CZ! lIIIM 41i1ronipiler. Nat sad homy 44.nrelpeett, IN • IffetT hltitt." party owed dipped to the People for sipped,- far is is well known throughout ail Thy brad that the good old thrsomtartc Pas- TT Lab* PAST( OF vim hors,. strong effort is being made in behalf of Ex-Mayor Yams, of Ptitadelphia, for an up pohatioent to a foreign mission. • Hsi. Wm. R. ingltih, of Indiana, has been nominated for re-election to Congress. .......+n epidemic resembling cholera said to prevail in Cosowngo township, York coun ty, Pa. One thousand emigrants hare left Bel fast, Ireland, op to the let of Jely Wu year, or 6,000.00, *au for the same tiles in 1857. the &whorl gapes of weights and simatisten bee bees intredsmid, the electric telegliptlitis been established as far as Trice, be44ll69ftsay otbsr load sad hepatitis,. itn proitSal, 111 .....4 f gb t too: place at Potialealtili. N. V., on W•duedil sight, between trio brothers nested Diamond, in the coarse of which Wm. Diamond was killed. The other brother was arrested. Was Gcn. Jackeon s Virginian I—A writer in the Charleston (Va.) ,Spirit contends that Gen. Andrew Jackson was born in llerke ley county, Vs., and was carried by his parents in 1764 to Washaw settlement, N. C. Corn Crop In Genesee Valley.—The Troy (N. Y.) Budget says :—Thontands of acres in the Genesee Valley are covered with broom and Indian cora, and the.)ield will be tremend ous. The Pensacola Observer says the cattle disease has appeared in that vicinity, and is increaging The fall fashions for bonnets, as we learn from the North American, provide arti ficial fruits as a substitute for dowers. The latter will pass entirely out of age. The (los erner General of Canada gets $31,000 per annum—sB,ooo usore than the President of the United States. - lion. Thamilli Corwin, of Ohio, has con sented to run for Congress if nominated by the Republicans. The Winsted (Cone.) Herald estimates that there are at least 500 spiritualists In that IMO There are 1,000 limiters at the Green- Lrier, 'Ca., White Sulphur The Darlington (S. C.) Flag says that the " black tongue," which baa made such havoc among the cattle in the Southern and Western States, has made its appearance in that section and the disease is spreading rapl4ll; in et ery section of the South. Thu disease is said to render the meat of the animal suffering with It very poisonous. The Cincinnati Gazette pays the grape crop in the vicinity of that city is an entire failure. Specimens Of oW Iros•the Fraser river mines Oar! Men received at Boston. Driesbach, the trainer of wild besets, le sow qtaletty tartniug is Putooi cuuuty, NI locuusin. New Model for Scythes.—Rome English farmers have discarded the ordinary scythes in their mowing this year for nn implement in all respects the tame, except that it is fifteen inches shorter. It i 9 stated that the result is a sating of one-third in the labor. It /s mentioned that the Governor of Texas may appoint lion. Matt. Ward (not he formerly of Kentucky) United State* Senator to 511 the vacancy occasioned by the decease of senator Henderson. tin Tuesday week, Mr. John Ginter, of Siddonstown, York county, Pa., while engaged in .patting a pump in a well, near Carlisle, fell to the bottom of the well, a distance of forty feet, and was instantly killed. 1 correspondent of tbe Village Record sad ‘ that a cow belonging to Ann Buffington, of gait Bradford township, Chester county, "made last year 330 puut..l4 of butter iu thirty naleks, and 382 pounds iu the year. besides keeping the fatally in milk and tream." A pretty profit*le cow. ......1 bloody fight occurred at a barbecue :4 Madison county, Ky., ou Monday last, in which three men ti - ere ktlled,and two others named Mullen were mortally wounded, by one Halsey and his two eons. The Abingdon Virginian save that there is a gentleman there, Wm. IL Clarke, who is quite as successful in training bones as the celebrated Itarey. lie performs the operation In half an bonr. 'got four years sines, according to the Leavenworth (Kansas) Times, the first booze was built in that place. Yet at this time they hare nearly 1,500 houses within their bounds, and a large number in process of building or yet to be erected ere the season closes . . Ills a little over three years since the population was estimated at one hundred. :Cow _it is at least eight thousand. Margaret Daft, who said she W/13 ti red of life, threw herself before a locomotive on the Pennsylvania Railroad, a few days ago, and was killed. ......The yellow fever L reported to be raging to as titprocodented extent in Havana. ....-What is a Cart-Load 7-Ility or Tientann, of Naw Tort, has decided that a cart-load con sists, lathiest* of a single. article, of nothing weighing snore than 2,000 pottada; If of more than ea, article, a load shall not weigh over 1,500 ponds. ni itiqk of 'any Remedies. The larelid who takes bold of the drag list as if in wake • hill of fare, and Is continually amigos( from one liens to another, iike a peso reset at a hotel dieser, stands a fair chancel of killing kbaself before be has *s houted the caialogie of poisons. Some con siltation' will boar this kind of a 'medical treat meat *longer Wet ether% het anything short of • eet14;114144104 : 4#540th plied with asbestos, I an dfii*l6o4l; tett gottalerch• item!, sad steel AMI - Ospoilet seieumb at last. Wit 'trail I howerer, - that this plan of transferring the' what* lots& the etoloaaltk of the rick, is steerluottehlsta. 'tat the world al ma/ that the two ifieraltaahla remadeiingokest b7 Protessoi, ilelltaree ore solleiliatlee ttHlaterttai salt itudialtlallti manta. l'lllreettellatiOlifj that ~ r %g to* the Woe (a jts4idf that the ihAhiseesikimmiNhitihillokiromilltdohAlit •nnuelk,fhwa• sit 107= 1 0. 1, 4 1101 4 ii4aika. 4"l =4•NN hipapW r- tryiiilt i L 4 , YobsesiurvizmiktArgb lariat die, sa ,d 1001* . not arm tuft* ouriolves s _ltiksjapotation et kW stedichree as speak' Mr Weio-RweetiliS Of the nuttadles or the harm rams, Is foniftid on tuniotoble facto, and Whom Hispanics of as tagoalies that we dodo_ eseetiog is the fielder controversy with any kind of theories with which the profestiern could tartish as. We hare many friends •mong the faculty, sad poi eibly some of them may consider the cures ef rented by the use of Professor Hollows, 's Pills and Ointment no innovation on their rights.— ; If so, it a trespass which the auk will Pp- , prove, and which every phitalithropist—wi Thy' After r ' 9 whose interest it does not interfere—is auie to ry4 1 ,,- D,p - • commend.—jltemphis Appeal. Ilan world by avowing his marrtag_e some acg„The wife of a co;lntryisa,a in the t time ago with his dairymaid. Tim fact Moscow district, Russia, has g'" ° b has been concealed until further eon birth to sixty-nine children at twenty. j ecaltnent WWI impossible, the lady hay seven confinements—four times four at ing presented him with a son.and heir. one birth—seven times three, and nix - to the intense diogiiist of hia only ebild teen tines twins. by his first marriage, a daughter who is+terself married and has a family.— The attorney-general is in his sixty-sec ond year. Tobacp Productu „Paraists,--The Detroit Tribune of Friday evening says that Pollee Justice ling, of that city, has sulterod au attack of paralysis, con fined to his right arm, and physicians attribute the stroke to the free nee of tobacco put up In tin foil. 1 1 7" Tia (iasti Elotiss hammer JAN IS ,CLASSZ'S CSLRESATED Ifeiats Pitts, prepared from a prownption by Sir J. Clarke, Y. D , Pbyslelan Sztraor dinary to tha Qas.a Tule well known mettieies isrho Im pier tion, bat a mire ail rata tenacity for female DiSkratties Obatroctiosa, from way ewe** wtestriver; aa,l althoegtr a pnwerfal remedy, they eostal■ eothisig hurtful to tie conatltaition. To Satirise LADIES It la peculiarly suited. It will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period with refuter' ty. Thee* Ptlli hire sorer bolts karma to All where the diractlomon 34 page of pamphlet Ira well otoorrol. For farther partlealers get a pamphlet free of the ►teat N aad 6 pollees. stomps eorloool to say ■ethor. lead soot, •ill laser* a bottle, contualas oror 60 palm by Tatars mail. T. W torsi:* t Pea, Mbotaaak IgMN , Y4lA'4•lptila... , A. It 'teenier, ♦gent, lieatgeberg. /lay 17, 148. If tr 7 Het tov it's Otrrwrir AND Pitts —lParelsh•d with tire isomposhensfee reseedie., the heed of a ho use hold feel* that he am command Mg tioatrul say extor eat es interim' disease by witich hi. family may be mauled Dot Ware ! both hare been etissuirfeited. Coricom• the agony of dimptiolateuent mast follow Ms d loniser, of tem imposition. Dyspepsia or kraal*, perhaps, is rack,arg tbe frame of walk or rhiW , and oothsrag .t bead but pernleoras eounterfoits of Holloway'a rimistlim• pnP rat,.,oe Guard isrunnt such cootingeoeisia by amiartainiesr that the Nord; Now York and Loeskm." are •m,bio in transparent letter* on every leaf of Um book. of 'direction* acconspanyirri ttm eissimamm. Ejr*ltntiacsata Cr% of DTSPZ7I , IB —Gorham, De , March 14, 111$4 —Mr II L. liar.—Dear ND: Through are yoa may eonartanUy reco,mmeest tae thygesettrof Natters, as tb. beet, If not the only medregne that .111 cur* Dyspep sia. I su/ored foe more than slit years as only a slyerpop tk can order, Drool onsehrees niestkersos, ad the ant of many physicians, tat Grand no permanaat ralkL hull* 1 at from you this almcrs Bitters. Tim contents of throe botthse Ile foe motored ay healta, that for tie last tire years I hare bait no aessellon for rrll tru. I itrongly reauirunend all Dyepeptiat to try it. Sant W. FowLa L Co., 13)1 Washington street. Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. A. 1). Beset.ra,Uottys barg. July Ib, 2w • • ET A Mourittar ?o fill PILGO.IIOI —A inailltbrat to to be erected to the Pllgrne Fathers at PI Tosouth, to coat from 910,000 to 400,090. It ardi be built of granite, 163 feet high, SO feet at the base, with sittang figures front 38 to TO feat high. Otte of the finest mosturoeste In Philadelphia la that erected upon the old Theatre lot, .and which is knotra as the Rum. Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhill Wilson, To 'a 1113 and NS Chestnut street abase 6th. Orr Philadelphia untautuent is practically nettful as well as orzsautetutal [Aug. 9 Ll 7 Lee id I • rtiso nos al of Dr Sanford's Livia Ismos .llTUal, 10 4.044001. CO/0100. Die ititah "Thee coma the wild hastier, eaves elect w ewer sow; M •'ll Awed by eaeb other luworor It Wow." lIAIIRIED, On the sth inst., by the Rev. A. Tripner, Mr. COMELIES CLIRIST, of Franklin county, Pa., to Hiss H AHTII.I JANE eASII.I[A.S . , of Adams county, Pa. On the 211th nit., by Rec. 0. F. Krotel, Yr. J. )1./.llloli MICKI.NY, of litimmesburg, to Visa &MILT KATE FRAM, of Laucaeter city. De , Dl* ‘• Litt loaves on tress the race of man la found ; veea is youth, mow with/Ring on the growled." DIED, On the 30th ult., in Gennnny township, coanty, Mr. ALEXANDER. KEETH , aged year.' 3 inontbs and 7 days. In Baltimore, on :Ito .41.1, instant, Mr. JOAN grktlttlift second son of Philip J. Trusil, (formerly or tins placed aged about 29 Ceara. On Saturday evening week, at the residence of Mr. Win. it. Gardner, in Huntington wern ship, Mr. AMOS MEA LS, aged 25 years 1 nsunth and 8 days. A Most worthy and high ly esteemed young man; he sinks into the grave mourned by all relatives and acquaintances. Ou the II th of July, Miss SARAH E., dangh ter of Mr. Fleury Cromer, of Cumberland town ship, aged 20 ye.trs 1 month and la days. " As the bird to its sheltering nest, When the storm on the Itill is abroad, So her spirit bath flown from this world of unrest, To repose on the bosom of God." [Communitatad. Oa Friday week, JOHN WILLIAM, son of Nicholas and Ana Rekenrode, of Cumberland township, aged 7 years 11 months and 14 days. Let little children coma, For Christ bath said they may— Ills bo.oin then shall be their home, Their fears he'll drive away. " We little dreamed of bow mach joy, Our household was bereft, When loving Amu sad breaking hearts Our darling William left, No more we clasp the* in our arms, Ur aursa thy gentle head ; No more be watch thy gentle sleep, For thou, my William, art dead. ' "On our memories, deeply graven, Stands his little image Mir ; hiparkling eyes and shining temples, liosy cheeks aad golden hair— Ruby-lips So fall of smiling, Neck and arms of spotless white, , Little feet so full of miming...- Little Wllliem was so bright." liqii(ef ilefolits. rL"FC!' - j: .1 . Baltiatore--Priekii . leet. Flour, per barrel. 0 4 75 500 Wheat, per bushel, 120 158 Ilya, .. - 79 . 15 Cure, .. 84, 9 5 Osta, - " 42 60 Baer Cattle, per taiga., 080 7 gr It 0 0Q 75 yet toe, 900 ' 14 a Whi t sißey, per piker; . 1 ,26 &We; lieeinfan per tem. ••• - al go Stiroper--ritursillyt llama; per-bat haw waginni MT, Do, . from Mires, - 462 Wbeek pee • SO 1.4110 Nye, Clara, ‘ 4 . . 77 -4041i1e • , ; : ".4 SO 00140001. r : • • • • Par kW , : : lit :00•..' 1/ Do.• 01W;110r 41 , 110 .40 W • . ii*l49llWar & Who* Per boa / 10 k ... Ail cr - - • Tiamodr o , ''..` Plaster, pet sas, • Louncilagui it lt vi 5. - Later adviefil i- • ' q'J — 44 i h, from titeti 'spelling, quiet pi iestoraid r .4 1 ieh throughout Abe Territory. The 11'0.1 Young no hoiaea to eidetic* men mons wore highly pleased with their • ty.Md ' 1,2 rodertek city, (tern- Territorial otik.erii and the pe a ce c or n. Pike all the well Contitininf 150 Aeree. in , an elcallent stat , e .if eutti‘a-ion. The 311 river• o n)lt,• fitr " IN pursuance of as alias Order of the+Or phan's Court of Adams county. the uo dersigaed, Admiuistratur of ar estate of ligNir BLCKE It. deceased. will ofer at Put,- lie Sole, on the premises, on Sqlunitry, lhr 4tk day of' S Member next, the fullux:og Real Estate of said deceased, viz: No. 1: A 104 of Ground, !situate in Butler township, Adams oounts, half a mile north of Centre Mills, adjoining Lands of George Fobl, Abraham Slayhaugh, and the undersigned, contsining 2 Acres and 54 Perches, (more or less,) on which are erected s Two-story Frame Roughcast it Dwelling HOUSE, with a 01. e. FAN story Frame Kitchen attached, a f !. if I I Log Stable, with a Carriage. " ilouse attached, a Log Clhitiet-maker's Shop, with other out-buildings ulso, a young bearing Apple Orohard, with other fruit on the premises, and a neverfailing Well of water near the door, with a Pump in it. No. 2: A Lot, of Ground, adjuinimz the above, con taining 2 Acres and 33 Perches, (more or less.) 13 ith lots have been well limed during the List few years. 'Persons wishing to %ievr the property are requested to call upon the undersigned, residing near by. stgr-3 tie to commence at 1 o'clock, T. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by CONRAD SLAY rIACGII, -4duer. By the Court—ll. 0. Wots, Clerk. Aug. 9,185 ft. to quit: subscriber, Eteeutor of the last will -I- and testament of 11r.s ar SNvosa, deceas ed, will sell at Public Sale, at the late re.i deuce of said decelent,in Germany township., Adams county. near the Turiiike, 2 mile. northwest of, on It eduevday, Ike 'adage/Septa/46er nest, the per sorrel properly, six: 3 COWN, 5 Ito4s, Usy and Straw, Beds and Ilialtlin* Tablas, Chairs, Bureau, Snot es and Pipe, Cluck, Car peting, Kitchen Cupboard, Iron Kettle, and other household unit kitchen furniture. JIAILYIi W. P4lllllll Sir At the sawn time and 'dace. will lie offered, the Real Eitce of said do 'dent, eoetristing of a Tra,;t of tt.s Acre. of Laud, more or l e . of , adjoi n ing !node of ,Vlin %%tient ert, Ineub Juol•St..Lbley, On under signed. and others, haring there- ~ on a one and a half story Log . Howie, L.g Barn, Wiiizon Shod - and Corn Crib, and other out tauildinKs; two Wt Its and a Sprir; near the buildings; two Orchards of good fruit; with a riuScietioy of ''endow :and Timber. Part of the Laud has been limed. Persons wishing to tiew the property will cell on the Executor, living near by. to riontatenee at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on maid day. when attendance will be given and terns made known by DAVID 11.0111111 AUG Ex'r. Aug. 9, 1-58. ts Pay Up ! rp II E andermigned, having retired from the 'A' mercantile business, are very desirous that those indebted to them should P.tY UP —and trust that all will do so before the 15th day of September nest, as after that date the aeeotints will he placed in the hands of en u&er fur eulleetiott. DANNER & ZIEGLER. Getty burg, Aug. 9, 1838. OF the Bonk of (iettyPhorg, nx required by the 'll neotion of the Act of the tleneral Avsembly of thi. (`ommonwealth . . approved the I:.'th . day of Oetol,er A. 1). 1857. Lonnie and climcnuntm, 5=1. 4 153 03 St..ek of the Co:nisionwealch, 21,169 70 Specie, 04,082 W. Due by k7ity Ranks, $90,139 S 8 " enuntr 5,6'20 61 Notes of otkei Bsnke, 13,'.+96 GT 109,75 f, 89 Nfiseellanenos Stocks, 965 74 Judgments, 2 0 0 49 09 Bonds, 6,295 38 Real estate, 9.825 00 Circulation, Deposites, Due W othst. Bank*, I, T. D. Car►nn, Camhier of the Dent f flettpfnirg, being stunned, depoce and pier, that the shore statement. Is ee!'rect to die best of nay Inowledie sad better. T. IL CARSON. Gettysburg. Aug:2.. ltz4B, AErmed before use, 64 6th day of August A.l). 1,858. Gso. Aasui.u, .1. P. JOAN WALTFIt'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of John Walter, late of Freedom township, Adams county, deceased; having been granted to the andersigned. residing in Franklin ttrienship, be herelesives notice to all persons in deleted to said estate to make immediate payment. and those haring ciaioss agaiost the same to present them properly authenticated for setr Clement. PHILIP CC SHALL, Adm'r. slat. 9, 11158. 6t AllllOB MEALS% LsTATE.—.Letters of saimivalatratioa oa the estate. of Amos liiesh, late of Ilaatingtira townsb e ip. Adams county, deoeased, having been granted to the undersigned; residing in tbasame aivraship, he hereby gives notice to-all {weep. indebted to said estate to make i no:waists payment, and those having claims against the saute to protest theta properly asitheaticatsd for settlematit. WILLIAM B. GARDSMR. Aug, 9.1858. da Admen gimp:4es Wake. . figNRX fiNYEILWEI ESTATE . -.-Letbers the Mato or Hoary ,Soydit to the township, Moos monsty,. tioontimm* twine boom vomited to the issiimumipmmi, resieg it tha Ammo IMMO* slimmoby giros motion.' br. sii .4.lll4osdAst maid ambito to sobs hi? %Miaow. batioesioimmo a. Auto. lo•iimOmemi• then propooly 2 2 ampripmarit, teri:lriiik. ateaehbe. mirruji • : ere Igr the h.- $.4 4 eiterftligt 1.-i.. ..' ; " ° I • ilialit4l,44llli • l ust ir. . 1 14. Aug. ' , •••:. - a .21., 8o 1/111021 Public Sale. Public Sale. Statement INEEM LT ABlLtTlf.s Adsrlaistratoes Roth*. ildudaistratoros Notice. - A. - 1L 47.1/roaka. IL OS -.., • 'll rt:Foit s „ I; Spur ' s IVlaart BaLumura Aug. 0, Bargains all the Time! NEW GOODS received every week at SAMSON'S Aug. 9, 1954, Teachers Wanted. T HE School Directors of Franklin township will moot at the Louse of //oar). Mun- , shower, on Saturday, (lie •2`.:lA day of ..1 '&714 instant, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, fur Lite purpose of employing 12 Teachers to tate charge of the several Schools of said township. By order of the President of the Board, I SAMUEL HART, Sec'y. August 9, IRSB. VROM 1)R. JAMES M. JARRETT. OF THE NEW YORK LUND INFIRMARY. —Jlvconnection for the past eight years with the ahore Institution, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Core of Put ! monary Consumption and its kindred die eaves. tngetner with my unrivalled oppor tunities and advantages of pathological re ; searell—tvithel nut ii little by a perfect system of Medical laltalalion—!ias enabled me to at 'me at a decisive, direct, and successful course of treatment for the positive and rtnli cul cure of all diseases of the Throat, !Amyx and Air•l'assayes. By Inhalation, the vateir and curative properties of medicines are di reedy aldrerisied to the diseased' organs and the integuments. Ido not advi•qt the use of Medical lulialation of any kind, to the exclu sion of geisrral treatment: and althonAli I consider it a useful adjevant in the proper management of those tearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very nes:essarir that catch patient should have the benefit of both goueral and local treatment. 'The success of my treatment in the above diseave4, and Vie high charecter of the Institution over which I haves° long had the honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or com ment Irma me. At the solicilltion of many private unit professional friends., through philanthropic aid the above charity has been lout and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have c o n c luded to make such arrangements as will bring the benefits of my raperienee and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine my self, as heretufore. to flume only who entered the Infirmary, tse who were able to visit me at my office. Hoping therefnve that the ar rangement will give entire satisfaction, both to my_ proccamismal-brethren and the I **she respectfully announce in conclusion, that /eats mow be roundlet" personally or by Inter, tie all diseases we above, sad that the medicines.. the MAW as used in the Institution, prepared to reit each:individual ease, /doll my Vapors, Meslient Inkrtlere, &e., will he forwarded by express to any part of the United : States or the Ustnadas. Tea is—My twins of treatment by letter are as follows. via: $l2 per month for each patient, which will include medicine sufficient for one morth'i use; also, lohaling Vapor, end au Inhaling Apparatus. Pity/tient La follows: 1 , 6 Cs be paid to tepees Agent on receipt of the Dux of Medicine, and the bolanee .$6 at the-ropiveition of the month, if the patient be cured ur is entirely satisfied with the treat ment. Patients', by giving a fell history of their arse, and their symptom. in full, can be treated at well be letter as by personal ex amination. Patients availing themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treateneut may rely upon im mediate and permanent relief, as ho seldom halt to treat a (MAC over thirty Rapt. Letters for advice promptly answered. For farther oat ticulars address. JAMBS M. JARRETT, M. D.. 1 Na 820 Druid way, cur. Twelfth at.. N.Y. P. B.—Physicians and others visiting the city isre'respectfully in% ite.l to call at the In. Ilernisey, where MAU'," lilt he witnewsed, and ow .r aved apparatus fur the inhalation ine,lieatod Tapir can be seen awl inspected. Atm.!. 9, Ift.V. tliu 111.111 Y IL trAXSCR. New Firm---New Goods. rptlE uadersignel hare entered into part uership iu tho //.0:1) GRO CHRTberiness, nt the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of Danner 4, Ziegler, Jrs., and ark. and will endeavor to deserve, a euntinuance of the patronage of the old firm, its well as any quantity of new custom. They have just returned from the cities with an immense stock of Goodly—consisting in part of Rudd, lig .Volerials, such sat nails, screws, binges, holt", locks, gloom, A d . roar, including edge to ds of every de meriptlon, *AA'S. planes, chisels, gouges, bra ces and bitta, auAers, aluares, gauges, ham mer., ,1,b2,„ 471,218 03 247,7fil no 27.5'25 81 6,033 43 V 2.219 2.g Black:mat will Anil anvils, vices, rasps. tilos, horse shoes, horsa-slioe sixth, &a.. with them, very cheap. Courit F'oeffiaijr, such as cloth, °manias, damasks fringes. cotton, moss, oil cloth, spring'', axles. hubs, spokes, fallouts, bows, pules. shafts. au. Uwe l'4l64,laugs, Tampico, brush and fresco!' morocco, linings, bindings, pe t s. lasts. bout troes, wish a general assortment of slim:- maker's tools. Cabiset Maker's Moots, a general assort tnent—also varnish, knobs, &t. Hwill also find a largo assort ment of knil44 Sad forksobiithosninv AIWA and silver-plated table and tea spoons, condi*. sticks, waiters, 'hotel and tongs, and iron 4, enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, churns, carpeting, dta Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of ail slims and kinds ; oast, shear sad blister steel, 'which they will dell as cheap as the cheapest. Groceries, a fell sod steams' 4144Ttababil such as crushed, pulverises', elasifial and brown sugars; ,New Orleans, West India, MXd slier tichuse molasses and syrups, soap, ;picas, chocolate s isle t cosine sad dairy salt; linseed, lUdir and sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, lc.' a fsWassortml et of Lead aad236c, dry and in oil; alee fire-proof Vain* is fact, almost every article is 4hd Hardware, Vnisch Finding, Shine 'lading, Llossekeeping, Bhbk smith. - Cabinet Maker's, Paister's, Giesler's ' and Orbeery line, all of whisk they are de termined to sell ea low for cam as say hosise out of the city. A ND VV_IDSIII! WM-40a, subscriber reepectfoll, that be eentiinimtinr' htemming of qr 01.4 Ratko" atections, ileierent tostlf terats.4— Iran Ms experience math OPlrialitstiod to 'do the beet ibr the inipritlinflikit ensionbere. 'be Weirs Ansaill Asa Whitt he able to tender ten ssitedestiortio thoserwho may see proper to stint residence is in hewis*krA4nder «tarty, ono sane ,bithret.ll4ll. ea Big Cesowsio esshlktbilmialhoet ot.tlio, Widow liiidiettol- Ginn Chore a trial at &mkt. a.. - a CI 1.41411 hi Minn -e li ).e IMII if - 11 L I o i , A Card =I Igra,tult,-ft *MUM. of OD ;t4" ot et try))oies Court or Adams siliwwty. will Patklic Mo. tint Seal Estate . rimituata. &owed. ;its of flutter township. to wit: 0. &Air day. the IN day 41 &Printer next, on the prem . * F I : T MAN'SION.I".IfINT. :Utast. towiship. AAams county. , • 4 of , 11„th, v t- cu t. • , • : • Amin!: 114) Acres; Lt&t uloaaure. mure or rtes, of PaLcutod Land. The improvements are sers.siadearaialel Latilp""liff IIPLTE, Log Barn, ivith Sheds, .' . it II Log Shop: Well (AM:Ter-failing water n ear the house, with Pump under -.ver &filch Bonne. &e.: two exettlent Or. chards, one of which is new. Theft is a dqe proportion of good Timber, and also of excA, lent Meadow on the tract. The Great Cono youirtiatoserttor 'brew.' The public road Arenduiville to Gettysburg passes the boom,. Tha property fa situated conven ient to good mills, and also in the neighbor hood of churches of aerials dounminations. Also. oa the pram:Jibed. ou Saturday, the 18/h day of September next, 2, Tracta of MOUNTAIN 14AND. No. 2 : A Tract of Timber-land, situate in Franklin (late Menalien) tnwriall)ip, adjoining lat.ds of John A. Noel, Fleming Gilleland and mbar'. containing 10 Acres, more or leas. A large portion of this tract is covered with sliming young chtsnut timber. The public road from Newman's to Coles' (lye Fehre) saw mill runs through this tract. No. 3: A Tract of Timber-laud. situate in the same township, adjoining lands of Samuel Brady, John Kimile, and others, coutaining 12 Acres, more or leas, covered with timber of different kinds. This tract is situated near the public road above mentioned. j gale to commence upon both days at 1 o'cloA in the afternoon. Attendance given and tering made non BL'RK.II ART W IT, 41daer. By the Coart—H. G. %Your, Clerk July 2G, 1858. is A Valuable Farm, T PUBLIC SALE.—In pullout* of an " alias Order of the thpliall'a Court of Adams county. the undersigned. Mmiaistra tors of the estate of Pit RAP THOMAS, deceased. w It otter at Public Sale, on the premises, on S , forrbty , Me *lh flay of Ariga4 next, the following property or said deceased, viz : A VA LITA 13T,g F.AH.II, situate in Straban township. Adams .entinty, wianu I miles of the Gettysburg and Han over Railroad, and the same diatan..e from the Gettysburg and York Turnpike, adjoining lands of rhri,tian Thomas, David Munfort. Henry Thomas, and others, containing 148 Acres, more of less, about 40 acres of which are first-rate, with a due propor tion of Meadow. The inip-ove owns aro a hirge Two-story STONE DOUSE, Stone Kitchen and Smoke House attached, ble Log Baru. Stable, and all nembsary out buildings a good Apple Orchard, and a nev er-holing well of water near the doer; water in the barn-yard ; several never-failing springs oil the Patin, and a never-fulling strento through it, to which access from nearly eiery field out be had for the watering of cattle. t..Perituris desirous of viewing the proper ty before the day of side. will please cell on Mr. Samuel Welcome, residing on the adjoin ing Farm, or on either of the Adiiiiiiatrators. 17-13.21 e to commence at I o'clock. P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by 11KNRY THOMAS. SA %WEL 111011 AS, Adsmismistraturs. By UHF Court- 11. , G. Woi..r. Cleft. Jolt W, 1858. ta Timber Lots. TILE subecriber has atill a few OW veleahle LOCUST and CHESNUT TIMBER LOTS fur gel*. J. D. PAXTON. Gettysburg, July NS, ISSB. Register's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby given to ell legatee, and 111 other persons concerned that the Adnais i t it ra ti on accounts hereinafter mesticesed will be presented at the Orphsn's Cjurtof Adams count♦ for confirmation• and allowance, on Mo o day, tAe 161.4 day of August next, et It) o'clock. A. M., six: 50. The drat account of Jacob Tanger, ex ecutor of the last will and teatautent ot Jacob Tager, deceased. SI. The first and final account of Jacob Wive, executor of th • will of Catharine Poch. er, late of East Berlin, Illtwitton townsi l ip, deceased, exhibited by Sebastian Witte, one of the executors of said lacoh Wise, &teased-, 52. The first account of Peter &Alit!. ra ministratur of the estate of Jacob Boblitz, doeetwe4l. 53. The account of Jacob Wol4. go arti ian of the persons end estates of Lastiiit Flick inger. (now Hoover) au,l Flisa Ylickinger, minor children of John Flickinger, Jr., late of Tyrone township, Adams county, deceased, sodded bJ Stunuel Wiest and Samuel Wt4f, administrators of the aquae of the said Jacob Wolf, late deceased. S 4. The first account of Joseph Moakley, executor of the last will and testament of Jacob M tckley,late of tho township of Mount joy. deet'stited. • ;i5. The first-anti final account of Janice F. Koehler, ailmioistrsitew de Louie non mein Mctarn•nlo snow., of.Deitriak lolly, late of lk•rwick township, Manes coarnty, decoassd. 56. The souount of Peter Trimmer, /of nil istrator of the estate of Elizabeth Trizuwor, lure of Tyrone township, 4lecea•el.; 27. The Grit account of Frederick Diehl. erecutor of this last will of John Deardorff, deceased. 5:4. The first aceoLat of Henry Thomaa and Samuel Thomas, administrators of Phulip Thonnot, deceased. 59. The first account of Jacob Beener, ad. misistrator, de bnais Jews, with the will an nexed, of Michael Miller. deeoaaed r,o. The brat and final weeuunit of Jacob Hanker, administrator ds Wale 141 , /4 Of Wit ham llirtzel, deeemed. 61. 'The Jseeorid account of 11on. Juel H. pulsar, Msecuter of the two will and timid. meat of Beery Wastnua, late of the borough of Gettesberg, Adams comity, deceased. fkl. tint *se and -final sea ant of J. 11. Danner, Administrator with the will efll3lll. ed (of Marcus Beres, late of Liberty Wow. ship, deceased, ZACHARIAH MYERS. Refiskr. Register's °Mee, Gettys burg, July 111,1868, I Eueitiros ilstke. TTENRY KOSllft, Sr's. EBTAlS. l —Lettsri 4 4 . testamentary on the estate elf Merl Kuser, fir., }awe &Aloe township, Marne scanty. deceased, baring been granted to the undersigned, resid4g in thy' tarns toiniship. he hereby. gives notice to all per soon indebted to said effete mediate Paymeeti end: those baring Maims against the same to prerei t them properly authantleated A.144.11414114.1C0WL, Noiri , 114 jk *Li ,64 f • Itnist,L. 4 ,ZIPTAV ".I S7 t II Ng. .‘" T&Tri aro* „ stSn thti 415M0 141: Mut lit . :, Lite of cqtrAgoootru44l, & I wow jr, deltas. t a at 4 o , grartPd, eh. P.00f404 1 . T ,glue maws all p= tioe lo s 5144' to. Oda *me Ito *aka ritiost. iii'd iboto hattpi, olatoto, maxis was to moist tiketi itopparyta4o. stllti -mob _____• AWN iii. GiIiMIMICIYar., 44&r. g e . t ' 41 1 11:C.4 1 401A14. 41 0sionl ' - *. rtat t i: - I 0 " t ". ' 1.. . •. I ROCIALTIK ff:x . Vf 111 F,Irc: thf thew at .S. Z. 11. Misitaxs% 4 r"%a.VO; a r 1114 1 7;0;13 , 1+41.-!• 41 :".. 44, *- • 40"W...1.414.17- ROF.k AND FURNITURE WIIIEROOMS, NUS. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Baltimore, (near Fayette •st!.) extending from Gay to Frederick st.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large assortment of every variety of HOUSE HOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing— Bureaus, Bedsteads. Washstands, Wardrolngi. Jlitresses of Husk. Cotton and Fair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-a-Tete., Arm Maim Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Settees, Recepti in and Upholstered Chairs, Assorted Colov of Cottage Ftitnilttre, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Lookisag Glos.qes, Sideboards, Extengion Tulles, of et ery length. Parsons disposed to purchase ate invited to call and give our stock an examinatbin, which for variety and quality of workman ship Is not equalled by any mitablishnient iu the country. A. MATIITOT A SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, IS:A. lv A First-class Farm, ADJOINING GETTYSBURG, FOR SALE. —The undersigned offers at Private Sale. his FARM.' situate in &rattan township. Adams county, on the Hanover road, and ad jvining the Gettysburg Borough Ike. The farm contains 154 Acres, more or less, the land being of the best quality, much of it "granite—with fair proportions of meadow and timber. Fences g .od and the coil in ex cellent cultivation. The improve manta are a comfortable Stone fru Dwelling HOUSE, Bank Barn, 4 1 , 4 . lig Wagon Shed, Corn crib,&c.—first • rate Apple Orchard, a never-failing well hf water at the door, and a number of springs upon the tract. It is ( ertainly one of the most desirable farms now in market in this county, and demands the attention of capi talists. Person+ wishing t view the property nra requested to call upon the undermigne , L resid ing thereon. DANIEL BENNER. July 5, 1358. Stn Court Proclamation. wIIEItEAS the Hun. lionEer J. FISIVIR, Prmideni,of the sclera' Courts of Com mon Pleas in the Couuties composing the 19th District, aim' Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer,-and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and Davit, ZIEGUIL add ISAAC E. 194sajwi,Ialrs.,J144.1ges of the Courts Pleaq, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and To:mariner. and General Jail Delivery, fur the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their pre cept, hearing date the 21st day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred anti fifty-eight, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas. and Gerral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and GCneral Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Afoullay, the IGoi stay of Angle et next---NOTICZ is HEREBY GIVES, to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constoble4 within the said cowl tv of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Re• cords, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to du those thin:.? which to their (Aces and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will preseente against the prisonell that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said e)unty of Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute against them ar shall be just. ISAAC LIG lITNER, Sherif. Sheriff's Office. Gott sbur, , x, July 19, tc j Particular Attention ! Il} lintilreaa will without doubt be LOA /- oil to Gettysburg by the first of October nest, and it is confideutly es led that the board of Directors will gives, free " blow-rut" on that great day. Mesittiwo Picking, would most respectfully inform those 600 man whq purchased their Charcoals from him last fail, and those 499 who hare already procured their Sommer Clothiog, and the public gen erally, that he has just returned from the city with another beautiful assortment of COATS, eousisting of Cloth. Caseimere, Cmshmaret, lutliae sloth. Ducks, Linen, frock, sack and raglans. RANTS of every possible description, and at prices that oar,- not fail to please the most economical pur. chaser. VESTS that will compete in make and style with the best custom work.-- Thauktut for the past encouragement, I hope by a desire to please, a strict attention to business, and by gii Mg you all gond and cheap clit'ling, to snerit a *grain nonce uf your patronage. Remember the place, Chambers burg street, oliposite the English Lutheran Church,. F. B. PICKING. Gettysburg. July 19, 1868. Greatest Improvement 4F THE MiV-4-foisee' kittrs4r KEROSENE. er CO AL OIL LA.II7'S. unrivalled Beauty, Simplicity . , Safety or Lemony,. Every person desiring to obtain the rery best and' coat porutble light within their reash, should call and eiminine these Lnmps before purchasing elsewhere, for the resign. let. That se oxidost ease (moat 'by 41,- plosion. 2d. Ilist they emit No Offensive Odor while horning. 34. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are ;wily regulated to give neve er toe Raht.. 6th. Thai they berm entirety fees frein sistike. thlt. That the light is at lost 64 wet cent. cheapertitan tau other light now io comma UN. Thema Lamps are admirably adapted & the use of &uden ta, Nteeliasia...Seassui tresses, RAN Chromim. tliorea. Hotels, nod are high ly rttoommeoded for busily Use. For miIsGLLISSPIII & 1110)1411. Jun, 14, I by 848. , , , 'Notice. Tug endersigied 'barb g feared fr(risi ilereendle business. the same wittfierel aAer be ecoatiaited sootheBld'staM,`in Falet more street, by their eons, Henry%osier sod Waybright Ziegler. eerie ag4 sells erihulier sad T midst id wdl reiestuseemi tA, aio4for wiseii-w•- areal bespeak a liberal 0.4411 TOWed • - nese, I t ifooposimeri 114104 ail thorn od Note 1 111 = * saris 40. fr"' - • MEI LIM = I OA ►rt.w~ Ckanbersberg , : tit a,br ai wor, PREPARATIV tbo4 _4044 404 Dyik tot wilt reemreGßAY FlAinebt by Nature's ofirrrer ! Ploregsor 0. 1. !Ito al' ogairelikkarAaristilinsUlt.g. =ME 7'll E. I ~roof of tits abet* epteereteil, eititit the toi.isievedy: Niii-lteefttptiebei au meta nd thip:elentn, II io. duludin Maw 'An'a 4;etesi f 1/1144 f.r tvß hie wife. Alban hair hyi loc-tio• 'pry lit arid antiriory *bleu; wiL iimittatr4 Sip its original brovrtteinioreserChad Illilekamed and become beautiful and -glresyy, urn. me eat tirel r giver. *re bead; 'Others =lt and friends aro •Wing your But the happiest effects, non. Judge liresae,:Es-ilknatos of Moo* sacs my ham wan prematurely ginty. belt, lig/ the use of Wood's Reorient' ire. le has resieuesd its origins' cello, and I hare ati dss OW manently Iron. 'H. I. Stewart, gays, ant hair war very gray, bat after using two tiattlawlS - els. stored it to its natural color. Bev. J. K. Bragg, Brookfield, Sam; aye :t has removed from uty head iallamiostiom. dandruff, and a constant tondoetito it and restored my hair, 'Meth was gtityciol original color. J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, Tu. ileys, Tom hair Wit, twathirds - gray, or railisir vW$ but, by the application of the 11.11orallet as directed, it has resumed its arigmalsosism Dr. G. Wallis, Chicap.says. Wier, ashess great many other preparations, all to PO ef fect, I used one bottle of your Hair Bostora tire, which has eared a humor in two years' standing. , Benjamin Longridge, 254 Seventh Area**, New Yosk, says, baring lost my halr by this offsets of the Erysipelas. when it Isegsm to grow, instead of black. as herstofi re. it was well mixed witli,gray. Having tried Obeny preparations to restore the color without a. feet, I was induced to try yours, and la spite of all my doubts it has had the &Mired effect. H. L. WilHeins, M. D.,Peolteanil3l4 A 1,.. says. I have used your testorativi t mod it all that iris reeivm mended totse..J - 4 0 4 tried it for Tatter and find it a certabt calm W. M. Woodward, 11. D., Frankfort, Ny., says, he recommends it in his practise utile best preparation for the hair now in nee, Edward Walcott, toys, three Months. my heir was very gray, it is now a slirk brown, the original tvilor, smooth and *sky. all by the Ilse of Wood's Restorative. . Wilson King. says, one month's proitosap. plication will restore any person's Lair 10 original order and texture. J. I). Hoes, says, n few applications lialftaso od my hair firmly, it began to grow instxuad turn black, its original color. Betsey Smith, livrakeast Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for a number uf,yeays, been perfectly white. but now it. is restated to its youthful color, soft and airway. Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Paul, says that Mohair is strong, thick and black, alt/onah Awl time since he was both bald tad . vsy: 266' people here saw its effects and havemslloso4 an at. Morris Gosling, M.D., St. Louis, says .1,110 after trying many other preparations, all hi no effect, he used two bottles, wlt:eh several his head with a new as rigorops grewas of hair and invites all to same and 4,ee it Sarah J. Brown, says her hair was nal ads gray, but so thin that she feared ite itttuJrs loss—but after using two bottles It reelured both the color and growth. Prepared by 0. J. Wood & Co.. 114 Mar. ket street,St. Louis, and 312 liroadwallwr York, and sold by ail Druggists end PSNikt, Sl , silicine Dealers; also, by all Filmy ies4 Toilet Goods Dealers in ate Valuta Swami' Canada. Slay 24, 1858. 3m The Great Ambassador of Malik . to all Mankind. Holloway's Pills. A BOON TO THE SICK f—Tbs wsibi . dr $ AIL sterling medicinal to meet the Ll= necessities ulthe suffering - portion or ity, and •one entirely free from *ken. -bid other deleterious particles. was as All till this all powerful medicine wit into the world; lioLtowsr'strlrAttusurPtsui have become the nuossuoLD trrarnr Arm nations. Their attribute is to pleirmuitai well as to cols; they attack the aasiti er ROOT of the complaint, and thee by the hidden cause of disease rotinri:47 ll t restore the drooping energies of the irje assisting nature in her task of VlTitillie ruse-rico:Aar RtFORX•TION. DYSPEPSIA..—The great .enurge or lid, continent yields quickly to a coarse ofthil lnti,ertic Pills, and the digestive mimes restored to their proper tone; - no mathithi what hideous shape this hydra of dis hibits itself, this searching and a remedy disperses it from the patient's GENERAL DEBILITY AND WM: , NESS.—From whatever cause, loirwsWei spirits, and allother sigr of a diseased U, and other disorganization, of the, . vanish iraet•the erair.atin lulls ss ...d%' 11 all pmerfulintiseptie lOW li" 11.301ITSDINORD teem mid right condttletv tir the • ' NW mentous importance to the health of elir man frame, this anti-bilious misdiehre I t the hidden seeds °tam complaint. Oak ders all the fluids and secretions.porta fluent, cleansing and mucked's VW' functions of the body. . SICKLY YEMALES—ShonId tem( iiii, time In trying slew doses of tbiarels= and renovating remedy. wliatirree their complaint, le es. be Mem mint ewliest. ' in all periodical and other difors 44 l o o l l7. Its erect is all but miraculous. UNIIEFUTED PROOF.—The t Nations is unanim4usly borne to t " giving virtues of his not& remedy; - tificates in every living language, beef' nos to the undeniableness of their I .., . worth, Holloway's Pals are thr beat reaseoy Asepoji the world for the furiowiag chola': ; 7 .I.4luna. Worn lowaed . Wo ol iii r. IkmotCompislobt, noloaltr, Lim' T au ail /1010, Lerseese M s ' Tamale Caaplaisdki, PM*, - dliti e lliel ` ' Chime Diirslile, asedisetris, Maw I - Coalirabses, ludigistlea, Topipersia, lallowna. , Va g Lotanimso, ialiussuatiar, all MOW . Sir nastiest I—None see -gergehor he words •• lieilotear, New Yore mei' m," are discernible as a leater-iwarkiel leaf of the book of directions. spend . . M e :a r g i l:e l /ea 6 ; (ITC Zil.- 1). *a rra ward will begiven to anyone ri Sieek informatiest as way-lead to the d .:.- any party or parties eoenterfeitin . g the mei& . vines or4rending theism*, know ing thwilh .-. be spurious., ,!- * * *Bold at the Idin,nftintorissi. • 4 • _, Itollmrey, SO Maid.* Lose; N4w • ~_.t ' by all relipeedibbilikugii, sea `ts , 4 :2' Medicine thron&hout the tro4ted ': 4 '7„ the nivilisid world,' - Imps st ill — ' ' cont...* lit WS, , -,i t 7l:* *9 lll ei r tAllT tae t dm; 1 - •.: : s l oor lio n 4 fi*wer4irtisif - wo -- , tui, ii.,, r ,:s H i t s. , i *- ' - • - N. II —4lhi " 1 pieties" fur fro kid S. gObilliq & n my" disorder sae , - lx.x. . Voae:7' lil l ietter ; ~, • , 1 .4 ides, mug bet Led Stud • licesollo rif lithio-iikitO - 16 man, Coseseittae of Silleks 1nie.461111411 , deosibed, kise4eiolt4lit the' Conn of Ca:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers