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'' .. : , I I : . ~ :• I ‘ ' : t n it h b fitl i n 'i t l 7 ll" o l o l: l lllo4 blit . . , ... t r . : %... . I. ' 1 14. ' Allen W . S h r ite =l lll. ' l ' " *4- 5 1 o , + , - • -•-- -f., ,- 2 : •• . ' •ii ,, .•,. - -2.....,,•,• ' . 4 uur - ... • ,r. ,...,,.. • ......, Ar e " .„ ._.•.,,.: ~... ~. .„... , „...., ~.....,. .. ~ .. ~.,,...„ "ii: , . • •: , " •,.. ,'',lP.llt Tititre! -• 73:- --.. , , _ • a ~ ... • - . ~ * , , Vora -.• n e s : i i i i i ,4 zeis .. . , ..- . - --, -• ~ . ii . .. t . _. ..•• . . . , .. • " - • • • . ~ pro‘-en „-• . .,, : „;„ i, , ,... „...., ..4. • ...... ''.•• ..... - ` fi ps afV 4 iiiiti - Orsi saa his- - ."- , ~ . , ... . - . . . . . . It thi. _, -', ,e!q* • ..-4., , -, . • lif • . ..... -. _ _ & . -. .. - ;_,;. 1 ..,.- . ~A• *pip : : ' ._„. . i '..l. ' to ment . Aitettke: JP 9 0 Pth el_k_* lllo /!.• 4tir‘ it , 4100'471 . •-- --- a Atmerrattr, --ag and tamlia .Nournzi. . . . ..• . , . of Ibtritfe, on Hie: , - '' 7 4 , ' the 4. .oppogte Warplevi ligisinir LitAlisawketit— . - ~ ,-, • .4 , , . , , • , ••,' - cattite3o -dui bib 8.41111110 ".` •• ,II , .. -'•. _ , . ~., "Cartrzum" We tics. rotice to . Farmers it 30v:hurts. Nirt,bare ton' opened oar large and cern ." tividlkAni 'Warehouse on the collier of .Streitonasid Railroad streets, near tile Depot ,of She Getty Anvil, Railroad Company, and .Ark prepared to reeeire prod aee of all kinds, vis : floor. %Veda. Rye, Corn, Oats, 4e.••••• :kWh tAi hen 1 and fur sale, Sslt, Otuunos, Plaster. Fish, Le. A large stock of Groce ries just reeaire , l, coa‘isting of Sugars, Cof ,fess, Syrop.t, Molasse. ' Oils, Rice, Tens, Spites or all kinds, Ceslar.ware, Ac., &c., settle*, wed, not hesitate to say, we will sell as law as ean be bought einem here, wholesale asst retaiL naretaaaate will de well by c alling to see Sad 111.14104¢ OIL, stock before purchming ei4ewbece,aansur *sotto will be •" quick sales and Innen vita." We wow also all the attention of all in terested io the tbriftv aad healthful condl tion of th.).ir Cattle. iforeea, Bogs, &r., to the Lust that we hare far Pale Breiniy, _lrene: field Cu." Celekraleil Vegetable Cat tle of which we hare avid from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Fanners and Storekeeper*. ELINEFELTEII, SEITZ & CO. Gettpburg, Nor. 15, 1858. Fall and Winter Goods, pas 1374.—J. L SCHICK. would avail himself of this me lint» ,4 announcing to the csim.nonity and pahii.: in general, that hs has e fr,,ai the cities the largest Aid tryst, cutn;dete stuck of DRY GOODS, that it has ever blin yiiiir pleanure to ex amine in this place, all of which has been seleetul with time. thi utin ist care, and with particular rsforeliao to the tits..es and W. 1111.9 of time ps iple of this 14eality, !tad which for b.sunty of style (and cheapness, lie challenges e l:n ill the L.iDIES' DEI'ART -11:-...ST, be laza ail; styles, qU'lliti•T;, an, out sr. , : of Otitis, snitabl • ter the season. lie incite: the Ltlics to call and take a leek thruu,th his ealections at their earliest con venlisse. FOll, has a eh size of Cassimeres, Vest jags, &:., sti., all gaol and eleap. Dot% pass by Ss' :hick's —'ie will always be fir 114 I re& ly t., rhvly U 1,19 aisi sell cheap— *aim the very cheapest. Gettysburg, N iv. 8, Arasbaugh's New Store, tho couraer of II tnuxer street and the ••••• Pablie Square, it, NEW OXFORD, Adam* county, is the illace to secure the tl.iralde PAIDJAINS in HARD WARE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Oils, Paint)), Saddlery article, Gueensvrare, Olaisswitre, Ear,linware, 11'11R, C.IpS. ituota and Si , ,, (ll ‘ ,(l4i4j, with uu endless variety of otter article}. IL K stock of for.);cd and rutted IRON, sTE:m Att.l NAILS, is very large, and of. lets rave indueement• t ) parch amen , . Junee's Patent C JAL OIL LAMPS, with the ntl Oil, (Kerosene,) kept on hel.d end for stale nt the Lovest rate 4. Almu a fine lot of BLIFVALO ROBES, of flitTereut sizes. Ha. alu) 11..6 s quantitv of LUMP/ill, still tut hand, wkiuh he is disposing of .at tqty loss rates, JACOB ALMADA - COT!. New Oxford, Nov. 15, 1853. Iy* The_Cars are Coming! A LL IIEADV:—The un dersigne I hits the pleasure of announc ing to• his oil c ovary friends—farmers and tiatier4llllMtlia.S wall a, the citizens of Gettys burg. end "the rest of in tnkind," that his wax al 1 c.l u u liJus Warch luso is now open, so I that he is receiving GRAIN PRODUCE of :01 kinds, for which he is pat - - i.tg the highest to trket prices: and while the p.a;l:cstn di4rm.e of their pro Ince to t'-e bait a lvantage, they can LE. supplisd in re tsina with groceries. ~f every d,teriptiJn, 4.: 4./1415011g of Salt, CjT. e, S igar, M theses, Teas, !Lice, also, GLUM", ]Taster, o 11, Celarwere, and a th,,a.and other things not here menti med. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheapest As our motto. If the people consult their own interests, and net wisely, they will not f ,rget the undersigned. llapiug the familiar faces of all my old cw,- tmner% will meet me again, and with them my new o a ts, I shall en , loavor to please JOLIN Guttysburg, N.v. 22, lB7ri. What ! Again ? "IVES, 'TIS EVES SO that Franklin B. hag juAt ree.nive.l mmther large cargo of %V ESTE .t. crArarNo, vritich is nuts beinz psue.3 at his Clothiu;; Emporium, in C:tainbcrxhuri.; street,opposit.:i the Enzlish lettheran enuroh. It is the tn).‘t complete stseortutent of Winter Clothing, of every va riety, ever opexe.l in Adam misty, and what is bitter, having 1,801) fsrtunate in Attitiug his purchases, ho is cuable , l to offer bargaias truly surprising. llis stuck of Coats, Pant+, Vest*, S Collars, Drawers, &Jag', Olurc4. IlAnierchletg, C o mforts and it tiounan I other thingn, tire worth calling ,to nee. Without further p.srticalarizing, we say unto all cume and see. E. B. PIC%iINCs. Dec. 10, •53. Fahnestoeks' Advertisements. Coffee, lase end evert tleseriptiou of Gnyeeri CP, tt) be bed lbe toweet roArket rates, wholesale or re , - at - Fahaestocks% LEAT CTTTETtS--411Zei at reduced pri,:ee at Fahnestocks% 0111.3.—The ladies can fitri, the cheapest and lit assortment of Vieturiaes suul pots, is every variety, at Fahnestecks', kftlir.--Graand Maui, Fine and Dairy Salt, ?•.? lift hal at tLx itriest rates, whulcsnle andietail, nt Yalmestocks'. _ADIRS' Cl,th Clrakaynr t be itas4 wry cheap at kahneataea. 11ILAINKETS, Covet-14s, use Blankets, " every iariety, and cheaper than the Ciiesilest i at F 111 N STOCKS'. • , The Prettiest Yet. CliGls AND SEP. *.-1. L. 80111 CK on. ltouitees- en.)llter arrival of or II pkis foil Ohl 1141kt1i a, and antis the atteutiota of the pablie &hetetl—A*l4l6ot Out they . cannot hot plenta. IL s claw. iitock of breAl G.K1(14 litipw only:tile In.rgerxt, ktut the prettiestand Ofte.reit off.gal for e. . nag V( hik, if qrer be j flre,. ; 1,1-i Will olt utiisitske to eartictlar- Isir-:=44 itAturttoent is tno forge - - aturi'iried att- , fiii - - bet ityrites cufli front everyit:uty4 U iitit4ustritierlt n trouble turbo* hii •Atiti4.2B. Irt74. . . ~..' • . , TilPii ' . tr nvnty - aecarrottOn;now rae on flnnaloid far sale by Gej. - E. B•ditihr, id. Cfnunberip : =treat. 11' PIM of alt sixes, eanstaiter On 4111Terui; beialsis to *riot, at littelkiesesv 311 i bit 4 b‘Y a f S r'sixea aces; resfli spa tsk .-- eletesl/2pi:iriiie r's(o/45tit ilk - tiotilie for wisteria gF lltfl MIT- ait umbel's t 404 'irt:r ..: "• . • : • .., . • -r".:, 4 `4:1; 11 ;. ' t 4-- '' . ' • ' • '''' • ti . . , kr-- •a : - fIRLEOIIken , .., .'; , • -u,., ~ 4be o gAzo i ausp oe •• by ; 1 1 •• a. 11,11 tsr 4P7 YEAR. HIZIALT a. DINUIt. New Firm--Now Goods. TIM undersigned have entered into part -- in the HARDWARE & G,llO - at the old stand of Dancer & Ziegler, in Daltimore street, under the name, style and firm of Danner & Zireer, and ark, and will endeavor to deserve, a. continttnnee of the patronage of the old firna. as well as any quactity of new custom. They hare just returned from the cities with as immense steel( of Goods--euosisting part of Balding itzterials, such as nails, screws, hinges, bias, luck, glass, dc. ?'nuts, including edge tools of every de scription, saws, phines, chisels, gouges, bra ces and bitts, augers, guages, ham mers, Le. Blacksei4aile will find anrils, Tiers, rails. files, bone shoes, horse-shoe nails, &e., with them, eery (heap. Criaels 171.-linis, such as cloth, canvas., damask, fringe.. cotton, ninite, oil cloth, springs, titles, Robs, spokes, felluee, bows, - ' puke, shafts, &c. Shts famnien, brush and french morocco, linings, bin,,l i n , 4 s, pegs, la,.ts, bo u t tree., ‘ke., with a general asst,rtment of Ann maker's toel•, C,11,1144 ilaker . 4 Tools, a general assort ment—also varni.ll, ktnlis, &c. Iburrkeep•l'e Win :11.10 find a large assort ment ,Jfknices a nd fork ~ britterin in, albata and surer-plated table And tea :spoons, candle stick., waiters, Ishnvel and twigs, and ir o ns, enamellel end brass kettles, pans, tubs, churn., car; e•ing, (Le. a e"neral assortment of forged and rolled 1110'N of till sizes and kinds; cast, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheape,t. GA , c , •4icr, a full and general assortment, such as erushe I, pulierimnl. clarified end ' brown sugar.; Nine Orlen,r., West belie and sue,nr house molasses and ayrnrie. eue . vei %niece, ellocolate, fine, coar.e and dairy melt; linseed, fish an 1 sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fi.ll, k •.; a full a' rue( nt of ix a dund Zinc, dry and io oil; al,) Vire•pro•if P.Lints; in fact, almo4 evert: article in the Hardware, Coach Fnuling, lloo.ekeepi ng, Black- Cahius Maker's, Painter' s, Glazier's, r and Grocery liue, all of which they are de . teriniee,l to sell as low fur CA±II as any beim tat of the city. HENRY B. DANNER. WAY BRIURT ZIEGIAR. Gattyshurg, May 24, 185 F. - - , Valuable Real Estate A T PRIVATE SALE—The undersigoed offers at Private Sale, all his Real Estate as I.—Mry tote reNidence in Clettywhiirg, fronting 30 feet on Cllttlitlleroburgotreet, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, mid other itioprote tocriti. N. 2.—Llt adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stehle, ke. No. 3.—L•'t adjoining N. 2. fronting 32 fett on same street. with large Cuseli And other improvranentb. No. 4.—Lit adjoining. No. 3. fronting 29 feet, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith Soop, Art.. M.. 5.-I,at we.tt of the Foundry, with Steal)) Sew eta Griht 6.—lmt A.ljuining No. Ct, contaiuing alinut 3 A ere.. N 7. —rareo Lots fronting each 30 feet on fliamberoburr, street. No. 9.— = Crags of Uritt.l in linntatoriban townidilp, lying, on Marsh creek s containing 51 Acres, part cleared and pnrt in first-rate ' Nn. I ).--Coneb tstaldishment in Shop herdstown, Vs., with good will, &e. The I. cation rabic one for business, and improvement. in good order. yl2l Title. iorl foul terms to suit paschal hers. gm t uire of I). A. lizsuLss. Eq.. Get t vgl)ti rg. nr the u nilersigne,l re.i.lraig in Simp lier4town, Va. C. IV. 1.101Y)1AN. M treb, 15, 1858. Elastic Cement Roofing. lr(lE subscriber ii prepared to contract and put o at the ilior .t. notice. W. E. e,,.,5. Fire (zit, Witter Proof I:141k Ccutna Itocy; It is poi•feutly Fire and Water proof, and in point of durability is equal. if not superior, to any Metalie Roofing.. It can Le put on over tin, tar. iron, or shingle roofs, Itusvorer 1.1.1 t or steep they may be. lu p lint of resisting the elements of fire and w.iter, not:ling has yet been diseurerell eval to the illastie Cement. Those who bare g e ed it, bare testified dint it is the very perfection of Hoofing, and that there is no further room for improvement.— NO one will now thinkofputtingon shingles, when this Cement eau Le had fur mach less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This R )oin; is warranted as represented. The ELtstie Cement is the cheapest and best protoetion from decay Cur 1cw.)...1 exposed to the weather or dainpues, (If the groui,,L It is also the best paint fur iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per fectly ex . eludes dampness. The subeeribeiltas this Cement for sale, in quAtititles to suit. For further information, npp t iT Frederick City, Mar Spc , reimens of the Raufing wny be seen tii the Prithonotary's Olfid, is Liettyaluarg. April, 4,(1,65R. Natioe. trim undeisigned having retired fratri the Alureauti,le business, •tho same will bore after to Lititinued at the old stand, in Balti more street, by their I.As, Henry It. Denser and Waybeight, Ziegler,,auder tbe.ranne end style of Danner and Ziegler. Jre., whom we will recuriniend to, and fur Amu we would beipealc .ft liberal share of patronage from old c+!tuntem and of the, pwl.lio in general. Having retired trout the Mercantile Duel mese; it Is rieco4sary that •our old- Wilt*** beLmattled 4p. We. Atrerefure.. notify all tfione WU/tied to us either by Judgment, N ot , or t o gilAiTeoerit; ft. call and seftle the same without delay. The books will he found atlhe old stied& • ' - . d. ELSA-NNE& May il-titsl4. PA. D 7,11.4;14E11. • 's RemovaL mut .sdliser4wit knaw*Wo4lo4: hieLettoogh -f_4lt4 . kp4 . 4 §bop • froon , , the ,Louo4ry tdl Nalfro ad lariat, °p pm! Tate 's shipi.:llaae °Saw Walk Mod, -0 0 1 0 44 1 Agt ItSW y 7.11,1(4 114 ttt enstinners. ,0111575 nbAed orifir-a the shorlibfwititiegaikid -11,00p04-01110fre . . Aw.M0441;1 1 %At ^ vg - 1 es _ . 11 - t ti LO /SA 4 TIL I t yrnt Ale 'Witt ortaltw that oho is elf *red to emir** te s e 4 - 4A=fl e Alleett— tows. vietrilttct . ../121'114.10V,, - lam imante7 )11 EMI GETTYSBURG, PA.: - INIONDA.Y, JAN. 31, Kb: 146 ?oei's eoiTe. KAP.? .AT WORK. Does a mountain on you Keep at work: You may undermine tt yr ; ir you stand and thump its base, Sorry bruises you may get, Keep at work. Does Miss Fortune's fife look sour? Keep at work : She may smile again some day; If you pull your bias and fret, Rest assured she'll hare her way, Keep at work. Are you censured by your Meads, Keep at work : Whether they are wro.g or right, May be you must bide your time, If fur victory you fight, Keep M work. 1Y the devil growls at you, Keep at work That's the best way to resist; If you hold an argument, You may fee! his Iron list: • Keep at wort. Are your talents vilified Keep at pork : Greater men than you are hated; If you're right, then go ahead— Grit n ill be apiweriated: Keep at work. Everything is done by UAW; Keep et work s If you would improve your station; They have help from Providence Who work out their ow u salvatiou. Keep at work. DK $161) ilaA. IMEI P FT 44444 !ILI, COPE My neighbors, the doctor, the sqnlre, the carpenter from over the way, Mot two or three more, were net at 'My house. We had fbrmcd a Married Menbi Club, but instead of meetmgat a taVcrir, wo aaserlikled at each other's houses, where we smoked the eurtams LQ,Aliell an extent that I often wondered they did not color like pipes ; but our wived did not complain, for the influence of our homes, it. kept our virtues swret, though we btented the hangings. We bad been talking of birth-marks aliout those strawberries on left arm, which according to begone plays ami.rotnarr i eye. served as such . induhitahle evidence iof the noble origin of the bearers, mid I which helped to restore so many wrong ed heirs to their titles and possessions in the filth act or last chapter—and we i discussed those remarkable " moles" which were to stage papas ineutitesta ble proofs that the genteel comedy 111011 + were chips of their old blocks—and kat ito the invitation, "Coale to my arms: you are—you are indeed my soil r iluti a then to the heroine's steppins , sheepish ly from the L. U. E.—the eine,' of ha nds —ta hien u in cent re—ete., etc., all of which is now huddled away in memo ry-earners, and is only brought to the !light of day again, like the (.4)4w - tiles Of our grandmothers and grandfathers from worm eaten chests in dirty attics, for the amusement of the new getiera tines and our wonder, laughter and pity. 1 The doctor confessed that whet% Ito' was a boy and his fancy was pampered with the romances of the time, ho would :daily make a searching investigation of I his physique for a strawberry or Mole, and that, haring found ono of the latter, ' he, from that day forth, for tteveral months, cherished the belief that he was of noble dosent and that it' the truth were known, the kind couple who :claimed him for their son, were only his ' foster parents, and that sonic day a stranger would appear, who would claim him as the scion of some ducal house at least, place a coronet on Ills 'brave and carry him off in triumpW.— 'He told the story to his school-mates and became an object. of mystenuus in terest to them for some tine. flu was however, partially cured of Ins fancy by ,a tremendous whopping given him by his father, whom he had ventured to disobey when his princely blood was I up. alibi, he thought at the time, very unkind in the whopped, for be bad in- I tended to be very' good to his foster ; fattier Mid mother when the noble I strang,Prshottld appear. Bat the noble trailer never did appear. But the !romantic delusion made a doctor of the , boy--it led to his reading scientific hooks oti birthmarks and koalmd soh jeets,,aud ended in his becomiug an ex , cello:it man of setenee, as well as one i posnesixd of the largest charity for the ' wild poetic fancies of boys. Ells inter est. iii these marks had never died out, and so on this occasion ho said tome : " By the way, i olt are a Pennsylvn tiian, I believe: ow, I've always had some curiosity about that cross of bine %pots on your wife's cheek. It. LOU . t the custom to tattoo in 3yOIJI' State; is it?" " It ! „rcitt'Ve remarked that,, have you?" said 1. '"Well; it ()belt not; to be there, for IN-14 Moiled that spot every day these twenty years bet ft.'uodn't wear away it seems. • Kissing appears to do-4Kr good." • " A soiatiota *LOW Stain lunar ,us ,tin in tongrain', of water—" ill ter- EFF i ted. the docto r thank ypttlbitttelfreeeriptitit, lintrir rather liskrellfthere; trflatit, rittatd it in thi light of thealgtiktaro 'pt ia *alms Ad. 'oat__ . 71tiatdRaW0Alu , :to speak—Pate, Intl:4 madam—, • storTr • aquiro, 11 , , , 41v t i t h s 4 3.1 11 °Vitt* j ?INV h iopso, , *id pitlWd Mit 4 thoo . 411111.1! Simi " TDCTII 111 yr, linitY, AND Warn PSKTAIL." Aim" and packed it tigthtiy.m as itot to juterrtlpt. the narration Which be C. pct tvd. " ready'" " itc4dy," balti lb-thick cloud of moke to the rigid.. of me, and I titrstightway begun to addrems t lint cloud. ie you have ever journeyed in the , Tai ey of the Lehigh, in l'ennsylvania,' you ovill have sometimes come upon a hille rut- 1 0Y ct4i-trucwil building, oith darn and water wheel beslib.l it, but. t, ttlriuh 1 - 014 have been very sore was neither grist, saw nor oil mill; but which, it tt native of the country, you would have known at once 114 ono fur the manufacatire of powder. TliereJ were many of them in yettrsgonu by in the valley. The Revole,tionary war hail fostered the manufacture of gun- powder 40 far inland and safe from the forays alit° enemy. Subsequent to the war, however, heavy capitalists in other parts of tire 41 1 41111. r - had an- 1 de:token. the ma nolact are of the finer marts, and our .I,elligh mills confined themselves to the making of blasting powder, ter which they fimoil a market in Philadelphia, and at the neighboring Ming. and quarries. Each null was generally worked by its owner and t or three hands, who labored militler.l sooty. atfertniag daring ',loathing or I Intsvosting• aratiolis--in the mill or in 'thriving.. the ovary teams with their farm , prcxlitee • mid powder to Pliiladel ! phla. It.. was in one of thefts otitis that, tarrity-one years ago. at 1410 ago of Vacuity; L:wasentplhyed. I ft was •fntlior of 'Mary, who.ht now i my sift.. One very warm day, just. after harvest, my master and I,:s wife, with his men and three heavy wants, 'darted Ito Philadelphia witka hatelt,o(powder that had „lion hew titaislicd, and.turnt produce. This waft tlio, mode in , those j days. - Tho mad dam -was often wW.to , with the can rasa coverfogs of the heavy wagons, Uto tciunt consiated of rot* or Ixix buperb horsua, the icad . ont erWhiclt carvied.bells suspended in a bow 41,,the top of., heir .codars, ,which gave eat a measured. jangling at "von: atop drivers were seated, pestilliostslike, on the nigh:Witt' hoise, and leohoti kuPw ' lug and4aattty—theoffealt ortheir, town ' trip. Iho a:utployerit',•wiveil wcre . apat. ad in altitetu the forward part of ~rho huge wagons, cuts griu,sacka coveired with home-made (turns. ' And to cool , pinto the pitnare, thorn-ware tiro htigh !httlf.autatiff s trtatingseriously and hut , notonously und a. a preciae spot. bee on t It the wagon, from whirls nothing could lure theta, except, the exhilahiting pros , peel of a combat by the ,roadaide, imith dogs wortlivof their prowess—fur bled! dugs exritea wily-their contempt whieli, to the keen observer of condom natere, ' was or the Most withering deseripOon. All this gave a poetic rtapech-4-n life end gaiety ter the mad then, which have disappeared before the locomotive' wilds ► tli and the: chisel boat horn of to-day. I had liven left, with Mary and her grandmother, an uhf woman of eighty, mid Mary's little brother, aged three. There was 'no work in the mill fur tr.o to tto, except to pack sonic throe hen 'deed -pounds of powder M kegs fora 'neigtborltig quarry owner, who was to call far it that afternoon. flits 1 had completed', amid then proeeedeil to patch the mill roof, the shingles of which hal : Iwcoilie rotten and let in the twin. • It was about. three iii the afternoon—L hued been st•orkhng away, i n :in absorbed matmer, su that I har,ll noticed Any ellart•zo in Ow aspect or dm sky, and as a flash id lightning came, hollowed by a 1. tv drops of rain, 1 was little a surprised ! but did net hurry mytself very much to get to the other end of the root, where ; my tadder Was, the 'ascent being from the utttitiv—wltott ti inure vivid 11.1.51 i and a sharp, quick crash felLiwed, and 1 knew 110 more. ' The rvst. of th,3 story, iif course, conies from toy wire. ' When she heared the report and saw ' the tlisli, she tared up nnit hiolceihto. is aml the mill, expecting toy retoirm, but not seeing me, thunglit e 'l had taken re fuge in the mill. Thu lightning wits stall playing fiercely, and might strike it, and there were three hundred pounds of powdet there : She knew that the Th.,;litiitig had struck somewhere, but there was no aigivi eisiblo as to the ptc : ei,se spot, and it is ettiy to be mistaken it, reg.:intl.° electrical pherioinena. Thu 'einsh sometimes seems at your why 'feet,' when the ittiiii low Laken sheet u (parte,. °fa mile, or even litrther away. /hit there ivas no saety in delay. • Thu thunght sti tick her that I wits rumen p• Ong with fuul-hardy confidence for the ;ram to stop, so LIIII i I could come In Liou , dry. The lit Made her half an- Igry t , Iw,sbi t : l t g elred that amy inipru deuce should not'bring tne burin if she could help it. Seizing an old -umbrella that, like nil old umbrellas, was never lust and always la the itasy, she threic her drew . ' ever tier heatt, lifter the manner of rustic women, hail made a run for the. mill. k Th'ii ..plll, towurip it was slightly eitrved, 1 iii kohig' along it slie.cuogtiVa glimpse of the end of_ tlia building at .whieb I..was, (nod lltiatrens.i. what a siekviniug ishttsitliesi Will ker . , 114 14144. abe satlltii arm, ding ' ling- hver . -thfs . 4 . 0 4 8 ; p f .4 1 s ft., NO tikia. 110 1 41 tirttOClPti 2*..f.;:ttfltai! . Sril.Mg from „ae;tiogindit.., Eby 4gbtipm; *wit • *live .SEimik -04 ki* akorthe.";, ir*,• Aide fin& .44Kkuji4.t.. % WI iplyid. ,hitre fltitti44,•fia44ll o tlSSee:o°l4 lol ° Mgt as that ;Thialtes, e t hal, iyikrolightinA ( cip . r 4);444toiCt:f 4 / 4 94,000, itt. 4 .l3erl..tft* the mill 11 4 1 :11= 0 9, ~,,•1414;!(,,/teilleri— t there she ittlattialli t ''Pith Oil 1.10. potkeifitiPrers sine*Aetytdarmik,;4lo l ,4ooP, Nectvittr valibiAs sayedanbergiLl mastaaalka a, tirssuiti 91174114(11..+ timajojaWaßiNA 04104310 1 04 .4 41 beet4oTa 'Aar sat ornwiesdpipcp* MEM sine domestic reason, and rushed back to the mill. She knew where the pow- der was kept—it wus the end furthe.st I away from me, and she hoped 'Ault if. shire was any fire it would be a point. remote from the kegi. But lightning eccentric 21,4 it 11110(W - it. gone= I ii1;1("i it v.-ill set a hush building ablaze in an instant—eometimes it kills and ' stuns all within a house, and leaves', ss•aree any other trace of its visit. At oilier times it appal ently delights in knockin o ,, furniture and buildings into; toothpicks, but touches no 'ore:nitre, and sometimes it leaves merely a small ' flame behind it, as a sort of card, after 1 :is call. It d d something like the latter in' tide ease, only that instead of marching straight dowse from new stunned body' ; on the .roof, it ban taken a curved di ruoiu along the side of the mill, and set a-blaze the other end of it. Or, perhap4, it ssas the reverse-1 now think it was—the lightning struck the end farthest from 13111. I was stunned by the (-oilcan:oon_ When Mary burnt io at the door, she saw the tiro within :Won't eight feet of the powder, and rapid headway. The two but-kets of milk would no morn hare stared to extinguish the Haman than mild a half pint of the same material. The kegs weighed a hundred rnad# each. Iler first thought was to ro I them ' out, t)nt While she was roiling one:the fl rd might have rostebed dm other; The dry wood began to truckle lig giro I offsparks. la a moment h , of was taken. I must moat hero tliftt When she had gene to thq - sprbio-Itouoo, she had deliberately ahrte.the I quite out of mere habit. Seeing •what she had done, she smiled bitterlynt her self lbr wasting so much time in that operation ; and then, with a carious contradiction of herself, tucked it under her arm bemuse night iw of use, and it. wouldn't hinder to take it at army rate." 80 she luta the umbrella with her. , First she placed herself betweett, the figand thtryieowder—then ebb o)C eel the wet - umbrella over the't• then he untied her *prim ) tfipp one of tbo buckets of milk., tend laid it over tlat two kegs farthestfrom the fire —then she.slow ly,and with lwr thigem, pulhxfo g ui: the plug 111 'lll.`3Cl ttib keg ne arest the dames, andlicilling the briilla oVer it • With one band, with ttboothor alto poem/ in the tuilk, until she thought it, yrostabehnitix satu rated to be harmless for the iireiuot. So she did with the two others. lint whin a tittle did that eeem, while the milk was ski Fly .delis g down throttng ~ the gummy ~powd-r Oece,• when the plug of the last one retried to yield to • her weal: fingers, she was on the point of despair, when with sudden inspire ttion, site put down her mouth and /pull iL oak with her teeth. The work was dime; ,but the fire was ,guining vsxy rapidly—the interior Work Was all I,m) dry end rotten. She took a glimee t ut it—then at the powder—mu/0 an accurate ealeuhitiou as to the tiat3 it would take to roll out the kegs now bofota the tire could reach me. Then ii4'iziti•• e . each ono separateTY, rolled it out of the dour, tbr she Was not certain I tint that if it remained in the fire It might du mischief still, as the heat dried i t. si te 1 414 it all out on the green s‘varJ and then mounted the ladder for me. 7.1,e roof icam not steep, nod' not , n t ore than t %vents- feet flsitn them-mind. She could not wit° mo down the Inskler —15,./ oho fulled nio nearly to the edge of the rool--graspell me with her right Mimi by the collar, which, than'ks to its littbey-woolzwy toughness suf ficient for tiro purpbse--4014 on to the roof -stoutly with her left lamtl,•and then pushed mu over with her foot.— That little hood lNid me dan , •lii , a ineineat, and then drbpped me softly on the s‘vard below : I tray P:iv;:d.— t•ame down—the fire by this tone lind reached the °n•B of ti.e building near loch I tray tying. Mary thopped to piek me up, when a volatile Of Vale smoke puticd out from the crack, mid Ow Cone licked her Lica. It way only a crack, nod it didn't hurt at the time, but when it healed it left the blue cross you now see. A child's wagon wag standho; near, and into this Mary crammed tea--how, she hardly recol !vett herself—toid wheeled me away. It was at this inommit that nary began to feel curtain that I was dead. She thLttglit, that if !icing, the shock of the fall must beveivrirect inc. Slits . begait to treiebleemi her fortitAida WsBgiuiT, way wizen I Caine too. I awukti wit.% a feeling pre(isely similar to that is a limb when, in common speech, wo say it.has bean ••asicep.'"i'lte sensation may bo .ngre.oable whoa blight, and witen confined to a single member, but in lay Casa, affecting it appeared, every atom of my body, 01 1 311 to . my brain and toagiii!, it Was torture. lat fret saw .myself conveyed by Mary in Oro wagon, w ith !tat ostibliteat,but ask what it metinA L then :lie cnimped potiition .becamu .wearistotne, - and .then all at once I form'd apecch, and out as if •intoxitat4ed- 1 - 0 1Virrry Marta ut Marry 'f" -width was meant to•moen W pat . ), LW. aaatP34 . : 643 re,. Jain?' 'l -- S44:iterate.' towlF4 gm . At the sound of my voice, geve A gno4p, . r kticl '11 . 44,h-first jute tears. "Shohad time - 10i' them ihen. Etei. irorie *tie tutee: iett's' tip in u IfiatVent;: lOoked around •hair "n -atal, forisn ex#lttootiott. A few 01%4)3 N f, o4 # 4 ystup 41Jtug,ettlI t enci, Or re tteil ohl:totp wm.jtt felt tder.e. I turno,r iu `horror tOIIZ ' • • •,"'Obi* r: fn.) 1 1 r• I asked - tvw tumbur (mations% but WNW iter4Artheboastytfor:illiso;th er *was 4 i Omppt k. to;,watthipAili.llro # l b 1 PATP 3 AVV/bAtt, fi u rAiiet, 4 %/11iiciiiifik44104 { : • ' 'TWO when they saw tho mill that was lourn. Mg. The crazy old thing was consum er: to the grotent, The quarry map, drove up toward evening, with his wagon,hut concluded he would not take him powder then. The. gramtmother had &Away quietly daring the whtile time, with the child in her lap, and did un even sus pect that there was anything annark aide going on till the ashes of the mill had been already bleached in the August rain ! Mary's father came home throe days after, and forgave um for burning his mill 'while ho was away, when he had heard the particulars. You may imagine that I did not hold Misa Mary in light estimation after this, though I had been giving a kingdom to do it. I never could manifest my sentiments towards her. But one evening. months after, a city t.ousin had induced Mary, muth against her will, to tell the story. She did it very modestly, for I, wretch ed eaves-dropper, was just on the op posite side of a cherry hedge, and could hear every word. said city cousin : " What, courage you must have had, Mary—why, it. like Flora or Are, or Grace Darling, or some of th "I am no scholar, and don't know about thvin," said Mary, " hut I don't think I could have done it if he hadn't been on the roof :" Some time after this, I mast do myself the Jostle,' to say, that M:try and "he" who had been on tho roof, understood emlt other, and on a bright day, exact ly, coo year after the burnitkg of the will, 1 pledged myself before, our gray haired parson, to devote the life she had saved to her servie , ). I hope I have faithfully kept My promise. The story WIN done. My guests 'era about to depart, and were in the hull ready to go. J nit then my wife tripped down stairA to bid them " pad bight." : They /uo;,:ed at the Etr voticei Culatt, aril, 1 dare say, Mary Was shcolted at the tender . v:ty in ivhieleeneh of those married men press ed her hand that evening. I know too, that every man-jack of them longed to kiss the bino blemish on her face.— Well they might have dune it, for ought I cared, if she'd permitted it. At - any rate, they all thought better of their own wives, for the coolness, courage and devotion of one of tho '3;013 sex. Thu euipenter who was yuther Aviiispored as lie was going out : ITltat did y-e do with the i i lited powder r' Made spit-devils the next, Fourth of July." select A Touching Incident. A correspondent, writing from Phila.. delphia to the Louisville Democrat, re lates theiollowing: Wit ifst aged andprsorly clad fc midoWas asking alms at the corner of Fourtk and Chestnut st:eas, a smart looking yOUtt4 3:tilor passed within a few Nei, or hf)r, g.y4ing for several se. coeds on tier haggard face. She tip ! pronched him, and extended her palm silence. Instantly his hand found its way to his capacious pockets, when Ito drew it out it was filled with gold land silver, which be forced her to ac cept, saying : " There, good mother, take this, you ' mny ns well have it as the landsharks. The last cruise I had out of New York found me with four hundred dollars on hand, but, as the neighbors told me my mother was dead, I got on a spree with the mondy, spent ft all inside of a week and then shipped again." "O'a, goud—good sir! you are too kind to an old holy like me.. Fur your sake I will take it,Oh,you remind me of my poor son, George, who shipped and was drowned. Oh, Georgo—lieerge White, whore aril yen now " George White:" hurriedly comet& m ed the nos , excited suitor. " Why, that's my name And you—you- are my mother." With this he seized her in has arms, and caressed her affection ately, whilst the big tears of joy ran down his bronzed cheek. The poor woman was entiroly,overeoms. by the recovery._ of her king lost ehdd, and :wept amid groaned alternately. A car t riage shoxtly alter conveyed -the ~ o,tiker" , ard son' away, leaving'manyanuisiiin-, , ed` eye among die crowd who with - cased, the tkottie "Let Me _Kids Ifim for His .1104110." —The of the New 04;mm...tilt-G -o:Ito has this incideht almt tigt ravages of the yellow furor in that city, txdated to hint by ono of the Mothodiet pastors: '"The preacher •Watfcallod a few days shift to attend the Janata( of a yilung man. Belbro his sickness he was• a stout., buoyaut, nuttily youth. Ho scam rtviU ..lio State. of Maine, and had boon hero bfit; short time. Ho was attack ed - ibyyulloarlbver, and soon (lied, with thothoi or relatives to itattli by him bedside- c!e- to soothe him with that Pi) , ,casnt).4y,svilivb none but tbosbot our sets kindred blood pan feel - ,or niantreie. Itti ditxlainbnfitranielti coati bailed' by ' When int leireice was, orpr, awl. the • straitge fOisiesis.wisobostLmiolistersal to bias wore jtslartt to finally; closO tho an, old 144whe,stbol by, stopped thina and said, 'Let tno Ittts hint ibtlAi`itiesthei.!" WeitaTik yet, W 114 tho - 41 AR? mute or woman to whose eye this simple recital has not bropghtlem," • 141111rItAsba good.afiga 'sow the solar of. ihoOltillOlo l 4,‘l.o "IMO,* £4440,, not to soo it ali concentrated iu his pr ;1 Arm 4M►Morit ftipifigiroyin , bssiiieilr) Was err* !OW ullePitria PM, zr. .1 Jiza; ~ bled4lllLargia eassbeca tbet aaltilbcadng planters, and-it is ono of the wesithicna: and most; fasliloaabitt naighborboods in tlio Stu to. The plantation- and negroon %yetis offered in; k Vir-itiistKd bidtttng ensued. Ftmetrittolworlernr wan knocked down 4111431Fe0 negro for t he sum of two hundred and sixty tiva. sand dollars. Aftor the ado thairtiso WRS commentod on, but there was ucithey a word ma a look of diaapplu- Lation. NO. 18. . Beautiful Oestditfoit of Thy,' The testimony in the ease Of-Croppe who vests tried week- betimo ,' hieSott, Towsontown, in Baltimore county,: for ti l e murder of °Meer, itigdon and:foam! "guilty," elicited two vary impiattest, facts—First, that the weapon used by Cropps and Currie in the murder ,tif. Rigilon, was furnished by one or mono of the police officers of Baltimore, rini). deposited be them at Levy's 'drinking house, where the tanrderers - ntlerAmrd'a obtained it ; and Scrandly, that Gregory Barrett, yr., to whom Croprit wrote a letter after his arrest and confinement in Jail, calling him to come to Ids res• cue, and if he, and " the boys," can't swear lion out, to help to break Jail, ill the same gentkatait, who at_present' is hontzrud' with an appointment in the Penitentiary', for his distinguished ser vices iii the Plug Ugly ranks. lie „is also the same distinguished fellow vibe wairmatd.: President of the ruffian bands of Plug Uglies, Blood Tubs,l3lack Snakes, Rip Raps, &e., which denottifteli the most respeetnbtu and influential citizens of Baltimore for inaugurating the Reform movement, its iriCeAdiatleS and Traittea,and it t hit SUMO indiviiiinal who was sum to march, side by side wits Cropps, on several occasion.--_ And this IS the man. (:) whom tbel'og Ughes of Baltimore r: ward wit h:o co', I I and retain in a position, after is t i i proved that he was the companion of to murderer and the confidential'. friend', I upon whom the assassin of Rigtion mainly relied, to swear him out, or to get him out by other unlawful menet fhe Reputlieu a sitys, • ',‘ the eviddbco show that Gregory Barrett was also running about with Cropps and COlOrie on the evening of the inurder,,,and there la strong suspicions in the vablif3 mind that the rinnours current at the time of a conspiracy against the life of lligion, had too much truth' in them." IVhat n beautiful condition of thitigs there must be in the city of %Waer) truly, when police officers furnish - Atte deadly wuapous to the mardetesss4f their Llompanions, and when mos. bcg ding' high positions under too, .I.COCre -Nothing party become the associates of murderers and are strongly suspetited of having been in the conspiracy wJ,kli was formed and resulted in the death of a most worthy officer by assassint- Lion.—Frederick Uli if,n, Wo nro Ilkley to have an merease In the rate of postage ou letters, unless Congress nhandons the absurd idea, of making ,the postal branch of thelmblle service do what no ol,luir branch 4 re quired to do—sustain itself. We never could see any reason why the Postern - co Department should sustain itself, any more than any other Department of the government. Tho :Navy does net sustain itself. The Army does not sus tain itself. If one Department of the government ss to be made sett sustato ing, let all bti made to sustain than selves. Make our war vessels carry freight and passengers to pay their ex penseia. Make our soldiers dig and shovel dirt on the Pacific Railroad, to pay the cost of the war Pepartment.=-- Cheap postage is a groat benefit 'to the people, and we should regret to sea the present rate increased. .4lro 416 ink the cost of mail transportntion• might be refaced, if Csacrp•o.s.4 would takeialle matter in hand. The price allowesLby congress g o al paid by the Department for transporting the mails by nUirfaad, is too high. Aim immense aunt has toeint squandered too, by direction of, con gress, k.eepikk.4.np useless lines of steamers to tOroigu.countrati. we had the good fortuno.l9,satt..4id,,of the CoLlass line, but, there 14, proposition betbre eiingrea to of CaSti~l aid taanotber ooneent.— racy - kipiti 1. How Corn 13 Pecaufired In. 41 2 4114. At a late . nieeti ng,of. tin) .:t,ctulw,,of sciences, held in Variti s," tetter'frcini id. do Sonic:hal—a Bassi:in - lanllfititifist 4 [ waarstad,desCribingthugutosatfrigiatOicit eorit-pUti• Ha%) 41)3Ais, lib tkistl,Tuintrlittor The pit ure : tieg iu 4,4.14 apik,.***- stold of neadonry,„tlio enrthon aid _tip hardened' by a tUa 6 v /otittnuetkii To to it creq(l' tire. ' ~ 11.foi r si 'IN Mi. To trod oOt.otl, the - nir 141 Mein* idiseilled iv - burning straur:.in iti utecits.Whisit 41110 grain i., thrown in pu4e4ol,lllp, via the pit is tightly. o unclOstitr. _Cord had hoeu preserved in. suolt pits for .4ottY. yours. Ilion* of our ‘ir.steril. tappers, who raise forgo cop 'of - wheat toid corn, should try this ntatlitid 0r:144161'v, ing grain tiorniryeahl whbli linwfa.'id a groat Itarve.t, Pin :order to lay up; a stuns fur lunibloi-10'4u 0 14 R* nit- ' Ofrwrji l4 - • • . .-::•1 1: ...N..... ice'" he Ireittletw'i cif No* Ott Tr prove. of • Mr. Beolnukotii.ctokriselo ro gnr..} t 0440 Allpr i t/rs i cro.,,,* e t • . verisary.# their C . - . e 7 , 114 ~ Hume in 11441.4.44 severargild it ,uppini , outiod. the 4tatlon of ogr. ern men t, and Vic, assotobly; cirtinkrir prdlcatioll the - fitfhltirr e / - We o laresidebtrofilei Pelted Bti afittliiis constititiotrull othiesor;LGese. clANds:t._i 11,1„7:7747 - tier" Jury," , ..tatd a western judgo, Acien ki4Lgvieittlialiiii94 . - ' - if Pag?'44 ire&496 ,7 onofbo o/ 9, 0 . .#-I_. a. irviiiiCcirsakiikiiietfifit : P 4 .4- ~ . . IMO .• . :.-11111f441:Agaia0fltr . what he matite4 _-401-At 4neu "ankti9 .: ( . 4.W741 L The Bate of Postage.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers