idopted express of the sitisims of! ,illetwe of , Virgin* . , I gi:ge Were no laze more 4 . 9 citiiens of the 11,.epUblie ieribiag•th,e , xtuty of restoring -fiborto their musters ; din- 1 4 or wish to interfere with r liiklotts of sister States, and 1 :,..atetagpat tams, all at• 1, :.! , •ta • fLeita a servile insurrection!, or to ,! - .'... r .,. #,407f ' . iolire litirti!ll7`h - eld in semi. ! • ••"•ti,•_•„_ 31.etkarid,b1poviked ; approving cf elkiiikeieat atitx.ettationtifjastice in Virgin- 3 Ithi.ordrig add fidelity of Gov. Wise ; at - v.l4We conduct - of the Governor Atitiia in pramptly.sqrrendering the firetrialefetce; 'and, finally, assuring ••%ric' ft4f tee south that there exists a - -7 "*. 'ePlO l 4 - d keiliiikiicrkilii l ii dPtfa• Pr' spirit to assert and maintain, the pan (W 4 ' Ale2riglini of=the t3iptes under „tiv) tetuka i linalidence and that Or Whiela confidestee and lir;Olfp. . , &-_, s'ht_ fl •• ..; . 1 ,- ,';'. • 'tg 0 . -Bbat,9n, I ` - ', !! '' - ' 49 ; 1 4. JP.. " f•APt was (="Ned PP oa t tbe opeolon•pf gie haltking•of ••• - •;,44 1 ? iPpr of the fnien and tits Con. -1 '• Ir."- lii•guy,, Linooln . presided, and Anittie by lion. Edward Everett •Costupg, _which are spoken aeons their greatest efforts, Patriotic oic l'irtl4-iilftritbd. 'The deuitaistra lis;`• a - good effect in that hot, — _. 11 0 3 4P 1 ,.., . .17 4 = 1-15- vilev-et•:,:revasts• .. - - " 1 44441:m4i) *lotion held in New 41 1 ;40e) ' -" Ilad;figlitild'in the specam •ia •••••••- • ;:,.0. .. .. • !I jTP!PPfor Maior• Threepandi• 411. 1 .... , j,..n4 warn, Tam •' 4. - .• i Noon, Mozart liallAsano• 700 . • Grars**.limpubliean. The rote wiFetiii*. 26,f8t; for Wood, 80,- 4t., 6 .1:1 - 421,7f16: Wood over 'ffeie ,•• • -••••• Athatiity of both likemoeratic IlletalFes the •Retablican, 35,- . isit`iiir or gerr- for Usk retjoi ilerw. .. ' it*itlidate for rrekkit int r . , „ 1 1- % . /Oludg Saw* pre 4bolli MA la 11 0thig& 0 1 1. 1 ditlfrles pouts : lasisibed as ado be. arida unitil to the world, wide thofoll and And dutenslastion to stood try it nt tia eb ft, sul l en oes of snore virtuous Amoy .101 presented. are the mottoes *Cob, in solo steno*, embody the principles. as ws uoistuim Ass ebor4d govern us in oar petriotlo war fare !tgainst the most in?laila and insidious ~ _,•'„ i l~ X t` c ~: 4044gAkiiik %IP fed.epeced oa siiW ir gi:tli_tm_ii• A', • • • of pro-tlaveauldere net ap any ape who *drawee the caftan of 'mama slavery. ticiias no • - owst.ip With t•em In - rnimmilialliktaiwirogii46coniasoololy.: • "4. "Alo#11ft•wOoo prihishitewabellii#llllo l ; vo,guosaM) isillovekiroitiog.bmWo 4- no tom to prololowor. looy.ero ; no -eopioynumat, lio lito•Lavori..pirpiaiono; -no to pro iiiirveryjmorossi^ , Alb morolariomot olsTookbroorpolavo• holders— • • •tli.• Adam ntAieeontion snot of. stabeeription to proems* asrinspapeee." , :1111% VAAL mmhithiiirttot above .sseiiik. (sip the Minifitutlon,) rettlaxOnsending 'Crim son and insurrection, the pfielition by Tio lance Gran institatien wbieb liftoen soVereign States of the Buintt sepses sand maintain. under the express sarietion arid'ruaratitees of the coustitutirn, and the excommunication of all who .ap;)l4 Shat institution and their ax elusion hem social. 'religions and bosineita fellowsblpse.haa , been openly and.emphatical ly endprecd, and a h4ndred thousand copies of it eirpulatsal by thi; leaders of the Black Repubjim t n party. less Of Pongnisur, .whose names stroannesad: Sehityler Colfax. Austin Buellistnerte,*si -Lorrejoy. 2fino• P. Ormixer, :Edwin D. Morisn, GsjushsA. Orow, Joshua R Gist din;-P.4.ll:l2rdWacle, CsVn C. Shaffer, Wm. A. • mar& llenr Vatltirn, John Sherman, Geo. W. Paltrier. Apintel W. Gooch, IlenreL. 'Dawes, Justin S. Morrill, 1. )Vachburne, Jr., J. A.'lrriiihant, Wni. Ktlk 4. B. Wasp borne, B&jmnin •Stanton, Edward Dodd, 0, B. Tutnptins, John eonode, Cad. C. Wash burn, Nratiel G. Andrews, Abraham B. Olin, Sidney Dean, Nadel B. Durfee, Emory P, ?utter, De• Witt C. Leach, Julio F. Potter, T. Irrls of Miss" J. F. Farnsworth, C. L. 4n4p; it. E. Petition, Philemon Bliss, Ml son W. 'Panrian, Clfarles ease, '$ Datil of Mwsk - tlOtiff Ate, !tinier E. Rice ! haute D. araca, A. B:lllitirry, Robert B. Hall, Val. ffto:.ton ' Miittin H. Morse , Dariit gore':%Ww.t3tissraft, 'R. - Ctirtis; John M. Wood, John M. 'Plater, Ettephin C. Foo -1 Or, Chas. J. Gilman, Chu. B. Hoard, Jbhn f-Thottipson,O.,W. Sliet;man, 'Wm. D. Brayton, Jambe Biliffiiton, Matteson, Richard Mott, - George B. itublilns, E. P. Walt4n, Jain& NVitson, S. A. Ferris/Joe, F. E. Spin ner, S. X. Burroughs. =r 141 Ts. 'lmam lioslointrit, i H. Dierreffer, - add ttnients of ardent de ;tie fjarper's Rerrl d to with thrilling ge being too greet .049ir mooting was 4ras •ad *seed in A. 7 of gentlemen. 11 ere we Intl SIXTY4II9IIT Rapala; ca n members oR:4'a - rives' endorsing aninoesiroary Abolition ThibliCation,snd among them JOHN SIIERIAN, the candidate of That party for the Speskersisip of the National House of Representatives—supported by the Tote of Enwsan McPuER-41):, elected by' the 'People's Party" of this district 13 it any wonder that the people of the SQutt.—the conservative PeoPIP o f the entirs Union—sire alarmed fur the perpetuation of oqr glorious institutions. Mena Republicans [Are Made up import , 414 diAnurery, and all theif organs, the Star eigung them. take the, cue. Tlay tore end dolt found out ash* I are agitating the sla'rery ./nestion. Their members sit as meek and docile as lambs in the House of Congress, rowdy to proceed to en organisation, while the Democrats, tjicy say, are raising a hubbub and clamor about slave ry. They don't like agitation Just now. A'gr itation injures them. They wduld like Con gress and the country to forget who bare been the agitators fur years; who inaurivett ed the irrepressible conflict ; who recommend ed the circulation of Helper's infernal book, ' Mr. JOON SHULMAN is elected Speaker of -the llouse. Investigation and discussion frighten - them. The- recoil is Vying their nerros. Exposure alarms them. They see that they hero gone two far and put_ too hoary 'a louden the cause! aback. they are willing to-he quiet• if the patient beast will wily OM. sent to bear the load in 'Her*. Of course ; men in a tight place sometimes deny their cuing identity. 1 But the Republicans can make nothing at tight lea dwyy. ;by. prslsinifing to be opposed to illgitiAjuite They inaugurated. and are now prosectutingrthis IMnsful agitation with tear- ru I energy. They Iraye it in their power to put a stoplo it. The Peuveracy do 9ot want i agitation ; the South longs fur peso. .and quiet. They only ast to be let entettieutiatibi riots: pet clip tfeRRI:4O4I pikty • atiridini qiii irrsoriesitilp 'cintßiet, r 69.4 riiiikt.i's patophlut,, an erep eery glangmgagadin its cirastiation ; let them u:- Inmirledge the apathy of the. litaies,and I ginp this ettitiud di ank eiatter:tod .rub-a-dub of;agitatinn against Shire/I;4d quiet will Se •ftstqed in a widase;nt. ' :If any *rill not dr, so, ihcy Ocisie an rasp* 44 fie.4l;esoopeequeii eye mositoo7 kbotiMil4)o/1 poet or. parcel leurriegpri .: _ TOPheesi , tieagire it Trier !Itepr to defy .-iligirtiio , 4o4 *Rd lIKORet ' r trttY. , . • 4'° OAP* )11,AAR iid_sierivr '0 book: Pitt': It is RP" to P 94, tcliPt s fir ti Ls 7/ amiaelg me* km Ow* elm ifledisappwrra4 "The VOA of AI% fag arid Sbalberb .law, miniteeted throgg out the tryiag'saelie 'die, most heroic bwfilg t Lad aatinihinfTy,l PAO hja fate, as ogly MILD wild' NAT! 1161`The llapubliaaa papeca prate largely `baX"-oliitieraM l*pluelt," his'eoarage. "he 'dledillreii mita' ,"kc. PM* delerrei credit for‘l4 l .-Illeilkl4t A SlP *kolk.gribe%E l4 4 l " 4 0 0 viathoolat, eisragsastottmliki, aftriromrtlywii,psgitrus, "hi:Agit 4 - 146,.1”iii 4 as liollliasAT: hea rse** Charlotte Jogai, kourdered- Ortakkbroibutilat. ipeimbeiftwYki'peitryliaaaa' 16* ' 44 l4aikri AO opium nrnaCfor . - lok -web, iatik (*oil 'weak wat =1 Of e *** - . - P341 99111 AAL t tjjk =1 cillprifOletv 1-44,11511410 . "‘ tkst be should cooll it up to-taoresnr t I Messrs. Rust and Hamilton. The Southern 4.,......16: or for or 4 1.4 r. iii 1 . 7 .4. 4. Haig Resolved, T t a oommiu to inquire in tb ii raison and of the Um States at H s ,in man. ash) for Mr. Hick 4 * 16 / 0 itm"*" l • •^l - by a bead of armed men, and re. !molds sad Riggs voted for Mr. Davis, of Ind. ..rt whether the was !Lien .. b arm 7 Thersdoy,—The Senate continued* dis tal dEldi fxr redarion . '4"ifr.llasou'i resolnifon; did the totes of the United States, and hi the rear- Wry ai mo dor of say of the citizens of Virginia, or of tioasaviatAhe aa r. mew w. . , ~ .. oberrs . wtosinbir rnb ii, t Liao. without takings vote‘r Speaker, porert ; ;thinker such in, ion and seizure ' Friday. —T,be Senate was not in session.— + de( celor or it iallem4ii• tsrbe lloniutwas oicunied ;with perso"pal de. 141 W liobcto-fte t'istrtY 4 1 Wee, during se4tieb an altercaltionunfetreritl '' B #llll 4 l***** l4ls 4 l l l Cirel~4 l lMlßln t aelintg'silititediMironort, e e a 11, Ili .11, e ther try. iktieens of he United St9se...not i harm was done. it rote was had fur Spiker, ?vent,. wtreAgir liaTin qr tn:tostskr ,' without an election : Sherman, flit; Boa erke; -br 'it------"" IS money, mall. I oc ek, is ; Gilmer, 3); scattering, )3. If Skis inti t aiiioni cko:lterwise• what was.,the ohar- f stiker Oinariihipt tl L . ,,,7mik...6, ac ii l i joal ; ni i n I Muse does not seen organise, the President Thedsis4 iir' undeilEikointrt.l of semi Armed • , will send his Message to the Senate. tiartd7pail orliere,pid Goy lad when 'fie same I liaillbtalneetid traniporied: to the plaoe so tpri, That said' committee, surest wile • tit.ltTazi j ani,:eialeglijation may, in their fflll9 b orl ti7o pvt. of the Vnitet 1 ton rMpsers,eteethiu or the peace o "t 4 country,. or irllietluilets , ut the pUblte property ; inTtrult gin olAinnittce hare pow er to send fpr person. yid papers, Mr, Trumbull gate notice that when that resolution came up for oonsideration, he should move to amend it by idding, that the same inquiry be made in regard to the seizure Of the 'trains' at Franklin, In Sitesouti. Tho Mouse was *Med to order nt 12. M., by the Clerk of the last Ifouee. On motion or Mr. Phelps, the noose agree.l t pr,ceed to the eleogao of speaker vied vo.z. Nit-Pleartter. wheninated Mr. Phelps, of into. .Mr. 'Carotin wetnioeted Mr. Sherman, of OhlO. Mr. Adrian nominntod Mr. Dttrip, of la. Mr. Ilaskins nouaiLlatod Mr. Ilickwan, of Penna. Mr. Stevens nominated Mr. Grow, of Pa. Mr. Briggs nominated Mr. Boteler, of Va. The result, as announced by the tellers, was as follows:—Sherman, Ohio, (11epoblil can,) &43 ; 13ocock, of Virginia, (Pemocrat,)Bis; Crow, of Pennsylvania, (Republican.). 33 ; Doteler, of Virginia, (Southern Opposition,) 14; Daris,.2; Phelps, 1 ; Gilmer, 3; Nelson, 5 ; Corwin, 1; Adrian, 2; !dill, d ; Hickman, 1 ; Penniegtan, 1 ;it Clark, 1; 'Mcqueon, 1 —no oc,n haying a majority of the wholes,lte. Mr. Clark, of Missouri, offered a reeolu. tion, that nono who omlorsed Helper's Book (sin incendiary Abolition publication) aro fit to ho speaker of the House. This led to a lengthy discuasidtt, and without coming to a vote, the House atijdlsrned. On lirexday, the Senate discussed Mr. Ma son's resolution,but did not come to a Tote. Theliouse took up Mr. Clark's res.lution in .re,geril to Helper's Book, and speeches were made by Messrs. Clark, Bur nett. Millson, Lemke, K eitt, Garnett, Stephens, of Pa.. and others. Without deeithlig the question, or taking another cote for Speaker, the Houseadjoorned, amidst lunch excite ment. . Wednesday.—The Senate took up Mr. Ma son's resolution in regard to the Harper's ferry insurrection. ?dr. Oinamons said John Brotrn'i crime h 441,550 redsco4lg qu4slity, Lot still he, was It bisTa loan. Mr. %glory did not ritto to adrnettle the resokttlaii, but defended N(•rthern Winch . ..Tata frunl the assaults of IlepoLliaan Senators..He was not surprised that Senators de nied all knowledge of Browses plans, but the sympathy so generally expressed at the North showed that the '1 irrepreseiLle conflict " hod indeed commenced. Mr. Iverson read from the repnet of the late debate in t* Massachum etts Legi.lature, on the proposition to adjourn in rr_•pect to John Brown, and from a Boston paper, to chow that, notwithstanding the statements of Republican Senators to the contrary, there was a general sympathy fur John Brawn in that Stam, Ile said that Greeley, of the TriT Mine, and Thurlow Weed % of the Albany Erining Journal, the irtouthlieces of Repub lican Senators well known as political dema gogues, had openly and empbatic.►lly express ed sympathy. Mr. Hale expressed his opinion that the sentiment., contained in the Helper nook were trot as objectionable u represented by the gentleman from Georgia. Mr. Clingman stated thitt the sentiments of the Welt were fully as bad as had been repre sented by the gentleman from Georgia. I Mr.prown spit{ when Senators make pub- I lie disarow"ttls in regard to this matter, he was net the ono to stand up and °barge his peers with deliberate' falsehood.; but there 1 "has been that going tin at the NUrth, mike lilted to rod 'O l 3 p rag - ditTerpnt Tinilreuion upon the 11 0 4111n:I niiil4, iv ilninial for no torious.asaleraetors, morderons; tolotutrs end traitors to have etpronisions of sympathy in the leasing jrinila of tire North! Soppoee *lie fils e..4.0:4.0 reversed, and a formAad _beim madki ntotlf.o46l; neetta, an d• the Spring , •kbarutotialurd•been 'seired , for the avowed Pdr?kow of foiVit l l4 elailify into l'llitarachusette and overturning the *omen; eat Orthat Stle, would the Tribune, Evening Post Aid oilier ollepubrreeow jousnals hair; expressed such igne4l path IR ttbit'olkistijii.theiy 'Wee &litter! I , : s i r - a fah , , ,w , si o .d kat i cilmio 4 . '' ' e l : *li. ‘. ~il 4a Viiiiiir'OPWC ings seal of such a culprit 1 . - Ilitilaitfelt4r.likellWredShition eon- I tiiiiiirp.'toeto4; wren, WSW* laltlyt ' # 9t 4 h Ill! 1-3 4 , 094°1141 44 ! . %Vie liouseti - 40, UNWit of 4 11 , ii* patiliesn,) o b artif 4l4 #ok 4 ')( B alt IlkOk in 11!iiitia:etre,' lick *r..lli4i ea rh ite .... , e c tim i ictr s., , • ItAtiiiril4Wilo 41 1; . , ... AtighilitiC '-' litrAtieritind, iIW, AM ki4 , 439414 libliraelhalll4o l llolo4listher itiores lesoinstlbite MOM Mt. Doligladeli•ar~G re . . tore.. - liglei v iSe ll 46 6 44 l ** 0a ; 4 1 6, life 11-090.17 !I= "The course of the Virginia officialir throughput this matter wilt be the means of plativ John Hrown un the list of martyrs."— aeat fell•A questligndble kind of "intirtri,u in. ilatd 1 .• 'lli is proven to have been a *altar, a fhitof, - en outlaw in Ktineas—one of the chief instgunients in produciat and keeping up the wild disorder In that 'Terri tory, whiah many murderad men, we men, and children to untimely graves, and *bleb produced'the greatest alarm through out the tTnion and endangered - RA ve'ry exiat once. Ile regarded nu human being's life if in the way of big designs, and ho regarded nu man's rights tf lie wanted his horse, De nounced as traitor, murderer, rubber and thief, by all parties in Kansas, he soughtand obtained refuge among the Republicans of New England. Nex a t he is fuund at Ilarper'a Ferry. Find ho been successful at this point—had the ne grecs of the South entertained the desires the Abolitionists suppose 1 they did—Join Brown would hare deluged 'Virginia end the rest of the South in scat of blood. Neither age, nor eex, nor condition would hare been spared.-- Ile AliA down aged and unarmed citizens in cold LI "od .while he supposed himself master of Harper's Ferry, yet upon his trial he a/aimed that he bad only armed himself and followers fur self defence ! Self defence, in deed ! A rubber and murderer, fully armed. comes to your holm, seizes your property, and likely the head ut the family, and if you attempt to pr nee . your own, he coolly levels hit rifle, sends its el - Intents through your heart, and then tells you be did it throfigh "self dorence!" Ye farmers, if ye catch a vil lain stewing your hursiee, don't disturb him, lest be shrtot you in "self defence 1!" Serrbv. Theodore Parker, the distinguish ed 1305t01i Republic, writes, in a recesrt letter frogeritzerlasi, Unit. Garrison, the editor of the I , 4stan Lakraior, is the on ly live American who hits done as much for the moral developement of the nation as Ho race Mann. Mr. Garrison keeps at the head of his paper as a motto : •• The American Union—a League with Hell and a Commend Ale Death." This is the "moral development of the nation" fur which Mr. Garrison labors, and fur which he is su highly extolled by the great Republican clergyman. • The Star has nut yet got quite as far in pure, unadulterated Abolitionism, as Garri son's paper, but is a pretty close follower,— Alreidy it glorifies Jobn Brown es a " mar• tyr," and endeavors to give molur to the idea that the gieat Washingtcin, i' the father of his country." was at heart rt.erow4 Republican gentional gate and Beettirilin BigotrY llrs - alip the fulLiaing from the Albany At las and Argue " Two element, are at wnrit. with fatal in. flueneoe, to destroy our government --section al hatred arraying State against State, and eagarian 4try coinbining class against ciao', We lice an illustration of the late at Uasper's Ferry—of the other in the terri ble scenes in theittreete of Baltimore. " Ne min can charge the Democratic I:!cir ty with thetaiot of these Evil Spirit.. From the beginning it4ts stooctout ngaintt them. From the beginning it has challenged their enmity, ittid is at this moment the oldect of their bitterest animosity; and if these foe. lions should, in their timidness, achieve their work, and prostrate the . Domooratie party, the gitprilian of Stitte Ilightsatod of Civil and Religitte Equality, who believe* fur a me, men' ant there would be any power strong enough to keep clashing States from the hot, rots of Civil War, or to cheek the viuleace,of bigoted partisanship fromnitstaitig-into look al anarchy." -„ itirThe.Kentneky bigislatnre ooneased on Tuesday last, and - organized by the aleetkiii qf bfr. Forger as speaker of the Senate, sail Mr, Menials/ohr? speaker of the Ttousama triumph of the Breckenridge over the 13144- rie men, m i r k ' Le t irsacee, i1w.,..05t Totality, Was PaaieilistAdere, Jr., the ititised's - oaadidatw, was Apeea mayor by 15 tiskitlritY pre? RDiL lino, Rep, A Ism hpOprity 404. OW TONl oasis also to the eitilkee's ticjiet. This is claimed ara•lisaaseraticruinasph.. - Wine Deisoers *he nieliebeirs,ofkbeAllesil tpVyLogilitithri, Obihasty fiii* ottuftobool7 J: C. Bl44,lrigice for tbi - A isei*kmiiiip 60. On W& enne..aff Baltimore, tchilsketrealtg , j at 11.1. tldkoniwok4Ci.ll:77, skate the likeekjeamttgitilikiatirrla 1 4* hbree l Netothstecl4llo4o:ooldew . aG a sasoe, taaaivisi te1*P . :t44 , 41~11111 • more, aadpretested ts *Wee' AiHlpitsilt - „ laEg ecintrgind. His speech before the jury was a meet eloquent • . 4 .. and we below that . ~ , ' • '. , heWdly true* the ''' 1 ‘ 4 !'!... 1 . ; vit4'' . • Antthmar y attempt. The picker* is . . le and kith : Sat. Limiest. hi estimating the ID egai . &at . o}t!a. tit~lte ls?lints ie. - oesl fact ,whielt is prOveli in hisaff by the cur fifiThistnrir of the day which you cannot fail to aentibie; '' '" wg.-Coolt•feete4 ,lol 4! the reel orisilitilii who for twenty Yeaii - have M i ght' _ Ana- which he acted. h ap„wii ttletigot4 'Shall Do mark bi ' on all ihis occasion pus lil-fainvie - WON ' eittneteilf, yo r i siff i rerlyour sill ittl4r 1130ropma - The indiaMaitWelare eswartliet.the 'prisoner wittaseclutied hy the false and malignant eounaele of other traitor-, ous person:* - Never wow eentetylawritten entire just and true. " e evnlteptligiiiint ocienseln " have! been d ptilger . .,..,Tatre. as4eadly,and blight-!, „ IV ing as A 0 - 7 . ...i91f r the ssi then Urine tree,, from the tonhneiof*ril, • traitorous per sons ie that Dectideef,thedlition to which the prixonir,,hotionge. net have sedreisd not ' , only his Mini, but many alie', ttagest and misguided like him, to regard the crime et Harper' Ferry as ne whoa, your rights es, unmitigated wrongs, and the constitution of 1 the oenntrytttide-ksigue with hell sods coy enent*ith death. . Oa the Afro , of the lea den of abolition fapaticism North i a every ,crop of blood *hid in the conflict at llarper's Ferry ; en their south rests the crinna of mur der for every life theeeldet ; and alf.the Wa tere ofthstumenooold not wash the-stedae of slaughter from their -treacherous And gt/ilty hands. A notedllage;miateilifirraist, (Wendell Phillip,) a few iltiys'itgo, at Brooklyn, Ne* Yore. In life presence of thou/arid', speaking , of this' firileiii oroooreenee, says: " It is the natural result of anti-slavery teaching. For one, I Accept it. I expected it." I, too, tee cupt [t in the same light, and so wifithe co u n- ter, 'Those who taught, fled not those who bidiered and stew), are the men of crime in the sight of God. And to guard other young ; mon, so far as in my power, from the fatal i snare, which has bet'n ttghtetterl around the hopes - aid' destiny of John l'.. Cook, and to show who are fully responsible for his con duet, I intend to link with this ilia! the` names of wiser end older mon than he, and if i he is to be pu Irish ed and ornaigned to a wretch ed doom, they shall stand beside him in the: public iftoelte; they shall he pilloried forever in 1 public shame as the evil and traitorous per-1 sane who nedueeditim to his ruin by their' false and malignant counsels. The visionary mind.of the prisoner hoard ' from a member of Congress from Ilasesche sets that a new conetitution. a new Bible arid a new Clod were to be inaugurated to postt , ss ; the country. They were its he new, because they were to he nnti.alervery, for the old eons; citation. and the old Bible, and tire God of 1 oar fathers, the ancient Lord God of I,rael, the same yesterday, to-day, and forever, were notion the side of abolitio n ism. is there no mitigation for his doom in the foci that he took his life in his hand, and aimed at that which a °owned taught high, hut dared not himself attempt? Base, pusillanimous dema gogues have led the prisoner to the Lau ; but whole he snffers--if suffer he must—they, too, shall have their recreant blabs broken err the wheel. I will not leave the soil of 'Virginia, I will not let this a w fu 1 occusion pass into hie tory, without giving a voice and an utterance to its tree purrnrt and meaning, without heap ing upon its authors the load of exeeratem which they are to bear, henceforth and fore '-ver. Day after day, and year after year hart the baleful annotate of revolution, anarchy, discord, .hostility to the-South and her insti -1 tutions. aweptirver that section of the country . in which the lot of the prisoner has Levu ' eft. t. That. lie has beetrpotained by.i in breath, , should not eutehim offsfrone - funnan aympatli); rather ren4or every heart element , towards him. He never eought:plece or sta. thin, but sought merely to devolope thorae r doctrines which evil and traitorous persons 'bad caused hire to believe were trge. The chiefof these meet, the leader of a greet 1 party, a Senator of lostg stauding, has Ittiltollll - the-country that there is a higher law 1 than the constitution-, which guarantioe to sigh man die lull asercisc of his own ieclina tion. The prisoner before you boa simply acted on the law • of W. 11. .Saworvi, and not the lawof hie fathers. •Ile has ful -1 lewod the Mallow* of ttneroewliary faith.— arm* forth, ye SePget AI abolitionism, who now.cower and sku lk Under hasty denials of your complicity with the Weedy result. uf your wicked and unholy ,doctrines, and , take your places owthe wittiest* stand. Tell On world why this thing has happenta. Tel) lehisjury- why ,hay are tryinjt John Z. Cook .fur his life. -You advised Ins evoke& and taught him that lie was doing right. 11.141 taught him e.higher ler ond.then pointed out ! to him the field of netiou:,- 10 feett be spin, , valued. Mr. Seward, in speaking of elatery.. , says: ' 11 can and molt be abolished. and ' you and I must duit." What worse, did the I prisoner attempt I Again, ho said, upon this same eni t ut,-•Aliketatiatescas deterinine pus-', eibilities ; and doubtless _the circutuatavr 1 with while oluics ideetwes -had connected his nlenweiade thensvprombin in his estimation ; ' ler it is , inrovidehr-a4c(orts thessutiptry, units =r. ct.d,. that the gre a t ue of •Nen. fork had the whole Affair sebeahneCto.l4.l pit 4 truly whispered hack, in - respo4.llll4o,4thedter 'not-been told. litaterthetidirseeittatteed sofkrgpseimi.l4l- ilio ihe bet. ert- illese &ate' ,e Velhfle— itt* emiieittua. ploonts. " big er law" end it-Irrepreseilkiti ciandi,et,' , warrant' and invite theurrettreCtiee wills* the Prise par asui hig i yartgduluded companips placed upon them. Y et they are either in *halo" with tlmt 7 • thsle.,l*in,fidl.riew, or sleep' ile yrotrittleAs wrote or u Cer•upir to • • D . islYmore r olitrffridllll tutd fares sum tiittoi day. Soak is i ' n dtte weleid. - 1 • Alkahhiciefor. WRY -.T.tetLe jitteither , or t 4 ' ..a_qtfeizwett„ fro% gb to, , neit laffep. heap before ,zon" trat he Mug& tieruhl'Hre" _eiirfible drrar ailiitth no* tiffittl*laniihnduatereetliese.have 1041 4° 3 - 1 11Mtesti tin 4 , 4*.n.e. . ' t -.• • • ' ' 4 4ltilt.t. tattil (tie eon , !" .z.,...-... • . r ' ii , thunder thall i rlll 7 ' • . . jrUir. 1 ." 9t y ' WWI """itch thirsliteN &al ;- *.' • - ' '' _ ;lit heikasion , of the awn* AvaiseardidioNot t I • , , when tt* bollisra . .4411 ARR A . d trembly, L h . , L .J . i. "CPU enitihe ash it est i t•;!-- .. . , r rail dbuasy -ills - - 111 hOsWt soiiiiobeett. prpaeldpg dawn of th*lfeligi/01. 1 44.:4111 -- -.. art' ileu. t: 4 "Theratty of goli'd- Pr le'''' lionwt, and ibis eonn their infamy tentese tr 4 e fe yielding up his lift krpt =elf I hen, hd dehoe. forget to de« I aria'. blighting. Mani wise truth. the ten =AA the anthem States eirthirq Aers, editors and politleians.-Boeuher, Parker, &wax& Giddings, Sumner, Hale, matt s host of lesser Lights of each eleao.-who 'the wide world who shall read this trial, be-1 /levee them trot guilty, as eissr in the in dietumut in all the waste, to a deeper and far more fearful °Mut than John B. Cook Midol btloam is not more sombre in oon- 1 InellkedsollksliiiMithrfr sun than is the guilt ofintoludneajnitoltltOri son with that whidtioVerwtelins rbe'priemer. They - putter:motion 'tbremaelstrom which bas engulphed him. They started the torrent which has burnerkintfyKer the, Preeipiers..- They called furth,fratti the ,earArns ..thettern tmt which wrecitedlisgArkkeukeploec—, %rlsGod . ,' ant' f46 l ' the disaster. apilemopfts „ferry ,ts their net, and nol'hiat ''lliai•thegrisiedftelibrk victim to their .doctriniefof abonuna tine sit heavy on their guilty souls t May tfik fate of ttie priioner,Whiterlorit qi.i7 dtsitiit thelr shinitibiw arid ridiafyse Weir affis whois they ste main rsitied'Ugainsf the wire cal` the o: cry and the limes '1;lf itis sees ! I know by the gleam of each eye into Which Lluok tint jury : bei, that it theca men coup ibange places with young Cul)k,JiM Would gladly' say to hitu, .erringand iOpenttial skiutb, our vougeanoe shall foil on thuse who psid.their money, urgod un the attack, stud gehlod:the blow." _i_Jacal Tie Goo Question The Committee appointed tusitke subscrip tions to the stock of the proposed. Gas Com. tany in tkis place, entered actively upon their duty last week, and made very en °enraging progresS. But thett are still many who ought to subscribe, and it is earn estly urged upon them to do so. Another meetin7, will be held on the subject at the euurt !louse ruts stestrsc, to which the sev eral C..nitnittees will wake reports. Let there he a full turn out. Our citisens aro ITVerPS tell in this important work, and a united effort will secure MUCCO4:4 beyond duul,t. There is a sufficiency of capital in our midst, and in no .other way could it be more .bene &dully or profitably invested. EirTen•e Conemimeiespera. The Board of Revenue Comnissioners will meet at Uarrisbarg nest February for the purpose of adjusting the revenue turd equali zing taxation. This bowed is constituted of cane member from „each jualoini district, Nlittl is npl.ointc.l by the Judge+ of the several courts of Quarter Sessions in tide Common n each. The President and Associate Judges of y‘iric and Adams met at York- on Thursday last, and lieleoted BENJ. F. Kont.en, Eeq , of Shrewsbury, as the Les enue Commissioner to represent this district. lit is ‘veil fitioJ for the post. Noddy.. Droth of Robert *midi. On Thursday evening, about 9 o'clock, Ennui: S31:111, F.sq., an old and prominent citizen 01 this place, died suddenly of disease of the heart. Ile retired about S eckiok in the everting, feeling somewhat angels , and his respiration becoming dicilcult o ho got up, dressed himself. and came down. stairs.— Continuing to 'row"' worse, a physician was called in, but without avail. 110 died in a few minutes afterward*, !dr. S. wits hiirtt a id raised in Gettysburg and his presence Hill he missed among, us. Ito was In the OGth year of his age. 11 . 4 renmins were interred in Ever Green Cemetery on yesterday morn ing. Wayasewborp' 'train. • The eerrieaK of Mr. JOSEru S. t larr, of Now Oxford, an experienced Engineer, hare been secured by the citizens of it'aynethore', to wake a surrey of the contemplated Railroad front eettyaburg to flint place. lie will strirt over the route to-day. Two Fire Companies are about being form ed in Wavnesl.ons'. Mrs. JOHN SeNcra, of that vicinity. died suddenly, near the Falling Sat Sunday night week. She Wall Attistding . a 'flanker 'meeting at thab• piece. awl whilgt 1 10tfleiming the immersion of her poi -in-law, had an at tack of apoplexy, of which she died during the night. Mr. JOS", SIZOCKET, formerly of that vieine ity..dieet recently at his residency), tti Elk hart, 111. oilosseiterbes." The Pot* Season'ittipon ui! to the rural distrlota the shrifkaarmuns of the,dyiel pa• kers lade taken , be place of the " morning Mill" of chanueler, and sausage.. per curiae. quanta, oonstitate the " bill of fate" of al most very "botisehold: 4RIII-killtat ii not a very figment operation, put ;am p s, ti N uji!eg fltid ft seationiaas!, aminutny„.portiiurts. 1 144 whioh,are considered pergaiiitaralisbe:s • _ ,ter hougc, can be used to good egreantirge at hoes*. It hpa pleasure, in addiplom to.,yaut barn - well-odred ;bacon, to hare a supply of sausages and lard that you can use without any disagreeable doulas as to their cleaull; • SiiiPAAtoe lams*, Esq:,,hea sold one of hie Ws* is %ion townibip, to GoOrgo Sgen-122 acres sad 75 pefehe., ftn. 14P2,1300 -modetlf, it! band •4 1 1. the. 14.4t) 1(4 ' in tlittikre months. Also the property of Georgolionatk 172 lierinany township, to 31unes - N.Xellyiind. andtb-4 3 6 **Si PA Z ingiaid and tfineiteknaredir tmonqnifik pUr bfr.LeitiT Sta. Joe tiritleir banft ages twthet47,1 1 14 , 0T91,4CP4 6-4 .0t end of Litnierioornieforet Wii:O PP*. NO** Illsoftvionadytqliod 4.1.4044,4 elita isaarsamea twoisiosixma. . - - 4/1014kP J Uric/ 111 4_ "Id .001 4 OBE itorefieltookipiporsorestook Ilossigop ar - Ydlit4a - poialdide Wiiietoefreptter. ildtmeowerpoft op esltinioliAtiV4Fre . 1 4t4t.10 SW" , Ake dd t i;a " i t 11 ,11 - 01 *WAR' fowns47. SON $33 33 per ass* ei*T 4l lll Vjttlio4l'./1:11:. 01121 The aL.__ leak Maas Arida WA*. oworaprep. - ' big., Astiltstiolesettemidgspataboilmedismil ty others ordsletetvemtwasissia tetimiessetski' eifioimenealir emosamthas from W. &Gainey. Alice B. Maven, Itespea, i JiereflheMlaitiote,BAtifrodielif 361tmitilety, Someliet,WiletMaglosellirssettioted %Weems weed the " Book " to •tkiltoor lady smairtmo s f3.041P1E", TPlMPiqlfr tions, and will redeem his - every promise to the letter. Froth thii:li s id of coottilktions we seliet4tithuitnes of SIM.- - Mettit Vielitr4Xito. :Alice B. Haven, Mrs., 'Ptisrseend, Mrs.dlpk, Din. EUett, T. S. Arthai r m*g., usetidga Weld. These are a selliematipaw antes of the high literary charader-altre 4, B oo k." The Musical, Fashion, .11.004: Gardpainpand Receipt Departments, flag in interest, whilst large outlays wilt:len tinue to Se made for Engraving,, In Milt , several lines. -Subscribe now, and 044 L. A. GODIFX, 323 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, Pa. The terms are: One cops, one year, $3. Two copies, $5. Three copies, SG. Five copies and one to the: getter-up a the 00. $lO. 'Codey's Lady' s ßonk anii.Arthur's Hume M.tgasine both une. year, $3 50. 13oJey's,Lntly'grfloek.and liar per's Magazine both oue year, $4 50. • We will send any one the Lady's Book and the Compiler one year for $3,75, if paid 1* advance. siirltcv. J. M. 31/cEuer has accepted . call from the•laine charge of the German, Reformed Church, in Perry county, Pa. Bus, Joan A utx has accepted a call from the Lou don and St. Thomas charge, and has entered' upon his new field of labor. A large and somewhat costly German Reformed Church is, soon to be erected at Panistown. The ear ner stone of a new Lutheran and Reforisted Church wits /aid at Fairview, fredeidek oct,; on the 19th alt /kir T he now Court lieuse is not entirely finished, and Mr. TURNXR has been pat full fur building it. - serWe learn that the pmeeedings of the 'Teachers' Institute at New thfurd, on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday last, verso(' a Tagil interesting character, and that the manes were largely ationded, bar The freight fir Litre on the Get. tyhburg It.tilroad doting the niOnjh of Nusea. her amounted to upwards of 3500. :r portant trade is steadly on the increase. lerMr. A o tst Somalis. of Ifarailtort towo-. ship, h a s plealed nq under &Ail; ttions fur's italkot of nmminouth Apples, of tho itiolieqt flavor. Mr. S. prunoonees them gent " Ilemooratie Apples," and they ore not wa dy-ening of so good a name, being just what they attem—firstrate,--and sound to the ooze. ftEirlf you desire to see perfect Mot.). grajdis of several of our most .prominent buildingg. go to T ssor tt, Bee's., in the North. East corner of the Diamond, up stairs. Wo have examined these pictures, and uttheei.: tatingiy proouunoe them first class spa:imam,: of the art. 10E9-McLane's Venaifuge and Lista. Pills have attained a very ostensive gala; ressolilri4 1,500,000 vials and buses in 4859. This fact attests their value in the several caxisplaiytta fur which they are riscosamealleil, Whim out of view altogether the n'unteroy.s watt:sates in.their favor. A. 1). Ducats* is'the Agent in tlik piano—Ftsmtxo Hari., Pittsburg, the proprietors. Lorin the lialtivaureal Court, on " ' Slowing Lot, khopry in the eme of William and (leorge Cnakin. indicted for the murder of J. 11. Clirnnister, rendered a verdict thsl Ctenrge•CoulAuu was "auk guilty," but that William Ctml.inn was "guilty of murder in second-degree." harry pier has been bath under the Railroad llridge (in the centre) across the . Corons - a7o. The pier is shoat 26 feet in height, 10 feet in thiuktleis. and 20 feet in lel24t b. SerOn Monday last the ilivecom of the Pifoi Axed the price of Pork at $5 871 per hundred weight. thanksgiving Sermon---Patriotic Sea, tgnen t ts Boldly ljttored. he pulpit ha. recently been so Minh de, Toted to .She. uttsrancssof tutiolavalf tti timents, Abolitionism, and DiannWiNat-it is refreshing to hear.frorn Apt source some , thing df a different and mom smannandaide character. The following eklitent satvaiA from a sermon delivered on last Thikkagiving day, in Philadelphia, by ilev.Johoichaiebers. we think .will bets acoeptabisto.our readers. Oa it was to us. We **it in the Ameri can and the Spirit. of a devoted Christian, hating full faith in the doct-ines of hiajdas‘ ter. Ile Pepsi • % , Iyhat man In ibis bootie to-day, what tnan •&' Longing flitiiittse United States, (and . Inlay the time never one „when any mortal on' ' the-footstool of God Almighty OM 15e sideto say anything else than asst_riJnited States,)--• •yhtt twits this Nation, whether be be a na ,A2l,ted Citizen, is filling to see kltsa.Xnion 4tasulved t Too nyty say theta is up *tiger j tell you, nty brethreo, there - is olmolietts 11;11evittrpeordepTaLuf to the grist, - ;.410.714,pitertli -God, .or rendering unto, sUsir.oo4app, that 1 01"z-enlessi 'Air.4111401.0. ttia. AgIslite "0" 11119114 " -- :amtathibl=lll4ktilair-..;b4fikihty tok< ay to God alekleaa. 4egabakiaciroaptita altar - .1644 • -.lmainie,tar Was into a man's ,hand a tiffs, a destlevrea lpaitiratesadeatt a motimr's:Sibitt—sots/ w•-• owe Adatt ! sgitatisw and atonic that ,arrays :ii m etaw-ikalescwe Ommrmfaik resolve that*,:sdie , 'ltostirmanamitittimi and thadiwas Lai filimsdistion and those law* ast*lfyillmidinsts sad ordimirt. 1140411110110mnimtids way, oarsttpidsmaimAi SisijtifseLissaymanythomeatali i ll who wins taw into ' its that bufeardUntrilk --iltat,hsSratertlitr ..6* - , 44«. r r" vs,
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