laft.Orh?liatiott Congress rn on ' her; it is now ,the 1: there 4 so no or , Mice tariff i s., !responsib_. le fur ~.-....eats,ap- Q ieetlies _people that I crate certainly, for they area minority, they could and would arrange the tariff ' whereas their opponents have a majori.' so as to eel the interests of Penosylra • -•,,• ty.. Why do they not elect then? The ma. They tiqw )ape a, large rnejority I , quest.;on ie answered very a.atisfaetorily , in Congress, and 'these Proteasioriss wiNe 'by the Buffalo Commercia l, an Opposi-, soon be brought to the proof. We ; eion paper. It says in ace Mr. Se?,•op's , shall ace whether a protective serif arrive! in Washiegton ho ""li.seadfnOtll 'wilt' be proposed ittrffettreied, ; or Wireiber I • I t hispFerlovingfriebdseliat they were kill- all the promises made last fall were !leg ti - Oth him sett hi3 - pnrtyhystn-esteesat' m ' ode with the fun - know/edge that I qfkincineas. 'He has urged upon the Re- they epeld nqt be rettitard, he Ess efe Almost ,a SReaker. . I publicans the necessity of withdrawing ' publican party elone.,have ;bout a pun- , - ..,... ..11•1qraw . i . ia :vise an exeiting Penne •hir. Surs.ittx and'ilfnitiqg µ},m either, (inlet members._ jn Congre s s, and pl' #leitioa licpre sefAcyresentatiects fester-, Mr. G11..11U3 or -Mr. Centplx. His ad- course wilLexe,rte controllieg infleenee ,day,•when :that heteiy Went once rl"re ',vice has peen rejected, end with a pig- I ever this snhject _ We 6ornmend the d a y f!vlil , e . fora ,Peaker. A s tile vnting, headed obstinacy whieli dace far rappej following extraet frow a recent article ; prea" l ted - tirentfrle of ( Ivo libn• w• •-'";•' credit to their fi delity • to men than to • in the New York Eveniag Pass, ajoadine ' 11. tife,d,, iflslOrtli Carotins—who, on' their wisdom as staiesmen, they Insist RcTubliean authority, to those who re - - s ee „. - S. 4110 itey494!) day, lead received as high' ei3OI, dingle,;; to Mr. SIIF.RM.kN as a' ly upon the flepublicans for a moditiea-1 us ilmefies, but subsequently fell off to represeitatik.; Jean. it, does not, re-, lion of the present tariff: I 1/117.744/tr to loom up largely Ile meat - . quire a sagacity so profound as that; "Ti ho gere-ati i , i on wit is rising np l bilre ''aialiouneed their' choke. 'phis claimed for Mr. SKWAIno, to see-that the in this country in fur the west p art he- ' I 'P *l tititnber of Democrats to quick - ith freetrade ideas, and I e ful/y ; eonrile In 2: recommends 'is dictated by buel TY their Votes Nvilli the belie of, ' ~ •,;' • . '. . ' believe that ie twenty tears the auto- ' f 7 •-•- ~., • youn . 4 pol , i,cy. This then is the rea- e , *, ear tss too: se who bold . to (lie rrot.ettj•.'e l • paetißlVltir. Sinith, AVIO is an old lino do— n, . 10 tl iZepuLlicapisare determined to syhttllu will net be runcli larger than it tifltitinted With Know-Nothine- , , , , te force their sillies to swallow Seiftuass, the nuinupr (q Ipvho. who wali f tain tilat, . .., .-. . • I ) ISM;lintl theseene became quite exOting. , 01 ; ha,. e no organization. the nun goes round the earth. ,f 1 - :AN, rpuit w as that Mr. Smith finally " lolcalitime, if Lk," etshjee, tis introdu-1 eareawithin three votes of being elected Ate4r•Some of the Meek Republicans cod into Congress it most he discussed , he ntanlier necessaryl to a choice • 'be; of the _New Intl: Tr;!.ane. school are •• on its luirlnsle WerilF', withoet any aid ing 115, and he receiving 11., it hale . 4 . fl , I from party intlaerieee, in , t as. we should : disk, l'oth " Ill' II!'' / 1 ::" "?`' l ' i' , wish it. to be discusseel end - &Tided Mr. Sberman had 100, 1 time u;' Isesidis,g their National Conven- The Democratic party is already too they hardly keetw, they say , ' much divided in regerd to other fines.; liender, this tlircatim'ng stete of eir_l tion ; mimatances, the' Republicans thought it' u hich was the greatest blunder, t,q pulls dense.° allow a new cause ofi vision to. I it at Chicago or to tall ,t in June _:arisebyattempting to . eneralt , _the pro- I wise to avoid anothet• vote, and Mr. tectivesystem on as treed. it, on the Thaddeus 'Steven?, of Pa , inured an ; They say that a change is absoletely , ~I totner nasal, nn attempt slipup be made' I :eeeese!'Y. F or the time the Elaine ! to interpolate it among the doetrines aiijournin ' eut till '. ( fOndav next ) which i, the fi rst of May ; the place, further west ; of the Repeblican }early, it would break I Wee. carried iii• six inoi eI: ;t\ • . ft ~.T he discontents go so; o=l4 party into a th9neatid fragments. 1 evident the Republicans design caucus: than Clikagn• in th e m. Sen of Saturday. bins '. in . ori —', tar as 3 to Ea • that this deftly .. .presages i IVAewer plemps 11,:s the . csrem . ej Ma , 5 ,..- . tparty, u . 44ityper may be his profess i ons. " - - - 4 eitot-- -- - I flettli4l- Pine of the fl4it l ifill ` 4.1.44HP' ° ' l Will the Republicans of Penmel trania . elirThe Maryland State -% grienitur i the . ..N. Y. 1 ribune :1; W.hy do net gar t - , '. ~ .. : sal- air , stein ii!.. Frederick, lore -Nevem, lieputaltertnAl .o enrnftle speak out on -.this; -- . br, seems to 'have given t now i m- -.. • . 1.1 -, . , , St/ blest ? ther:tlemb-foltrtided, or 'ldoxYD rides : }o tip spirit of improvemer.te has a laud indifferento stize'd them--a tAn Abolitionietlees Virginia and Chan inKleg tisefarmers of Frederick county. ' gee his Sentiments. ; precursor of eotaing (1440". Thiel * A:ititir,roong ball, but ten months old,, fa i th 4 p ci . 0 of _ time and p ii tets toi Iffrels'atifinaCoppie, it quaker gentle litusHittilli-been 'bought near Emmits- , man Of riff,ler township, in this county, h l elp their sinking caitse, argues groat • uF gi s Or rifty Dollars ceedi. Re is Of t • . tomplepesti in the Iterpublieants; the only • has always been a warm abolitionist. Iliepure thorough-bred Durham stock,„ I thing that will ,help theeils change or . le is an undo of • E c iw ' un i Cl'Pl's u, A nd originally purchased by AI _ ount St. , ita- ( - rued and . conduct; , cease 1 is ofs car , 7 • 'it Cone •• 0 froths J V4l Ed (T I.) VI Ex Bs - - • ~ . , g . .,., - , - . . ~ 1 , ton the aouth. .The people are every. l bringing home the retuning of hasp •ne. the Farmer Of Mount Airy. The Col-y home I I whore risin.upingaimkt thiesaetimmlianel phew fur int,erttfont. On his wa iess hopdpwhith wits SO much ndr • ni 4 "4 I 018 4b6litit4ii critifinality,'that is iot9ie-1 ho was detained at. Wellsvillq for a eoti-1 on the ,ruir grounds, and besides the :at•eoaversa tlng such vast infUrr on oar noble hind; l pie of hours, and there had horieilt won by individual animals, took I and their defent isa prell _ sure thing , I , tion with Mr. D. T. Lawson, in which - pergersior'lze, has been lately enrich- I unless the peeple are moem ” iudiffurent Ih° said said : "I come home a converted pd"Jor the oddit.on of two of Mr. Gow- i Ito the dnti- they owe themselves and Man. The Virginiani tfro ns kind-hear prt'ti.fiaeSt young Durbi/Is. They pas -1 p osterity , than th ey appe.fir to be now." I led tied Christian a people us I ever vas sed.thremiets fiettysburg to their dOst.i. • •. among. Our anii-elavery agitatiou nt • pod quarters a short time since. Few the North is all wrong. lam satisfied n_ erf - haF.e dune as mach for agricultural it has put back titb cause of the slate, science and progress in this cemltry,oa and lam going home to do what I can 4..... , 1.443 FarmeF of Moun t Airy. P ennsyl- to put it down, and I hope thee. * iii do ... . . Tanis may well be proud of such sons the saute. I satisfied all Virginia K, zDyms Abu rizoraltror. r4k 510Wittc4i, JO. 30. 1860 Tho Year Book of the Farm and Garden," is the tide if a beautiful lade volume, in p. rov er,published • 'Ter 04. #. Spangler, Esq., Editor of the Finopr anti Pardener, Philadelphia.— IriontOps over 100 pages of matter I.p the faro per and gardener, and .prcitusely and clegapthy illustrated. pciafrif.? gents. With aview of intro lippirit it, extensively, Mr. Spangler •' . B, to furnish it and copy of the *Vitimer and Gardner, a large and • ms Ape monthly quarto, for one year #4, fill'Among the measr.res before the §4lO, tegislaturp is a bill ititrOucea 0304 r. 1) 4 •4 41 ), explutip:,; frptii sitle,or 4oeArio!k thn bomeatead of a .iptiseliql- Oftlittiog ;I*Nrity. ezernial,s from !elry fbr debt, 4 !loUsa occupied as a res- Nenpp, pf Op value of $l,OOO, in ad fliplets .,, , to wt xt it poi exernpt, by law, 00 - tkis exemption is to continue after 4eatO of the debtor until the you n g pat.p i)d years old and the iii*ttt , of plo mooed by the sheriff, are to chlternlino hetet _ -the property more or less Optecsl.,ooo lii ittlue. If' any lot or 14uild!pektyp been declared a home under the provisions of this act ; !Ai 41pp it cannot *be sold or Icas.ed for a imprjeynt than ono year s bit reserved fotshOuSlarse 4f the faniily—,nuliass the Tit*ma'clocq, or nnlees one thousand - 11 1 4 . 00, Vay over for it, to bo inves tcl494-r4property for the use of the 14444:- The' - Democeliac 'Convention of , gleijktfun aunty met on the 11th' their trick. Their object is easily die _43lo,6444,el„eptudf Major Jons C ars- i corned. Thriy think that persons tak ri+,!: Ppregate to the 'State . do.-Pv u ~°• 'i ing the - .74 - iiniee mill naturally imbibe . 1 0. 4 7K1!. e r n g: 7141-1 7-I'r e t i9nB ' l° Slits doctridolyand thus they expect to Ali o cilaiquWlS far.T'-roalde4 qtid F h 4.T }'rube !hack Republicans out of 'the few - ipaleretaruor.,' .4P4. WM. ? - ~ ! -SnILL 1 national and'lQtislalite Mpg yit rhinitip ' 4lialrelk t abali " at P" 1 * 41042 * ling in the "rauliewf ite . ofpi)sitipp..- 's!`7•tr ; ''..: =l t :t4tien)ocrai4c- cionveatiqn - of Demootats Pliould be op- their guard, - s. , ii ' &foe tal; Rid gwa y, a a dt i le gd;fatc this..scheme 4vill• be , tried• with *alt fiagNetiinidapied resoltitions -m(a)p4- who 'refuse tosWegiari).Plllhe l'ef!crlaet-' .: ittiniotii 4 ilitticilnititkii - atton. W. 4. iRk Ciigger";-;Redfor# ia:ill i te. ----..sob- Atte, 44 ui t. P . 11,11. 1. jililiA2,. : tor ' qoee . ,rgtor, ~ 1144 . 4 se:, 0 .-7. 0,ii ft r2s6Ntiom :ware dim7.042/0:1:ivfli--,-, Tll t i : Tiarrie,: ipirlc4clanstil,isi-:..tfp....)T0 . '''' .l 4 ol l ll44lt _ x M l4 :r" 4-4L4 S-1 0 1204 1 *! - 'beil. it Mar....sitoug; ad`- Nia ) l fr. ~ - --,. r ,firer trail) o* I.** N. I .i:ilea 14109Mittet,Arbir*•1101141 Itimpe pas- ''sefilEtlifftit frOM that' I*co I let T/ UrpiCinsit PA' tretn` 6o46l4- 4 . apal‘epn itudnrsday. The ► instil mg artte4d tpeia 11144Pileil by 11.- .:Verbilt i keffiks4ls- 1 0, 11 13!.Vd i151411i4r 1 ...40.puh14#4 1 / 4 4igirphof, yliiFli4opt petted I 4iii4llo4.ranalia il//4. 4 4P.g4.9, 1 ' 4 7 11, tioi 41•00risisbaikomaii4 1114 - 4 0 bin "pt=. 14e - AboaditiAar' .14de it '51 1 4 , 4 " ",•,. . -, 0 1 , _ .. 4.4401, . !Noe ' grAfki .... '. AIM , . intuits' ' ---- - --. -N 4k sa - 41044 iv:iiiii gfoterl - if**l 'ooiyjz the ..g 11/ tiogV 410M4IVAilalf: ritokieloclPOo , • 6 , Ma- say t it siv,' - - '16 1 116 S .-- . i. 40 . 44111111111 w tailiisjp, .1 Mti' l frt.° Ike irinitopwieuvje irkrobirail o, NW *se artitirsio.o44l seniinirios, and instruction 18 ' , ' 1 P i P l/ 44th" I°th ftW" 1 r bk•Srt. M. . ‘,IVFII , , • " 1 hot con . i sir Orp liati's COIIII ...: L.. ' ' • t..... . .... 1.- ~,1 4 .., .. _ . . Six jurors, eum- ze-Tho Mack , Iternblieen members °four State s begiAature have felt them spivoa culled upon to go to tlic assistance I of Jot rw SITEIOCAV, the candidate for Speaker of the National House of Re rescntatives, who recommended the infamous Helper boots, 'which declares 1 that no man can be a .patriot without. .4 being an Abolitionist, and counselit oicil war an 4 the wholesale inarder of the j slave-holding citizens of the Sheik' A joint resolution has passed both Houses, sustaining the supporters of thiS traitor !candidata: Tha whoIPORP O 64O" " 44) was cast in its favor, whilst. the ;Demo : crats voted against it in solid colnian. At the same time en amendment of Senator Bell, 'u rg in g the organization of Congress by the clectivi of a tempo racy Spe.aker, for the purpose of retie lying the mail contractors and other suffering pr;ditors of the Government, was flatly ignored: Thee, the whole Opposition party in Ponnsylvania has ben, piactically transferred tg thp liclperites.—Carii4/e T'olunteer. • itV-The etrtrt to Abc,litioniz^ trip Op position in this county, is still going on. Bundles of the N. Y. Tribufic are diatri bitted among those who are considered wavering, or doubtful, and clubs nre quietly made up fu r 1.i, ;1 t ini,enclialy, al)ti tralsopoio §lick 9 !,, under the repro b!nitation that it is a good netcspoper and that subscriptions are not asked for . it fur political purpoes. AVo are informed 0114 in h ce4ltiri 14cn! , •,ty in this county, where thu congervative "Americans" yet have some foot-hold, several of the Abolition leaders 'went secretly to work and indutcd u number of apsus4,ccting ",Binejicfms" to sub 64.tihu for titP 4-W044, aftec thiW had succeeded in their ely game, laugh- Cid most constinaettly at the success of want* is Christian treatment, and at the - proper time alto will do more - for the sitree than we ever can." • 11r. Cop pie never before li,adepene.l hie eyes to the dianbtrous oonsequenees of &*orthern fannticiera; but no having learned them, like an honest man, lie wilt endea vor to put down agitation. Thei e are a. great many people 91 the mine class, and when they.gatfairly to ruderakati4 where they are drifting,.they wiU eat loose from the rampant 'abolitiOnists t and net to work to create n tone of healthy consorvatiam.—.New .r.:1,46411 (riot.- "Off With His Head.'.' Tho Republitane of thq,'Legieleture ere vigorously using the guillotine of pkwor, and the beads of honest Demo cratic subordinates arc being lopped off with astonishing rapidity. Tho latest decapitation is that of old 4r. Cliappei, the keeper of the Rotunda of the Cap itol, who wns dischnrgod yesterday morning for the lieleops crime of Imiug the Democratic ticket litz! Saturday ! Mr. Chanel \N as a soldier of the war of Igl2—is poor and infirm, and &boa seventy-five years of age. Ins only duty seente,l to ha to pre9erve order anion , ' the boys Visiting the Capitol—a past wh;ch be filled very satisfgeterily, lie received one dollar per day for his services. There are PrBttll3 - 'about "twenty appliest ions for the vapaot post. —Barr/stun) Patriot ati4 Uniq4. Very Proper.-14e peopip of 9 1 / a tilt], Ohip, pcppoee to crept a moutimeat to Copeland and Green, the negroea wilt) .Nvere hung at Charlestown, Ya., and Lewis Leary, who fell in the fight at Harper's Ferry, all of whom had been stladents at °berth). This is very pro ptkr—these rebels were taught treason at Oberlin, and' it. i* tip pore than, right that, as they fell in carrying out the Utlasonable .doetrines of their tutors, they should "eannrfzed's by them. The porrees pavestiyation.— MinerestigatT: c4prittpe fif the U. &Zonate ere ,bpiduly 60 114:4 5 f ar the- exeminst ipp wittveirt*, .AnY iinfoitapt, Abettritave.ebvaey bees Cie '4l.ov fi v ientred tbin ja.,. WA °. ~,44164410. 'l,b6;;Aterelial 4)( 4 1 44 0 / 11 1 1 45 1 40 14 9 04 e/M . ....14 1 •4 , 4040 1, 118. ..70bellreere, immerwegs eAle 440 *OltpDt e .trlTiotiy-c.i . enakanA B , thos&k r. be !sit been "t*e . 'fileitie 004 , 41,4 1 ,14 0 4,1 1 , 3 *§1ngtA1l • *Zed* g r Atk i 4 o N loir g o w. Bovntilbp,44+ - eiof the Can r, 4 . tion, st Waiiirra . gton, wide+4,4lTric k ter WfSePto7k t rear asst,tir 'rote of 27 up 21. Ate trtsTreh ifter• 14 days and nights oz- ,--. 1 • ta i lhi y ,.. • • LAM& . a--, • - - - woe , ''"Aelt4l, eapus4 •-el EiTSI , .1101sey " - - -:- ---- - the SIM tab* 1 ' Alk• / 2 .. -'. ' 4 ~,, , • - offt Edwards, verre4oWdetit .-,... cith:.....gpa)'":Mbeclfjoinnnt-pgeh:tir-Zl' ernMraSoltollnr?tdC:thall-s7f:nocissin!Pr:7ll:#;ousat-r(tgk:°r l E a0; : 11111P : 11141 ' 421"1:11L-C f 1"111:1143411 4 k r ;:l itin ell4.'8146111161111 : 1* A0 11"159i. pa0 7•6_ ' .-4 11 - i timolgt . bq ; • :rata., Ilia geed i 's. e, and Akie'tAistaciaiitetiti46 t, * kitrtlyebrusilaut,Coat- : ' p arr y, had ati t tiatirs ohm' ti . 7111 ....tie ii,..d.- t. intisli eli sh 4 a ge foli ttillg ezbal itl". rof .t? . 1 k- raeaateiror th e iii4l34 tholdtre_vyaie held in Ltte ti ollkis appropriations of illtippgmtadii---eo . Mkt .. ,:n0it..........,, . 0 . ~ Ore, i 9s. ~_ A.r4itilitlol3 R..701:6 of the Court House on Fri- : Brener,. inbre bill; of Indictment, in which he is itho banks itat , "nt, ~:et, . 317-,,titelt dew evening-Hon. J. B. Datirra Chairman, From the Tables, Post Office, ke., on charged with forging bank el l e e k m ,-. i'lle,hanks hate iniviteff its Poe apt' S. R„R.t.:SSZL/. SeCT.l.4ll7‘..Wh e n 1.4 tipper 5320 $ll Boor, , . 56 75 1 The Ledger sale i drafts fla t ..ati gre. hilt° .01" - '' - - 987 i The accused is implicated in forgeries lino! there is n Speaker. eltibg, - 'copy of the ;barter was !milt and - ith_clecti9p 4 I bP ar t 4 ' 44 ,,- - Ai- -• it s44l4 • . • .4. t • Y. fora " -- President an d. six Managers nrilertil for er a. dliaesditym ', 7 . 4 - : 248 perpetrated , hi moat of the t•ities - Donley evening. the 13th.. at 7 o'cloi..k. The Auction, sums were obtained from banking i f n ro s t m i . I i t } 1 9 1 x e u i 4 411 se a l l r . ee dit h ic o ni rti ty in iii an ge do tt n i ta n b ig ly i :ffir:L4to ► ,!'_ •/.--, 945 „Now Orleans to Boston, by which largo 1 Everyb - 6417 th at wants it bus twortrafra - -Genuine checks, from which said that GI $1i,c036, when the_rew trsimiret remainiug_tot_ A 2 l 7 i. s ssi a o . n ag l e i s e . k i elL. ,,__:, :,.. 7: . j=, ....,........1.......1_ 3 . 2 1 00' sums atnputit of stock eras, on motion, limited to , lc ......_.„., . .-=---= 43 3i-i-I;:rti s,a -e id -rCl ,olTtai ri tie c Ti b;ep73.lrelasletig,‘"s:fil; -it t. i a o r f lB ;o l , ' O u t: l o, ll4 ::: P p sab g li o reee4 t,j7; l tilig t"Al S4 7 llll- ti lla w l 7e; 6ign wa th :r is Pranq iii :Y :3 ; 4 bewl*Otriliio ./t'OrP /0 1 0telittitetY trtitWolftwat tha ( EJasii/iZSai got i . cilf, hr. - , . 913 . 44 ,, r4061, b rt: o .B,a : s. o r m nii; , eoa t t nt Tel, convenient \I I :l l.l.t.i i i e l trinei b di t a I I: I , ldlto a o n tloire d a gr p mi t . :s a,bera lso ktn n ikl teti that ci t al g hot f eni . fg. e l t in 4- t, 4 si t t h iloil e eo: S yta/ p l e o4 ; hpo k beocic e in r etta ia 4tir c lit.ncooesilttsaFtiglit:feni::: am:tr.,..1., Louis . closest. ..Y0',41 Qf thanks were passed to members of the Legislature. the committees I To J. L. Schick, ebtatniation and the pres,. far thefr se% eral ettons in ikehalt E. H. llinaigh, commissiaagottis, • . - of the cnterprue... l s - 5 .2 2 ' . - 1 5 : 4 i_a cheek for the balance would do. Se` ve- lit 6001 . '' 1 IL vi ° o'n" Ci ff sre- if e o ° : 111 , lo rn a llig nd ia. : wage; pictures il l ie l.. tures QOO - BAIF.ROAD 'PROIRCTS.2-Str. losses, --SA ' 'and i?..7.."iir! • . t. M s r h s. No 1: beA7cominission goods, . Girr Is about" completing his serve ) s for the , 4 to rttl 1:01:ged _ clacks for - rargd amounts, may ho relly,rhed gli n, alp o f •4. ne„Sprk Broe„ suadriao, !extension of Ag #,./olroef.l rym Ciettplu4g to Myers k Pitte-ntArf, satuirles, - 4 !et were paid at the counters of Plasm:lel-I times." pia ankh, li ankfi, among them the Philndel- l - rvavneshoeu , and will soon make his report.- 11'mGillespie, oil ILA candles,. 3 It; I This done, the hooka fur sulvieriptioui to tio Wm. W.'Arnold. services In hand, - . 10 00 phla-; -Farmers and Idechatitee', Menu ' Dahner I Ziegler, Ai., eututuissson faeturers and Mechanics', Consolidation, si-ieli will lie opened. The prospect appears 12 58 & i goo ds , e.. obtained in this city reached about ten The amount I premising. - a tl t i lli ou . sa *Z. i e td ti. d ll : l / . a ll. ga 4 . it:e: t. t i i is es u ' uderstood that A meeting of the kiends of a Railroad from' I i t. ( h .: r „i le: o ti e e , g , le ci r i a n r i t i i i c g le n sf l u l r , Fai,r,..kc i 21 4 6 AS .. 2 4,d the indictments a2r.ilisti Cru&s were ( flcittrsburg to Chanthersburg, was held at Fn}- ';heads lk. Buehler. Ball:rent, 1 ettevine W. asteircia evening Aveek. J. 13. 1(c-' ~ t. ' l i r.' ',.'e l x i rt ee t ' , 3 tt i u s Pe rm e 'i n b lut aki l n i fi 604) sofa ' founded upon the dimelosnres made by 2 1 , l )Cl o Adolph I.3c;hop, now under conviction . Elfuy, Esq.. made a speech, aid the•folloasing ; furnished by J. t-silt,„t, gli.htletnen were appPlated to tikke sulisesiptions Geo. ll Dyers, fur keeping door, i foil the purpose if having a Buys wade Kg Lucia U;›- , 2' OCt , tion of betng one of the most skill. .... Dais , Looks 00 CUMIELISSISIO, 30 TZ . here. . The . ;if:CII4(A has the repata soon as ;,cssible : :Messrs. David Goodyear, A. wall bed on commission. p . enells on commission, • I. 0 43 ful penmen in the ::onetry, and the I J...tepheos, R. A. Ititaftew, Ituhert Black. -13.- ''' Ex ,. ess op hooka , 1,1 -• 4,-- ... rintwors, over - - -P- $ cheeks he isseltarv.4 tyit4i ferging were I cob B. Cook, George Doll, Phares Dudield. B. ' thdt, their . e,ltip•acter " dibectse e"4 r ti ed until the. perpetra., P.llleßlroy, John Crawford, of J., Jno. brown, ' - ' O.. r 4- - 3.! : 8 ; a s )l° not . • ''" ' ' tor ha5t,44,,,„ . H.' C. Greenawalt, John Baughman, Wm. Ru- Da f la r nc u ez e i v il l o w n r . r n o o w te ed in on * co n a k . , pekt,, Samnel TS, sert.Jarn Downey, M. M c Kee, , strurtinn . of nand wave, s sdO 00 ~. ' From a sketch of the life attic aceet, !a‘rld Jacob Strfeklett The route D Das d • '°- - --• i n ' Paid lf. G. Wolf, on Baud debt, . • • tkid titre', iwtho Press, we copy the ' miler to form a junctlon - With the Gettysburg , tzsti 82-Charles Ziegiers32•, ,011 . 432 ~ ~...,,;.. , ,-,. il l owi . , . . , ._ • Rtilroad, is said to be a terfectly 'practicable , l'aid Z. Mews, for spokes fur . ,;4 c w v • _. 4 ,,,,, p . t Hiola r r otge l - ti ... ,7; ts;e: . C l All . C i a t e i li i i i l e i , tl a t ted arn ir e n le4 i - one, 6r easy grade, awl 'would require no uuusu- 1 1 • . • aliou tla,? ain constructing. - ! Ziegler. Jrs., for msterfals gpt- "i. , 2 Paid 1"i f) d ll I ti 'a r g t o o n t:nt at Dannertfr- 1 • 1 64 ' . ''''. tefortiti: Stcrl,-Aeboro he was Itotini• 1 Ore notice in t h e Stiff an luferistieg Report a t o build Baud Warms; ~ . 8,41 „, .•„: dud, an 4 pgpierseS fluently in F.nglisli, ' 004, CM the t neneei, to inent; Reg qsr, .and - . -- 7-. -.7- Au' , " , French, Spanl4li #l4l - tali(h. Stinitit, 1 0 * • titers, Committee, of bisrprelitenisy surl•eys .- 1 f Vii 7 - 53 OAP Wave of gross, was purchased by ': . • • .. -,... ...iimeweew. a he him in Net, Orleans, *vino tiro ~)- e l ici t i fur a ail t roaer fro jo, sit - BitiWtirYin*. M. tiiiiugh Jagt requelfe4 to publish it, we will do 1 It will thus' be seta tits, ilis t rasllkat- e :: e, ,Aite; awl lota been his companion shied, ( sail:teat week, fir - the Inforialtioit of our t una- , Bandfs66 its,(fetaistratieltio 0. 1 4 1 1147 1 0 ,, traveling . with •liint aver lurape, and t, 1 4ti.,1 rgpagra who fie' an interestie the project. I mum, iSt Oates, ke.,rnai-bebutPublee,lo lo i. °cc tipylpg the relation.. -of a friend. 1 - - ------------- 4-*------: ' ----- "" - Ithe proCeleai of set FISM-Arilikt akiese,were ir e 1 0 .I ., ery flo*,innustied,. tend hi, h i,_ t trAINIPrf, ACOltinfiTa:--nooks nooks since, , about #26"`wortk (it loll:-priest, prieon4:ol Bond i nt e iti gt 4 - 4 " - . sin ieu lt fl442 *pit ar u m ; te .i ti M . Joey Mitten, relidlng near Areadesrille, 1 Wigan *Pictures left, : whiels tieerilaftwill die-, he uttered lo go South and sellitimselt itt with a Ecre,rel"rid * " l . f"icli his s mdleed ! pose'ot aid' pinch ttm mom* -imaging theta- into slavery - to ph.tat'n nione;yltl assist h to his bed ever -sin*. Smutting trawl' f ro m jethelevtrellsaiii . e.• '!he sieeliesilboelptio of •Itiottassol,grs ...ThpLogyr wili.l'OfUßCtit and I Ftsaklie county with a liiad of timi,•• n ar Goodyear's . (Crestennetg oprinswd - LP!' sg fis' loatisid-letoit' tialtilfailibil" Pfttiiiii . by ' lure ovcrtle. - /kit.. - . „ 0 1: : 11- t t ' .11 ;:e 4t i l i... l: ii n e d . ,7:afie t r: li ttt‘ P :ti ll i b s ui l. prei lf :tie stf. :6 l ll "4l e twit li Sm l i t tl i ' s re ptti m t: i t n fia l t u Or tl' oett e ci -ve ly n:tl 4 e il a il u lg th t n it r . i ' : esker , ur 1 n t 'lry vi m - g 3l:. ° ;. e , : w hfa h r O s w u a d s ;e st : sai lall'-1-1 : 51" : ":Ti• n tile wagon, (his sun driving.) off his beltoce, ! 42 _ c r - clni i ng . p h tlo tne•som ;Molt tie frirelledlo $439 of the forged pluton witiell came very i wlmin Gs' eelite hf oar lab week's near releasing II untinglon, tha.telebra-1 • of all expeew , eci z e t 6 flthl. tr - jiioo .44 ;oc, aw l u l t h oi uloitcritilinice un IL 4in jumping to tbkironnil, he cattle 'heavily ' i . st4lass a ' I , abou t c . 4 40 ,. w biet re- ted New Teti' c forger, from litiiirg Sing' t u i.3 l. :l 4u2 l ki j a - 6 1 1 4 tt i in s e te i e ct u s itz se: t ip it u i e ;i3 l . r us l e iihi ri u a i as. t c arded es'iosing" very 'near the inerli:' 1 ut theca wees. Ito trip been.tneeliaor-elei'l fur 1 . Mier the perateut home, but still, we ate told, suffers gutsily. I ; 4 "l e % ir 41 :' 44 4. iv. ' 4 7 ) - 4 4 1 4 : iii, % r e t e t .-1 1 : th t . nd at ' A s i r f t e a t e -!;: te re P l ) ti tri f:: P r . loo . in f l- t ri: t: li c u tio n4 •l7. 64:::nl4 ll leV tl nii : l74 :l P-11)(114 W7 - it . ,} 7i ,;" ..Pi lThlgn se'44- :ri ll! 11 ; 4 1 4 i• ..._ _ ._ - ~f- * a a ged to escune. ' here tire Wren bilis IA TOWN.-Mr. Joss Mistrial has parthas-, le ft toinrapprupsifti'Sd tit 4tie OM Fit the a . • 1• • t ~ , i . of intnetinunt, against Rim nvre, WillCii e , fromllr. A. Va i l MITI,. Administrator, at I Warn at D anner Zijoglor's 'We :. Tifeir 4C- i lit .is ints .. ) .- I, - H t la 11repuring le, , c. r 000, the McKnight propt.rty, as Mist -Chem- county say deAttetkag the credits , we . s exactly : t• • • i meet, lie Mitten-Miim the law cif for-I b rstiurg Turnpike, stx tulles from this place, Slit/ 00. Take** Olio fin lill g panl on Sat gory Lliorouultly having fitnelleti it wit 4 .7, 1 i a ith a view to layinginto town there. A num- i efrdayiast, tesTesouramemasdpii them ;61 El. - cam. . Ler of lots have alrthdy been sile, upon vv!, kb 1 This is Sow all *at *straps on thq„„opiLly and i W -- . ~ ! ~ , i provemeuts will be commenced in the Spring. ! mergesillaseas Baia Waseisa„-sphtlst tbs. fall and I ;Election ot li'itet/ing.... 7 x,upinualeipak • • a Hotel *lll be kept by 3tr. - H. Larmnix iv, t who Epteirlid socoftsesireesents acissintiraly pel 4 l for: i duet ion took plate at Wheeling, VA. ? : N ill have it thoroughly repaired, and spare no Thera inerstfeati()lnst balance skeet itelibibit7 : oft , o liondafr Andrew *ikon, Dem o -, . e it to furnish the best aceouttivedalions. 'The' ed, smiit reflects hosartsplin*Listrliberial-hoart- '.' ti•ttfy :was. elected' ma - yu; over X. Wilk. I cation for a Tillsg,e is a headstone one, and e 4 14 41 ,ocrecy of' Adsnai: • , 1t e project a ill duolitlcsa attract due attention. I Ariliiist ttic IIP4c0 ; alstantent, t,erißed h were OK I • 'LARGE CItOPYA-.- - We -- --- 7 .I : imio , ts, _.Oppnatitive. , Suttat -Ile-PO.BO toe other ( "doinateatit" egat-nmeiSa. ki , to r .. be .ii seen : a n t . thi s WAS etioseii.kergetiut„, _ 411017, That Mr. WILIAAM Cola, la itamittoaboa i t 0 1 5 " , P i u s ; "'Pr ,Pl ek "'"" e 4 ` e-nr&I P -4 r 07 1 strity the late_forvign news is Ru-- ieweship, realised the -pest semen, off !Iraklion t 1 " Ata a ' '''' "ter", le dir"""sie en ki w i.: mindere! time death of •Tlioinfit; -14.1Jing- t (*etc-six' awes of lend, oar awnwnees;tt serratyl l * lll° J 4e m" 0 10 11 07 1 rhit'AbruP4e lee* 1 ~., . - the ger howled atdmistass theltinneXsubirl t9 l l - Maearittii tin , ' 1041glinli Atistorlan : 1 tushkels of claii;44.' The 3 is probably the tars. I ___'' '' , tj- Sr Wl' n e t acl Instewilients a r e , the fact that , an 4:1v:of which haat:rented- A must pro- I 4 4t crop l- o tile la a shill. i •'!' g " 9p cloy r0,8k1:1131rTI a MI,- _ 1 the Onitini and Insitaufenta ei:eur eideotthe 1 lOund fechng of _ regret _Wherever the 1 ytar, in the county. - Sir.' Gilds oh. of unr , i . _ .. • I lost enterprising flamers, 11,4 *nailing the • id f , , have are•withbra Few -dollars of being entirely Faigh . bh ittit.fmage le ..p0 , 14 " . - :pn of; stiff ge. vary bard with tßein to swat-1 . i vidue of line, sip e. it extimsit els. '' • • t luw. But the troth is srsis adult; eel , there air. - aroi • essor atunesr. Kspy, the fa. _____. ...--1.....___:. .____ . • CONFERENCIEAPPQINTIIESTS.---Alegoo- is az y se t ch . thifig as "Wiplogikwout." - ; sauna motsiorolo,gnst, died on Thum:ay rence of the United Brethren is Christ; held I N--"tr" these 13 / 18,161. QPI 4 ref i rr"tLi n- n bet " it. Cinetn natl. Ile was in the 7.5 th year York; Pe:, week lefOre last, asar*thafts3ow, ter set thntheir owtifebts nre lhatififf* liniii-1--- - i ' - g aptioittfatenti for ttle easermst war ' s .. 1 -a -41118 llgo- ,dated Before they interfere with the al airs i.. 14 . - , , a . 1 - ,„ , . r p i __,_ Tork histriet.-IV.lritaber, presidineelder; i theme‘rito•ds l lid!e. their obligat i ons ' •"""i .WA mats named 34.isiso Glatfelter I erry, J. 11. llmtten 7 ., Shapps, J. Dickson. J. 1 exccedilig it4 l •_itisariis pretty 'will anderiltood. I• v i_ skew; Carlisle, .11,W. .Bild, / V. Lints; York riap, S. Euterliur; liii . eilfedi, 2 ' . ;Rs Vti.:l:o by a horse on the howl, on Tuesday cOMMtSSIONS 01`31"ST..M'ES,--..the Mos- !about the temple, at, the public huttac a J. B. Jones; log Aet -ef.Aisetably, maki ng some challte Is tit pa. Matter . , tit Veil:, Pa., 4 ti em. "/" , t :b . r,be r l Yi ri.4011., P. C "I; -4 regard tel'the Oottunissions of Justices of the l ist, ,,,d i m , uo di ute l y kili t ,4 . Hu leaves . nife.Fsiillt,-- L. C. ,Witlflfer ; Manchester, If. ' Pence:'lras approved on the I3th of ApA1,1849. , ' ' a family residing about eight milea from published for the leformsAiiiii 'of these 1 York, on the N i orthern Central nail iimattilr":4llk:il*lbrklYttor ga e4' 1 4 1 hp '.4. ° 1 75 -8 1- itBll - ; s l : 44u d rk ;t' C c i r r--- ti n i l t d e t i -Cs led : I - 4 1211 0. ihhirtaiii 40 141 1` 144 ; Aitittaut Ifcnwwm - ,' AN ACT in reference to the Commissions of road. I ,Wwwilltlarl affOliti. • - • ' • • , " 4 !- Justices of the Peace add Aldermen. i - __ -`-- I i ChamborsimgDlorfot,.,-.1, 11. Biala:* jile4i- I SCCTIOS I. Be it enacted bY the Seaside .and , Aril_ANlxr CLNY, in a speech at *es eider;Oirstamou, J,, it, ilishow.iiii,Spring, : house °I 4.l',er!!"'""iltivi*e'ra°,(- tree 3 ( .. ! ° t utrr!w i fit ui l ln ' Frankfurt , K,y., made this WO remark: 4 , rorti . ; .01 , eimime. (.1. w . shimouin, If. I ii , i t s nn% li i y n e i n a n i c t, i by. 1. 1 11; ts authorit y ; e cti . t h e t i -wl urn a -Whig ; but if 4, requires ma to .41tektee; Reck -fierily,- J. A. Clen ; \forcers- ; Same, That every person hereafter elected to •b e ape. 'tart- or an Abolitionist tube a erg, A. Motley i Pe* rstley, If: l'. Hui/14101s- , the °dice of justice of itie Peace or Aldernees,.; ,„ . . li ir k; ski ppnikl o, J. G . 840 , 0 ; bethaw . , 1 shill . l, within thirty days after the election, it tI tug, th en Y am no MILT." •. It urnberge_r,. _ , . . he Intends to except said office , give notice I thereof in writing to the Prothonotary of the' ___.....a.....------ ___ ifir Tile I.ldica of Ccuwortl, N.. 11 , aro I takit t g fidrantage of Leap Year, livid 4‘ sumpys,c jaziouicEBl-„p a i.i lig CAN- Common Pleas of the proper ceunty, uho s . ii t all inform the Secretary of t h e coa -1 twos I Aosta't Marble Yard, s/14 ether dav our 1 "'a lb c UI/ eI Y • , ,iouwealth °fed e x ccoptance; en d no commis- a a r i e n,i g i : i v y i . u a . it x ittt u r , i t o i v i si t iti a t i, el li r o a l p i d i d ay 7t e , r t e. . 2.. n. .t ,lAltentielk I'? "ralla oil 're!! k"""ltiflll'mat" . elan shall issue until the get retary of the Coin- ettin,,, '-`. avis the hcinotrat, " the gentlemen f re' ff pre era sleeping infant, executed by ,M r. monwealth has re- -the notice aforesaid. 1 . atm,. This piece of workmanship is alone' t 4 ri-rio - sil. That so much of an Act of As- 4 ~ Selent to stamp him as a nwct skilful artist. ', sen'tllF Its degree Constables Aldermen and he figure is given a very na t ural attitude, re-to seed copies were served, waited upon, stud_ trained, 1 cistice fuj'he7l' of un' the' oi clef the . " u o Governor of the l\ till 41 rif clog...lnt gallitatir),-'which i l Peace, to the dining upoil a cushion, and po , sesses in every : Coeurrmnyivealtb, is nerebyrepealed. ' i made then' well nigh Wish ;111 Xearo iisture a sweetntsi and life-likeness which' W. r. A. LAWRENCE, - mig ht be Leap ?ears." I Speaker of the House of Representatives. . - - teapot but elicit admiration from all who ex-, J.NO. oftI..SSWEDD, Ja., amine ft. The pfacing of this almost breathing; 'I MAIL CONTRACTS.-It is ill tie aeon hy re- of the Senate. ' Piece of mar bl e i n E rer (; ," n Cemetery would! Areitovrn--The thirteenth day of April, AW-iferenee to another part of this day's Comin7er Auld very much to its attractiveness. and ice ' no Domini one thuds:it'd eight hnuared :aid that proposals will be received at the Contract pope soon to hear of some one purchasing it for ; ntlY-fline• . MM. F. PACKER. I Office of the l'ast office Department, fur con 7 --- i }oat purpose. ine - honso i , s•e 3 ing the United States, Mails over the routes SPURIOUS CURliLSCV.—Titere never wail and work shop attached to the extensive:tau- , therein mentioned, from July let, 1860,4 June * ti ro* w h in AD moth bpurjous money o f *ll' new o r meneryz , smanni Andoutat l i t uj ition. l e p)th, 18641. • Rail Contractors will-,do well to Minds was afloat as there is nuw. It is iteees. township, about 8 mihes .south 6f this consult tho advertisement for further infertna pay to examine closely all the notes, the quer- I place, were manly destroyed by free en bstiir- ; tion, • • ---• was. tent, hairee, dollar _gold pieces, and even the i day evening last. The Main building, dwelling littleihree op:twig that are offered. The rogues; house and the unusually large supply d bark Jr. , a delegate Vt tlie recent " POClitlis'6 who manafeesure dui money must ber making ion hand, ?ere all saved through the energetic p u lnivilot i, 44 ~ i n - ri..,_ 4 ,, , • • , • -- /pa go pol ! nioiplurßts , a good thing of it,. - . 'exertions of those living lathe neighborhood. I ' that -body, ' illat, he siittiltll, Lilco, timb All RICAN STOCK JOURN AL.—We beve l 1 fl t b h :S fire atta call it gil a i k to fm tfe ' b isf riers di o re i ci tib i e n e O influe zill of . 41 1 ° 41 41° " fti ln 4li v il i d ePr id ::,11.he ffiet shown the first number for fflto.' Ita contents! coP favy it to ~, atleatien of every .. faniter and , is 0 1° 11 0 1 .i- it q lt;t h, e ' "g ill " /( ! elf hisillb6 :allibl.bLikil,lB/14ilta. and . 4purna li, that alit, hock-grower, as ft ii devoted `the (min-pee- I tamed rPtic‘b`Vr,r- The engine beading is a:" Ki.:9OW., mitf.y; i 'me n!pidiy li>itSfnite; iment of domestic animals.. It is published 1.44411°45t a s it was not 'mini-ed. 'The worki"44l944oolllZB4pit . tilerefore sycticalaf, 1 cion4ily at 2 , •Pirsrk Rew i New York, at one dot-14040P. lad Fain-basilogs were An ' hildr "^ - 1 I ' c4 P ( *Y e :0, L Q -11° Itor 4 407 , 43- $ sea. [Owe per year i and ,eteth num,ber ;obtains 33 This only. irtjtici, 4206 to the largeibilliengs 111,1 14palwatt, to,. eiweil fripieit in the iiiiii [Owe octavo pars, laandiiiinsly iii4ated...a Oa, i!vitir tie : tire ,:cif A portion 'of the egg -- ( Had .: 01 the 9(!1ipt4171.41-7-jlip..P9sl o er)lie." i The engraiings or th e impiiiied4,l46,teahy tltiNetntlf „beesyst•tittif .. ilettled illaciw - ii, Ike : . r - - i -- ar o u ' lir ~Sheep and ottiee,elltigietisoie tirwiattusbiei behre I,rdele 42110, Tatatiffyy bisirdishe gig liiiiiatlOTt;4 lo "wrilh-__,_ *147 . 66- , - 1 . 411 t• , - NE l„.. . .. t t lirl: lll !"Kett Mi.9*IVAIMMIN b 0 0 101104", pace. 1 " 1 , 44 3 / 4.4met , bemt/ixtros ......A, is 4o o,..ini i t. 14.0. er i y 7 44,A . A:ti en tu at tul_. et h h oa or i:4 4o. .s44 l::, ocir i.,:tp . _ _ ,l wir A Quartvly4leetlEsg of Yirtt-ISpriv. 1 " 1-1.41154116 Alleif • 41" .11°4•Q'T iEtilr i _ O -10 1311 , 11 n1J; kOl° 0 4 ;0 ,1 ° 14 - _-.. 113 ,V it i' l A 'Dm ari - 141 1 . 10,4 * ;of whr tin - - ,citeuit, X. Y.. Chdieblitill:shatiefil leNewl 4. 4 Sa mi lli" siii .,- • . t i , - • W' l o4 - -leving.- -., • •• lord, ott.the 4 stiotaiik&taidii I. Le if - • 4,04,6 rte. 1 414, ailliV A l l 6l K tri'e9 %l i thit . Arli . 7 l illbW ill""lielir 411q1a4 01 : 48 : 16.1 "al Sair" : 71." 1 1, ub- Oert will prideititYPrtic k ri t4ost. -*ate lle bistipiii Sirdirilt t5f4111 1 11r; itei 11111e*r. '-gestitia, Itmisolods Aleu.Soitf to • .111 , 11 0 1* * 1 7 4. 41 1•1000 Mgr - Is. ' jfiz f a °! A Y"l4.ll.4iktradles'ilmiLiNete7oeilelt ... 01 lir . .is li t ik.' 4 * 44 t0 46414 4 6 4. 10 r 00 4 1 0).0 1.241 P 7,0 mai:" ''''• --- -- -- .e . '- ',' l)' d#l' • ' .- . I illiPAta - sooki :telfellotiio "-.c... , ,-,,t,xi.' :Plitterwriaidl 4IMMVI'v a.. -,. eleaftoota 41/ ._tormigit.A. 04,61 , 42 f . Tuesday last. lie' Lek oelisty. itir 4 floret Fo Enivas in link leta4s*Por— t‘ godern I DESTRUCTIVE F el; liii ed in their coat-tail pockets." - lir 1 3;:i* dm 4 Ain be fatted:lt', brio 4 lip it rilail With genial nittnixry, , ~ "Rwiterntlii - alurpgy intim', el Pi' fireeittirllnri MKT *re - net tilb n -,-. AP 141 1.._/ =_.2a:flt ntinbV . . * - -Mierbedhermwealkof.l)segbin coq,n.:, t:, in Coirreatit4 - — Nli on Tinted er III! 4- plac- oorn bin with their th aseassin was a weasel. .~ t. The 11/&••A petition, nunoretiev bag been presented to the Leg - Isla ttil,f3 r praying lux the passage of to act, to, prevent free ner;roeifeont 'Laming; into this State from the South. tiarlVe know very yew articles which bent a more appropriate nano than Burning Senmely a day ha•seH without its.butrung 1 4Qt4Cbtitiy—: and generally to death. ter•The Dunne M. R. church, ;q Now Yurk,built in 1797, wag gold on 'AM: day, with. several adjoining tur $72,750. lapeci lea. I%Totioesty pa. :IOOPLAND'S CELEBRATED GER : MAN BITTERS, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jack son Philadelphia, Pa., will effectually epse. Liver Complaiot,, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, chrynic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a diem : . dered Lis er or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity nf tho Stomach, Nausea, ileartburh, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in tho Stomach, flour Eructations, Sinking or - Muter ing at the' Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of thu Flurried and Difficult Breathing, nut, tc.fing at the Heart, Choking or suffocatingsen semititions when in a Wag posture, Dimness of Vigioa, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Foyer and Dull pain in the Head. Deficiency of Per i spiration, Yellow:4es of the Skin and Eyes, IPain in the Side, Back, UhestAinsin, Sud dew-Yin:hes of Heat. Burning. in the Flesh, Cainstant Imagining of Evil, and great Depress. ion of Spirits. I,llScree Bitters ere sold At 75 cents pet bottle, by-eknoists and tiesler4 In medicines ',tau t/1101r. Update., Ageut,Gdittssburig., den, - 18. dui FITS ! 1 3 110.111).;F4T.—F0r • longtiMe there uas 'a paragraph Making its regular weekly appearance in our columns, with the brief, but :miis* words, o Fits! Fits!"ralwa - ys at the }lead, to moue an offensive caption, but gut so ty the benevolent and humane, who could.s)ntpathize in the sorrows of 01194. Some persons are shocked - at any indication of disease. and are even thrown into nervous ex citement on witnestiag a hoarse or • coins.— limph are to be pitied, VG should always strive to look disease and evon 'Math is the face with calinhe , s. aud especially tithe every opportuni ty fur alleviating, disease. Viewed in this light, tlie . eavertiscrlenss of S. S. 'lance, of IN Haiti more street, Baltimore, 31d., possess • certain interest. itad those who know of any one suf fering frnio Epilepsy, Spasms, or Fits of say kind, should tett it a pleasure to cot out his yert isenuen t. or in some other way send word to the afflict/ gf gip igNat !glue of his reme dies. They eanho scot to soy AO et of the coun try lay mail. Pries, $.l pet. box. Two, 55. Twelve, s.t4._ TTIE fIEAT F.A111 4 1411 , . REMEIrI.I—SIR JAMES GLA'REF:'S ettIinUATED Fannin PILLS; prepared from a prescription by Sir J. garice, N. It., 1 , 1,-4clap Eattaolidoxy to the Queen. This IVOknown iniurteittsi liteho Imposition buj a sere and safe remeAr for 'Female 0111euitiel\, nod Obstruction*. from tiny cause whatever, and although a powwrful ouseily, they contain nettling hurtful to thn constitution. To 14n•-, sten !antes it is pecuiiarly suited. • It Wilt, 4 lu sh~:rttisne, hens 41 the ntopthly period whit regularity. These Pills have never beta known to fail nhere the direeties ou 4d, 4.lg i e of pamphlet are 'o 4 e,;( ohserveti. For furthe; pailleulat.* get a Frphiet of the agfAlk end 11 , 1•4: 1 412 !ttatrilts enclosed to any authurited agent, v. itl insure a bottle, con-. tAining over 50 pills by return of mail. • T. W. lleutt t Sun, Witnle,ale Agent 4, Piiil4- delphia. A. D. dueller, ..\,•;csit, Gettysburg. Jane 13, '5: l . lv 3!yi.i1,.Z711:1J. Cln Tuesday morning hot, at St. Joseph'i Church, Enimit,burg. by the Rev. J. Lasca, Mr. HARRY J. 51c111V(T t of 11oniphatt City, Kaqsas, (topnierlr of this coloty,) to gt” AN NA STATIA UWEN t Enuait.httrk Our liestNieislie4 attend the newly wedded and happy pair, for their kind remembrance of the printer. Mai• th,eir happiness be di com plete as- truttrimm::iti joys can wake it; the sweets of married life never be marred by dis appointments and reverses, and when old age, with his ••wrinkled front," overtakes them, may titer youllit - 41 t oWs remain as pulre and fresh As in the tnorrting of their setting oat. On the 4tlth inst , the Revs. Jacob Ziegler, Mr, JOHN P. BUTT to Miss SAR-0 1 ..A. S. t.DEA11.1.19121P, both of Butler towniLip. On the let Inst.- by the Rev. W. E. Krebs, Mr. NELSON.HOOPEII,.of Martinsburg, Vs., to Nisi .M.all.Y M. SPONSELLIIR, of Emmittsburg, On the Icith*inst.,at the Codowago Chapel, by Ite%. Mr. Catanua, Mr. GEORGE Y. HEM LER to Miss LOUSA A. FELL'(, both of Mount { pleasant township. On the 12th inst., by Rey. ./. Harper, Mr. GRIER GRAYSON. of this county, to Miss LIZZIE WITHEROW, of Shippeosburg• On the 18th inst., by Heir- W. Respn, min ister Of Chriet Church, Petersburg, Mr. D. F. of lowaCitr, lowa, to Miss ELIZA If., second danghte4 - of Joseph Taylcs, Li., of OSP; 1 h igst., by Rer. .Sechler, Mr. I tv Mrs. LYDIA REAR, both of .ad;siis coanti. bs the :sine; Kr; JOHN 4300D,401 I foorili, 4d., to mias.iLkur STOslif4l/4, of 44inis county,. 4),R 68th Inst., by Ilex. lierk lttettef Mr. WM; UPJEDY to Miss ReTirli. onfahliitiktirg. • olt_ dur "rftb -lint., et the rest et the kritfe'li.fatiler, "by 'tbe grtsr,a to ifis 4 ir Ohl vg 119iallM, all ui gfr • • • . A npgeq Yy Ol = NM B =1 Jan. 23. lm EMI BM lab. . D. c...
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