Vir" l .n4oes • 14ppen, neighbor B vi tiokt, hie rgade fto much beemapippm,. &In their warning untifilbstilt.vige of the woriti than mine? TiNyligiauoint the arm sohool, and, tofiliptt z liable, enjoy equal ndrenta• , ge l l igyolt,taice the nowspaperß, neigh axwA.r, " 9, aft,l do not take them myself; . *mend then borrow one, just to .„ Pray , sir, what have newspa- rt. te do with education of children ?" llitiy, sir. they have a vast deal to ) witit-it, - I assure you. I should as ,so telk 'drink of keeping them from school, ,its to withhold from them the nexl ?Ta pe; ris a little school of itself. Being ti e #cry week, it attracis their Lacia . . ~_, tkeb wi t t,! they aro sure to peru:e it,— !_rbilyt,hile they are storir,4 their mMikvrith useful knowledge, they ure al I A #Niatue time acquiring the art of 4', &c. I have often been surpris ooloy ctat men of understriding . should ,cirtnitijit the importance of a newepa porinat,h,mily.'2 tole-truth, neighbor B , I frequently ,thitikqiihould like to take one, but I catia - 45v - elrafford the expense." 4 1 -C4Cu'tistrord the expense : What, Aletdna ask, is the value of the two or threadallars a year ' in comparison with it. ,thOsasuro acid advautagcs to be de -rivad-from a well-conducted newmpaper? Aaor as Ism, I would not, for fifty dupes a year, deprive myeQlf of the luippluiess I enjoy in reading un,l hear ing". sly tshiltlren read and tall:about "what they have read in the paNrs.-- r And-then the reflection that they are :gc73#ltAg up intelligent and useful mem ' s ' Or - society. Oh, don't mention the .osposiser—pay it in advance every year, And you will th,iiii: tr) more of it." tiiitstatioa in the-Family cy-cre.— lire regret to hear that a gentleman of i thia city, of distinguished literary and .scientific attainrneuts, - one who bea:s a - ,vegerated name, and whose genius and a6ienee have given an important im provement to the cities orthe United : States, has been so fur bewildered in 'thmases of bpintualisin as to believe that he is wrongly mated with an ami able and devoted wife and has found hisppiritiral affinity with another young Oady. -- As Nye have been informed, th 3 wife, though broken hearted by thc. , development, and having ono child, has assented to the request of kw husband for 'a separation, and he has gone to Indium to procure a divorce, in order jab hD may marry his new affinity, s wibgis, we believe, like his wife, a lady of liatalligenee, amiability, and irre rotichable in character.—Boston Tran. Shorkiny Death.—The Alirany Stand - - nid t yciSorts that a shocking accident ocewedto a little daughter of John -Aatson, of Steiling,N.Y., a day or two sincs. 'The parents were absent from hordo, when the little girl, in her ram :Mee about the house, th , ind a loaded gun, and ppm - um:aced playing with it, shop ikdisCharged, its contents strik ing her in the forehead, scattering her .irulife "about the room and completely _destrpyitig , the head, and, of cottese, instantly. ,1 brother about pix..yearaorzge, who was fit home with I lmt,ibeconting finglitened at the shock lug, appearance of his sister, dragged the body 'from the house to thii ;The body wits then torn to pieces by •hogs. Shoikly after the body was dis 'wvered by her school mates, so badly makfiled , and disfiguted as to be hardly identified, erne Michigan Legislature has :"put its foot into it" by voting six hundred and fifty acres of land to Mrs. Rogers, because she produced four little Borrillee tit one and the same time. It basset a precedent which may coat the Stilta - thousands ofacns of lands. The Delfiit, Free Press says that Mr. Job Bu'roap, of um pter, Wayne county, has Appliedtto- the Legislature to divide its favors. His papers set forth that Mrs. Burnap " has given birth to nine chi!. ,dren at four births, three of whom were born ten months after marriage;" that. he f Assi.poQr man, and, therefore, prays fot,a donation of land as in the ease of MM. ,Rogers.—Boston Post. The Governor has veto3d the bill. Negro Running for Representative in Jratne.—An election for Itepreson ta tit% to flit the place of 114. Chaco, took phtee fn Portland Are., on the..7 - ISth ult. Neal Dow, - the groat teiciperance and uogro-equality chain pit*, and a colored man named Peter - tempo* were the prinmpal oompetiters. "I'ltare being but an indifferent selection _of :candidates, comparatively fen' votes mritzat,; but the people generally the white man to the Repub lican of a darker shade, and so "tete . , mnee and freedom" triumphed by a — ty of 772 votes. How Neal Dow co. d'have conscientiously loot himself _to sieleitt so rare an opportini ty for the prodigal elevation of the colored race, We can't , conjecture. When the body of the illnstrious 11410, t?,f•Trafalgar was put into a cask oft/Mte to' bo transported to o!d tog. g sbe bang accidentally fell out, andsoits of his Lordship's fingers made itaispixeriHrnco at the opening. A sea nuilb,"'who had for some years served in ship,.seized the hand, and gaVelt ii cordial grip, at the saruo. tiu4e wiliagartray a tear that• glistened ou his sitestber4eaten cheek, exclaimed— geetrome, old boy, if you are not in bottler spirits i.l3ai any of us!" fattiaor oondensea Thackeray's lectures in -I:Nrrie the First was reckoned veil, der, George the Second, 4" Shit; mortal over heard 144.0 , ..t0d of Cligna the Third ? When froth esrth the Fourth aacendett,', —eottlirpraised, qie,Georlitle ended! IPlPelawa is imam so eontemptibto, bat ~LiraMt*, kity. Lt., is in, IteOr. . _ - ta4l - 144 t- -- - fok - - - ~6 6, 4 ~itlil- 0 ,1- 1 E Mies , FOP. oAtt.-=' th - e.s sei, r l4 of ROPA ic 15 fURNFIVEt7WritEEtoCIME, Ilgaisr S. Mixxicu and' Wrrt, e the 6 .- 1 Nos. 25 au! .'4* N. Gay scree Baltimore, benefit of creditors, offers at PriTate'Sali ,k near str Gay to THAT DESIRA BLY,' PROPERTY, , 'Frederick, st.'—the lartfitt fiat . Ahnient of in Cstutburland t.twnsltip, Adams coanty,l the kin in the Uuion.:. Always on hand s] Pa g lying about li miles west of Gettysburg, large assortment of eceey variety of HOUSE and north of the Chambersburiz turnpike, LIOLD AND OFFICE FCENITURE, em rljuining lauds of James J. Wills, Esq., bracing— ilmrs of Jim. Hartsell, deceased, Samuel Bureaus, Bed.tend., ~, Hartsell. frederick Derr, Abraham Sping. Washst a tid Wardrobe*, I,r, and othor.. and containing 1.`,5 ACRES, . Matresae, of Ilmak.. Oottott aad hair, more or ltoo. The iwprovetnauts . - - I Spring Beds, Slfiis, are a Two-stury Do .‘ Iry üble Stone -' fill , T ate -a- Teter, Arm Chaim, 110 USE, with Two-story Back- . flociticg• Chair., Etageres, . 'anding, I..tring a btaenient. -, . Mitrtle Tables, Settees, Kit,:lien shorn ground, a Stuae Bank Barn, : lteception and Upholstered Chairs, Carriage Ift.o•e, :•:•tune Spring ll,use with a . A,snrlel Coiors of Cottage Funfair . ire, nererfailing Spring, Pump of nererfailing Wood Chairs, water near the kitchen door, and three (.11- Office Chaim, ch.,r.1., 2 of which are Lew. the latter con• , B.trher Chair., raining abut 14ai4) Peach trees, 104) Apple, 1 Cribs and Cradles, with a tariety of (Wier fruit trees on thel Ifst Reeks, • premises. There is runninw water in almost Ilall Furniture, all the Fuld.. The farm is in a good state of i (rat wed Walnut Frame cultivai 1. nand fencing. ALout 15 acres are I Inokini Glasfes, Sideboards, in 'Tinter nod there is a full proportion of'Extension Tattles, of evert.. length. lldeinl.,w. i Persons ditiposel to purChrte are invited to 4;49.r:!,. lair-Penong desiring to view the rroperty can be Fh,,A.rn the'reme by calling on the fainily ?stilling thereon, or on the subscriber. .1. B. DANNEIt, N9r. 1.5, 1858. 0 t T PRIVATr: SALL—The subscribers, E e( .t SNYDIIII, deCC4Od, offer at Private Sale, that DESI HAMA: FARM, on which decedent resided upwards of twenty years, situate iu Tyrone township, Adams county, adjoining lands of George Meekley, Heirs of Jacob Wulf, Antbony Dear d trff, Sa.tinel Deardorff, and David Hoover containin; 2 . 01 ASILES, mare or less %vitt, i ;oo,,i prop . nlitme of Timber and Meadow The improseinents consist of a i 4 o-qtery Wentberboarded Dwell- 1111 ing nots::. Bank Hare, Wagon . Sued and Corti Crib attached Cooper Skop, .and other out-btu dings ; 2 never-Wiling wells of water, oat at the house, (he tither at Use barn; and ao excellent Ap ple ORCHARD, with a variety of other choice fruit. Callow:1p Creek runs through the Form, nod there are also two springs on the property. The fences, mostly of cheanut rail% are good, and the land is in a good Stets of -cultivation, two-thirds of it haring been limed. The :sroperty will be shown by Samuel Bollinger, resoling thereon. Also. A TRACT Olt 310UNTAIN LAM), ennbtioing 7 acres, more or legit, situate in Monallen township, Adams county, adjoining lands of George Mockley, Jacob uhleu, and others. JOAN SNYDER, FiLEDEItICK HOLTZ, Sept. G, IRS /. Execniors. go-The sale notes given for personal property of snit deeeese4 are now due, and nuatediate payAaent is re aired. The notes aro in the hands of F. Molts. • Dr. A. W. Dorsey, VORNIIIRLY of Carroll county, having pertuanently tocated is GettyAbura p oefera his professional serviceslo the citizens of the town and surroundingcountry the practice of the various branches of hii l / 24 profession. °dice and le3iderice,ltinpore Street, next door to The Compiler office, where he may be found at all times whoa-not professionally engaged. isarnitsscra. Prof. Natbsn R. Smith, !}lwYieon. Yd. licr..tAgustus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Md Dr. j. le; 11%irfield, Westminster, Md. Dr.,W. Mathias, Jacob Reese, Esq., 44 John K. Longwell,Esq., a 44 Gr.o. E. Wampler, Esq., " #1 Rec. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. Oct. 23, 1838. 6m ATTORNEY AND - . OOERISELLOIt AT LAW, Practices in the Courts of York qnll A4Lio. counties. Particular attention given to the settlement of Estate*, collection of Claiins, kr, Office in Centre Square, (BaritiW Building,) Hanover, Pa. Oct. 24. Gtu 1 - . FlizE DOLLAR.'REIVA#P! Lost ! Lost 1 rpwo gman -MILL 1330 RS were, lost ill l- 1 - Gettysburg on Thursday a-week, En the return of which to the undersigned & reward of FIVE DOJ-I.A IN will be paid. FRANCIS BRLik..NI. Nov. 10, '6B. - Elastic Cement Roofing. T HE subscriber is prepares to contrast end put on at taw shortest notice. W. Z. Child k Co's. Fated Fire and !rater Proof Rdastt:e Cement Roofing. . • It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in p~iat oftlurabillty is equal, if not superior, to any iletalic Roofing. It can be pat on over tin, tar, iron, or ehingle roofs, however tat or steep they may be. In p dut of resisting the elements of fire and water, not.iin has yet been discovered equal to the Ehtstic Cement. Those 'vim bare used it, have testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that there is no further room for improvement.— \o one will noir think ofputting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This Itootiug is warranted as reprmiented.. The i:lastiu Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay fur wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. Lt is aliso the best paint fir iron, effectually preventing rust: and wherever applied per fectly excludes dampness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantities to suit. For further information, apply tJ GEORGE A. COLE, Iticpecienens of the Itoofinm ' may be seen at the Pn)th , ifintary's Office, in Gettysburg. April, 5 11454. A T PtuvATE SALE.— the undersigned offers at Private Sale, all his Real Estate as folows : Ni. L—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting 31) feet on Chambersbur,g street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve ments. No. 2..—Llt adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &c. No. 3.—Lit adjoining No. 2. fronting 32 feet on same street. with large Coach Shop, and other improvements. . No. 4.—lgit adjoining No. 3. froating 29 fees. with double Brick Dwelling, Smith 8ho&c. 45.=—Lot Irost of the Foundry, with Steam Sew and Grist Mill. No. 6.—. Lot .14juininz No. 5, containing about 3 Acres. . Na. 7.—Three Lots fronting each. 30 feet an Chauthersburg street. • No. 9.—Traet of Land in rfamiltonban tow•nship, - lying qn .Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. ,10. IV—Qosoh Establishment in Shep herastown, Vs., with good will. kn. The k -cation is an admirable one for business, and roviniente in good order. Titiee good and terms to snit purcha sers. .Enquire of D. A. Boatman, Esq., Get. tysbq rg, or the undersigned residing in Sh ep twist-own, Va. C. W. ROFFN4I..N. March 15, 1858. . ted fox blkzii , k. man, of Cincin , 80 lad money, to learn who is advice of this respectable eit her sister, of • Chas: R. Doran, )14. D. O FFICE on Baltimore street, one door south of the Presbyterian 4 3harcis‘ zbdOpPassan David MeCrearylaestairlisb met' t, Rua ttysbu Ictioviiiyi j fik -e intei 1.A1124,4 , and they Base again l 4 l bent for *Rages at $50,- ValuOle Real Estate, Alfred 11. Lewist Frederick City, Md Valuable Real Estate call and give our stock nn erarnmatiow, which for variety nol quality of workman ship is not equalled by any astablishmentin the country.A. MATITTOT A. SON. Nos. 25 arid 27 N. Gay street , . Aug. 2, 1858. 1y B REINIG. FRONEFIF.LI) t CO'S C. 1- ME' MEDICINES have been thorough ly tested end pronounced unsurpassed and unsurpassable. one other as useful have been introduced during the ,:er.tury. Whilst farmers are using every effort, and investing large Amounts of money iin the improvement of their soils, too little atten tion is generally paid to the health and de velopment of faun Stock. Breinig. Fronefield & Co. justly claim be ing as first, in this country, who devoted their attention to this important subject.—. Their VEORTIIIII.II CATTLE. POWDER wu.s the result of several years' study and experi menting—whieb experiments have actually shown that, 14 teeCtog • thrs Powder& a Cow will yield from 1 to 2.1 pounds butter per week more than when she does not get the Powder; all other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produced in the falleniny of matte or swine. It is used with eqsal profit fbr Horses, Cattle and ll.)gs. No former, or feeder of any kind. should be without it a day. for sale at the now Warehouse, corner of Stratton street and the Railroad. by KLINE FE ITER, SEITZ & CO. Nov. 15, 1858. 5m 11FAIRGE ARNOLD has again replenished IA his stock of Goods. His assortment is now full, among which is a great variety of Ladies' Drols tioods, and faaoy goods gen erally. The Ladles will please cnII for Bar gains. Also, cheap CLOTHS, Ctssimeres, Cassineets, Vestings, Ready-made Clothing, Blankets, Shawls, Fianna's, Coatings, Ho siery, Gloves, duo. Le.; also, a large stock of Domestics, Freels Groceries, etc. READY-MADE CLOTIUNG.—If you want the cheapest and best Ready-made Clothing in tuvw'"1"111 and f aeoGiao,stisotn. We make our own Clothing, hare 'hands con stantly omploysol witting out and making up. Our stock orCloths, Cassimerea. Cassinetts, Coatings, Vesaings, &c., is large and full. Call and see as, and if we cannot tit you in a garment ready made, we will take your measure, and make you tip a givtoont just as yeu maysiesire , to have is made, on the short est notice. Kr. Culp is always on hand at the Clothing Emporium, bright pulite, and always ready to wait upon friind that sail. Try'Wun, trove him, and see if there be ayn error in . /inn. Gettysburg, Oct. 4,185 g. Now is the Timo! • • IllHEsubscriberwould inform the public that ii he has opened a MACHINE SHOP, in Chunehesiburj street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he will have various kinds of Machines ft n haul at any time hereafter, such as Threshing if whines, Corn Shelters, Cornfodder Cutters" Clooerseed *utters, Strata Odgers, and Horse Powers-of different kinds, —two, four ur six-horse, to suit purchasers ; —indeed all each as can be had at Hanover er Littlestown. Also, Murtising .Machines, for house carpenters, put up in the very best and most substantial manner. Cutting Screws or long Dolts, any kind or size less than eleven feet in length, always attended to, as well es Turning in iron, casting or 'wood. Also all kinds of Rif:memo on Ma chinery, draviistrap 31:11 Spindles, te., done on the shortest notice. I hope that all in want of anything in my line will call at my Shop before going else where 1 will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers. DAVID STERNER. March 20,.18;58. ly 127,110. Y IL•DANIfiIL New Firm—New Goods. qua 4 nderxi g ped hare entered Into part .+ nership in the 11.1 RD IVA RE & GRO CEl2Ybusineot, at the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, in B.dtitunre street, under the name, style an,l firm of Danner & Ziegler, Jrs., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance oif the patronage of the old firm, as well as au quantity of new onsbom. They have just rutuine4 from the cities with an immense stock of GJuds—consisting in part of Building litieriale, ench as nails, screws, hinges, holts, locks, glass, Tools, including edge wuls of every de scription. saws. planes, chisel*, gouges, bra ces aud bitty, augers, squares, gimps, ham mers, ke. Blacksnoithl wilt find anvils, vices, rasps. files, horse shoes, horse-shoo nails, &c., with them, vary cheap. CoarA Fitasngs, such as cloth, canvass, damask, fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth, springs, axles. hobs, spokes, felioes, bows, pules, shafts. &c. .S 7 o,c i'iadiays, Tampico, brush and french morocco, linings, bindings, pegs. lasts, bout trees, &c., with a general assortment of shoe maLcris tools. CaLinti itiker's T.ols, a general assort ment—al,o cnrni.h, knobs, &c. will also find a large assort ment ofknives an d forks,bri ttann ia, alhata and silver-platei table anti tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad iron', enamelled and bras, kettles, pans, *hums, carpeting, Le. Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all size, and kinds ; east, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Groceries, a full and general assortment, such as crushed, pulverised, clarified and brown sugars; New Orleans, West Indic- ant sugar house molasses and syrups, ooffee, spices, chocolate, fine, coarse and dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, etc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Siam Finding, Housekeeping, Black smith. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are de termined to sell as low for csme as any house out of the city. lIRNRY R. DANNRR, WAY BRIG HT ZIEGLER. Getlysbirg, May 24, 1858. - New. Arrival 1 " A.TB. CAPS. BOOTS i SHOES.—The subscriber has just retuned front Phila delphia where he selected, with mull airs, a very large and superior stook of Boots, Shoes, Hats midi Caps, and datum himself that ho is tow prepared to exhibit to the palming of dattystottrritad %nattily, the larg- Ut and bust Welke Goods folk Has that has ewer been °feria' to their *Kin.. Me,rfiliaud'ouir goods . at the lowest cash grepadtsit - to rilter r gobiallthrie thatf - dear: GWYN ,pp,A will take great ikmajg Opur *hetherzoot,v+Alf M4til s v p t i a y ,- , - t7trt: Cattle Powder. New Goode ! IrATIIIUGHT ZIZGLIS AtibbastiVrAriv Store, fIN the cornet "brain socket and the O p a bile Square, in FEW OXFORD, Adams couuty, Is the 'fusee to secure the! poet desirable B A 110 AINS in lIARD-i WARE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Oils, ' Paints, Saddlery article+, Gueenswitre, Glassware, Earthenwar. , , Ililr , C ap , and Siturs, Ready -114d , meimi j , with an endless variety of other articles. Ilia stock of forged and rolled IltON, STEEL and NAILS, is very large, and of fers rare inducements to purchasers. Jones's Patent COAL OIL LAMPS, with the Coal Oil, (Kerosene.) kept on hard and for sale at the lowest rates. Also a tine lot of 134:FFALO ROBES, of different sizes. Ile also hall a quantity of LUMBER still on hand, which he is disposing of at very low rates. JACO!) AULATIAUG II New Ozford, Nov. 15, Isis. Ic• Old Dominion COFFEE POT.—.k desirable improvement in making cofroe, by which one-fourth less coffee is required and a stronger and morellighly flavored bevoragl ill made. You can boil coffee in is for any length of time without one particleof the strength or orisons' escaping. Those fend of!' good cup of coffee end at the same time washing to save one fourth the expense should call at once and buy an Old Dominion Coffee Pot at the cheap store of FAIINESTOCK Nov. 29. New Grocery. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—The sub. setibsCrespeetfully informs the citizens of to ked itenntry, that he has opened a Orootwjr, Onefectionary and Notion Store, on York .tr u st. sop doors east of St. James' 4utkeitattPftprek.- where he has now on Nand tit 10111[1111' {Mort men t of goods in his line—snakear. Bvrup, from 40 to 70 'ants per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds ; Coffees, dif ferent kinds; Vinegar. Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch ' ground and unwound Pep per, .Altpice. Cloves. Cinnamon, Mustard, Soda, Ginger. Starch, Rice, Teas. candles, Extract Coffee, Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; BP00•114. Buckaticifandies. all ta u d i figs, Walnuts, Patm Nuts, Almonds, Gronad Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, gen. cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, ke., Butler and Eggs bought and sold. He in vites the calls of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality end price. Ho is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. WM. E. BITTLE Gettysburg, Ilec. 10, New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.--SNY • DER. & BENNER have just received at their New Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es tablishment, she largest and most complete assortment of Groceries brought to Got 4vsburg for a long time, consisting .if Coffee, (four kindi,) Sugar, (four kinds.) Molasses, ,yrup, Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Ptuur, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short every thing usually kept iu a first-class Grocery Store. highest market price paid forcann try produce or taken in exchange f (boas. Bial`Give us s call. Buy your Groceries where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. gidr llover's eele‘ratea writing Ink for sale. [Nov 1, 1858. A Store Room, QIIITABLE for the Dry o,tode bwrinees, LI fur Rent, Enquire at Tdx 00111'11.ER Office. • Nay. .29. The Great Wonder OF the Nineteenth Century.-,—PROFFSSOR WOO D'S H Ala RESTOITATIVE. —Says the St. Louis, (Mo.) Democrat: Below we puhlish a letter t) Ur. Wool. of this city. from a gentleman in Maine, which speaks glowingly of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have its effect. when coining from a reliable source. If cer tificates are guarantees of truth. the Dr. needs no encomiums, nor useless puffery from the press : Barn, MAINR, Jan. 20. 18.56. Prof., 0..1 WA! its Co. :—GemNnaa Having my attention cawed a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative I was induced to make ap. on of it upon my own hair, which had become quite gray, probably one-third white; my whiskers were of the mune character. Some three months since I procured a bottle of your hair restorative. and tistut it. I soon found it was proving what I had wished. I used it about twice a week. I have since procured another bottle, of which I have used some. I can now certify to the world tint the gray or white hair has totally disappear ed, both on my head and face, and my haw has resumed its natural color. and I believe • mom. soft anti 'Jassy thin It has been before for twenty-five years. lam now sixty years old: say Rend wife at the age of fifty-two, has used it with the same effect. The above notice I deem due to you for your valuable discovery. lam assursd that whoever will rightly use. as per directions, will tit have occasion to contradict toy state ments. 1 ate a citizen of this city and & resident here for the last fifteen. years. and am koown to nearly every one here and ad. joining towns. Any use you may make of the above. with my name attached, is at your service, as I wish to preserve the beauties of nature in others as trey as myself. I am, truly, yours, A. C. RAYMOND. BALTINORL, Jan.2B. 1858. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Professor Wood—Dear Sir: Having had the Misfortune to lose the best portion of uty hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was induced to mak a trial of your preparation. and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair Is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned. Rev. J. K. Bragg, is a minister in regular standing. and castor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, .114,3.- 11e is a gentleman of great influence and uni versally beloved. VV' 11. DYER, Brookfield. Jan. 12, 1838. Professor Wood—Dear Sir; L -ving made trial of your Bair Reatoralve, it gives ono pleasure to say, that its effect has been excel lent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my clildbood ; and has also restored my hair, which was becom ing gray, to its original color. I have used no other article with anything like the seine pleasure or i protlt. Yours truly, 1. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in bottles of 3 s:zeis, viz: large, mediiim, and small; the small hokis i a pint, and retails for Si per bottle: the mediae holds st least twenty per cent. more in pr portion than the small, re taiht for two dollars per bottle ; the large holds a quart. 40 per cent. more in propor tion, and retails for 63. 0. J. Wood do Co., Proprietors, 312 Urged way. New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Eatablistunent.) and 114 Market St. Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Drug gists aqd Fancy Goods Dealers. Dee. 6, WO. 3m J. W. Scott, (Ledo of ate Finn of Wineireaur .Scott,) G ENTLEMEN S FURNISHING STABS, and SHALT .MANCIFACTORY, hip. 814 Onssert &ram, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) . PHILADRI I PHIA. d. W. SCOTT would ropeetfolly !wit the attention of hie former Write* and treads to his new Store, and is prepared tQ 411 . or4s o l ihr SHIRTS at short notice. iLperifiA gnaranded. cOUNTRY l i ftBDWooll,‘ tritif Frt. NV444614 cRE.444. ' Ir, 5:73 t renorls4N. CO -11 4 11- 9. VOTICE.—The 1 ringtiet htv e stasocia led with them in the Lumberbuqinito E. Cf. Bytorit. They would flierefOe give Tick , doe that the business hereafter will be eon ducted under the firm of Se BCNDIM & Co., and they hope, by strict attention to business and an earnest desire W please, to merit a ountinuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. KILLIAN SSI ALL & CO. Lumber Yard, 0 N Nora George Street, near Me Railroad, YORK, PA. We wield invite the attention of Mechan ics, Builders, end others, to our large and well selected stock of L i i .tIBER, consisting of every description of White Pine B>arde and Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Worked Flooring and Weather/wan/lag, Siding, .t.z. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDER aiy Bice, quantity and quality of WHITE PINE ci: OAK LUMBER, nt the shortost notice, and have it delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keep on hand a mine ral aseortmEnt of DOOIZS, Shutters, 12/inds, Window homes and Door 1161rDrders for any $z es tot ot hand tilled with dispatch. afrOui. tot and assortment is equal to any others, and we are determined to sell at the lowest midget prices. lifirAll orders and communications, ad dressed to the tindersieed, at York, Pa., will receive prompt, attention. SMALL, MOWER 1 CO. York, May It, 1658. lv ALEX. FRAZER, Watch & else& Maker, has removed. his shop to Chainbersburg street, opinsite the Lutheran Church, where he will always be happy trattend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strictattention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage o the public. Gettysburg, March 8, 1858. T HE trora 'ot their monej mut the rigid change I ,, Ack •• F NORBSOK & MARTIN'S is the plane to get it. whore they sell all kinds of tiroceries, Confectionaries. and Forney Articles—in a wet everything belonging to a first-cilium Molasses of seven different kinds, from 10 cents op to 75 Ie r gallon Sogars, six flifformt kinds, from 8 mints up to 14 per lb.; Coffee, five kiwis; Tens. Chocolate, Rice, Crackers, Tea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit, Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. May 24, 1838. The Mighty Healer I World Known THE free admissions of all Nations, as well as the verdict of the leading Iluiepitale of the Old a well as the New World. stamp this powerful retnedial Agent• at, the greatest healing preparation ever made known to suf ft: -ing man. Its enstierarrive QUALITIES are tt. than MARVELLOUS, through the external orifices of the ski?, to the naked ! eye, it reaches tlch 'seat the 2 internal dig.: ease; and in all external affections its anti irflammatury and healing virtues surpass anything else on record, and is Nature's great ally. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM are two of the mast common end• virulent dis orders ptevalent on this etmt;nent, to these the Ointment is especially antagonistic. its "sodas yirandi" is first to eradicate the venom and then complete the cure. BAD LE, s, OLD SORES. AND ULCERS —Cases of many years standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to any other remedy or treatment, have invariably aim combed. to a few applications of this puwer ful unguent. ERUPTIONS ON Tilt SKIN, arising from a bad state of the blood vr chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear and trausparent stir faoe regained by the restorative action of this Ointment. It burfieiessairny of th e cosme tics and other toilet applisaues in its power to dispel reshot; and Whet diafigureuieuta of the face. PILES AND FISTULA.—Every form and feature of these prevalent Ann stubborn dis orders is eradicated lucidly and entirely by the use of this eaudient ; warm ftmentations should precede its application. Its keeling qualities gill be Lima ti.' b 6 thorough and iuvariable. - Boa at ()ilth/lent said Pills should be used iii the fallowing eases : lamas% ' ithaimalsas, Sere Throats, Banta. Ithavirens, Sores of all Wads, =Rands, Balt Ithaam, !praise, ism, kali. MI Joists, Itatata, Ilkla Dftesies, TOW', Goat, llowolled titaads, , I.lcant. Ligoitage, Bore Lags, Tenons] Peru, M Selffil I Z lillailig, S eon Ore unseats, iir Deeds gran Made, ha, Pu liaalla. air Caution !—None are gennlne unless the words " yolloway, Kew nrk ma Loa cloti," are discernible as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around cash pot or box; the same may be plainly seed by koldisig leaf to the light, A handsome re ward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead tp the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or i vending the same, knowing them tc be spurious. **Sold at the Niannfaetories of Professor Holloway, 80-Maiden Lime, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots at 23 cents, 63 cents, and ;1 each. A. D. Buehler, Gettys- burg. rllii•o' Vete ', ~ `tel . + 74 - . a i nal* . .. id, 11,. Cattle_, 4414 _ltop —43s!t . • , 0 . . 1. 1 tr.,: 1 11 1 :PO;Irt ft BrfNER S.. r "."...... r .p. • ri : 44 , 1".,;(4 .• 4 . 81 , 1 0 4 I q,,. , 't -`l• ttEl g o - . •. avair, g Afrhig, Fra ut es FNI! Who will Refuse and IWorld Trint. Holoway's Ointmsnt. mar There f a considerable easing by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Dlreetiens for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. [ rune 14, IASB. enwlv. ~-;. ,--- BUR.6'.IVIARBLE • - y , • .0114 S . - Ago lEt vim. 11. 14(EAL Or : .. .• . F . . t. 0.000. ~ ,, • ••• rf s ./ 1 ,) • .1 1.0 • I. • I *4l • . 7 .-- .4F t..c..c• - .7 . • - •-...0 -; ,, ,,,ipf 4 .. 4 8 , - reFTTY:7T3rRG4. .:. . ,•; k -1 , ,, ...........‘-qf :7 Ii A 7,f .. 2• '4''. ~, . •;. .."•-•••••••••••••••••• Millinery Removed. C. HoWARD would respectfully inform k-'• the Ladiesof Gettysburg and its vicinity, that they will find her in Chambersburg street, at the residence of Mr. &game' Herbst. opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be accommodated with ready mane BONNETS; also a variety of Straw Leghorn, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies will do well to call and en for themselves April 5. Stoves! Stoves! SSHEADS, BUEHLER* , KURTZ haditost received a large supply of new and beau tiful Parlor, Saloon and Shop STOVES. of the latest and most improved styles. Also. all the latest styles of COOK STO VES, embrac ing the " Noble °oak," ••Royst Cook," olfm. Peon," "Sellittett," "Morning Star," "Phil -1144%.8134010," "Fredonia," (Baltimore Air- Improvediilerrel," Sad "Marin" or - w6nd or aid. Call at the Maui Booth. ih West Middle street, two dour' 1, Oft 4tw Court-house, , , Naito, T IIE undersivied having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will here after be continued at the old stand, in Balti more street, by their sons, Henry )3. Danner and Waybrtght Ziegler, under the name arid style of Danner and Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Haying retired from the Mercantile busi ness, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all ;hose indebted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same "withoutdelay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. May 24, BM. To the Ladies. G. 1311534 ARNOLD has again replenished his stock of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods; he has now on band the largest and prettiest stock of Dress Goods in town. The style. are very handsome and prices low, among which is a beautiful selection of Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, Capes, Mantillas, and Shawls, (a beautiful article,) in great variety, Children's Dress Goods, vary handsome. In a word we have from a needle to an anchor. topping off with a little of the crinoline.— Call and lee us. OW 4 4 1858. Glreatest Improvement OF THE AG E!—Jon es' Agent K EROSENL or GOAL OIL LAMPS, unrivalled in Beauty, !Simplici ty , &rev or Economy.— Every person desiring to obtain the very best and cheapest portable light within their reach, should call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, for the reason, Ist. That no accident can occur by ex plosion. 2d. That they emit ISlo. Offensive Odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. I 4th. T at they are easily regulated to give more or en limit. sth. T st,they burn entirely free from smoke. _, ,- 6th. Thatihe light is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than asiother light now iu common use. These Lamps are admirably adapted fur the use ofS;udents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are high ly recommended fur Family Use. Fur sale by GILLESPIE it THOMAS.. June 14, 18.58. Removal. milt stt / 1 - )scriher has removed his Plough and Machine Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad week opposite Tate's Blackstnith shop, back of the - Eagle Hotel, where he is better prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machin** Reapers, &c., repaired. Also he will attend to clvantug and repairing Cloeks. May 10. DAVID WARREN. Lumber and Coal. THE stibscriber informs the public that he continues the Lumber and Coal business at turrusvows. Adams county, on a larger scale than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles. Palings, with all kinds of Stove. Limebtomers' and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.— He invites the car of the public, and will sell as luly as the vory lowest . April l9, ISSB. ly The Liver Invigorator, DiREPAIRED by Dr-BAN POlLD,emnpoun tied entirely from OUM•i, is one of the hest Purgative and Liver Ilelicines now before the public, that acts at a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Catkarlie, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter. then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off thet.matter, thus accomplishing two purpose ,effectually, with -int any of the painful feebrigvi experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the syafem at the same time that it p uses it; and ashen taken daily in mod erate duses;'.atill strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Ltvaa is one 4 of the principal regu lators of the humans body ; and when it performs it functions E -4 well. the powers of the system are fully. developed. The stom ach is almost entire= ly dependent on the .healthy nctioo of .theto Liter for the proper performaceof its rune -0 lions; when the stout i ach is st faulty th bowels rre at Walt, and the whole spite _buffers inconsequence of one' organ—th tarts—Oaring ceas ed to dd its duty...-. For the diseases . of that organ..oneof ths.,. proprietorto has made it ills a prao- tice of more than 20 years. to find somei7 remedy wherentrith to counteract the may.-i derange me n ts to which it is Hanle. 1.-1 Tu prove that this remedy is at lan found, tiny persona') troubled with Liven Cos PIAINT. in any oh its forms, has but to try a, bottle, and= coaviction is certain. These Gums re-0 move all morbid bad matter from the•-. system, supplying hi their place a flow of `,4 bile, invigorating the atontach,caunitig food . < to diest well, PURI 'TING TELL stoop. giv-crd ing toMe and health of the whole machinery. removing the cause of the disesae--effectiug a radimd cure. BILIOUS ATTACICS are cured, AND, WHAT IS ants', raavezirto, by the oteasiotud nee of the Ltraa Inviooaaroa. One dose after eating is antheient to relieve the stomach and prevent the fo.)d from rising and souring. Only-one dose taken before retiring, pre vents Icwurs ken, Only one doge taken at night, lowitms th e bowel!' gently, and caret' ColtrirtNr%q. One dose taken after each meal will care DYRPtI.SII. One dlso of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve Stet FICADACHE One tbse taken for female obstrnetion re moves the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. .•br.,0,90 dpse,itninediately relieves Crrouc, liile , One dose often repelteil is a sure cure for Cu o ixaa Moitaus, anti a preventive of t. iptint ikiv••o nI y one bott nieled to throw out of the system- the efrects,,of medicine after a long sickness. scir-Oae bottle taken for :auspice removes all sallJwness or unnatural colur from the skin. One dose taltswg short time before eating gives vigor to tbeippetite, and makes food di gest well. One dnse often repeated cures CHRONIC MAMMA in its worst forms, while Susses and Bowat complaints yield almost to the first dose. Ooe or two , doses core attacks caused by Worms in Children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, u it never fails. sir A few bottle!' cureDaorsr, biexci tins the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine aa a preventive for Fsvzs and Anus, HILL FITILIL, and all 'Fsvga of s Minium Tyra. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to ita wonderfil virtues. All w4o lite it are giving their unanimous testimony in its faror. gOrMil water in the month with the In vigorator, and swallow both together. Tile Lives Ix viocratroit is a scientific loud. !cal discovery, and is daily working veils, almost too great to belleee, noires as if by magic, even the fire dote giving kill ii, and leld more tfitikene bottle is noire(' curl an 'rind 'Lives complaint, from Qui worst' .7aundiet or Ropepria to a cosmos ifsegiache,,ll of ufhpli sue the reariLt, of M Mimeo Taxa": . • - essoa ass 00110 Pin Nitrite: AtE N r r ?o 4. l l, d irla r 4 34 t4 i tt . jery l l l l, ty ea MORE NEW GO O DS f--.7A0014 &12110. la hare just returned from theettr Vltti e verytarge assortment of Moths* Ontlninillari. Vesting'', Winter Goode, and eirarkinii else in the trieu'a wear line. They aleo,offer plain and fancy Shirts, Cullers, atlk and cut ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, kc. bought unusnally low, for the cash, thA are enabled to sell cuss PIM IMAM zvaa..... eit i tie & lent full oloth suit, made up, for $l3, far M. stance. Give them a call, at their new 'stab lishment, in Ohambersburg street,a few dour, west of the Court-house, before .urehasing elsewhere. Oct. 11. This Way ! ADIES AND GENTLEMEN.--3. C. GUM( 1 ligOTsll4l, ham jwit. zeturoulisnal 40, East wi;h a large and well selected stock ot e 4llb Goods ever offered in this market, all of which V' will be sold cheap, such as Delaines, NMI* Robes, Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths, Alapseas,; Debsises, Gingham& square and long Shawls, Blankets and Domestic Goods of all prices.-- Men's Wear in great variety, Cashmeres, Cassinets, Jeans, blue, black, brown, and green Cloths : a large assortment of Vestings. Also, Groceries and Spices of every descrip tion, which will be s ,Id cheaper than the cheapest. Give us n call. All we ask is to show the goods and we will be satisfied with the result. No trouble to show goods. J. C. GUINN BRO. Oct. 11, 1858. Howard Association, p HILADELPLIIA .—A Benevolent Mathis tion established by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed * af flicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this In ititution to establish Hospitals, to. Mprovide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, edicines, Ac., for the sick. and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased pa. rents, and to minister in every possible wey to the relief of the attlictid and the hesith of the public at large. It is the duty of the Di such times, to visit personally the nfected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directois-', have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give ad - vice and medical aid to persons sufMr ing under CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent character. arising from abuse of the physical powers, maltreatment, the effects of drugs; Le., & Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the nature and treatment of Chromic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published for gratuitous distribution, and - will be sent FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted. Address, for Reports or treatment, Dr. GEOROR R. CALHOUN, (AntisNog Say. geon, Howard Association, No. 28outh Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa By' order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART W ELL, Pres't. (150. FAIRCIIII,D, Secy. Sept. 20.1858. ly Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a ea:up-ion of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak. and .poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body. had may burst out m disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal Infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, • I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which. in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is tensed till:melee • in the glands, swellings; and on the surfa ce, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depreurs the energies of life, a that scrofulous censtitu tions not only suffer from licsofukots com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; some queenly, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in thar nature, are still rendered fatal by this titbit in the system. Man of the consumption which de cimates the human fondly has its origin (limed) , in this scrofulous contamination ; and mane destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from ar sire aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are sernfulass; their penman are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cle anse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and malaise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Jolts MILLE! Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remediala that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul • •er from the blood, and the rescue of the from its destructive consequences. system it should be employed for the cure of not Ay scrofula. but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVS • and Sus DISYASES, Sr. Aternowfs Fist. Rosa, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, POITULLS,. Burman, Bt.s.tws and Boma, Trios... Tema and SALT Iturru, SCALD DRAG, RINGWORM, RHErMATISX, SYPHILITIC and 1 1 412CrIlAL Dts- ZAMA, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and. indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING 71K111 Vim. ran cm lispoim Broom Thepagas belief in " impurity of Me blood " is fun truth. for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital Said! without which sound health is impala/de 14 contaminated Olialtiltatall. Ayer's 'Cathartic Pills, FOR ILL TIE POMMES OF A FAIRY PPP; are se composed that disease within theranA l e of their action can rarely withstand or evade em Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse'', and inturorate entry portion of the human mon• ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitslities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health er energy restored by a remedy at ones eq simple and inviting. ot only do they cure the everY'day ecarhitil of every body, but also many formida e and dangerous diseases. The agent below named ie pleased to furnish gratis iny American Abeam*, containing certificatee of then mires and direething for their use in the following complaints: Costher tutu, Heartburn, Headache arisingfr?ns disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pam (a nod Morbid Amnon of the Bowels, Ilatideney, Lou .of Appe tite, Jatincluv, and other kindred complai nts. arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pbc,toral,s POI riti NAIID CMS oP Coughs, 'Colds, Inthteueseut Croups Bronchitis, Incipient Cumnitth don, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients is advanced stages of the IMMO& So wide is the field of its usefulness and so not menus are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub.? liely !mown, who have be= restored lunge sad even desperate diseases of th iall ity l t use , When *nee tried, its superiority over enemy other medicine of its bind is too apparent to obserraden. and where its virtues am bunny public no longer hesitate what antidote he, 7 1, for the distressing and dangerous dreelion - the =omens that are sodden, to cat' dinette. ny interior remedies ,brad ii the elxV - heve failed sad been this has Meads by every trial, court *soft on sateted they -son. never forget, ant t+ dewed omen t4lll 11111111111111111$ and too reasnaose W - be hergotuen t. . . no 4 tili iy . liar J 6 -6.-Airme -Jit.tiN, . tritipts bar la. Illophier, Watt -V. n d ear eatehtoonv-Rlin = .1 Itsittibble,e4;43oll Druitighlluk •4t 141858. *awl, : - . , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers