dia z i about., caihs . from the town of Ws , in this county, perpetrat e daitherate and cold-blooded murder on - a Ilia by the name orJohn Osburn,.; a shostasskor by trade. It appears at. cording to the rumors which have ' lianhad-this place, in relation to this &nisi?, state Osborn, who was an old man and s trfppfe, resided as a tenant on I Ftinki' farm, and was in the habit (d i obtaining the water used iu his family from a spring near the residence of the Funks. this spring there is a Spring /lon which several articles, flitch as y found in places of the kind, loom purloined. The Funks Lila rn and his sons for commit ting tb els and forbid him or them to villa the spring, although allowing his Wife and daughters to do so. On Shnt rio ' , morning, the old man visited the gas usual. The Funks order ed hineoff; he refused to go until ho ob taineZc'lirater. They then attempted to shoot him, but, the gun would not gu oft' after being bnapped at him sever- 1 at times. The Funks, anticipating Osburn's return to the spring, made preparations for his reception. They drew the load out of the gun and re loaded it afresh with a heavy ebargc of buck shot. In the evening about 4 o'- clock, Osborn returned to the .string and the Punka bullied out to attack him. Dave struck him a severe blow ON the head with a stone, and Dan, the younger brother, bred the Contents of the gun into his side a little above the hip. Osburn died during rho_ night from tho ettects of the wounds received. Sonic forty or tifty - sbot penetrated his side and hip. The blow received on his Load it is also thought would have been autheient to Tense death. Osburn leaves a wife an several children. The Punks are botli'married men. They were. ar rested u Waynesboro' on Mo4ry and brought. to this place and corn ad t ted to jail to await their trial at the next tam of oureourt.— Cha»Lbersburg Nirs,cles Never Cease Tat Lents? Pet/nit:7 or Setica*C2.--Grest truths are indestructible. When Jenner averred that laieskedne inocculathia was a safeguard against the small-pox, the " faculty " sneered. Forty-dee years later, the world laughed at Daguerre's first announcement that he could tie a shadow and render it as imperishable as &libation:tee. Eyed Morse's telegraph was regard ed by thotoimai as a myth. until the first line was put up in le4-14:"' Nun- vaccination is uni daguerreoty pea are as common as a ood cuts, and we talk by telegraph with almost as touch facility as across a friend a table. Such is necessarily the progress of a grand discovery or invention in an age like ours ; and of this irresistible onward movement of the ti•etill and beneficent in practical science, we have a still more striking example in the world aids popularity of Hollow ay 'a great remedies. Uwe mistake not, they are scaraely older as an Invention titan the photograph and the electric telegraph, arid s et they are finailiar to half the hunian race, The disco% tries ut Daguerre and Morse have nut been applied throughout the a hole area of civilization ; but barbarian and semi-barbarian ruce,, upon whom the light of Chriatianity has not yet dawned, have experi enced the benefits of these preparations. When they were first introduced to public notice through the columns of the English press, about twenty y ears ago, some of the med ical magnates of the day scoffed at them, as their prototypes of the cloys of Jenner and Harvey sculled ut Vacciunati in and the theory of the circulation of the blood. But bow is it now? The name of Hullo% ny has been ren dered illastrions by the spontaneous testimony of countless multitude,. The voice of skepti cism has been hushed, and the :pecious argu- Meats of professional dogmatists confounded, by the introduction, of his Pills and Ointment into the medical institutions of the most en lightened nations. There may possibly be here and there a dogged disciplinarian of the old school, who won t see what is patent to the a hole world— souse fossil specimen of a bygone ege of medi cal bigotry. who closes his ears to the great fact that Holloway's leviable remedies are displacingand superseding the mineral poisons, once considered all in all ; but such instances of confirmed and hopeless "old iogyi-en" arc fortnnatefy few and far between. They will probably 'be remembered when Holloway is torgottesb—and not till then.—[N. V. Nat. l'ol. Gazette. IfirA. farmer in Delaware has this season aohl 1672 75 worth of bluckber. ries. TUN coman..—Dwohtp, C.D.s 1 , 161 seen riti o the piked te• abseil eight o'clock. oo the swarths:: of the nth alt., at Celebrities). It is near the northwest Isorisbn, and Appears am a star of the ase.sl or third oiscent lute. W• tan 14111, tal Platailetphia, a star of the ant magaitode 10 t►e dump* of Use Itrosra Stone Clothing Unit of itoctli ill /It Wilma, Kea. l sad Oai etteamit street.. aG,r. Beet 13. lot trjrnattaistle of fo.nalto di. &socially for groat or • v.* goody *or tb allmouto to which they are lorkttut. Tho oaly mark tanataly WI km. of Is Slr Jams Clarte'• lw mat* Pills. Stray are pot up is bottleo, euutainig , SO pint, with a alveolar eoataiairn exptieit diroetlous, ao4 oast poot-froe for oil sad 6 post stamps. Thay an, sell /mars to be the Mil fare and safe rocoody for warte dimwits and ollatrliettom boat arty masa. ilea ads. I:IOI,LORADS PILLII.—TIao chanted or climate sad, above all, abe rarledies of wear, recoaatered la , trararslog area a moll parlion K OM Vaned Stateli, are *arm* ttiala to tie traveller. is order to armor* the .y.t.w from the evil eoseoeseame so fropeaatly resalt.ug from them centee, it's elneletely neamean' to be provided with Bei lowara *AY eelebretel Fiat. It le beyond dispute that la all cases dire the stomach Nal bowels are Waterbed by dense aY ait, veer, or diet, (or aay other ear,) they haiekly and inearbehly mune the tame of tee tope meg Oho vivdarlty at tin ether. Visitors to or resideeta t a the allatial thiciett of the South end Wag, eill had thew a certain nolimbr ter Lair .cations and lateratitteet leverL PROM • WILL,EINOWN AND 1.11.011 LY RESPECT'. ASIA PartNOUN IN CANADA WIWI' —Preaeott, c . W., 1110r..W.,./IW—Dear ailo.sts moo pleasure la ompIYWIS erpU Mar repeat, Is giving so expreries of gay girls -Yin vlrtairs of taii Oxygeasted DUAGers. it la itia.ll4tottill two Foam shoo I reamomeaded Da re to woo -or skill,' dumb. is s variety of ebsonic Dimseas bald 1111.0 11 110. 114 OuiPPY Ideas. it hat utektaal leg wee in Dyelpeptia, error Read. ache, deeddrioldiger t i awrieda, sad (Hamm Debility. ittereaste let Olken TON ale allied •f ti the awe, ilsomillt Int Oh Olighhhatti laltteat, aad theft weer le **Aga. I ate, 81r, perm truly, 11.ITAND, M. D. Drage/is. p , .Brra a Co.. 1.36 Washin gt on Sisk*. Poopriewqs. Sold by Noir artomentrirke, A. D. ituanuts, tlreiSpk bur* &pt. 6. 2w 4308 Zl,Alll4loflaedu 14 1 4.16 Per , r o i has a teePariPOß 831504., ekraloisie. ilusor -41104 *NC * 16d6 itasilre lisondas le ay Is. rettkii4DlD. salts millsei tesiotylmel Ddllealtiee eel ahht bar ihsyr; asi attbeeet • itatatelie Sara lowra4ta miliot Wink' odpeldtklF iirlittaatea Learnt* is IS OM kilo *ilia 111 0% briar audio mead idr ported milk "Wiwi sione bon tort to lift Oslo as 1114 *Kr • • • volowia in* Ow armill. 4 —1101 1 001 0 •410 1 d say esillsar. 71 " sii • linnie, einglaiaing ow is elk f. W. " =aitisto. rbikikastia.— uxilse i.: 4;;lfilimiftort et ar. esaireiN Lam Lines& asua, is 011111611 C MIMI& F„.M!M i44lskef RePaiiP. are the mit lay Irru Opersotedfrom tii*lstost Wilmer.. Yost lt illibinor pipers Baltimore—Friday last. Flour, per barrel, $5 50 (4 625 Wheat, per bashol, •. 1'54 1 56 Bye, it 72 4 87 ~ Corn, 7592 Oats, 111 4 ' 52 Clorer-seed, " 5 00 4 6 75 Timothy, ll 200 Fr, 287 Beef Cattle, per hand., 600 47 00 Hogs, Oil 6 75 (4 7 00 flay, per ton, 6 00413 00 Whiskey, per igallea, 26 (4 27 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, 62 00 Bummer-- Thursday last. Flour, per 'AL, froze wagons, $5 00 Do. " trout mores, 5 50 Wheat, per bushel, 100 (4 125 Rye, 73 Curti, 14 73 Oats, 4 4 Clo verseed, " Timothy, " Plaster, par ton, Fork--I day hut. Floor, per bbt, from wagons, $4 75 Do., " from 'sures, 600 W 76 heat, per bushel, 100 ® le, 1.1 20 Ry 14 Corn, 80 Oats, 111 62 Cloreraeed, " 5 00 Timothy, " 200 Plaster, per ton. 6 50 /4e ititai% Thee come the wild heather, woe sleet *reeves some; K •'lt staad by back etbar beivrnst it M 0.." On th• 7th instant, by the Rev. Wm. Mc- Elwee, Mr. JOHN A. LINN to Miss liAltY E. SANDOE, both of Freedom township. DK Toiiib. ‘• Lite twee no trees the rue of meta Is foaad ; 7:terer v Goa la /oath, taw •I Wismar es the croquet." On the Bth inst., at the residence of her son- In-law, Mr. Wm. Wilson, of Ilamiltonban ton n ship, Mrs. JANE THOMPSON, widow of Sawa Thompson, dec., in the bi.ith year of her age. In Phil.idelphin, week before last, KIM AHD 1.1., a graduate of Pennsylrania College. On the 31st nit., in MeSherrystown, JOHN DENNIS, son of Ambrose and Cevllla aged 11 mouths and ?A. days. On the 2d inst., ASS, in the 7th year of her age, and on the 4th inst., JOSEPH, aged about 14 years, both children of Mr. John Felix, of Mountpleasant township. On the 31st ult_ in this county, ELLEN LY DIA C. lII.TTACE, aged 11 months and 20 days. On the dlst ult., in this county, MARY EME LINE, daughter of 11r. Samuel Rebert, aged 1 year mouths and 23 days. On the dth inst., in Mountpleasant township, FRANCIS P. son of Yr.tncis and Eliza Buddy, aged 8 years and It/ days. Weep not tot him who now is free, From all the Ills life bath in store; Whose joy no eye on earth can see, Where those w ho meet shall part no more. On the 2.lth ult., MILLARD FILLMORE TAWNEY, aged 1 year 11 months and 8 dais. [t '0 m tnunicati. Died, in New Chester, ein the VII instant., JACOB LOCKHART, son of Dr. R. and Han nah 11.lhorn, aged 1 year 4 months and 21 days. Our little son, that toted so well Within onr arms to rest, Hath left this land of woe, to dwell Within the 234001.4 breast. lie grow, while here, a blooming rose, Within this earthly bower, But soon God, in His wisdom, chose To take the lovely flower.. In Paradise—home of the blest— Where all is bright and fair, Our dearest son (loth sweetly rest, Beneath the Savior's care. Oh, may such bliss be ours', star we reach CAIINAti . O shore: And there within our arms entwine Our mit turerermure. The Gettpi3burg Railroad. TWO DAILY Tft.klNS. Os and after to-day. 'Sept. 13th.) until for (her notice, the morning train of Cara will leave "Goulden's Station" at 7; o'clock. A. M. with passengers for Baltimore, York, Har risburg, Ptiladclphia, &c.. and return with passengers from those places at noon. 'I he afternoon train will leave there at 1.15 P. M.. with passen, ! ,ert for Baltimore, kc . returning with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Phil adelphia. &c.. about 6 P. M. frO°Merchanclize. Produce itc., transported over the road as fir as Go , ilden's Station. ROBERT Ref:CRUX, Prts'e. Sept. 13. 1858. Statement OF the Bank of Gettysburg, as required by the 21 section of the Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 1:: th day of October .A. D. 18.57. Loans and discounts, Stock of tti Coinuionwealth, Specie, Due by city Banks, /41,432 70 country " 4,510 53 Nutes of utker Banks, 36,120 Z 2 .Miseellaneons Stocks. Judgments, Bowls, Real estate, Circulation, Deposites, Due to other Banks, I, T. D. Carson, Cashier of the Bank A Gettysburg. being affirmed, depose at►d say, that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and bellef. T. D. CARSON. Affirmed before me, this loth day of Sep tember, A. D. 1858. Gs°. ARNOLD, J. I'. A Small Farm, Al PRIVATE SALL—Thesubacriber offers "-at Private Sale, his FAR M,eituste MiKint-1 pleasant tomuihip,Adaias county, near SAIS- aughtown, adijoining lands of Samuel Sw Alesander blurb and others, oontainingts ACRES, more or less, having_ _thereon * Two-story Frame HOUSE, with Orick - 210 bullaing, Double Log Barn, and other ont,buildings ; a Spring of never-Mi/- lug water near the dour, with eieellent Fruit of all kinds on the promises. About 12 acres are WumUand, and lu aeres Meadow. The greater part of the land has been well timed. Persous wishing to view the propert,y are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. Terms easy; B. P. HAG/LEMAN. Sept. 13, 124. 7w 1 ; t g SLUMS of Bank of Ormysbarg Mr oak. 6 Esquire of Ike Editor of dm Compiler. Sept. 6. 1838. • pERSONft ocommataing lloomokooping will P ind it to their &drew to purchase dear TIN-WA.RE at BU "3, to Clam berabarg &Etat. MUSKAT COINPIK—s asperior Timidity of Illitatewie fee Mk dept. if. W K. SOY= & 80N. at Wary 'ascription on band and Aar silo at GEO. Z. BUMMER'S, in Oluunbersbarg Street. 40 6 (X) 2 00 6 00 MARRIED, VIED, 13E131! $212,50951 24,189 TO 56,009 74 92,063 55 965 74 22.249 69 6,2 4 J5 38 9.825 00 424,108 31 Lx•aussiss. 195,650 00 0222 57 6,065 G 4 231,938 21 Valuable. iheizikand IMIIIII • P 27 c 1 ;, Pcipao_ol2.—Sibsit Woman vat AVlllCifights. in salty t Samnosa Belk, mid others. No. 9, Getwinalliesenably thia entitWa November Terns, 3857„ Writ el Partition. M in act to mmelate neral Illertieseksafj puree of osOrder of Sale in the above his Commoslonealth." enacted coos 244( awe, to em directed, will be exposed to Pot,- July. 18,9. it is enjos nod on me to give Puijie lie Vendee, upon the premier's, on ~‘zilne, l ay, Notice of such Election to be held. and so tJe Ifoit day of littot,er next, the following enumerate in such notice what officers are to described Real Estate, to wit : be elected : I, ISA AC Lltili TNI.:11. Sheriff A PLANTATION, of the County of Adams, do, therefore, hereby or Tract of Land, situate io the townships of giveld Cos nt this pNlo notice , !hat to the a Electors of the so Adams Oxford and Monntplesotant, Adam. coisety, 1; l yof `E12.1 f 1.1 ECTION astoleing lands of John Stuck, Christian "" will be held in said Co Zinn, Michael Levinson, Joseph Stough, out on ritey. Secntut Charles Smith, end others, containing 206 Tu'llaY wOctober next' (Ae 124k ' l in the Acres. more or lees. ' The im- several Districts composed of the fektowierg pet/temente are a One-and-a- Townships, viz : half Story Smna Dwelling = a In the First district, eompeosed of the Bor 110DSE, large Bonk Bern,(stone ongb of tlettooburg, anti the Lusk nstnp of Cum and frame,) GRIST & MoERCII.I NT MILL, berl•nd. at the Court-huuae, in Gettysburg. with fine Water Power, a Saw Mill, Orchards In the Sccund tholrict• cotoPooed of the of excellent fruit., Well of Water, and other township of Germany, at the house now Demo improvements. A fair proportion of sail pled by Peter Lie.genfelter, in the town of tract is the beet of Meadow, and mttpout 75Litlies"P"I'l, in the , townshiptownship of 43 o'rinin!"- • In The 'third district, couipoeed of the town ie party sitoated on Vole Conowago Creek, which ship of Oxford. at the hiu*so of ON idow Miley, rang through the place, within three-quarters in the town of New Oxford. of a mile of New Oxford. The ltatlrond,con• In tho Fourth district, composed of the nesting Gettysburg and linnover with the towtuhips of Latiwore and Iluntington, at the Northern Central R tfiread, passes through Louise of Cale B. llildebra in the town this property, upon which Cars are now run- a im p of Unruh gton. inpoeed of the ing daily. The Mills are in complete .nisi, In the Fifth district, eo town with a. goods run of eusoom al any 31ills in slips of Hamiltonian and Liberty, at the the county, situated as they are in a fine Public school-Avulse ut Millerstown. grain growing region. The pr.•pert) , will In the Stith district, composed of the town admit of dit isi„n, and offers rare „place- f at the huure " te occu p ied by Henry in the Lust n of East Lts m mints r portions clesirone of er,,va g ,tig in the business of farming, milling or nierelmat:- 1 In the N""entit distr ict, eutupoeed of the dieing. Any information as t.O title, .(c towns ip of Me nallen, in the Public School cana be olitai'nerl on reference to 31. k, W . Me: house's the town of Ilemientv the. Clean, Fools., who hare chnoge of the pro- lu the Eighth district, comported of the ceedings, tow estop ofstraban, at the house of Jacob L. I.IS-Sale to coma enee at 1 o'clock, P. Grassi 11% Ilunteratown. of said day. In the Ninth district. composed of the town. ISAAC Ll'I ITNER, oc„„Frauklin, oncludiog that part rrecentl y Sherif'. Office, Getty am r,e, Sept. 13, 11,11 T'S ER, Sheriff: Is hi p stricken off from .)lenallemi,) at the house now occupied by Joseph Bennett, in des :d township. lit time Truth &strict, compHs. d of the toe n ship of t omowago, at the house of Johu Dusboy, tit 3l.:Soerrystown. In the Ehnenth district. composed of the towtolitp io Tyrone. at the bouse of Allen C. l'uoto iu Ilmodlershurg. In the I a viral district, compos. d f the too nalop of :11ouitiiiiy, at tLe house ut• Victor I late, its Said township. In the Thir ecnth district, composed of the tow nano) of Moutop easatit, at. the public School-M.41,e to said wonoship, situate at the cross roads. the one leading from Oxford to the o Astru . the other Oulu Iluntolettoeu to II mover. In the Fourteenth district, composed of the township of Resoling, at the public School- Nome in Ihimpton. In the Fifteenth district. composed of the Borough cud township of Berwick, at the public Schaal house in Abbottattswo. In the Sixteenth listrict, cows motel of the township of Freedom. at the Mouse of Nicholas Moritz, in said township. In the Seventeenth district, composed of the township of Unica!, at the house of Enoch Le fever, in said township. Its the Ei oliteenth district, motorpoised of the w oehip o 1 huller. st die public Sebtroldatouse to Alirldonowo. in said township. At which fnd plaCes will be elected Ono Judge of the Stii;retn4 gout's of Penns.) I ranitt ; One Catutl e Cuututissionor of Penn's ; I Great Improvement One Slot:time 01 . C • oll,n'reise, to represent! is COOKING s'etit'F,O —roasurnpriori the District, tomposeil of 6,110 counties 1 stroke and Q(O,, owl o, ir n oo of po e t.— Of Adaitr-, Fulwu The eelocrilier would reepeetfully inform the and Junin to ; public that he how added t.. hi. former ettrie- 1 Ooe Member or Assembly; tr of Stores, a new l'afenlect lia•-btrreing C'Otlli 'NG STOVE. One entliity Commissioner; It is welt know.' that all inflaminatio mat One County Auditor; ter requires a certain amount of air to sup-, One 1./irectur of the Poor; port einlibuiition, mid if the supply is insuf-1 One Coroner. Seised, it is inipossibie to produce a lititne.--1 Particular attention is directed to the Aet of The heist of time tire, in 'ordinary ouokiag Assembly. passed the 27th dins of February, stoves, deeninprises the fuel, and as all the 1849, entiti.d "An set relative to Tilting at, fresh air is admitted under the grate, its, &ecotone in Adams, Diuphin. York, Loncu-loxygen is exhausted before it has passed' ter. Cumberland. Bradford, Centre, Cireene.l through the tire-chamber. Tho dame flue. at' and Erie," viz: the top of the ...tore, then net as an oxtin- Ssc-rtum: 1. Be it enacted by. the Senate and tougher, fowling to put not the fire, instesd i Ilueioe of Itepreoenta.ii es of the Consume- ut itasistine, the erunbuetion. A bar to p weantt of Pcnnsylvanie in Gem:l3l Assembly I of the fuel, therefore, Invotes tiff in the shape wet, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of atooke. clogging up time hues of the stove of the Game—that it shall he' lawful fur the so as to insoole the draft tool interfere with quolified voters of the counties of Adams, Lao- the of invisible gas which gum caster. Dauphin, York, Frenkliii, Cuomo,. lanes with the lime and 0,1 destroys the woe land, Braaten d: Gentle. GI emit'. and Eris, tar tif the tiinet..-, loosening the Ix ieki„ and fron t anu alter the passoge of dos act, to tine a:rowing the doellingi to the danger of fire. for a ll candidates for the kartuus OtliCi.a to tie ' Tie illtrtlttietloll Ix an a dditional supply ' fi led at an election on 44 slip or ticket:— of e , 1,1 air, w o uld owl the gas below the Provided. That the (dice fur et inch eves can- igniting temperature, hut by the proper ars delete is 4,01(d for, shall be designated, as re- , plie iti,,it ulset e toe Sr*, of air previously qu i re,' by the extatim.g lens of taws Commnt- , heat° 1 to tt teareersture of 'evertsl hundred ocal,h. degrees (it Imitia is one of the promiuent fee- Sisottoo 2. That any fraud committed by tores of time patent), the gnscs are inflamed any person voting in the tuanne.r alwwe pre. in limner mi. let+, a 1,1 their comillt , tion is I, dull to punished by the existing aufh, iont t,, lie.it the oven, emit if the draft laws oft h ss Cutnittommwealth. through tier tire-elm:ober is entirely (dosed. Attention to also directed to the following Li :illation to the ordinary direct draft section of the Act of the tseliera, Assembly of under the :rate and threw the fire-0,411)- (o t oteoliot of LOS', en:: ltd act to pro- her, the glut-burner has an additional draft volt fur the election of Judges of the 'ties eral throeoli the top platea, which is of itself Cootie of this I 'ultsttionvrettlth :" 1 fi ci out to in cow hiv.tion. The upper Slicedrat 4. That th e election for Judges t,t 'only eon-limes the glayf:.l, b ut it Ishalt he I eld and conducted in time eeveral helps to strengthen and preserve the centre election districts in tie Milne manner in a I re- pieces, which aro most ex rtro4l to the direct resets a., r!vetious for re ! resentstm mel are ur w :ion of time fire, arid whieh rare nytele double -hen be held and conduct. (I. and by the mono 4 in-trod of the usual sin_,le plates. Br nmenns Judges, luspces,h, and other officers: amid time of this draft alone. all the p •ration., of cook prnt DS attic act of the ("ellet.,l Asse m.bly, int; can be utrried tin o lieu the fuel is but en t itled • Ail Act MI stlog to the elections of partially ignite I, a•id the fuel eonse iuently movnwealdi." ..pproved the secon 1 horns um •re SloWlY ,nil talint eonnotnically, day of dimly, on • t,musand eight hundred amid A sutheiont evidence of the etfnet of the tbirty-mime,slid the setemslSupplemeiii4, and in ime itmn,r the oven. iv f 'mid in the faet all otli.r Ikc laws, as f,r as the to shall be that the he real* , for baking, even m I forme mini applicable, shall be d, awed and het we the fire is t /lON/Uglily killdled, and t.k ato apply to the !onion for Judges ; ntu. h eooner than iu any other sk); 0. el. Vital the *forefoot electors alts)! G are time order of' the vote fo. old o es of the Sop ewe ( ourt on a 'inv, the floe-burning C ,okirig Stoma will parale p,eee of paper. .mid for oilier ilia be the le I him.est,mic ,if the present qui ell to LO learned in time law, omm se.m ou, but it will ti. 1,1 nebtedlv cede nil anothe I separate piece of paper. I inhere. l'orehitser4 will, VIC' efore, e omvult A too-1u and lm virtue of ilme 14. b section their ovum intern-a, I,y ' , Pet/14 AM' examining of the :met aforeoiod, every person, ex eptilig it bel , re giving any orderoi el.ewhere. The Just', of the ['race, Imo shall lioldaz.y mime uperatit ti is so perfect, and it. advantages lee alpit of prollt or trust ummder the are 40 easily to be "(Jen and undarstood, that Go tsiinietie of the t (need Slates, ur of any it readily elalitlind/I, at remit, al advance of cot, or Joe, rpOrkted district, St lietlier a corn- five or six 1 heard over the ret a il price of any ruht,Stunta off car or others ise, a subOrdinsita t saw. n of' the same size. officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed Al.o, un hand a variety ; of Penum COAL under time legoslatove.executive or jud.ciary de-, Souras--cheap partment of this state, or of the Lotted States, or of any city or incorporated data ict, and also that every member of Congress and of to et State Legislature, and of the Select or Com mon Council of any City, or Commissio n er ofl any incorporated district. is by law incapable of bolding or exerristog a: the same time, the citric* or appointment of Judge, Inepector, or' 'Clerk of any e'eceion of this Commonwealth,' and that no Judge, Inspector, or other ofbarl Of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. Also—That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entotied -An Act relating to ex- I lecations, and for other purposes," approved; l April 16th, 1840, it is enacted that the afore- Lind 14th section "shall not be construed, ea prevent ally Militia officer or borough offi cer, from serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special-station in this Gam. monwealtb." And in and by an Act of the General As. Isembly of this Stets, permed the 2d day of u -177 it is directed that the lespomors nod sledges be at the places of their district. ms I the day of the General Election afornaiff,Mo o'clock in the forenoon, to do and parfais the several duties mottled and enjoined at theoo , in and by the same set. And be it further direeled, in sadlCLie Act of the General Amenably of this aforesaid, that see of the of sash of the diarist des lets aknemA WWI hare thesharp tbe ogniNktetes or the Nips . . bee limas itihiM shall bare bees igiveklbe each candidate for the ddientat venal *NI sod there need "or at their regibettre die triets. dolt meet the third day miler the den. den, wtsiaiF ebidt be an Oidifirt Me 1661 of October abweemill. et the Oesea.helowbe Bereuet ci 4411410Parit lad *We hit, make a far stitiesettt and , number el' ORA, which *boil! . 0 'i' • 410 , at, the dilienst dhvi cia f Adams for stn rows lbetbe ISAAC, LItIEITNER, - Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Sept. 13, '5B Niel Public Bale WILL be offered st Public S le. on .S4'riftr- I day, :At 25th day of ..‘ieptoriber 011 the premises, the following desirable it .d Estate, situate in Butltr township, Adu.ni county, viz: A TRACT OF L.IND, containing 4k) Acres and 109 Per c h e s, A l. joining lands of Michael Ihetrich, William liulhreath, and others. where on are erected a One-and-a•lha Story Weatherlecinkvl 1.111 l a double Frame Barn ; a Well ol g Water, and three Springs on th. * .. lot. About 12 At - red are Tinahei t.u, i , is a first-rate lleadow, and eleu a ga i or chard of shows fruil The land is in a rant state of cultivation. The Tract in situated about 6 miles northeast of Gettynturg. near Conuwagn, sad near the road leadiog froui liunterritown,to foes Grove. 11/4 - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be gilon and terms made known by DANIEL SLAYBAUCHI Sept. 13, ItZti. Id* Public Sale. 111 E enbeerilier will offer at Pith , lie Sale. on the premised. on Saturday. the 'Jilt day rtt (*gaper nex(. A LOT OF GROUND, containing` Acre. tuid2 Porches, situate in Germany township, Adams county, on the Baltimore Turnpike, a qaarter of a mile be low Littleetown, haci n I: thereon a new Two-story Brick 11101 USE, a Stable, gip and a never-failing Well of Water, with a pump iu it. The property it a most cleairahle one. salirSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, wbeu aitendance will be .41vou acid tutus made known by PETER WEIRICII. Sept. 13, 1858, tit* House and Lot FOR SALE .— The Subr • criber uteri at Psi yaw Sale, his LOT, froutitig fi l ftet on Rooth Baltimore street, immediately :IA lit . opp.sitelrinebrenner'iTan-ear01...0t„,.. It out sold before Saturday, the. 1614 day of October earl, it will lw °fie' ed at Puhlit.S.de. at 1 o'clock of that day Sept, 13, 12458. to For B3nt. WILL be Rented, at l'ubbe Outcry, at the I Public noose of Henry !dickies., in Cushtown, on Saturday. the tith day at SPr teuil.ker last., at one WCIOCk. P. M.. A FARM, Tate the property of SoLosium liisoseax, .ie ceased, situate in Franklin township, ALlau4 county, adjoining. lands 4:slltnuel B lig:11113n, Henry tiingarnan, and other+, containing about 75 Acre , im 1) ed with m. 0., and convenient BUILDINGS, a variety A Fruit Trues, &c. Dar Attendance gli en I,v JOEL B. DA Guardian of Minor Cni'd. Sept. G, A Valuable Farm, AT PUBLK3 SALE.—In pursuance of an alias Order of the 0 •phan's Curt Adams county, the suba.,ribcr, Admini4tra tor of the einstlB of Jostrn 511ITR , deL , e,i,o,l, will offer at Public Sale, on the pre.lll.-s, on Saturday, the day ptrisifier next, the fullowiug valuable lieu' Estate, viz 7.- A DESIRABLE FARM, (late the reeidence of sal , ' deceamed,) situate in Monntpleasant township, Adxwr eoutity, adjoining lands of Peter K. S.c.th,Jobepli A Smith, David Sneeringer, and others. con taining ISO Acres. inuee or Ices. of P.lteoled Land, about 54.) acres being Woodl a ;tu d :20 acres Meadow. The improve meats aousist, of a Two-story . , Stone Dwelling, 110[SE, a ;.stoile Kithen tumefied. a good ltq. Barn, with sheds arJund it: 1,, n t and Wagon Sued, Carri.ige z•miukc House, state Shop, aril ,4116,r ; an excellent well of water tie.tr the kitchen door, and a never-failing opring tit itli in twenty yards ; a fine young Orchard of thriving trees, Applei, Peaches, Pears, Cher ries, /Lc, The Farm is in a high state of cul tivation, and under good fencing. Persons wishing to view it are requested to call on the tenant, F. M. Buddy. SeirSale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. 3f., on said day, when attendance will be given awl tarsus wade known by GEORGE 2ldAn'r By the Court-,11. G. Weir, Clerk. Aug. 1858. to Town Property, -LkA T PRIVATE SALE.—The valuable Prop arty on the corner of West Middle and Washington streets, now occupied by Mr. Joeeph Little, is offered at private sale by the heirs of the late Charles Ziegler, deceas ed. The improvements are a large Two-story Brick Dwelling ROUSE, with a weatherboarded Back Build ing, and the Shop on the corner of the alley. For information apply to D. Ziegler, Jr. LlEllia Se ..t.1,1858. 2131" ildattors , 11gotta.' UALTZER 011INTEitt Letters testsmentar7 on the estate of Seltzer Ustintsr, late of Ilea*lien town * Op, Adams twenty, deceased. haring been pealed to the undersigned, both resielinglo she sense torruship.they hereby . give notice to all person, indebted to s aid estate to auks Immediate, t, sad those having eianas against same to present those properly authenticated for eettleinent. JESSALLLII SL/LYBALGH, 3A.0011 SANDOS. _Sept. 6,1858. 6t llseesters. Far the Ladies. 9[IIX MANTILLA/31-4%st received direct, from Auction' a lame wierretacest of bean- Wei Sits add Moire Antique lioutillar—in rieereagiwgirece $l. 75 to $5 00,. to which we eIJI the attention of II yoa wish cheep sad pretty Mardilias call east) , at June 7. FAIINESTOCKS*. JULES' A. SWOPE v s " • f. ',, -. ' , 1 1 ' 1 .lartnifit "pad . County Soria 4-allettlietak tlitreoichellt Schools, *lll riiillibis tolltswieftlistricht. for the ruriirogi of cliunining Tettsititra fee tite Public Fehotibt on the days mentioiletl: Germany and Unice twpa., at Littleatown, oat Fr:d ty, Sept. 17, at 1 o'clock. Ilamiltonban and Liliarty twpa.. at Fairfield, on Saturday, Sept. Vst, at 1 o'clock. hlkdtatplussant twp.. at Brut& Kau, on Fri day. Sept. 24. at 1 o'clock. Hamilton twp. ' at Eatt Berlin, on Saturday, Sept. 25, at t O o'clock.. Berwick Bor. k twp., at Ahhettstown. on Saturday, Sept. 25, at 2 o'clock. . . Butler twp.. at 3liddlotowu, on 3londity. Sept. 27, at 1U o'clock. Tyroue twp.. at Ileidlersborg, on Monday, Sept. 27, at 2 o'clock. Ilu otsngton and Latium** twpa., at Peters burv,, an Toeedir. Sept. 2t. at 2 o'clock. Mena:leo ter p., at 'llentleriville. on IVotluos day, Sept. 21, at 2 n'tiock. C n iwago twp., at SieSserrystown, on Thurs day, Sept. 3U, at 2 o'clock. Moon tjoy twp., at Two Taverns, on Friday, Oct. 1, at 10 o'clock. Freedotu twp., at Mur ilea 'Tavern, on Friaay, Oct. 1, at 2 o'clock. Cuml,erlan.l tirp , nt Sehrirer's Tavern, Sat urday, Oct, 2, at 2 o'clock. The examinations will he held at the School Wiuses, in each district, wherever convenient. Persons who expect Po teach i• the Public S..hools during the corning fall allti Nt infer, will be required to attend therm ex arniciati,ms, as they will be held to the ex clusion of pcirate esittuisati,n4, except in extreme 'cases. Direct ors, parents and all others interested in the Common School sys tem, are earnestly r.i vve.m l t r he present. J. )C. Me{ LIIEN Y. Co. Sup't. Sept. 13, 1.68. td Teachers Wanted. TIIE School U rectors of Gettysburg will I Meet OM 1/iXitita. rue the purpoNe of rnippLing s male teacher for the Colored School. and a female aisiiaant teacher fur the High School. It iy 011/CAI that the County Superintendent wilt he present Li eraniine any applicants who have not already recoiled certificates.. Application may he made until the day of nicetilig to soy member of the board. IL G. 11,C1tEA1:Y, E'rec't. SLptember 13. 1858. Military Auditors. VOTICE iahOreby ri sen to the Fit 1.1 Officers 11 of the A hut.. Bripi.de of the Penns ylve:titt Militia, that there will be a meeting of said Officerot, et the limme of llun•ey U. NVattlee, in (le , t•mhurg. ne Thmrs day 11,e 24d r t r &ideiAloei• *ft et 1U u'eluok, A. U,. fur the putp•,nu of auditing tte t.OIIZ/LY Of s.iil L 3, liAltdO. Wlll. F. WALTER, Brig. Gen. Sept. 13. td A Meeting OF the Young Christian Aitinciation ‘J will beheld in their room, in Niol'on.mghy's Hall, on Saturday events* nest, Sept. IStb. .at 7 o'clock. A ge. era! at *Mance of the Anembers is requested. as matters imp Lance will be brought b. Ibre the Associati..n. I). A. LiCIEIIIJER. Preat • R. A. lirrtut, c'y. Sept. 13. ANDREW POLLEY, York St., thttpturg 4m Sept. 0, 1818 This Way ! VENV BOilT JA RST L. has the pleasure if announcing his frierds .t the public that he has ixitniueui ed the Bout a [id )line business, on his "own hook," on Baltino.re S reel, Oetlysburt, op po,ite Fahnestiek's store, and ii p.epared to wake up Boots soil Shoes i.f all kinds, Le attetleumn, Ladies, and Children. I hate doter milled to employ none but the best of tmbs, and wilt poi-Ludly superintend s'l my work. so that the publo can rebt assumi that no effort will be spared to tire satiistio• thin to customers. atiarGiel me a call. Sept. 6, 1358. 3t itzenters , letio 1 ILLIAM .001.4616, SAM, IICSTATI6 Letters tattoos:eery ee the estate of WjUum Ckibtan, Sr., bait ulthriwiy Wire. eblp. 41.41ainOoounty, deceased, bating been giiated to the undersigned, the ileitis/mod In Mountjoy toergehip, and the last earned in Germany •toveshlitititiey hereby give 'motif,* As all persona iletoted to gold Wets et mealdsieusiodleas t, sad those kallag eleiiets 'whet eases Se prove** then leteparli, setbeatiated tee aeuesst. Lein o9t.u&N, JAWS ii Orr,. • .1L0g.•16, 1868. 6t Beetratem.. • —therr inist4t QPOUTING. --- snit Skov Maniple kr , will saskalionei • sari put up th limp low. forwash ores proclaim fa leash hot sit ushers wrillia their home bans. he.. spouted, trail& e well to g tlisii a will. 0, ra: iIiiPIJUL Apr 1118,4511. il - " KIP 011114LESOVV.-- ro.►6uiuwut asaortsaeut of Fly Nem at PICK I N9'S. T Farm, :•ATIAiC-4%e su broti wisbitdesntime far ming, offers at Prima. . U FARM, I situate in 'Motintily township, tin the road ' leading from the White Chnrch to Horner's Mill, adjoining land. of Jacob Schwartz, James Hider, George Grohf, and others, con taining 291.) Acres, more or less, between 50 and ero acres of which are Woodland, and a large proportion of Meadow, The improvements are a Two- ggi I story Brick HOUSE, One-story . I '. 11 11 Brick Back-building. Log Barn . (Wagoo Shed, Corn Crib, and al necessary outbuildings, in good order, two never-failing Well. of Water near the door, with pumps in them ; seteral spring. on the farm; 2 ( good Orchard.. containing a variety oLfruit, 4 : Apples. Peaches , Pear*, Le. I iliiirPersetui wishing to slaw the property are requested to *all an the robe:Aber. re siding thereon. GEOIWE F. KALBFLNISCII. 1 Aug. 30, 1858. 2m N pursuattos of an Order of the Orphan's I Court of Aleuts county. the onbscr . tber, Administrator of the &nate of D. Jssits tal LTO.V. deetaiCl, Win offer at PUblia Salo. at the puldie of David Goodyear. in Franklin Adams county, oh Thursday, the 30th liy of S limber next, the folkwin.4 Real E.itate, Tiz • Ist. All that Tract of Mountain Land, described in the original survey its lot No. 2, situate on the South Mountain, in the township of Franklin, adjoining lands of Thrtddeua Stereos, Levi Irwin, McKenrick, and other*, containing 3.1 k) .I.crea, more or lest. 2d. Three Tracts of liounistn Laud, described in the original survey as treats No s . 5, ti and 7, adjoining lands of John Reamer, A. bleKenrick, and others, and the Franklin county line, each tract containing 410 Acres, more or less. 9d. A Tract of Monnthin Land, de- IteribNl in the nrigitutl surTey as tract No. 10. situate in Franklin i p.( late Mciallen,) adjoining lands or A. McKcnrick Thomav Stevens, and others, containing 410 Acre., mei c or leas. Pemins wishing to view the property are requeAted t call on the undersigned, re siding in Mommoshurg. kir-Sale to eminence at 12 o'clock, 31., on Said day. when at...et - Ounce will be given anti terms male known by JAMES RC ILL, Adorer By the Court—lL. G. Aug. 40, 1i 4 58. is rr LIE subscriber,. intending to remove, will ofTcr a Public Silo, on 013 pretniees, uu rueachty, Me aSils day of S•ident6e,r next, enntaining 00 Acres, more or less, situate in Aluantplesssant townshir. Adams twenty, nd- Joining lands of David Clapsntidle. George Winrott, and others. About 15 acres nre Woodland— the balance cleared anitatidei good cultivntien. The improvements are a Two story Weatherhoarded HOUSE. a good i lr" Barn, Orchard, &e., with is never failing spring of water near the dwelling. iteir.tt the some time and place, will be ofeteid; 3 Horses, 4 Cows, 8 'mod of liogs, agulia Ploughs, Harrows, 11Jrse Gears, Le.; 20 toes of kilt-Sale 4, eomment.-e At 1 .0 e'clook. A. 11., nu said day. when attendance will Le preu nd terms made knoll n .10fIN SOCKS, .111.!HAEL D.IEXER. Aug. ltn, 1858. ts* A aroINING u Err YSI.I I.; 11G, FOIL SALE. A —The undersigned offers at Private Sale, hie FARM. situate in Strehan township, Adams confity, nn the ll:mover road,. and ad joining the tiettysbur: Borough lit.e. The farm contains 134 . 4 4...:re5, more or less, the land being of the best quality, inneh of it •"granite"--with fair proportions of meadow and timber. Fences good nod th"oi lin 1 ex cellent cultivation. The improve- ' .....„ mom* are a comf o rt iAde Stone .. , 'lr. lif Direifitm LIOCSE, Batik Bern: . Tv Wagon Shed. Corn crib, Lc..—fi rqt -, ... ' ",. '.....- • rate Apple Orchard, a never-fatting weft of water at the door, and a number of npringe upon the tract It is certainly one of the most dteirahle farms now in market in this connty, and demands the attention of capi talists. l'ersone t view the property are requested to call up is the undersigned, maid lug thereon. DANIEL, BENNER. July 5,1155 h. 3m FOl . l S ► LE. —1 will "ell a bargain, and on envy term+. The Farm en which Stuatrti Young trmv rsi•lat, lying in Frederick coun ty. MI. 12 miles front Frederick city, (turn pike nll the wav,) and within one mile of Weinlvbore'. Curtaining 150 Acres, in an excellent state of cultivation. The 1)1VE1 , 1.1S11, 13.111 N, all new. Ny-Porgun4 xinhiuq w parcluoise wilt be 811.11 , 11 010 pretuiscrt by Mr. YuMl* For tPring, &t.., ripply vo 11 , m. E. Lxvl.4 Frederick Cit e , or to • .I.\MES Winn:FORD, Na. 6 Srf atr's Wharf, Baltimore.• At , .o, 18i8• Sr . Timber Lots. TVIE setwerilier ham eta l a few more rideable LOCUST am/ CIILI•N("T TIMBER LOI'S for J. 1). PAXTON. (Jettyeborg, July 26, 1/458. Taaohers TIM Soh Directors of lilotintplesinnt township will moot nt Brush nun School house. on day of Septent -1,,- nr-A, at 2 p'eloik, P. M., for the purpose of employing, nine Touchers to take charge of the Besetof italools of siiia township. • IXIBEILT ECKEKT, See'y. 185 IS. tti* Administrator's Notice. prEXILY REMY'S ESTA.TE..---Letters of askitinistration qn the estate of Henry Iteily, late of M.,nntplealarit towns'p, Adams bounty, deceased. having been granted to the undersigned. residin;; in the same township. he hereby gives notite Gr all persons indebt ed to said estate to maim immediate payment, and those haring claims e.gainet the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. J9SEP.II LILLY, ..ildas'r. Aug. 2 1858. 6t DP, JAMES HAMILTON'S F.Sl' ATE.— Letters .1f administration lin the estate of Dr. James Hamilton, late of fitzahan town. ship, Adams county, deceased, haring been lately granted Di the, osidersigned. residing in loranklin township. ha hereby gnu Doane to all persona indebted to said. - estate tai Dieter ionersdhiew Ferment, end those keying elaista spies the sweet tn pewees% them properly anthmitirseterl fur settlemenit. JAMES RUSSELL. Adrer. Aug. 23, WS. tit • JAMES, WILSON 41.tailidstritiles MVO,. NTIIQNY , 701,Liiii'843rATIL—lakters Z 3 of administration as **mate of Authors Folios% Astir of llloomplossali township, Adams go., ilossased. harm bow grastosti to Mho amionajpoo4, losf?iiiiig is .4bo mow lowso .s t i tiosoity ins soirs to all or aiss4 edits to wake -ha. kfiiiffat;siad 'Ouse . baying claw *paint AO ?meta lbw Twofold,' autbastioakild foe mm.real. MS 8. , SMITII, Aker. • Aug..= 11$8. SEIM Colass.s4,llosoots, wool and c* too inew-alla_ Dri,Wori 4 flo w ers, Onwater, Efonakotwialere, •klaspeodonr. brines and Walking Canes--pot to be beat in quality or price. Call at SAMSON'S. E=l Public Sale. Public Sale. T 11 1.7, 1 A R sf , A First-olass Farm, Valuable Farm, Administrator's 'Natio.. A' At Stecutors of Ablllllax Setrinelkdatmaiiio, offer at Private Vile tbm DESlttA l litig .t . on which decedent resided ' .pii,. Br at years, sitnitto is Tyrnve• tar" tilill& county, stiljoinfilif Gee - Heirs of Jacelti'ireitfii A a r ilortT, Samuel Ileartinfle mid - s . ' containing 202 ACRES, more . ee l i si Za c with good proportions of - limber and The improvements coothirt of 110 two-outury Wetitherbilarded Dwell ing HOUSg, Bunk Bern, IVagon Shod and Corn Crib attached, Cooper Shop, and other out-bui imp - never-failing wells of water, one attheiliujeti the other et the boast t nod nie•soolloo*tillpo 4 -• pie ORCHARD, with* rerimperetheeeinierfi, fruit. CJnowsgo Creek rune through tea Farm, and there are also two spriep est the. property. The fences, . mostly of Ahem* rails, are good, and the land in In a small state of cultivation, two-thirits of if hin . i . been limed. - The property will be Anent:. Samuel Bollinger. residing thereon. " - ' ' Alen, A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LANIIIst ' containing 7 acre!, more or lees, sitaatwiss M cannon township, Adams county, w i ti s Aigiesit lands of George Mockley,Jawb Gulden, asetl others. - JOTIN SNYDER.. FREDERICK HOLTZ, — Neer/dors: Sept. 6, 185 1 skir-ne sole notes given fur property of said de ed are now 17,Zatt Immediate payment' is required. Tha iota are in the hands of F. Holtz. Valuable Houses and Lots. FOP. SALE, in and near Grltyahttrr,rTbe undersigned will offer at.Ptiblis Safe, 0/1 Ssltfrrbly.tlie.24 (lay f f Iktober wart, ow 4111wiF pratuifte-, the following rateable property,, to wit: Two-story Brick HOUSE, 1* - ch a , n b o rob erg street. between ; • j the Store 4 of 'Messrs. Scott and •1 1 Picking, front part now occupied a.i adeweller abop, with a well of ex , water. Alscot Two-story Stick 'MOUSE, on 11nilroad street., with a full ' Lot, suite , l fur Leather. ntl, or • ,11 other husivoss on the Itailmati. Also, about Acres of excellent !e Icing on the Alillerstown Road. including , r Alk .lyres, Inure or less, TINEBER-Lat N 1), if* medintely in the rear of toy dwelling,. this tract is an excellent Barn, with se . intsk,. and other Out-horo.es. a joint right to an cellent well of water, a tlitiviog Apple Peach Orchard, and adjoining it o • a new and well- constructed . 9111.. Frame and Weatherboarded 1111 HOUSE, with four rooms and kitchen. The land will be sold entire, or is porta to suit purehaAere. ...ViirSAlti to commence at 1 o'clock, F.. K., on said day, when attendance will be gives and terms made knywn by S. S. SCIIMUCKER. Sept. 6, 155 4 . to The Great Ambaxgador of health to alt ' ifanl,ind. • Holloway's Pills. t BOOS TO TUE SICK I—The want-of a sterling medicinal to meet the ills and * 4. 7 . necessities of the !tattering portion of hutneas ity, and one entirely free from mineral and .., other deleterious particles, was set ly We -4, till this all powerful medicine waa usher* into the world; llom.airav's IN vahuint.r. Pitt* . 1 ::;.1 . 9 become the itovszuotm Kemeny of all nations. Their attribute is to PREVRX7OR,I4,„ well as to CURE they attack the RADIX It 4,0 - , ROOT Or the complaint, and thus by retnovfl _ the hiddeit muse of disease reinvigorate a . ..1 restore the drooping energies of the system* * , assisting nature in her task . of mat. and , FUNCTIONARY R/CFORMATION'. • „.4 , ',. , DYSPEPSIA.—The great scourge of. the, ” continent yields quickly to a course of thews, sntiseptic Pills, and the digestit e organs grit i restored to their proper tone ; no flintier hi what hideous shape this hydra of disease ilk- ... hibits itself, this searching and unerring. . ,. , . remedy disperses it from the patient's ai , ,rstemi. GENERAL DEBILITY AND ANILIKI: ICESS.—From whate‘er cause, louses* of spirits, and all other signs of a diseased livor, and other disorganlzatons of the ryifent 4 vanish under the eradicating influence of tbio all powerful antiseptic and detergent reined;. BILIOUciDISORDERS.-The proper (lima , turn and right COI dlt.:un of the bile is of idl e s inequity' impurtiume to the liseith of the hos man frame, this anti , bilipas mriediaineemtpel- t< the hidden seeds of the complaint. and. .1-._ dens all the fluids and secretions pore - lit , , fluent, cleansing and resuscit4ing Use ..,.. ,, functions of the body. SICKLY FEMALES—ShouId 114 iiii . '"" ) time in trying a few doses of this regale •shr es and renovating remedy, whatever Mayl/14,-:- .. 1 -- their complaint, it can be take* with .. in all periodical and other dhotis ' .i i Its effect is all hut miraculous. -.4 '..a.r , -st UN REFUTED PROOF.—Thp temtim_dilly or ~ Nations is unanimously borne to the heillV giving virtue* of his noble remedy, A nd iiitt: titicates in every living language beer i , worth. sribi Eons to the undeniableness of their Intribeit s • ~.. Ifullotray's Pills are the heal rentedy kAartttif ifr. the ietirlet,Ar the fatlooriam diatoms : Iloillrn, Drys's!, forward W.ostions, 1110.e1C0M.11021/1. 00 4 6114 Y. Liver Coseigalit% ~ qk =,:,''' rev s awl Arlo. Lowers of eakflior4 4i rs“..l.l2•milsiatt, Piles, r_ CbaGt. Diorama, If radoeboo, Etnao AM U Coati 4 • moo, 110 Iggrm lea , fkies ay =it - kr. /*rola I I soomoiaa. Viewing Daaeriono, I otiosuonaloo, RI onus 442 116 1= .. - 1 . . '—'---- kir andi o g ! _Nona are kitill the words " Ifottnirity, eve I ark. .ts don," are discernible anti ortilse- w ere. ~, leaf of the book of direethaes s i romillw , I, pot or boa ; the same may be plamly swim by ,adding the leaf to the light. A bambiopwsew , .- ward will be given to any one readmits; arch- C am - itiformation as may lead to thedelammosel . any party or rartieacounterfeiting the misdl. 4 , cities or vending the same, knowing dusts *a 'f be spurious. „ • •'" •,...: 6 *„*Suld at the Mint:factories 4-hr/fewer i": flottoway, ad Maids& Lane, Nine Yuri, ad by all respectable .Praggitita, And kb‘siorwimo;Ame Medicine throughout the Visited Statee-allAstas. the sit iliseit world, is Imam. at,26,seateasa 1., * a cents, and 31 each. A. D. Butitutit, A4teut !' Liettysburg. _____— • $ There is considerable satin 143 takiss.,o the larger rises. N. VI. —Direetirtne tee the tifilitiee of pa tients in every disorder •re allied to emk' " x. • [June T. Mit. euvrtyr ; ,, . '_ Independent Itillenum,'‘ • kit • t oe VOLT will pantile a the itiee 4 - Isaac Byers, in Aremltariike, .f/f. /..7atur., day, the Isl 4 dog t f Heplemiker i,ut ,st IO - o'clock, A. M., witli,ersne sod socontrements in complete order. Am election to fill recernl of the °glees in the cowpony will be livid es A to that, time, By order of the C'Optniu. DAVID II ART 24 A N..b:ll:' Se t. 6,1856. . • •`li';. FM 7111-111531 - • Bargains all the Thief .:: N EW GOODS remised vrory week. I. 11(A1 4 80, 04 - 4 EMI Pay UP indersign• bu.. thil ewe loattgoll "rwiltnitt this all 44 pc floptiooboio • oateenta tilt Kira' ? oNkw Whitlow. DAP Irbil.% An riIOBACCO, - Begai aurtatent, at em --: . -4 '4.4!
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