°I I • vi er. -"' ". ' l "r''''' '"Va. -- ',....Zi n If 'ih -4.%6 -,.,??:;- ' 4 1 ;:-Icizi, at Alue ,TIV ',.. , _ clamps._ ,!.! ~ ...... -, •now' , p.116:4 ottoorikablitiot Yillooligivioisvolotif7traaoling .•. _ , - .. • "" - 1 1 1 tem -Waal DO W >UAW 11.i ..' I oatorib4rtrifior withciiillt.aliviliartmo or-aistot /. 1 4 1 r `i„a&s4'.4 ll M4Make.4 4.44.1. 4. 4 1 ~ - likerilimersist Of :no te . 1 '• , ." ' 4 ' AL MI : n. " .13-411 13 •C' ie 3 . 31 . _Jntereiti , , P01649.14/forrailAttakinVeto tha-varoof. hio Dame fur U. & Irt. T 4 . ; .1t; Pootifff"PfrefreltliOhe that State.; s . ,s- : s z N , - ,_ ..- ,;: _ 4Trittaa - = "-- - 0067111•1111r&Sfi VraiOn talpeallhoAritihrta totthriti-davibl le, , clic _•-•,• . , idlt"Volffer "A'Braborid, %Swat* tottitti,gary of" ttili cou pd' et.it , of i ' ll6 ' :‘'' I' • 'l44e'd from u lair ; 21 26 ' - 1044111 PPI. .- . 1ft ,.... -- --' ' I minded that his vi lags 'fito safer a deo ________ 7 . 1:: . ——--- .- - . 1 i ver AirilagrtoittizeLni tipet.o - - 1 r --- — 7 laar . 11- blisdersiVd frAb c1u,41 0 3 T4-4 , w it t _ - .. fi tvikrir.,:ete l i. e wife. 01 other ,bitid; fir rfoaa the', Int&—SA'rtorwriirr. ti Araß . l - . l p J. tr 4 iiaaw r if p ri., Sel - 1 firiPlAi 4 4 t5 to 500 - 1 4g 1 :4. 00061 .44PliktalWi % Allf . t. 11 - r ri`..,... s 3 1 3 to 375 ult or tostroOkoris, 'hit: gen emon,iirtr or ' 110 101 70 boincei 0-0 4WD? ad.. v.anotA 17 • b.4.ltaftd 1 05 to 1 .!.2 ' top preixoterolle to : le tot* otsly s ofot4o4.; In- Coin, ' " deed, be "0 , g'ilkilb4 o Aren4.o *WM it,i4 to I !fi'-': ' -^- 75 Alto Obviation aiiiisatioo-of thesage. i flats liackwheit 31sa1 (loser Vied Timothy Seed..... Flax .... Betittyy - ' - Plaster of Paris.. taster girftyi, per bag... .95 Pork,• • • 6* 76 cOO , . 144T1.11011g=•FILIDAT rZAST: - .i F10ur...44A . ......... a...... 5 25 to 5 37 Wheat .W. - ..'. - 1 22 to 1 47, Rye 85 to 95. corn CO to 84 Osta.„.— 3B to 45 Clciver Seed 4 75 to 5.25 Timothy Seed.. 2 87 to 1 - G2 Beef Cattle, per hnnd 5 50 to 8 50 flow, per hand 8 00 to 7 00 Bay , ~ 1 4 00 tol7 00 Wblikey ---" le to 27 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 82 00 Itft44oYElV—Tn traSDAY LIST. Plotir,fritnt wagons po. from stores Wheat axe - Corn Oati • CloverlEleed... 19 cp cittrylkedt Plaster 011 K—I RID • Y.311,8T. # 1 1 501#111r, !sopa wagons Aber. from sweet. Wheat, ...... Cures ...... Closer seed— Volusently seed' I'Lestier.. ~..~,.. Special Notices_ GRZAT To Core isapren Conti or Cold au DC WISTIME DALIAS Ur WILD CR XRRT To e;..4' . :l l 6lZpin Code', ernip,oe Drooehitig, or* DIL WIS . ? 11. Rtt..SANI r*F WILD CIIEIt.III - arrest predispostion to CAW° mrti.n sae RFkie . Hrritlt'S BitioSAM OF Wit* CHERRY To Cial•aP.tvape4 or Tratzratlon. THE OXIOENATED LIMIER!! 'rotate ikatbrits, Aridity or Heart Burn, Du Fbr Bale or-Rent. Tur. OXYIIENATED BITTEHS. nfri:IIOI: / - pwo neat three-storyß SES, Thies Remedios per , orm all they promise. They re-. _L on High street, near Washington, hers settaring, care daea-r, restort 6ultlt, Moe atfordbyr with seven ßooms in each, a good well Eltj, coasetation and comfort to the sick and afflicted, whore of soft water. and every tecessary out-building. discouragement sod sotir.o.g etuted belong 4 These Douses, for comfort and conveniences, Clyde Warne Cu Y lamb 10, 15'57.are not surptused by any plicate residence in Meows S W Foyle RC., . lam haygy Wsou. that the Borough. Apply at Thomas Warren's, Jr., .1 halm wok ii.. Otr r eosted Bitters /la lily practice fur th• last three years in the treatitien• of lityspepais. General corner of High and Washington streets, ladt i reet...a and Mrecionia of the Liver, vita Dec. 12, 1559. If. N. 134.NILAR D . -the most satisfactory treall3; and would cheerfully ire. .curnraaad W thaw setts-ingtro 11 these distressiug dimaese More New Goodri to giro this ialuable ocalicioe a trial Respectfully yours, 1. E. SMITH, M T A. GARDNER is receivingeanothig lot 13ti Eastar, Ale ,Sept 30. CHEAP GQUDS from Phipidalp i hsa and 71•11;• to cattily that I hare re,•Anneaded the wee of It." •SO, letstAr'snallna WlWl:born' for Daseases of th e Leap, Baltimore, comprising Silks, (high lustre,) De tar two years past. sal ta.1 , 7 .07 knowledge , lames laids, Prints, Giughams, kc., kc., for t. A.Are been new, err patients, ell with benetlicial &vents, _di - ear. tan eases. where it was thought cutulirnied Consauaidiuu 1-.4 taken place,tus OS Chen 7 street:ad a care. Hot a, Cassio,teres, Satinets — , orda, Ken- G. HOYDEN. Phroxten at Mater Career. y Jeans, &c.. kc., for Gentlemen's Wear. allernety remota. ilabtam Liss W. written algastare of a' a IiLITT• 'o• tat wrapper large assortment of Glos es, Gauntlets. Pritpand try Seth F‘ml• k. Co . Boston. and for sal. Ilosiery b liandkerchias, Ties, Collars, Slone:, A U Dn.btar, tlettv.hum;Jarob Fulvialat. Manama- kc . ,k c . fasulr; M. Stouter. New Ochar 1, I.) Bollinger, Abtcata- Hardware, Queensware and Groceries—New Susteis ,• Wolf, Fait , Ltoblits, !lamp- f Lap; Wm. D aloacalf. York Spe f 'opl, Jame* A Elder. Win. Orleans and Porto Rico ew York tot tabu rg ; sat by all dealers in sueclit.uss. ( D 'C'ld 4 * Rad Los ering s Phila. Syrup. Coffee, Stigar, Salt. kr. Also, a desirable assortment of Fall. cv Goods. Furs. Jewelry, Toys, and Tuy Can , dies, suitable for flt,litiaJ Pres,ents. If you wish to save niumeN, call at the new Irma From! Store and secure the barna ! J. A, GARDNER. Petersburg. (Y. 5..) Dec. 12, 3t • Carriage Making. farm Lan S 4 far 4de 2. mitre from PbiLadelphia by Railroa 1 to the State of New Jitney. airkiinF tbe beat Agriciattural parik.,..e. , ,Lein , y, A p,,,¢ lnim rant. irith - • clay bottom The laal ire tarts tract. divided Mtn wadi terms, mad baudredi fro o all pArla of Um country are ouw Jaertlimg and haildamy, Th• cr.pa pro-local ; are Larva and Amp be 001143 grorriv Tim climate nal - soca re frau. fermis, Tema Trom $l5 to arta per acre, payable eritbie tour years by isatalinente. visit the place-- A..eariit 'Vibe Street Wbarf, at l'bilrvielidika., at 7.4 A. M., by itallraed for liammnoton, or address 1(.1 lip ties, by _Uttar, Ham nonton Moat Unice, Atlantic coney, Nee Jer way. fall advertisement .a amotber colutua. THE HAMMONTON T%RMEIIII—• newspaper dorotol Lo I.ltaratiare so Aermulture, slue settle.: forth full be. enemas of the new settlement of 11,bn...t0n. in Scr J•r s•y, e.a bersebreribed for at QUIT 15 cents per annum. teelame ppeteire ittopelot the emu' et. Addreiat to Id• f for of the If.rtner, Ileuronotnit 1 o.,Attaatie county, New ,!eNeey. Those wishing elie.4 I,nd. of the best %wan tr. in etee - et the healthiest tomt deli/IWO etiolates In ette.ribia. sad whets crops ere herereat.-doein by ftostn, the towrible imourge of the north, see imprertsecatent of llamineatcs Lands. +--r THL 'MIEN PH COMPLkTP,Abotisr psr(sct ears GIL I t pilopsy try Dr. Etanees %pi 'entre Puts. Durant@ Seek, Pwssfauoao's Co., -Oct. lat. 1 11 5 6 • Ranes)=A' SU for amps, I ....t.tr.sitini to pre Jour Pills a (idrirtiseensnt of wkiebtl sitrin - solusn 61' the papers.) and monthlies:duo use thins; fosisouse swatha. uatii was Whet , stand. I believe lbw to Os a Ihst eats article; sal sloe/ ha.. need them, I hiss 1,04 had •a • attack, and aro now Is the exdorosiiit of good'hostlth. ['ma, vary siapartfilly.. Tows, Am., JODATILAN J, JACODe. P.-5. pm Piles wars reomemoded to am by Mr. latitiit Newby, or tlik'ematity, to ' -whose addram yowerit.them. Stem Pates, besides carted 'epilepsy. area welds tee ell traidilleettwea od.alirriei.diatase Pries 53 par box i two bogs for P 3; twelve boxes For Ott Pinola &etas% a remitting will hairs the Piles wit there Went' to wail, is Iteremiet. Per We by Utz 13. Risme, No. 4.6 menage. stmt. Baltimore, bid , to whom orders from oh jobooof the 13161111 wait be iddremed thyr.ll. lm '-:._._............-.—_ . 40 COWBetiPPT ; l4ll.—Tleedrartlier baring bean m aterial at en in a (a. weals, b' a very Ample remedy, attar • - I ream with a severe leisig at toatiptld6 egntorhisl tem n al tb it i aa,--it &EiMU to kli s 7 . 9 all who derireM le MilralisiPa crepy of thepreeireption meselttine efrediarp" with ditentimai for_orsioajporous• sat; •whielt therorill tad a tm e lL ear li cc ita . - ttionatit dam. The adT i Alkt "tliiinmel6ittide lute rdiaraliailee. eel, saftellippillitwessallewOr .16101464 rwewle4 10 4' will get them nothing, Lai lea= blieria.. t:artir waititgtles .. p . riple ~0 1 will • -f - 01 w, Timms, oci. n: p, ow*. "'IN. T. zuma r• —. 1..."1 - ' N 7--- -. . ~ .. 0- , Tamitgor lk iluivap, ilair ci.o se.ssioatsol'imAil Pi • •Ippri!citireir.pria_ • . er711 . 614111W skis position, bet • air• awl sife=dyTor i . ..• I whaler's, _ ,* • qiiieweellitiilaitMfeilklet • Tegalames es Leliewit is: it • vine . 1 0 NribaN aittlr 004 i lit '•W 11 mu PP. tgm 4 "" - - - isinof tioe'iriows •to eat where the "AlreetreaWWW : 110 MaPailitWile liWol.- oe •.. j.. wllluslph , l'olwf4lM : N. .: .:-.4_ir•=nr , I ;to ea lud . 1 -,- ; nob, T. 44111P"WhAN4X,L04148......ap1i . ~ A. D aimiaihr Agbat sv - ••••a t iv • z -, '- S— rtt °, i ... ~1 • . •"C° 4. 4. - ir, em . . ~ i• • sew -ii r--- iis siEri, . 33 CA. 2 00 4 50 to 4 75 1 75 to 2 00 . 2 20 . GO 6 30 . i On the Ist inst., at the residence of die bride's father, by Rev, L. Gerhard, Mr. THEODORE. Of New Chesty, to Miss i.KATE . , eldest dangiater orkiehael Leringston, r near New Oiford. We wash the 'happy pair mush joy, and hope that all desired blessings *ay crown their days. On the 6th • jape.; by the - Rey. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. DANIEL D. Holik MAN. of Greenrnount. to Mimi SARAH ASX BOLLIGER I of Cumber land town;hip. lii3 -In Beiliopore„on the 2C.th ult., by Bee. Dr. Zach Rolrl.3..klit EL. R. MIES Y, Pastor or the Ger. Ref. l;lture..o of Hagerstown, to Miss t.i.tRAII LYDIA, daughter of OtisSpeay, . 'of the aforesaid city. On Tuesday morning, the Cth inst.. in refers : - burg. (Y. 5.,,) by Rev. S. W. Seibert, Mr. JACOB ;o -Mita S.\ RAII JANE 'WIER 11.AS. both ur Iluntlustot4 township, Aclants county. On t!e 4tb iplt., by Rev. Jacob Secbler, Mr. CFfttGE HtlinliT, Carroll co‘nly, to Miss SARAH ANN C:C;ON'DF.II, of Litifeat2wn. On the 30th ult., by the Rev. L. Ge%ard, 'Mr. DANIS:IOV.4IItICTIN, of HaierstownrMitr, to Niu MARI' E. MARVALL, ofilVottatovv... 5 00 550 1 12 to 1 26 80 60 86 4 75 . 1 76 6 60 lecl. Oa Friday List, in Cainberland township, Mr. JAMES BLAQE, At an adiArkr,,e4..age. Yesterday, Mrs. GEO. T,ROPsTAX. of Cakt berlanii township, At an,adtaneed . . On the 4th lust., in Cumberland towAhip, Mrs. BARBARA BIPJOGII..1.11", aged 66 ytars. On the 51,h inst., JOHN NICHOLAS, iaNst son of Joseph and Cecelia Martin, of this p*e.„ aged 5 days. 5 00 .... 5 75 1 10 Le 1 la —.. 80 On the 6th inst., in Baltimore, ELLA JAN." ;.aged 5 years and B months, only dauglter of Charles H. and Sarah E. Ehrman. 37 5 941 1 75 a ISO Ou the Ist ;nit., ANDREW A., ion of Mr. Richard Trimmer, of Huntington townstap, aged 2 years tO months and 29 days. Un the 29th ult., near Littivitown, -E A LVINA SOllll4l, Infant ut Mr. ll.iniel Sell, aged 4 months and 14 dap'. ,On the 30th ult., in Ailama county, Mr.lOlLll GEtiftliF.MliteklLEtt, aged 62 ycars,3 month; and 29 days. Un the 3d inst., in Adams. county, GROB/3.E /IENHY DOLL, aged 6 years 3 months and 25 days. -TS' undersigned ban. commbnced the, Car riage-making business, in West Middle street, two doors west of George Little's store. Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Bisggies, k.c., put up in the best manner, and sold on accommodating terms. Repairing done expe ditiously and cheaply. Nicuotis Conon!, Jr., is my Foreman and will conduct the business for me. GEORGE CUDORI, Sr. Dec. 12. 1859. 3t • NTT E, the undiesigied, do hereby -agree to confine ourselves to selling goods incur, tine of business FOR CABII, WAIN equivalent in trade. The above sfitemilitb eoinmentie on the Ist day of Janttary'ntzt. -10 F. iiIePLIIRMY, MADAN lt CULP, D.IHNIPObBitART, WIDSOMA-MAAIitY, SHILLKN, Dec. 12, 1859. tf PETER HOFFMAN. Ik s -": AVriGs &STlTT*?ibli.—An Election for i4teen ry'reetcZnys of the Fanners' ar.d echanieti Iltavlrivilnstitit ion of Adams coon- Te to odi a c e e r Of I r l ° e i T t inli ' utt , , " t o e :',4: : tas l 4 l tde .eld it' a nt day of De etsater — en,ok.,'lyiZeen the honii alO 0 . c 1 c . M. k , A. k., and 'I o'cl:ocli, P. M. . G EMIG E ffitelllCE, Prat. ::Iyit *plots), Sec 'y A 'Peis . ' .5, 1859. td .' . .. tux Trodixoe ... iileeouent aid SOLD at the N. K. - corner o Lie Diamond, 084yOmeri. . 5, 1.859. Z. IiVETI.9. .cf,A,oo,AGgsmilft4 414tAAPASIMZE_Rs, 414 sAjMirlf • 134,WWi MU /4A.4.11) JARE-4 LAR Pit ES, LARD OANB, Ria kei ) - 501 =1, ' . Marrlecl_ Cash Business. Election. •=A -P , t It Aerat al . 41; I__ r. i,selliallifk *Mk wait° lawaeispomulle tharettoz ‘• AVON% t. Oirtmayi illstitnankr Ammo n r mai is, 1 0 1021 y , Wittileli bor., " becslick•tap., " Oakes 1116r*Paid.in:fill duringsthe 7W! t P~id ii Amou4kostatandleig January, 1858, To amount of eumerations allowed Collectors, 4l F ees Outstanding January, 1859, Amount rime jtigf trjala "ma. ...... : .... ?*id ou e t Treasurer—H. J, : # 4ole, prsAgeg,... R. a, ilvs,er, ' ..• 1. T. Asses . sors, Treasurer's Consirsifilo BeLancelet tiandiorTreasurer at settlement, "Vneinztl, 18:,9. 4t OrTIIE 'BA-Vic OP 01117TY8BITRO. ASSF.TS. , D•t. haIA& Loans sod discount.e. ..... —.....,. , $2400103 -72 Specie - A...•• 30,523 76 Due by otbillr ...... Notes lA** 3,5 -Is .^ '4l 14,954 44 BOIIdS 4416,.•.e.ii , ••••1010.. • ~111001 LlStllktillft.s. 6,400 00, • T0ta1...-:« ' ' ... s3h6_,,l.Aeg_ LlAlnfrill3.' '':- i iti.. .„... ... timeeo oo Jur Peir• , 4 .: !. te . freunk ~„,..5 . ...... ......... ...... Due to thef lElm t irt_ t ,10,274 67 ' --7 -*" ' ".' '"'" ••......lem:— .< Thiel ' ... ! ,.,, w0r5trEzt .,... : " . C,24 .4 8( . 1 00 ' I 6LIMO - Avi..x. $145015666. -- The alx./04110001p01161111k4411.91 111,4/6114111106014absdief. r«iletiwadiLWlMol4 l lr. -:. 6111111e111111bod before ine. Dee. 10, 1859.. Oinsilitr. 1 '' 1,4110t1P . ger Zazivary. rt,„;44314. 1 10 04 0 1 0y mp 9luisies L Kukla. Oxford-1% Mountloy—Johlm• eel:* redießushey. Germany—Wat. !ask's , AM' 116141101.; *. in: • ' oun p eassn4.ltoes Roist. Franklin—Abra am. ifickliy; iiiiiolll4 l l6bn , . A , Wititka i . 5 .3a.mi t r—waeuSca irSlll. ' CUMbetaNk—ANA AO; Ce'ofkb' 6 40. . ' 11 un tinttcia—Erittralos Fier. te Gettysburiv m kcob,,i4hp . gi. . •. Freedom-3°Am' Brown, Jolp Ogden. )1444)esr,P,aul Sowm„ . Latimore—Ww. T: Williams. • - - l'nion—Ja;ob • btrabaa—Pli 111p.Deaaref. GINICAt•L Jrair, _• Tyrcatt--Peter Friller;gimltel - 611Mit. " StrabiG—lsaac Giiritie thiellitsit, Theo dore Tanghlabaugb, °Wild He,ptler. Huntington—Jacob it Alter, AlSraluto 11111er, Thoguts Stephens, Jatitei Readlog,Jainir Mourtl44.),—;tamuel Baker, Wm. Elias. Liberty—David Martin, Frederick SWittuel Beard. FennitUls--Levi Iserie4 Henry IHe.klpy,lNley W. Lott, Samuel Hart BULler,—Aarou'Willer, I e nry434nybatitisr Nar- Thoinal, Solomtan Ilamiltontian—John C. Sheatzer, 44114111 Pr 4_ L.er, Andrew Weihert, Peter Shively, Renbes Stem. Chronister, John A. Dieki,Jno. Byers. Co ovrago—Ntrid Wortf., Levi.Kindig, Ed- Inuod, Dellone, Jacob Minn. Clettylburg—Mircno Samson, Illinry islp, Gee Sliopc, Wm. Wiliassirey, O•orie Jacobs Berwick twp .—Satt ue I eitaler. Hamilton—Joseph Shit-min, John Rut, John Ilsrtiey, Jaeob Wheedler. Germany—Morgan Siefope r ioseph Fink. o ntilleapani—Chartee OveMiter i • Jai* Mc ler, Ezra Eckert, Daniel Laindisite. ficietzetra, Solallaz lipahr Oxforti—John Comp' Berwiek - bor.-4:4lgAlsetwagliir. ifetillren--Joel -IV rich Latiroore--Joseyib Fickel. rniZo—John Diehl. Dec. 12,181.9. Auditor's , Notice, IIE undersigned, appointed by the Orpkan's T Court of Adams county, Auditor to dbitri bute the balance remaining in the hands of JEREMIAH "SLATII•COM and JACOB agaxaOx,SE ecuton of the last will and testamentof &truss Cilia:es, late of Franklin township, Adams decpased„ to and among the partials. gaily entitfeeto receive the same, will sit siehis offici,,, Borongh of Gittystarg, - county istißea on .Mouthy, dk Igek dry of Dierember Heil, 18 9, at 10 o ctpck, A. M., at which tlina and.pliu„a an perniins naterested in the estate aforesaid are notrßed to attend. WM. B. McCLELLAN, Auditor. Nov. 28, 1859. 3t MEN !subscribe:list:l4 been appointed by the 9nAban;s Ciittrt'of A.dinits - county, an A.it4tor to distribute the bilince remaining in the hand? OfAdinittliffstor of A w e 41SICAILa: gAz+i; Taw Eitlicin: tington towniliip - ,dirreaged? tS *Ad asap t he parsons legally. entitled to Tecilre- the We, hereby giregescAlarthat.he,wl.ll attend to the duties of tkr•lttnient atlke - Ofßce of Y. A W...lleClea in Veratjelkarg, ea .tbriimiiiy, Lis 22r* rj . 'lows. at . 10 o'clock, of said day ,e 4 WitichWinlliindlifikne all persons interested` rill 0.99(13 IIeOLIVAN., Ai or. Dec. 5, 1859. td Nottite. Ti . i.,.... - 4r r ok , ,,, , B:DAArst and 9'o. CniirriLAi' r n . " *. oflttotirOwnictnan:, has been fitenh - e lKibiEck,o l Plicia 'of Adana cockney, and will blPcionfilicwa s • lirtha said Court, 4244, is 21ef i gkr inst., un less canae,bi:iiw' a Z " .. ._ • , iii , iii m iAti . litrbtionotiry'aoilloo, Gettya bei lAc r • - 1%.19 . 40 1 !ma lo• ; rt 2 O t a . '2 rb co v Fines for Statement Ncitice. Pro Sig% &VI • - ...,41 • , •7' •,•••,..- 4 • ....i. ' - ', l4 ;„ € , • ,-...4 ......w. • .-.!.." le, le 114 Az '''''' -1 11 V• .-119 - -. !., , Au,* .6 50 .• 2 42 2 _lv .: 2 43 1 50 4 4 1 .0 . 1 . 65 7 y ; • A ri 6 ..IX. * ::::i r s'''... 56 00 .1.-At• ....,- ' • .elt 27 50 9.5 . 0 2 , 15 12 ____.l.2-24 —.4 ....:.".. ...... . Iv2oi 61 50' 121 2.4; 50 • t 2 ' OS, ' ' 48 / "ibt" 15' 1 5 6 r 209 — 91119! 12 59 1 2 2 4 9 12 • 15 00 1 125 19 ' 31 00' ' I 551 29.4 ' 5250; 900 1 215;, 40 • t 14 00! 6 501 371 1 1 • - - 57! 10 9 ... 21) 50. 9 50 1 IS o6i ......I 2 25 1 At 75 ..... 2 Mo+ ' 171 , 23 4- - .. . - ....• 1 ••, . • 6- • - --...-.. 811 621 94' 541 i 'vi 04. -slBil% 'Mies —~a . -• • , ~ . "CR. EMI ......... ..••.. ..... .10 lie 211 tice ...... 20 60 ' :; • ar:7111 Alt t • detia• ..;'• •,;L 11114:118 -• ala la 44 NEI ....... . .. ....... 4 2 4 6 29 . . • - •'• •- 6ret -41110110. JAW ' fqr tqsAtlie,e . ariotks kinds Ofq9l, 444 - D S M . COINS.-11 it i V a til tit all if, bi pseaCtAhl . ng asaggeft ,V) ler. se sma that it can be carved in the,Pockst wjFG ont-aai-inconesn Every MockstarshoMd ha ye itA .. 4 .,Artzi - Storelcidiper Vary ReChallic &bold have It! • . rverj. Man in Business should hate it; th4dltects at t he same moment , size, k•negi e l w rgl i lla •Dollar in Silver, anAfron7 l3 a slits4uld up in lo e t s 20 o 7 sides (reign Cold and Silver, and sells ne :silkily as seen, viltttout the assistance Ofta word. It is simple , eminently useful, durablel economical and perfect. jQr.l Warrantee goes with every pne' that is sold. ONE DOLLAR, Post-paid, to any tiait of the MAWS States. Mai? laic TYit NUMIPAPIIIII sly : The pciieaairloa of It Is a perfect kaarantee agiihlOt bells* impaled upo'n with iptirivas coils: era. hfetloo le sore, certain, inevitatott.—See. ji..611464, ' / Iliad mat Wltti Otto *OA OiseStOn atop 66111M111.1iego-ttie 'osciit siMitul•towswivreitsi of thellay.--Virr. Bel :ilia. i i - W6 i norence It vilthouetieitteition totheihe lasi et thing a It.. kind ever offered to tlfej . llc,--Penn. Aka& • W$ film it, sniVe6rdially rreonitnend it to public fitror.—.Yeistssit Argus. k It Is worth its price ten iimes told.—Cis, !Wm. ADENTS WANTED. An Agent Wk*ted in every County in the VriftllVM.ates,T6 Whom a Weary discount will Ilanitiles sent , with terms of agenoy,, on the receipt of one dolh r. Address all oecfers to 111 L-1. - * Bak !.:ote Reporter. l'hiladel6Lia, l'a. The ,re - p,p:rier Vas' been for Thirty years th)l • ,-eitpt. .at!t , Afnd, necess . ary companion of the recclant, Cls.rk,Tntder, Mechanic and beidg the oldist on the Continent, giffeilit the Wdrd, and having rnor tulacti t berit)tan 01 others combined, is pub- RibeTon the lit and ISth or each month, at the talloiring prices: Month!), I copy, one year, . ;Ilse° ?euil-31onthly,f copy, one year, • 200 ineiuding without extra charge a copy of the Coins or tlie World, contarni_u a larger number of magnificently Illustrated M.-Simile itispres• Slone of the various Gold, Silver and other 'Coins of all nations, than can be found in any oiikei Work, altd 'Alai can be obtained from no ath%2arse poisibilifi of To knot. VIVA Y to Note fteilorter, Pbitadefflita, Pa. • Troy. 28 , 1859. 2m The Greatest Discovery Y Tllr. ACE.—lnflammatory and Cbronic Rheumatians can be cured by using 11. 1.. LL U. CE,LEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TUO. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adipiaing couot,ies, hare testified to its .great istilk. Its•success in Rheumatic affee g94t, he et s lueeuizernitiptihateerntot Medicines,uparaliel edke.b,y4a.ny specific jutroduced to the public. Price 50 cexis Opt . tuAtal. for-sale by all druggists cud storekeepers. Prepared only by H 1...1111 1 1.R, Whams/11e nod Retail Druggist . East Berlin, Adams Totartjr, ftp :n dstaler . ht Drusi,ebeinicals, U• rni t s h ; : aptrt u a ,i 2 P datt . ll ,c tl Y u y re-m tes, u s tt b l i,, w . ; la u. t ' * '''‘ for 11. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic Mt Apse." [Oct. 24, 109. l/ - House and tacit _ .. FORS.kLK,-1 will4ell . a.arosalll94o-" t • I in' 44014 N AM qp hi ) LOT, liam- s b.raburg street. Also, stroreiAtrilAtip hots in the Borough. 4/KO. ARS Gettysburg, Sept. 12, 1859. t( - More New Good& A T the Sign of the BIG 1210011110.101114 . ers .A. burg street. We have iced large stock of HATR, Perre, k 11148111! Till:dim, Carpet Bags, , Umbrallgi, Du i. ness,rxillars, W Ipso *e., and are ism! to Sell at the lovrest priees possible toreash.:— i Call and Judge dr yousselires. = a Oct. 17, 1859. COBSAN•ii.CIIILP4 4 • New Goods— CHEAP GOODS—PRETTY neetoglt itiottierl haVe soit rettirlielPfroiii: theclifie - liftt ttieliiiit . .,prettierfaireabiThst iiiortnierit of OFoilrelcer offersTal.Wiffliel We hail in'tiriunallff@i•t—ilia-chiarritbek:er isslestery vaiiety of Died • Mods. Ciaillairs,Cisilne ,tta kc. Call eTuAylatfil =Gal fa fat rintetZ joirthaVour t3oolli ireiinnsu ally cheap.' ltattiintle iorstibliftlUlAH. • FM:MOM:KM `RSOTHIIIIB. Oct. 17, 1859. . Sign Rad•PiOnt Hits. and“Purs. „ CullycolYi:jx: flix cAiiirtmiTs , " d * ' Vier -trets:FITTeIiVn.PII I IT n oily informs the c elle ....A4 . .' store, somal x .ei rig. , . 4 ,:rit' a Etta, am an - me . AO littsArel upwards. Children ' s Piary-Caps t Hats, in.an itnenealardwisty y lit,Dre' MN, of NI iL h cirOicesi vin;(l,Ald IV 4 . t "Ls riy. !lOC No seirepraiiiitiatfcau as to' lailify" or kiii4 allowed: ' Ms ,AtiVid iiiidriffirred iiietiic &lid" illy, • Ilititigargsl • bf rialrellnifilig! 4.. e:24ifftlilln'Rii't •ths,6lll6k; tt2 lir ''. tboWlgigi WM. POP' iinittalter •"_ ustaisletal!E 04. 1 ff lit St. Ips' • s prige 3 etni" I IC-7-71111.V17 1 1917 - *% * ' ‘. o -- - 41illifILD. t• • •• • its.' 2•Seht Mai I 1 6Es rtC , WS. 44. Vi * I an t - •;.14 2 • , .„.„- • II 11231111? =I *1 c - > sltr. ttrzet I of as Aft 8353 1110:11 1900 . `y 50 . _ . SOO- 62 94 50 25 04 -328 01 490 10 $ll9 40 immaks• 411111.14. Skumism. INICZ. X ALIIM E : c voir . °rib. M1.7".1 . # ol 4llll l ir I = u it i t • 1:= 111 1 11 1118 4. • 41.4 4-48 44116144, Ats - it.,. -- —. l E4li-- 4 4111Viu Wisfigni'- ' 4 4 . i .i • - g 'oeS"d6o' i r we of nie we& "--"-'4 . 21--- :* - E.. " 4 62 ; 8 1 'Ul it l7-:- - 11 .-.. 41." ~.. tyke ; t4e ,Grv a u. anmov.- 1 -- _ c4l*.the SIMS plitei d ,ip Popth Balpsnere 4 :14 ' "'"I I • • ri, _,_- Noe% 4* - tlettE : ' i nelAdre le . .. - ftrbr . i . • pring,s, . _,k o = „ 4".sier.°"./..s.tti it kite,, I.* F::gpaiia.truig sore, mild ncsirCy oppocksite, iiiitp• #,,, itgter's,stere. - 4iplAsliti - cg, Iliiireh 20. . - T. ;d hp, . 6. !'iikiftWeir:Al-L1LW,1412/41cge dgej,trot OfiliiSt;atlinagreind big* 111.04',C4P besi.sigtoir) - AT•rAgssY , AID 4 9 4 0 741g* fiaspizelp •ilailamws. Pp (wiy, Land „a -!1ort Aioei•Paf•-•asillt 1 )60 Chums, Rol all eledp• a/alms. againet,s4 qooreAggsertAtlys4„ in0t0. 4 10.114 al sektriaterigegCl a)tnelo4agignia. tatediVrartattle.hisateo ad. 5e1410.111111 highest prices given. Ageolsteqgggell. jp...10• eagng warrants in lowa, Illiopsa opii p.,}hgr Western States. AtirApply to hint persogalky ar by letter. Gettysburgi.Nov. 21, '53. J: C. Neely, A er, , - TTORNSY AT LAW, will attend to collet, I ' Sons and all other buslnessintrantimicto rewith promptness. °Bice nedrlyopposite Painteatoek's Store, Baltimore street. Getty burg, Ap?il 11, 11159. tf Dr. A. W. -Ddirseigi PR3IERLY of Carroll.toounty, 'Md., hating rrnaneutiy lo . cated Gettv,iburib oT . I,pyofisstooil sefTioe..e to' the &labs e inta — tyrle country in the p - ntetic ' t e taxi 1,1 sof hts profession. 'Gee; and ref , n tiniare street, next doOFICI fbe C o .ND office, where be may be found it all Gump. - en not profeislonalli _ ILIZAT.NCES. Prof. S'altan IterAanitus.lyebste{, P. D., Eaftiniore 1Yr.4 1 -7 ,W"ll3elti, Westminster, Md. Dr. 11". " Reese, " . Tullis K. LonswelbEsq.," • Geo. E. N'i7iimpfer, Em.. / nj " Rey. 'llioniai Ifoeren„,"(sett'ysblirge Oct. 25,18 . 58. Gil 3. LaWillic,AiriiiipAL D. N t lASapffice one . , . .itqpr,west. of the• ~, kparao church in 011anikerstsurit shritet,,Viii 92P9fitte Pit:n: 4 ogee, w,beraehusehirishietr,to hop anr. riliti clinenetk•nppelgcuted are respectfully iwriteAto sell. Rerpiarecup: Dre, Hurirer, Rem. C. P. lirneth, D. D., Ker. li. 1,. 'laugher, D. D., Rev. Pner.4l.„.4arobs, Prof. 11. L. Szcerer. Nelellyiburg, April IL, '53. • Fairview :cALT PRIVATE SALE.—A Very Desiriefsh Property.—This Farm is Situated on the uttnialburt Turtfpike. adjoins theithroulii of Ocityibu'rg, and Lin sight of the RallroadTle potsconsajnins 111 Acres and 70'PercHes, more oriess, F 1 A•res of which is covered with Timber and shout 20 Ages ofAeadow. The improvements are . . IVeatherboarded Dwelling lIOD'Edt with a One-rtoty Back-building, , 1 good Barn, Mechanic's shop, and. dthler Out-buildings—all in good order. *rom the Piaixa ottbe Honce von have a full View of the town, find can see the Cars arriving and de pirating. The land is mostly red soil, is of goof qualit!, sad susceptible of n high state of culti vation. . Lime acts well on it. and can always be had at the Railroad Depot, one mile distant, at 1 , 11 cents per bushel. There is a young Ap ple aui: Peach Orchard, nod a great variety of fruit!'" The yard. A-well of water at the door, and a never-tailing spring at the barn. This fotiOlierey, viith very Retie expense, can be made a reFy dtitrable and most beautiful country residence, well calculated for a vineyard find v .0400 e feria. sari will sell cheap arid on' iheisithit acebal- Maifrog - terms,. It-w4jt be slipwn either by Mr. Sten tz, liViitg on tire Wendt ea,„„qr_iagsgjy, residing in town. afglitt Gettyiburg, Pa., Sept. 4, IVA. , Timbr Wit AT PUBLIC A LE.—fbe subscriber will offer at Public aide wt. the pserniies, Ork Saturday. ihralefriow eyilkermilber nest, A TRACT OF MOUAr.hilii LAND. containing about Acres, 4 Waiste in X enalien township, Admits! county/lbout Iltrwe quarters of a ,suile, 9144 best of Beadersville, adjoining laada_otoollo4l, 11'iermaa, Meter , Ricwantir.otharse *eland , is. :Weil coraUtd Kiiti G. NlXiely , oirlansber, arid will be sold in SIX LOTS, of about • Willta"al• gigrSale,to co qsji lksielock, P. ,)L.,..0n said tom. when nt N trill be given and terms wide tuber M. - Now. 2s, Am & 44 • ./EBSE .9)I•YERS: ,tity illy Set 4apireberitoritleall gr e =l l -;I: asiSolyillorstry.; libv. SO, IOS4.‘111r: Mi."- Aminthe. ctinflitiltikil*4ll4o,lll if three' 11011Mmi ale Wiry*SOW WINDSOR 11 11 01111U04410,10101101 111 10 1 111040 altar tltarltetlityal 0111131104111011 1 4; -U1 1 410:* iii eilrsissis, tilahralt; litistanildeWNlAQol askoadilas4lo4l4Aitiaretiowithlowtsetistiow. ARO tamer ;tat #ises wipsseaspiate Marne If Amp suis..wastitw eiamplett wit-re• Glikoll MID .kthirli4P—Mier *lll. do well by iavaimilihassoutis. AllesaisateitasieWeatrontsin tiiiengisyyssil Noilgrosparliiiir•it ,ia tut neivissrpto apeoiir, alwaye on hand at - pa y in t ik e bUyesi 151:111aaes, :To zrusly . Coatte,lnTißiss. gal sie t g yr! th! tnibM, e . tepee tal4,,in e;e,,,Cliieg s. iiigt —.tliatt "4 is '' ''ult ; to taste, lAisi - ftiey 16e ; sir f 5 *ar.qOf seen, We 141'i their own prices, imouil dollars, to produce,engreyinp ns Well as the beat ii * Th,tlisWts, sPlendidisramente to en,: Plit4. logs that eakbe_reihod r iinl The . r4.lt,p i of the New York %Pi et .1,, - - cTiires engravings ire gentille woe•• • r • ,41 . likerkeeites e ere a dmiralile. Th. I . - r-• , . t ie; gi. sv ci , E t t w A p (Zitifeeedezkce - Stit e''''''. LEfie,3Nia t s/,‘,13i1i tbriellir Tdrocit • - ~,,, t -,,,,,,,,,,,- ~.. .. _ r - ‘ 7 ".T.ltlyt n , lanniar mein en . ~., It I s . ever seen s 'ind ruziilifuraz .., .., , ...- eroftaistmoit.tmgigrNs. -_ , Thillk„, ALVIRT f/ll' - ."'' 'e wilt mud, sii:Ost - 0.111, a s eittre _Ak e a rollers'L4ither, Engiligiag acid ii',.. akiriW ono year, for $3: Both Engravings, and a $3 Magazine. one year, for $4. sot Agents who remit $3O at one tinse l ,,will has e an extra copy of each eitgrzlivlzig s . jii,iy. slagrzines are Ilarfiir's, rat .N. • 2 Gude4. Lady's BoOk, TA( Atlan'tk;itedie ' Mar-By special'arriagenient,the m il e* 1 real ., subscription to the Magazines to paid o -ty us to,thejr publishers, and su li scribi4a reit liii their, aufiply fOr die yeni direct, fiomLilWW„,„ apectlie oubliektion offices. The colt all'ilff engravings is. paid only by the differeleijiFS' //31110. tween the lowest , wholeszle and - the iiiiiiipt , prKs_of the Magazines. 4 - -. 4 " IS,iII pie duty of every citizen of this Great ; ija. t—Enri . Vings ink at once, and iinbagli s fs- Repu'llic to foster and encourage native 1 to periodicals commence with - enMr• II genius and American enterprise."—DaNtaL i issue .unlesaiotherwise ordered; 4 ,/ilgaiti tel . WIIIISTIIR. riskl i rprciof is retained orlaisiinglwen . HIE "GREAT REPUBLIC " MONTHLY : , First impressions are best,llier a iforeliad al r A. Magazine devoted ent:rely to the eleva-i Address, 6T Anieridan auth'orshlp, wholly national, O. 11. RAILErkCOI 't (At Wm. Hall & Son'S Music-Ware s ). in nowise _ sectional or stearian ; having for its ; 543 Broadway, Netiltesk, ni`otlo thii'ords;(tee . Freit statesman : "No 1 ifirJ. Aug,hinbaugli k Sou arena Agenita grortli, No South, No Last, No remit;" having t hi s o ar , golltrr to do With politico; aiming only at the • Nov. 14, ii , 17.9. 10t Eirteii is kit, Literature and - .lclrece, and em - - - - ployin g ._lbe best writers in en cry branch, Is; Use Shriner's .., agitliV6 - efea the American public, seeking their 111 ALS.AMIC COUGH SYRUP. ' • support. , JD AS A FAMILY REMEDY IT BAB -KO . 'lll„it,Magazine is now finishing the first year, EQUA 1.1 and drawing, near the close of the Second Vol- ' TESTIMONY 07 CLISIdrMIL • UVIO, and ,has met wTth unpwailleled success. lir Th!is is to certify. that on Mil ett. The Tldrd Volume will commence with tho commendation of a regular and skithaUphisisl aWier'far January, 1860, which Will be issued chin, We have 'used the "Balsamic "Cough early_in frecCiaber, 1859. Every number will syrup" prepared by W. E. Shriner, itfolir flimil' becaillendlk illustrated in the highest style of ly, and find it t s answer well the purposell4- art: - s Aiiong the numerous contributors engeg- which it is prepared. S. SIOVIRIEG ed kw the corning year are the following well- Pastor eiT Lutheran Church, TabeytOitirzolliat. knc4rit dietlagaislied tailors: - I Read the following Letter from Rev.-11tP. Fitz aemi Ilallecic, Orestes A. Brownson Jordan : UNIONTOWN, Md., C l io `°P. itorrie, Wm. Gillmore Ramis, Awl; ; Mr. W. E. Shriner,—Dear Sir :—I bare glen' Betiliimln, John G. Saxe, Hannah F. Gould, your " Ralsazisic Cough Syrup" a Taletriainasid: Calhoun McKenzie, M. F. Maury, Seba Smith, am happy to Any that I have never trisidraty;;' (Jack Downing ' ) J. T. liaadley, Geo. D. Pren- Li k ing that relieved me so ipon. I hire also' tice, Aliee Cisrey, Mrs. Kirkland , * Mrs.-Oakes ' given it In my faintly with the same goierif , :•• l Smith;PhOe Corey, Mrs. Ellet, kc., &c., &C. ; fects in every instance. it is certainly' mat In the January number will be commenced- , excellent.remedy, anal wisest to boils everyffand the most • strikingly *original novel of the day, ly. The exceeding low pries' esteriticit Mkt sold , entitled THE PRVIIET; or, Scenes of Border , places it within tlit. - reach of all. 'Life. By Elizabeth bakes Smith. I Pardon the liberty I have takes in titers: Eh.. There will also be commenced in an early ing my experience in the use of the:Syrup wise.- number of the coming volume a,most startling i lic i te d by you. Respectfully yours • and intensely interesting original novel, entitled I H. P. Joanal. TIIK.SLAVER.OF THE COAST ; or, the Afri- I r zsrinoze or PHYSICIANS. CaEl,lrmi,H --. ar, Ily callioun ;4t : Kenzie, e Lre tscarv, Frederick co., ML. .. TH,E GREAT RI, IPI:ElLIC IsIitNTIILY is the , Mr. Shriner :—At your request, I hare is-z, largest Magazine published in this country. — ! amine! She composition of _your "Dillikille Over 1140,000 has been already expended to Cough Syrup," and from my knowledge of the • bring it to its present high degree of merit.— 1 ingrediemts, and having witnessed its-goiti;efs4 The publishers are determined to give it the : feets c l can recommend it to the publioleiit l largest circulation in the world. With,,tias t valuable compound for Coughs, Colds, Lad-1114 view they make the following MAGNIFIC_FAIT eiironic pulrnonaryaffoctions. Taos.Sntileral: OFFERS, and they refer to every subscriber 1 • TANstrowsiikL - now on their books as to the fidelity situ which , I have prescribed W. E. Shriner's .Aileltuniie they fulfill their engagements. i Cough Syrup" in sty prectke foe several jester, TERMS: ' and regard ft as an excellent medicine iteCenghs, Colds, and all Bronchial affections. , HAIII. SW0,11,111: D. FITa rifles' IEPIRIZNCII• • JerrsitsbN,York.co:, Pa., July 11, 109, I To W.M v Shriner,:—Dear Sir :-1 hare been keeiltrig - your "Balsamic Cough Syrup" for Ali for thellittfive years, and it has given almost . universal "satishictren. -a It is one of the mosepopular Medicines louse in our neighborhood. ' Our sales s therefbee,lntes been lye; especially last winter, leaving sold at retail at least , ten dozen bottles. ' I thereirtire do not hesitate to recommend It "to the:P . ollc as a rood medicine. Yours, respectfully,_ J/9011 : 8rakiitaa. Poctia's Stoma. York co., May 11; 1859.. W. M. ShApsr,—Dear, Sir::=Your Cough Syrup irliaoominCvery ppitgar hers.. I 14lre been sellincitLoif•abeitt Lyra - Years, aneirges more geweell, sa(htfietioivthan any medicine I have ever sold. We use ,it in oar family, aad woulpl.nol fie' Without ft on itny . .simiwaj w ,. pm chili fen, it certainly is an invehilihti medi cine: - - • -8: G. linosaaasto. , . JACISOX, York co., klay.l9 1959. , To IT , E. Slriner:—l"consideryouiita Cough Sfri - One of thelZestCo9iltr Of thi die. Then Is in nedlint I i sl % sold' such universal satisfaition,iidone that 1 have Used in my; family I like " Yours;'truly, C. F,,lizai l lie, Price, 37i,ota. , psr-lbotAg i o c sr3 Duple* fiar $1: Sold by alr Drigglstre lliiiits." ". Oct. 17, 1869: - l'Oin - • • 1, k . . Oct UM 949: Ai . ditivesh , Asseitment OF 4104 MR IiF44:IVED•A T , RXI MING MR 'S. —The subscriber hit just eitaimeekribm the City with ariottrerVidf ostaliletilltralifilift - aunt of Goods furIOWT 'MEN'S WEAR—to e t Alch‘lii esti the atteviii n vf'jifkifilie: " b `has selet 4 ted hie etcieli WitligiViit "eliferitill n sellirrtinitisufat"tuili'itery thilty of OMR Tiettie illearielit arilirthearsublltineritliiitßiF I'llilfsitis 'illl'iMib 'iitsh% beifellifittell'iigti jobil,lenteel FALL Ali D VtiltiT EIrOPROTH IRO; 'ls; ere hlth a call. lie einnot lie 'eTeelle'd' in "tfe Wien. -Every one, the'rercife, who itesir'es a tiaejilii, iheuld Bill with him at his Merchant 1 Tallorlii•FAlttillstilimit - in Carlisle street, next door tO'llEedniftliby's lien. Oct. 31, 1859 Last Notice. perscitia who are indebted to me 1),.• kiote. or Book account, of long standing, .eribfniititled that suit will be brought opori afrauch c'itlthe - tbaitre not paid prior' to the UMW of January next. Now'. 7, 1859. GEO. AItSOLD. Single Copies $0 25 utueripppia, per yeir 3 001 Clot; of three !nom each, 200 4 11 3'. our kePkng 'Club of Five subscriber!,, tnth the mon ey, 'NM receive, by mail,, his Choke of either of the following magi:takenl 4l Stpel. fingriy_itlga, viz i t AfT SUPER. Size of plate, 25 by 415 inches. Vidue. $5. THE CITY OF TIIE GREAT ELNG. Size oft plates- -5&-bv 39 inches. "slue. $5. THE PAhlikelt OF PESTIIINSTER. Size 114tu, 414 y, 39 in,chen Y a l ue ,,ss, SIR WALTER 'SCOTT'S,EONUEE.NT. Size of plies, L . 34, inches. yells, s - 4. "WE PRAISE THEE, OH LORD." Size of plate, 2,44 inches. Value, S 3. g,ippER,T BURNS. Size of plate, 21 by 25 , ioehles. Value, $3. -Any one sending a Club of Ten subscribers shall.r#Cive liTs.elioice of any two of the above, emenv.tuge. Any one sending a club of Fifteen agAscribers,shill receive.his choice of_ any four " oLi&ve engravings. Any.one sending a club of Ttenty subscribers shall receive iciforthe ilovo engravings, and a copy of the Magazine r 0 one ear~ , grrtij. Viisapleapci,,,offev will enable every one, by a very trifling exertion, in gettiug v! seri er!, to altimis as fine a.collecsiun of rare worts of art to adorn his parlor, as can be,obtained any where fpr•s2s, cash. YounginatTektennind young Indies, All over the•cbtauty, are invited to get op Clubs upon afiove.terats. P.ostmasters, and other respectable persons who maj desire; act as Agent*, audit) receive umtabscommloskwinstead of the above.liberal Agar, are'authorized ta ; forward us subecribers at;the.prices before named, deducting twenty per sent. for their ,trouble. The engravings will be sent in rotation, in.the order in which the clubs am sent ia. 10 t* s AV; Teams NOUNS, rork .poe. •tee 'FIRST CWIE.FIRST,SERVEQ In addition to the above unparalleled offer we now, announce that wkere .panties" do not form clubs,and,where their names are, not sent ia.clubs, that single subscribers sending the amount set opposite to each of tlipiiito,ye parings, 04,1 receive by mail the Engraving chosen and one copy of thettlagsaiste• for one year. " lee tent A of; este. Some of these-lig:eying - I are of three limes the rale* of -those offered by the OLD LID,: listori i -and i all,of. them are better and of more' iatsfinsio wooshithnir say engravings ever Gear- i SO krlutioz: ”iii4;frOervia• " or " Arti Aseovio- ' lion.' Lest ,fir," and "The Cititthe Great King," should adormishemalls •of every Cleromn 1:14tolar in - the cvistry : , Nob-MM midi be. forar-jbene le -no "cipsnre" in the matter, no "lottpsy s ir . no,4llt.eottespehm e no hasubN. can 41 0 . 0 ." gostoligifior c=lol4l4lllslolactlateregted is th e sit j •• •Lateratu.esd to _ . „ re . • mjskthoot ,gsmerously liberal offers. $0.4 0 4 1 k. above , any oink 14.41411). - ' 14 1 / 1 °.. 1 1-040.r°4 1 - 59 4 shoilMoiffb tikookfosoir re -or glo apwr, ~ a .wittojaet. Qtabli IWWFAT.IIIIIFAIMIC" MONTHLY Iron- hi ' . .• V. 4 1 11A 61 441 ia adVilist4i . 100v14011as. ft.iffirtimt ' - •- , ta-g EMlL:iklit A i • V V PP WM W 11-4 " vr "" . - if 0:0 1 140 0 411" . li P i an , . ag a '' If At env risk. 7. 7 44111111MINNIAki — ane0 Ir , nketdvd - 14 ,2•.,.4.4g, JACOB REININGER Natioe to Peumers._ tO okffert z: _ M T ; t rliTlM : =o 4' p ufereie;eol4 Barley, Clover-teed, Timothy-seed, Fliiii, 4 4lre, at the large yellow Werehnnse, west end (rf Xs Oxford. Ilar"Orono, Plaster,43altkc., sera • 841611, and•wetl selected stock of. Lonitree sadV coilitantry on Laud arid for sale at tiaftl Itoaies FRANK. lIKRBUf NesriFoiford, 04..7 1 1859. tf Ell T .., ...b, ' we Ii beaut , which OP& sigiii j . 0 stc, A S S y deli, , Also. Haftz . ip , ! .. i.„ 64 . ., • soitWrt Ms. Weir st:Ottr pie eiii% - tido sr - Ara &teat ekt'3, , liitsil: ' A^. - -11e0PT VW - W . 4 .Naw ,, Oreter4BloooXlk, ' E e ificriatlVl P V - Tolitaof nbars: stretkillaW dosirs , bokar 'We: 'Rh ' realm 4WI/2X A VA* isuilsonw iidthiPariadots ildiyistildtd. of= Flo9lll3lllNirligiihirilmiti •-- ll* keeplaglifsiWareidettliptes - 'tea 6 1 git4llo,B Meru imi,ipidilik, VC alibi . _ , km looMlior soli *vflkill 'lo 431 S t rills iiilioliairodi t oditiP •" • dilmoNditithe imiS atiw iillilisko4 siilwiCys , _ - - 4.1•8.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers