.fS.BURq, PA = k.,=e2sz= 14 , iff=2=a " - J••// 40 1 10 1 NCR"-, WAWA 44. , t9 1 1744 1 , of Pttibidelphis. •.14cAriwtoiltsuirsoxas., ir i p mi cy ?4,047, of fa)eite cosety, 040011:.1 rxc ciwxrr TICK Er. k SAMIXELY, 041444 NIA, et °Mott township. st - non, 1314 C #: tAN, of ti un t ington township j • 001111111110Y111, OMN I pernui...s, of Union township s DiltirCTOS or POOII, 4111t4,1tV WANGLER, of Cumberland twp AVDI7OIII, • 4ettp Ittrxit, of Germany township. Otal Et, AT. C. STEM, of Franklin township. 1111 4 Demiersta Adutns, be on your gyp . 419pts:nst the plots of the enemy. PIP *off into inactivity because Piny stiv palatal to feet no interest in t tiotttiet.: They aro only shaventing, utid hope' to tnko us by ElClrpriise when tligAay hattto arrives. 13e prepared hem at tail poixta. -- Jr:- . --• Nrialtax-y 1 12141 Dilnvents of Wilmington, Ns- Nrare,Uirital tho Mayor and half the pity ottisati at the election last work. A yoactsgo, the Ji now Nothings and Re publicans tlectell their ticket hy,three 141,1001 end filly-eight majority. This letorillt*Orth a hearty I: itaA 11 Zeit) e 3. JB‘al.t. TitAlizows Srxvitss has instituted a against Mr. SANDEILSON, of the -uster-bitelligencer, for libel—found. - Taxes says, on a charge fnade dtliitn of gambling. The last In. "We simply stated that ..ist...ilLoist was no gainblor, and :be was not guilty of that rice untt oilier gross outrages against the ConstitutiOn and laws of the Common -o,oth,_ he was not deserving the foal opithet,beatowed upon him by STEVENS, °liming the 'meanest' man that has ever or6upied the Presidential chair.— We also -stated that the man who would deliberately and in cool blood ap ply each ansrpithiet te the Chief Magis trate Oldie :Nation, wan himselfent i tied to the appellation, and we say so now ."' MI 44 aii.tlrai6ll7ll%4Pki.3la r' The Star, 1110/2113 tune ago, charged Prcaklent 'Bvcnassn's Administration with expanding $100,000,000 in a si»gle year. lu last Friday's issue, the man :ngers 'get down to sBo,ooo,ooo—the ne cessity of approaching the truth being forced upon them by the better knowl edge of their readers. Now, take from these $80,000,000, nearly $15,000,000 of Past Ofßee revenue, and but .65,000,- 000 remain. From the latter take the balance estimated at Washington to be in the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year, about $15,000,000, and the aggre gate properly chargeable to the Ad ministration sinks to the neighborhood pf $40,000,000. And in this are inelad ,ed the expenses of the Utah expedition and the increase of the army and nary. The charge of " extraragance" exhibits rgvklesenass as well as untruth. Wise Iraiiritt . col' Par 7. Republic-pa in Ohio have r wining' led lion. Lewis I). Campbell, the author of the bill to reduce the Tariff in 1867, and by whossaexertious mainly Ole. reduction waa elitx:ted, yet those worthier arejust now crying out for protectios This norainattou fully ex popes their. .hypooricy.—Ercha egf. Barna Star and the Sentinel do not contain a' wgrd disapproving of the re liosalisstion of Lewis D. Campbell, not- TiOist.analog his authorship of the .04 frohrefias bill of 1857. The Birn tillerAO; he is a fellow part ner in the bitokrupt) Arm or "Sam and Sanibo." "The - Rvittikica!in of the ttrentieth aistriet of Ohio have nontinateo John .liett4tio . s, of Warren, for Congrese, in the piste of tho Mon. Joshua R. Gid dinli;liktfi dotlitipil re-penitiation.," —ATar. alierhs following, from * CiPO4- , esti, liersiser, Aloes not look as t4ou,gh Gitl4l4o tiad a declined :" i • pd. Affeat qr Giddings.—Tbe vote 1 pa Oat * *lid ballot in the Republican roprri4" . for the Aebtabuta Coo-i • • I stood as follows: 1 p 2i.5.; , eylor 2; Jesse Baldwin 8. lin imilOp city ,over all, . two.— , splpw. lb. 1 1411 190 1 1 1 4, better in the coaven- taw„oppiim ingOP. .ir that .F9gld be dipl agape& i a non- so preseinently luilklaplileith thiAeligitel illinie as likktims *pp 41iiisieqtkieg *bet i s .“) rive , "pe o Mt ADILS4 ne - JP • I a s 41111 W .. l ea! 0 1 0 1 007 bea l = " 0 d i . ' t" ill In r at, 1 4 0 1 1 4: gess*" loopploptl fike sie. oomisirist - pecresekekt; seek t - leakage awe* by *FS 8 #144 in Stirtork. • 11110ilhiski hiilesewrooemboate6l fin. 01°!idili°14: JO' O. OP. p 90114■• w 0: :410,!11= 41iir akottie time the bill of 11357 mood. From presentp *rad 'Mon, called by %mom 1 1/ 4y olg#tie Tari ff . 46=1 plo's party "--or th e intend to add the Tariff iiabor eves,. :111 . Fusion Platform this t o avid wipes *sod, evOgythinitootomand thereby to hnmbngsot 2tPing good prtees and finding" a ready the support of their candidates, who market. But in '57 this Tariff was otherwise would vote the Democratic' materially altered and reduced. The ticket, as heretofore. This trick of that bill originated n 20/4 Pliaged by a tricky party, we presume, will not prove very profitable in this part of Republican House cif s ßepeasentatives, the C'ommouwealtb. The leaders of of which Republican Banks WSW fipeak that ever-ehanging party have exhaust- was, brought forwar d ~b y a Its , llacist fund oi dez;c4athou, stud any re-, tiewed attempt at, tbeir old tricks will Pubricsn, advnested almost ext4'"ii"4Y be exposed, and the imposition made to by Republivans, and was voted for by recoil upon their guilty heeds. All • them. Yet, in order to catch unsus their old notions—milled by them grin- peeling voters, thpse same mon new ciplies-tlify have abandoned, and now come forwarlandlgnavishly attempt to for - *ant. of something' better. revives • tinti'etviilfluestionti unlucky hit for saddle their own sin on the shoulders them, when the proteellings of th e of the Democrats: They commit the Congress that reduced the rates are wrong themselves and then charge it more tally known, upon their opponents. This is an old At the organization of the 84th Con trick, with which the public is too famil woes the Black Republicans outnum-: be ,rod the Democrats nearly two to one far to be deceived now. The only con -and after an unprecedented straggle' sistency the Opposition has shown is in of months, succeeded in electing BANKS, nominating and supporting free trade of 3faseeschusetts, Speaker, over the Demoerats. In forming the Coin ini tees of the *louse, the tariff question was kept in slew. Speaker Banks, the tool and choice of the Manufacturing Prin ces of the East, placed C,Auetirti, of Ohio, the leader of the Republicans in Con,vress, at the head of the Committee of 1% ays anti Means, because of its con trol of the Revenue questions, rod because Mr. CAMPBELL was a low Tariff man. 1 1 4 PreiPriem,. That lye may not _be contradicted nor be disbelievoi, even by those whose party prejudices, would incline them to do it, we will ilubliah in thia connection a few extrart4 from the speecbee made by Mr. CA NI HIM. dll ri rig the disctulaion and pumatti4c of the Tariff bill now 'com plained of: "I wished to ascertain whether this gen eral debate is to go on pending so important ■ question as that ut reducing the Iterenne of the Country. '—C. G. page 4i /o. la the higher schedules )uu will find a re duction, taking the huportatluils of the last year as a thtSlz of . cuk ulatiuu, of aLout $3,000,- 000; anti if the iinportution of articles in the intermediate ..chedules are no n.are in the future than they were last year, yuit will have as aggregate reauction of ,shunt sl 4,uuoi 3 Oou • • • The reduction of the Revenue is one great aject tu oniplish."— C. G. page t+:+o. Mr. CASIPBY,I,L, RR the leader and moutti-pieceof the Republican toner, and as the employee of the Eastern Manufacturers, attempted to coax into the support of him low Tariff bill tho Democrats of Kentucky and Pennsyl vania, by tcliing them that there should be no "party politics" in the tueasure, and that they could afford a redifilion of duty ex /run in order to hare friability in the system, and be assured ola rich harvest to a drat years. Read his uu party and tree-trade scud weals : " fam very glad that the gentleman from Kentucky is willing, to take till.) frittllre of the bill, because Kentucky has • groa int; iron in terest, as Ohio has : and I believe that great interestjuay well uflord a reduction of duty in order to have that great que:•tion withdrau from the party pol,tits of the times, and placed one firm and stable basis. Again-1 bclictie that it this question were Eetiled, taken, as I said, fruni the arena a par ty politics, and placed upon the Wale reported by the Committee of Conference as a finality, Pennsylvania rill, before ninny years roll around. reap a rich harvest Irons the bill: bht if renusyltania nil! cling to her to/d policy which sees no other interest than her irou and coal, and prevents the passaKe of this Lill, up-, on the shusilders of Pennsylvania must rest the responsibility not upon mine."—Cong. Globe, page 9100. Aceordin, : ,.. to the leadership of lir. CAMPBELL, the bill passed; by the votes of the great body of the Republicans. Now we submit the question to every caudal reader, as to the party tilt() caused the reduction of the lariti of '46; and who is to blame fur the " hard times," if they are attributable to the modification of the Tariff laws in '57 ?- 1 From the facts of the case it is •very, l clear that the Republicans managed and: voted through Congress the modification ‘, now complained of in their party_plat form. Row shamefully it become*, them, then, to attempt to repudiate their own acts and east the blame upon the Democrats. Nut eighteen months, from the date of their efforts in favor of reduced rake and at/ye liAt, they turn around, and claim to be tlic friends of taglt rates and a proteetcd list. The Denicx:ratie, Tariff of '4t had given gen eral sfitistaction and wile spread pros perity to the country tor tirctre VaTS, and its "stability" would•nut have been broken, nor the Federal Treasury been bankrupted, and the loan of millions resortee. to to keep the w heels of C;Otern mein in motion, had the Black Repub licans been in ie minority in the 4th Congress,. They then had the power to do mischief, and most effectually did ' they exercise it. The Nabob Manufacturers of the East threw their gold and their influence in favor of a reduced Tariff. They see eeeded by electing their man Banks for Speaker, who according to arrange , ment, appointed Campbell to the head 'of the Tariff Committee; who also by , arranges:nett reported a bill of reduced r. 414.0 and a free and the Republi eviadts peaky, carried the bill through Congress in,ltp of opposition. The 878,W° Lori:D*lBs fund contributed by ; Lan'rence,Sthge?s. Co., 4 rich manufae taring firm in. 'Boston, throws a little light upon thrlueans wad motives at the root of the offensive changes in the neVaillhe lima. The Congnissional Committee of investigation deco the fact , that the ILepublic.uns paid ally to secure the passage of the Law ; amteven went so far as to offer Greeley of the Tritioure $l,OOO for his asslstasee. —llorkesdate Iteratit, iariu the face of" these , direct , facts, McPasgsoN, the Know hotting jilauk Repahlie.sn candidata for Cuu gress, and his mouthpieces, the &sr and Saltine', with the wire-pullers of the party general;, aro endeavoring to chest, the people unto the belief that 11141liiiiiftriti0111 ie sespontl►le for the premiss Tarilfpolier, • • Abat , whatever depreasioa assauface Ong interests may bare fart, or now fad; le relay sttsibatable to Democrat.. prolligioy sad 'waste( pitnuista.- 4 cord cousuannate end baselbeed do. eoptioa was Devoe incanted. Aad die atithasiusow it to be so; bat; to carry as etoetiaatoboy wilt soap to anything -;-10 sat iiicrinos of honor aad bossily -- 'say trick, no matter jiOW vile *St despicable. EIBID ;;;Of4W/1 IZia.r.X.iadbasim cro..T.aigiat : h iy high putiturity which says that " men love darAnots and hate the iiyht," and that, wo, ''beealLsethetr deeds arc exit: "—Star Lf Friday c/;. Comment 'You and each pf you, of your own free is ill and accord, in the presence of Almighty God and these witnennes,your right hand resting on this IfOLI BI III.E and CROSS, and your left hand raised towards Heaven, in token of your sincerity:, do solemnly promise and :SWEAR that you will nvl maks kitiotert ahy verownt or pc764115, any of thu signs, nerrts, mpirrie.l or objects of this organization, unless it ho to those whom, atter due examination, or Jaw. ful information, you shall find to bo members of this organization in good tanditig."—Part of KflOW Not/am Outk. How was it, SAMUELiIURBOILAW, viten you subscribed to the Know Nothing oath of scertcy—did you them believe that, "men love darkseas and hate the light," ar.d that, too, "because tAeir deeds are evil"? ' ." You furtherniore promise and de clare that you will not rote nor give your influence to any man for ANY OFFICE in the gift of the people, un less he be au American-burn citizen, in furor of 'Americans ruling America,' 'iv if he be a Roman Caijiolic, and that you will not, under ANT CIItCI7.V.- STANCES, expose the name of any member of this order, nor reveal the ex isteikr of such an organizatiun."—Part of Know Nothing Oath. Answer again, SAMUEL BURRO RA W—do men Love darkness and hate the light," 4 4enawse their deeds are evil" 1' moors " The Know Nothing. Black Republi can County Committee was ads-articled to meet at Tate'e hotel, in this place, on Tuesday lag, but Friday's &at con tains not a word in regard toits doings. It must havo been a "creek-lantern" ur fair, sorb as that which tha editor of the SYnr alluded to when he penned the following paragraph, printed in his tis ane of &pt. `l.3d, 1854 : " The impret-sion seems to be general that a Know :Nothing Convention was in session in this place on Friduy last, and that a ticket was agreed on. Va rious ruiners are afloat as to the results of their deliberations. We presume, however, the truth will only be known after the October election." " dam" must again have bidden the public to wait for "the truth" until "after the Octohcr election." Certainly they are receiving very little through hie or gans just now. Mittr. VV 1.1.1.'m " r-,:eacbrell." The Star malingers over-reach them-i selves in their anxiety to defeat Mr.l WILL. They show just what he and his Democratic friends desire they shall , 8 110 W, when they class hini among those members of the Legislature who voted ; against the agitation of the Kansas issue in that. body. The National Leg islature was the proper place for the' , adjustment of that vexed question not that of Pennsylvania—and Mr. Will' did perfectly right in voting with the great body of the Democratic members, thnt the designs of unprincipled agita tors might be frustrated. So, too, in reference to his vote on the sale of the State Canals. No mat ter what may have been the policy of the sale, the terms proposed in the bill were of on severe% grounds, and fully justified Mr. Will in voting against accepting them. The imininae profits which the purchasers of the Canals aro now readiz;ng out of them are " proofs strong as holy writ" of the eorieetnees of his position. 1f 11.* Star can furniali additioal items of a similar nature in Mr. Will's "record," let thcns be forthcoming, by all means. lie could 4ot ask a greater favor at Lb* bands of Um managers. Siiir - SAr, editors of chit mar and See tied, did not Major 111.1.31511L3tA11, as 14 somber of the liegieluture,uocept 1200 of " extra par ? Aud i tarthor, SAT E did you fuel fault with him Sur so do ing ? Answer, or "forayer hold your peace" in regard to CILIMIXII WILL. stir But for the . 4 &etch Water Pipet! business, whit amid the Opposition journals do ? Trse, the Goverawient °Seer htiving the work is hind has thoroughly disproved their charge, by showing 4 b M Oh isinseset to furnish the ;Pipes." wisa .givise re a Plaijpial phial', But they *use kwreneine kind of hobby—for now it in 64 root, hag, or • - ' The 'Opixosilikairfitv• as iusuaL • -- ' • €l5O, /ma '0 5 .0L N. : ' 1. - Bev. , Wan ''' slum-, WWI Meeting.- sat Oiled / I Dist ' met ill; l' am- , gi' cm (?) Abolition flirty ef Bedford ort*es 2d in. . -., and ors notion . co v,held a very mall andivery triiet mu ei' Robinson; of Fulron, was inbeti - ng in the Conrouse on Tdesday t e chosen President, and A. J. Greer, of evening' last. Mr. ' R. JORDAN stated Juniata, Secretary. • the object of the meeting and introdue- The list of the counties Navin been ed, as the orator of the evening, a fel called over, the following peian- low by. it o ie w tesierli McPnexsos, who, w *ered to the Dames be fleedf rhea: , I ii„ scenes, la g s lees that he is the nomi. PRANgta N—J. W. Douglas, Joseph nee of seine party, or tr th er,for Congress. Johnston, Wm. D. MoKinstry. Mr. McPuresos then proceeded to Furom—D,Logan,Samuel Robinson make a...dry„. disconnected, ,confused J. B. Flansom. - ~/ ,' speech; Inswirhh, as a Matter of course, A nAus--Wm. CBtem, J.D.Nevrman,l the Democratic party was called all Wm. A. Duncan. : kinds of hard names. Among other JUNIATA—J. A. Christy, A.G.Bonsall, ' things he talked about Democrats hav- A. J. Greer. ' ;leg ono brains: . tuni charged that the The 'following com munication' *sd Democracy are' dishonest and corrupt. received froze the Goeforeas of lied.hikei hate admitted sieverthelees, that he could county : ! not; ;int out any particular Democrat ! is n'ember of Congress upon whom this chargo . could be fixed. We have no doubt, however, that he could have named seine AbAtlon Congressmen, had lie possessed the honesty to do it, who have been guilty of taking bribes; for instance that pink of Abolitionism, 0. B. MATTESON, of Nev York, whose venality and corruption whilst in C'or.- gress, 'have been, and are to this day, the talk of the whole country. But Kansas formed the staple of the would he l'ongreasman's speech. On this sutject he “Rpread"hrinself extensively. We doubt, however, whether any body but himself, was interested in his de .cl aina don on ~ .I..Awompton." It vt aa so dry that even Jordan yawned. The i most faithful of the faitlabl t became tidgetty under the re-intlictson of a speech which they had heard and read so often, and which John Filler had greatly surpassed when speaking on the same subject nt that great outpour ing of eighty or ninety men at April Court last. Mr. Meruhasos, finding that his liansas,litonbuggery wouldn't ,do, turned his attention to the Tariff, i Entklirgat.tit.tell_lii.s hearers that Law's .1). CAMPBELL, of Ohio, a leading Aboli rtieeisi, reported the bill in the last ' Oongreint to _redi r tee the Tariff - of 1846, and that that Congress was compared of a majority ofOpposition members.— Ile alauSorgot to tell them that Tharlow . 11 - ,eied, the great high Priest of Black t Republicanism, was hired to work fur the redaction of the Tariff of 1846. i from the' Tariff the speaker proceeded Ito the etpendiumes of the Government. 'On this point ho contradicted his own statements a number of times. First ! he said the expenses of the Government 1 for the past year, were a hundred mil- 1 Aims, next be came down to eighty mil lions, sad. 'finally he gm the 'appropria ptions for the next year mixed up with ! the expenses for the, last. Jim memory also strangely failed bins on this subject,i or he !might have given his audience some interesting information concern-I Ling the recklessness with which the] t Opposition .Congreas of two years ago, I _contractof debts for the• Goverament„,l 1 which debts it now becomes necessary l for the i National administration to die ' charge. After Mr:, McPherson had i ('concluded his 'harangue the people: present left., almost in a Leidy, ioarseives among • the rest. As we wore passing', out of tho door, we observed some little fellow, 'with a very red face, getting -under 4 tattle to read from a paper he held in both his handle, but not being Able td understand the language in, which he , was reading, which we pre- 1 , inane was Um Affiliate' we .went home, perfectly satisfied that all will be right' in Bedford county, on the seeood Tues day of October. BST/FORD, Aug. 31, 1868. To the Democratic Confereiece of the lith Congressional District : Gm:TIAN/J.: :—The undersigned, be ing the Conferees of the Democratic party of Bedford county, either by ap pointment or sul.istitution, are unable to attend the meeting of Conferees at Chambershurg on the 2d of September. We were tinder the impression that the meeting would take place on the 7th of Slitcrntier. We desire that the throe vut o y of Bedford county shall be recoid ed in favor of the re-ncinination of Hun. Wilsou Reilly. If our votes cannot be so recorded in our absence, wo wilt re ! " , -ard it as a favor if you wilt pubikili this Idtj twat as a part of the proceedsugs of your meeting. itespeetfully yonrs, T. ii. Mu: WRAY, J. P. HILYD, U. E. SILABINON, Coofecoes of Bedford &minty. On moduli' of A. J. Greer, of Jutoeta, lion. item &illy was nominated by aoulamation. Mr. Sansom, of Felton, offered the following resolutions. passed .by the Democracy of Bedford at theft' meeting on the 80ta ult. and asked their ineorporation die proceeding). A greed to: Resolved, That the Hon. Wilson Reil ly has represented his consti tuenay in the Uengruse of which he is at present a member, ivid that if noun noted for re-election by the Democracy of this Congressional district, we will cordially support him. We will vote for him, work for bun, and triumphank ly elect him. On motion of Wm. P.. Scholl, the following neienetinens was offered to this resolution, and unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Conferees appoint ed by the lataDenteeratie Comity Con vention to represent this county tli tau I)emoeratio Congressional Conference, which is to meet at Chambersburg on September 2d, be, and they aro hereby hatructed to support lion. W. Reilly, fur re-nomination. Mr. lieliinstry, of Franklin, offered the following resolutions, which were unaniutourly adopted : Resolved, That in the nomination of lion. Wilson Reilly, as the Democratie candidate for election to the Thirty } itch Congress, this Conference hes presentee to the caters of the 17th Coq,- groasiwial District,* gentleman, -who, by hie natural gilts, acquired ottani menta and simile** integrity and ho. esty, is erniiiently deserving of their saeragts. That, in the name end by the authority •of our reepoeilve we.eorilkilly awl wiqualifiedly endorse his vows in Oinikiresa. • Resolved, That for our respictive Counties and ourselves, we pledge to Mr. lteilly every lioncst effort, and the most untiriog exertiust, to secure his eletwion. =EMI On motion, Messrs. J. B. Saloom, Wm. C. Stem, and J. W. Douglas, were appointed a Committee to intern Mr. Reilly of his nomination. Having re tired and returned with Mr. Neill}, be made a brief but eloquent Speech purti- Dent to the occasion. Ou motion, adjourned. ROBINSON,Proe't A. J. tiaEaa, St.sey. lir The course pursued by the Star and the Sentinel towards CITARIA3 WILL, the Democratic candidate for the Legie lauire, is moan, to say the least of it. They seek to injure him in public esti mation by asserting that he aceepbeti the additional pay allowed to members by a law of the Legislature—and yet it. is but twelve months . since they could see notliiag wrong in Mr. 311:EISLLNIAN, who had done tLe sclf•Bamo thing.— Now, if it was not wrong in Mr. Mus selman to accept the fullpsy, how could it-have been win Mr. Will Z This is the naked question, which admits of no equivocation. Mr. Will voted clgainst the provision (as a test question) allowing the addi tional pay—the whole amounting to just what was paid the previous wind ter. The section passed, however, as al part of the Appropriation Bill, and un der it members drew their pay, Mr. Will among them. Either the editor of the Star or Sentinel would have, taken ' it, had it been ten times as much. We should bays preferred avoiding, all allusion to Major Musselman, he not being a candidate, but the coarse of his own partf.papers.furces it upon na, If itois disiterestablo to. him, lot him lay I tLe b • .. 11t their doors. E.venspie.—lt, gives as pleaa., ure to note that Mr. Gets, the editor of tho Reacting Gazette and Democrat,' who at one time- opposed the udiiiina lion alio*. J. Glaney,lones for re-ease -1 Lion to Congres , ntlw c ordially sustains the nomination, and will Support his elsietion with' ali bis pOwer. Mr. Gets reengnisea to the fall extent his obliga tion, as a member 410- . 0 , 4 0 IMMC'erratie party, to Sustain veil as Kb I measures, stall A/o,: ad the hands of the natiepaeoiemlaisareitioa. itir g4 Camp fistaradmaea," at Wil liamsport, lass week, was a WV Ofkitk• 2500 oulitary Wog preasar. The Chembersberg campacy partitipated. aw-Th. Maw Dias rut piltigs 300 majurity for Wrumi.listuat 'in Um county. loli, q & eot m i li ftffo3. Mir TUR •DR3IOCRATIC COTNTY COM MITTEE will meet et the house of H. D. Wet,- tlua, iu Gettysburg, oic Ti - tositauay, Yl5ll 15Y1/ pAy or .511 110 mm ! \ STMT. at 1 tiCiutk, I'. 31., for the purpose of sapphing the s•acancy on the tkket occasioned by the declination of Dr. Stem, and attending to such other business as may be deemed necessary. 1 full aUpudance of the members is earnestly nrged. &11. J. ST.IIILE, Chainnan. Sept. ts,is3s."o ima-The Committee is composed as follows: --Jacob Hull, John liatifeneperger, Georg* Spangler, Dr. H. Lilly, W. Ross White, W. D. Golpreeht, Dr. S. G. Kinser, Samuel Wolf, John Itanneu. Peter Miller, George King, W. T. Wit- Edwnril :Mclntire, William Bender, Jesse D. Newman, Nicholas He'Axel, Joseph 8. Gifu henry A. ricking, Jo,iuh lieuner ' Geo. F. F.caeoro.le, Siwrb, Nicholas Cordon'', Sr., tind the Chairman. 114 - Tur: Co mrILEn. uilt be furnished to campailn subscribers, from this time iu ti: after the (ktoter Dection, for TWEN TY-FIVE CENTS—to be paid in ad iancc. SPILEAD THE TiLL-111 Tim 1110•1117 ',rags*. It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, that on and after this day two trains, morning and after noon, will leave Gouldea's Station daily, with passengers fbr lialticnoro, York, Ilarrisburg, Philadelphia, &c., instead of one as heretofore announced. Ralimed Xxleuiel•ii. The citizens of .Wuy.nesboro', and Hagerstown, and vicinities, appear to be determined to have a Railroad out /et from their fertile valley. It is amid that they have employed an Engineer to make preliminary surveys, and locate a road from this place to Waynesboro' and Hagerstown, and make report of the poet of the work. By adopting the route of the " Pennsylvania Extension," a comparatively amp road can be Made. The most expensive twelve miles of it are nearly graded and well bridged. The Gettyaburg Railroad is now a complete sueeess, and we should nut bo surprised to see it, extended. It can be duce with like energyrintiperseveraeoe. Wire Ism. C.. llll•estima. On Monday last the following gen tlemen were cleat& Muter:ma of the '"Adeuleconnty Mutual Fire Insurance anopeny,",for the owning year : Geo. Swope, D. A. Buehler, Jacob King, A. Ileintedatan; Metin' rdy, Thos. 'A. Marshall ) S. Fabneetoch, Wm. B. McClellan,- Wat. 8.. Wilson, M. Eithel herger,ll.ll. Gitt,:John Woifbrd, 11. A. PickieV.Asig,hintiaitgit, Johli Monier, *GrAtuid...Polly, John pie* reg o MAO. The Beard: Will- MO to-day, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to oloot odioerr, As. The eaere*pa-Annnectod with the Theologkal Skainary will take place on TheadaY evee4ng next, at 7 o'clock.— ' 0* Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock, the'Junior Exhibition of the College oc curs. On Wednesday afternoon, at 21 o'clock, the Biennial address before the Philotnatlncan Society will be deliver ed, by MORTON Mc3ticum, Esq,, of Philadelphia. On Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock, the Annual Discourse be fore the Alumni of the College will he pronounced, by Rev. Dr. Sroax, of Philadelphia. On Thursday morning, the Commencement will come _off, the Seniors beginning at 9 o'clock. The music by the Hagerstown Band and the Citizens' Band of this place. Death of Wloo Lolmoome. It pains us to announce that Miss HANNAn, daughter of JOHN LIIINIAN, Esq., of Franklin Grove, Illinois, who was severely burned by a camphene.ex plosion on the sth of July lust, died on the lit of the present month. A letter before us states that her burns were healing fast, and that she would have been able to walk thr3ugli the house in a few days, when she took severe diarrhoea, which caused her death on the day stated. Her age was IR years. The numerous friends of the family in this ceunty will deeply sympathize with them in this melancholy bercaveinew.. II madmen., Nienumerott. The visitor to • _liver Qreen Cemetery will be gratitiOd with the large and handsome Monument just orectod by the Immediate relatives of the late lion. Gkoaux Sanwa. It is sixteen and a half loot in height, of Italian marble, faultless in design, and of excellent workmanship. It is, and•deservcs to be, mach admired. We hope to see this example imitated, at least by those who can well afford it. Thu entire cost of this liontnnent has been about 8800. The Drs. Voluizit, we understand, intend haviqg erected, soon, a .fine Monument over the remains of their father and mother. r'rr'"MNITWII On 'Monday last, Shore bonanza, of this Oboe, lost his Pocket Book on the road leading from this plane to _Run terstown. The purse. contained about $250. Upon missing the purse he hu mediately started in innings and obtain ed the lost treasure from two young— Messrs. An BBINDEL and REUBEN B. W EIKILILT, residents of Cumberland county, who had picked it up; while passing along the road. They prompt ly delivered it to the owner, and wore liberally rewarded for their honesty, which they at first refused. Conduct , like this, on the part aro. plug men is deserving of note. I.ledriNews la still onward in the march of im provement. In addition - to the now buildings noticed in The Compiler some months since, we learn that Mr. Joazru BARKER has bad Ins old tavern house torn down, and Is erecting, with all dispatch, a large brick building fur the same purpose on its site. The ellen sivu Foundry and Machine Shop of Messrs. Bergs & MILLSa is in full blast, doing a good business.. The Railroad has worked wonders. The town of Petersburg (T. S.) is al-, so improving handsomely, we are in formed. Mr. JAMB A. CsauNr.a is having-erected a large iron-front Store building, and Mr. E.llirr.suus an open front for the same business. The new brick residence of Mr. AuNoLuGsttuNatt, on the north side of the, town, is ono of the finest in the county. The new School-house is finished. 44 CPINVT 'Wed.', The Independent Blues, of this place, were encamped on Marsh cieek, im mediately south of the Cluimbersburg Turnpike, (on land of Maj. "Ssuirkt. Lona,Nuring Thursday and Friday last, and, of course, had a good time of it. We found a large number of visi tors there on Thursday evening, on which occasion the Citizens' Band paid the Company a friendly visit, and dis coursed excellent music. All seemed gratified with the appearance of the camp, which was named "Camp Reed," in honor, we suppose, of the Company's first Captain. "Tire Neerleaa." We have to acknowledge this week several contributions to our "museum" of vegetable curiosities. air. Joan KILITAIIVER., of Camber land township, brought to our office a stalk of Corn measuring 15 feet in I length !—being little more than the average height, of a number of rows in one of his -fields. The seed, be believe, VMS gotten in the west. air. JOHN Fteaut,of this place, placed upon our table a Cucumber 17 inches long, and weighing 2 pounds and a' ounces. It was of the " long green " variety—grown ,from seed procured through the Patent Odiee: Mr. Groans BI7SIIMAS, of Cumber: land township, plasm a under obliga tions for a des specimen or the Balsam Apple--amonglhe largest we have seen this scalar . Mr. Elcuttra,Obsuicsa, of this place, sends in a Bean measuring 16} feet in length. Who can beat tt Y • 221P , The School Directors of Slcsa pleasant township have changed their ihy "of ineetiog for the employment of ?Eschew bees iiilisarskavyahs *kh, Pride:AM. nth 2144mit l at BrOsh lieu geiooillosee, at t P. M. _ Past . sg ;elpHow,,;%, _ 44 row weal& iv AI " The It *JURA harvest bee teeud thill satisfactorily,. .;< We see It staled that dm levy meet has ordered the Niagara ser Cb ten, to cart? _the Congo nerves heckle itOges.' -..The Wrightsville (Fa.) /19PAR-liblea eere„, Aderable ectiTAY in the 16214. r 114 tbst place. On Friday week forty-40d de** 'et the late Mn.s llisreelsatd, ed Kessiedlere NIS free in eincituteti. Week. ..An aitti-Norton popes in to establfghed ie Great Salt Lake city. iliki " bearding the lion in Iris den." " There were eighty-Hint deatilit low fever in New Urinous on Settesdmr (MIL The papers of that city are rery quasi AIMS* - the epidemic. -....The great slavery tournament Isittintesi Parson lirew•low, of Tennesset t , as* 111 014 ._ Abram Piyme, of New England, will tolleselless to-morrow evening, in Vhiladelphin, sad eesm Haut , live successive evenings. Both men are now fix the city. Mr. Brow= unfortunately afflicted with bronchitis, 'but will not withdraw. iSisargument'wtibbe sMi • by some competent man. ....The bone fair., to commence is WOO Philadelphia on the sth o October,sed to mew tlnne three dans, promises to be a very later. esting exhibition. k grand German festival in honor of the memory of General Sten ben took place In Plias> dclphia on lotrday sad Tuesday last. ..A severe thunder storm passed, aver Mouton on Saturday afternoon week. Several sa il hones in the harbor warn upset, and three lives 10‘t. The New York papers inform us that the quarantine w•ar bus Nem ended. The breaches in the waifs surrounding the grouted* hare been boarded up, and preparations tali for erecting temporary buildings for tbe seams— toodation of the Five persons.--namely, Roy Ilesstpktoo, John C. Thompson, Charles Veforest,inset and Matthew Carroll—have bees 0r.... rested upon enraptaints charging they 'erithe., e•inprieity in the destruction ot the New York tionrantine hospitals and other buildings.— They were taken to New York, and held to ball to await the action of the Grand Jury. It le stated that warrants for the opprebewisso eighty others Lace hems hatted. The first shipsiest of wiest--11,1/01/11 bu.hels--direct fronts Wiladartoes, 3. Q v to Boston, was received there hut voila.. --Mrs. Contain N., *life of IL f . Cnwer, died in Richmond. Ya.„ ea Thorminy, aloe di lingering Matins of rigida* years. ......J WIZ WOW ' taaskiini at thaw= Ilan' Ann linatessy, was encoded ing, Va., as Yriaisy week, is tie pommies at several thousand spectators- Ma mei his doom slat mach ....-It is said that the Secretary of ase la terLor tins prepared instructions for eel- nag Rector, Superintendent alluding' Affairs hither Soughs est, directing hint to take sessimrse for the rutuotal of the Seminoles resiaintat Is Florida. ----The treaty reported I bating been cot— chided between the Allied Powers' and Chins. does not nosier the right of bating rpsidnet 3linisters is the Enrpire. --Keno, a London artist, has stieceedsd photographing an exploding shell. The view is warn as the shell emerges from the smoke* and shows thwee-eighths of en inch of it* track. It is crricms that in every instawce there is in the.smolte about the shell e phan— tom human head, nut risible to the eye, hate suite distinct iu the photograph. hie sa doubt the reflection of the shadow of the pis. NOM A now store hat Leen ineented for 40 cosefort of travellers; it is to be pat saderib► feet, with a mustard plaster uu the head,whitit ilraws the heat through the a hole system. The Bev. JAME* E. Kr.DIER was. es Sabbath last, the sth inst., installed as Pastor over St. James Lutheran Church of this place. Thy services of the Is stallation were aefellows:—lnvoention, reading the Scriptures, and Introdie.- tory Prayer by Prof. M.; Jacobs; Coro. mony of Installation by Rev. P. Atio;.. atiedt ; Charge to the Pastor by Rev. Dr. Schinucker; Address to the Peo ple and concluding Prayer by Rev. Dr. Krauth ; Benediction by the Pastor. The sPrvices were interspersed with 'music, which was judiciously selectett and performed in excellent taste. The day was charming, and the audience lerge, attentive, and appreciative. TIM Charge to tlie Pastor was comprehen sive and terse, faithful and yet fasters nal. The Address to , the People tO9IP:b• ed upon some of the leading Andes which n Congregation owe to theita . Pastor. These were enforced with as • affectionate earnestness, and if duly rek• garded, cannot fail greatly to anateet. l .:. the happiness of botli pastorand people.' —Star. -We are requested to ay that Rev. I)r. SIiZAFVER, wi'.l preach it Yeft. Conaughy's liail, in the Gemara lan-; page, every Sabbath morning. The Woods Meeting in program' for several day .near .).;urn Chester, was very largely attended yesterday. filirThe regular monthly parade of the Independent Blues will take place. next Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Any ono desirous of seeing " smsm pumpkins," can be gratified by calling; at tho 1100 of Maj. SANDEnn, in New Chester, this county. There are that% of mammoth size growing in his garden* it the product of a single sood. We Wilk tuem to bo of the variety named '1,110,.,, 4 g , barrel pumpkin," coming up as they . do' to the diameter of a barrel. The',, Major will be found net only ready to;o: show these vegetable curioaities i bet also to have the wants of ma4'tie4 beast amply attended teat his ex*** Inn. • ---.,11...M. 4.....-----.. . ... i Extraordinary Suicide by Vo iviplir Starvutioa.- -Jacob Plant, 86. Tanis or age,_ died in Manchester, Miss., on .Monday last, of voluntary starration. Mr. Plant WIN paying attention to a young lady of the above place some three years ago, but hie trot ll o l for marriage was rejected; 'I ' Osier pointment preyed urn Me Mind' *Ltd i t he soon afterward attempted to bUrICTUS. brains out, but only succeeded in de. : straying both eyes. lie has oonsequestS74, l / 4 ly remained Mind for three yeaa..,-,, During that time he once made_ . _Thillir unsuccessful attempt to starve brieseeln 4, The second time he was seeenestaill.a':- 1111ta i meeting his end as above had pm taken of nothing for It ... i bat coffee, sweetened watie am. 'bias.- ; , + - marA & laat al Conferees ( I X tibl "" : ia =ovirk sad Parry diltrict * . bad 1 imadaliald morn* licit Pair will eotansioterrip": tie tlik and alas on theOthattoreobir: I swim limiest. Larjr Pompkina. WI -.ly.:a t:a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers