11 [ITI.ITTI.II PriLITAL PUN PROTECTION SOCIETY.— ST:VR][IM of affairs up to Jan. 10, 1859: gun'sed and commenced taking insurances July 3, 1958 ; number of Policies issued up to January 10, 1859, 168 Amount of property insured—valua tion in gross— $273.755 68 II " actually Insured, 189,503 79 " In trßasury, In Prem. notes, 12,787 00 " rectired in cash as member- ship fees, $1 each, Monies paid out by Treasurer for char ter, seal, press, printing blanks, by-laws, nthertising. &c.. $B5 55 Thank books k contingent expenses, 12 24 Allowance to Secretary for issuing Policies, 52 00 Balance in handa of Treasurer, We, the undersigned, certify the above Stith moms to be correct. Janes Rrsasu., See,. Guiana Tuaoxii, Treas. Examined and approved by Feb. 7. 3t Wa. D. Goatees?, Prat. Fine Old Brandies. tiITBR subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES k LIQUORS, would most respect y call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 North Frunt Street, rkslaideipAse, where they hove a large assort ment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrange snouts with some of the first houses in Cognac tad Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle: BRANDIES: Otard, Ilennesy, Pellevsion, Pipet, Castillion : J. J. Depuy .t . Co., T. limes, A.Sergnette, Martel, Matett, Ate., ac., of various brands and qualities. WINES: Champagn:, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Teneriffe, Burgundy, Hock, Muscat, Claret, Sherry, and Malaga Wines. Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch end Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, ac. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Vt hiskey. Constantly on Minikes: ex tensive stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye and Bourbon Whisidy, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly Improved by age. From our long experience in the business, end a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which are most re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care taken in packing and shipping. JAIL goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON k 13R0., No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia. Feb. 7, 1859.. ly Public Sale F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY.— The subscriber, .Administrator of the estate o Pln - sy Remy, Esq., deceased, will sell at pub lic sale, at the late residence of said deceased, in Mountpleasaux township, Adams county, on if oil day, der 71k day of March nest, the following val uable personal property. viz : 5 WORK HOESES,I3 Vows, 3 Bulls, a lot of young cattle, 1 broad-tread Wagon, 2 Plantation - Wagons, 1 one-horse Wagon, 1 cart and gears, I Carnage and Harness, hobs gears, ploughs and harrows, double and single shovel ploughs, a Threshing Machine and Horse l'ower, patent hay rake, winnowing mill, cutting box, hay ladders, cultivators, forks. shovels, rakes, and other farm jug utensils. Al o a new Hal/wavy Cook Slurs and fixtures, tables, chairs, bureaus, beds and bethteads, and a variety of other articles toonu nieroud to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOSEPIi LILIX. A fi/Ae P. J. F. Kehler, Auctioneer. Feb. 7. ti Public Sale OF PF.RSON.iL PROPE&ITY.—The sub scribers will sell at public sale. at their midence, in Hampton, Reading township. ow Stimrday. the sth day ,!/' ilarcA next, the follow ing per‘onal property. viz: 2 litilLiFzi cud 1 mare, 2 cows, threshing ma chi.ie. (good as new.) a narrow-tread four-hdirse wagon. a light two-horse wagon, horse gears, ploughs and harrows, and other farming utensils. Also. household and kitchen furniture : Bureaus, tables. chairs. bedsteads, cooking stove, ten-plate 410.. bacon, huzsheads. barrels, and a great variety of.,thcr articles too numerous to mention. 4 )ne nea Iluckaway ' • hay by the ton . ; about 30 bags. grinditone. wh eelbarrow, he., am. lisr-Sale to commence at 10 o ' cl ock, A. N., on raid day, when attendance will be even and terms made known by _ _ Jan. 31. '59. is Public: Sale OF VALI'ABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY.— The subscribers, Administrators of Hester 1011141% deceased, will sell at Public Sale, at iits tate restileace,dsf said deceased, is Hamilton town.hip. Adams cottaty, shout midway between FAQ Berlin and Abhottstown, on .11fonday, the 21s1 Are of Frhruary next, the following Personal Property, viz : ONE' FAMILY HOME, I Colt, 2 Cows, S Sheep, ♦ Shoats; Three-horse Wagon, One-horse Wagon, Horse Gears, 2 Sad dles and Bridles, Ploughs, Harrow, Shovel Ploughs, Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box, Halter and Cow Chains, Bakes, Fortis, Shovels, and other farming implements; Grain in the Ground. Also, a Urge lot of Carpenter Tools, 2 Grind atones, and Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Beds and Bed ding, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe. Eight-day Clock, Carpeting, Copper and Iron Kettles, and a vatia.. ty of other articles too numerous to mention. bi`Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, , on Amid day, when Attendance will be given and terms made known by SOLOMON MUILVERT, HENRY 3101MERT, Jan. 44, '59. teas Ada/sutra/ors. Public Sale OF PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The subscri ber, intending to relinquish the farming business, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Huntington township, Adams county, within Gee rails of Petersburg, (Y. 5..) on Tuesday, the la day of -Mardi next, the following Personal Property, viz: FOUR HEAD OF WORKING 110Barti, 2 Colts, 15 head of Cowd and Young Cattle. 15 head of Sheep, 7 head of Hogs, 2 Broad-tread Wagons, Two-horse Carriage and Harness, Grain Drill. Horse Gears, Ploughs and Harrows, Cutting Boz.Halters. Cow Chain, Fifth flhalns, Spreaders, Wheelbarrow. Grindztone, Yost*. Rakes. and other farming implements. Alio, Four Beds, Tables, Chairs. Bureaus, Chest. .gight-4;y Clock. Cooking and Ten-plate Stoves aid Pipe, Iron Kettle, and a variety of other ar ticles too numerous to mentisn. Mar Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by DAVID LEREW. Jaw 24, '59. t.s* THE FIRM.—The subscriber also offers at Private Sale, his FARM. situated as above, kOnded by lands of Hon. D. Sheffer, Sebastian Stitzei, Andrew Hartman, Jacob Asper. and "titers; 9ntaining 180 ACRES. more or less,— about 50 Sees" being Timbered, with a due pro portion of Meadow. The improvements consist of a good two-story Double Brick House. with Bask flaildiag Brick. Bank Barn, Corn Crib and Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Smoke House. and other outbuildings ; 2 Orchards of good fruit, well of water near the door, &c. The farm has been limed twice. Persons wishing to riew the prop *arty are requested to mill on the undersigned. re siding thereon. LEREW. January 24. Public Sale. . . subscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell at piddle sale, at his residence, in idler , township, Adams vacuity, at the old Ene ma tavern jtand, on the Chambetstinrg road, on Aide", (Al 41i dap of /tarok nest, the following rideable Personal Property, viz : • 4 bead.of FIIiEpES, (1 brood mare,) 8 head of pews and przwcattle, 5 sheep, 1 narrow-tread torp,..ev t am wagon, horse gears, ploughs and bar shovel ploughs, torn forks, cutting_boz, ay cordage, wood ladders, single and double lases, Vaket 4 forks, And other farming utensils. Bide to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be 'given and term made known by JOIN etiREY. January 24, 1859. is -a Reoeipta and Rape:gibing OF ADAMS COUNTY FO,II HU. Commissioners' Office, Adams co., Pa. Agreeably to an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to raise County Ravi and Levies," re quiring the Commissioners of the respectire Counties to publish a statement of the Receipts and Expenditures yearly. We. the Commissioners of taxes of said county, do report as follows. to wit: from the Sixth day of January, A. D.. 18514, to the Fifth day of January, A. D., 1859—both days inclusive: JOEL B. DANNER, EN., Treasurer, and the Commissioners in account with the County of Adams, as follows: 168 00 Outstanding County Taxes In bands of Collectors, $6442 10 " Quit Rents, 357 00 County Rat.. sod Levies assessed far 1858: Sot, of Gettysburg, $1132 55 Do. Quit Rents, ITB 50 Cumberland township, 1188 61 -129 79 3$ 21 Germany if 776 49 Oxford 44 • 1307 93 If tin tinirton .. 4 1293 96 .... Latfmore . 4 991 12 If amiltonban " 1431 29 Liberty " 708 ps Hamilton " 912 't2 Menallen " 874 32 Straban " 1299 99 Franklin " 1306 33 Conow•ago " 936 60 Tyrone " 883 01 Mountjoy " , 1617 05 Mountpkasant " ' 1208 61 Reading , a 1224 38 Freedom 14 • 408 94 Union• " 1221 04 Butler U 148 07 Berwick " 393 22 Berwick Borough, .187 65 • - 21299 73 Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 17204 54 Abatement on State Quota fur 1858, 631 58 Cash from Isaac Lightner. Sheriff, foi jury fees and fines for 1858, 107 00 Casb from Wm. Wank, costs refunded, 147 67 Do. Jacob Craig, tz 15 00 Do. George Stuckey, fine, 5 00 Do. Matthew Thompson, " 1 00 Do. H. D. Wattles. for stable, 49 01 Do. 11. G. Wolf, jury fees, 32 00 Exonerated tax from sundry persons, 20 05 Additional tax for 1858, 29 24 The Outstanding County Tax and Quit Rents ap pear to be in the hands of the following Col lectors, to wit : roars. Collectors. Bor. ,t Arps. 1854. John E. Heikes, Huntington, SR 58 1855. Samuel Sadler, Tyrone, 91 28 1856. Samuel Weaver, Gettysbnrg, IGt; 84 tt a Quit Rents, 130 '26 1857. Henry G. Carr,f Gettysburg, 373 77 . 44 LI Quit Rents, 178 50 " William Rossi! , Cumberland, 200 54 " John McCreary,Strnhan, 237 66 " Jacob C. Pittenturf. Tyrone, . 98 56 1859. Henry Culp,t Gettysburg, 145 21 Quit Rents, 178 50 • Leonard Bricker, Cumberland, 39 92 ‘ O. Henry Ilittle.t Germany. 305 74 " Christian Zinn.f Oxford, 187 62 William Lease! Huntington, 366 96 ". P. A. Myers.f Latimore. 265 32 " • Wm. T. Reed, Ilamiltooban, 283 29 " Reuben Shover.f Liberty, 73 Go; " Samuel Allwine.f Hamilton, 211 72 • " Barnhart Myers,f Ilenallen, 340 32 " Wm. L. thomio.t Strnban, 5r 1t 79 " E. W. Stahle. Franklin. son 33 " Hinton Harnish.t ('onowago. 395 50 • Martin Raffert-perger,f Tyrone, ~.103 11 " Samuel 11. Miller, Mountjoy, 199 85 " Jacob Cashman.} Mountphatoutnt, 383 51 " Samuel ]larch.} Reading, 364 38 u John Elder, Berwick twp., 23 22 " John lianigar., Freedom, 72 63 " William Sterner.f Union, 311 04 " John Ilainet,f Butler, 223 07 " Henry Mayer, Berwick bor., 19 65 bar' Cnmberland, Hamiltonhan, Mountjoy. Freedom, and Huntington. hare puid in full since settlement. Those 'narked thus f bare paid in part. By auditing and settling public accounts, $42 00 Wm. McClean, Esq., Auditor appointed by the Court to audit public offices, 15 00 Printing, blanks, kc.. 316 24 Sheriff's bills of Court costs, 598 28 Clerk's pay, 200 00 Abatement to Collectors of 5 per cent., 1005 45 Fox and wild cat scalps. 71 35 General jury and tip staves' pay, 996 94 Assessors' pay. 583 75 Jailor's fees for keeping prisoners and turnkey, 344 97 Wood, stone coal, hauling, kc., for pub- * lie buildings, • 162 29 Repairs at public buildings, 118 00 Grand jury and tip staves' pot, • 373 77 Register, Prothonotary, and Clerk of Sessions' fees, - 159 40 Tax refunded to sundry persons, 22 51 Court Cryees pay, 85 00 Certificates of Constables' return, 85 10 Treasurer of Alms House, 4100 Oo Counsel fees and extra suits, 50 Oo Postage and stationery, 90 19 Notes and interest paid Bank and sun dry persons, 6200 53 Quit Rents paid Ceo. Ilimes's heirs, 2 00 Henry A. Picking. Esq., Commis'es pay, 210 00 Josiah Benner, Esq., .4 210 00 Jacob Raffensperger, Esq., " 210 00 District Attorney's fees, 110 00 Keeping prisoners at East. Penitentiary, 3 48 Isaac Lightner, Sheriff, conveying pris oner to Eastern Penitentiary, 57 00 Surveyor and axemen in full on twp. line, 425 Justice's fees for inquest on the body of Daniel Marts, 18 50 Jacob King, EN., contract in full for Muddy Run bridge, 142 00 J. K. Taylor & Bro., contract in full for blinney creek bridge, 1233 20 Justices' and Constables' fees for coin- JANIF.S DICKS, ROBERT M. DICKS mining vagrants, 6 82 John R. Turner, EM., contract in part for new Court-house, 8800 00 S. D. Dutton, Architect, for plans and specifications of new Court-house, 100 00 S. D. Hutton. travelling.expenses for in specting new Court-house, 25 00 Cartage and filling lot at new Court-house, 98 81 A. W. Flemming. for crying sale, 2 00 Bedding for prison. 6 60 Charles llorner, M. D., medical attend= ance on prisioners, 9 00 Fahnestock Brothers. hobbles for prison, 20 00 Samuel Fahnestock., Esq., pay for house and lot for new Court-house site, 2250 00 'Robert Sheads, Esq., house and lot, 900 00 Officers' pay at spring election, 364 16 Do. fall election, 612 72 ' Directors of the Poor pay, 80 00 Road damages and damage views, 'lll4 50 Repairs at bridges, 282 47 Isaac Lightner, Sheriff, for summoning jurors, Exonerations on State tax not allowed Treasurer by State at last settlement, 327 89 Balance due Treasurer at last settlement, 519 87 Exonerations to Collectors, 201 60 Collectors' fees, 808 54 Outstanding Tax and Quit Bents in hands of Collectors, Treasurer's salary, Balance in hands of Treasurer, In testimony that the feregoing Statement of ,-----. the Receipts sad Rxpenditures exhibited stud. }at the office of the 'Pressure r of mid Coup •-..—• tv is a correct and true copy, as taken from and compared with the originals remaining in the books in this office, we have hereunto set iryt t a, our hands an affixed the seal of said office, at Cietlyskin Fifth day of January, One Thous and r Hundred and Fifty-nine. JOSIAH MINIM, JACOB RAFPENSPERGER, I DANIEL GELSBINAIi, ammissiaters, Atteat,T. IL WALT'', Clerk. ICthe Ronorable the Judges of the Court of 4 comolictit Pleas of Adams County : "the understood, duly elected Auditors to mottle land adjust the-Public Accounts of the Treisurar and Coutalosioners 6f said County, haring been triqrs or armed agreeably to law, do report the Mowing to be a genets! statement of said accounts, from the Fifth day of /actuary, A. D., 1858, to the Fifth day of January, A. D., 1859—both days inebaire : 1301 CR. By Orders paid m as follows, to wit Auditors' Report. .1. B. DANNER, lesq., Treasurer, and Commis- Amen, in account with the County of Adams: DR. To outstanding County Tax and Quit Rents in bands of Collectors, 16799 10 i Amount of County Tax and Quit Rents assessed for 1858. 21299 13 Loan from Bank and sundry persons, 17204 54 Abatement on State Quota for 1858, n3l 58, Cash from Wm. Wank, cost refunded, 147 67 I Do. 11. H. Wattles, for stable, 49 01 Do. Jacob Craig, costs refunded, 15 00 Do. Henry G. Wolf, Esq., jury fees, 14 00 Do. Isaac Lightner, Esq., Sheriff, jury fees and fines, 1858, 107 00 Do. Gnome Stuckey, fine, 5 00 Do. IQ. Thompson, 1 00 Additional Tax from sundry persons, 29 24 Exonerated Tax 64 20 05 By outstanding Taxes for 1854 1/8 58 •4 1855 91 28 1656 303 10 1857 1109 03 is 1858 557& 74 "Fees, 1855 65.16 ak1856 42 58 II 41 1887 700 80 " Itioseratioas, ••• - 1855 41 14 1856 " Disharseerosts at Nasty orders, 35284 02 Treastuer's Oossubsios, 529 26 u Balance is toads of Treasurer, 2406 77 We, the undersigned, Auditors of the County of Adams, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn in runtime* of law, do Report that we met, did audit, settle and adjust according to law, the account of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said county, commencing on the Fifth day of January, 1858, and ending on the Fifth day of January, 1859 both days inclusive: that said account as settled above and entered of record in settlement book, in the Commissioners' Office of Adams county. is correct, and that we find a balance due to the County of Adams, by J. B. Danner, Esq., Treas urer of said county, of Two Thousand Four Hundred and Six Dollars and Seventy-seven Cents, ($2,406 77,) and in outstanding taxes Seven Thousand and Ninety Dollars and SO en ty-three Cents, ($7,090 73.) CHRISTIAN CASHMAN, ISAAC HEMMER, A editors. JOHN BRINKERHOFF, Feb. 7, 1859. 4t $46320 92 IMIERITA NCR TA X.—Published by the Commissioners of Adams county, agreeably to act of assembly. ZACH•RIAII Mynas, Esq., Register of Adams county, in account with the Commonwealth, for Collateral Inheritance Tax, received from Dec. 1, 1857, to Nov. 30, 1858: DR. To cash received from heirs and Guar- dian of minor heir of Jno. Little, dec, $53 49; Administrator of Elizabeth Clapsaddle, deed, $l5 81 4 less 79 cents discount, 15 02 Administrator .1. b. n. c. t. a. of Ed- munil C. Bishop, deceased, 11 19 gxccutor of Sam'l B. Patterson, dec'd, 16 00 Administrator of Mary M'Allister, dec, 25 00 AdraiuistratorofJoseph Clapsaddle,dec, 24 2.5 Administrator ofJane Galbraith, dec'd, in part of tax $125 less $8,25 diset, 118 75 Administrator ofAbraham Kitchen, dec, 8 19 Administrator of Mary Summerville,dec, 13 t Executor of Margate'''. Bosh, dec'd, 20 03 Executor of deed Administrator of Ca tharine Pecher, deceased, 4 50 One of tie Legatees of Wm. Wierman, deceased, 150 00 Executor of John H. Claybaugh, dec'd, in part of tax $165 less $8,25 disc't, 156 75 Executor ofJohn Deardorff, dee, (bal.) 55 OG Executor of John K. R. Harrigan, dec, t,O 00 Legatees & Guardian of Maria Rhodes, one of the minor Legatees of Marthis Mums, tat and interest, One of the Legatees of Baltzer Gmin ter, decd, Including discount, 157 50 One of the Executors of Meltzer Gmin ter, decd, in part of tax $l3O less $6 50 discount, 123 50 r. 7091) ca. By conimissions,ll per cent. $5l 761 Discount, 5 per cent., in cluded in item above, 7 87/ Balance paid into State Treasury, 975 611 $1035 25; The undersigned, appointed by the court to audit the accounts of certain of the public offi cers, reports that the above account is correct. WY. McCLEAN, Asuidui% February 7, 1859. 4t SEVERAL hundred bushels of BONF.-DUST, at PFOUTZ'S 1111.1,--the best and cheapest manure that can be put on our lands—at 75 cents per bushel, cash. Marsh creek, Jan. 24,1859. 4t* Register's Notice. 'MUNCH is hereby given to all legatees and 11 other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will. be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county for confirmation and allowance, as Thursday, 24tA of February NNW, at 10 o'clock, A- M., viz: 89. Tho account of John Burkholder, Administrator pendente lite of the es tate of George Group, late of Monallen township, Adams county, deceased. 90. The first and final account of Joseph Kepner, Administrator of John Grim, late of Berwick township, doc'd. 91. The second account of Joseph J. Kuhn, Administrator with the will an nexed of John Diehl, lave of East Ber lin, deceased. ZACILLRIAH MYERS, Register Register's Office, Gettys burg, Jan. 24, 18b9. f rE first and final account 'of NATHANIEL thursos, Committee of Josirn HUNTS*, (a Lutuitic,) has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by said Court on the 24th day of February siert, unison cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, l'rotA'y. Prothonotary's Office, Get tysburg, Jan. 24, 1859.* f MARY STONER'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Stoner, late of Franklin township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Butler township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to Bald estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. JOSEPH FLECK, /User. Jan: 31, 11359. 6t 6300 JOSEPH CLUNK, SR'S., ESTATE.—Let tens of administration on the estate of Joseph Clunk, Sr., late of Mountpleasant typ., Adams co., deceased, having been grant. 1 to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims Against the same to present them properly authenticated,for settlerbent. PETER SMITH, Adss'r. Jan. 31, 18.59. 6t 7090 73 529 26 2406 77 $46220 92 .MARY CLUNK'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Clunk, late of Mountyleassnt twp.,Adams county, deceased, having been gran ted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives noties to all imrsoni indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having eLsims against the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. PETER SMITH, Adia'r. Jan. 3), 1859. et 8/WARS, of rations brands, direct from the importers and gar ease sleep, wholesale and retail. Don't forget to ea/1 at the chest store of Jon. 24. PA K BROS'. JEWELRY. slam, aad varied saaationeat, to be fouud at SCIIICK'S. $46320 92 12 14 24 70 164 76 QM $46320 92 Collateral 24 40 $1035 25i For Sale. Notice. Notice. Notice. Notice. Baltimore Charles Dnalap, WHOLESALE and Retail GROCER k TEA DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lexington Streets, eat,tixualt, Hai on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, k,e. Feb. 7, 1$ 9. ly Burr Mill Stones WARRANTED.--lt. F. STAIR k CO., Cor. of 21 - orth and Celdre &melt, opposite N. C. It. R. Station, BALTIXORK, Mn M inufae toren: of FRENcii lu - fats. Importers and Deitkr. in Burr Blocks. Bolting Cloths, Lea thee and Gum Belting 4, Cal cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. Also, Colone, Cocalico. and Egoplies Mill Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 7, '59. I y 410441101 4111 011 S• • ''' • IDOUNDED 1852. Chartered 1854. Located r CUR. OF BALTIMORE k CHARLES STS., BALTIIIOI.It, The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States. DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR YOUNG MEN Desiring to obtain a thorough Practical Business F i ducation. Every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self, and is separately instructed. STUD: U 76 IN ATTZTDANCI nom NIAJILY ETICRY STATS IS Tall UlllOll. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL METIIOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced. No Copying from Printed or Manuscript Forurs in LICARTING Boolc-ERICPITO AT THIC BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. This method of instruction is nowhere else 'taro duced in this country. Every Young Man should write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars, representing the exterior and interior view of the College, Penmanship, k c., which will be sent by return mail. free of charge, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition. opinions of the Press on our new system of Book- Keeping, etc. GISES3 E. K. ',omen, Principal—Lecturer on the Science of Accounto, itu . *tincss, Customs. etc. J. M. I'HILLIPM, Profes.or of Book-Keeping and Commercial Calculations.- H. IL Davits, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. N. C. JoilmtuN. Professor of Penmanship. T. WILLIA.IIs, MOTataile Law. Res. E. T. Itaixati., D. 1/, Coinnuercial Ethics. TIH.‘TECS: Hon. John P. Kennedr, lien. Joshua Vanannt, lion. Thomas Swann: Wm, U. Keighler. Jacob Tra , t. Esq.. Knahc, The li m e ',many ferpiireil to complete the full tours,•. from R to 12 weeks. A Ihrtaoda is smartie', to all Graduates. Large l'iroaAni l'Atnlogue3 stating terms, &c., sent ui mail fee of charge. Address E. K. LUSIEIt, Baltimore, lid. Feb. 7. 19?'. ly T] To Merchants & Farmers. [T CHEAP AND CHOICE GROCERIES, AL IIoOK k rtm,r)wrN's, S. It. corner Leringion 4. Green S.reets, We would respectfully invite the attention of burers to our large and well selected stock of ',lime family Groceries, comprising every ankle U4ll Illy kept in a first-c Liss Groceri, oltich we offer at prices as low as (if not lower than) any house in the city. We name in part: Prime Sew Crop Orleans Sugar. Do. dn.lassex. Porto Rico and low zrnde do.—very cheap. Rio, Loguay ro, Porto Rico, Cape Java, Moricatto, Rail other C.ffees. Excellent Imperial, Young lipon, and Gun powder Tens, nt 50 cents per pound. Choice Oolong do. at 50 cents,. se — Imperial Tea al 7i eta. per pound Thil Tea we warritnt equal, If not superior, to Tea sold at other places fur $1 pt.r lb. /LOC R, YISII, BACON, rit. priers to suit the times ♦Lso, ... _ Fine old BRANDY, Old II)c WHISKEY, Old Bourbon WHISKEY PORT, EIIIRRY, NADXRIL, and WINES Rectified Whiskey and Domestic Brandy AT CITT rotess. siSr A 1 1 Goode delivered to lloati and Rail road. free of drayage, sad • X 0 CHARON 1011 PACKAGED Satisfaction guarantied In all cases or the goods returned at our expense. A liberal dis couut allotted to colintry merchants. HOOK ilk BALDWIN. Wholesakand Retail Grocers, Southwest cur. Green & Lexiugton ate:, Jan. 24, '5O. tf Baltimore, )Id. Dr. Baakee /TIRE ATS ALL DISEASF.S FREE OF Baakee will also give special attention to the following cases:— CJughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis end other diseases of the Throat end Longs. lie will devote particular attention to the treatment of all skin diereses —Lumbago, Scrofula, Rheumatism, (acute and chronic,) Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dys pepsia, Piles, and all derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, and also to all chronic female diseases. Special attention will be given to the tree t- - went of the EYE and EAR, ' \‘' without the use of the Knife or Nee die, and he has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages—inserted in five minutes. Dr. Baakee has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT, and restore perfect vision to the Eye without ;he use of the knife. Dr. Baakee can produce one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Cancers, old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula, Swelling+ or Tumors of every description and without the use of the knife.— Special arrangements must be made with Dr. Baakee for the treatment of the last named diseases, as they will require his constant ad vice and attention. Dr. Baakee is one of the most skillful and celebrated Surgeons and Physicians now living. Ilie fame is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters directed to Dr. Baakee, (en • closing ten cents,) from any distance, correct ly stating the nature of the disease, shall be promptly answered, and patients treated by correspondence FREE OF CHARGE. Office hours from 8 A. M., to 5 P. M. DOCTOR BAAKEE, No. 74 Lexlagton St., between Charles k Liberty, Jan. 31, '59. ly Baltimore, Md. Notice. THE subscriber. having- been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams coun ty, Committee of the person and estate of Jositit Dieanoars, a Lunatic, of Butler township, in said county, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims or demands against said Deardorff. to pre sent the same to the subscriber, residing in Frank lin township, for settlement, and all persons in debted to make immediate payment. BENJAILDI DE.AILDORPF, Jan. 24, '59. 6t Coseauttee. Adams County TettEACTIEFLS' ASSOCIATION.—The Adams County Teachers' Association will meet in ysburg, on. Thursday, February 10th, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and remain in session three days. The branches taught in our Common Schools, together with other subjects,will be discussed and illustrated. It is hoped that every Teacher will feel under obligations to be present. Several distinguished Educational men from abroad are expected to be present. The friends of education are rersestly solicited to attend. J. K. IicILITENNY, Jan 17,'.7•9. td Co. Superinteadent. 7Zialtianac)res 4 - EWELRY, SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT- E!) W.lltE, kc.—.l. E. WARNER. Gold and ilversmitli. No. 10 Norm GIT STIMICT, BAL- TlllllltE, MD., has in store a beautiful a.,.ort tuent of styles and pattern. of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for preaente, embrni ing a great variety of Plain Goll and S.at. Brunches, l loealea. C.tr liunkle.. ,kr.. Ear-Hinia, liraeOetc:' Finger ttirizi :eet erith Diamond, [lobe, Peiirl, Opal, Emerald. et, , readic.i Gni,' ('ll , u•, Ve=t. k Gii.trd Chain., miniature Loel.et,.. Gold Thimbles, curt Pins: Signet. l'iv.ed and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils and Pen., Sleoe Buttons and Stubs, Gold and Jet Crogseg, Jet Bracelets. Pins k Ear Rings, kc. .1 variety of Silt er Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Snit Stands, Pearl Handle Desert Entres, Spoons, Fi.rks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, kr., all of which is respectfully offered on theloweit term' I ..The Country Trade and Dealers [(laterally are invited to give me a call, and examine Goods And Priers. being satiified that - my SILVER WARE cannot he surpassed either for fineness or quality, or the latest and must beautiful patterns. January 17, 11359. ly C. W. Slagle & C 0.,, COIIIIIIBSTON A PRODCCE HER CHANTS, Noa. 118 and 133 North atm/. Baltimore.—Being established in the Commission business for 11 cumber of years, they solicit consignments, and pay pirticalar attention to the sale of GRALN of all kinds, Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro duce generally. We melt proceeds promptly. Tracks from the Northern Central Railroad run into our Warehouses. Refer to B. B. Buehler, Req., Gettysburg. (June 21, '5B. ly Howard House, OTLNER Howard . and Baltimore Streets, BALTIMORE. ild. . - ew Proprietors. Fare minced to $1.50 q per day. Call for tho !Toward House Coach at the Depots.' A. SIIIPE. 1 1 , roprictors. J. N. BUCK, i January 24, '59. ly OPPOSITE Calvert &alum, BALTIMORE, MD lure reduced to $1.25 per d ty. JOHN A. SLADE, Proprietor Light, Light ! WHOLESALE AGENCY FOR JONES'S PATENT LAMPS. nnperior to nil others in the market. Also dealers in COAL OIL and LAMPS of every d e scription. Constantly on hand COAL OIL of the very best gunlity, w hich we will sell nt the lowest market price. All orders prompt]) filled. ANIMIDON k CO., No. I S. Liberty st., (near Baltimore,) Jan. 17. Gm 11.iltiniore, Peter Zell BrSon, CONIMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in CORN, Corn Meal:" Gitann,,,i, OATS, Rye Chop, Bone Iluo, MILL FEED, Hay. Straw, Mom. Lime, FLOUR, Field SeedA,& (lround Plaster Nos. 147 & 149 Noirro ❑OR ARE) STRKET, Jan. 17, '59. 1y• BALTIMORE, MD. FI.OIM k PRODUCEand For warding Merclinntq, North street, opposite N. R. R. Depot., BALTIMORE. January 17, 18:0. ly Wm. Knabe & Co., BALTIMORE, MD II\TOS. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw Street,— SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street, between Charles and Light—BALTIMORE, Md., Ilanuflicturers of Gold Medal Premium GRAND AMI SQI".%ItE PIANO FORTES. Wm. Knahe & Co. would respectfully invite the attention of the public. and c~pecially those in want of a FIRST CLASS PLANO. to their as sorted stock of instruments, which, for power and sweetness of tone, easy and agreeable touch, and beauty of finish, have, by the best of judges, been pronounced unritaled by any in the coun try. As to the relative merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in our poss:.sion. from THALBERG, STRAKOSIT. S,ITT EH and H. TLEPN.TENIPS. Its alto front some of the moat distinguished profosqors and amateurs in the country; also to the following -HIGHEST PREMICIIS, received within the last three years: GOLD MEDALS at the Marylsnd Institute, 1855, 1858. 1857. SILVER NIED.U.S at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 1857; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia, 185 d; FIRST I'REMIUM at the :Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1855, 185 ti. All instru ments of our manufacture have the full iron frame, and are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. ~Particular attention paid to the selection of Instruments for diglant orders, end a privilege of exchange granted at any time within sir mos., if the instruments should not prove entirely satis.: factory. 'itt liberal discount to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to their advan tage to give ns a sail, as by greatly increased sicilities, we are enabled to fill all orders with dispatch. SW-Constantl♦ on hand, a large assortment of MELODEONS. from the hest Factories. SALT, &C MALAGA SECOND-HAND PIANOS at Great Bargains, nt pekes from CIO to sl✓o. Pianos Exchanged, Hired and Tuned. WITHOUT MONEY, Gifts and Books ran be obtained at H. E. HOYT k CO.'S Great Southern GIFT BOOK STORE, BALTIMORE, Md. Send to them fora Catalogue. Greater in ducements than ever before offered to Agents I Persons sending to IL E. Hoyt k CO. are sure of a Gift worth not less than fifty cents, and in many instances worth ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS! Oar list of Prizes embraces a great va iiet of Gold and Silver Watches, Lockets. Chains, Ladies' Broaches, Bracelets, Parlor Time Pieces, Sewing Machines, Silk Dresses, Pictures, kc. kc. In a new Catalogue of Books may be found Histories, Biographies, Travels, Adveutnres, Sto ries, Anecdotes, Tales, Narratives. Romances, Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religions, Biblical, Theological, Classical, Philosophical, Geograph ical, Botanical and Agricultural Works. Dictionaries, Lexicons, Albums, Annuals and Presentation Book.. Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Rooks, in every style of binding. Together with all the newest Works of the day, all of which are handsomely bound and GUARANTEED PER FECT in EVERY respect. Purchasers living at a distance will, by stating title of books wanted, he treated with the same liberality as if at our Store themselves. TAKE NOTICE.—AII orders will be answered it two days from the time they are received. We can guarantee the best actual per centage (including books and presents.) ever yet offered by any Book selling firm or agency in the Uni-, ted States, and are confident that all who give us a trial will be sure to bay again. Persons wishing to act as Agents for us, will hare (on application) Catalogues and a spendid Show Card, establishing our Agency, forwarded free of expense. DANITI. I. WHITT. JOHN A. SWOPX. White & Swope, WHOLESALE Dealertin BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, do STRAW GOODS; slow, in fashionable Moleskin, Silk, Felt and Fur HATS, N. W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard ;treats, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 29, 1855. J. 8. McClellan, Dealer in Hata, Caps and Children's Fancy Goods, IVO. 343 West Baltimore Street, near the Eutaw liouse, Baltimore, keeps on hand all goods of the best snake and latest style to be found in a first elms retail Ilat store. A mill from persons visiting the City is solicited. Deo. 20, 1858. Oros George X. Bokee, IMPORTER and Di•LCIL IT CHINA. CLAM, & 4.IIIIOENSWARE,- No. 41 North Howard St., betwee' Lexing ton and Fayette Streets. Baltimore, Md. Stoneware always on head at fietery prices. [Dee. 20, 1858. ly New & Rich A I. :4 0 Susquehanna House, January 17. 6m JOHN C. lICRLLIR. R A. TRICK Smeller & Frick, A cull is respectfully solicited WILLIAM KNABE & CO January 17, 1R59. ly Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! All orders should be addressed to H. E.HOYTk ('O., No. 41 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Yd Jan. 17. 3m Adams County AIIITUAL IPIRE INSL'RANCE COMP-4...NY. Incorporated March 18, 1851. OYTICULS. Presickst--George Swope. lire l'rrsideai--0. R. Russt.ll S'c rHa rY -1) . A. Bathler Treasurer—DAN id M'Creary. Erecuill e Cumnutier-106r it McCurdy, Js ub Kinz. Andrew Ileiutzelman. ..limajees—George S‘‘ ope, ti. A. Buehler, Js rob King, A. lic.ntzelman, R. M'Curdy, Thos. A. Marshall, F. Fahnestock, Win. B McClellan, Wm. B. Wilson, M. flichelberger, A bdial F. Gi tt, John Woltord, 11. A. Picking, J. Anghinbauzh, John Horner, It. G. McCreary, S. IL Russell, B. M'Crcary, Andrew Pulley, John Picking, J. R. Hersh. 1021-This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. Jr. bits been in successful operation for more than sir years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, eritibood an?, (taxman'', having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance, ears apply to any of the Above named Managers for further information. Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. Good and Cheap erE undersigned. would inform his friends and the public generally, that he continues t CARRIAGE-WAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his establishment, In East Mid dle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on band a first-rate lot of work, and Is prepared to put op to order whatever may be desired in his line, xis:—Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Falling- sk . Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug- e t .4 , rat . „,... glee, Jersey Wagons, kc. With 4 tnewsiti%) good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work to be of the best quality—Qt his prices are amongahe lowest. as W'Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable r.ttes. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call I June 15, 'b7. JACOB TITOXEL Still at Work ! COACHHAKING AND BLACKSIIITFIINO. —The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public that he continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmaithing business in every branCh at his establishment in Cham bersburg street. He has on hand and will manufacture to order all kinds Of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, kc., of the best material. and made by superior work men. Ke'REPAIRINO and Bi..•cusitrrutNo of all lands done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. Corxray l'nouvcs taken In exchange for work at market prices. Viiirl'ersons desiring articles or work in the Coachmaking or Blacksmithing line, are re spectfully invited to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH. Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59. To the Country, GOOD NEWS.--I have rented the Foundry (or the ensuing year, and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGH, Points, Shares, Cutters, kc.; Puts, Kettles, Pans, Wash ing Machines, kc.; Stoves and Machinery ; Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up . with dispatch. All ordirs will be attended to promptly; but being without capital, and money being neces sary to carry on the business, I will be com pelled to sell for cash, but on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of pur chasing. Givens a call. E. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1,. Wanted. OkN APPRENTICE to the Plastering business wanted by the subscriber, in Gettysburg. ue about 18 years of age will be preferred. A good chance will be given en apprentice. Jan. 34, '59. 3t ANbREW STOCK. .../ Wanted. 900e000 BUSHELS OATS WHEAT, RYE, CORN, , SEEDS, kr. Also, Flour and Cbuntry Produce generally, for which the hlyhest market prices will he paid. We have constantly on hand at wholesale and retail, Fish, Salt, Guano, Plaster,ColTee,Sugars, Molasses, Cedar-ware, Tobacco, Burning Fluid, Matches, Spices, Breinig k Fronefield's Cattle Ponder, &c., to which we respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, as we are determin ed to sell at as low afigure as thesame articles can he bought elsewhere. We have also on hand a supply of the BEST QUALITY OF COAL, for Cook, Parlor and Bar-room Stoves, and for Blacksmith's use, which we are selling low, as we receive it direct frota the mines. MILL FEED also for sale. BASTRESS k WINTER. New Oxford, Jan. 10, 1858. 3m* "At Home Again !" SAMSON M. would, an • • 4'. flounce to lits friends • and the public, that J.,. • has just returned sca . 4 ‘; from No York with ; f a largef assortment .‘"& . than ever of new Goods, comprising batpr 4 .. -- 'eve ry variety of MEN'S and BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING, of the latest styles and unsurpassed in quality and cheapness, viz: Over Coats from $3 up to $l4; Pants from $1 to SG; Dress Coats from $2 50 to $l4; Vests from 374 cents to $9; Un dershirts and Drawers; Buckskin, Fur and Cot ton Gloves; Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, kc.. at all prices. Also the largest and tout lot of Fine and Heavy BOOTS sod SHOES ever offered in this market, and will be sold at prices to suit the times—Boots from $1 25 to $4 50; Shoes from $1 to SI 75; and a very fine assortment of Patent Leather and Calf skin Gaiters from $1 50 to $3; HATS of vari ons styles, Silk, Fnr and Wool, from 374 cents to $3; also a new lot of Fancy Goods. Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, kc.; ' and last but not least,* lot of that fine Chewing ' TOBACCO, knows by all who have tried it as very superior. Having been in New York for the lut three months, these goods have all been bought at auction for CASH, and as the season has ad ianced and money scarce, I sm induced to of fer them at such prices as must be satisfactory to all. All who want the worth of their money and a littlemore should call soon. No trouble to show our Goods. Jan. 10, 1858 WI. OILLICIPIII. EMIT TUONAII Family Grocery : PROVISION STORE.—GILLESPIE THOMAS respectfully inform the people of ttysbnrg and the public generally, that they bare just returned from the city with a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVIS. lONS and VEGETABLES, which they are pre pared to sell as low as the lowest. FLOUR and FEED always on hand, and sold at small profits. Store on York street, one door east of Wat tles' Hotel. Gettysburg, Aug. 3, '57. Wall Paper. To F. McILIIENNY respectfully invites the attention of the public to his large stock of Wall Paper, and announces to his friends and customers, that be has made arrangements to have on band a full and complete line of samples from 8 cents up to LO cents a roll—so that persons failing to be suited with his large stock on hand, can select from his sample book and be furnished with paper at any price and In any quantity on two or three days notice. Jan. 24, '59. Store License. THE folicoriug application to keep a whale. sale and retail Liquor Store, has been tiled in my office,. with the requisite number of stetter', and will be presented at the Court of Quarter Sessions, on the 2404 day of February Mr( COVER & KUNTZ, Borough of Gettysburg. HENRY O. WOLF, Clerk. Jan. 24,'59. C OBORI3B, in great variety, es to Dolor, quality and prive, Jest reeeived at BCUICK'3. The Lilies are invited to oat, land examine. No trouble to alma nods; Nov. 8. D. lifteonattitc s AT.7ilauxeEhilrerAsTdLr 0 :1 2, 1V 0 , 0 .( d ct , ffi b o c o e n i t or d e o , or c zeeit hers burg atreet,) , ATTOIXIT MID 80aiC17011 TOR PATVITa AN o PE - NaltiNg. Bounty Lend War rants, (tack-pay suspended Claims, and all other claims against the Government st Wash: ington, I). C.; also American Claims in England. Lat! 15'orrauts located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in 10- eating warrants le lawn, Illinois and other western States. gar Apply to him personally or by letter. G;itysburg, Nov. 21, '63 Edward B. BuelAer, TTOHNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted' to him. He speaks the Germ"! laaguage.— Office at the some place, in Otitthlsitaare street, near Forney's drug store, and itstati,y opposite Danner k Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. Wm. B. McClellan, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the south side of the pt.blic square, 2 doors west of tue Sentinel ollks. Gettysburg, bagnst 22, '53 J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. AAS his °dice one javt -se door west of the Lutheran church in Chambersburg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those 1* ishing to have any Dental Operation performed are respectfully invited to call. R zzzzz sena: Drs. Homer, Rev. C. P. Krauth, D. D Bey. U. t,, Danaher, D. D., Um Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. f....Btteweir. Gettysburg, April 11, 'fr3. ',Earnest and Final. Notice. mIIE undersigned having sold his Store in Arendtsville to Mr. Jacob Shank, and be ing now under the necessity of closing up his old business, earnestly requests his old friends and customers to come forivOrd and settle up and adjust their respe.tive accounts. It must be apprent to every one that this business will'not admit of delay, and unwilling 'to be too sti•ennous in enforcing hit, claims, he would urgently request all those indebted not to make any delay, as his time and attendance In the Store is now very limited, and those wbo neglect this notice will, after the 15th day of March next, find the Notes and Accounts siren into other hands. JAC9B F. LQWEIL Arendtsville, Jun. 10, 1830: T. Spouting. QEMIGI: WAIIPLER will mato House Spoutiug and put up the same low, fur cash or country produce., Farmers and ail others wishing their houses, barns, &c., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. • April la, '53. II G. A 11. WAIIPLER. Valuable Farm 11011 S.ll,ll.—The subscriber, Assignee of Ilsnar S. Mixstuu and Wirn, for the be ne fit of creditor,., offer. pt Prirnte Sole THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY, in Cumberland township, Adams county. Pa., lying about I} miles went of Gettysburg, and north of the Chambersburg turnpike. adjoining lands of Jame , J. Willa, Esq.. Heirs of Jon. Hartsell, deceased, Samuel Hartsell, Frederick Herr, Abraham Spang• ler, and others, and containing 155 ACRES, more or less. The im pro% entente are a Two-steep Double Stone HOUSE, with Two-story "lack building, having a basement Kitchen above ground, a Stone unit tarn, Carriage House, Stone Spring Hone with it neverfailing Spring, Pump of neverfailing water near the kitchen door, end thee* Ch ahar.* 2 of which aro new, the latter con taining about 1000 Peach thee, 100 Apple. with a variety of other &Slit trees on the premises. There is running water in almost all the fields. The farm is in it ;ro,d state of cultivation and fencing. r.o t )5 acres are in Timber and there is a foil proportion of Meadow. DarPerecin4 Lio , oiriag to tiarr ihn pro pert,. on be othowri the same hy, estliag 0.0 the Wally reeidiag thereon. or nit the subecriber. J. B. DANNER, Asmignee. Noy. 15. IRSB. • Great. Redgetion TN TILE PRICE OF TIIP,I r M. SINGER S. Ct).'S SEWING NIAC IINES.--8) RA x 4l i oAt.t.. proprietor oldie Slat f Prowtylviin the months; of Philadelphisi 'rie sod Alloi gheny excepted. • The undersigned wool.] respectfully in'oesw the citizens of York. Adams, cumber-land and Lancaster counties, that ho will iell Singer's Sen-ing Marh nl rvivectl t , rice.... Persons desirocit of purchasing a good' ewing Machine ',With! by all means purrhasii 'me of Singer's. for they are the only anaoidheit that will do the work that is riquirtil of a Sewing Ma chine. Vail and examine and sire for yourselet beiote purchasing elaew twee. Fe • beau y hey cannot be surpanewd. and for durability cat not b e beat—there being 1101Y ' Use over 1.• 000 of Singer's Machines, which recommends them to he far inpetior to a • y other in use.-- All I ask is an examination bf the Machine. and if you have any notion tone you will b e certain to buy. Machines of ; mery variety itf Singer's on hand. tlvery tantil v should halm one of the Faintly Machines. for they are cer tainly a hand .onte and usekl parer 64r berni tore. They are not lia4dt to vet out of repair. and will last you a life time. Machine Silk, Needles. Thread, Bobbins. Oil, 10., itc., at all limes on hind. All crders attended to with dispatch. , W. F. REISINGPIt. Agent. 42 Market street, York, Pa. Jan. 3. 1859 Gettysburg Railroad. RIINNING OF TRAINS.—First Train will leave Gettysburg daily (Sundays excep ted) with passer.gers for York, Colutithis, Philadelphia, 11.1rrisburg. the North and West. at 7 o'clock. A. M.—ietorning with passengers from Baltimore at 12.30. P. M. Second Train will leave Gettysburg with passtengers for Baltimore at 15 minutes before 1 o'clock, P. M.—returning about 6.50 with passengers from York. Culumbis. Philadel phia, Liarrisburg, the North and Woo, R. IacCURDY, Poet. Dec. 20, 1858 Cancer Cured, WITHOUT SURGICAL OPERATION'S OR LOSS OF BLOOD.—Crineers, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, Ulcers, &c., cured in a short time, without the knife, by Dr. IdsoNtenob, (Colleague of the late Dr, Lonstierry, deed.,) No.so,North Fifth Street, below Afcb,Philad'a s The remarkable success which tins attended the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, the., by Dr. Mac Nichol, for a nucalatof of years past, Las fla tfooted the attention, and te many Instances tins secured the hearty approval of mut emi nent lehysiciars in Philadelphia, wingrare no lower willing to risk the dangers and uncer tainties of cutting. CANCER CAN RE rURET,!--ir pnverly treated cud promptly. A grunt majorily or the cases of Cancer, can be effectually cared. The nu merous patients, from every section of the country, who have been oared under this method of treatment • a guarantee of its superiority over every other known system. Those who may be afflicted tt ith thin' dis eases, and desire further intorutation or advice, will please address Dr. Mite Nichol, when they will receive prompt attention end a Copy of Pamphlet, on the treatment al Cancers—free of charge. . White Byre!ling, Hip Disease, Scrofuloasand Malignant Ulcers, Diseases of the Month and Throat, L'lceratious of the Bones, Tetley, Scald Head, and all diseases of the Skin, permanent ly cured, and proper remedies lent--can i f u lly packed—by Express to any part of the toiletry. In every case a plain description of Use dis ease is required. Address Dr..itachlrhol,, 50 North stb Street, Philadelphia, Proprietor and Manufacturer of Dr. Lounaberry- Co Celebrated Imperial Depnrative, the best and most rehablvFamily Medicine of the Nineteenth Century, tur the ccre of all Unarms origioallng in impprities of the blood. • • Jan, 19,1859. 3n; 1101taTALOaseeived at B.A .11- N'S a eplendidk ~lz . I:llWasili d iher, is will be so}d ch • n ' aTATIONL*Y. stiortaient of St t'• abeam thou eter. Z., -ix
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers