Goods—consists. la pert424.llding Materials, with N Saila, Savers Hinges, Bolts, Locke, Glass, Toot+, larladht, &IP Tool* at aila7 destriptiou Saws, Piaiset,e Chime's, Gouges, / Bracesaai BUM Augers, Squares, laiseges, rdeng . SFIErr lE2 . 417-IDS ---' ac win awe " wv,s, ka Ti a lr " P arched ilk. : vices, Rasps, ' Filet, lion. alma', Boma-shoe slush if Tta and Sheet iron Ware of George LI Nails, he., with them, very cheap. Coach tied ii.elll#4ll.ll4 •Pells'i il l "14U/shale/it c". seeWti lags, meth as C l canvass, 6.ausk, Irna their v iva n ",. i . ll " i ta' t ad " . tette'', Noss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Aries, Hobbs, ttsr ""T!"'"'""",,`"'"1,,„ of ,, 6 ". i . ari x tpokes, Fellewt, Bows , Poles, Shafts, ke. Shoe """ w'—rn'"" everything in `" a '"" 'indings, Teutpieu. Brash and Freed' Morocco, at VW prices. In addition to the ordout Linings, ifindiews, Pegs, Limns, Boot Trues, ry wed; PSI 7 have a large supply of kit ch e n with a general assortment Stickmaks's tools. NMI Win Atnsittitiag goods, of every variety, k , Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment-- L uld , 15411141 " 1 ".." 4 . 1141" "d tin Kettles slat, Varnish, Knobs, he. BUVSEKEEPERS Woking 3 " ' l7 l"' Cali "' I " will also Ind a large assortment of Knives and use thibu Spleidi4 assortment o Stoves and Forks, Brittaania, A/bats sad Silver-plated goods at their Warehouse , os bla and Tea Spoons, Caadle- sticks , 'Walters. searommer or Cariisie rtailroad streets. Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Muainelled and g poi " t at g" " e ",. not ,: ce ", ,lAl- Brass Kettles, Yens, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, "'"1 a l ways on "a" a* their he. Also, a general assortment of forged and 09110.tht same 44-ive. rolled MON of all sizes arid kinds ; Cast . Shear, U, SiIEADS ; and Blister Steel, which theyMirill sail as cheap _ _ - -- - - . . Oyster Saloons. ias the cheapest. GROCERIES, a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised, raugassinteri(rer has opened new Grater and Clarided and Brown Surars; New Orleans, ~ ttl o iag Salon:, on the south' side of, w ast I n d ia „ a d s ugar liana! Molasses and hay street, the Diamond, its° ..,, ru p a , coff e e, : 4 pic'es.*Choculate, Fine, Coarse , , . Weiser Gen Arnold's Store.) where he and Dalry Salt: Linseed, Fish and Sperm 011.; ' norive EVE“Y DAY, (Scalar eleePted , ) Turpentine, Fish. tc.; &full assortment of Lead Ed sorra Ia the rappe l s styles, the beat quality and z inc, d ry an d in o il ; abiu Fire-proof Paints; or 'UM OYSTER, from Baltimore. BY in fact. almost teary aritcle in the hardware, NI it 1P 24141 ertiele• he etePee" 1 ,0 receive e I'usch Finding, Shoe Finding, Housekeeping, patronage. lie will al.° supply O r y . s- Ittlackswitb,l'abinet ILaker's, Painter's, t ;las ter's, tifil aingitunle to other establishments, 1 and Grocery line. all of which they are deteruiln lirDlU of Far. will. boweree, nut toe e't'nfin - ed to sell ass low for CASH as any house out of teiOysters alone. Other articles in the Eat- tt..,„ity. I ,IF;; 4I h. DANNER, tag Pee ten always by Lad itt seasoulitsti a It.lrlikkarr ZIEuLEIr.. at* sten aAU L ' 1 Gettysburg, Way 24, 1858. " fillreetkrance to Lad!cs'S.iloon st the centre---.-- • . -- —___ diet 011ie htitilding---to Gentlemen's Saloon loon at , . Change of Hours lakie sow «soloin g it oa the west. O N 'PIE GETTYSBURG RAILROAD!— G. F. ECKENCODE. . , . • kf Sommer Arrengenteser.—Ou and after Mum- G•Upburg, Oct. 31 . 1,1:..9 day. April 21st , the MORNING TRAIN will leave ... Gettysburg it 6.30 o'clock A. X , connecting a} Hanover Junction with Express train to Balti more at 9 .31. and Mail train /roar Baltimore et 9 32, returning to tiett;:sburg at 12.30 neon, with passengers from 11,11tinsore. York, liarris burg, Philadelphia. and the North and Neat. The AFTERNOON TRAIN will leave Gettys burg at 1 o'clock, I'. M., connecting at Hanover Junction a ith Mall train is , Baltimore at 3.37, re turekpg to Gettysburg about 111,3111 P. 11.; with' passehgers fruns York, I larrisbusg, Philadelphia n and the North anti We it. Iporßy the above arrangenie9l passengers tan go either North or South on the Northern Central Railway both morning and iftersoon. It. ll'el;ADY, President. Clirika and Produce House, 6vgjf 10/1.11110:11SBUIZt; STREET.—The un ilieallipted haring purchased the large lathe rear of his store on Chambers ' street: known as " Camp's !trot - try." kers usertried It into a Prod,:ce Warehouse, Led I# new prepared to recetre all kinds of Grohs and Produce, to nit : “AlirlsWi l WHEAT. RYE, CORN. OATS, 801114 AM., Lir Irbfch the highest market price !rill be given. jerffe accommodate those who may prefer if e I 101.1 also receive on COMMISSION and fft•erattlrroduee of all kinds, havit.g made ar =ffrts for that purpose with 2 rt.sponsible the city. ' 'Video 'continue my Grocery and 'Variety Slaty, and keep on hand GROCERIES of all tisds, &It, Coffee, sugar, Molasses. Teas, Eke, Wit, Sploi, VIA, Cedar-ware, de. Raving jallt reeeired a very large supply. purchased on relmarkalrly favorable urn's, I am prepared to 1111.•klifiensntry Dast;ers t ery c4eaply, and will 'WI at all times, W 1.101.1:SA LE AND RETAIL. •rebne are invited to call Lefore purchasing worliere, as I am determined to sell as cheap paicheapest; oft the principle of "Qnielt and Swell Profits." JOHN SCUTT. gettylberg, Sept. 5, lc:O. Railroad Store. C. OrT.NN k BftO. have just received and ~, ~opening nt their new store on the treat corner of Cent re &inure. GeUysburg, aanss complete assortment of Spring and Goods aulf Groceries. The ladies par . are Invited tp call and eximi4,eßuf ay essioe styles of Dress Goods and Fancy nOicles, =everything coining properly ssult,r at prices ilia hereia:rure equalled, anti surpassed by none. GENTLLMEN'S tr u lulktlpsory description, consisting ofCloths, plisi*as . , Casinetts. Coatings, Vestings, kc., *WIC Dot be surpassed out of the city in stray sad price. ' Os/ alokkuf Groceries is also complete, while tzL44O, article' generally found in • Dry pka4 dm be bud at the "Railroad Store" of Lit; Quinn k Sm. Relieving' that the pub i.. 1•91 Suit themselves better here than else _. • Ws infite tlthn to give us a call. For • of oar assartiou. call and examine our r wen if you don't buy. (April 4, 1859. .. , • meter Rivpr ' NicM to the tore at Green assusal lo . r Rar--a,, ins !—The undersigned WO mad rrpostfuliy inform the publit that , . ilisroliased the Store of John Weikert, at i. . Adams county. half-way on the . , •,m o,ettysburg to Emmitshorg, where he by ittesitiou and small profit., to Fe l"- la the old custom end secure lots of new IT:.jidnwit of 1.?1!) . "(1p4)DS, of every description, •ts k,- • Copte.c4misFies, Queens a Are, Wooden. ` . 4*.ttaryware,, dc., is larp 14 ilmilpsi-- . 4iqual to that of any other first(- he will sell at prices' astonishingly ~,' . ise aisly asks a trial, to prpre ilia 'Huth of . -. * . tliard° B2 . 'ilipFqdnito taLen in exchange for goods. J. ALEX. I.I.IILPEIL Iliasiersireed also carries .on the C.R. .• .., '.. ..I.AIC,.ING Vusitiess at the same place, and Ortueouseuts to purchasers. lie will : --'''- 4 ,''.• 4 / 4 2 - srprk good, whilst his char's.* are . . ..., , ' ties) huoderate. Repairing Lone gp ..i -,• a , - J. ALEX. ILARPER.'" . , . ' .. • •• 4,1859. ly. . tc , m i d Bee the Bargains! _ * X ilireiLllENi haring just returned from I I. ; the city of Philadelphia, where he has wry carefully his FALL AND WINTER woos, la prepared to show the prettiest ale eilei flax Wostable stork of goods its his line k' !!7 atbie place, which will be sold at . will defy all competition. His stock AND GAL'S is full and complete, em- Ileu's No. black Silk Hats , lien's idea ere Hats. Men's fine ooft Felt Hats, Yea's Ledger Ham Men's RElssia Broad Rim 10t4Ilea's Siik Velvet Caps, Ledger Caps, P 14,44, aid Must; trimmed Caps. A nplakid assort:fent of BOYS' k CHILDREN'S CA.lPi6,ftena Ilf.) cis.. to $1.25. Also, an esteue sits asortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, con iiiiiippuf Ha's Water-proof Boots, Fine Calf ORNIE.-pled moots, fleecy Kip Hoots, Calf Con. geOlt_eaters, Boys' Roots, Shoes and Gaiters. Tliesiltftel to ray friends- and customers for Earonig 4oge b, politeness and fair dealing ri iroirieh eOntin u cur t , of their patronsge. , 4114..1'1, 11139. . N. Y. IcILIIIOiT. ' i ' Still at Work! • , . . 01... t • KIXO AND BLACKSMrrWNG. IP ttl ' 44ig. 1 1.4 1 47 47 1 'n" 11 = awil Pro WAN OW 4it **lignites tbsliwpsinneiting 5441 BlaelniaiSking basinvil Si WO* tomb at his estabdiaiunsat is Chats. WOE* Ors*. a s MS on basil 'and will ittmtne tatrils jesiois r all articles o C, rw ßlLl ork A i G e ES : •:, . t .t. , : SUilieliS, Spring Wagobs, ht.-, of tad made by superior work r • . g= li stntss and ihazipwrzpro Of by lan& Skala at ' raisaaabia vale s , prc?mptly ki. . lbawstialartioa . of eastomera.- • .. . Plogoecs salsta is eseltsagt 14 market prima. MaiWilibiagliae, an re ,, nnifpd t•Yeali da .• _ 'Xiilli L. DOLTZWIATif. VI,P F H- 4 g.'hi• 34. 'll. ••kriiinde E NNW 11. 811111111111. . i sebsetthar . := lA*: ' t = 1 Atm& Iti. it* pane r:4107 111 4 111 1411Me fr r ,„ am rdatovtii ids blip Ibtralle bosiatts, at *a elf Astir tit imitirr, i Bine littiabitabsomet, , tt la Mailman as etaisr the soms, atris mod ! Chouleburip WWI b. bet olow‘ 0* WA, Iles et Wllflla & VIM" ma, sod sok, i lag vlll - dmitiame to Lisp Do sal•, am as atiii erl2l sodemvor to ' r, a eismfaiimice of emirs variety of w•rk, 9f kis ova manufacture. tie pattemage of (be add arm, as will Ase any ; Tbe work isms& up In thebeet sad most durable geaktlty anew custom. They Isavejast Musa- manner. twiddles all the surest styles, and ml Irma the cities wtte so Lissom stock of embraces BOOTS t SOM. Yee's, Woman's April 35,18:4 The Greatest Discovery .A.Glie—lallanimatory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cared by , tieing IL 1.. 9,LEft'S CELEBRATED RIIECMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent eitizeas of this, and the - adjoining comities, bare testified to Its great utility. Its sweets ta Rheumatic allec- Dons. has been hitherto napantilaiod by any specific introduced to the public. ?Tic% SO cents per bottle. For pals by all druggialland storekeepers. Prepared only by 11 L. KILLER, Whuheads and Retail Druggist. Bast Sortia, Adams count'', Pa., dealer is Drags, Litentleals, oils, Varnish, Bpdrita, Dye-staffs, bot tled Oils, .Essadash and Tinctures, Window Glmss. Perfumery, Patent /Widnes, Re., ho. be•.t. D. Buehler is the Agent is ilettysburK fur - 11. L. Miler's Deishrstatt Illteumatis tire , " [Oct. 24, DM. 17 gall This Way t. t;rubscriber would inform the public that he coutiuues his MACULCii SHOP, is Chanebersburg street, Gettysburg. sear the Foundry, where be has various kinds s( Ma chines on hand. such as Threshing Minehisass, Core libellers, Condi:KW, Cutters, Clove seed Hullers, Straw Cutters, .od 11111rws Powers el different kind,,—two, four or six -horse, to suit purchasers;—indeed all such as rah be had at linnover or Littlestowa. Also, Mortising Ma chines, fur house carpenters, pet split the very best and most subhtantial greaser. Cutting Screws or long Bolts, any kind or size 1.1111 thaw eleven feet in length, .always attended to,as well as Turning in iron, casting or woad. Alas all kinds of REPAIRING on Machinery,dressing.up Mill Spindles. kc., done on the shortest notice. The umiergigned manufactures Mossas's Partxr 110R,gi 444 E, a - hick ha agars at the lowest living profit. ' lie is likewise agent for the REAPER # MOIrER iseaufeetered by Jocpli :+liarethan, at List Berlin. I hope that all in want olaurttlinsip r i/DP will call at lay Shop before going elanitere, will warraai aU 14,r troFk to give satlatisetioo to purchasers. D.,t V 11) STERNeit, lEril 11, IVA. ly* Cannon ac Adair's NEW /lAUBLE COreer of Plaid -11 more and East Middle streeM, directly tap : posits the new Court Roots, Gettysberg.-.- Having recently arrived from Pkiladelphia, and feeling fully competent to execute all work In the finest style of the art, we would respectful ly invite the attention of the public wishing so procure anything in our line, to fat or us with a call and examine specimens of our work. We are prepared to fernish MON UIIE:CIS. TO 11 BS AND lIEAMITONES, MAILIILE MANTLE: 4 , SLABS for Cabinet-makers, and all other wurk appertaining to our humitea., at the lowest pos sible prices. We do nut hesitate to guarantee that our nark Alaif be put up in a manner sub stantial and ta.teful equal to the best to be seen iu the cities, where every improvement which experience has suggested is availed of, and especially do we guarantee that one Ceme tery sad Grate Yard work shall be so carefully set 53 net to be affected by frost,bnt shall main tain for years that erectness of position given at the completion of a job, and so necessary to continsed gracefulness and symmetry, NOV. 28, Ibis. tf Marble Yar4 Removed. THE subseriCer having removed his place of , business to East York street, • short die-. toice below SL James' Church, would asnonnes: to the psblie that be is still prepared to furnish all builds of work is his line, smell as Yowl s , ',meats, Jlesdatones, lc., le., of every variety of style and finish, with and without bases and sa kets, to snit pareisesers, and et prices to suit ' the times. Persons desiring anything in his line will and it • decided advantage to team:lie his stock sad prices tx4ere pure /muting elsewhere. WY. B. MEALS. Gettysburg, March 21, 1859. Just in Season! GIVE CI:1A CALI, s—tbs undersigned have jest received Ores cities an lesens* 'welt at CLOTIfek C Y 9, CASBIItNTS, TES - TINOS it se varieties, be., suitable for the BUMS, which they offer to the public at azipre tsdestedly toe Mrs. " They ask a call, To coasters oil " Stf the IMOt or this essertrea trashi* to mid give pries . 4 Ism led of ItUADME CLOTUINCIaIso 111 do/4w thu emliv- Gement' side sp fer men sad boys, as us ual, In the very bad satseteh sad aeasedhig to airy style desfreti. The week be* dense is their ego iatahliihatest, they ass alsaye *s abred to warrant tt liessersber, Weir pbsai of busts's* hi the large sad caaseedieus roes ad ioiaing Cohost t Culp's, ea Clausbersbarg -street. JACOBS e 11110., • Seta. le, lASS. liereksat Tatters. Na► Goods— At CK.IO3A--111211? GOOTIEL—Tab %Tampa Seillpeas hantjust mimed hoe eikfitsielikilliliggid,prieffiert amid Sol i Vr im et Om& win* 411414 4 dog c e i ja.: l4 Z ViO cb a rouh .Kr ff i ," gra, am* 14 7 y1 1 1 4 tirtr ibr Virg" al, shlloo. Irio r . Fltitt : Ir t= l ; t 7 ree ir. b itZt=3l. - V I M i:. is esee,as. Sice!..:) , -- : ,-0-• ::: 1- ', " . cir.' 0 arid Children's GALTILLI, in short, every article tonally to be found in a bra( 'class establish ment *film kind. lie has now and 101 continue to have employed a acimber of workmen. " bard to beat." to make ep customer work.' Thal he will esti CHEAP, le easily pruvina: (wells e mil, examine his Boots, Sh ties and Gaiters, end get his prices. With unexceptionable work and low rates, be hopes for and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. SiirShoeinakers are informed that be al ways hasps on bead "[WPM'S-9," for Filioes and Gaiters, ready for bottoming, which he disposes of en pleasing terms.: JOHN BiLLWFCG. Sept. 11, 1859. 1 y GETTYSBCRO.--The undersigned informs the citizens of toe town and county, that he s commenced the BAKING business, on a Large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly ctpposite %Valiles's Hotel, where be will try to deserve, and hopes to receive. a liberal patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, te. , &c., baked e err day, (:., days excepted,) all of the best quality, and sold at the lowest lit log profits. Cracker-baking in all its brunches is largely carried on, and orders to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. having erected a large and commodwus bake-house and secured the hest workman and the most ap proved machinery, he is prepared to do heavy 11{44111CM Ala 15, 1859 ST A. SUOTT 0 SON'S NEW STORE.—We bare just received our stock of goods Here We Are Again 1 i "unable for the Fall and Winter AMC!, to which elilliT from the city with the heat and cheaP": We invite the attention of buyers--which for O est assortment of SYRUPS and MLASSES , heauty tied price cannot be surpassed—among t at we have yet offered, calculated to please, which may be found a variety of LADIES' all person, s in quality and prices ; SUGARS, • 1 lIIREtki GOODS, of now and fashionable de very large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS. Chow"-: "iris, Shawls, Bonnets, Trisomlags, oc.. oc. late, Rice, Cheese, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers Dar stock of DOMESTIC GOODS is also fell and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured{and complete. For BEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, HAMS and SHOULDERS, Lard, Shad, Mackerel e have a variety of Cloths, Cassinsern, Stal w and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Hackett, Pets, Jeans, /te., of various styles and prices.— tr.; Baskets, Flour Solves, Brooms, Brushes, kAlso, GROCERIES AND QEREESWARIL -oc.; all kinds of Cordage; Concentrated Lye; Having purchased oar goods sit low prices for Extra and Superfine ruwa, all kinds of Feed; ' mat, we are ,enabled to sell them at prices to Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constantly oa "rat the times. All we ask i• 41111 esassination head; Posey Goods, Coarectionaries and Frisk. 'sif g_nr stock before purchasing. Thankful for Otte us a call. It affords us pleasure to show pee' encouragement, we hope by strict a/Xen on r lge and [avid,: sleek. I tion to business and • desire to /Oise, to KORDECE It VASTLY. M ane, as well as receive, a continuance of the Gettysburg. Nay 30,1350. as well as lots of new. Our motto is, Quick sales and small profits." Oct: 3,1839. A. SCOTT 0 SON'. PareFARMEILi AND MIERCHANTI4.—We I are now opened our Large and commodious besse, on the COTINIr ef Stratton sad Rail read streets, sear the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Oiimpaay, and are prepared to receive prelim* of all khaki, via: FLOUR, WHEAT, rs, CORN, °Ars, tr. Also, Oa hand and for sale, Salt, Gasses, Plaster, Fish, he. A large slack of Groceries just renewed, coosisting of Began, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils, itter, l Teas, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-wars, fic., which we do ant hesitate to say, we will sell as low as eau Ds bought elsewhere, whoiesale sad ',talk Merchants will do well by calling Is see sod manilas ear stock before purchasing else where, as our motto will be "%nick sales aad instal profits." We would also call the attention et all Inter ested la the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Hor Hags, he.. to the fact that • ire have for sale Breiaig, Frunellekl t Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable ,CATTLit Po WDER, of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds I per moot to Farmers and Storekeepers. KL/NRVRLTIR, ROLLINUKR t CO. Gettysbarg, ept. I, 1110 s. Latest News! rizgreat excitement is Gettryberg said calmed by Pickle es CU./1111N all seat mod read/ made, OW pads are all freak, YL atvks are all new, hit drop is sad eee sad you'd Sod this Is tree. It yea west a Sae seat, he bee every shade, Ow. brows sad black, all well trimmed sod made Lad Y 4 large steak apemen eserprtave all eaters The Sea* et tlearksers, Daavklas set ethers: And ftwer if lib rode all 40 Patients an set, Of See Wks and maw, sad volveSe sot Sew i Ifla musk is tee brie is seaarerate ken, to a word he has ail that sesames wear. He hsi ales $ sleek made expressly for youth, And his mods of dealing Is *truss end truth ; Ad the beet Olt all 1. die Avet(leas soy Ploys'.. H. selling et prises to SUIT TUB RASO TINES. Tes'll always dad Clothiag, le quality ram Made rap of sartorial' for service and wear; Von sit•p hits a tali andyeell had hiatus hand, Is Chitaturg strett, right at his 0141 used. Gottytitery, t/ct. 17, 18411. Everybody Take Notioe TIiAT the andtirslvied has jut returned from the city, and has now on hand, and imeasts keeping constantly, as fine au assort meat of GROCIMUS aad QV 2WATt as has ever been kept In this place. Also a very fine usortment of FISCITS. 'TO RailllP L Malaga Figs, new dried rurranti, • drum 'Yip or first quality. prime Dates. ORANGES and LESIONS, a prime article of Leghorn Citron, a splendid article of Braady Peaches, prime artiolos of Cheese and Teas, lipicias of all klasis ; also a lot of freqi NUTS, each as Pecans, 44, monde and Palm Nuts—and • grail meat other articles in the Fruit and Grocery way, ton nu merous to mention. Also a lot of FANCY NOTIONS, such as Soaps, Pertumertes, kn. It. G. CARR. Store is Hoary Thomas's room. next door to Saupee's Bakery, in East York street. Gettysburg, Doe. 19, 1859. -IqOrGIIT and SOLD at the 8. f r . corner of the Diamond, Gettysburg. ee. 5, MD. Z. MYERS. Removal. . A LI, LEXANDER FRAZER, Clock and Watch-; maker, has removed his shop to the room , on t e West aide of the Public Flume, lately , occupied by David A. Buehler, Esq., as a Law' Office, where he will always be happy, to attend to the calla of customers. Thankful for past favors ' he hopes, by strict attention to busieru and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, April 11, 1150 Globe Inn, ArrANICSTOWN, Frederick eau n ty.Md.-4 isrisig bees re opted sad re-furaiihed, the proprietor assures the public that is call is *only needed, se be parastees Poll satisfaetlort is every case. Ctims mooierata 'RT SbRR , Proprietor. . FRSh. 14, ISM. tt Gepoug SOROS • SIE:NILY ri will asks Moors lipostiog and pug up** smog low, for *ash of sonstry prongs*. tgrasostrad all QUIN* risking to Looses, barns, Sic., spouu od, would Jo well to giro time • salt. April 1x,'53. tt G. & 11. WANPLER. T: H x.rxr: ba t reUr"e tt. ::wilira ter be costiaaed at the ow. steed, is Baltimore i sm street, b theirs' s*, Beery W. Damon sad Way. heists , coder the mane sod style gif Illetßer * ,Irs., whom wowill r e costmeiii 1., iiiA for T.a_ 1r 01 I 4 bleMbak * Mow* shags of patrotsge di' ead eisotemers, aad cd tite setae is sosend. Suit; trem tbe liformstile immiitese, Is is ' ler old beshilm stoma 11. Ruled up. - it o . , SO* mal 'WI debilmll te •ii siOlor by Sob or AE (lea sad • woo 44 Oahe witito ' limas trip 1111 *est et this 'TiAltd4 ll. l . let flik, Wit . . 114VID ' 4 AltiL J. - is s a= 1 es. . yowls' mites not* lire, illem.l .I.• ~,,,' 1.• , .4) , it-ht nailHl ts at BM S.W. ME Something New VALENTINE SAME. Notioe Come one end all, And sire me Country Produoe Notice. imbibes Us r e lin respete.-, eel Oil poribesmeo tai Om* I Old 4 1 11 Nett Shed &..d, beim%boy has* a large arson- intskt sad Litgoors s $ elwicoM brands and qoallties. davits( made menu yri 14 wee of Ifs* (first hooves le CAW sod Rochelle, eatables Una to Wall/A to Moir customers, apes the stoat liberal toms, tits tollowistg Woods of Carrie sat ltaabelle: BRANDIES: tftar4, ' , footway, Elellersions, Most, Castillion • J. 1. Dept y Ss Co., T. mows, A. Serviette, Maisel, Emelt, c Bs., of various brands and qualities. WLVES: Catitinsagoe, Madeira, Lisb•is. Old Oporto, Teesrilte, Burgeudy Huck, laical, Ohuet, enemy, aid Malaga Wi'nee. .131 BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, ED, Mai statures., ot liproced Tigise-etatch EWIIIO MACHINES, for Families and Mandliactstring Ilanbildemeate. Let Seaufacturere Planters, Fanners, House keepers, or any other persar he search of an lastrement to t4ceets say kind of Sawing low doss by =sciatica"-, make sae they meagre the , best, by examining aura before purchasing. ' Illiirflanepies of Work sect by mai. Was.? conmrres • ( MOD 111111.11 fa MAOIIIIII, 1. It should be well made, simple in its cos structies, and easily kept in order. 2. It should make a rigor tore-smog, alike on both sides of the material. 3. It should sew any and all materials that can be sewed. 4. It &mkt be able to use Cotton, Thread, or Silk, directly from the spool. 5 It should be able to sew from wares to line, and hum thick to thin, with rapidity, and with out changing the tension. It should be able to make the Weldon greater or less, on both the nader and upper threads, and with uniformity. 7. It should bays a straight needle ; maned ones are liable to break. 8. The needle should have porpeediatlas motion. This is absolutely secesamy for heavy work. O. It should be capable elf taking Is the largest pieces of work. 10. It should be able to Mad with a binder, beta with • baser; should stitch, fell, run and gather. 11. Itobonid be always reedy to work. 13. It should be capable of wain the same size of thread on both rides of tin work, and of using diligent colored thread or Silk, above or below, to correspoitd with say two colors of cloth to be salted. 13. It should be able to make • long er short stitch. 14. It should be able to tastes of the seas, and commence sewing tightly at the first stitch. M. It should run easily and woks but little noise. 16. It should have a wheel Sped; sous others ars la constant contact with the work. IT. It should not be liable to get out of order. in. It should sot be liable to break the , thread, nor skip stitches. 19. It should sot be necessary to an a 'crew- Pars 1 Furs !I I driver or wetted; be est the needle. OSRPII ROSENBAUM!, FANCY FUR 29. It should not be liable to oil the opera .. 4 MANUFACTURER b IMPORTER, glit' fors dress 21. It should not form a Moos the under ;has sow ready his very extensive Stock of a d, mu , meet sat, ast , b e waste f u l o f t h rea d, • ;Yuril ; " HuLiti " C'ffret. Half-Capes , V 1446.. SA is the case with ALL cn•re-extres machines. irises, Muffs, 0" air., in !link Sable, Stops , 23, it should not b e -t own trou bl e than it !Marten, Fitch, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, le wurtto land other lower priced Furs, all of which be is , 13. vim,* all eiribeee advantages are pas _ ;prepared to sell at prices to defy oonspetitioa. sewed by oar blowing macula, i All Furs sold IN this store, are worrsoodto be LADD, wEasrsit what they are represented. I Pee. I, 1113114 Store: No. 416 Arch street, between 4th sod — 1 5th, (above Eyre and Landelrs Dry Goods Store.) alga of the Glohlen Lime, Philadelphia. P. B—Furs altered into fashionable styles, at • moderate charge. [Oct. 17, 1859. 3m _ Glorimis News ! - O ET can be saved by calling on the sub , in. scriber, who has just returned front the cities with one of the largest stocks of FALL and WINTER GOODS ever brought to Gettys burg—in pert as hillows: French Marian% plaits and figured. Cobalt.' , of all kinds, Courts Detains, all prices, Ories twl Silk Illusions, and • large assort ment of plain aid figured Silks, Alpacas, lloatharines, kr.; French Worked Collars, to dersleeves, Ileadkerehlefs, FlovarloV4 Edg lags, Laces, lnserting.; Boaver. and Ribbons, Shawls and Mantillas; Muslins, Linea, Sheet- Inge. Hosiery, Gloves, he- Cloths, Cashmere+, Cessleets, Castings, and everything else In the geotleseen's wear line. The nudersigeed is than kfiel ter past favors, and will spare no effort to deserve the public's continued patronage. J. L. SCHICK, Oct. 17. S. W. earner of the Diamond. Holland Gin, Schelde= Schnapps, Jam*lra. Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Blsckberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry u nla c es • Cordials, Wine !Utters, Amsterdam • Bitters, Also, Agee= sad Sel* Propel/Pre of the Old Whest Whiskey. Constantly on hand a• ex- teusive stock offs* old Menougalels, Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guareuteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly improved by age. From our long experience in the businoss, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to dll all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which arc most re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to . Great care taken in packing and shipping. ga`All goods sent from one establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. R. P. 1/11)DLETON k BRO., No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia, Feb 7, 1859. ly Now Fall and Winter Goods, )1 ‘ Dr. Basks._ TREATS ALL DISEASE.3.—DII. N AAKES will give special attention to the following mules: Coughs, Colds, Coassmption ' Croup, Infonaut, Asthma, Broaching and all diseases of the Noes, Ilona, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to tee uwatineat o( all Skin disauses--Lum ibeta, Lombar Abscesses, Scrofula. Rheims- Lissa, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, D;isprptia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, lig% er and Bowels; alms all chronic diseases pertaining to Woman sad Children. Dr. ltaakee can pro , duce oat thousand certificates of his perfect 1 ammo In coring Comers, 014 Sores or t lcers, Fistula., Scald Heads, Wens, Swelliuzs sad Tu mors of every description and without the use of the knith. These Mat named diseases can- Not be treated by eorrespondenel, therefore the patients *net pbtoe themselves under the Doc- DH,oes personal supervissloss. BAAKEE has made a new discovery of a Mid that will peados, perfect absorption of the CATALLICT, and restore perfect visite, to the Eye wttlteat 'he nee of the knife or needle, and he aura all diseases of the NYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and be her eoestently ise hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Sir Drums, suitable fur either sex mid all ages —lnserted le five minutes. Also. • large as sortment of Ear Trumpets of all sixes and every description known in the world. Also, a large •asortment of beautiful Artificial Bands, with Wrist, Arm and Elbow attachments. Also, of Yeet,.wlth Ankle, Leg and Knee-joint attach menta—natural as nature itself. These articles can be sent by Express to any part of the world. Dr, Baakee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physician, and Surgeons now living.— His fame is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All leUers address ed to Dr. Baakee must contain WA cents, to pay postage and incidental expenses. All Chronic direness can be treated by correspondence, ex cept those mentioned, that will require his per sonal supervision. Office hours from 9A. M., to 4 P. ld. DOCTOR B.AAKEE, 704 Broadway, a few doors above Fourth street, Nov. 7,'59. Dan. 31. ly] New York City. danp Count y 4,7T17.111 A 4 FIRS LAURA NCR CORPANY.— Ickoorporstsl Karel 411, orrlce9, Arreakes.--Gso ginsl4. Vies Presilsu-41. A. Ruud). awrwary—D. .4. Smokier. David X'Creary. Mawlhre Shanwilesa—liobert 14430,141,4enb Lbw, Andrew Ilidatwebaag, Jfaaa7ara...4eorge Swope, D. 4. ilweldinfrh' cob King, A. tfelotselapan, WOW) , Tillol6 A. linrekall, S. rah sesabelt, Wa. X cVkt s, Ws: B. Wiboa, 11. liktbaborger, Abdisi John Watford, H. A. Pinking, Abel!. Weight, John Hornet, IL O. Seeeisty, S. IL. 'lnnen, D. WOreary, Andrew !aim Jobs Picking, J.ll, Iterek. /114/"This Coaapsay Is 11•114•4 fa Its opera tion se She 'oast" et Adana. Is bas bale Is sueassabil spenaiea Ilia more tie" to roya l aad la that pasted bag paid ail lassai ad OS!. paastsoaltiart say assn lartias alas a low ntylas saybal to Ibe OM 411tlpt 441010-.11 • w ig eigilple trim Ma Moat 141 by *a asealtbaisia. Aar as Wafts*. as ei sp=abova soledyell 1 40 ON I M Oespialy ea tiro boat 7 al ' IMP,' Owe% IA T. - UAL No d iftwaima ordp • ismer thee last Ml s g amosa ataipplCßPl arrITO of QOIIENB rt Cr NOTIONS, at H. G. cAnirs, Yorii asu~sa 5T.14... missile N. C. N. I Lammas, No. toren de Ms( haponosr Blocks, - tier ami l tle si Sri Phiam, sae of Warrsated Omar Ky . . AUG, C9Sees, C9C4a150, ask Zsophas mi Stows of all sizes. [Fab. 1, '59. ly Ledd, Webster & Co., --- *ins., Brandies, 1 NrXS, BLACK TEAS, to. P. TIBILYAX k 80M. loffer for sale the &Hewing articles. of t Ix own importation, partienlarly for faud ly am: • Some Wixes.—Pessartine's [rest pale, gold and brown Sherries, is wood sad la ilea. POI? Wisaa—deindentaa's competition red aid while Port, Is wood and is glass. i ilaosiaa Wisa—John Howard ]larch's fine i Milieirs, In wood and, in glass ; also, Grape Janes. Hoag Wteas--labaseesbereer, Ste' sherger, Mareabranner, Cabinet, Lien-San-ssileb, Urea aeberg, of 1844. Casstessms Insta—Most. sad Clutadoa's fin. est. in quarts and pints. ilasinstas—Otazd &BA flossaiessy a tee old psis and dart Steadies. kris—Old rad Gee Jamaica, Antigua. nren ads, sad boos the I sada, Imported direct trees Leedom. klataara cis—Trio best itaallty—Tiersaa ►nei—awl a* Water* of anstaalis puha* la it. 200 kalf r►ests a ef. imett Sesreassa Ts,. • Bellinger., Aug. 39, ISA& ly ltimore lisle Aramltutgary. iltunra LIPROVED SALAMANDER SAlFlLlL—Tlitrentsails efilallars la proper. ty all kinds, eared .sourly ht . tbeee bibs that serer ailed to proem their reateuts.— Paetery, Domain street, Peer Were, Rhode sad 154 North street, Nedtimers. Sale rooms, 2fo. 16, South Charles street. ?maims and prices seed fee a elreular. AU Sores ~- mated to ere satisfaction. 1.. IT. MILLER. N.. 14 South Martel street. Oet. 17, 184*. 19•.27. ly] Ba ltbeere, Md. A. •. RAW= • /Email:as & Carroll, n011)11.3810N 31111tC1IANTS, kd Firs E rma( Wad sod IL It Depot, „W. .121 Sorg iftmeeri &m e, - RALTLIWILII, ND. Fob. ly Dr. M'Lane's fit LEDRATED YERZIKCIII k Livnue._ PILLS.—We beg leave to toll the .IMo- 1-- tie's of the Trade, sod more especially the 11 Phyuleialui of the country, to two of the Mart i f; popular remedies wow before the public. We Worts DR. CHAS. M'LA.N ICS CELEBRATED r o l YERNIMGE AND LIVER PILLS. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls. ea but simply for what their name purports, viz: t o The YERIIEUGE, for expelling Worms from r o the human system. It has also been adminis- ca tered with the most satisfactory results to ra. r, l l rious Animals subject to Worma. The LIVER en PILLS, for the care of Lorca Coori. A rnrs, aU at 1i11.101:i [UR A ICI EXINTS, NCR 11CAo-AQrta,kt. PC In cases of lzvse Aso Aare, preparatory to mg or after taking Quinine, they almost invaria bly make a speedy and permaneut care. a As epecillke for the above mentioned die- II" eases, they are unrivaled, and sever knows tit to Atli whoa administered is accordance with 11. the directloos. Their unprecedented popularity has la- ;,,' 3 4 dared theProprletors,FLliMlNG IiItOTIMIL4, ow PITTSBUILCI, PA., to dispose of their Drug business, In which they have been sucoessfilly engaged On the last 10 years, end they will ys now give their undivided tints and attention to their triaanfacturs. And being determined that Dr. li'Lotte'a Celebrated lieriniftige and Liver Pills shall ecettinoe to occupy the high position they now had among tie great remedies of the day, they *l3l cooties* to spar* neither time nor expense hi procuring the Beet and Puree*, materials, and compound them la the moat thorongivasiumo. Addeo,. all orders to runny° 11110TUERR, .4 Pittston*, Pa. P. B.—asolors sad Pityabdaos ordroy from Mims Nos Viendoe Brim, will do wed. to wit, th eir s w iss itwimetly , sod Nkomo but Dr. Leda, frqpird Sy Maw Pittriesp, h. To &moo wisidag Go Eire thook a Mei, on th. fboword pot oesil post pobi t ter soy pert et Colsol Now, or box of ?No for torolre *noosed podgy otasepo, or ems rbd of Ter hr foterseao ebeepo AM" 'All or din iron Cooed& Ron be socompeadod ht Urea- Sy onto Oro. Tot oe4 by A. D. Itanddor, Aral, Oettysborg, pot hi di leare geomoldif thatmehout the sougey. Kay VMS. ly lode& a rsiboollior, WIDE loos ANwham Al. ow ilf lho masts obi 011 hook at Gomm. Obis* NIS *Mum I#l ivab, triliZtarbeT:YA asisr.M."6. isi g‘Maii aor oil a.oefolool‘solot boor 11110 prposat or dmir oher s="les to Os =146 6.6 io 0! to o*. • soda j I"e oi. or ilisoolliuypillbroa to Nowt* lie oolkorisoii, milli." rP iu.4 sili ff i is MIAT/ 414 M 41 11M , Dow IN nip. 4it , - TO: A g gireisd e li Amph" sr 4adi* M i . 1 •00r o ' er7collo . rim bc , , ‘s .sre, gke sta. .B..g.ttirkoto Adtv•ttEs., Ping woad= EAMILISTI OOTTAGI 1 11.1113TWOOD, No. loi North Charles Behtlimws, haelag boon engaged for the 1? years hi the sumetaosore sad sale of Ise 'boos destrable rillialare, suited to oeouatry tesillewes, Ilea on bead a large variety, saaaukte- Wad expressly f retail sales. Also, Oak acrd Watts Chamber Bats, Oak sod Walant 114305010 e Tables, hams sad Iftwri Chain, Sideboards, Hair and Nat vessel, Feather Pillows sad Bolsters, te., &v. Naar al, 1814. ly Franklin House, r'Num: sad Itetandabed, Caren of Frowerri end Mundt& strata few squares west of orthern Central Balmy Depot, &turf man. Torus $1 per day. G. LEISENIIING, Proprietor, Rvat Salim &ere, Pew. 1, 1853. eta Artists', Painters' Ain) PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.--.The subscriber has constantly on hand a fail ameortniesit of materials for the use of Artists, PssiassreendPentrecoMses. Also on hand a large and Demoting assortment of SitMN:Vie blare mow dud l'isses, embracing every variety of Foreign and American Lemdscapas, SkiltbdriY, Psrles and Masi Groups, ,:to. The beauty and interest of the Stormscopic Views upon the par ks. *hit hienish a ending source of en tertainment both to visitors and the home circle. COCNTRY NE.RCEIANU supplied on the snot liberal terms. W. A. WIIIONQ A No. 2 N. Liberty St., Bolthsore, Jose 27, 1839. 2y B. T. Bytom, TTPUOLBURE PAPER HANGER, AND YENSTLAN BLIND BANTPACTURER, Jo. 52 North Howard Eike . t, non door ab?va Losingion„ Basettleas._ Apar doge . --Coastantly to atom Pape Routings of every deseriptioa, and of the Was sad moat approved pectins. Al., Borders Piro Board Petals, Re. Vargo Ithads.—Keeps aa hand, sad maim- Sextons to order, I - medals Minds of all colors, BIM sad qualities, which will minimize forum. bly with any offered to the public. sir Paper Banging done In the best style.— Old Blinds repainted sad trinintill, or exchange I. BArch 7, 18:4. ly • James EL Ik:ode*, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Nes. 124 and /21 Sort* Strom, BALTLVONE, MD. 1 ass prepared to receive and see •A Commits 'ion all kinds of CQUNTRY PRODUCE. Having as =primes of bee years hs the Commission Mochas, (and wishing to eomtlamo that alone,) I Ratter myself that I don be able to give &sets / ACTXIY SO all who favor as wilt ooasisounants Will also attend to filling orders for (kw:grip, Guano, mad all kinds of Fertilisers. Feb. 14, '39. ly GOODS, Ns, 11 Korth Neword street, two doors North at the Howard House.—The uactersigned, haring made large additions to his stock, Is prepared la &swish lionseiteepers, Colmar; Merchants sad other*, with sack articles as they want; oa the Tory best terms. Bacatuts : Whitewash, Sweeping, Dusting, Paint, Hair, Tooth, Nad i Slim, Shoe, Scrub and Horse Stashes. Weetses-wsas : Suck as Tubs, Rackets, Measures, Tar Bockats, Chum, Mauls, Rolling Inas, Ratter Prints, ke. Breouts,.Basketa, Mats and Cordage. Mane?. b asinate lee Crean Freezers. Itettigeratom ugrillilt sad chest—the most approved Mods. Water Coolers, la Wood or Metal. Tin mad Wire Saha. Arthur's and Mime asost approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serviag Case, plain Tla-ware, Japanned, Block Tim, Brawls sad Plated Warn. Albats Forks sod Spouses, Cram, Coffee aad Tea Pots, Egg Meilen, Waiters, Llbethig Dishes, kni es and Forks. Wallis boas, Sums Palm, Scales and Weights, Coale MIAs, Table Castors, Old Lewis ham Corea risk, nerd sad Teats, Nurse Lamps, Toilet Feta, Foot Tube,. Slab Tubs, Knife Clasen, Wire Disk Coven, Table Mats. together with a variety *tartish. modal wad necessary to Reasekeepers. Mohr t Davie Patent Excelsior Raskin Matthias& Plain Tia and Sheet Iron Ware sad Bruebee of rimy deaciption, mann- Isetered ta order. UMO. A. MILLS, Me. 11 Earth Bewail' et. i Baltimore, Md. March 14, ISM. ly FELL AID BRASS WOW, 53 Holliday West, Eta Minors, Md. REGRSTER & id, the Proprietors, are prepared to famish BULLS of all deseriptioaa, from 10 to 10,400 ponds, which are warranted equal l quality of tone, proloagation of sound and durability, to say made is the tufted States. Oar Bells are made of ow best materials, warranted to give entire malaise-ties ; also, agslast breakage. Tana Bells, ranging Item 10 to 100 pounds, always cis band at aortbero priers. For Certificates witk full partkulors, seed for sae of oar Clrealan. XDVI F. CAIEOLL. Aug. 29, 1959. ly I.oo_ 4111019. • 2.1.-Wr , FIJNDED 1852. Chartered 1834. Located 1./R. OF EALTI3IORE k CHARLES STS., Bsynauses, Ma. 711 e Largest, Meet Elegantly Furnished k Popular Cimuneecial College in the United States. DICSIGNICH EXPLEsSLY FOR YOUNG MEN Desiring to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education. E% ery Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self, end is separately Instructed. STVDSNTS IX ATTXXLIA.SCI 'SOU N Ersiv STATE IX TRS L.IO!. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OP INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. No Copying from Printed or Ilaysstlipt Forms hi I.KAINISO 110 , 11X-IZEPIIS AT TUX DALTIMuRE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. This method of instruction is nowhere else intro duced in this country. Erery Young Man skunk( write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing die etterier sad interior view of the College, Penmanship, ke., which will be sent by return mall, free of diary*, with Cate, Logue containing list of students, termsof tuition, opinions of the Prose op oar new system of Book- Keeping, etc. E. K. Lasts; Principal—Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, Bulimia, Customs, etc. J. IL Femurs, Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial Cale.lotions. H. H. DAVIZI, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. K. C. loussos, Professor of Penmanship. 8. T. WILLWIII, KIR., Kereantile Law. Rat. L Y. Russ, D. D., Commercial Ethics. TIRISTIZII 800. Jobs P. Itotautly, Boa. Joshua Vanotat, lbw Mama Swam, Via. IL Keith*, ltsq., litoob Trost, Leg., William Knobs, Esq. 'The time required to eirapieto the till course, bon S to 12 weeks. A %none is innooleA watt Grailosies. Luso Climbs, mot Csieloguee mete torus, he., suit ier mall ft I#, dor. A 4 L K. 1008111 R, 'Wows, IL Tob. I, lOW 17 EISsAs AND rixtruss w4moome, 1(m -mai St IL Oaf itttish, Ihdlehm, -z ay) taMillift _4 l lll l Goy !a TradoeSch 0.-43•Dieggposi insimis of the Mod ha ob. Wings MID ea brad OPTIC •S MglIV •••~01. et IWIMINOLD I lei. IMP. SWUM ledlimike:Waasired• it'd rimbiry ises te Ha* Chola 424 1611; eat. ... 8•04 Ih••••=retea, Affla Alialm llmalook Sambi• VANN, r, terinegl=el=ll/441. Wise OWN. Mr Mahn, ado' albdip, . . aid ftalso, Thiih 11/044 1144 au .4•41 O Immo haw imblig amm o Ism. 11060, itliftwi _INVOI 111111 0, s. probio. as wow it aid sae 1100 that Me* ea 1 1.111111114%114.01 111,1111611, NMI Illt. w o w . o •011•116/ My - h. I INK ' N°.• 2 4 ~ ri 11 : aoty semi. * tag. 1, 1430. ly House Furnishing riT.Tmoi r•ccirr : ' A. aLithiot & &nit Use Inter's BALS :UGC COUGH 'RCP. AS A FAMILY RR CY IT tLAR NQ EQCA I. 1 TIOTHIONY or Cmtormax. spirTh's is to certify, that oa the ree commindation of a regular and skilful clan, we have need the "Balsamic= - 1 ...Syrup " prepared by W. B. Shriner, in our thesis ly, and And it t r answer well the pavane for which it is prepared. • 8. Rasmus, Pastor of Lutheran Church, Taneytowa, Md. Read the following Letter from Rev. H. p, Jordan : • Nittearoirs, Rd. Mr. W. E. Sbriner,—sear Sir :—I bare given your " Salamis Cough Syrup " a fair trial, and am happy to say that I have never tried any. thing that relieved ma so soon. I hare also 1 gives it is my fatally with the sagas goad cf. recto% every instance. It is certainty a must excellent remedy, and ought to be in every fami ly. The exceeding luvr price at whle it is sold 1 pieces it within the reach of all. Parana the liberty I have taken in thus giv i lag my experience la the use of the Syrup uaso licked by you. Respectfully yours, H. P. JOlllO4Ol. TISTINONT OF POITAICIASS. Ltestrry, Frederick co., Ild. Nr. Shriner :—At your request, I bars ex amine! the composition of your "Balomic Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the 11414410dg, and having witneesed its good ef fects, I caa recommend it to the public is a valuable componed for Coughs. Colds, and all chronic pulmonary affections. Tees. But, M. D. TANRYTOWS, I have prescribed W. E. Shriner's "-Balseuxic Cough Syrup" is my practice foe several yarird, and regard it as an exeellest medicine in Coughs, Colds, and an Brouchial affections. Saul. Swam, Y. D. PITS TIM' sseitaistica. .lerrensos, Turk co., Pa.. JItlY 1559. To W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir bare keen keeping your "Balsamic Cough Syrup" for sale for the last Ise years, and it has given almost aniversal satisfaction. It Is one of the most popular 14410n5/in use In our neighliorhoed. that sales, tberofore,taso been large, especially last winter, having sold at retail at least tea dozes bottles. /therefore do not hesitate to recommend It to the public as a good medicine. Yours, respectailly, Jams SPAZOLIII. PORTICO'. Sunss. York co., Mal IT, 1859. W. B. ribriner,—Dear Sir : 'oar Cough Syrup is becoming very popular ben. I have been selling it for about two years, and it gives more general satisfaction than any medicine I hare ever add. We use it In ear fatally, and would not be wlibo%t it on any account. For children, it certainly Is an invaluable medi cine. S. G. IIIiONSIMED. JACICSO3, York CO. Xay 18, 1858. To W.V.. Shriner :—I coasitirryour Itaisamie Cough Syrup one of the best Cough remedies of the day. There is uo medicine / have ever sold gare surh universal satisfaction, and none that I hare used in my family I like so well. YOgre trnly, C. F. Mumma. Price, 871 cts..siper boule, or 3 bottles for $1 Sold by all Druggists and Merchants. Oct. 17, 1839. lent Howard Association, Benevoleat institution 'established by special garlawarent, for the teifrf of the Slck and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and fflpidenue Diseases, and eapectally for the Cure of Disease. of the Sexual Organs.— Medical advice given gratis,' by the Acting Surgeon. to all who apply by letter, with a ds scription of their emu:titian, (age, occasion, habits of fife, ke.,) sad in eases of astrim• poverty, Medicine furnished tree of charge. VALCA111.11111114)12TS oa Sperniatorrtuen, and other Maltese' of the Sexual Organs, and ea the SEW REMEDIM employed in the Dis pensary, sent to the afflicted ip sealed envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps tar post sup will be acceptable. Address Dr. J. SKILLILY MOVOTITON, Acting Surgeon, Heward Association, 'fix • South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, 'e. fly order of the Dlrectort. KZRA D. bibiRTWELL, oss. ?mamma', Eke, :co., 1, 1,85 v. ly Hanover B. Railroad. NVEKTER'ARFLANGENENTS.—Ou and af ter Monday, the sth Inst., the Passe:l - Trains will nut as follows: First Train leaves Hanover -at $ A. 11., with Passengers Ear &lantern York, Harris burg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Train leaves llauoverat 3 P.M., with Passengers for Baltimore sad interntediato points. Extra Train on every Tuesday sad Saturday leaves Hanover at S P. M., with. Passengers for York. Harrisburg, *a., returning with Pas sengers from Baltimore. Through tickets are now issued to Pbiladel p hit, Columbia. 11 arri sbn rg,W Bead ing, Baltimore, York, Wrightsville, and all oth er principal way points on the iln of the Northern Central Railway. D. K. THOSE, Ticket Agent, Hanover, Dee. 5, ifatt. : al* 0 1: viz subscriber has ;entered his Flougk -I and Machine Shop from the Foundry building to RailrosAl street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith shop. back of the Eagle Hotel. where he is Letter prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on band and made t' order at the shortest notice, twi.f Machines, Reapers, Le., repaired. Also ha will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks, May 10. DAVID WARREN. A Fresh Assortment OF GOODS RECEIVED AT REISINGER'S. —The subscriber has just returned from the City with another and most splendid assort. meat of Goods for GENTLEMEN'S WEAR—to which he calls the attention cf the poilim has selected his stock with great care, and can sell and manufeeture every variety of Clothing In the eheapest and most substantial manner. Its desires all who wish to be well fitted with good, genteel FALL AND WLSTER CLOTHLSG, to give him a cull. Re cannot be =celled in the town. Every one, therefore, who desires a bargain, should call with hies ai his Merchant Teliseing Forabilsbaient Carlisle alreVis mut , dale to JiWoaseely's Hall. JACOB RZININGEIL Oct. 31, MC FTTTMrr=I A. Boat Non, aILII3IB La My Goods. FSDC7 /Aides, Qmoiriewara, Greyerlieff kin ken ore • Howl," Clbsolker•br rg stmt. J.W. Sot" (z ag as desks AM of Inodior it. atm) 4 - 1 wrrianarra MargignIONPOIS, sad Ur Offirt? iuntterorr a y Olha slot String (mart ivillis _ 20%00 4 T. SUUTT teMPOPthi ii;thlrriLimodworigo - ii4s pis *ad *hada* kip we Mb% awl lc so 11l arolors keSintgliat.4lo _mtimbilid. COMltla Tows siiiipsimi 17xesia.m. . ._ . irlibilOoddle asi** ".6.l = litega 1441 4 iiii - --5 . 4 - - • .- . 'ilmta, coat tiaktit 111. ' 'gam aad quallthis, at' scone* 1 ' MD 4. ELLSTXT MT?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers