-- - hi 1 11 11 110 1 41 11 1 t 114,11111_ tit ber ain& soil Use pahlk Shot removed his large Boot tag Shoe iktablistineot, to the matheest comer off'osta Square, Gettysburg, where le has sew on head. mod edit-onus se to keep for sale, an es timate variety of work, of his owls aseaufacitare. The weskit mode ay is Wisest sad own datable masosor, ioramolios oU taw wrest styleo, owl ombrocos BOUTS I SIMS, .llon's, Komes'e nod OtsflArso's GAITZII23, at lalehlti OM ankh amens to he felted be a And dams establiels __ eti mum jsfthe kind. Helms cos mod will otalinta TIA4slA i Ow Ike sire of Urea courtesies, Oil ~..''S to tars esnyloyed a number of watimaa, '' bard illelnitellirsaamuraitsis, Svcs its.ite-sces,4.:. sisi to beet," to make up customer work. That be he 41,1111.4r4Vi1l Aso iltetat. preparatory tote will sell CHEAP, is easily rases. (live hist a initillO g tioielne, they abloom warns- At call, examine his Bouts, Shoes sad Gaiters, sod .1114.041*-trorikv sad rrnaaspeat mere. ws yet hie prices. With enesceptionsble week sad epsethee tor the above oseutiossed des. 1... M1 low rata , he hay,* for sod expecte a fair share 'hey ors oessisralesi. end serer hawse s es 'of the polishes petrostage. ~__ „,. :ises. niennistered is aecoolosce with la ' iiir - Shmeakkers are interned that he al. E ways kayo um hand - I;PPFsit.i." fur Shoes and weir oespreeedeoted posterity has is- ;,7,1 Gaiters. ready for buttussitsg, which he disposes t=flresars.Vl,Elll,ii; BiLOTHEBS, as of um !shoeing terms. JOHN BALLWEG. e irtl i 'A., to disease of their Drug -to , Soot. 12.1859. ly = it s l which they its velar* a ceeerful ti • Ihr the last 2a yews, sad they weer ' Notice amor..mtpammir eild+vuleti tune and alteatioit toTAftlfl=l AN Nltf tßeliAllTlC—lre TAI ogsfseture. And bees deueemosid ties& I bows wow apested star lery sa d eorsametions p. , .. CaPeeesea4 Varatifece lima 1,640 , orsessure., en the ere'ver of - f}erutsost sod Sufi- Iniropoil ommisse to wee", %Le high pinion i roast streets. near the Depot of the Ognytherg Illirpeoir-baile swag tless grist remedies of the ' ftratro*d CoorrnM". sad an Pretared ion receive eir,i4mor vim .....i.w so more siedber time produce of old kinds. Ili: FLOOR, WIDIAT, am ", irsirom p e ip p ri , eur t er the Beat ~1 . 4 Purest ftni, (VON. f IATS. le. Also. on Intel end fey iiinteighils, and e*PlllllO4l4 imi Lilco to ti c m os t sole. ?ask. Gutting. Mister. Pith. Scc. A fat re 011mormogh Illerouter. A.itireit• all orders to j stork of Urnceriev jait received, eunsistinz of i1.E.141M; liglrlIXILS. , : 4 n2ir4. Coffees, Syrups, Motastes, Oils, !Me, Pittaburg. l'a. i Te.“. Spire.s of oil kin.ts. Veeler-eAre. hr.. he , , .. . g..—Dirslort and (It y or,tcruig (rata iiiiikrra thu Flernir.): lira... will du well to writs ties, order' , h..tin il, ad Idthe LK/ Dr ANtialwie, forryar." ty Patently Pa. 44 tira,ia wi4itt.g. to )(1., thaw r trial, we wit* lkormarli per mmul 1)4.1.1 laid. to guy p.trl 01 States. uue 6 , 1 X 1.../ Pills for twelve }liikreprent ruAtrtry itlloll/4. or out viol of Vet - uniflrre few fourteen three-cent All or- Swee h frome Colmar roast be oetvoyettied by Lwrgu qoatio Ps , ode by A. D. Buehler. tivewt.Getty•bitrg. Ampil by deal tte r; eller 311 y titrougttoost tame nowety. ,10.7 2, IW5e. Asia &lid Produce House, cri.. cii.‘MHE'4 FI 4TILAIG lITF.F.T.—The an ierdigted having purchu.ed the Isr7,e . lig in the rear of hi- <tore on Chain bcrs klitinnitz Atrect. known 1.74 •• ('aTuit'ta Wen ery, ' .ilis eunverted it Into a Produre Witrehouie, Awl is now prep trod to reLeire all kind./ of /Grain and Produce, tow it FLOUR, IVIIE.tT, RYE. rtiRV, °Al's, Strada, he., fur %%lath the iii,;liele trurket price 'till too given. To ascot:an:lolde tho.4e who may prefer It. Vwill al.o receive AM el )%011:iSI ON att.! leeward Produce of ull kiwi.. hu%ie.g made ar teletentli for that purpo-u with .t responsible I,lowat la the city. flits* erMtilllM my Grocery and Varlet.- Ntift, tad %cep on h In t GRA It'Eßlli:i of all ilteita, Salt, Coffee. Sligo r. Mot t•.,...4. Teas. Wei.. 0011 1 1 tiplet..4, 1 , 611, Cel.tr-ware, Arc. Haying Wat treteeirod a very torg: •nripty, porchaued on - reasarkably farm - able term 4, I um prepared to farttlitteoontry Dealer, c,..ry die.l3.4y, and will agattatatt time.. Il%itri,l::-.U , -; AND Itt:Td?l, Theinittte are ill Vite i to c di M•tore pli re h ft .i,p f ehlretere, :VI I am detvranned to .ell ~. r h e ,, eir the etleapt. , t, net the principle of " gnick Sateetnttt rim itl Penit•. ' Juipi Li CO TT . l i Ifirttyabttrg, Sept..',, 1,;,, i -- ---- • 111pecial Announcement trzur , m flie: trAKER (ITV Prumsrmco - -uursEs-10u.ottO rat..lrgue4, new, en- II and re‘is;:d—nove re.t.ly fm. dittribution. :I odor ,in.lneelezat. to the public.-1 new tyre plea fasolltainity4 1:01.) and SILVER W4TCHES, and other ‘alu.tille Prize.i, got a rte tilers given in l'Atntrarties. which will be to all upon application. I ,lr able GHIA, worth trnm 50 ets. to s lo + l , ii tahor RANTEED to e ich purchaser. SlOn,nnu _ fti hare been di4tributed to way patrons lithe past .is niontll;--$17M.000 to be (lis kid 'luring the ntrt sir month.,„ TO•iadUceTucuts .) :re .tirents are more giau tito3c of any tither house in the - 11,1442. been in the Pnblisking and Bookfuell inesitess for the ta4t eight rears. my ex perience enable 3 me to conduct the Gift gnter ptilie with the greitest suiti.faction to all. IIItrAGCNTS W.trrEt) in every town and pnaly. FT fell partienlnrs addreat 14 7 AItR R 11.130 N, - Quaker City PnbliAink Howse, 33 South Third Street. fropk. la, 1859. 4nl Philadelphia. Pa. COO] ING ITOVZ. cook and Parlor Stoves. tAiicW6o 11,W POLI,KY would rerpectfnlie in - *Pro* ttoe rehtie that he now has a 1 . 434 of and PAki,ol4. STOVi?..i, which he ofers Jo prices to gait the tintel. . - iihettyehiarg. Ave. 2v, vow. ,4 __.........• _ , • Partners' & lteobanies' 0 ANING-25 issTurrrtax US ADNltti mr:l - cr.ala 0,48.4. 6y saw ,—Depoisite your surplue fuel& ie tins In*titution and re; infora interest at the rate of front too to Amy per aellX Nibis irrstitotion offers a safe, coo evillest telt pe dNble 4e l bosito7 to all throes of people. J'4 4, 1831. Just in Season! IT C 3 A CALI. !—The uNiteriigaeil bare init received from the Cities an immense 404,0711 i. C A:4:MM RES, CASSINEM, INGS in aii.c.trieties, Sc., imitable for the man. which they ofer to the poblie at anpre- OsdaaLtA y low rates. "They ask a call, To continee IX"— Owteatett et tttis aseeetkot. No tremble to I rmo& Rivi {f ire pekes. A large lot of IMULINT-MAlONVLOTLjt,iitlistele oatingetteapor IliedrirePer. leilidients wide ep Mr wren sari brrys, se vs pettydrelbe very beat wanner, and according to silyie &wirer!. The work being done in Igliwlr emu eatabththinent, they are-alerwre ee- I warrant ti. Remember. their plane ..° }dlodseißand evesurodietri MOTS ail- Vielnern 4!trips, on Ciunirbersintrg BOSINIILideOfid It MI., , wins. Itereirant TiWiner. -ladies' and Misses' Sitcom k—lat has XXVI' fine black and fancy colored - Ping. ' Waft Oaten, toe black Congress Fog. . 01leers One black Foxed Congress ilkthes, One Morecte and Kid ifithenned hoots. he. Misses and Mt dew's Shoes and Gaiters of every variety.— "ease ere very respectfully invited to esti sad 11401111iiii these goods tar themthivre. No pest& to show geode at It. F. IIIuILIIESI-8. an ...., --- See - the - Mit d !target= i - p r. 3111.c11.11EN Y having jest returned - from i the arty of Pkiindelphin, where he tuts • earl carefully his VALI. AXD WiNTint. . .. - is ?revved to show the prettiest : abill Stott &shins Able stock of goods ie his lime I illetillirbight to this else, wbiek wip be sold at ' tielatial will deg •I 1 eompetitiott. His stock I 111111 ATS -AND CAPS is full sad complete, eat- , rlaklea's No. 1. black Silk lists. Ilee's ekshaere Asti ]tea's doe soft Atli Rats, I ' Issieligie. RAP, 11111% . 11 Rossi'. Broad 111 M ett's Silk Velvet Caps, Ledger (daps, Mash, sad Pinsk trimmed' Ceps. A - ossortatest of ROTS' * CIULDRICTS Irmo 35 OW. to 111,13. Also, es exits gligig~neat. at HOOTS AXD SHOES. coo =4l4ir Ite t :ratr&pte/f Hoots, Tithe Calf Heavy gip 'Wail, Calf Coo 1001,111111epei loft, Shoes lead Gaiters. - llllltilif soy friowits sag ,easterners foe • • 11ropo 4y politeness sod isle &shag a ematheoaossa of their patronage. - . 11. 1116 . O. S. P. WieILEIRST. . 1 ' 1 Plasm! . Pietteros 1.:4K ta -‘ .-..i..... sad prime s 61111111031, woe 1- , ':' ' . , L. L or. of ti.:tteimiat .. 1 which we id, nut hesitate to say, we wtlt xel as luw ne call u hotl,:!it i% tient, wholesale and retail Mtirctinnt+ will id) w ell I,e entlinz tu see ari d aximine neture purctiastu;.t eke where, as unr motto will 1 e quids *Ales and am rtl prifits " We wvnlil also rill the attention of all inter enteol In the thrifty and benithful ennilitirm of their Cattle. Itori•e+. . to the feet that we kart for Friinetteld k Cu.'s ('ek.hraterl Vegtetnllle CATTLE POWDER. of which we li.xce from I tv 21)00 puvud, per aUlltl2ll to I:' , tritterii cud Storekeepers_ it4.ll..l.lNUk:li it CO. Gett)stpurig, apt. 5, IS A. Latest Newel .Tlll3 rreatsx, itement lieiteilhOer Mid Is ertusett i'LIiTHIN4J ill seal rend musks, ills g(koJ4 sin., nit fresh. his strips sm• all new. Jut drop is and er.e «ud roU If find chit is true. If you want a tine cwt. he Was even' shade, Wile, brown and black. all well trimmed and made , : And hos hon.Te tack of ionnto epenprimit alleolors The finest ut Caasiusers. Coueskons and mimes. And nnw of his rests all the pstterna otTle nett, of tine diiki it l sntina, and •PlPiYiltd noAw ; Ills *fork t 4 tL,O Int-AT to eitemernto here. In a tenr.i he ha.. to that irontheinten wear Ile has al. , a -tot k nride exywesely fro youth, A r yl his mod e of dealhig faievels• sled truth' ; ud the heat of it slits the fact (noi nry rikrove) lie is sellsmtx at yonees to SCIT THil HARI) You'll always find flothiar. in qsaklitr rare, lIN , le Up ormsterials btr gtrrirr auhfil wear; Then ;Tire him a colt rind up ft find lotaten head, In f`h-tinh^rrhierg gtrret, rwlit sit kis uld NNW. 11etty,..hurg, 4h-t. 17. 18'1'1. Ads County MUTUAL Flail: (Nril.:RANCli COUPAST.-- Iscorpurak4l Marcie 1 11131. oPriticsat. Pretiti.4,/—Georgil Swope. 1•,, PA...ta1e...1 —S. It. Haroure4L &vrNwry—j ). A. ago 11 le r. Trevteetwer—Ustr M.A.:rem.? Sses•tord McCertlf, &woo A.solrew Hein talarfts. Aran •sy,rs.--H come S uwe. N. A.BwWr,Jv eob King, A. lietnu.Plitss, R. Weyeedy, rhea. A. Morals LH, Froinestoek. Was. U. Lk Cisaia, Wui. D. Wilson, H. Elclieltwrger. John %Voltord. H. A. Plekisic, Ah.IT. Wright, Juba Honker, G. McCreary, S. L Russell, H. Wereary, Andrew Pulley, Juke' Picking, J. R. Harsh. gip - This Company is limited in its opera tions to the oseuty of Atlanta It Las Lees is successful °pendia* for inure than .is years, and in that period has paid ell losses and at pelisses, tritk , ou day assesseisan, having also a large surplus capital is the Treasury. Thai Com p say employs no Agents---all &madness Wag dams by the Illsnitgers, who are illaii.ll.lll rivet, ed by the Stoeithelders. Any torsos desirio' g me Ineermate one apply te any of Ike rilsose named llisaagers fur further iartareestlos. ger.The Fixecutivs Committee mate at Use cofficir of the Company t)• the WA Weilassiey in every month. 5t...1, P. M. Sept. 27. 110:41. . SoinetlAu New . - )[-N GRTTVsticiaa.—The arniersigasid informs the citiseas of the touru and coaaty, LtiAl he as commestited the BAKING business.. oe • large sv.ii - e. 'La Yuri. street. GeUval.our i i. nearly coppo-ite%%.lll.lts'• llotpl %her* Ise will try to de - serve. and hopes to rk.).. ).1 vv. a liberal patron age. BREAD. 1t411.1,5, l' kKE.S. CILICKEILS, PILETZbioi, ,k c... Le.. baled every clay. (Sun da.% il except 4sl ) All 4.4 Use Lest quality, nod sold at the lowtet, bring Kola.. Cracker-baking is all its laraiscLes is largely carried on. and orders to asi umouet ; from this and suljoiating totali ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Hat rug erected • large and coot wudautts liale-huuse awl secured the heft workman au.! the must ap proved utact.iwary, Ise as prepared to du • lota t y istaatiaesa TALEITUE SAVPiIL July 25, lai39 ere We Are Again! ir UST froth the city with the best and cheap ej est assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES that we have yet offered, calculated to please all pe.csous in quality suit prices ; SCILi ABS, a very large toad., low; COFFEES, TEAS, Choco late, Rice, Ouceze, Spices, (all kinds.) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles. Sugar-cured LI A3IS and SIIoULDERS, Lard, Shad, Mackerel and herrings, Salt, Cedar-ware, Tubs, Buckets, kc.; Baskets, Flour Selves, Brooms. Bristles, /a.; all kinds at Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLtICII, all kinds of reed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs constautly ou Laud ; Fancy Goods, Confectionones and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords us pleasure to show ou r Ise .1.111 inviting stock. NUIBECK 8 lIATITDZ. Gettysburg,. May 3u, 1359, Globe Inn, gECIIISICSTO WS, Frederick county, Md. llas lug li;:en renovated anti re-furnished, proprietor assures she public than s call is Gully szeedea, as he gnarl:tau:es Pal satisfaction in everjonse. Charges moderate. Li ENLLY LIEU, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 18.59. sf What Zymbody Wattts. __ T.IUE F.1.111L1 DOCTOR: containiug in plain lauguaq, free from medical terms, the .USES, SI YPT0.11.3 and critz of disease in ever; form, with importsutt MISS FOR PIM SERVING Tlls itIi.LITLI, and Directions for the Sick Chamber, and the Proper Treatment of the Ste k--This book is written in a plats. snap sad familiar style, adapted expressly to huskily and laths - 141ml use. It advocates tto.particel,sr theory of medicine. bet draws alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the Gardea, or the Mineral.' of Earth, for such Remedies as have proved the most simple. sac aut effectual& berievina that wherever disease has foand a foothold, there the Giver of all Good hism to someforta.mercifully plavelaSpecifie. Rsither does It prelims to sopertsde the physician. but only to avoid-the secessity sad aspens* of call- In him is except is dangerous liras. It is Is fact a physician itself, always at hand and rally to serve you, while iss simpherecolpt may soon saveyou many times its toe*. It coattails 308 Peek la. a sham sad open typi, la illassassad bl appropriata alsestriaga, ivad rill be forwarded is your lillareeh t riale pail aid mapaly bound, OS neolota of Wise SI 00. tray bola. shoald hara TL Avatar wanted orerytelpft who VW lad it vary popular, aad with witliskliberal gnosis struts will be made 4Adgesa, JOK.S L POTTS*. 'So. 617 gamma $l.. Pitlisalalphla, Pa. July 4, ISIS. Sak Spouting. ("1110111311 AMIN WAMPUM :Oil wit Ur ihwes 111440%. aidawits=ll* IMP ! for easier sioaistry pre4414% sod oil ova iriabigpit Ire* kawit. betas, Ilmt, at, wield do sett to t-41. lt,'Ss. 11 4.4 4. sunk" $. IMAM. # 11113•1" New rinsuativr Goods. • Min inalleseapaed hare eadaped lota parOSIS- I ship ia tba lIAIDW AIX I MIMICRY , heehaws, et the oat Mal of Diener I Shahlos Balthaore eseeet. *aka As arra, gee sad iris of DANXIII t ZUKILICA, AllO, God Mk, and will .dears t. datum, a aosheeeeee of the eatreseepe d the 811 Am es well as ahy "math" of saw manta. Thiry harrijaat Nara ed froas the /Wee with as heineene stash of _is part el iisailliase sack as Nais. Pwwwws Hi. , bolas, Locks (Mass. ftc. Tees, lonia flag %Pe Tools artery description, Sawa, Maas *Aisne* usages, Braces and .A errs, Squaress, (barons, Hammers, kc. Blacksmiths will led Airrtho, Views Rear, Flies, Morse Shoos, klosireinse Nails, kc., With aims vary aims*. Coach Find- Lags, *mob *a Onorara, tisaassais, Friages, Costes, Moms Oil 4.71444 k. gissia4P. Alissa. Sabha, Spokes Fates& /Yews, P.l Shafts he. Shea *,shags. Tsaapies, Staab assl Peewit Mosehoirso, Liasigs, Bindings, Pegs, Lama, Ilros4 Trees he, ask a geaerrl assornash of Stiossuikar's tools. Cabinet, .I.l.*kor's Tou4s, a iseimiral astortuutat—.. also Varnish. Knobs, jtc Lit/USE:IOi kiP eats will also find a Nine assortment of Knives and Yorke, Brittaasis AuL6.ata and n'ilver-plated Ts- We and Tea Spooss, Candle-sticks, Waiters. Shard 'tad Toogs, 4ad Irons, nateelled sad Brats Louisa, Pass Tubs, Charms Carpet:mg, 4r.c. .*,lse, a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of dl suss sad kinds ; CAA, Shear, sad lilts/or Steal, shirli tlity a ill sell as cheap as tlie cittapesL lISUCF.RIXS, a full and gen eral assortment, stub Ili Crushed, l'ul% erlsed, Clarified and Brown Sugar., • New West ludia and Stsgstr House Muls-ses and Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Cho, Fitts, Cddrso and l)air I.in-eed Fish and Spend (M., Turpentlito. Fish. kc.: a fill assurtnii it of Lead and Zinc. dry sad in 401; aims {'ire-pidof in fat L ulmii,t every article in the Ilsrdware, Coach Floiling. Shoe Fiadiu7, If us•einvping, Illackenith,r.ibi net ‘lnkrr'+, I'dinter Olgzier's, and Grocery line. ell of which thee .ire determin ed to sell as low for CASH as any !tongs oat of the city. 11F.SITY It. DANKER, W.V141,11011T Gettysburg, Ifay 24, Notice. r»derisive,' Sieving retired from tile iferessotiit business. the aasoe wi44 hereof ter be committed at the old .fend. m iieltiareare street, be their soma, Hoary R. thumuser mid N'ryr brigirf under the name sod style of LS-Inner Alt whom we a ill recaissansawal le, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patrol - Owe (rota old austemore, and of the public ie general. Haring retired (rota tie Ileseentile bitaleese, It it necessary that oar old leriehaese should he settled up. We, therefore, bed& all tiosio in debted to us either by Judeaties, Note el Book Account, to call and sail* Yee tame whiteout delay. The books Jose i the alit stand. " J. It. LtASSILU, M*y 13, 18,11. DAVID -Good and Cheap ! E wordersigned would iuturts his triune aid the public gewr rs I ky. that lie con in ars t 0 oAlititlAGE-MAKIN Li BUSINESS, in all its latastelles, at kis establiskatrat, in East Mid dle Street, (oasis tie tin end,) Gettysliarg, l's.. where net bat no baud a teat-rate lot of work, and Is prepared to put op to order whtteter may be desired in his line. Tii :—ltotkawa: and Boat-hotly Carriages, Falling- Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug gies, Jersey Wagons, ie. With VS! good workntea and good materials * he can pledge his work to be otthe best quality—and his priees are among the lowest. barftepshi a g done at short pollee, and at reasonable raki. Oonntry *lodine taken in exibange for work. Call I Jags th, 'ST. 11001 S TEOXIgIa Win at 'Work ! AMU AND BLACKSYIT/71142. andervirned respectfully ?acorns his Mewls and the pablic that he coachmen the Goachianking and Blackmnithing hitsilte-s in every brencli at his establishment in Chem berebnrg street. He hos on hand nod 'ell inaantseture to order all kiwis of CA RR! AUKS, ISCOIJIRS, MLNIGHI9, Milting Warms, t.•., of the best ni%tertni, and Ina+, by superior work Olen. farltieratema and Bi.seaserrnian of an Medi done at reasonable rates, protaptly and to the imittsfeetion of customers. Coarrsr Psseccs token to eschews for work et ntsricet prices. surPorious *MTN* , articles or work lit tito Coaettotakimir or Moritscafttilag Hoe, are re sprethitly tasked to well so JOHN 1.. LIOLTZWOUTEI Cliottysberg, :so. Se, '59. Fraser River OrTDOfiltt---enata to the Atom at Chem meant for haigaing!—The sasiswirigrmil would most respectfully inform thaw public that he has purchased the Store of John Weikert, at Greenutuunt, AA/ma comity, half-way on the road from Gettysburg to numitsburg, where he expects. by nue/tibia and small profits., 40 me tals all the Mil custom and secure lots of uew We stock of DRY GtitiDS, of every dip-cription, Groceries, Coufectimutrics, queensw are,Wouderf ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, hr. "hi large and varied—equal to that of any tither first cLuis 54.11-e—aud he will sell at prices astonishingly low. Ile only asks • trial, to prase the truth tit this assartima. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. J . ALEX. 1:1-kit14311. The underared also camas on the CAR RI AG E-11.A ii.11%(4 bat at this ewes &wee, and offers rare inducements to perches/arc lie will warrant his work good, whilst his charges ere among the meet moderate. Repairing d4ne on short soiree. .1. ALEX. UARPEIL Feb. 14, 1859. t. Reifroad Store. 11 C. oursN & rtittl. have juat eFfr eeed and ; • are opening at their new store on the . ortlit.we-tcorrter of Centre Sq nen\ Ceti rstiu 1 , - 1 IL large and complete uscortment of Sprint and Simmer Goods and r; roccnea. The ladies par ticularly are in% iced to call and examine our su perior styles of Dress Goods and Fancy articles, embirting everything coming properly under this bead at prices not heretofore elnalled, and in quality surpassed by none. GIINTLEMEN'S WEAR.. Of every description. consisting ofClotlis, Citasimeres, Casinetts, Coatings, Vestings, te., which cannot he surpassed unt of the city in quality and price Our stock of Groceries is also complete, while every other article generally found in a Dry Geoda store can be had at the "Railroad Store" of J. C. Quinn it Bro. Bell eft n g that the pals lk C/1112 suit themselves better here than else where, we invite them to give us a call. For the proof of our assertion. caU a.od examine our stock,even if you don't buy. [April 4. I it.S9, New Grocery. pIITS WAY FOR BAROAMS.—The 114 Peril:mi . respectfully informs the citizens of town and oouotry, that he has opened a Grocery, Goofeosionaty and Notion Store, on York street. two dour* east of St. James' Wily= Church. whore he has now oa bead a grearal moo:taloa& of goods in his limp—sock as: Scrap. lecua-10 to 70 mats = OWN' ; &sante. kiods ; C o m m' , du. beads; Vireopp,r, Seds,Fisk. enema Sootsle greeted seed angrooted Pmp , per, Abipiems, ArAsees, Oinoossoe, 11m•q a 4, rise* btio ur, StOrett. Was. Toes. °mulles, Emmet* C o ffee, Choc/dote, kionelestreeed Ly e; Brooms, Booketo, Goodies , all kinds : Fly, Waimea, Pala Note, Almonds, Groood L a ye r Raisins, Lemons. Onutges, Fan o Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, Le., i e . /attar and Sim Weight and sold. Ye in. figs 00 .alb el Ne petbtie, ormviatemi that Eta sattertomat will please, bode to qeslity and prim. Yo to determined to salt cheaper tkaa ttte otampest. WX. E. BITTLE. Gettysttn.Doe.ll3, Berne. 4 . t.gx,uman rßArsit, Clock au/ 1414- now, boa moon/ Ms *bop to the woe so Waist aide of the Pablia 81111144, 11t.1y ocwiod by !Mid A. Iliabl x ara as a Law Ot, where be will always be to attend to the calla otaaabowora. for past berm, las lopes, b 1 'Viet ataaaataa to business, oiWto 4adto So ploaao, to snit sod make tbo ti=ia mk s'llia pat*, AWN Lt, T drumatkilse gem . or WWI — 4 , 1 ,111 14 Om 14~ swim pis & 40 " lOUS SCOTT, EMEE Paintene . grwwst PlNOTOBlinntir sererr,Tes , ' gallocriber hoe eereetootty aet Non' • All t of seteriels for the wee of Artier ' PeiederseatiPhaterniehrni. Also gm be n d s tre y' sad w all ow saartima e t of Stervica* Polin mesh mei nem, ellawaideg every warietr at p ir o ga sad AnottLesa Liftliatlre l / 4 armairs, Pilo.. ma Rowel Cfreafirr, Tki besat, sad baeloest of gh• 144ereseepic nears epee die par-I blur timeetah s sower waliag acme* et' ea tortaimmot, WO to visitors &NW tae bolas oizcle. COCNIST YKRCHANTS aupelied ea the most Liberal terms. W. A. WIBOXIA, 19 3 N. Liberty SlL,Baltitsete, Ili leite 17, 18:41. ly Jinni C. :snug". tueller ag Prick, ELOUR * PRODUCE Colminhutiou sail Tor wardiag Illertitatitn. Nerd growl, oppolhe N. .. a. Dam. BALTIXOILE. January 17,18510. 1y First Premium -ENAVRI.LED cOTTAGg Fr RNlTtritg. R. W . HEywoon, No. 104 North Chariot street, Baltimore, hissing been augsited for the a the seinfaeurs and sale of it th ll lT re6rp in ia b ove dri leab in le Families, suittd to country residences, has on hand a lap variety, manufac tured expressly for retail salee. Also, Oak and Walnut Chamber Sets. Oak and Walnut Extension Tables, Dining Room and Fauer Chairs, Sideboards, Bair and liusk Mat tresses, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, kc., kc. Starch ly B. T. Hynson, UPIIOI,STFREit, PAPER HANGER. AND VENETIAN BUN!) 11ANCFACTUttER, No. 52 Norttp Tiownett Street, one door above Lexington. itaiortnua a. Paper Mragrogs.--Congtantly in store, Paper Hangings of every delcriptioa, and alike and most approved patterns. Also, Borders Fire Board Prints., Lr. Pesietsaa Maas —Keep' en hand, and menu itactures to onto,. Venetian I.l44psas of all colors, .lass aissl analisiaa, which will caxuakare Lamont. bly with way oltersol w Las poklic. Par PaPor Wialt 4,l 4t 4AiLou iIA tLe best sty Le— . Winds repainted Lad L1L1411114141, or sat:Lame-1 WAWA 7, 111:0I. ly George X. Bokee, IMPORTMR sod Ostler io CHINA. (MASS, k QURMNSWARM, Mo. al ?ion/a Mawar.l St.., two's I.othigsat and 'snit* :3tnets, Matti son, Md. [Dec. le, IO:+11. ly Now & Rich Aism aLitY. fIGNSIt 1K Mt VLYIIII PLAT- S!) W.UtS, tc.—A. E. TY.W1 1 17., 'Jul I and eremitic No. 10 NORTH GA t ST* RIM BAL TIMORE', MI)., btu In store n imactiful 'wort ment of styles and patterns of nirn JETHLRY, suitable nu presents, embritetn7 * great variety of Plain Gold and Sett brosehes. Mosaics, Car bustles, ie., Ear-Rings. Bracelets. Phtger Rings set with Diamond. Rutty, Pearl, Opid. timernl4, de., Ladies' Gold Chains. 'Vest k Guard Midas, Minister, Lockets, Geld Thimbles. cffir Phut ; Signet, Muted and Plain Gold lb DV : rewrite sad Pens, Simms Muttons and tinths. fold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Ptits k Ror Rings, te. A 1.10 A variety of Sliver Monnied k Males, Casters, Cake kaakets, Waiters, Camilestlets, fameeer end Salt Stand., Pearl Desert iCatres.l9pmen4 Forks, Ladles, Taney Artieles, sc., ell of is respectfully offered as the leveret terms I get..Tbelruuntry Toole aad tiotilara georralty are im ited 'to give Lae a call, and examine Goods rid Prices, being tutlalleil t,at ry WARE cannot be Barpamed either fror seresss or quality. or the to aid mast bosstWalpatearoa. January It, ly ' House Tarnishing G 01199, Na. 1 I /Fmk Minima .rear, tiro doors North of t$ Broward itease.—Tbe undersigned, liming amok large additioa• atr bit stork, Is prepared! to 'torah& N etrentry Nerebeets others, ebb Zeti= as they sr n nt, on the veer best wins ', lint /IKEA : Whitey/reit, Sweeping, Ditsilwg, Pakint, Hair, Tooth, Nail, silver, Shoe, /lamb sod Dors, Itrushes. Worm.x-wAtis: Seek. RS Tuba. Doeketi, Meiumins, Tar Duckett, Choirs, Mauls, Huffing Pins, Reiner Prints, bo leroeins, lisal'ons, Mats and C•rthirl. 1.11184Pe IP I miaow lee Osmium Premiers. gerators. aright and chime—the nest appear kinds. Water easier., ia Woad or Metal. Tin Wire &As. Artbar's did other most !Mt Vegetable Pre serving Cann phi Tin-ware, Japsureel, sleek Tin, Ilriessinti end Ware. Albaes, Forks aad tipoons, trim, C se and Tes Puts, ligg Boilers, Waiters, Ch aAhtg Dishes, Knives •n 4 Forts, Wafile hens, Baiter. PIMA, Scales and Weight's, Coffee Mills. Tabile (Infuses, Lid Doinin ins Cabe Fats, Slan•liind tugs, Nurse Latupq, Toilet in* Foot Tabs, &ilk Tubs, Knife Ciwaissea, Wir e . Disk Comers, Table Matt. tugelhaw with a variety %Wanking, useful cud necessary to Monask. Wise k IJrt is' Patent Eseelsior Washing Machines. Muni Tlu ant Sheet iron Ware and Brushes of every description, tonna- Inetitred te arise. CI Ku. A. MILLS, Xs. 11 North I.luward at. , Etaltialora, Md. Mara 14, 18:w. ly Wm. lambs it Co., ZITOS. 1,1,, I. aged I North Eutaw IStread,-- BALYSitOOII No. 2u7 iloaLisloto ¬, wean Cliarikr amid Light---BALTIMOUS, M 4., Nasoofocooroiry of 110141 .11c4m1 ProoMmiel OLLLNO A.NI) SQUA.IIIi PIANO FtlitTlizi. Wtn. Kerbs.* Co. yroul.l respectfully invite the attention of the rintilic, and especially those la want of a FILL-rr cLAis.s TIAN°, to their a*- suited stack of instruments, which for pulsar and sweetness of tram, easy and agreci.lsie tows and beauty of finish. hare, ht the bra of judges, been pronounced unriialcd h) any in the coun try. As to the relatiie merit , of our Pianos. we would refer to the Certificates of Kicellence iu nor posisession, from TII G. SATTER and 11. VIEUXTI:`.II%- 1 , ris also from some of the must distiogui , lied professors and amateurs in the couutry , also to the following !HOLIEST receli ed within the teat three years. GOLD MIDAili at the laryttn4 Institute, 1855, IRSII, 1857. FTLVER at the Metropolitan Institnee, Washington, IlISZ; also, ME,DAJ. at the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia, 18:0G; FlftYiT PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond. 1855, All instru ments of our manufacture hart the full iron frame, and are gmtranteed for rtvm YKAKti. KALParttenhir attention paid to the refectlein of Interments fix distant criers. and a Pvlyilillite of exchange granted at say thee within fix ales., If the instruments Omelet mot prove entirely eats_ factory. A Kitten! &secant to Clergymen, Teachers runt *hoofs. Term, liberal. Wholesale dealers Witt And it to their advan tage to give es a cell, as hr greatly increased facilities, we are enabled to 611 all order' with dispatch. SW - Constantly on hanet, a large annortment of MEI.ODSOI%;'S, from the beet Factories. • • SICONDMAND PIANOS at Breit Barainit, at Pe -114n fratit tro to 11130. Mame /:changed, Hired am! Timed. A call is mspsestlsitr **Wiest WILIAM! XXAM lb CO. Jamul, IT, MP. ty A. list/Mot & Son's 91 0 .,1 AND PTlVlrrenit WAREI6OOII4, No,. 25 and 11 N. Gay street, Baleknions, (sear yette st.,) extending from Gay so Frederick os.--eke larret astabtleinnens eclat kind in She Vona. Always on OFFICEhaIe soperunent et iiin'SSROLII ANTI In!RNITURE, ense• bearing Ihn•dnes, bedetesis, Ilfsbelnrsaode, Nor& robes, Satires's', of Husk, Coma sad Ude, spring Beds, Sofas, Tote-e-Teter, Ann °Mire, Rocking CbFts , Ikageres, Warble ?ski" 84 - tees, Rampiese sad UpholiNered Dkokirs. AS SORTED oaLoaa OE COTTAGE mutrrinui, Weed L'lcairs, Mee Cisaiss, fisslost Oksdri, combs ma emus., Bat Wok. , Furniiiim CUR gad Wallas% Erases Look*, themes, NA*. bow* Lfteosloo Takaes, oleos*, Isla& Pernoto used goisseissao an WWI is ~4 firs nay soak oil otaisdastiso, whisk fee vaideke sad 'will of wooduosined* is NA eqoalied ko sag t ks Ike eassoary. A. lIATRIOT a SO , Wok Soillf W. ewe sweet. Ant- 3, law tr a• RUMS. r er 4 4 0.1111111114. 02 31181" Pvest a ini tip Yak 14, lie. 41, 110mightla , New . sort arnmessaa tesmoverip 1 VIIP9III A 1411111111 AL 41 11111.1WIIKUa . tis I—ollb to us lirmiloolly I 1 QOM -ft Greet Weise l 41111 e els Maim Quante had More etf Thom 1 3 15 ?%a mare Llbasel. pesetas! ma meal& „, gla GIFT Wet XSTakrsisli is waft... 3 The hest orlskisee at this Is die bat of bi• G . betturely mea tits& etsallill ...4= i 1 r i ch. of the otsV j a which it I. MILN*RtirUILSfL Av. A Z g' Writs tor a Catalog**. it embraces • 1 thosumed mtrietims of pahlleatlons la seers &mailman al Literature, together with .4 5 I.IIIT awful, oreamestal sad g. of wheat& GUM aver published. 2150 &Mr c::, eat veriettest—eana of which are if lase ' ~. rake thaw 50 ota,and from that to sloo oo,i la 112 AD 1 MO ! 1-4186,000 distributed le El isaamtg oar Patinas daring the pad year. El 0VU,.11250,000 IN GIFTS to be iistritoute4 2 Z daring the peasant year! conetsting of Gold a sad Silver Watches, Chains, Channs i Leek , . d eta, S il k Dosaa Patterns, Floe Or*Pedhallria , 6 , c,.. Rich Lace Collars, Sewing Machines, Mimi- e •-•,,,, cal lastrunmats, and to feet, Sonsrutio to g - suf? ETIZTIODY 1 AGENTS WANTED p :4 , ::. ., EVERYWHERE. Catalogues giving fall .7 4 ' F„ partic ulars mailed free to any address.-- oc et forget, 4irect all orders to Lt. _ U ?tl w tr. E. HOYT it CO ., :r. No. 41 Baltimore at, 0 Baltimore, Md. ::..) Sal sATIstrACTIOS UV AILAITIIIa ! jSept. 14, 11115:i. am S- L. MICE. Burr 11.11 Stones VirAgRANTSTI.—B. F. STARR & CO., Car. of Nord* owl ewairt &rots, opposite N. C. R. it. **lion, Bayrtwona, Mu. Manufac-' turers of FRENCH BritftS, Importers and Dealers iu Burr Blocks, Bolting Cloths. Lea ther and Gum Belting', Cla clued Plaster, and Mill Irons. of Warranted Qual ity. Also. Culotte, COVAILIiCO, and Esophes Sill Skives of all sizes. [Feb. 7, ly Money Saved B y BrYTNO lIROCKRIE.24 hunt ROOK .1 , BALDWIN, corner of betington sad Green strol% SALTIMOttg, 11D. TOIL WO 25 eta. per ponied la baying Tea. You we 50 cta. per barrel ip la bad Thum You save 24 eta. per board la bees. IN A. You arra tram 2 to 3 &Bare per 100 pose& is hying Basita. Yon gavelling 1 to 4 ets. per posed =ag Supra. Toa am Iron 3 to 6 ets. pi/ fa butting aellba. You aaro.from 2 to IS di. per grave la buying Illoisareo. la sheet Au ass ono mossy oiraioet wary solids la the Wooer: Noe bi " Of* TIALDWIY, S. W. eOrsorof Lexhaome sad Ore= ate. . If say bogy doable It Mt Wartre us 11,11 rat•L, Awl If they ape eot eatadlool we will be coolest that they shall bey marrairss. Oar we warrant army setts% we ma. Me park aUgoods securely, and eiharge setbing dor - tad It do Deeds are as* as regreasatad, They as M Manna at ee► saptaaa. Persoas lading It • heeoateislese W visit ULU§Nam order of os Wales tie amid now rely %pan • Moving Use& ardor. Promptly sad sedeiseterihr amended to. • WWI cas.w sua 11013ATAGI.'11111 54./t dE A It ALL W IN, Wlboleretle awl Retail Gramm' P. W. corer, of Lesiegtor sail GOWN A*. Jeer 27, I SIC Dos). 34. I;.] BAlLasOre IbIOrNDED IRS!. Ctsartered 11P54. lAperbed r COIL OF BALTIIIOIIX k CHAIM; STS., BALTIMORE. MD. The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished 6 Popular C4' sismeretal College In the United Mater, DKSIGNED EX PILIISSLI" Fug YOLlill MCI Desiring to obtain • thorough Pnt‘liesti Basins/ Every Toast NM has a Counting Desk Oa Was 'eh; anti Is suparately histraeleti. &PUNITS IX ATTKIDAMTIC ►!OY Ji SALL T OMIT STATE TS Yu I.IIOX. The most Cotoprelyeorire and Theyroogb Ooiu of &qty. and the may PRACTICAL 71FT1109 OF I.NTRILICTION Are here introdoceA. No Copying Rom Printed or Slartnneripo Penns fu LEARXING 18001C-lIITING AT Til BALTIMORR COMMERCIAL c 1 LLY(iR. This method of lostruction is nowhere eiee i•tro- Eery Toung Sian should write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing the exterior and interior view of the College, Venutatiship which will be sent by retnrn mull. fres of sheer. with Gem. lo;rrte contnining list of ,Alvient../. terms of tuition, opininn4 of the Press on our new system of lktuk- Keeping, etc. • E. K. Lomita, Principal—Lecturer on the Somme of Account-4, ilneitrese, enAouts, etc. J. K. Prni.t.zes, Profeeitir Of Book-Keeping sad Commercial Csicututions. K. if. Parries, Asioriate i'rof. of Book-Keeping. K. C. Joinwson, Pro!lessor of Pamekaasheia S. T. WILLIAMS, seq:, Meresetile Lew. Bev. E. Y. Rim, D. D., Comeereisl Whits. 711 : lion. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Jostens Vensitirt, Hon. Thomas Bwenn, Wm. H. geighler. beq., Jacob Trust, Esq., William Knight, Esq. Tbs time stonily required to complete tie fall course, from Y to 1.1 weeks. A DTPLOISA is 011111114i.d to all Gredusten. Large Oirenfare and Ceiti.lostues stetting Wine, be., eons my mail Ave of *Mr" A.ddreee LOWiLita, lieltimees, Polo. 1, 1115*. 17 James H. Bosley, coutssloN MERCHANT, mod I Ps /feria Stries, B ALTUVOItE , ND. I am prepared to receive sad eel es Cognate lion all kinds of COVSTET PRODUCE, /feria( an experience bf ten. years In the Commiosiou business, (and wishing to continue that close,) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give saris- Tames to all who flavor lee wIM COSNIVITINIMI Win also attend to Moog orders kr 4irecooles, Owano, and ill kinds cif fertilisers. Fib. 14, 'SIC IN, //award Hon" r1:010311 Huard sad lhatbsore Straits, DALITXOSIX, XL Now Proprietors. Tare miscall so .1.2* par day. 0611 for the Xoward lloasi Come at the Divots. JL 1311 &a. sa, prop.. Jaarow7 Id, IL 17 L • • satherby & Goy. Enwonagela sait *.sl *meow iw WM. 801 re PVIMAGIB, Wok and pm*** ISPOlrail, of wooly dooadosies wood sod op* Moo, Ober* 1114 Giese a m Obroos; Ai.-4104 160. 4114 . wad Chuwoo Moor; Plooose Gor aworodoe sad Lowobo alms OPerter= ro, MierolllMoll. ellielPailid ow toitesolowsbio Swum J. WIATIMIT A CO., May.4l Light oe., wow lbw Swis lassisori, SS, Ma. O&M Aumiost. VG? aid Ilkiatiftlitibs4 Om.* omit son i =sim p ime. ag Onad* Ibis& asi4 . lllB =l *re = 1 . IOW!: 11411; 41.4:1:17"teL E 4 ugtios duce(' in this (-wintry GEGGIEMI . - T OW Tide Ws3rl The Ogren , • Iffelost - , 1 , 66 , 001) ,„, 0 v ,„ O . ham , .i„,, pab&te tedi ALL ?MOS ANS itgADITO4I" be trestlasee Ida KAOHINII mop, is t doted bie ,_ _ _die *stun at So dime, geelyete e p s , mar the i old cesstry elese_termin eses , where he here verirwas kiwis et Me- i —es was e s sh e atti .„„ , aid 4. band, weak as thwarts fil= 1 "the rest If tottalthal," thst kb NW alb arsimuir Akira Shedais, Ciiradiehher thetawa t Cae I mediae. Werebettee b sew asa *b. ig lalisse, likkarer Often, said Hama Pawn ' rf 1 tecatrld, GRAIN ft et stf Mas i ler =lar:/Mews hbalia fear we ais-bioase, Se mid width he is mile Ow Mabee( flatlet ; ;---isased ail es* as cab be bed at eel while The wills ass dispose et pft. e LiaLlOgielr; Aim, Ilardelati Ma' bagels lite beat siesittaire, thepean be suppft e d Aloes, fat hoses asepesteei. pet tip La dui roll tui meth art* Gaistortee, of , 4hiereepti ee , Lisa. sad 'soot esbateaghil razzing:. Celtics ' seissiettagef tied, Clollit, Heger, Nee, fitairera oir law Betts, say kind Ater i.e Leas than &ice, be, be., ales, Owl., Naar, Otis, - dam fia t le 1111204411 MTS Mtladed WOW well i ware, sad a titowassd caber Shiags set here .. tasigib t in Iron, enstim or wood. Moo an ; !mentioned. Wiefeaeak, WWI and ebsap as the blade of KE ~,, ILI° el asagete i , drusieir-uP 1 Whooped le tree omega. Lf the pere w masa full Eltauteel Ate., _dime * 6 _the =snug notice. their awe Worse* and act wisely, wiLl sot Ti. aide/rim sr .nuntetares Itoacairt fawn thip eadimassal„ iiliallllllll. SW feadliar mon' HORS 'WC'S. which he *fliers at the Eases uf ail isy GM castashers aria asset ea soe, fewest living pirott. He le likewise agent for an d with th em sew pima, I sum ead ee ,, er the SIAM k NOWNS asasatitetared by to owe „hem . JOHN 11041:1. Pb St irsises, at Neat Breda. Cleatya urg, Nov. 21, Mi. I lope that at! fa went of anythlag is my Unit —____ wet call at sty Shop boom* reins eteewbere. I will weersot all si7 wort to give lotiethetios to yo re h eeers. , MO l . y. i DAVID ifTIIM : .NSR. Aped it $l,OOO Agents Wanted. "EVERY iii.)l3Y'S LAWYER AND 4..IOCNSSL VIELY ECSINKSti, uoishaitsiog plain and *maple instroctioas la Everybody fur trzaseed hes theireeinsiness according to Leer, with legal tunas for &swing the various necessary papers connected therewith, together with the laws of all the States, fur Collection of Debts . , Property Estonia train Execution, Mechanics' Liens, Ex ecution of Deeds and Mortrages, nights of Mar ried Women, Dower, Usury, Wills, &c. By FRASIC Caosev, Kart., of the Philadelphia Bar._ 3t+4 p3gei. 12410. An entirely new work on the subject, adapt ed to the whute of every citasen of the Cnited States. Jingle copied, sent by wail to way ad &was. unreel:opt el price, 81,uO, or in law style of biudiag at 41.25. Lout) Agent" waute4 to eaaraadt for it, with whom liberal arrsagemeut. will be nude , Ap piy to or address JOUN R. POTTNR, Pu Nu. 617 Sansone Street, PhilcLioliolaic Oct. 17,183 U. 2w J. W. Scott, (Late a/ tie Firm of Wincluater Steil.) GENTLEYEN'S FURNISHING STORE. arid mum MANUFACTORY, No. 814 Cites set Street, (swirly opposite the Girard House.) Philadelphia. J. W. SCOTT would respectful ly call the attention of his former patrons and hiciad.i to his new Store, sad is prepared to 6U tinier.; for SHIRTS at abort notice. A perfect irearaistiwi. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with Pus &num and Ccrts.ene. Oct. 14 lean. /y - New cultural Settlement. yALL imiNTING WADES, a rare oppor tunity ins delightful and healthy climate, mile. southeast of Philadelphia, on the Cant 2- am and Atlantic. Railroad, New Jersey-An old estate, consisting of several thuumands ot acres of productive, soil, has been divided into farms of cariwas Mass to suit the pavan/nor.— A popalation of spout fifteen hundred, from Variems parts of the middle Slates and New Eng land, have settled there the past year, improved their placer, awl raised excellent crops. The price of the land Is at the low sum of from 312 to Stu per acre; the soil is of the best quality Gar the prodention of Wheal, Chsver. Coro, Peaches, Gripes and Vegetables. IT IS CON SIDERED TILE BEST }BUTT SOIL IN TUE t'SIOX. The place is perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the Owner.— Crepe altruist, grass and fruit are now pawing and can b. seen. Dy examining the place it self, a correct judgment can be formed of the preductirestess of the land. The teine are made emy to secure the rapid Improvement of the land. which is only sold for actuaj hsproveineut. The result Ina been, that within the past year, some three hundred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vioyards wad patch orchards planted, and • large number of ether improvements, sacking it a desirable sod wetly* piece of business. TUE MARKET, se the render may perceive teem he location, is the BEST IN TIIE UNION'. Produce bringing *sable the price thin in &omnibus sway tuna the city, and more than double the price than t h e West. It Lt knows that the earliest elid be. 4 fruits and vegetables is this Wands come from )(whose'', and are annnaliy imported to the esteem of millions. la banning Isere, the settler had to toimns- Urea He Is within a Itir hoer? ride of the great cities of New Hagliutil *ad Ilislille States, : he is sear his obi friends and associations, he is a saule4„ country whore every ilnproreinent of cousGart and civilisation is at hand. Ile can buy every article ha wants at theeapest price. and seU his produce for the h st, in the West this is reversed,) he has Be 00l his chi/shwa divine service, and will enj *pea winter, ....41 delightful climate, wit fever* are lamely anknowa. The reeplt of the change mean those from the earth, has generally been to restore Asia to ea mailed state of heal la th. dm way of building and torturing, lumber can be abtabsed at Use mills at the rate of Slo to $L per thossand. Bricks from the brick yard opened in the plasm every article oan be procared is the place, good easpsniers are at I hand, sad theirs is ao place is the Cnioa where buildings and impeoveneente cut -be made cheaper. The reader will at once be streak with the ad vantages here presented, sad ask himself why I the property has not been taken up before.— The reason is, it was uever thrown In the mar- 1 het ; and unless these statements were correct, : I no one would be invited to examine the lend ; before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, and sorb' is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor hood; they will witness the improvements and can judge the character of the population. 11 they come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re fusal. There ars two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settler' who improve, the Reamed CA ,' impany pre* a free ticket for six wtonthr, and a Ralf-pclar brisorfor three years. TIIII TOWS OF lIAMIIONTON.--Tn connec tion with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, which pre sents inducements for an kind of business,par- Ocularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage. also cotton business, and manufactories of agrienitoral implements or fonnderies for casting small articles. The Improvement has been so rapid as uk input' a constant and permanent increase of 6 - anneals- Town lots of a good sire, we do not sell small once, as it would affect the improvement of the place, can be had at from COO and upwards. The Hammonton Faroe, a monthly literary and agricultural sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 95 meta per annum. Title indisputable--werrantee deeds given, clear of all iasanaberance when money is paid. Route to the band: leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton by Railroad. at 1} A. U., or 4i P. M. Fare 90 cents. When there inquire or Mr. Byrnes. Boarding coa reniences on hand. Parties had better stop with Ir. Byrum, a principal, antil they have decided as to purchasing, as he will show them over the land in his carriage, free of expense. Let ters and applications man be addressed to Lao- Cs k Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0., Atlantic coun ty, New Jersey, or S. B. Conghlia, 2Q2 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. Maps and Informa tion cheerfully fernishcd. July 4, 1159. aut y 4, Marble Yard Removed. subscriber having removed his place of busietess to Rest York street, • abort At eliers below tit. Urea' Cliercb, would immetaneo l l to ilea pab/ie that he is still prepared to furnish a bads of work is his Ihm, seek as *atm weseida, Ileadeteues, of every mot* otl styli mid fah* with soil whales* keens and soi kets, to suit purebaseru end= kiln line to sett At times. Persons dodging so in wilt lad It • decided edvardege to *toadies kit Meek amd pekes Wirt eurehostim shewhere. Wll. b X 2.1.141. 011411106111, March 11, IWO. iiiriVlM SAL fIIiWELIBIapOTOW ROMS, Now Went, r h., *III he oOW co mated oe easeenso: NMI. /1 1 1 61. ,01001 I =3 fir =ea, se ilie vb. On way bilYoneetilmt ha eigig* alp Glorious Nein! I‘l6'3::ZercBawl7o ' Z ed s ju b it citi es with one of the largeet stocks of PALL end WINTER GOODS ever trreeglia to Amp burg—in part as follows: French lierinoes, plain and figur e d, Oehee t e , of all kinds, Cotton Detains, prices Orien tal Lestres. Silk Illusions, and a large assert reeet of plain and figured Silks, Alpatteas, Bombazines, kc.; French Worked Collars Un dersleeres, Handkerchiefs, Flutilitiup, gd g .. lags, Laces, Insertings; Bonnets sad Ribbons,. Shawls and Mantillas; Muslim, Linens, Siseet fogs, Hosiery, Gloves, ec. Cloths, Vasslnterns, Ciumitteta, Vesting., and everything else in the gent/coast's wear line. The undersigned hi thankful for past favor's, end will spire no effort to deserve the public's continued patronage. J. L. FiefflCK, Oct. 17. 8. W. corner of the Diamond. Dr. Baakee messes: ALL DISHASES.--DR. RAAKEF will give special attention to the folhewing Coughs, Colds, Consumption. croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis sad all diseases of the Nose, Mouth, Throat and Langs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin dimassit—st,um bago, Lumbar Abscesses. Scrofula, Rheuma tism Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia, Piles:, and all diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Dowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Boakee can pru dare one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Caoccra, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Scald Reads, Wens. Swellings and Tu mors of every description sad without the use of the knife. These last mussed diseases can not be treated by correspondence, therefore the patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's personal supervision. DR. RAAKER has made a new discovery of% Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT, and restore perfect vision to the Ere tithont the use of the knife or needle, and he cures all diseases of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, and ho has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of bestutithl Artificial Eyes, and Tympanum*, or Bar Dryer's, suitable for either sex and ult agcy --iasertad in live minutes. Mao, a large ai • 110111011141 of Bar Trmurreta of all sleet and every description known in the world, Also, a large ass3rtment of beautiful Arti fi cial han ds, witty Wrist, Ann and Elbow attachments. Alec, of Pest, with Ankle, Leiond Knee-joint attach ments—natantl asnatnreltself. Timm article.? can be tent by Expreas to any part of the world. Dr. Bashes is one of the most celebrated anti skilful Physicians and Surgeons now living.— His throe is known personally in near* every principal city in the world. All bitters addre.i ad to Dr. Haskell most contain tea cents, to pay postage and incidental expenses. Ail Chronic diseases can be treated by correspondence, ex cept Slone mentioned. that will require his per semi supervision. Dike hours tram *A. M , to 4 P. 31. DIMYTOR BA 1I 704 Broadway, a for doors above Vanrtis street, Soy. !, Dast,3l. Iy] New York Citl . - - - Pollook, Sawn is Oo„ wo. BOUTU /WORD BT, PHIL A DEL 1 . 11 Importers sad W hoiaale sad I:e -mit Dealers InFancy and Staple Dry floods.— In this department buyers will find • vary full sad tremplete stock of plain. medium and Laney IMICS-i SILKS, principatly purchased at the re seal large Auction Sales, in Sew York; awl will be sold below the east of importation. Also. a full rule at Black Drees Silks, of the must celebrated manufacture, and high lustre. Also, in their appropriate depart meats, an extensive and varied assortmeat ut other Dress Materials., embracing AB tho most approved_ fabrics and latest styles fur Ball and Winter Wear. .1 IV ! tdfIAWLB I—ln this department we offer hr far the most esten sice assortment to lie found in the City; which etulareees all the hitest novelties, and most pop ular styles. of the season, in ow In superfine Goods ; many of which have been purchased at eke late large Auction Sales, and will be sold at grentir reduced prices. I 'MOSES I RAGGANS!! !!!—Buyers will find In this depart ment a very extensive assurtutent, and almost endless variety to select from, and without an) doubt the Ltrgest and most varied Stock both in point of quality and style to be found In this Country—ranging, in prices from low to super fine (seals; all manufactured of the beat and most approved materials, fur Fall sad Winter Wear, and of unoqnallod wortmeinstrtp for first class retail sales. .4—Strangers visiting Philadelphia, are so licited to examine our stock. A liberal disconnt to , wholesale cash buyers. POLLOON, BACON t CO., No. 20 Sonth Second Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 94. 1659. sal T RH subscribers, Imparters and Sealers in WINES 1 LIQUORS, would moot respect fii y toll the shanties of purchasers to their 014 Establishment, No. 3 Aintli Aso( Sired, riladeipAla, where they have • large assort ! meet of Wiwi* and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Raving made arrange meats with some of the first houses la Cognac. and Rochelle, 'gables them to furnish to their customers, upon the meet Rimini terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle: IiIiANDIES: Otard, Efennety, Pellersion, Pipet, Castillion; J. J. Degpy k Co., T. Ilimc., 1 A. fsergoette, Martel, Magog/lc., ho., el various brands and qualities. WEiILS: Champagne, Madeira Lisbon, Old Oporto, Teaerilfe, Sargaudy, H ock, Muscat, Claret, Sherry, and Waists Wines. Holland Gin, Scheidata Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, each, Ap- ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, end l' borpberry lireadles; Cordials. WirM Bitters, Abisterdang Bitters, he. Also, Agents aad Sole Prepristers of the Old Wheat Whickey. Constantly On band an ex. teuive stock °fans aid Itosongabida, Bye and BOINAPOO Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to he raper* WI any in the country, all of which are bight! beyond b 7 aho• ' From our ton g =perfume In the bee/nese, and a thorough knowledge of the tutu of the commonalty, we Satter ourselves to be able to ill all orders that may be entreated to ea. Orders troth the country (which &repast re,- speodelly selleited) will be promptly abbeadeci to. Great care taken in pettifogged plag. air All goods seat from ear estafft6lunis are guaranteed to give sasidentlaa, milk the privilege of WV 00 " 1 " .41L L.,. 111.01:11•WRON 6 NCO., Ito. I Worth Preetill.., Philadelphia. Feb. T, 111159. 17 • k Chow Waft& UrMt ARNOW lir aim goloOkketeek of TAIL AND till! IR MOTIMO—aII limas aid Ig *frog misty. O, Vfati. Dregs Om*lll6llll4lollK ' Pmaideasas, thlillmitt A alit* fterikay, 'ie., IA with& inn Y Ai thaw ea tke ebl4Phift Ike mow. prilkaedi" sw thew 100.41,111 L v I sat NV" liadt pitlatea atm ham at bit ehiparnao o 7. 111* 4. •, • - 1 4 44., Obesrm 111111 ; „Jr, Fine Old Brandies.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers