1,.”0 41:'W.1116')11-1*Irolnil-M41 I/1112 a., • • 14 -s, Inv v IL J. MILE ' *IMO* 4ND PaoritllToit • 1. GETTYSBURG, PA Xond&y Morning, Feb. 7, 1859. NEWS, ETC IffrltesnlutionS have been introduced into the Senate'of the State ofN ea - irk, instruct ing the Representatives in Congress from that State, to favor the appropriation of thir iy millions for the purchase of Cuba. McCormick's patent for his improvement ja reaping machines expired on 31.inday, and the invention, therefore, becomes public pro- The Commissioner of Patents overrul ed the application fur the extension of the patent. William IL Prescott, the historian, died on Friday yr,sek , in Boston, very suddenly, from paralysis. Ile had been enjoying his usual Ismaili up to the moment of hit dcitth. Governor Hicks, of Maryland, declines to interfere in the case of Henry (lambrill, con victed of the murder of P..olice Officer Benton, Baltimore, and now under sentence of death for the crime. " Yrs. Sarah E. Shaw, whosi husband was killed on the Worcester Railroad, bad a ver ifiks, rendered in her favor, on Saturday, in `Boston, of $✓3,000. This snug little slam id enough to keep her comfortable fur the re ?malodor of her days. Suppose the Democratic party should be pbseured fur a season, for some cause or oth er, when has it failed to recover its strength land glory, renewing its hold upon the popu lar heart, and deepening its impress upon passing and coming events, at the earliest possible opportunity f . Don't forget to remember that an interest ing column of " hotoh-potch " is found uu the i tiartit page of this paper. The steamer Arago, from Havre, arrived at ?few Yu on Saturday week. The European war is rapidly increasing. Another drop dope per cent. in the French funds, and of a Calf pet cent. in the English, occurred, and every capitalist seemed endeavoring to 'protect himself from the coming storm. # sad accident occurred at Niagara Falls en-Saturday. An adopted son of Mr. Gibbs, foreman of the paper mills, accidently fell in to the river and was carried over the Ameri #s Fall, and of course lost. Miss Amelia Ross, aged 117 years, died fait month in England. She lived in the ' rips of five sovereigns of Great Britain. "'Lewis Cass, Tr., late minister in Rome, is at watering place in Swit;erland, suffering, 'it is rild, from paralysis. *in ; 'oley, a black man, has been arrest ed at Columbus, Ohio, charged with running off with and marrying a white girl of sixteen palm The New York Legislature got into the 41114 one session, of passing bills by their tigni, and a wag, taking advantage of the tirelessness, assisted at the enactment of the felowing clause in a bill inoorporating an ed rat:itionnl institution ; "Jt shall be the duty eras faculty of said institution, on every Sataidaierening, for the moral improvement or the pupils, to give than tessons is catechism clad' isernl philosophy, to kiss all the girls and ! peak aft the boys." • M. Gerber, of Northumberland county, pus visit to Philadelphia in December, 1831, renamed to Reading by way of the Schuylkill Cenal, with skates on the ice. Ile left the city ANT breakfast, and arrived at Reading on the erecting of the same day, in good health an. The distance made was upwards of pisty miles. .This feat attracted mach atten tion at the time. The San Francisco District Court lately de aided that a husband may kick his wife out of bed, if be has cause for jealousy, and the Wife has no remedy in divorce. This impor tant decision advises wives to be prepared to sprawl, as jealousy may any night get into "the Lead and heels of the husband. A bill has been introduced into the Louisi pins Senate, authorising gambling houses in New Orleans, and Sting the tax ur license at IslB,Qof/ per annum. Captain J..t00 Ziect.ra, formerly a clerk of the house of Representatives, is urged fur the next Democratic nomination for Auditor Peneral of Pennsylvania. Richardson L *right, of Philad'a., is also urged fbr the post. A.-iae lien of John Biles, residing in Wy ss:, Bradford county, Pa., on Saturday ev "lag, ate 23d, while playing with a loaded gptn, — aitaidentally shot his sister, aged 12, killing her instantly. A powder mill is about to be established at York. N. "The ugliest trade 3," said Jerrold, "have theta moments of pleasure. Noir if I were a grave digger, or even a hangman, there are some people I could work fur with a great Ideal of enjoyment." Among the curiosities shown at Aluwiek PION in gngland, is a rase taken from an Egyptian catacomb. It is full of a mixture if gum, resin, 4/4., which gives forth an aceuable odor at the present day, although prohatily fully 3000 years old ! Taittokilosophy, says Plato, consists !pore is *kr. constancy, justice, sincerity, and la love of our duty, than a great capacity. Nis hfiddleswortki, Esq., who many years age, figured prominently in tho House of Rep resents/kis-ea, and filled the speiher's chair with maw:liability, recently took hi; scat as an anszeisti Judge of the new county of Slry ilai. Although fully up to three score and tea. jt is 1100 a. he gives promise of at least sweaty Taut s more of usefulness and activity la public life. stets. Quitman, it is reporW, had atttibut el the muse of•his illness, which ended in till Lath, to poison administered at the laxonal Hotel, Washington. He asserted psi the victims of the " National Motel twil it/lye wan poisoned by amain mixed with V: J. Buchanan Henry, the nephew and _ipOinialonfaiptiary of the President, it is ritmor- FVte.- Asts - jp be married to a prepossessing • II of one of the officers of the Vitality contemplates resigning illiktaii •at the doss of this session, ana via * * yqlrew Torii to pratties law. higfrite l l it is 660 •:-.4•diertising hi Tke tee deaths from eholers occur ambii Tenn. cm the 1 4 th ult. IVOR A Tilt in tip Mato einste. On Wednesday week, when .tbe Tariff resolutions were ander consider ation, Mr. Senorlitm, of Warren, who is one of the lesser lights of tho newly made Republican converts, bat claimed to be an ardent Democrat in 1856, offer ed an amendment of sympathy for the President because sonee of his Cabinet do not entertain the same views in re gard to specific duties he does. Mr. S. attempted to justify this unnecessary attack upon Mr. BUCIIANAN, and asked in a semi-nasal twang, " what has be corqo of his [the President's] old friends —his old editor nod others? They had deserted him." This brought Mr. WEIJ3II, of York, to the floor, who pat in the following pointA rejoinder.— We copy from the Record : Mr. Wzr..sn said that the Senator from Warren intimated that there was a lack of disposition, on the part of the friends of the President, to sympathize with him. He was glad to see, if any of his friends were prepared to desert Inn, that some of his old friends were coming back to him. Ile recollected sitting side by side with the Senator from Warren, in State Convention, and voting with him for delegates to the Cincinnati Convention to sustain James Buchanan. Since then the Senator had left him; but ,ho was happy now to see , that whilst some of the friends of fir. Buchanan were deserting liiin,old ones were coming back. With all respect for the views and character of the Senator from Warren, ho would ask him to withdraw the •amendment. What good, ho asked, could be accom plished by it? As Senators, we aro gathered together to legislate upon im portant interests to the Commonwealth, to protect her rights, and subserve those interests, by every fair and honorable menus in our power. There was a vi talprmeiple involved in these resolutions —vital to the industry, er.crgy, and vast natural resources of the State; and when ho came into the Senate chamber, this morning, from what he had heard of the views of Senators with reference to them, ho did nut for 0110 moment sup- peso that any obstacle uould be inter posed to their passage. . The Senate had been told that it was of vast: importance to the interests of Pennsylvania, that these resolutions should pass. If it is so, why not pass them, and lay aside all party fooling and prejudice, as became men imbued with a sense of the high responsibility which rests upon them . While voting upon this measure, if Senators cannot all heartily agree with t4 . President, in hispoeition upon other qii&tions,they should regard, simply, the principle in volved, and not come here with inde cent personal and party flings. Ile did not, he said, stand hero the defen der of the President. A long life.of usefulness to his colinrry, both at home ' and abroad ; the proud positions ho had occupied; the measures of public inte rest and importance which he had orig inated and so ably advocated ; the ap plause white had greeted him in the discharge of his high duties fa the most critical and trying times—these were a sufficient defence against any indecent partizan flings which could bo made a gainst him. f.fe did not rise, he con tinued, for the .purpose of stirring up any political feeling. On the contrary, he offered the olive branch ; and he but asked that wo would be mot by Sena tors of the Opposition in the same way —not with words which were intended to divide or embitter them in the work of striving to secure for the State that which her vital interests demand. Opposition Economy. It is really astounding to observe how particularly anxious Opposition office holders are to reduce the expenditures of our State government. To show their prolbund concern for the interests of the tax-payer, we will briefly relate an incident that lately took place in the lower house of our State Legislatnre.— The seat of Mr. Or.ivxa Evans, a Dem. ocratic member from Philadelphia, was contested by a Black Republican, but Mr. Evans was pronounceii fairly and properly elected. Now, bo it remem bered that this case underwent a strict investigation by a committee made up almost entirely of Opposition members, - and be it also remembered that the present House is largely Opposition, the proportion being nearly two of the latter to one Democrat. With all these advantages in his favor, Mr. Evans' op ponent was declared to have no right to the seat which he claimed. When the House had rendered this decision, ono would have supposed that the mat ter was at an end. Quito different, i however, was the opinion of the virtu. ous Opposition. It would never do to let, their disappointed friend go home without reaping wine benefit for his patriotic efforts to obtain a seat to whit-li they were compelled to decide he was not entitled. So, presto ! they 'vote him jive dollars per day for every Iday lie had been in :attendance at Har risburg, in his capacity as. contestant for the scat of Mr. Evans ! Our rea ders will, perhaps, remember that the men who squander the public funds in this style, are the same fellows who sometimes talk about the "extravagant expenditures" of Democratic officers.— Bedford Gazette. IL United Democracy. A recent Washington letter says : " Since my last communication, I Ond the work of uniting the Democratic party goes bravely on. This goad work is fast destroying the hopes of Republi canism. Now that Judge Douglas has secured big seat in the Senate for six years longer, ho cannot, be drivep to act. farther against the Democratic party. Forney is furious at this ; ho sees that he cannot use the Judge in gratifying his revenge-against Mr. BucHANAN." atirThe election for State officers by the Indiana Legislature resulted in the success of the Democratic ticket throughout; State Prison Director, Ca nal Commissioner, State Printer, State Agent and State Librarian, arc all L'• , • LBGIALIALTIVN. Much of the time of the Legislature is ooeupiod with applications for char tem for Passenger Railroads in Phila delphia—as was the case last winter. In the Senate, on Tuesday last, Mr. Brewer presented a petition from citi zens of York and Adams counties, praying for the re-charter of the Hano ver Savings Fund Society. Mr. Welsh two of Pim! la r import. Mr. Welsh also presented a petition from e.tizens ofYork county, for the abolition of the office of County School Superintendent. Mr. Shaffer presented a petition from citi zens of Lancastercounty, for the repeal of the law increasing the fees of Dis trict Attornics. On Friday, in the Senate, Mr. Brewer presented two petitions from citizens of Adams county and one for citizens of Franklin county, praying for the pas sage of a law for the protection of doer. The Tariff. In the United States Senate, on Mon day last, Mr. BICILER, of this State, of fered the following important resolution, and asked for it as early a considera tion as possible : Resolved, That as, in the opinion of the Senate, the creation of a large pub lic debt in “ time of peace is inconsist ent with the true. policy of the United States, and, as the present revenues are insufficient to meet the unavoidable ex penses of the government, Congress should proceed, w•thout delay, to so re adjust the revenue laws its not only to meet the deficit in the currentexpenses, but to pay off the present debt, so far as it may be liable to immediate ez..ncel lotion. liar 11 o Louisville Juitraa/ says the Now York Tribune and the Times have Republicanism on the dissecting board for a post, mortem examination. The ....4 Trib ne accuses the Times of having stra led it alter its birth. And the Ti retorts that the Tribune overlaid it. Between the twain they have done it to death, and the crowners' quest are now setting on it. skir-A. 8.11.4..unr0x, Esq , of Ilarris burg, has again been chosen State Prin ter. Mr. Hamilton executed the public printing for tho past three years in a highly satisfactory manner, and wo are pleased that ho has again proven the successful bidder. lierho ultimate acqusition of Cuba may be considered as a fixed purpose of the United States—a purpose resul ting from geographical pocesaities, which have been recognized by all par ties and all administrations, and in re gard to which the popular voice has been expressed with a unanimity un surpassed on any question ofpublic pol icy that has heretofore engaged the public mind. liiir A gathering of Anti-Slaveryites at Albany, last week, "Resolved, That the Union is a covenant with death, and ought to be annulled—an agree ment with hell, which a just God can not permit to stand—and that it is the paramount duty of all to seek its imme diate overthrow." The fools are not all dead yet, nor the knaves all hung. The Case of Marion (Drop.—Sentence of Denth.—Judgo Price, on Saturday week, over-ruled the motion for a now trial in the case of Marion Crop, con victed of the murder of officer Rigdon. The prisoner was immediately there upon sentenced to be hung on suchday as the Governor may designate. Judge Prieto, in passing the awful sentence of the law upon the prisoner, delivered some appropriate and feeling remarks, but the prisoner remained unmoved throughout. tiiirDavall, who killed Mr. Fischer, a German tavern-keeper, in Baltimore, some months. since, was, on Friday last, found gillty of murder in the first degree. Terrible Affair.—A Mole Family Burned to Death !—A shocking calami ty occurred near Allegheny City, Pa., on Monday night about. 1 o'clock, invol ving the loss of the lives of a man na med Rogers, his wife, and four out of five children. The Pittsburg Journal says : This Rogers and wife had, it seems from the evidence of the neighbors, for sometime given themselves up to hard drinking, and though he owned the property on which ho lived, yet so 'worthless had ho become that the fam ily had been supported by the neigh bors out of Charity. lie and his wife frequently bad quarrels, and so common had their quarrels and noises became to the neighbors that but little attention was paid to them. Screams were heard by the neighbors in the house before the fire wax discovered by them, but supposing that they were, as usual, oc casioned by a drunken fight, and as they were known to have been drunk all 'day, nothing was thought of it till the flames were non. But it was too late ; the drunken husband and wife, father and mother, were consumed in theirst story, while the cries of poor innocent children, the innocent victims of the infernal vice of their parents, went up in hopeless agony from the second story, where the merciles4 flames had encircled them with their fiery and fatal wreaths before human aid had reached them. The only one saved was a boy who got out on the porch:— The house was dry and burned like a flash. All that. human aid could do was done, but, it came too late. The two cities and neighborhood are thrilled with horror at this occurrence. Rogers was ' a carpenter by trade, and the eldest child that perished was not over ten years of age. Tlie one which made its escape was eleveq or twelve years old. sir The oranso trees of South Caro lina are now in bloom. Kr Blank Sale Notes for sale_st this office tffir t Watang Court February 24. Lc:)oE+. l .A_fraire_ FEBRCARY INTEREST The semi-annum! interest on the Gettysburg Railroad 113,Mds due on the Ist instant, is promptly paid as called for, by Cul, McCIA L . I.Ari. the Treasurer of the Company. There is no lack of funds to meet it. These Bonds are among the very best, be cause entirely secure, investments of the day. That the Road will, under all circum stances. pay the working expenßem. the in terest on the bond., and leave a handsome surplus, is no longer que..tionable. ALIWST A IME Wo learn that the residence of our friend Pica Pima, in Mountjoy township, came near destruction by fire week before last. The family were up quite early in the morning, soon after which the roof was discovered to b e en fire in several Owes, burning in a bright wore s b u l t al u e. prompt efforts the flames serious damage was od done. It is supposed that the roof caught from sparks froth the chimney. AKOTIIIII:—Tbe house occupied by Mr. mAnTi , iy aa a s x, in West /diddle street, in this place, was in imminent danger of being deitroyed by fire on Friday night hat. at about 10 o'clock. It seems th a t a partition in the house caught from a stove pipe, the flames from which communicated with a bed close by, and then to the roof. The bed was nearly consumed, but by timely assistance further damage was prevented. RELIC:I.OI:S APPOINTMENTS. ' The Peunty Irani& Conference of the United Brethern in Christ, held annual meet ing in Mechanicsburg, on the 19th ult., Bish op Lilossbreuner presiding, and subsequently adjourned to meet at Turk, in January, 1860. We find the folloviing appointments iu the York papers: Z. A. Culestock, P. E. York station, J. C. Smith ; York circuit, J. C. Wentz; Liverpool, W. liutuberger ; York Springs, J. G. Shwa; Paradise mission, J. 11. Junes ; Rev. W. itaber is re-appointed to Chamberisburg sta tion. LETCL'RES The remaining Lectures of the course be fore the Young Men's Christian Association will be delivered iu the following order ; Rev. J. It. Keiser, Friday evening, Feb. 11. Rev. Prof. Jawbs, " ". 18. Dr. Chas. Honer, " .‹ Rev. Dr. Krauth, " " Match 4. D. 31'Conaugliy, Esq., " '• 11. The Lecture by Itov. Mr. KEISER, on Fri day evening nest, will be delivered in the Presbyterian Church, at 7 o'clock—stibject " Power of Individual Influence." TIH WEATHER, During the past week, has been " every thing by turas, but nothing lung." Sun shine, rain, and snow, have followed each other in such rapid succession, as to indicate (in the language of Commodore Griswold) just no climate at all." Too much, care cannot be taken in. regard to dress these "changeable " days. , RAILROAD SURVEY We learn from the Hanover Spectator that JftEPII S. Gtrr, Esq., Civil Engineer, has completed an instrumental examination of the route of the proposed Railroad from New Oxford to East Berlin. The survey' was commenced on Wednesday of week before last, and completed on the following Satur day. The corps consisted of some sixteen or eighteen persons, with a number of specta tors. * The result of the survey is not yet given. SUDDEN DEATH Mr. JOHN &nose, who resided a few }riles from this place, and near Mt. Mope, died very suddenly on the evening of the 26th ult. Ile was on a visit to the house of Mr. ions A. Sn►NK, and in the act of mounting his horse to return Ip?me, - when he fell to? the ground, and in a few momenta espired ip the arms of Mr. S., who bad raised him ap.— One of his legs was broken either by the fall or the animal stepping upon it. Apoplexy was doubtless the cause of his death, se we learn he had bad a previous attack. Mr. S. was advanced in life and a rums mach re- Ppected.—Wayaaboro' Record. FUNERAL OF MR. YOKILL The remains of Serg. Gunn; Yoctu., of Philadelphia, whose death in tau Osumi was noticed in our last, were interred in ,that city on Wednesday. The funeral forage consisted a delegation of the Cadwallader Greys, the Scott Legion, and the members of the Franklin Fire Company, Beck's Brass Band, end a nninher of citizens. His body was first conveyed to the Church of St. Philip d'Neri, where an impressive funeral seiTibe rem performed. The procession then moved to the Catholic' Cemetery, where the body was interred with the honors of war- r the Cadwallader Grays firing three salutes. BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS Special attention is invited to the Baltimore business cards in this issue of Tna Coxpli.sa. They embrace many of the best houses in the city, in the different trades,—such as may ho implicitly relied on by all having dealings with them. Such of our readers as may visit the city will lose nothing by giving our advertisers there a call. JOBBING We hare made still further additions to the Job Printing department of oar establish ment, and are better prepared than over to execute any work in that line. Farmers' and others who are about to sell et public or private rale, would do well by calling atTnit COXPlua ofSem. adr-At the recent city election in Lexing ton, Kentucky, the Democrats were suocess ful—for the first time during sevoral years. This fact we are happy to chronicle, as we are the subsequent fact that our friend JNo. W. BrrraNate, Esq., formerly of this county, (grand-son of Hon. D. Suerrra, of York Springs,) has been chosen, by the Council, Clerk of the city. That he will do credit to the station we are very certain. The Receipts and Expenditures of Adams county for 1858 will be found in sub sequent columns. The statement is of a highly satisfactory charader. The operations of the Mummasburg Mutual Fire Protection Soc&y ire alas given is our advertising columns, and the exhibit is s very encouraging one. sitrFor fest class vegetable, always oom mend nt to Mr. Putt.tr ll : autuxo, of C1LM0 1 444 13 4 township. Ile ;wanted us the other day with aevoral "meow" of Parsnips, than which we never ate bettert T large, too der and not "stringy." Mr. ji, has our thanks—and may his shadow never grow less. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. The general annual meeting of the stock holders of-the Northern Central Railroad Company was held, on Wednesday last, at Calvert Station, in the city of Baltimore. Af ter the reading of the report of the President, the election for Directors was grand into, which resulted in the choice of the following ticket, in favor of which what is termed the Pennsylvania interest" threw its influence: —Adam Denmesd, Wm. T. Walters, James Frazier, Wm. Derries, J. 11. Rieman, Peter Mowell, Wm. I). Miller, W. E. Mayhew, A tone E. Kapp. Simon Cameron, Alex. Small, William Colder, Jr. The first eight gentle men named on this ticket are citizens of Bal. titnore, and the fonr latter citizens of Penn sylvania. Only two on the list are of the old board, viz : Messrs. Frazier and Mayhew. At six in the evening the new Board con vened, when Zeno. Barnum, Esq., the late President. resigned, that the new adminis tration might at once complete its organiza tion. The resignation was accepted, and duo. S. Gittinge, Esq.. of Baltimore, chosen Presi dent for the ensuing year. We subjoin the following abstract of the annual report, bringing its affairs down to the end of 'the year, 31st December, 1858. The revenge fur the past year has been— ;Prom- -- V312.0:1! Os - has Fewait, - - 010,004 34 . - Prose tl.o .1 GO - grow aosthiss . .- - 4,709 46 15.373 33 Working ripsaw, 61,15 pw seat. - -$8 421,83 i 31 . --- Net novenae - -- 11391,661 64 To which add,- Interest oa brook of Wrightsville, York and liettyabere Railroad Co. 11.1,1116 00 'mama oa d.bt of Of ri , York and list. Railroad Co 1,9460 Cil Dividend on stock of Wri., York and list. Railroad Co. 3.440 30 Total- - - • $1401,:..1a3 13 • DlMlRlMilltidialll For 'stored on the coaupaoyir bowled debt. 11 , 25.,915 00 For intsrest as bends °fibs Wei., Y. sail O. Railroad Co. 1,969 39 For interest on debt of Um Wri , Y. and O. Railroad Co. 3,195 CD Fur divides(' as stock of Wil , Y aad U. Railroad Co. 6,915 10 For sinking fund of Use Wri., Y. goad U. Railroad Co. 6.896 42 For accidents dtb Mardi and 4th JalJ, ltifet. e,oin WI For sundry old claims 31T IS Fur iutorast and escliaars 794 10 Leaving u surplus mats - Notwithstanding the depressed condition of the industrial interesta of the region adja cent and tributary to the road, with almost a total failure of the crop in this section of the country, the receipts of the road show an in crease of $79,068 23 as compared with the 'previous year. This increase is altogether attributable to the facilities offered to trade and travel. by the opening of the road to Sunbury, while the working expeohes of Cie road fur the same period are at the rate of 51.- 85 per cent. on the gross income, showing n decrease of 9.43 per cent. as compared with those of the past year. BARTOOLOMEW'S WASHINGToN Many of our citizens have observed with the pleasure it is calculated to inspire, the elegant statue of Washington which adorns the front of the clothing establishment of Messrs. Walker & Co., on Baltimore street, between Calvert and Light streets, recently elevated tot the niche reserved fur its recep tion. It is a superb work of art, and a con tribution W American genius and public taste eminently 'creditable to the. proprietors of the building. It has a melancholy signifi cance as the production of an American ar tist of great promise—indeed of great achieve ments—though at the beginning of a career hopeful of the highest distinction. lie now lies buried in a foreign land, and his works remain the mementoes of his talent, energy and perseverance; his history an exemplary page in the annal s of American genius. The Washington which now adorns our city will be to us an object of pride, as a memorial of him it represents and of the artist who produced it. As a work of art it challenges admiration, The easy grace and dignity of the man ate most plc.vsingly exprovied in the figure ; and none can gaze upon the serene majesty of the face and brow without a re newed sense of veneration for the noble char acter which adorns with• so much lustre the early history of our conntry.—Bull. Sun. )`Whilst in Baltimore, a few days since, oar attentinn was arrested, in passing, by this admirable work of art—reflecting as it doer the masterly skill of Mr. BARTSOLOIMW, and the open-handed liberality of Messrs. WALLER ot CO. We advise oar friends visit ing the eity to stop and take a long look at it. Some time Is required in viewing the stat ate, in order to appreciate its many striking points. A CHANGE We learn that Thomas T. Wierman, for merly Resident Engineer on the Penney!ye ah' al, at limiting lon, has been promoted to the situation ofEngineer and Superintend ent of that work. Mr. De Puy, ho was plated in charge of the canal department af ter the purchalie of the Main line by the Perin. Railroad Co., has been for some time Superintendent of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne Chicago Railroad, and Mr.Wiernaan repla ces him on the Ceuta. From what we can learn of the latter gentleman and from the fact of his being advanced to so important a post we judge that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has but added another to its no toriously able corps ofemployees.—Coluarbia SPY gfirTrne, every -word, neighbor of the Spy. Mr. WIZIMAN is entirely competent fur that, as he would be fur any other post, requiring honesty, energy and brain, within the gift of the Company. iiirllr. PHILIP Datasoa has been elected Orderly Sergeant of the independent Blues, in place of C. X. MARTI N, resigned. This is an excellent selection, as Philip does every thing well which he undertakes. lfir'At the recent communion in St. James' (Lutheran) Church in this place, Rev. J. R. KZIPKW, Pastor, 21 persons were added to the membership by confirmation, 3 by certifi cate and 1 by baptism. ,'The Baggage Car was thrown from the track, and the pedestals broken off, at noon on Wednesday last, in Weible's cut. No other damage was done. NNIGYA Will Mr. F. it. B. please ansWer the fol :owing Enigma? lam composed of 20 letter?: My 1 16 12 15 is an indefinite adjective prongs 2 9 16 is often used by a sick person. 3 18 6 7 is a preposition. 4 16 6 is part of a week. 7 4.2 8 is a rduge fur the dead. 8 17 19 16 20 is something we eat. 10 3 4 is something chewed by animals. 11 3 6 is an adverb. 12 19 16 18 is what some people are. 14 9 16 4 is found in mines. 20 16 2 13 is a kind of fruit. My whole is what every boy ended should do. ar a. a. Answer to Enigma in bust Compiler:— "John Quincy Adams." lirAnswer to Algebraical Problem in The Cue Tiler two weeks ago : 5. IMP TO THE RIGHT- lionteeteedlleL This injunction pedestrians should never The House, OD Tuesd ay hut, pissed forget. If in passing aloe g crowded thorough- by yeas 120, nays 76, a Homestead bill, fares, they would "keep to the right," as t h e providing that any pers on w h o hi the law directs, many unpleasant collisions and head of a family over twenty-oneyear4 of age, and a oaisen of the U. States, much annoyance and hindrance would be or who has filed an intention to be avoided. Nothing is more disagreeable than conic such aeoording to the naturalize to come up to a stranger in the street, each lion laws, shall be entitled to enter tine going in a different direction, and find one's quarter section of any vacant or mia self brought to a stand still to prevent the appropriated land, and hold the same appearance of rudeness—to step to the right on condition of actual settlement and to ailow the stranger to pass, and to find that cultivation. ho has made the same movement, and to again `4O. - step back and again find him directly in front lion. WILSON MCCANDLESS has of you—both er.deavoring to be polite, and yet boon appointed Judge of the U. S. trict Court at Pittsburg, in plachis e of both confused and annoyed by failing to ob- serve the rule of keeping to the right. H Judge Irwin, resined. ow - ever narrow the walkway the extensive crinolines move straight ahead, swerving neither to the one side nor to the other, compelling the sterner sex to take to the borders of the pavement. iffirMr. Pima? A. Mums has been ap pointed Postmaster at New Chester, in this county, in place of Mrs. E. Ileinard, resigned. gar Th e Ilanorerians are talking of num bering the houses in that place. Nut 141 bad idea, and one which we hope will be agitated here. gfirA large Ball took place at Fisher's hotel, in Taneytown, on Tuesday night last. Hermit Sucurz, of liontington township, slaughtered a steer a few days ago, which weighed 1152 'pounds, clean mat t Hard to beat. Mar Our friend W. W. Wivanr, Esq., in London, has our acknowledgments fur sev eral copies of " the Thunderer," The Tunes. 11,641 59 The Democratic Candidate for Nov Elected !—At the municipal election in Lancaster on Tuesday last, George San derson, Democrat, Editor of the _Neill gencer, was, elected Mayor, over the present incumbent, Thomas H. Bur rows, Opposition, by seven majority.— The vote cast was a heavy ono. 311.992 23 - 1189,213 38 -The London Times, the Emperor Napoleon and the SpatsishCortes aro all "down" on President Buchanan's Mes sage. A good sign, that. war Mr. Mclntosh, formerly of the Howard House, Baltimore, has leased Jones's Hotel, in Chesnut. street., Phila delphia. o® - We find in an exchange paper the statement that seventy-two white fe males were married to black men in Massachusetts last, year ! If this bo so it is carrying out the abolition doctrine to practical results. ThP Franklin Railroad.—T he I lagers town Mail states that Franklin railroad bonds to the amount of 550,000 have been talked in that county, which ren ders certain the relaying of the road, at an early day. siirAt Dubuque lowa, lately, an old lady kicked a boy at whom she became angry, with such force that she ruptu red a blood-vessel, and died in a short tun°. \ O_pecial Notices_ i • COVIIIR or SICOND .XD OSZLII STARITt. PIICLADCLPEttI, antsfacturers of White Load, Zioe, Patty. Tarnishes, to. Whatnots dealers in Drugs, Winton Ulan, Be.— City and Country Merchants wbo desire to p•rehaae from • select stack and at acceptable prices Sr. reapeetfally re ganotad to Inspect our goods. Our White Lead, Zinc, Putty, and Tarniabas, are saki by more than one thousand Wholeoale Jobbing Mouses thoodwat tha Union, and give unloosed satisfaction. 10"liot one coanplitiel los star rosebed 11M.,a) Bead your orders direct. lib.:, IRS 9. ly HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND RILLS.—Is ularroas disorders, whets the vitality of the parbradected is partial ly destroyed, Holloway's renovating uneent rooms in the paralysed gosh mod *eroded blood the **meats of reproduction. While penetrating through the absorbeote to the ease* Karroo of the disorder, It opens Ms pores for the exhalation of the v laid and paruleatneetter neer the surface, and imparts a degree of vigor to ail the external vessels, which enables there rapidly to replace the car replies thus discharged, with mound Serb. All gatherings, sores, boils, glandular gunpoint**, etc , are readily cured In this way, the care being assisted and expedite! by the Internal operation alb* Pills. "ALL RIGHT! DX SAIITY."—De Panty, tble great saywilertons De Paoty, sUll mmalos at the Cyrus station of the Atlantic holograph, with Invent smistants, atm, by night and by day. are watchit4 fo; " signals," " broken currents," aainlielllgible transmissions," and all that sort of thing. About the best thing De Panty cao do Is to drop his iondliectoal vitro-working and dome no to Phila delphia where be out be free from satiety. sad mojoy the luxury of wearing each otagant garments as are load' at the Brows Stone Clothing Hall of Itorkblll & It Ilion, Nos. DX and 606 Chostoot street above Path. DTSPEPlllA.—Considering the vartoot forms in which this disease disivelopee Itself, it may well be called ,‘ hydra heeded." In Its train follow indigestion, Pain In Ptossech, Heartburn. Water Brash, Costiveness, Piles, Acidity, Oppression after Batirq, Jsuodiee. llatulen:y, Torpor of the Liver, Dizziness. Debility, female Com- ' Oasts, ke. Bonze of the first men in our loot litre given their written certificates relative to the cures effected In their own per by the Oxygenated Bitters , while tea- Umowfals from other sources, editorial opinions and vol- eatery =prosaicism from persons who are averse to tee their Manse la plot, are perfectly overwhelming. Lead the following from a highly respectable CreiTy- OMB Tn tba Editor e,f the Portland Illrfor.—Str Oxygenated Bitters —For more than twenty.dve years I have been seafarer from the drsperssia. Ileeidevi trying the Wigwag of my family physicians In the al moat uteheas trial of their various prescriptions. I hare tried a great variety of patent tnedlcinsts with a similar result. Thrn' the Madams' of my physician, I received last Birch, half a &sea bottles of the Dargenated Bitters I began to use them without say hope of deriving help from them. Ilis. leg determined to give them a fair trial, I continued their a.,, bat without any perceptible benefit tell June. Sine* then I have gradually i n‘pn,r Oa in health till I , am mainly free from acidity of the stomach, and from the consequent ftataleney, and the awful and al,ost dia. l treating sat headache, which often. Om days together. boa wholly smelted me for study sad (or all other ministariak deities, and renlered life a burden. 1 feel that I owe it, r v firearm of gratitude to Daman fowls A Co., sod also a duty to the public, to recommend their Oxygenated Bitters, as. In my estimation, a cane remedy for that moat trywag, moat vexing, and excel of all disesses, to which poor ' bases Rea is heir, the dyspepsia Having safer, ao long, and tried so many dithweat remedies with no good malt, I cau recommend the Crtgetated Bitters with a coo- ; edemas few others can If any of the readers of the Mirror are faltrinti I beg of %boat to make trial of these Bitters ' without dola. R by Nth W Fowls k Co . Heston, and tor sale Iter7 s 2rHoetttor, Gettysburg; Jacob ralweiler, Mammas. berg; M. Sittatir. New Oxford; D. N Hollinger, Abbott*. tows ; fast Berlin: Peter &blitz. Hemp. tote; Wm. D. Metcalf, Tork Spring.; and by all dealer, ; amdielam. [Jaa.l7. 4, roc TO* Compile r Errltle GIIAS ENGLUND BIM'WY JAMAS CLAMED'S 0 fixate Dicta, pripsted from a itimmtiption by Jilt J. Clarks, M. D. Physkiatt Kantor glow, to the gams. This will known medicine le so ho pes:ties, Meta mans aad Ws ready for litomlit Difileoltim sad Olmtewetkimr, from anytime .hate Ter; mid Mtboogis • penniefel remedy, they emetaio nothirg hurtful to the toomeltibition. To ItLaatso Lamas It I. psealll2l7 "'W it will, is a abort Kam, beteg me the proiethlyporiod with reiralarlty. These Pills bars' novo been team to WI where the &M UM 011111 d pip a pamphlet us won oboerred . Pat rattiter pertiooders tot • pamphlet (r•• 0 ( UP atm*. N. 3.-411 sod I pestle stamps eaelosed to sew melbor. feel epee, wall home a bottle, eoatelabis tau 10 pills, by Meru sail. T. W. Drat & lon, Wballissie Agsaft, Plillaielphis.— A. D. Brolgsr, Awe, Ulit ty abort. 1114711, MS. 17 Irr boa vertisecoent of Dr Sanfoni's Li TIM 1.1 6 / 1 101- Area, la another eolasoo. Lancaster Election ZIEGLER k SXITH, EA"? TArrroN, Mau Fib 9, IbbB Marriaci._ On the lath ult., by the Rey. J. Martin, Mr. DAVID W MYERS, of Camberlaud oonoty, to Was CATHARINE HOWE, of Adams county. On Ht. 16th alt . by tb • same, Mr. DANIT.L MONS to MINI MARY SMITH, tuan o f York mo t h,. On the I.t lost , V 7 the same, Mr. NOAH,. nun to Ulm MARY JANE GILLILAND, all of Adams eanst.f. On the Name day, by the mime, Mr. JOHN LUTZ, of enuaborland county, to bliss AMANDA TOOMEY, of Adams ooaaty. On the 3cl inst., by the Rev. I. II Rolf Ulna, Mr. JA• COD EIRNISMAN to Mat MANDLLLA 11011:DISHILLL, of East Berlin, Ps. Oa the 11th ult., at the Conowago Chapel, Mr PURA P DOCtiki RIMY to Miss SARAH RIAZAWSZLI aditTlt, both of Oxford township. On the 20th ult.. by the Rev. I'. Wllltaim, Mr Alu m LAU KON It to Mow ANN E. NAL!, troth of Frederica. county, Md. D Jed_ On Thursday week, in Cumberland township, Kr. JOON 11Y1411. aips.l 64 years. Ou Thursday mornsorg last, after a voiles Ranee, MAX RNLI. ksq. uf Liberty lawman*, this Peaty, --amass highly esteemed by all who keen him. Oa friday week, la York, Idajur (nun= K. SMY RNA, aged 33 years cod 4 mouths. On the 20th alt , In Littleatown, MARY ANN )IRYLRY. aged 10 years 1 month Lod Stedare. Oa Use 17th alt . LOCNJAkIIN Y , moo of John M. UM Sa w= Paton, of Otrabaa Wow lap, aed 6 pats 11 month& sad 19 diva. The Marlmat._ GETTYSBURG—SA.I%I'O.4v trim Sdperfiue. Flour Rye F10ur...... .. Wheat Coro, Rye. ...... Oats Buckwheat......., Buckwheat Meal Clover Seed Timothy Seed.... Flax 5eed..... ... Barley Plaster of Paris.-- Pork 1 0o _ 8 50 to 6 75, 1 50 to 1 75 1 20, 70 7 00. 6 75 102 BALT IliOßK—FamkT !.u? Flour Wheat Rye Corn Data Clover Seed Timothy Seed Beef Cattle, per blind lino, per hued Ray —....—... Whiskey Guano, Peruvian, per ton ii A NO V FM-THURSDAY LAAT Flour, from wagons.-- ........ —... 5 25 5 75 .....—.. 1 12 to 1 25 - Ir. .....- ...... .-... C 2 50 ••• ..... 6 DO ..... ...... ...... 2 00 ••-• ...• 6 25 front stores Whent it~e Corti. oats. . ... Clover Seed.. Timothy Seed YOILK—iIawAY Llll2. Flonr, from wag0na.......—......... 5 00 Do. from stores-- . .... 5 75 Wheat .. 1 'l.O to 1 30 . 7t;Rye Te Corn 65 ' 46' Oats Clover Seed C 00 Timothy Seed 1 7 4 .1 G 50. Plaater Public Sale OF VAIKABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY.— The subscriber will sell at public sale, at his residence, in Stmban township, Adams coun ty, about two miles west of htunterstown, 011 rileaday, the Bth day of March nest, the folio% iug . personal plioperty, viz: 2 working Horses, 1 two-year old colt, amileh cows, 4 head of young cattle, 1 brolls•I 4014 , 1 three-horse broad-tread wagon, and lime bed, (both new,) spring wagon. for one or two horses, (uew,) four-horse tripple guar threshing ma chine with 47 feet of shaft, (good as new.) patent winnowing mill, (good as flew,) cornfodder cut ter, corn sheller for hood or horse power, Shrill er's patent corn planter, (new,) ploughs and bar rows, double shovel plough, cultivator, double and single trees, spreaders, one-horse dung fork. jack screw, roller, wood sled, hay carriage, cut ting box. scotching mill, h&serake, work bench, cider mill, for hand and horse power, cross-cut saw, ladder 29 feet long, log chains, horse gear 4, wagon saddle, side saddle, halters, rakes and forks; bay by the ton; mowing scythes, grain cradles, lot of bags, air-tight cooking stove, two ten-plate stoves and pipe, kitchen cupboard, bedsteads, bureaus, tables and chairs, cider bar rels, lot of potatoes. and a great variety of other article, too numerous to mention. play -Sale to commence at B o'clock, A. X., on Paid day, when attendance will be given ILOik terms made known by Feb. 7. is Public Sale. . subscriber will sell at public outcry, at his residence, in Huntington township, ono ml e north-east of Ileidlersburg, on Wednesday, the 2d of March nezt, the following_ralnahle per sonal property, viz: 4 WORK HORSES, 2 colts, G mulch cows, 6, young cattle, 2 sheep, a pair of hogs, l broad tread three-horse wagon, 2 light wagons, ploughs, harrows, field roller, shovel ploughs, corn fork, single, double and three-horse trees, spreaders, horse rake, horse gears, saddles and bridles, log and cow chains, cutting box, grindstone, wheel barrow, grain cradles, grass scythes, rakes, forks, mattocks, shovels and hoes; oak shingles, plank, poete, rails, and fencing boards; hay by the ton. or stack, and potatoes by the bushel. Alai, bureau, corner cupboard, chairs, cook stove, ten plate stove, and it variety of other esti/des too numerous to insert. `Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., when,due attendance and a long credit will be A BasifiA3l FICKES MITI Feb. 7. ts* Wall Paper. W E as h s a ort ve m j en us t t cr.ertrAellropTipthe ci ER Ly d a li lim ../10 W . BLINDS, of the latest styles v and will he sold at the lowest rates possible. • We have also the best and cheapest article of Window Blind FIXTCREB that are in the market. We have still on hand a good assort-, t i ment of Hats, Shoes, llamas, and other articles in our line of business. (live us a call—we will sell at prices to suit the times. COBBAN Iv CULP. February 7, 1859. Statement OF TUE BANK Of GETTYBIIIRIO. Febnitry 1, 1859. . Again,. Loans and discounts, $216,907 74 Stock of the Commonweetlth a $4,149 70. Specie', $6,416 A Due by other Banks, $9,857 Is, Notes of other Banks, 11,1210 011 Stocks, ' . ' 74, Bonds, Jodgments, 69 Rest estate, b ' ilt9" - w,371 90 ri eurniqi Circulation, Ain --- 1 .. 32.,' 335 00 Deposites, • " ' $8.590 53 Doe to other Itiovis 13;210 - 66 , M 1 1 lg. The etateseeot is :wrest to the baste ay koowiedto mad boiler.t • T. D. CARSON.jimitier. Allratect-ao4 indocribod before me.. Ow. AssoLD,J. P. , rue, 1859. •••• 5 25 3 35 ...1 12 to 1 20, 62 70 50. 50 5 75 to 6 00 1 30 to 1 70k ...... 75 to 89 ..... 71 to 77 44 to ti% '1 00 to 7 12 2 00 to 2 25 ...... 700 tolo .. 7 50 to 8 50 . 13-00 tol7 00 37 to 20 62 00 MICHAEL HOHF.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers