Amide's. Jan. It, 18GO. td Notice. TAMES BLACK'S ESTlTE.—Lettoto eit, Il e • en t r .s on the estate of lamp- Itbseit, late of Cumberland township, Adiuns Inmate, decensed. baying been granted to Use Inwdet signed, residinp, iu Franklin township, hafiore. by gibes notice to all persons indebted to said estate tosmAke inintediater,payniesi r and those having claims against the aouip to pre.L• sent them -properly suthentiented,for4etide ment. FLIED KILIC K Jun. 2, IRCO. Gt Notice. TOFIN 130131,1TZ'S ESTATE.—Lettetisitsii nitnistration on the estate of JoliniktpVW, e of Hamilton towrighlp, Adsms corkinalre- Celled, haring been granted tins andeetirloll, (the tint named residing in Paradisiellerliillidp, York county, aid the last named 1it5414.0110- said liamilton township,) ther v ittebtrilVic notice to all persont . indebted - +Winablasitie• to inake immediate payment, and Stbditibla Mile ChliM3 zwaimit the same to preseoltikompaggie.• ty authenticated for settlement,- -, fi r .. JOHN nititglo-4sirdr, -s-%%'r • BUS ANNA II DOULlalkittialex. Jan. 9, 18C0. 't _ - ..!ii-" ~bepNhr ti ter way
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers