. , • ' - - -•- - ••• -- -..---- ....-,...-............-....5,---mepw. r ....v.4,4o.,,,owsut.arocomaieeriorsokseagorforWia.7l , o4,PelAiiketakelW.'. 4 ,4 2 .4" arltiffehnkWol-A,;.••••,,,w,- . --- 7 :7 7''• : - "fr'S PAITiER. - ._ . 1-:,•?, ... • . - . . . • Ts* Call '••• ' Art ia , ---- , -, •.- ..:7,:.,: , ~ itz,,: . :.. - ~. , • .1 .-, , , , -„,..- ~.. ,4. r r, - 1..4.". , ...• -•• ''• •*; '-': • • 7.1-..- , - . ~.,. :- -• - , . , - . • . • ''' '" '; " ' '•:. • ..., . 4•'` -' f -' - - -."---- i ' -.- ‘-,•• . i' - .Y .- t ii . • - i . ....,1 • - - 01. ti • ~..d , elik - Mrs. j - , , Col.Atit • -• • - - . ••t - • • 4 , , --al ._.. , . :,.. k - ilase,. at $1,75 per si° _• jeg- , , ifirath.tx e•-• 4100 Per re 4 &Ma s n a v, - 4 T , ... t ,„ .... , ~.. ....._ ... „. , , ol“ : .*. " ' - ' -*Cher fhther 5 mini Os * !'a ~ • . ! Wore his dolthy with Pinskientralks sass 1:: • • ' .-r. 4••• , -r , tine stk °P ° the ' - Annan ~ -}„. - _ ..* .7 -r. ~ i,,'/.4 - j 4- tit , - i ~, .. at,,—; - - • ... , ill ..,. *a., -.-, ~,. -.- ~- ‘... t;,,,) He took die '• .. • 1 :.`, -,•in Ms ••,' 7 - + -*•' ' ^-• - '-' %" `" , -•1 i i i .m. , ,;-,.. '•• !- ...„1 -; -.., -", _-- • --- 4 snd gaid . . 01•112' -4.4.' ~...' - . , Ire pu , 311/1 • ,_ I , • . , , sate paid. _ e . ~ ..... ~.: • •-• ~ AD,,, „. .. t , .. !tot at the =sal rates. . .. . • • , _ ~ . . ra pi v , " 1 2. ' , , . - . Jot: , """: --: ''' ''''''' ArTtlesestaess end dim- ' , . • . • ‘"• ~ l ls • : ...... : ; ,1.,•,.:- ; . • . ..: .:! a- : --••• -;-, , 5,..t. -.;'. • • _• ..... _,, . - . .... _ _ . • , • t• . poinui, -•.., cii. i . , te , ~:,' : AWN patch, sad at siOtterate prices. . , . -i- . 4 • •1' . ir.,. . I:8.7 •; i. —kJ ''''' ' jag 4—. • ' L -- Orem tir!etretli Itoltlesore street, directly t 4 k. ,%; fluctuate % f l / 4 tto Alla . taintiti Ntign.3o4l - ,' , 1 .„, _„, ~,.„ ways ~....., • •„.. , • ~, . , .• t ,•• I". Q. P" ‘4•op aa/' • - *.!• -.- to oppositellirsgiblei'slinsing Establishment, one • gar • 'f.'3 . . 4 . , . _ r - i . • . . h' ..r Trqno bocesokhe ....., , sessiOnsi fled A higr •0121•8 from the Court House-- I . , . . ~ : : i._ . ' • - ' ' ' • 1 4110111 1 " ' r Id h . . .. .. . 'keonertsa" on the sign. Roar r3tate, T PRIVATE: BALE.--The subscribers, tL EY-mtitoti of ARRA II A FM rya a, deoessed„ offdr Piivate 911 e, that DESIRABLE: FAltlf-, on which decedent resided upwards of twenty yeara r Aktunie in Tyrone township, Adams enuaktihrijointng lands of . George Meekley, Belie a ... I nonb Welt Anthony Dear dorf4antwek. Peardorit, and ; Pavid Iloorsr, hni eF : . 000 '1 202 _ACALS., :sore or lens, W . . ''.. . ' ..' proportions ot Timber and Meadow T peatenta &widget ,cif a ,_,,,_ twelate Ilicentberboarded Dwell- '"I'l : n in g ponsE, !lank Barn, Wagon :' 1 U BtHei r igi& Corn Crib attached, _ -....:., Cocqwpahor, and other out-huti4lngs ; 2 neva ng wells of water, one at the house, the.hthefat, the barn ; and an eicellent Ap ple ORCHARD, with a variety of other choice fruit.. C ..) I o sago Creek rune through the Farm, and the . e are also two springs on the property. The fences, mostly of chesnut rails, are good, and the land . is in a good state of taltication, two-tltirdi of it having been limokt. The property will he shown by Samuel. Pollinaer, residing thereon. Also. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN L.IND, containing 7 acres, more or less, situate in Menallen township, Aluus county. adjoining bentli of George ilialdey, Is,:ol, Guld e n, and others. JOHN SNYDER, FILEDERICK HOLTZ, E. rutorr Sept. 6, IPS J•The sale notes g:lven fur personal property of said deoeased are now due, and imnsetlinte paymenVisrequired. The notes aro in the hands of F. Valuable Housos and Loth, 1I'( SALE, in and near Uetrvetur:/.—The undersigned will offer nt Pulilie Sole, on Naturfirtillte 11 day of October next, on the pren!ises,A4. idtr al i j _ kg. talutthly property, to wit& , A Tiri)4l4l'nritt. 1101.7ffE. in : , li t Chun i bers . g . - f reef , fierwe :ate.:ate. en :ate. the the Stor e ' Itesirs. Scott end . .,'..f bljn . ; Picking, t-part now oceupied _:-' • ....,..:, a• smieweilerN shop, with swell of est.eittatt witteri. • ''': • : Also,aTtroastiory Brick HOUSE. on- 1 44islifintd street. tritio a full LA. -Malta for Lumber, Coal, or p otloor business on the Raiiroart., Also, about 4 2...^ AereQ ut excellent lying oil the 31,11erstnwn flood. it/eluding d Acres, more or less, •.if TIMBER-I.AM), im mediately in the rear of my dwelling. Ou this tract is an excellent bran, with sheds and other Out-houses. a joitt riglkt to an ex cellent welt of water, a thriving Ai ogle and l'esu.tOrchara, and Uti; , a:ll)4l4 it s om , A new arid well - constructed Fra ni A and We.itherlotrded tli; 110t7n, with four rouhiz nut kitchen. Tlie land will tio sold entirci, or, in parts 1.3 suit purch:t cry. IttrStle ti) e ,, minenr's nt 1 o'clock, T. M., on *aid day, alien atteiiil,ince will be given and terms wade known by fiept. to M. S. SC:IMUCKER A Valuable Farm, 1 4T PruvATE :TALC.—TIie hubscriber, wishing; to diseuzitiuut.; fanning. »Gra at Private IN S F•A g IE, ittmte in Mountiov township, nn the mail leading' from the White Choreli to Il.aner's Mill, .wiloioing, hinds of Jacob Schwartz, Iti ler, tleorge Gruhf, and others, con- Lauini 2,20 Acres, more or lc.-, between 30 ens' CA,I acres of whichi are Woodland, and a large proportion of Meadow,— The improvements are a Two story Ilriek HOUSE, 0,4e, , t0ry Back 11-tck-imilaing, 1.0. g Barn Wagon Sbel, Corn Crih, and ;Ili nutt a aildinz4, in good oraGr, tv‘u 110% er-failing, Walls of Wrier n e ar the with pumi.s in them ; Nereral Ppriwz4 On tl fares; A"0,1 ()ectiarili, containing a Yarit.ty „f fruit, ppit4,' Peachee.'Penrii, - .lo"Perietie withing to view the property aritoectetestiel to call ea the sulemrilier, re eietiao thereon.. Aixr:39. 1818..°m Cheap 1 • Cheap• I itrOlfg GOODS !---J.kCOBS 1 BRO. knee just,teturned from the city, with a very large aseurtsueut of Cloths. Ciissinirres, Veatiugs, Summer Goods, and esery thing **On the saisces wear littp They- also offer plainittul funcy Shirty, silk and cot ton- Handkerchiefs, Suspetillers,Ac. flaring uuusually low; f r the cash, they are onablea W a.elltatr.Arga ruts EVER—ab elCci )enefult dioth +(tit, made up, for i31:1 for in situate. Give them a call, nt their new e,tab li+ittneut,in Chatubersbutg stret t,a few duers scent of the Court-huuee, before purchs,ing eleewbere. [M:iy 10. A Card. AVING disposed of my store to the Messrs. " thitta, I would recommetol the new Bret to the etrrafidente of the public, and hope they will receive a large share of th e p u bli c patronage. JOHN 1101iE, April .5, • - - New Marble Establishment. / I.ICiMB.Wft would moat respeetfully • inform his friends and the public r,••en entity, that he hints opened a thin Marble Yard at Yr Sherrystoses, Adams( county. Pa., where he will execute all kinds of work in his line of business, such as MONUMENTS, TOMB dt "AI ) S:ONES, La., with neatness auit dispatch, and at prices to suit the times. All orders addresPetr A. L"Bach*.: IlLuSherryittiwn, Ad.slarSco . utity; Pa:, Will be promptly attended to. Asir, 24, IssB. Our' • - • • - Rernoval. gun .subectiber , bee removed- hie Plough i l Pia )41Actille _Shoe' from the , Fountil brii7g to Railresa street, oupsite Tate 8 1 init . b atop, -lieek . orthii &es WWI, a4teks,lletyy . ptettextsif that' ever to at ' 4itatomers: Irlbughetlveityfon hoed e to dratle ot4he shortest notiseould 2 116411 1 it 4 sPers*; Am» reiniregt. .4%)041 he aliso4 kialusatas and r4PlarinSSl°cks-• . i ce /9, , DAviD r..,,,E,N. - -Snot -Arriving! iftwleueDs storLutsvl IS *THOMAS% 44: .).Z.ljetioeries c -, radii Spidier v t ohApar-lizils OW. tie airs aril - >iiw►t#a haat Palma OHAL O 61. A.Mt'S r—itiks • Jaw e• MIMI& italitaige. : . . , . irt314,1 1 ,, - . .r,lif t . t ikitv‘, „,1 4 i .r,, frP4t. . • I ptr B4 4o lr •. ' 4 " . 11 r b‘ Y. L ' rtel l4-ri ; 4t , ic .- i 4 - - Mit.,iffrllreopr; ‘ll4 at:.:4.- "4 " 4 1114 ci rftiw ,Grat, : 4 4, sigAllrfr alr. tutowtooppeopi ~,...t i *. to mo. • : -, - 1.1.-.oea.t, --„, ,! • ~-... Br IL. J. &MLLE. 407. YEAR. Public Sale. IN pursuance of LA Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county. the inbscrilx•r, Administrator of the estate of Dr. J• 31E3 11.tawros, deceased, will offer at PALlie Sale, at the public house of David Goodyear, in Franklin tnwnship, Adams county, oa narsday, the 3 , Uta day of September rust, the following Real Estate, Tie: Ist. All thatTrnet of Mountain Land, described in the original survey as lot No. 2, situate on We South Mountain. in the township of Franklin. adjoining hinds of Thuiticus Stevens, Levi Irwin, McKenriek, and others, containing 300 Acres, more or les,. 2d. Three Tracts of Monntain Land, described in the original surrey as trade Noe. 5, 6 and 7, adjoining lands of John llearner, A. Iletienrick, and others, and the Franklin county line, each tract containing 410 Acres, more or leas. 3d. A Tract of Mountain Land, de seri ired in the original surrey as tract Ns. 10, situate in Franklin towitahip.(tate Menallen,) iuljoining lands of A. .I.leKenriek Thomas Stevens, and tither*. containing 410 Acres, mote or less. Perlons wishing to view the property are requested to call nn the undersigned, re sidinz in Munmagirurg. ikirSale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., on said day, when attendance will be given and term.l rna•le knNwn by JAMES ReSSELL. .I,lner. By the Cenrt-11. U. WOLF, Clerk. Aug. is Public Sale. 9111 E sulAcriberA, intending to remove, will -L offtr at Public Sale, nn din premirem, um Tuesday, the 2qh day of STtesuber next, TII E It FARM, containing `JO Acres, more nr less, situate in NJuntpleasant township. ALlutuß county, ad .i.,ining hunk of Daviti Clupsatidle, George Slagle, Winrott, and others. About 15 acres are Woodland—the balance cleared and under gtwid cultivation. The improvements are a Two-story „„ Weatherboarded HOUSE, a good ; Ilr.rn, Orchard, &c., with a never spring of water near the dwelling. /:Ge•At the same time r.nd place, will he offered, d H ,rscs, 4 COWP, 8 head of Hogs, 2 rluuglpg, liatrutra., llarse Gears, & c . ; 20 tons of Hay. •sale to curnMence at IO &clack, A. il., nn said tlay....vben attendance will be gii eu and terms wade kr...wn i.y JOHN SOCKS, 11111_'11AEL DAENER Aug. 'lO, 13.1 R. is' A First-class Farm, , k TYTOININtI G ETTYSIII7IIG, FOR SALE. A" —The undersigoed offers at Private Sale. his FARM. situate in Strabitu township, Adams county, nn tho Ilanover road, and ad joining the Clettysbur ; ,c, B.irough lice. The farm contains 1.54 Acres, more ur less, the hunt bei,ig of the bet quality, much of it granite' —with fair proportions of meadow and, timber. Fences good and the soil in ex cellent cultivation. The improve- ' ments arc a comfortable Stone ..,4c t Dwelling lIULSE. Bank Barn, Wit,gon Slol. Corn crib, Sc.—first rate Apple Orchard, t never-failing *ell of water at the door, and a number of springs the tract. It is ( ertainly one of the • most desirable farms now in market in this 4eonnry, and demands the attention of capi talists. ; • t R_.`- Persons wishing V) view the property nre requested LA) call upon the undersigned, resid ing therein. DANIEL BENNER. July 5„, 18;8. Valuable Farm, - port SALE.-1 will sell a barnatin, kntl on easy terms. The Farm on Which Samuel 17.mn; now resides; lying, in Frederielt pwn-1 ty. M I . 12 nrilen from Frederieit city, (turn pike all the way,) and within one 1111/0 of 1 Woodsboro'. disdaining 150 Acres, in an excellent state of cultivation. The DWELLING, B.lll\, ice, all new: EV" . l?,±rsons wishing to purehioce will be shown the premises by Mr. Young. For term 4, nr•ply to lion. E. Liotti Frederiek City, or to J.VMES WIIITEFORD, No. 6 Spcs,r's IYlesrf, Aug. 9, 1818. So' • Timber Lots. 4. , THE aubaeriber hart still a few =,-; tudre ralnai.le LOCVST and TIIBEII, LOTS for 2.1.1 e. J. D. PA XTON Gettysburg, July 26. lasB. Teachers Wanted. TRH Sehnol AArsi:tars oC Ussntpleaslint A towaslii_p gill meet at liras), tipil3 o ho o l., Xal ttrday, the it dag„oir 04tent ber ot.rt, at. 2 o'clock. P. M., ror the Purpose of employing gine Teachers to talie charge of the ,several schools of saidireirnwhip. P.IIWRT ECKERT, Sees,. Ang. 30, 1858. td* . -- , -- , - 4... It r , .7. . . . A,' • ..., -.. . , ~ ~ .. . , , . - .., , t. . " ~ .', '-‘ : •:'i , ; . - Bargains all the Tinial (11.)0D.'ialeeived-tPreryreek' at • •-z • SAALSOZ: 7 B. Aug.?. LIM& • . •raf 17 0 TIIi itirrtiig reit the mereaaillit Tart AIF are yet moat teat theieTndet *theta' JP i7 F --itihrifd *tilde so barbel thelikb day of Beptetaber mem= after deli date the &Waste vitt beSagaidklia ltae-heeelir 04 La yaw for TgLectiaa. • • - /,‘ DINNER 2tratitlt :: : t3ettYiberg,'Aeg. 9,lBs&'^ ' .".....-,—?.-- -- atiVVOXIL /4 1. 11Vit tri4;a4 iitUrtairterAgi'thiiasill6rieh • . 3 - Siar — ileistoltoWiti' • ' J..'.'i , -'''- *- 1 itaid igi u fraltilolfil Ihnittrtiiitit'fit stinik Iliteetopo torilseeibiliMmv Woritillarriabemeetbs4H Maraud - la,. -: - --, . Is,- „t -`llecona 'ryes arras Hamner at .4 P., art , with pte!engers for,./Wilwkre sad inienrie illite ii D catsii-Attlka ' nais.,4olV ::: :7' '. t i ''' 1 - efifi on GETTYgIjeRG PA•• - 310 - NDAY SEPT o k.. 4 20 1858. Notice. HAVING been appointed County Superin tendent of the Common Schools, I wil) I visit She following district*, for the rarpniie • of examining Teaebere fbr the Public Subools, on the days mentioned : Germany and Union twpc.. at Litticstown. on Pritity, Sept. 17. at-1 o'clock. Hantiltonbarr and Liberty twps.. al Fairfield, on Saturday,Stpt. 114, at 1 o'clock. Illountpleasant twp. , at Brush ltuu, on Eri day. Sept. 24, at Ilatutlton twp., at East Berlin, on Saturday, .9/ pt. 25, nt 10 o'clock. Berwick Bor. it, twp.. at Ablioustown, on Saturday, Sept. Z. at 2 o'clock. Butler twp., at Mtldlet.4,wu, on /d04013'. Sept. 27, at 10 o'chmk. Tirane twp.. nt Ileidlersburg, on Ntanday, Sept. 27, at 2 o'clock. Iluntington and Laimette tarps., at Vetere- burg,int Tact day.. Sept. S.R. at 2 hlerrallen tap.. at lientlert‘ ale, uo Watittet any. Sept..V. at 2 fi'vhovic. • I ,wool tap., at MuSliorrybt..)wnot.t Thant- I day. Sept. 30. at 2. n'cluci.•. Mc untjoy twp., at Two Tuterns, nu Friday, Oet. 1, at 10 o'Ll ,e.k. . Freedotu tvip., at ltloriix's Tavern, on Fritins, Oct. 1, at 2 o'cliKk. Curaterhtnd twp., At Schrirer's Taverns Sat- Oet. 2. at 2o'eloek. The examinations will be held at the li.np , cri, in eault district, where , . cr convenient. Persons who expect to te:,ch in , the Public School.. ,luring the e.imi to , C a ll Anil wiener, will be required to attend the.e PC us they will he held to the ex clusion ot - pritute esamitiation4, except itt extreme cases. Directors, p.trent4 a.til a:I others interested iu the Gintittuil tichuul tem, are earneativ raque4e•l t be pre.ent. J. ILIIENV, C. Sty'l. Sept. 13.1'3g. td Teachers Wanted. TILE School D.rectors of flettylburg will nii•tt 1, M 234 Itt lid fur the purpo.e of: supphing a male teacher fur the Colored School, and a female amaixtant teacher for the Digit School. It is expected that the C..unty Superintendent will i.e present to examine ary applicants who have not already received certificates. Application may /e made lip it ihtt. day of meeting to tiny member of the board. R. O. I,_.Clll.:Altl, Septeml-er 13, 15,.58. Military Auditors. - voncE is here g; yell to the Fl..l.losceri -LI of' the A Innis Comity Brigade or the Pennsyltania Militia, that there wilt be n; uteeLiuo of N. 114 OtFicer*, at the hoo‘e of liar% ey D. Wank., :n Gettrborg% om Thurs day the 2:W %(Sepir„vber inst., at iu o'eluck, A. M.. for the purp..se, ..f a uditi ng the, ni „,- 1 (ounLor sail 11 iza,le. WM. WALTER, Brig. lien. Sept. 13, 18:)S. td This Way ! 'VENV LOOT E:-sTAP ha.s the plestsuro s f annum ci g ts hit friends Jr. the politic thitt he Int.'osistiotesso-; ed the lirx.l a r,41 Isuslisesi, no his • ow 14 t ok," on lidltiob re S rut, GetvsLtlig. 49- pordto Fohttests•c:„ . s ,tore, niod i • p tint. vd to ; make up A.totb sod Stint f ~11 kinds, f.r liantletueu, and Children. : determined to unit Liy some. Lot th e nfh hand., and wi!l h.ms a iperMl2ml my %;urk. 'n that the pub to eels rt—t o-Acrred I that no ofTvrt 'A 'II hre abated to give soti•fa4-1 tion to csiumers. Ifeirgive men Lull. J \VILSO N. Sept. 15Z.8. • Executor"' Notice, 1J 1I ipot.DEN, F.STATE.— ‘ Letter,. te.c.usic.ittar• eatnic of G•fitlen, Se.. Int* of liezuhatly tiow it ihiti4 Askant.. county, deveit..nil; lint ing gniotoltaildie ucaernigned, (tliu tir•Liouncti mailing in nountjoy tuuu.Gip, 011 ,1t1 o , name.' in (li•riunny ;lie; beret give notice to alt per,ow. iiio.o,lv.l 'to nal,l e.tate to tiritelintneliatelinyolent. nn , l do we tinting elniton agaitirt the mime tn, present them properly stitlieoticatell for xeltlttoeut. I.EN" i GULDEN., .1 AA:U/3 P. Ang..ltl, 1858. fit Excrotor.t. The World's - GREAT EXIIIBITIIIN PRIZE MEI*AL Amrlittrto T) C. Yid Et. • For ALS (fro 1.4,441,it, 15, 1Z • : I . n 31EYEltreim‘etfully inf 1 - 1 • anti the penile generelty tiro he link iwtetttietly on. hued I?lA.NlJB,..ehuiilto,thui•e fur erh . ti.4l 100 received the Prize 31 ; e.dal iii London, in 131. All °hitt.% prnntptiv attended ta,satl *rent care taken in the reteetia• and papektig Olr same. Ile hall - reee;veil daring. the laiit Uncle* Sure mitre Medals than any etL4r, maker front the Frinuktin Institute—also, First Pretniutus'in Beaton, New York and Bale"- titer°. ' Wartsraouss nlitafax434 *.nset beduw suusb side, Puibsdelphia. lefft. 'Sat ' i0 1 44 ( 4199rAng• APA r t , E V i.ip.F 4 / 1 1/ 1 41 1 1. geatree4 near ',Mei Oegiyabufg; paler ItWAiniaab*,..lhe' ass ,Bah Ortee mut Actieseca. iljf ! ohierges are reoeitrple f dod pe :frill on inoecogioilf dame, I , 4 4 r6a4rdr` astianOt ti.'ll4l4iiefea'4o receive I share of pat!" petrunate, Aug. 17.185 T. ' t• I . "'DI Ye; trii bulae, ou, low« -•• vo ib ltiogyv . ill:y s 4 • ;c, = t ' •"* tt;it=m;t: *pa. eysiewisniked ntAapt.lllo44 ;.emu la IN • • 7.; Alba ma cn•rx. the'oe~'s.~~csr. wpm TO STAMP ALONE. Be firm, be bold, be stroog, be true, And dare to stand alone; Strive for the right, rrbete'er you do, Though helpers there are none. Nay, Decd not to lb* *Welling surge, Ot popular sneer and wrong; 'Twill hear thee on to rttiu'iA target With current wild and strung. Stead for the right I Humanity Implores with groans and tears, Thine aid to break the Testering Hutt That biad her tuiling „years., Stand for the right i Though falsehood reign, Anti proud lips coldly neer„ 4 _1 poisoned arrow cannot sionnir A conscieuce pare and clear. Ittnritl for the right!—ant with clean handl! Exalt the true on high ; Thou'lt and warm sympathizing hearts Jutuug Ike passers by. lien who have seen, and thought, and felt— Yet could net hordly dare The little'r brunt, but by thy side Will et er dangers sh ire. StAnil fur the right!--proclaim it low], 111.u'it bud ering Lung In honest hearts, awl, thou no Inure Ile duozued to stand alone s.llzci . i)lisaziilio!). The Head of Oliver CromwelL Bel Ore leaving .P.itgland I had au op, portunity of sec tag a g,rent curiosity, a relic ofalitiquity, which few English men You will be surprised. and perhaps inCredulons, %O l en I K.: T y I pare seen the /A, /wilt/ of Off rrr Prom.. well—not tile mere Rktdl, but the head entire, and in a state of reniarkahle preservation. Its history is authentic., and there is verbal and hi,torical evi dence to place the thing heyond ('rout -ell di e d at Hampton Court, in t 63.4, g i v i ng t h e s t roilge6 t, ee id ei , ce o f las earnest religious convictions, and of his sincerity as a Ci,iistian. Att e r an imposing fnueral pageant, the body in having been ehalined, it ,‘ wa.4 hnried in Westminster Abbey. On the restor ation of the Stuart.; 3c :ti tack, n u p and' larnSg. tit Tylturn. .Aftiar wars is-, Ilk head wa- cut orr, a pitte driv e n up O m ; the neck and hkvill, Hitt expo.ed on We , tinitiqter Mt U. It renutined there a 1011 g until, by .. oulL , violence, the pikell:l3 broken Mill the 'head thrown down. It was picked up by a soldier and concealed, and after‘rards (-nil-eyed to somo friend, who kept it ea refit) ly fir V0311'3, 'Flu o• !gilt 1 , 11(.:e.e.- 11i011 Or which can easily he traced, it has come into the possession of tliedaughtcri,t• Hon. Mr. 'Wilkinson, ex-Mellibt:r of p:iiliatnent fttui Buck inglinin :tad ilromicy. It. was at the residolice of this gentle nun thiit I; saw the head, and his daughter, a lady of fine manners and j:reat culture, it to 11N-I . )ft% rerCil," the pastor of the lit-omit.). 'Diestnting Chapel, and myself. This !tend of .Crotnwell is alnwqt en- Pre. 'l . he flesh is black and s'aUtett, but the fentnres art; hontlS 4 tierfert, tilt) trail. Aili ternairting., anti eves the large wart over inc of wcp•s—siteli Leu n g a tl isti ttiAl rt , -Ifettle7 Art' it 4 i'aeissa-14 tet twrllttly c Nikki_ The pike wllivio NT:I4 lliniSt through the perk still remains l the tipper part ot iron; nearly roirte,l oft', and the lower ll outfk n portam ho splinterg, 0t0‘r1t0, , ..7 that it was broken by t.oone aet of vitotettee. It. is littown htstoritsiily that Cromwell .utas 4.'111 ba I m ill, anti ow pert-ou dots eared for %vas o.trerpahlielygibbitted,eseept this illus. tritons ',tali. In addition to tlw most a tillivilic rcouriwtotteenling Ural:end possessed Ly the family, and A' 11 i ( 'II I have found oirtainfal by lii• o yojettl workoi,tottol UVOII yo ton old tituituseript i ii the lirltodo musopin, Mr. FlqAtotalt thu dist ip' , ltisitiar ii r edliift.tr, tarosgave it 10 Its Ot7itiioo /Aline' : link:olra' mono, other thou tbo balmier .thiitoo .citturtttll.-.- l Qt. Its a*ttawa . peetn2 ajtuottt tot know n ' itiEnOitail,,tind onl, a.f y w years a' 3 _ , ;(i a , . diseabsipit in sdnie tit tile '00)10)0nm:11s whielil hare seen alt'eritwir dirtied and ativocauxi-ita- ,•fiuttli, la ;unicir , was 4,ss eirtailietioo, anti •as Ra one r jutd stm the head, it. liavin,..;• I?aert.kep . t Cutitiebled, wile could spenk - by anthort- ,' ty, liceently . • the &Aire fur 'etitooleill... l ; meat hattpassed it wayi anti permission i i i'to itto , ite obeerfaily,,gntausi,, t ~It it, a e ' Psrifialt ,iccliti-si}k9„ for a litq, bpi it, is l i' , exicefplix„prllserveilander Ti)eic and key h in ,C§OX of gtetitstafiqiiiik, 'wrapped lit Pa . .„,..--tp-o it Matibiti l lSt tiliStl3reetvslisPesi MA *WU j' . '' ArrA 'Willi ' Yeiiiit:'ittlittMfir, *TO* ~it is rqsist' ir° l ° .l " . biding Phu* and Itboatro A few ereaings since, 4111vitSinty , , 7 hi• °tie, r . Wititil ' inn 001:484 it i .v.. )f Prhlteli itairtoyeit byltre loudatalls. It au h , . *hi* *gaited )-41ifvANS k• iIN twit* oatiluousuit ihatitti43 l 4 l Wt" „pnatw hi .0 -=./ :- il , '•-I ' hs r , ii i i i ,` i' Weil, 400 i: "41412ptt ** t r.t( - , i , goo . , I C t:lit life' Stt - )ll7iortTho *tr . a' /1 r 1 et iVn !..an . r• 16. t i toesetinariatimaibmiiiimokk- nee " t"r "r____l 4ll M - 7 11484114r 1114 *f. altioduthuat , Jurrefilmk, litnrawrmiwa, " l'in' if Itiwome; liMiir 'vitt itert *Wit . 7 r• 'I ': tA:li•tr...al ." . . 1, ''. '''.." ' . 11 4 4 1 1 4 timt,,it. ialciefe.elf , 9l l l., ISP4, Ow . dit? ,“, 5 -- .I '''' l l ta s' ° r -Tf "ra l ~ , , I I I Kt, ri bAckb .ow aria lia, s patti of fl aitnfi v i i i ii , ., , !, ,-.. ... a, tat/b red of tap . ; a ..r . se j a oc:f bat kir titi Itiitii.' ' 4 ''" ' : ra il#F- - r - - - - , :i.o li tepti g ise l d; .. • 1. __Lji 'r ..A. .; , rO;,-.. ~ ~, , t • t - :..i: . • iiii, ,#iiiitalgiakl . 6:44 1114 ; EM ' el it, Captain." A s poil 8191:1101 been told of a lisp ing Officer in t ' ratted • Statefi ;Army, having' been' viCtimised by a brother officer; (Who'was htited'for his cool de liberation Anil' 'strong. ItervC,) and his getting *lntro trit), him in the follow ing manner. The cool joker, a cap. thin, was always quizzing the lisping officer, who-was a lieutenant, for kis nervousness. " Why," said he one day in the pros enet;'of his company, "nervousness is alt nonsense. I tell yea, lieutenant, no brave man will be nonionic" "Wefl," inquireetthe lisping, friend, "how Wontel you do, *pose - thstell with sin !iitlit fusee thould crop ithelf into a wnlied angle in which you had taken thelterftin a compnny.of tharp thooters, and where it wisth certain that it yoir pat out your nothe you'd grt itpeppered ?'' "low!".fiaid the, captain, winkingnt the: 0i1.c40,-se why, take it cool, and spit nn the'fiaseo." The' party 'broke np and retired fbr the istght, except the patrol. The next morning n number of soldiers were as sembittli end talking in clusters, when alongtitino the lit:attestant ;lazi ly opening his eyes, hu remarked to thu captain : "I want to try nn extliperiment thith morning, and thee how exthucdingly cool roe tens be." Sayirrg which ; he 'deliberately walk ed up to the fire burning on the 'worth, glared in its hottest centre a powder earrrlsto,' acrd • fristantiy , retnented.-- There wits but one mode of egre%B from the quarters, and that was upon the parade ground. the road being built up for. &retire ;.• the occupant took one glance at the eunnister, comprehended Ids situation, and in a moment dashed at the door, but it Was fastened on the outside. " Charley, let me out ifyoh love me!" shouted the captain. " Thitit on thu canithor ohouted LU in rrt urn. Not a moment was to he lost ; he had at first snatched up a Llanket to cover Iris egress, but now' dropping it, hi raised the window and out he bounded, .kait); eubtfes,- smag evierything but .0 very rdmrt, undergarment, and thus NN ith hair almost on end, he dashed up on a fhli parade ground. The shout whieh hailed h in brought out the whole harraelis to p+eu what, wa., the mattur, :out the dignified captain pulled a tall sergeant in front of hint to ~;elf from their gaze. '' Why didn't ynn thpit obi it ?" Chu liecanse phoro were no sharp-41;0ot ers in front tO stop a retreitt," :111SWOE 'Pa the Captain. "All I linve got to thay then, 414" sail tlii lioutetiant." thy 6 your thafely have chino it, for I. tliwear them ‘Natlin't a thinglo grain ut lio%dur in it !" The enptein it:w never spatunt against nervousness sinco. its_A •• teller" coming Immo from California Hummer rattletuffiltu ire dwieker-enge, Ito tlptositell 1114 other plontiet wal4:r- hitt bed ,at Clukgrylt. 'Pie room eatitztuted fifty It...Mt-4110f Hill, ,of drunken Auld sick ..ft•lltyra." During:l, L4:l»tOrary ' AVienee of the otvuer, the entalitt,g4ltioatii and the ownor contig in aftel finding the critter ,g))1w, yelled uttt, I;:vetialitlng tni-ery T 1A 110 . g such my wolchtluin . ft'— Mati . y'lleatk popped out tkontutbetAkea. iuttritol): ttlirty 'betU but.. DifilOtbttnlotti wen this wirbing articly. "Wlntt Wad Itu. old fuller, .yo,u'ry intinirinr r" r atti 1ici104.411 . /11311 . . " 111ir; me a-atellthon; nil my dust i 3 ntidir , my Ui ti, Lore, anti I tuft x gaunt tint Ita's gutsee--' . 1 1;401 11 V tligger or a xylitu " No, Lb o, Ca libirma fueit, long, and liftY•two rtlttles on 'Mt. 1lov4:19 - of your Irvllers ti)ounsheltarital ei.ittor enta-lift' Ettnad hard/7_140y Itsolti'S r tnot,4l/ PlAniffotlNl /ttal4 to O , FI. yet Iteti tk baud'. . 0 41 *A..fi he at.sallie" ilaa bt?e4 kw. fruac good luck to the New , X ?tic jewelers, who ,were terribix, from 09 hard times 'tin Al t r y bit on this expedient tbAiieflitsttifr 'Wes by' working erthenttesetleithheint4ati:**4- rrettrttttd , fittger Fier, it for, 6 1. 5 qQ.PfrP o ilet i a llki t rr elry at the rate os. pet As long as there is tt &Melia ' u alElibee She eishihroik, Burnett will last,, and if it does not, theme is a bwiti, wi glattatit)&49t3i 114041 441r tt n: I C I CP r a f t Ipoq W :111 ;41 ;V , 1 t i,:ritb EMS EMI vij *ffitt• wiro DOLLARS et-11421. "itetty Women. It:: i►rr`tty WoCitailiy One' - edit, 'in stitutions' of the country—an imp, in. d ry• goo& arid glbryti 54,113401 6111)- bluie,sky and lulpeiness wherever ,ho goes, ller path is ono* of Atilt:ions roses, perfumes and -beaky: - Blor'tl4 a po"ekt,'wrltten in hare curls and choice calico, and good principles. Her words float rosud the oar like taut _birds of paradise, of chimes suiSa Crifh Without hur, society would lose its trues t a tweet lons, the thwreil its fl rhtest khd yolnig men the very bolt of. oomforts.aod °cmpany. , lter .infl u en co and gonexp4iky iestrain Life VbiQuell strengthen the weak, rai*e the lowly, flannel shirt the heathen, and streng& en the faint heart. .1V hervver yositisid. tho virtuous Ironies, 'sail also Mid am side binuets t Clean clothes, order, good living, gentle,. hearts, Tulle' Belt' and model. institittions puerility. 'Silo is the flower of humanity,.k very. Venus her inspiration is the breath of Heaven." Tnnlma Under the Alps. The mails per America, received Ju ly 21d, bringueeonntsof the continence wont some months - ago of the Alpine Tunnel, connectilig Modena and Bar on opposite sides of the Alps, which there tower to a height of four Alionsand eight hundred English foot, nearly a mile high. Its length will DS nearly eight and a half English miles: From the great twig it of the mountain, it. en it.ottly be Woiked front, the ends.— By the ordinary means hitherto employ. ed, thirty}-six yours would be required to conipioto it. lay the perforators or drill' lig itiatebi u es, o ptirati.4l by ectmpress." ed air, the work, it ist itistissutyotL, will be completed in six year*: • fOrThe qe,v,. Mr. I:trtiii, of`lint , - Burling (on; 31e., a man of decided talent and e ' worth; was somewhat noted fbr his co cciitricity runt humor, which ttecialiouttl ly slinwod tbsinsnivui , inVab4(! istrations. In .he ,tilue of ,ti . u3 great land speculatioin Stairie; several of his prominent pnriitlicniers woe Carried away with the mania of •buy ing, Intabor tracts. 3lr. Martin . re sisted this iapeculating spirit, and more than once rebuked it in his sermons.— n e evening of his regular wcekli meet ing., he noticed that seVeral of hispromi, rent men. were absent, and lie knew at, once that they were gone to BAngnr groat.. land sale. At4er hYmii had been sung, ho said— " Brother Anen t Will you leaf/ us in prayer So me orie s t pnict it 'fruit& " Ile bas gone to Bangor." 31r, Martin, }Sol i triactmeertod in the least, Called out—' • " -• • " beacon Bari*, !bad tifi pet pupae" rs no has gefie to Blogor,"t anytime ". i • Again the paiitor kel it "'Squire Clark, *My-often "The 'Squire SKIS group tol3mipir," said sante-vim; and XX. pi,nr.P) LNiiiq now satiotlicd, round upon the a&sembly, its: if the'saine . replY lirulia Eiei,i'ven"-tbAieVy 101101.14' 'Mk gthc.it; ttti4 vory'qatoltlytagid....• "Th e .4:linir' wills sing, Ail o ggor. i A n nd then WO iviitOlioilM*Mmo ;". . , . , A j carinys Tri'oaine.—We 'have' been j &AtOn'etotd, 64ed• of tputpaiirtitm *;;0 Inkon out•ofqt, Luly:s Niko winch it Ittd 111.04 sowed Luta suGstkui.Air r eliiiorrile. Sktiq s allte 'foam"' ilitiong %bias pa ; +n ail • Tiurtitasod by .mlime6., Morey ; *lbelk4:ildr. this ii;.Yo ri ainiktlit3fase is in perfectly good condi oft' Se4l, ip us lively' 'A. style as I when u "rho ;tidy wide) that *irt wasia "au riA4 kliterfliknot saiongithe spit r,-opiw tke,t mom ficry...onuk—leit4l(4l scar lra ob dtiiry'tlslotyilliaeweicit4444ot *rigirterbsY•iiiti-444t.raw54,..54 , & Mitlll kirtinicleasomOtsWitiglit. YiP t figi g Y ,6 446110114uSIAPite ~'i'iiinetsti of. rkuisia, ellAarrglis ?vial he Jitustnind; ON' 'Mi. pi n& tr Prussitt • iptiirittle • with Kn. Princess—thst is,they 401 I bati 'WC* exactly-Otte, ititti4lfre. Victor's is with' the . , lie f*Pflilibriii the ' , true ifairstat Itike i pt baths tighs44...4Th4likorY that the young princess setuaq wicti WO , s i W v A I P. i t igN l V 414110 , V ft), A lif j. imp i Asfitrist, Ws 4 ' . - to bitLitaa.'t .F 1 410 . 0 P4o 4 i4livis .9, IneoineOu VIM i 4 pktiiiifteboe.iiitil,ie• doubted by P riest' eittneetii.l- T heetee fi11 e .,, i ,.,. v. 1 .. t ''• .` - . 11:. .14 ihistit (- --a tl • '''• n .1 1 ** IT . ?gkVir 44 6agiggill4 " V triil l f * IA: infienl •t,- • taleatdidikdet ist .. l' ;11 . 111 , 11114 ,1 0111 th /AIWA illeibilliabit#lol4 4 ,44ol,4tat; VI ite.;# .. ' e , , . cruder \ i i . . ~kV& tiliPlitti, , .., ‘', t 1 :leek, 'lreuPPOass•Arbat twillethitip.otAtiberoci rater i 4 Willifilliallpovineaid ci . • „ ..0 f i tnr4- . 7 - •• 4.,5' . -~, P *i e party, whose success wool nave been the signal Car:diem/lea-, I ,dyeknown you long, and I know you - would hon estly endeavar to do right. I have that, fnith in ou now, but yuu must look, to . 1404 1 . Melo* , Wrist ..au aide rua ;Wilt 1100 k follow. My pence with (led is made, my earthy hlfairelli?ftlelitst 14.P,P 111 not go without seeing you, and Thank ing you for your interest,i4r,Fehii4 4 ." Mach more was 'said that, Is totiagereil to repeat.- Calorie! Hanlon Was rat* •exliausted, and Mr. Buchanan frequent ; ly urged him to spare himself, 14, eltanati remarked to monilierits the' family that Mottling bad..evergive, him greater pleature. When. Mrs. Jacoinv returned to her ligh or's. rivin oalkr.l, her to him and said : "My ell ild. 7ott are a witness-of what has {named_ this jitg; think of it, sag' remember A. I ant glad Buchanan camel' all is psalm *la me, and I can rest." Gov. Wise ort Horse Ruing. 1 Gov. „ tisl '' ~.X._ FirginiNr .. e . gretfully declines to at i d the Em orashow at Sp he siv a: .-.4,_ 4 " It has been said' Wilk nothing else Ulm@ tbvtilr, viiips irill , titspipeoserisnil keep up the breed of fine blooded r stobk. I strt-nevo witting! so -loeliese:asty.sinait thing. Improve agrienkere 'Awl- tho - ' Weattli it produces will, in my-opinion, do far more for tho horse than 'over the turf dicl. Mice tracks, ' with a. &stairs for tho sport of ' :racing: arnonrkinding pro'prietors of a people, will iiiipOvisAih, them and dwindle ill() horse ton tionYe The fine blood ought to be kept .Vlir.ot in order that it may be crossed On ttIO Ittrgo and coarse stock. The thorßogh bred stallion crossed on the large Cap estogo mare, - Until the mess' attains throe-quarters of the blooded - stOelt, is superior, I think, to the Clevolandtbsys of England. A veneratefi friend, Alex ander lkid; Esq., now no more, - or Wasiii eopaty w J'A lr _iiii,,oticittl tiot,cross aMYl_columehil rt -- toll cry . azaa.siboitnciWs h oow rmiloof . 4 it", olgrass to grow Whore one 400 ; lt 1 ) bellow.' . suss-...Cr tat' that•lbirse Drink Tien a • 1)oy I .lcli c ri g lii 'w alio horse carriage with an iigo lady rep tivo, myself lioldi agptilo reins. A i tt vro passed thronhial,*„ . AßdiAgi, the horse sheaved a disposition to 4 ri415 1 Al t hick I thwarted, by touching pm whit a why. Step, my eon; an 'let that: hciisti drink,' said theiold lady. ' ' KIM ty,". 1 replied,. "l sot thirty ; he only tries to,trake liege so; it's not, an lioor *nee hodar e ll." ".Let.him said e.klo "heltticiwa his own wants bust. Iltlibt!lier-tiel.esil ly needs it' hat 'yott see it 440111 *as° hoe to be. allowed to driatc,ieed,/ite dogs %greet - - float VI. plaase•.you- ,41,wart rometnber, my son, that wben you eau gratify a dumb boast by - doing anything so cheap its a drink df water trowel ?wetting brook, it, is very ohorliab-44 refuse it." • = . I have always zetaembored it. • To this day 1 sehieutdriwor item through a fording, but 1 think tay i gefttlo aunt, with that blessed )wart of here % for the poor dumb' beast his own wants 'bed. • Her ideetetitiOn kit' a' tart; lapin-lane* , the, gran *igen of• my 11 amen Antafe ll oo4lPPP, 1- Atom): Amfte. , kp4or man for the bias Which }vas ' ilia glieek - iii my fooling for tho i•-•r - • - . • Efircionstinari lof"ri;vilMit -4'11;0110( 'tfio ><eiiidrk ibid b Vroihiutiorth•tin •eithibitioset phis, 086 tfoart-Ineatitmql. al) airtlßwit Awn . yield,of grapes . 00nsistipirAdt single. bunch, or rather a Seifitti idles 'Qt. ittb-11Y041eili oh titer stittl.o4lll, Weigitink`7llbs.;ilC dinatisiningitioroSalNg limbs* iirctui!l diumOtoiro !Vat , deep,ittaliite3aliViPtlteet)9*,Ql,PitC. hie &et • rased near' m tc wp , N(4 7c r4o 3 i; Airs ileht.? Ot Gib!' I.lhddis;, • & sr. ;The V t : o 4,o l l vr a t oettberssaaiety.lllgoovnteas the Pak tine grape and this !loft the first bearing ef,.141 _vine. A thiriety Wkwillis wort h.itbasidliVat47ll/4-1i *Pt 1 Air 4, , 1 wo 0-1 ce a torn in itk .'k& lone in . one liOnitix iore• it Wig/4( o ' l l*V jraerd Ski, itot' dm" bor int! thousand wassanmod to mum. iaseffri l llllo l -I—, :Yiftr Y4Sitrp 1 18 0 ". WA I:94;1 1 2"P th".s - re,it,to ma!,4l or Itef Ootn .orm onaurittr - tarAdeilits hi"this Is. iii•oabriVit ier' ..t" i " , 4 ' : ligretiA lx ie . fi r i iiiar; wtrk . at:mit - to tory t ik 41Dent .gl4l totreet; g 4 .' t _ __...,'' Pot ' hike' t af imp asrsissaiwitterit6i, Li : ,- 4, , ,i,-..1 • 31,4-w adriec rulli 11941roVior WO th9, 1 4 8 9f!" 1004' 1 0 1 4'44 , -;_a l i mi ~ - -nip ;14 ' siriDtifitotiWnihsterfs-fistiasoas4o,s initialfor ,liu4s ih P iartilVClkr 'VW , with)lo.loso., 54-M•7l; * ilw ! ts TArnCosa tosaiALto hagbaan _ a 440 #414 1 9 144 -00 11 4401 9 ,4 4 t u n i ldg ar Ti . 4 4 ,1, ~ y 0 A-04 tiip'i hit ..iimentaiLY. l•riktifirOft 4. '. ' . k ... ' ' I* l f liWkilextihW to au? II r !f en t gli - t ) 0 - rii te . .* First' 'fb ' &We& tickagloo , rciht *tin is *IOW s4o* --Tile' )1 whotis not 10004 '-kismbilisp t but lantgor . Obiriki Leta utribi El It ..tvatele4 ,t. " q-~1,2~:~•,-~itFit]fty IBEII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers