= ii Kansas.—The Legislature of fbisVertitory has passed a bill prod for the fOrmation of a constitution and a State government. It provides for an election to take place on the Illeutth Monday in March for or against holding a convention for said purpose. If favorable, an eitetion for city dele gates is to be hold on the first Tuesday in Jane, and tho convention w ill meet on the trstTaesday in July, at Wyandotte ()ty. The constitution is to be submit• VA to the people in October, and the officers under it are to be elected iu December. Farm Stock, Ir. /PLY:NESTS, fe.. at Public Sale.—The sub scriber. Committee of Joseru Des.etioarr, a matte, will sell at Public Sale, on the Farm of said Joseph Deardorff, in Butler township, Adams comity, about one and a half miles south-west of Middletown, es Praday and Saturday, the llth and 124 dap of Morel* next, the following valuable personal property. viz: 5 bead of WORK HORSES, 2 three-year old and 2 two-year old Colts, 3 tench Cows: I Steer, 11 Shoats, 5 Sheep, 1 narrow-tread four-horse farm Wagon, two-horse wagon. one-horse wagon. hay carriage, bark Judders, a ood sled. one-horse sleigh, large lot of horse rears. 2 riding saddles, wianowlog mill, cutting hot, hay rake. ploughs sad barrows, single and double shovel ploughs. cora forks, log and fifth chains, 2 spreader.,, Angie and double-trees halter and cow chains. rskes,lbrks,shovels, grain and cloverseed cradles, jackscrew, grindstone, 2 cross-cut caws, wheel barrow, crow-har, post auger=, maul and wedges, mattocks, axes. 2c. Also, large quantities of whet it and corn by the bushel, hay by the ton • 1 ten-plate stove and pipe, kitchen dresser, wood chest, - steelyards. barrels, boxes, blacksmith tools, and a great variety of other articles. Also, one eat villa and two sh ot guns. Illi'Sala to commence at 8 o'clock, A. M., on selil days, when attendance will be given an/ semi made known by • BENJ. DEARDORFF, Committee. The stock and forming implements will be sold eni die first day. Feb. 14, '59. is Horses, Cattle, FjING /AWL EMENTS, kc., at Public Sale. — a lfise mihseriker, intending to quit farm ing, wRI sell Id Public Sale, at his residence, near l'onvfort's Mill, 1 mile from Catslitown, in Frank lin township, Adams caaaty, oa naiads?, tom. litA day of lank Nest, the following valuable personal property, viz: 6 WORK HORSES, (2 beim mares with foal) :3 two-year old sad 2 else-rear ofd Oaks, 12 head of horned Cattle, 1 huge Steer, supposed to weigh about 1500 pounds; 10 head of Shoats; I Gnu este four-horse broad-wheeled wagon, with bed, bears end cover; 1 narrow-wheeled wagon, 6 sets of horse gears, with housings ; T saddles and bridles, cart and gears, threshing machine and .lime pawerorinnowing mill, grain drill, rolling seseen,l3 pair hay ladders, lime bed, plough. and lhaimurs'single and double shovel ploughs, 2 Borst rakes. single Rad double trees, 2 pair spreaders, forks , rake. shovels, dorm-steel ,cradles, scythes, eather l ine., ke.; also, grain by the ttaaheJ, „mid buy by the toa.; a good tea-plate stove, with pipe, e ighi-day check and case, dining table,katent chant, tubs, casks. hogsheads and see*. restoelt., 2 gasps of bees, with a large eerie at other articles. aftirtlale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. *Aid day. w hen attendance-will be given and terms amide known by - JOHN HARTIIA?i. thoscsttitirtiVe:property for sale or rent—e fisot.rate Stove *And, 4i - 101,14w. mom, counters and !twit - Lot-, sal if sons °Nand. Ycb.lt, . is Real Estate, 4 Txrnic SALE.—The subscriber, residing J t-I L in Frederick City, Milwill offer at Public Ntle,.at the City Betel, in Frederick, on Saturday, the 2t;'h of Fehrnary, 1859, at to'elock, P. 11,_: A VALUABLE F 1,951, containing 200 Acrte .of. Lard, more arless, stemma in Frederick conga.," near the Catoctin Mountain, and within one , eluart,er of a wile of the Frederick and Ernmits burg Turnpike, and about 12 miles from Fred-1 ,rick city. The Dwelling HOUSE is built of rtone, 16 feet front, and 30 feet rill deep, contains 9 rooms and a large ball. This hou-e is in thorough repair, and is beauti-1 fully situated on • high hill, commanding al splendid eiew of the Catoctin Mountain, and 201 miles of the surrounding country. There is also upon the ft. rui a good Tenant fIOCSE, a Sammaer Kitchen, Stabling for eight horses, a Pump of good water at the door, and three ne Springs, I near the house. About oae-half of the farm is well adapted to the growth of all, kinds of vela I and the ktles to grazing. Any one purchasing this farm. could, daring goer months in the year, realize it comiderable amount of money from the cities. us the neighborhood is very healthy, told a stage suns near the bonne to and from rederick each day in the week. Terms of Sale .+--One-fourth cash on the day of 4.31 e, and the residue in three equal annual pay ,:nuts with interest from the day ofsale, seem 1),- a mortgage upon the farm. WILLIAM STOKES, Vszrosszy, Auctioneer. Feb. 14, '59. is - Public Bale. subscriber will sell at Public Sale, ai residence, in litraban township, Adow county r aibuut 4 miles from Gettysburg, on Carlisle road, oa Thursday, die 3d of Mara Ibe following personal property, viz : _ _ A brood Mare. 3 lunch Cows. 2 Heifers. t 4 hoata, horse geam, ploughs and harrow (ne shovel plough, winnowing mill, one-horse !lel Atimed-barrow, single and double-trees, chains, rakes and forks, 1 grindstone, ke. 1 hathaway cook store and fixtures, I:.edst mantle clock, act of chairs, patent churn, kitch , cupboard, and a variety of other articles, numerous to mention ice; ale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M said day, wben attendance will be given terms-made kw rorn by JESSE BUCHER. 1859. L.* Public Sale. Tisubscriber will sell at Public Sale, on his farm, in Cumberland township, Adams ,county, }I ,miles from Gettysburg, near the ha ,mitabaririt9ad, on Tuesday, tAe lit day of March rest, 4.e following valuable persOual property, HOMES, horse gears, ploughs and harrows, broad-tread wagon, one-horse wagon, grain drill, 4tatabing mackiae, winnowing mill, wooll ders, hay carriage, two-horse carriage, buggy, cross-cut saw, jack-screw log chains, crow bar, post spade, and a great variety of other articles. ma'Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 11, os said day - , when attendance will be given and terms made known by ROBERT .11eCURDY. "DO. 14, '59. is Globe Inn, mscruSicsro WS, Frederick county. ad.— • Having been renovated and re-furnished, the proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as he guarantees full roth , f‘rtion in every case. Charged moderate. flE:stltY 11EIZR, Proprietor. Feb, 14, lins. tf List of Letters TO *MAIN:PIG is the Post Ofßee, Gettysburg, 11l February If, 1859. ALIO Rev..l. :It. f lierschler G. Boa/ 11 , 1 1 1 - 1 NIL . llcCroniel John Betiqota - W f'ed r ec k Wm. Hairy fi.osanstesl Mary R. It= 'Rohn Rhodes Jonas Byrste& ga - ta Behr Reinitker Cornelius Eder Miss Agnes J. Bestor-:l.i Per Catharine Mrs . . ,Clambaigh Wm. yhaagh Henry greager Wm. B. ISlsytatigh Jeremiah ,Cori David Smith Miss Jane Detrick David :Snyder Henry S. Mr. '4lLappee Valentine -1 4 1- 11:18Y• G. Vi r - i Thonipson Mrs. Mary 'mat Samuel K. tiniuterloseph FalterlLlsa Yart4 JaiteVinrod lieut.) , . .G,kotatlcsita Wi1.i.0 9 Mrs, Hen II 1 en . gittele Jacob V. ig;right Sam. B. He John' IWatlker A. McClean Harper" Italie IWalker Sam. C. Hartsell . /itioif Welker Mn. Mary H o k e Cll Yet Miss Sarah Haildiettri en iTeatta J lin I Soibech ° Solosnoe E i st r illisabetlf i c Zeztreolueick German L•tser. = l3l.9rige Chistes Z. Granawdso. P• Bl Gene ' .; . GIORGI. GEM, P. X lir Persons era ling tie kitten' In 11 0 - abot* list tilt pleas.e say they are advertised. LN purousece of sundry writs it Wag So. pate, issuing out of the Court of Como* as of Adams county, Pa., and** sae directed, , will be 'spoiled to Public Sale at the Court. house. in Gettysburg. ow Sat tervia;, the Sal day e/ i March Ivo, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following de scribed Real Estate, Tit : A TRACT OF LAND, containing 15 acres, more or less, situate pert in the borough of Get tysburg and part in Cumberland township, Adams county, adjoining lands of John H. Culp, David McMillan, and other., improved with a one I and a half story Brick HOUSE one and atit half story Brick Beck-building attached. Frame Stable. Orchard of fruit trees, well of water, and other improvements. Also, A TRACT OF LAND containing :facres, mom Oir less, adjoining the above described PcOrtirty oil the west and laud of Hobert Dmitlt °nibs east. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacoa If. Wiens. Also, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 75 acres, more oriels. situate in Franklin township, Adams county, adjoining Lands of Henry Caslin, heirs of Solomon Ilingnman, and others, on which are erected a doable one story Log HOUSE, Log Dam, Dry House, Spring Of House and a one-atop Teaant House, ith Orchard of fruit trees sad a spring otwater near the door. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Hrwas Also. A LUT OF GROUND, Lactate in the town of Petersburg, Huntington townshi, Ad ams county. fronting on Carlisle street, ad j o ining property of John Gardner, and Wawa, improved with a two story Roughcast one story Frame Shop, and a well of water Seized and taken in execution as the property of FSTEIt LITTL6. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Siarrelf. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Feb. 14, '59. lieir Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over im mediately after the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put up for sale. Primer River OL"TDONEJ—Coaie to the Store at Green mount 'for Barran/ I—The nadanigasni would most respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the Store of Jolla Welkin, at Greeimsount, Adams equity, half-thif on the road from Gettysburg to Emmitaburg, where be -expects, by attention astil =NW peoAta, to re tain all the old custom and seems lots of sew. His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, Groceries, Confectionaries, Queenswars, Woodes ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, lie., is Large and varied--equal to that of any other drat class store—and he will sell at prices astonishingly low. He only asks a trial, to prove the truth of this assertion. Country produce taken in exchange for goods J. ALEX. HARPER. The uaderAigaed also conies on the CAR RIAGRAIAKING business at the mune place, and offers rare inducements to purchasers. He will warrant his work good, whilst his charges are among the most moderate. Repairing done on short outiee. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. ly " The Gem." EW RESTA URANT.—Tbs undersigned has opened a first-class Restaurant, on the os - er floor of McConaughy's Hall building, in Carlisle street, Gettysburg, and solicits a share of the public's patronage. The rooms hare Just bees fitted up in the most approved style, and will compare favorably with many or the best in the cities. His Oysters, Ale, otc., will always be found of superior quality, and his charges moderate. The proprietor is thankftil f o or the fine run of custom he Is already receiving, and Is rewired to snake THE Gzu" ern more popular, If possible. ,Feb. 14, 1839. '..... 0 A. H. PRYOR. 12ta2tizmare Aci•Nr't.E3_ James R. B 08)11Y, 003111ISSION MERCHANT, N05..124 Awl 1.2 C North Strew, ITAt TIMOR& lit). it am prepared to recein.osol sell on Commis don all hinds of COUSTRr PHODUCE. llackqr an experience of ten years .in the Commission bu.Ainess, (and wishing to continue that igloos) I tatter myself that I ahalthe able to give aszta rstiloc to all Who,fitear ZOO with consignment*. Will also attead-se tilling orders for Groceries, Guano,.and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, '39. 1,3, N. $. RAllaiXlil Harding lc Carroll, COMMISSION MiIneHANTS, Fire Prost Warehouse mil IL IL Depot, lie. 128 Nord Iliorord Street, BALTIMORE, D. Feb. 14, '59. Iy , Hodges Brothers, 2§ HANOVER STREET, BA:ATMORE, MD. ( /iron Front WareAouse.) Importers of °STYMY, GLOVES, zusnotromusa, 'HITE GIOODS,. Handkerchiefs, SHAW S, CRAPES, L CES a numerous variety of other articles, and Wholeside Dealers in AXIIISCAN FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS. Inr warehouse, which' we t expressly for oar own contains six soon, each : IGO feet, and the large .k and extensive assort it which we keep, require .ntine oerupancy. house ,ny of the Northern Cities, , bing goods to the country, combined advantages to the country merchant, as our stock is not only large. but obtained upon conditions which will defy competition. \Ve contract with the Manufacturers for all the American articles we sell, and send a buyer to Europe regularly twice a year, to select oar Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to offer great advantages in prices, as well as to get up a stock at all times replete with the newest and mo-t desirable goods. Merchants in good credit are invited to examine our stock when they next visit Baltimore, and they will promote their own intereAt by doing so. I Orders by mail carefully executed when ac companied by satisfactory references. Feb. 14, '59. 4m JOITN EYLER'S ESTATE.—Letters testa mentary on the estate of John Eyler, late of Cumberland township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, they hereby give notice to 8,11 persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment. and those haellegelaboss against the same to present them props authenticated for settlement. HENRY EYLER, Feb. 14, '59. 6t R.emovala. ritzulersigned, being the authorized person , E o make removals into Ever Green Ceme tm, hopes that such as contemplate the removal df the remains of deceased relatives or friends, !rill avail theseselves of this season of the year to have it done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and no effort spared to please. PETER THOILN, Feb. 14, 185. Keeper of the CesseSery. Blanks 1 COMMON Bleak Deeds, single and doable se kaowledyseat— Administrator's Deeds- Elorgtor'e Deeds, aad for Administrators with the will annexed—Common sad Judgment Bonds —E,tecutiona, Suautionses, Subpcenas, ate., for sale at Tits Cinsett,,na *am Also, blank SALE NOTES. Gettysburg, Feb. if, 1859. l a r• Vhave Just receivedV the city $ lame ssortmeat Of riff , L PAPER sad WI - - LIND.% of the fetest styles, mad will be sold at the lowestrates We bare also the beet Z 1464 L eheeireet utak of Whodow Med Pattilaaa gist en is the market. We e l 4 111 Olt bile A ILO" 1 74 and r May pap, Aerates mad articles is air Mee et busima. Give as a Bell --we leg! oil at pieta to tent the times. MBE IT4 r,ULP. Februarr 7. 18.7,9 ZDIeD P. C. LOLL. Notice. JESSE SHER ERT Z. Erecutors PrM I V!M OF VALUABLE PIIIBOONAL PROPERTY.-- The subserthar will sell at public ea* at hts evidence, is Straws township, Adams cola tv abseil two miles west of Hanterstown, sw treat*, tae 8411 dory, of Merck next, the following personal property, via : 2 working Horses, I two-year old colt, 3 mulch cows, 4 head of young cattle, 1 bull. 1 hog, 1 three-horse broad-tread wagon, and lime bed, both new 1 spring wagon, for one or two horses, (new,) four-horse tripple par threshing ma chine with 47 feet of shaft, (goodies Dew,) patent winnowing mill, (good as new,) cornfodder cut ter, corn Sheller fur hand or horse power, Shrin er's patent corn planter, (new,) ploughs sad har rows, double shovel plough, cultivator, double sad single trees. spreaders, one-horse dung fork, jack screw, roller, wood sled, hay carriage, cut ting box. scotching mill, horse rake, work bench. cider mill, for hand and horse power, cross-cut saw, ladder feet long, log chains, bone gears, wagon saddle, side saddle, halters, rakes and forks ; hay by the ton; mowing scythps, grain cradles, lot of bags, air-tight cooking stove, two ten-plate stoves and pipe, kitchen cupboard, bedsteads. bureaus, tables and chairs, cider bar rels, lot of potatoes, and a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention. w a r sou to commence at 8 o'clock, . X-, al said day, when attendance will be Limn awl terms nude known by Feb. 7. is XICRAIGL ROMP. Public Sale. RE subscriber will sell at public outcry, at his residence, is Huntington township, one nu e north-east of Ileidlersbarg, en_Wrimsday, ribs Zd of NerrA nazi, the followinglaluablo per sonal property, Th : 4 WORK HORSES, 2 colts, a aildl cows, I young cattle, 2 ahoy, a pair of bogs, I broad tread throe-horse wagon, 2 light warms, ploughs, barrows, field roller, shovel ploughs, corn fork, single, doable sad throe-hem trees, spreaders, horse rake, horse gears, saddles sad bade., log sad cow chains, cutting box, gradstale, wheel barrow, gran cradles, gran scythes, rakes, forks, niatrocks, shovels sad boos; oak adagios, plank, poets, rails, and fencing boards; bay by the ton or stack, and potatoes by the basheL bureau, corner cupboard, chars, cook stove, ten plate store, and a variety of other articled too numerous to insert. sarSale to eenuneues at 9 o'clock, A. K., when doe attendance and a long credit will be given by AfIR.AHAK FICKES. Feb. 7. to* rnTmn7.llrl VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY.— The subscriber, Administrator of the estate o liczav RIMY, Beg, dammed, will sell at pub lie sale, at the We rosiimat of add deeeemed. la 1 18ountpleasant township Adams county. en Mon day, tee ht day al if wed, the following val uable personal property, via : 5 WORK HORSES, 8 Cows, 3 Bulls, a lot of young cattle, I broad-tread Wagon, 2 Plantation Wagons, 1 one-horse Wagon, 1 tart and gears, 1 Carriage and Harrow, horse gears, ploughs and harrows, double and" single shovel ploughs, a IThreshing Machine and Horse Power, patent hey rake, winnowing mill, cutting lam, hay ladders, Icultivators, forks, shovels, rakes, and other farm ing uteasil4. Also a new Hathaway Cook ..'Sivee ' and fixtures, tables, chairs, bureaus, beds and , bedsteads, and a variety: of other articles too nu merous to mention. Lisle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. u. , on said ' day, when attendance will be. given and terms made known by JOSRPH LILLY; Adair. J. V. Ambler, Aactiosseer. P.M 7_ is OP PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The sub scribers will sell at public sale, at their residence, In Hampton, Reading township, en Saturday, Me sth day of /tared nut, the kilos . - leg personal property, Tl 4 : 2 HORdlia and L mare, 2 cows, threshing ma chine, (good as new,) a narrow-trend tone-horse wagon, a light two-bone wagon, horse Fitr : ploughs and barrows, and other Arming utensils. A leo, honseho d and kitchen literature : Bureaus, tables, ch , Leads, ttookiegstore, ten-plate ie., bacon, hogsheads, barrels, and a great satiety of other articles too numerous to mention. One new Rockaway; bay by the ton; about 30 hags, grindstone, wheelbarrow, kc., kr. riteltalete commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on sad day, when attendance will be glees and terms made known by ;Alin DICKS. Jan. 31, '59. is ROBRRT M. INC E" Pablio Iftlo QF VAT-CABLE' PROPFIATV.— The subern - bois, .Allnsiwiserithers of lissas om deceased, will sell at Public Sale. at the late ;widense of said deceased, in Hatnilsoa dowasbip, Adonis comity, shilettnldway between Rost Berlin and AD an Meesikty, the let dry of Pelortaary nest,dos Personsl Property, cis : Nils FAMILY HOILSR, I Colt, 2 Cows, b Shoop, 4 Shoats, Thrse-horm Wagon, 'o4e-horse Wagon, Horse Gears, 2 Sad dles and Bridles, Ploughs, Harrow, Shovel Ploughs, Winnowing MBil, Cutting Box, Halter and Cow Chains, Rakes, forks, Shovels, and other farming impleneatil Grain In the Ground. Also, a large lot of Carpeatir Tolls, 2 Grind stoats, and Housebekl sail Illteltem Furniture, inch as Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Beds and Bed ding. Tea-plate Store and, Pipe, Bight-day Clock, Carpeting, Copper and Iron Kettles, aad.a eveis ty of other articles too aumerous to mention. Martial, to commence at 10 o'clodk, A. 8..5t0 said day, when stamdaaes will be give. ana terms made known by SOLOMON Iftli MEAT, II JURY MEM M E RT. Jan. 24, '59. ts* Administrators. Public Sale OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The subscri bar, intending to relinquish the farmieg business, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Huntington township, Adams county, within one mile of Petersburg, (Y. 8.,) ow Thamiey, the lst iv of XareA next, the following Personal Property, viz : FOUR HEAD OF WORKING HOMES, 2 Colts, 15 head of Cows and Tones Cattle, 15 head of Sheep, 7 hest of Hogs, Broad-tread Wagons, Two-horse Carriage sad Harness, Grain Drill, Horse Gears, Ploughs and Harrows, Cutting Box, Halters, Cow Chains, Fifth Chains, Spreaders, Wheelbarrow, Grindstone, Forks, Rakes, and other fanning Implements. Also, Four Beds, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Chest, Eight-day Clock, Cooking add Ten-plate Store! and Pipe, Iron Kettle, and a variety of other tut tides too numerous to mention. bar Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be giren and terms made known by DAVID LEFLE W. Jan. 24, '59. ts* rpflE FARM.—The subscriber ciao ofers st Private Sale, his FARM, situated as above, bounded by lands of Hon. D. Shafer, Sebastian Stitzel, Andrew Hartman, Jacob Asp*, and others. containing 180 ACILBEI, more or lass,— about 50 acres being Timbers:ll, with a dna pro portion of Meadow. The isopeorameata consist of • good two-story Double Briek Roam, with Back Building, Brick Bank Bans, Cons Crib and Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Smoke House, and other outbuildings ; 2 Orchards of good fruit, well of water near the door, AM. The farm has been limed twice. Persons wishing to now the prop erty are ratite:tad to call on the undersigned. re siding thereon. DAVID UMW. January 24. Public Sale. wsubscriber, Wending to quit farming, ill sell at public sale, at his residence, I. Butler township, Adams corusty, at the old Han sel' tavern Mood, on tbe Chambareburg road, OA Friday, tAe 444 ley of Sera weer, the following valuate/Personal Property, viz : 4 bead of HORSES, (1 brood mars,) a head of cows and young cattle, 5 sheep, 1 narrow-tread four-horse wagon, horse gears, ploughs and bar rows, shovel ploughs, corn forks, cutting box, hay carriage, wood ladders, single and doable trees, rakes, forks, and *User finning utensils. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will begiven and terms made known by JOHN CAREY. January 14, 1859. to Notice. Tin subscriber, basis( bees alspeisted by the Court cof Comases Pleas of Adissis arows ty, Oosessitise Of Ilse perms Sad estate of Sawa Masseurs, a Loastie, Dads tressitip, is said toasty, hereby gives mottos to all somas barbs' , clots' or &made artist said Deardorff, to pm° sesta" saosi to Ow sebseribermsillimitla heti. tirwasift kr solimaol, aid AI Imossi bpi *bead e• Ida imiredieb psyasgt MUM IMAILDOM, - Jan. 2-1, '59. et Comasittee. Fr'"P"Tr!wi M'VITAL FIRS PROTICTION 80CigirF.— STATIMILYT otaillsirs alp.* Jan. 10, 1859: Organised oadocestanneod tithing bantrosmos July 3, 1858; number of Policies *Weed rep to January 10, 1859, 168 Amount of property fesured—vaina- Lion in gross--- $273,725 08 I I " actually insured, 1 , ”..503 " in Treasury, in Prem. notes, 12,787 00 " received in cash as member ship fees, $1 each, 108 00 Monies paid out by Treasurer for char ter, seal, press, printing Weeks, by-laws, advertising, tc. , $65 55 Blank books tt contingent espeuses, 12 24 Allowance to Becretary for issuing 62 00 —129 79 Balanee in handt of Treasurer, 38 21 We, the undersigned, certify the above state ment to be correct. Jstsze Messina, &r*. Gaoling Taiscosa, Thar. Examined and snowed by Feb. 7. 3t Wm. D. Gower?, Pratt. 130.1tinacpre .A.cl-cr'tses. Manes Dunlap, NL IOLISALS sad Retail GROCKEI I TILt DEALER, a Sowerd ad Lexiagtoa Streets, 111). flu on head a coastal assortosesit of Groceries, Tow, Wishes, Liquors, Cigars, kc. Feb. 7, 1859. ly Bnrr Kill Stones WARRANTID.—B. STARR A CO., Os►. of North end Castro Strom, opposite N. C. R. R. Static,• BALTIIIIOIII, MD. Nallufs4. turers of FRENCH BURRS, Importers and Dealers in Bun Blocks, Bolting Cloths, Lea. Cher and Gum Settings, Cal cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Colone, Cocalin?, and Esophes Mill Stones of all sixes. [Feb. 7, '59. ly • ' 11; L'IOUNDED 1852. Chartered 1884. Located r COR. OF BALTIMORE k CHARLES STS., BALTIMOIIIt, MD. The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College In the United States. DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR YOUNG MEN Desiring to obtain a thorough Practical Business E4Batioll. Every- Young Man leas a Counting Desk to him self, and is separately instructed. STCDCITS 11 ATTAIIIDAPCI PROM NZAILY STATII 15 nil 1.71105. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Stn and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here iztroduced. No Copying from Printed or Manuscript Forms In Li:sexist; BOOK-KIIIIPINO AT Till BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.. This method of instruction Is nowhere else iatro doted is this enuatty. Every Young Man should write Immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing the exterior and interior view of she t'ollege, Penni/m.lop, ke., veld& 11111 be sent by return hail. fro *f ekarye, with Cate. !Noe contaiaiag list of studeuts, tomes of tnition, opinions of the Press on our new system °Moak- Keeping, etc. DEM K. K. f,ostaa, Principal—Lecturer on tke Seienee of Accwanto. Beslasea, Onstanis, eoe. 3. J.. Pnau.sra, Profeesor.of Book-Keeping and Conamertiul Calculations. H. H. Dortalk Associase Prof'. of Boor-Keeping. N. C. Judinings. Professor of Penmanship. S. I'. Kit.'., Esq., Mercantile Law. Re'r. E. 1. Hour, D. 1 1., Counikerelal TIIUSTELS : lion. John,P. Kennedy, lion. Joshua Vansani, ' Hon. Thomas Swann, Wm. II Keighler, Kat., Jacob Trust, L'sq., William Knabe, r The time usually requital th complete the full course. from 8 to 12 treas. Dimwits is awarded to all Gralinstes. Large Circulars and Catalogues sealer term*, te., sent ay wail free if eh. Alidmis K. K. LOSIKR, Saltaaors, Feb. 7, 1859. ly T) To Merchants t Farmers. [T CHEAP AND CLIOICE GROCERIES,' .Al 000 K k BALDWIN'S; S. Ir. corner LernornGreen firtreels, • BA 4. lATIMOBR, MD We would respectiNaly halite the amentioli of buyers to our large awl *AI selected stock of prime family 0 toccata, comprising every article usually kept I* • ittst.eliuts Grocery, which we offer at prima as low as (If sot lower than) any boon isr a* city. We name In pan: Prime New Crop °Mous/Maar. Do. do. Molasses. Porto Rite and low grade do.—rery elkeap. Rio,LagraymPorto Rieo,CapeJara,Maricabbi, anti other CAW.. Excellent loopeelal, 'roans Nylon. *oil Goo. powder Teas, u 50 cents per pound. 'Choice dialcmg de. at 50 cents. air 111611Eiti Tea al 7i ata. par poi This Teo we wormer. 'gest, if sot superior, to nor Tea sold et other places for $1 per lb. 113.06 A, ,rant, &AWN, &ALT: &C. Fins old BRANDY, • Old Rya WHISKEY, Old Baourbos WHISKIIY, POST, NUM, IlAkinak, MALAGA • WOLIN. Reel Nod Whiskey sad Domestic Brandy Air MIT MICR& allir All Goods delivered to goats sad Rail. rosuts fns of drays" sad NO CRAMS Smlsfaetloo guataatled la all eases or the goods reamed at our sr:pease. A liberal dis coons allowed to country merchants. HOOK A BALDWIN, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Southwest cor. Green k Lexington xu., Jan. 24, tf Baltimore, Md. Dr. Baakee WIER ATS ALL DUMMIES PEKE OP CHARGE.—Dr. Seabee will also give special attention to the following eases Coach., Colds, Consumption, Croup, Inlinenta, Asthma, Bronchitis and other diseases of lb. Throat and Loop. Re will devote particular , attention to the treatment of all skin Crown -Liseabego, Scrofula, Rheumatism (acute and chronic,) beuralgia, Paralysis, Spirepay, Dys pepsia, Piles, and all derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, and abo to all chronic female diseases. Special attention will he given to the treat ment of the EYEand • EAR. • without theNai l / 4 use of the Knife or Nee die, and he has constantly on hard an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums suitable for either sex and all ages—lnserted is Eve minutia. Dr. Basket has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT, and resters perfect rimiest* the Lye without the as. of the kaife. Dr. &takes can produce one thousand certificates of his perfect Matta. is curing Cancers, old Sores or I Cicero. Instals, Bwellings or Tumors of every description and without *be mss of the kalfe.--i Special arrangements wet be made with Dr. Beaus for the treatment of the loot wed Crosses, as they will relin Us emestaat ad vice and attention. Dr. Stakes is one of the most skillful sad celebrated Scrimiss sad Physicians sow living, His foam it knew* personally in mearty *lron 'mindful city is *a world. - All letters dikected to Dr. laakme,(es elating ten cents,) from sway distaace, *onset ); Mating the aster. of the Cowie, asswashil o rgM m talsattdi m ig i linen 1F.4.11r.7 - = 11A,A1C1110, • 74LITIOIrtmiSt.,10.roefea Chaßniftlbutty, Jae, 31,'59. iy Baltimore, Yd. IL VIM. JOBS A. MOIR White & awcpg, IWHOLESALE Des!mein BUMS, SHOES, " CAN, A argaw GOODS; also, in faahionable Moleskin. Silk, rat and Fur HATS, N. W. Cyr. Baltimore and Howard I streets, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 29, IPSS. J. B. McClellan, Dealer in, Hate, C`44 pa and aiildren's Fancy Goode, JO. 343 West Baltimore Street, near the 1 lCataw House, Baltimore, kiln.. of head all goods of the best make end latest style to be found in a first class retail Hat store. A call from persons visiting the City is solicited. Dec. 20, 1858: 6m' George X. Bokee, IMPORTMt and DRALZI CHINA, GLASS, & QURSNSWARF., No. 4t North Howard St.. between Letiar ton and Fayette Streets, Baltimore. Md.' OWStoneware lawny, en baud at factory prices. [Dec. A), 18.58. ly Light, Light I WIOLESALE AGENCY FOR JONES PATENT LAMPS, superior to all others to the !nitrite.. Also dealers hi COAL OIL aid LAMPS or every description. Constantly on hand COAL. OIL of the rimy best quality, which we will sell at the lowest market price. All orders promptly filled. AMMIDON k • No. 1 S. Liberty et., (near Baltimore,) Jan. 17. eta BaNtiore, Yd. (10301ISSION KIDICIWITS sod Dealers 1 CORN, Corm Neal, Gaasoes, OATS, Rye Mop, Rem Dust, RILL mum, Ray, Buser, ?bac Lime, FLOUR, Field Reeds, Ai Oreeed Fleeter Yoe. 147 is 149 Nos:• 11011,111110 Drawn, Jan. 17, '69. lye BALTIMORI, ID. Kneller is Prick, rR.CA k PROM:JOB etnnntission and For ardinciderehants, North strew, opposite N. . R. Depot, BALTIMORL hammy 11, 1859. ly COM3IIB9ION k PRODCCR MER CHANTS, Nos. 118 end 133 Natila street, fielessact.—Ottiog established is the Commission business for %number ayeari, they solicit consignments, and pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds, Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro duce generally. We remit proceeds promptly. Tracks from the Northern Cectral Railroad run Into our Warehouse:. Refer to R. R. Buehler, Esti., Gettysburg. [June 21,138. ly Howard House, fIORNER Howard sad Baltimore Streets, BALTIMORS, Md. ‘- gear Proprietors. Ware reduced to $1.50 per day. t eall far the Uoward House Cosa!' at the Depots. A. SIIIPB J. N. BUCK, 1 P r* P rietGrs • January 24, '59. Iy Elasiptithanas House, ()prows Calvert Sufi" BALTIMORE, D. Fare reduced to 31,25 per day. • JOIDi A. SLADE, Proprietor. January 17. An PLAT 'a/ to—.t. SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT ED WARE, k—.t. E. WARNER, Gold sad deersmith, No. IU NORTII GAT STUB?, BAL TIMORE, ED., has in store a beautiful assort ment at styles aad patterns of RICH JEWELRY. suitable fur presents. embracing a great variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broaeltee, Iteealcs, Car banttalL Le: l Ear-Nell, Bracelets, Finger Rings set vial' Diamond, Roil, ....e, Goat Emerald, A4f., Ladles' tioi.l Chains, Vest 4 Guard elusion, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Ringo; Pencils and Peas, Sleeve Banos. aad Stub., Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins A Ear Riags, Itc. ALSO, Wm. Kaabe k Oa. would ',spec-4111y invite the attention of the public, and. espocially the.. in least of a FIRST CLASS PIAXO, to their as sorted flinch of instruments, which, Ibe power and sweetness atone, cosy med agreeable touch, and beauty of finish, have, by the best of judgea, been pronounced antivakd by any in the coun try. As to the relative merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of Puellenee in our posseasion, nom THALWEG, STRAICOSII, 0. SATTER and IL VIECXTEMPS, as also Exim some of the most distinguished prolbesors aad amateurs in the country; also to the Ibllowjng IIfGREST PREMIUMS. received within the fart three yews: (TOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1855, 1858, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, wail:14100n, 1857; she), ERDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia, 1844; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Instils* Richmond, 1855, 1856. Al instru ments of ear manufacture have the full iron Game, and are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. .Particular attention paid to the selection of Instruments for distant orders, and it pririlegs of exchange granted at any time within six mom., if the instruments should not prove estirely satis factory. A liberal discoent to Clergymen, Teacher' sad Schools. Terms liberal. • Wholesaile deniers will end it to their advan tage to give as a call, as be greatly Increased facilities, we Sr. enabled to fill all orders with dispatch. gsmir•Consuumlf 404 head, a large assortment of MELODEONS, from the best Factories. Gifts! Gifts ! Gifts 1 1 WITHOUT MONEY, Gifts and Books m abs *bighted at IL S. BOIT Is CO.ll Great Soutbera Gin BOOK STOidi, BALTIMOItIi, 1 114. lkad to them fora Catalogue. Greater la. incense*, than ever bakes offered to Agents I Persons sending to M. E. Hoyt k Co. are stare , of a Gift worth not less than fifty cents, and is twiny instances worth ONE BUNDLED DOL LARS I Our list of Prises embraces a great va riety of Gold and Silver Waukee, Lockets,Chains, Ladies' Broaches, Bracelets, Parlor Time Pieces, Sevin Machines, Silk Dresses, Pictures, kc. dc. Ina new Catalogue of Books may be found Histories, Biographies, Travels, Adventures, Su)- ; ries, Anecdotes, Tales, Name/Lives, Romances, Sports aad Pastimes. AIM, aieligiNts, Biblical, Theological, Classical, Philosophical, Cleograph. Ical, Botanical and Agricultural Warta. Dicticusarists, Lesieces, Album, Assn als sad' Fressatatioa Books. Bibles, Byma eat Power 1 Books, isievery style of Wading. legman, with all the pewee Works of the des, all of which arm haadiomely boupd sad GUARANTEED FES FECT in inrsaY respect. Purchmtert Bring at a diseases will, by statiag title of books greased, be masted with the wits' liberality as if dose OW* thommetess. TAU IICOTIOI.--411 orders will be aimnreed IS two days bade tie Sae they an amieed. We ass sareantse ll* best metal put asatage (laelailai Web awl P—R) ever yet ellanal by say Beak main Ana at *yew is tbe Vat bil atatatt, mitt !ea andlisat that all vita ales as a mkt wit he mar lo boy sista. paeone cer p oi la ad 11 1 / 1 1 bateau far an, Win taIIMI Oa ) OtOtbeasse sail a woad libmi Obilliiike, ler Jimmatt lbewattils frW 10 ire= " llll# ettlit• . ,„ , lk iscn-t a 00., lifts. iillaldasere Mese, Billigetro, Mt Jan. 17. Um w ~~ ~Ji- ~ • Il'= Peter Sell & Son, = C. W. Slagle & Co., lira & Rich A variety of Silver Mounted * * Plated Castors, Cako gaskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Salt Studs, Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, kr., aU of which is respectfully oared on the lowest terms I M.Th. Coaatry Trade and Dealers generally are Invited to gird me a call, and emunlasiloods and Prices, being satisfied that say BILYEE WARN cannot be surpassed either** Sadness or quality, or the latest end moat beriatifid patterns. Janaary'l7, lab". ir W 321. Knabe & Co., S:OS. 1,3, 5 sad 7 North &dew Street,— SALBSIIOOII No. 207 Baltimore Street, rem Charles mad Light--BALTIMORK, Md., Martaketarsis Si Gold Nodal Premien GRAND AND BQI.TABS PIANO Mina , • SEtNOND-BAND PIANOS st Great Bargains, at pries* from 830 to EIS& Pianos Exchanged., Hired and Tuned. ♦ call is sespectfulty solicited. WILLIAM KNABE k CO Jai:teary 17, 109. ly lifsaires eat legsadisares OF ADMUI COUNTY FOR Ina. Cosaksioners' mice, Adm. Co., Pa. W an Act of Aaeemi,lf, entitled "An Ant to raise County Rates awl Lariat," re guirlag the Cemanissionere of the reepeetire Comities to publish a statement of the Ilaseeipte and Expenditures yearfr, We, the Commissioners ' of taxes of sald county! do report as follows, to grit: from the Sixth day of January, A. D., 1858, to the Fifth day of January, A. U., 1859—both dare inehtsire : JOEL B. DANNER., Eno., Trewsnrer, and the Coensoissionere in account with the County of Maws, as bellows : Outstesdlog County. Tams in bands of Colketors $6442 10 0 Q olt Rents, • 357 00 Coat" &Mee mei Levies ossessaifiw 1858 : Doe. of Gettysburg, $ll3l 55 Do. Quit Rest., 178 SO eumbarised totruship, 11911111 Go any 14 776 49 Gibed " 1244 42 Runtiegtok " 1293 94 Leaman " 841 32 liensiltoebse 41 143119 Liberty. 14 ?IS MI liessiltos " 912 72 akemliss " 874 33 Btitebse .14 1230 90 Fraaklin " 1306 33 C 09041 1 1 9 " 93150 It ?row " ' 442 01 X oigatjoy _ 8117 OS illountplessent " I'2BB 51 Reading ,i 1224 all Freedom " 408 94 Union • a 1221 04 Bailor 14 848 07 &S if oria 393 22 Berwick Baronet, 187 65 ' - 21299 73 Loon hem Bask and stmeby persons, 17204 54 Abates's& es State Quota foe 1858, 631 58 Cash bus Lau Lightner, Sbewif; for jury bee mad Ism for 1858, 107 00 Comb hum Wm. Weak, costa Mirada; 147 67 Do. Jacob Craig, " 15 00 Do. George Stuckey, Nue, 5 90 Matthew Tbompeos, “ 1 00 Do. H. D. Wattles, for stable, 40 01 Do. H. G. Wolf, jury fees, 12 00 Numerated tax from sundry persons, 20 05 Additkmal tax for 1858, 29 24 IL 4. r3WI. The Outstanding County Tax and Quit Bents ap pear to be in the bands of the Wowing Col lectors, to wit: Years. Collectors. Bor. 4 Tr" 1854. Jobs B. Heikes, Huntington, $8 58 18514 Samuel Sadler, Tyrone, 91 28 1856. Samuel Wearer, Gettysburg, 166 84 11 " Quit Rents, 138 261 185?. Henry G. Cirzr,f Gettysburg, 373 77 11 4/ Quit }tents, 178 50 " William Ross 4 Cumberlead, 200 54 " John NeCnrary, Ilkseban, 257 641 " Jacob C. Pitteaturf, Tyrone, 98 58 1858. Henry Cutp,t Gettysburg, l* 21 44. " % Quit Sesta, 178 50 ", Leonard Bricker, Cansberiand, 39 92 " Henry Bittle,t GeramaY, 305 74 " Christian Zina,i. Oxford, 187 62 14 William Loamy,. Hantieglon, 366 96 " P. A. Myers,f Latlatere, 265 32 " Wm. T. Reed, Honsiltoeban, 183 29 "' Reuben 131torer,f Liberty, 23 116 " ' Samuel Allwitutit Hamilton, 212 72 " . Barnhart Byers,' Naudieu, 346 32 " ' Win. L. Thqoas,t Btrallaa, 580 79 " IL W. Stable, Preakila, 606 33 " ' Simon Hatitish,t Conowaso, 396 60 " Mutts itailtmigerger,t Tyrone, 1011 61 14 gamed B. Miller, Mouuticry, 199 .85 " Jacob Csibman,t Mouutpleaust, 383 51 " Samuel Ihureilk,t Reading, 4 364 38 , 44 John Bider, Berwick tAp., 23 22 ' " Jolts lianismr., Freedom, 72 63 " William Sterser.f Union, 321 04 1 " John lialusa,t Butler, 223 07 " Henry Bayer, Berwick bor., 19 65 $7090 73 /Mir ligualltoshan, oratlay, Peadoai i d thaipa,.hava i * iice m i t i m e s c- nen lostiod thus t has...paid Is CL By Orders paid seig as follows, to at : By auditing and settling public sorosate, $42 00 Wm. McClean, Esq., Auditor • by the Court to audit public !Le gi t ell 15 60 Printing, blanks, he., 326 24 Sheriff's bills of Geist ants, 498 29 Clerk's pay, too Oo Alsatian's to Collectors of 5 per cent., 1005 45 Pot 'and wild cat scalps, 71 33 General jury and tip staves' pay, 988 94 Assessors' pay, 683 75 Jallor's nos for keeping prisoners end turnkey, 344 07 Wood, stone coal, hauling, ke., far pub lic buildings, 182 29 Repain at t rot ma y, 118 00 Grassi jury' and s pay, 373 IT R= ls Prothand Clerk a( kis, 139 40 Tax ?entitled to sundry persons, 22 61 Court Cryer's pay, SS 00 Certificates of Constablea' return, 116 10 Tranturet of Alas House, 4100 00 Conned keg and extra =its, 60 00 Postage arid statioatny, 90 19 Notes sad interest paid Beak cad ens- dry persons, ' 6200 63 Quit Rents paid Geo. lihnee's hairs, 240 Henry A. Picking, Esq., Connalir's pay, 210 OS Josiah Benner, Eaq.. ill 210 00 Jacob Raffeurpecger. Esq., ' 4 . 210 00 District Attorney's fees, 110 00 Keeping prisoners at East. Penitentiary, 3 46 Isaac Lightner, &wit, conveying pris oner to Eastern Penitentiary, 57 00 Surveyor and cremes in full on twp. line, 425 Justice's fees for inquest on the body of Daniel Marts, 18 50 Jacob King, Esq., contract in tbll for Muddy Run bridge, 142 00 J. K. Taylor I Bro., contract in full for Pinney creek bridge, 1233 20 Justices' and Constables' foes for corn- mitt,* vagrants, John R. Tamer, Esq., contract in part for sew Court-house, 8800 00 8. D. Button, Architect, kir plans sad specifications anew Court-house, . 8. D. Button. travelling expenses for in spectiag tie* Court-bouse, 25 00 cartage and lWing lot at new Court-house, 98 81 A. W. Flemming, fur crying sale, 2 00 Bedding fur prison, 6 60 Charles Bonier, M. D., medical attend ance on prisionert, IF 06 Fahnestoelt Brothers, hobbles for prison, 20 00 Besodel Fsbnestock. Bsq., pay for house and lot tor new Court-house site, 2250 00 Robert Shwas, Esq., house and 1 lot, 900 00 011ieerts pay at spring election, 364 16 Do. fall election, • 512 22 Directors of the Poor pay, 60 00 danuages and dama ge views, 1114 50 at bridges, 282 42 lame Liglstaa, filbseiff, for suinsoolei j a NI imo urors, sertitlions oss 841rn tat sot allownd Trenenrar by *eta as loot uottluosett, likti Balance duo Treasurer at last wittlement, 519 la Exoecratissit to Coliseum's, in 00 Collectors' fees, SOO 04 Outstanding Tat sad Quit Rents in Wads _ _ of Collectors, Tressarer's selery, Balance la heads of Treasurer, la testimony that the foregoing Statemeet of the lieeeipe and lispenditnres exhibite d . east at the ediat of the Treasurer of said Cour ty is a cornet sad true empy, as takes from mod comgared with the originals reilioheg in the , bosh* in this aloe, we have hereunto set G otz t3 teds sad adised the seal of said arm; at urr the Fifth day of January, One Thous. and Bight Bradid lad -nine. JOHAN JACOB LW= DAM" GROMBLVIAN, Cerra :sans . Atraet--1. N. 'Wm, Chink Anditone Napert. A . L . rtiC)Oho lionglaiotio JoftstielliMoort of goomos Rio' ot Aim waft ; S,. 411161111 . 11 4 *4 bawd Minim to *MU mod MOW tho Pais allosoosel et OS =id Omniiplowd_o et tail - timook, 41,1110 M onilNot , kb" illt o= "4" of Ammo a* 40y: 41.: E, UM, to the FM Jay of Asoity, A. 1859--both days laelualm G 3 $46320 PI MEI 100 00 7090 73 521 94 2401 77 $46:920 92 To ort4tattut iair nit Rests io rands °l4ll.l 4hls* l. of " San ii Automat of 411144W11 be* assessed 11/ 11/48 #ll Loin Mon 14N ovisliNdq 'MAO, M Abatement ota ti toto3)10110 tot 1614, 01 56 CAA from Wm. Walk coats "rel:ii#lmic 141 St Do. A. 11. Wattles, fat stable, 0 0 D. Jerob ere*, costs Wended, 00 Do. !teary G. INolf, Zsq., jury feet, 12 00 Do. lease Lightner. Eat., Motif, . - jury Ire and fines 1150, 1414 10 011 Do. George SlOckey, fine, b 00 Do. N. Thontellsn, " 100 Adilitionel Tax Mist sundry persons, 211 14_ &mended Tae " 2 lalt I' CR. By outstanding Tales tbe 11114 IP If " 1815 11. INK " 1154 SO /4 " MT 11411 111. “ 115$ MI tit 1156 ails 1154 4i 14 MT . hill 0 11815 lt IMI • 1154 111 It 111117 MI TO on Cotunky orders, 352114 OS " Tinsasunrin einnatisidon, 5711 116 " *Uwe la hands of Trimmer, 24114 II EE! CEI:3 44 611 " Kasserstless, E:1 We, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Adanut, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn In parses ace of law, do Report that we met, did audit, settle and adjust according to law, the *accent or the Treasurer and Commissioners of said earnty, commencing on the Fifth day of January, 11544 sod ending on the Filth day of January, In 9-- both days inclusive : that said accouht as setrkil above and entered of record in settlement book, in the Comtnisskmers' Deice of Adams county, Is correct, sad that we find a balance doe to the County of Adams, by J. ii. Danner, Ifoq., 'Treas urer of said county, of Two Thousand Fear Hundred and Six Dollars and Seventy...sem Cents, (112,408 77.) and in outstanding taus Seven Thousand and Ninety Dollars sat Seven. ty-three Cents. (57,090 73.) CHRISTIAN CASHMAN, ISAAC HERETER, Auditors. JOHN BRINKERHOFF, i• Feb. 7, 1859. 4t Collateral TNHIRITA NC E •TA X .—Pn bli sb ed by tire Commissioners of Adaias comity, agreeably to act Of assembly: Zicr/ats■ IS TINS, Esq., Register of Adonis county, in account with the Ownsmowerentab, for Collateral Inheritance Tax., received from — Dec. 1,1857, to Nor. 30, 1858: To cash received from heirs and Gear. dian of nitzorheir of Jno. Little, dee, 413 EMI Administrator of Elizabeth Ciapsaddle, deed, $l5 814 less 79 crate discount, 16 03 Administrator 01. b. n. c. t. a. of Ed mund C. Bishop, deceased, 11 10 Executor °filial B. Patterson, dec'd, 16 60 Administrator of Mary M'Allister, dee, 25 00 AdministratorofJosephCiapsaddle,dec, 22 25 Administrator °liens Galbraith, dec'd, la partof tax $125 less $8,25 disc't, 118 75 Administrator ofAbrahatu Kitchen, dee, 8 18 Administrator of Mary Summeroille,dee, 13 65 Executor of Margaret 11. Doak e dec'd, 20 00 lizerator of deed Ad naintitestatofiCs. thorium Peelle', deceased, Os* of the Legatees of Wm. Wierman, deceased, 150 00 assentor of John R. Claybaugh, dec'd, in part of tax $lB5 less $8,25 Meet, 158 441 It reenter ofJohn Deardorff, dec, 4111 Executor of John K. R. Harrigas,4so, 00'00 Legatees k Guardian of Maria Rhodes, one of the minor Legatees of Marcus Burns, tax mid interest, 34 M One of the Legatees of Bakzer Gude ter, decd, including discount, 157 89 One of the Executors of Rattier Gmin ter, dec'd, in part of tax $l3O less $6 50 discount, 133 SO eontarisaleas,s per cent. $5l 7di • - Discount, 5 per Gaut., is eluded 1 Ito. above , _ 7 87/ Mane, paid late State Treasury, 975 slo3s The runierslgned, appointed by the court to audit the assonant of eastainef the piddle °U sers, reports that the above weird is cermet. WM. McCIXAN, zheitilsr. February 7, 1859. 41 Notice. "LIB bit and dual account of NATIIAIMer U 11.11111031, Committee of lowing Uuxm, (a tie,) has been Bled in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be andlnned by said Court on the 241* day of Febrnery ant, Eden cause be shown to the contrail. , JACOB iiI.:BIIEY, Preth'it. Prothonotary's Office. Get-1 tysburg, Jan. 24, 1850.* f ______ - _ _ ..._. _ Store Licfaise. Timfollowing application to keep a . sad retell Liquor Store, UsAmses4- h. mar emse, with the requisite 118.11110 et signers, sad wilt be prevented at the Court St </sorter Sessions, ea des 241 i 4k.y Ptiviwip wart: COVILA A KUNTZ, Borough of Gettysburg. HENRY G. WOLF, Clerk. Jan.l4, '59 Pine Old Brandies., aITSB snbeselbess, Em poria's and Donlon is Wind 4 lAttoll4s, watilinsariseepoww , y call the attention of purtimumrs to their Old Establishment, No. 5 Nord Awed Mimic Pkiledipitia, where thef have w Jule imeoirt. mess of Wines and Liquors of tie edmilinnt breads sad qualities. Having made onsasop menu with SWIM of the Ant boom in Cogent' and Rochelle, enables them to finish to Owls customers, upon the more liberal terms. the followinr brands of Cognac and Zoeballes • BRANDIES: Otard, Hearmay, Palkram*,, Picot, Cost Mica ' • J. J. Depay* Co., T. AM% A. Servietts, Her tel, Mitten, kc., kc., of inuAiiit broads and qtuillties. WINO: Clrampagoe, Madeira, Lioboa t aldl Oporto, Taaerldh, Bargondr, Hoek, Lank Claret. Sherry, and Malaga% maw. Holland Gin, &beldam Bebstspisk, ?senses Spirits, Scotch anti Irish Vikiiskay, Panels, Alp. rile, Blackberry, Ciserry, Ginger, and Baspheek7 b r and iee ; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Aaateg Bitters, kc. Also, Agents and 84le Proprietors of alkali Wheat Whiskey. Co:instantly on bead as os tensive stock °fine old Illooongrabela, lipe mid Bourbon Whiskey, of satiate grade', smell Olr which are guaranteed le Ore sapeOur se sepia lb. country, all of whisk are bi isproillii b 7 *Eft hots our ta to or esperlesee Is the boslOone r end s thorosimigeisr Übe of 1114 eessoussity, uiris kao dam ousedbees s ms Ake be 1111 all orders that msy be esumeted to ms. _ Orders trots the country (wide! 111101111'. epochally solicited) will belorelopefjrtettosdet to. Greet cars takes in pookbocallid ti= • gowls lent from .one Apetib are guaranteed to gird ssitiebstios, tollts •the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDVIMPE • No. b North Pleollib t alsellook Feb: t, 111119. ly uses* is $432e n OCI $llO5 2Sf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers