• 7 ; ` • 9 • o,' tgri„, 4 . IN e" - ;;AggiI'TYSTUNG, PA • ' -411104141 9 , iforatem 4mg. 94 1858. 81.4rE TICKET. - I . , . . SCOali pr in - inmate corer, Alsloll43lF A. FARTER, of Philadelphia. 4•41. • . CA4IAL CONAILASIONSI, 'EY rWST, of Fayette county •: - eltambenther Petetson'rt 7141 -4 . flft/P4tor says: " &ware of s new and '4011011111048 counterfeit $lO bill that itas Ilialredis put ,fa circulation. It ts an g*gl444+o, 411.1 1. exceo.l jalik 4nße. eti o r r forj,µ4e tiny mit **king note :01111,1141diffIcittt 44) tbeli,nicw:sto likithreen 'Abp . Iqe nt4l.countorleit." "Work Cow sty to(o'r.—'lll.: Anneal Ex .4,lf.titu Yuri: County 4.l4nicA -44 4 4 ' 11111141444„) . 4041 beAwJJ to kJi gr.+ uudd, WlLlAdir t VOL Wud geekts,y, T.tiormiar, ilit • . • il-Sattirtlity, the tkh, 7th, t9tb • Vass of October next. " . 1007 4 Ve of lituisess.—Last October . A reams-cid ltie New York elisi were from $15,000 w S2U,- . . . ;* . ' etkiiing As following Ninths 'eta 00,000,- $4U,000 and ~ x - , '.- 'At this time the daily re. : :Ittit•aahl to average 8140,000 a Ake it t,ltildisibms that Die fall business iiilalitli4l) be loam se tire. ti A* It,— ?,011011Rawnrreaues of the Government 41111144111 1 1 1 11mIllilig, and it is fair to presume "010411010 the Octobor election there Ti 141011" wore slid about the "ex , i -• A „ id the Administration .-- c , will die out more rapidly fellikeritlolf.sneas." .411, ti _••?..e r i•-•”--------••-.....-------------- 1-41srall,W4Foe•reor Geary hits not, as ;11111111101PaPPoec,demrted the Democratic He is a member of the Demo -'tars Committee of West z., . eoenty, and was recently op als, of the conferees to noinin _ • tic Legislative ticket in .. ,,,,..,c ••• oreiand and Armstrong dis- ` Democrats all over the State l a pp y snd effectively working for , . principles which make the y and prosperous. The spi r. iftlikpaamhi -- sad good feeling which has . ;. Strd 'lathe Democratic Goan esar which hart-been held, Milotoe awnitnhitasnstdroVin'igll abet, which cannot fail of -We tiny° never known <lie - 1141110 1 1 1 1uprof the State in better spirits Itifsl,:the present time. •S ug ones, or ail parties, the nomination of Mr. Read • Ind i go as rendering the • .junige Portar certain. -vticiArk is th.dbare rer that . ' party is in favor of ox , . alavary. The men who , .. t it *now they lira guilty of 7Z /° ":,1, •.: . - Tudor. The Democracy I L 'lt i in power almost from the • • &*the Government, anti ev-' ilivt‘llSAtaat man knows there would L Ari An foot of tree territory in to-day but for the labors of 4 04alit Mik a oCratie party. Democrats ifiliagbvflogwbere nail the 06110i0to /Aie *Mr enemies, that. they are ` w :of ratanding alsrery, to the =I York Gazette comes to us ntar. , ml and improved in Swat appearance. The uld litleeiss.siedsrcasa large patronage. • riifriti .Sold reLite ytalCll.—The MOPS .41suul, eueepied sod owned by 1314.04p5e5, bee been disposed of to fliteak, lbr 162,500, and Ow 0: 10 IV Beiodollar, and Detn,pi -84 rug* Pesiser, to Samuel .00 wen The purchasers- we learn iv, jibs peamendbn in the spring.— 11f31010600Y ,lei hart. 1 4;k7t Iom .A--The Northern Control pony inland Lading damp Atssreniant passenger and ar.,ltridgeport, npporitn %row, A amber at LanAPOS II . O II Willi* . Atria idapablipaas, - Plir et - boroughs and tawashi ta ti .0. um/IP/ partfiaf therfsornai net ia tin Cosetraoank ' 13 , unjoit, and it ire. last, for the purpose. bll nunt of impudence or a ticket for the support Nr such a charge.— gre w, as the hll election. Bomo o il Drowning men will ratch at straws, the townships--Germany, Conowago, Morntplessaut and Union—were not represented at all; whilst Franklin, Freedom tied Liberty, had each but ail. A liiiibbef - a Viol teshielhilbe • represented, we understand, had held no delegate elee tiops. Josepk.arepner was chosen Pres. 'dog, Dhrboraw and Jacob - I Wig—Yige,P,( l 444;lol/te• Autk...:W IP.. Walter and Alex. S. Aimee Secretaries The Convention was composed main ly of men who acquired what " distinc tion" tbry oily possess through their services in the cause of proscriptive "Sam" and disunion "Rambo," and the ticket made up is of the sort we ex pected at the hands of such piebald politicians. It is intimated that the whole affair wits "cut and dried" by the wlre-pullers riasembled at " head-qufir /Ars " before the in:cling of the Con 040.i..ion—just to Gaye t h at body the tioiuble ot' making hcluetion, Vie following gentlemen were de- Ada,rAxl the successful competitors for the empty honors of the nominations: Auseu/bly—Ssituuel Durbureer, Ils/uutjoy. Assw:ioteJudge--Jowes 1.) is, 11uutiugtun. Cvikinitsioner—SAuluel Metzger, Hers/ids. Irstractor--Ssmuel Herbst, Gettysburg. Aeditur—Juba itrinkenhoff, Strabsu. kithrard Ilaqtertuu roeunnueuded for Col:l -ive/int. That this ticket is not, calculatod to inspire enthesiasto among any portion of its supporters, we cart well believe. Indeed it is said that had as much been known to the delegates of several of the nominees before the Convention as after, the ticket would not be made up as it is. Some of its weak points are rery weak. After the Convention had endorsed the selections of the " managers," L. I A. Buehler, Esq., read a long string of characteristic resolutions, with huvibuy "sticking out" from their beginning to their ending. For instance, after saying , crushingly severe things in regard to national " expenditures," " Kansas," and so on, the first resolution declares that "it is the solemn and imperative duty of all good citizens to unite, cor dially and earnestly, without regard to former party differences, in a common effort to rescue the Government from the false position in which it has been placed, and to restore the purity and excellence of its early ad ministration Older the Fatheri of the Republic." That's precisely what these very trickaters professed to be desirous of doing when they started Know Noth ingism—" to restore the purity and ex cellence of its early administration un der the Fathers of the Republic "—but what was the result I Wherever dark lanternism got into power, extrava gance, peculation, and fraud, with out rage and murder, were the orderer the day—the like of which was never heard of before. To say the least of it, the resolution is cool—too bare-faced to deeeive the most shallow. The rest of the series aro about ditto. All from the same souroe—which is sufficient, comment. The so-called "People's Party" is making a poor start of it in Adams county (as every•wher^e else). The REAL pr.OPLH do not seem to desire that the wool should be pulled over their eyes at this particular juncture. Wstch Them I itirTho Know Nothing and Black Republican leaders fool the weakness of their party in this county. They know that of iteelf, destitute of principle or political standing, not a morsel of the " spoils" can be secured. Their game, then, as indications already show, is to make A "dead set" at all Democrats whom they may consider "a little weak," and by misrepresentations and downright falsehoods, (as well as the increasod circulation of their unprinci pled uewspaperso tarn enough in each of the townships to accomplish their,. purpose. Lot every friend at the good cause of Democracy keep a circumspect eye on the minions of "Saul" end " &hobo' frqua this time until the e lse, ties. No matter with what aideoway and plausible appealsr they may came, instantly bluff them. Doomod to DelltsL Tiu; nowleutioui of the late Opposi tion State Convention are received witb . any thin butlitisfastion by those who stO • ehrawtesli to support them.— ltadelphts ht *Adios *Oust tbem. A44;lev; 46,. 4 qii!eitilifigKi: The (*atml comities ars bwriAag yaps rice itioiltutt likentiand Vassar. Oar own pbpular eisselhisees, *Arms* we Vsost, Mrs preesuft • Indketh:std,... erill sweep the StatO aai•ut. • ' t , in nr ot . " 'l re or' at irget , Jatz.4ftei tqlnii*vb Orditi.ooo6 Mtd obedmakte - 64:10440 the - lot" the tf6l • • find a iitha. liokisObsolipair tar mob 'ilro‘• vOittillirkgbarld4= lll "shy wpm bask. • Oi l t' ,. . ript04110000 , 664 preiced at ' :... i " ' • - , .. '64 ..;!.. 1 tritite. ~.1 Vet: diiiiNitz!./ 14.4 J.: J 44 . and the desmrat,c and sinking / fowlers: ; and hangars-au of 'know Nothingisin . D ff li S tnl eY I ) l42sll P4 zal and Black Republicanism are silly 1 1 Another Loud Crow, Chapman! enough to think they can humbug the L. icm=Tin m_tva thff emitted *eey. It *lsll 4 l o ' itt -11 is '" Rocylu papers report the defeat of 11r. do. The people are too well informed Blair, Black Itopnblicati, for Congress, to be cheated by such idle clamor. The— in the Bt. - Lail* tHitriet. Mr. Barret, ra records of Coygress,ar t e accessible 3) ph ors hint p k b!ut to :s1), .‘ll4 siow that shest: T Direaws. `eieigaintof a member. claiiiwiNao9,4l.2ALLKAgliaZ A. meta aloof the guilty parties—that the Abolition B lair, pre, slain,- (0351 Kennett, and _Know Nothing members of Con- , Know Nothing, 5 5 ,5-Irße' ynolds, Demo-. press voted for the extravagant orpen- I ditures and doubled their own pay and erat, '',lBl. st. 'Louis county now , elects the whole Democratic ticket by perquisites, and thus impoverished the / about 500 majority ,. treasury, which they now desire to The Democrats have carried the charge upon the Administration. We State handsomely, aecuting nearly ever+l . are glad that this cry has been started, ! for the records will prove that the Ad- ecnigresionan. KENTUCKY.—The returns from miffilitratina is free from blame, and ' Kentucky indicate that the 'State has that the charge rests exclusively a- gone largely for the Democrats—being gaing the legislative brunch of the a praprer swErp Uuverameilt. These returns show that the people ear v.xpect to publish in our next, laugh to scorn thepreposterously false an article front the Washington Union, charges of extravagance aril prodigali oil the" extravaganee" of the Admin- , ateneo up by the oppo s itio n agai ns t, ignition, in which the details of the ap- ty n propriations two clearly given. The 31r. Buchanan's administration. , HIP, HIP, HURRAH !! ! I Star people may find that nut hard tot What is the Natter? The liarrishurg Patriot and Union I . says, a Repnblican meeting was held at Wellaboro*, Tiuga county, on the '... 5 15t, ult.,wluch was addressed by Wilmot,{ Grow and Williston. These speakers, who are all afflicted with the most ma• lignant form of negrophobia, of course discoursed the horrors of slavery and declaimed against the monstrous ag gressions of the odious "slave aristocrat- cy." They are all masters of that epo des of cant, which still passes current in that benighted region. At the close of the exercises, a resolution was offered endorsing the tnion State ticket, arid after an unavailing attempt to stifle ita consideiation on the ground that the meeting was purely local, the resolution was put to vote, and met with a prompt and emphatic negatire ! What is 'the matter with the straight-out Republi cans? Are they disgusted with the milk and water resole Lions passed by the mon grel convention, because they do not smack strongly cnongh of the Attie:in, or aro they outraged at an alliance with the detestable "Americans?" Wilmot, who thought this meeting of sufficient importance to desert the bench m order that it might be graced witliNkis pre& once, must certainly have the mest, fra term! and affectionate recolleetion of the straight-out Americans.' Is this treason? Can any one explai4? Not well Pleased. The' Republieune of Tioga county, says the Agitator, are not satisfied with the "neutral" character of the platform of the late mongrel Convention at liar risburg. That. paper 4' pitches in" as follows : "Some time since we took occasion to say to our fusion canemporaries that the Convention would not dare to deal with living qtkations. Look at that platform ; read it carefully ; weigh it; analyse it; bull ne—what relationship does it, hold to the Philadelphia Plat form! Is it child, grandchild, stepchild, cousin, or cousin-in-law T Neither.— Does it affirm the full power of Con grew to prohibit in the Territories "those twin relics of barbarism—Poly gamy and Slavery?" Does it denounce the invasion of personal and State Rights by the Drcd Scott Decision ? Does it deal vigorously with one leading question at issue ? Neither. It is neg atively Republican and positively ntild— clever—harmless. It. might do as a toy lor political babies, bat it, wilt not hold up the weight of a great party,— It won't do, gentlemen. Extract the essence of Flanagan and there would be nothing mentionable left. Yon had bettor make another effort—remember ing, however, that not the power of a thousand 44 Union Conventions" can lead the freemen of the Northern Tier one inch from the standard planted in 1846. 'Tioga wilrendeavor to preserve her Intagrity—leaving the State to ci pher out. Its political salvation." The People's Ticket. The opposition leaders and some of their papers, says the Daily Herald, are laboring efrriesily and diligently to create the impression that the nom ination' of their late State Convention have been rewired with enthusiasm.— This may be the case, apparently, among the class named; but *e deny that snob is the .tputit among the pea. pie. The politicians and a certain per• lion of the press 'can always be driven into minitures of seeming iria,p4ship in events of th is kind, but the stout, strong, ali poitertal votive :,of tits people , can never int drowned"ord they will not be misled oa this ospeasion. There is deep seated enmity ir .. tryte of the strongest holtiaof oar politi*,osemitw, aiptinst the rime/ is sominess of the hit. Con. vendor,- and the isilsetied ere otOstober FQW II 4 S-1-481 4. - Wini#o* lll ei 2 4(xVini rbeCol4 . .wittt.r.4.444 ties mid* eoeservstire hang to this State whiab bait o ,4:l 4ll riirst7 ll4 Wit - , - 7 1411 4.PitiltiftsftwArtijcil****ithai arises. 1' TA4 Bailreiviobar saiwor tbs. raa ßr the reinkrkkitdkoM ktietOWWWWO *son ial mugd) r> r&on.Eddar;llE, 1114 iisbusithrhkurpiroimmoiftlikie **ll" Ztii iis44" '" " el° thelhE ' My. • - " • • • " • I 9 ,~, i~ Not True. The Baltimore American says is reported that the Administration at Washington have given the contract for the iron pipes for the now water works in the Federal Capitol to a firm in Scotland ;" and then adds that the Fishkill Standard learns the fact from a gentleman in the vicinity of that town. - Let the report come whence it may ,it is entirely falso. The contract or for the pipes in gnestion is Mr. Law rence Myers, of Philadelphia. The ed itors of the American well know, how ever, that, the contract fur these pipes is awarded to the lowest bidder, after proposals have been advertised for, and were the report it gives currency to correct, ,no censure could rightfully rest with the Department of the Gov ernment by whom the awards arc made.— Wash. Star. Simon Cameron Repudiated at Home. It seems that the nomination ot hon est Simon "wig-wag" for the next Presidency was too great a burlesque even for his own immedir te neighbors and political friends to swallow. The !ate Black Republican convention, in Dauphin county, refused to endorse his reoommendation as a candidate for the next Presidency, and the resolution had to be essentially altered and modified before it could be passed. It merely approved of his course in Congress.— Simon's stock in trade is getting a hun dred per eent. below par. The Norfolk (Vs) Argus, in speaking of this bribe which the N. Y. Herald must have received to eulogize this no torious individual, says : " But Mr. Cameron should be morn prudent ; he is throwing his money away; he can never be nominated by Bennett's ;Ounce, and if he were, he cannot buy hinistlf into the Presidency, as he did into the Senate. "Let him be nominated and we will show up seine of his corruption in con nection with our 'Navy Yard. If walls had toriguos as well as cars, those of the Gosport Iron Works could make startling disclosures about Simon Cam eron's honesty." Ttirreosts for the Sake of Mee It must be a source of peculiar antis. faction to those who fur long years have persistently,if not consistently and wise ly' opposed the National Democracy, to observe the avidity with which the Black Republicans seek to reward the few recruits from the Democratic ranks, who have joined their by hrid organiza-' tion. Those who have borne the burthen and heat of the day in opposing the Democracy, are compelled to stand aside to give place and position to every renegade who duteous to be kicked out of oar ranks as impound. To hate been a Democrat and to have deserted from the ranks of that party, is a sufficient rooominendatiou for Iliac* Republican honors. It must, indeed, be a bitter pill to the OldLiue Whigothe..Anti-lia sone, and the Straight Americans, to see snob men as Gov. Reeder occup yfng the chief seat in their State Convention and such a man aa John M. Road receiv• mg its chief nomination. These men who Lave bad.* tinzipottuy prominence in the Democratic porty,have "with all] their imperfections upon their heads," 1 been Warmly-welcomed and most highly honored by those who have all their liveh opposed them. The picture is-a strange one, which . the opposition puty 1 presents. Not only open their State! ticket., but upon Ivey many al the county ticket* throughout the State, we find.. renegade iteetoerate iflopted 1 as Republican leaders. . Our party I& glad tis be' dear of these man. Ito the genie oftiolitkis, they bays Wag bean in the , nine .boles,' where !bonsai don4s count,' and .they hare mods* lastAter- perste:Oily to esioure the game.' ' They ail Me human, Mr tharopts-iptiur es* and file of the Nation al Demo:via) partyikhate;qaadrwn Iltat 04 land Zof med 'Ware tadtameed by innhitforr fori personar pokit l iatt Wit tigiire . far Ogee emolanisatio aka*, Send, lids littfotilt ¢yl an united rotefor tha Ofnitleritietielat give thew offiqe eaekl4' A • ' .ea the reward they . Tema: 11 elk .' • ; 60. inanheytft 111,11r40 ~- oy f.. '13:1 1 111 ,Vo ' .4 4044 ' -fr. -. A • '" : -04 , , , . I* • Vainoit ' • aftiitadi ar V ; ; graph enterprise. The table has been ' Delegate Meetings and County successfully laid, and the signals hare Convention. !beau perfectly transmitted throughout tbemeThe Democratic Standing Committee l jtage.. of Adams county met at the house of The Niagara and Agamemnon met in ! H. D. Wattles, in Gettysburg, on Satur -1 mid ocean on the 28th ult., and spliced I day, the 24th of July inst., and on mo-, 4flrElebte 6n ttiblinti: l —titer — settitrafbil, tienlsdoPted)Gasnimettsin timfollowing I resolution : I the former for Trinity Buy, and the Resolved, That the Democratic roterst i latter for Valenti*, Ireland. The ma- of the several Boroughs and Townships F,Oipery for payhmout . tbe cable worked of Adams county are _requested to meet !biota ,- - Satisfartokily, 64 it was Doti at their usual places of hkdding Delegate ~ ;elections, on Saturday, the 21st day of Ite:WPC4 a 5 0ghttn"litnt" DiB ; 42 " 46 ! *spat nest, ftrr ther purpose. of etiensiteg 1 have probably ore this passed between Delegates to represent them in a Conn- I ' President Buchanan and the Queen of i ty Cbinrentiou to be held aCtba Court- England. The Dews of the success of the enter prise Less been received with lively de monstrations all over the country—firing of cannon, ringing of bells, &e. • What will nta human ingenuity ac complish Adjutant General Wilson has issued a circular to the military of the Com monwealth, in which he explains the etrecte of the military law, and refutes thqkleaexpressed by many newspapers, that the volunteer system will involve the State in debt. He says that under the law, each county forms a brigade, and each brigade must support its own military organization from the military tax raised in it. Tho State Treasury has, therefore, nothing to do with pay. tug military expenses, except so far as the expcnses proper of the Adjutant General's department are conCornett— He expressos the opinion that the sur plus from the military fund in the sev eral brigades, after paying the expen ses of the volunteer companies within their bounds, will be quite a handsome item for the sinking fund, and assist in paying the public debt of the Common wealth : Military Expenses.—" The military fund in the State Treasury is responsi ble for no military expenses_except those orate Adjutant General, lonians! Stuff, military storekeepers, repairs of arsenal and repairer of ariss,,ite. If the military fund in any county is not. sufficient. for the payment of the ex. penes of the brigade, the county Treas urers will make apre rata division among the several claimants. No °Weer whatever, in any division or brigade, has any authority to make expenses which shalt in any event be chargeable to the State. Tho roulity treasurers will be carefuland observe`stlio law, in making par monis. and arc directed— 1. To pay no military - expenses un less on the order of the Board of Audi tors, as directed by Act of Assembly, April 21, IcsB. 2. The salaries of I3rigile Inspectors will not,be paid .until the close of the military year, being the last day ofDe cernber in each year; if paid before, and the said Inspectors have, not made their proper returns to this office, the treasurers do so at their' own risk.— The law requires this salary not to be paid until notice is given to treasurers by the Adjutant General. The Brigade Board of Auditors will observe a proper economy in the expert ses of their brigade, and pass no bills that are in any way exorbitant. All military officers are enjoined to take especial care that the proper as sessments are mado,und all the military taxes collected. All collectors and treasurers will be held to a strict account, under the law in relation to the collection of Military fines and taxes." Starthn Yews from tit; Border.—We are advised that official information was received at Jefferson yesterday, to the, effect that Montgomery's band of desperadoes have again crossed 'the border, and, besides other depredations committed on the property of our citi zens in Bates and Vernon counties, have killed three eititets—pro-slavery men —one of them named Pope, near Pap. insville, for no other or better reason than they wore supposed to be pro-sla very men, and endeavored to protect their property. The excitement in those counties it represented as intense, Ind fbr alight we ban see, State aid grill be necessary to suppress the marauding villains, and protect the pe_rsons and property of our oitisens. We have the news from an undoubted source, 'and are infbrmed• that it cache in inch a s'bape as toot,: for an immediate Tabet ing of tho Govern - We advisers.—St. Louts it/At/Zee*, July 27. T• • The Cast of Reaching the Pratt? River Mines.—A fetter •to the New York Journal, of . cbeinieree states , that- the price 'of palkiage 'hy the steamer from San Francisco to 'Victoria, Bellingham Bay, &c., is on the average 030 to $4O. Added to WS 110 'or $25 for river passage on the steamier Surprise, or by canoe io Fort hope.', It la thirto say, that a miner. to go !!belt Sen . rrinclaco, to Frew Rfvey Infhes, wants at haat $2OO or $250 cash( to enable him Sue. woefully to reach the Watts and to taos cure the ;e4tedlitilittfit. . ' Witokraft,r=fhiiitinitov a tifi ni ch t6 ) ' Zt reM era din id k . i st rlie ltiiiit o tattitt e6. ' part 4til i t coon . ta *ltie IS . ' „.... iiitiltt. iikter tho , .1:eli .• . wise - ' ' .1... ' ' . - how. i' i W Itilitas7 Law fr-fotmt house, in the Borough of Gettysburg, on th;, ,ifoinltty ftollowitig, (the 23d of August,) at 10 o'clock, A. U., to nomin- ate a County Ticket, and transact such other business as may be nocessary.— The Delet_mt6 eloctions to be open at 2 o'clock and closo at 4 o'clock, P. M., in all the districts except the Borough of Gettysb,nru—in the latter the election to be held%etween the hours of 7 and 9 o'clock, P. 31. • • H. J. STATILE, Ch'n. HENRY J. KUHN, See'y. - July 20, 1858. For 25 Cents ! tar The Compiler will bo furnished to, campaign subscribers from the day of the County Convention until after the . October Election, for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, to be paid invariably in ad vance. The contest promises to be an interesting / 44 and a copy of The Compiler will he essential to keep the friends of the Democratic party " post ed up." We shall watch the move ments of the Opposition closely, and promptly expose their trickery. A favorable opportunity for getting up (Aube will be afforded on the day of the Democratic Delegate Elections, and the lists can bo sent in Monday follow ing. Will our friends in the different districts see to this, all the while re membering bow important it is to " Spread the Documents !" August Court. The August term of Court will com mence on Monday next, and will doubt less attract large numbers of persons to town. ThereNvid be several interesting suits to listen to, and then there will be the work on the new Court House to look at, with lots of other handsome town improvements, of different kinds —not forgetting Ever Greco Cemetery, which never appeared to better advan tage, and will well repay a walk to it. Admission is free, and all aro welcome to visit, so they only keep " hands off" otffowers, shrubbery, trees, tombs, &c. A largo portion of the crowd to be here on Monday next—so we are led to anticipate—will be tuade - up of our de linquent subscribers, who intend com ing expressly to settle their accounts with us. If sickness or other unavoid- able circumstance should prevent any of them from coming, they can very easily send is what they owe us along with those who are determined to come and pay us during Court week, if they have to swim all the cfteks in the coun• ty to got here. Relief to the financial affairs of the town may then ho looked for, and particularly in that p-/rt of the town occupied by us. SiirMoney may bo sent by mail at our risk. Ask tho Postmaster to mail it for you, and your rectiw•ill be sent in your next paper. Postage stamps may be sent for parts of a dollar. Sage Yea a Barra For hale • Or business, or anything ttlf+e, to make known to the public? If you have, saga Ix xixn that the circulation of The Compiler - is, by hundreds, the largest of any paper published in the coun ty !----whftat the advertising rates are no higher. Freale..—,AL Fallow*. The fruit crop of this county, we re gret to say, is almost an entire failure —particularly so with apples and peaches. In York, Cumberland and other countlet'a*irikifar failure is noted. /ErDaring the peat week, we were favored with moat vefesehing showers, which has been of great hctlefit.to the turn crop. ilifirßev. J. R. Stress, •of Philndet phis, recently chosen Pastor. of St. James's Lutheran Congregationof this place, has reniove4 here stith.tdi.fauti ly and entered upon hia.pastotal. du, ties. 1110 - .llr."Barris has *old . 148 Groovy bed Pitlotrision Store to Nears. DAlr!sz• who are . mskin i g arksingerent caw on ti bc4inOso 4in au Onlaige4 The new fins sir saw layi4 ap,siittocic yt atir fitatsda ii-the city. ;2, • • Ina not t 414 44, White Mira* katatolhi is =Wig rietal! 1-gr. oti - Lira/hea/14 'iontribve4 - • ustn/sies r Olitt i 144 . I ever ham placed alpea"010 -t&DW. He -"'ir-17 W;. "-"141 , 1 t 41 14 • . _ frogiAtif• - Vl* • 4111110000 9 , pisfalta lbws no4lisikkbe had. • • - es!l. l l l 4lo.l l 6o,dtribk krOf CialkiiipiPt-ii you do, 5.0 W lit The' z ter, On Baltimore street, sold to An- drew Polley itad..(toorgo, libryoek, for $1,345; House and /Ai of same, on High etroot,.to Jolla Brows, for $525; Houses and Lots on Middle street to Michael Dillon, fbr $7 15; 7 acres of land to Samuel Pitlintatock,lloBso 88 sores et lasid—taisMils,-for $1,061 ; 5 .aeres of lisod to Samuel Fuhnestoek, for $470. House and Lot of Peter She'd% on Baltimore street, to Jacob Bennor, fort $1456. Forty-five acres of land of Edmond Hunter, in Cumberland toalabip, 'to G. McCreary, for $6OO. Thirteen acres of land OF Samuel Criswell,. its llottatpiefnmAt, (tiln.intshiP% to William Reary, tar , s&4l—•bwde mortgage dower. The interest of lino. K Paten itt 65 eteros of land, in Butler township, to henry Bender, for pll5. We understand that Messrs. SHIRAI)* & Buxutiea have associated with then/ Capt. A. B. Keerz, and will hereafter transact business 'under the title of Sheads, Buehler & Kurtz. They have purchased the property on the, N. E. Corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets, belonging to the .51.'Phersou estsite, to which they will remove-upon the com pletion of the Railroad. It is the intention of these enterpris ing gentlemen to erect at once s large three-story brick building, bo hand somely ornamented, upon this proper ty, the lower floor of which will be used as a Stove Ware Room. This is proba bly the beet location that could be found in the town. This part of the town will present an attractive appearance in s very short time. Upon each of the four corners* new building will have boon erected— Mr. Iloke's Produce House on the N. W. Corner, the Hotel on the S. W., which is being very handsomely lifted up, and the R. It. Station Honee upon the S. East. We are glad to see these evidences of the enterprise of our citi zens. lerA. Camp Meeting will common" on York Springs Circuit, at Rock Ehap r el, on the 13th of August, and connate until the 19th ing poser: Is there any part of Africa, the Veit Indies or South America, where three tuillion negroes are to be found issoom: fortable, intelligent and relitrions, or" happy, us in the Southern tates? The same lady in another place lat* the following paragraph : As to the separation of families, i see that, greet.pains are taken to avoid that evil. I belidre that it.fuirelly occurs more frequently than in Reghtod *el other causes. Tbo factory system of England, and the apprentioe system of the North; separate more families, by a busdred to one, than the slavery system , df thei South. There is little or no sympathy felt .or exercised floc the poor Wilite bah borer in theregions named-..tbeit sow players being alone interested in mak ing as mach out of their sitiews,,breims and flesh, as possible; pr W they die from the ego* 0110)okae tioth log is lost; whit's& the Eloiab the tea trary rule meal* audio most:of the States stringent !swear* la roses for. the iiepsnition of Walks: it istbe lutereetterds'estsrebolder,to feed,. clothe, and treat hui tigress *ell. It is the interest ((Mil Northern foreign employees-to grisd - their ~NO XQ OS utmost limit or hollow, ioduirifice. sM tli.°° the, striv lysterge of r.— Wht the best'? , f_; apoidtkihr iastror 4olisittl4l•liit 1 61 W44 4 044*M4 •. : : Aloodselp TOWIII llosprerisasesil. We are glad also to leant that it is the intention of Messrs. Sbeads, Buehler At Kurtz, to erect a large Ice House, with the intention of supplying the on tire town with ice during tha ensuing summer. 'phis lime long been a want in our community, and we are glad to seo the matter taken hold of by persons who will not let the ecterpris' e prove a failure.—Star. StirT. B. Purzasos, of Philadelphia, has forwarded us a copy of a new work just published, entitled—" Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the Million." It contains 4545 Receipts, Facts, Directions, ate., in the useful, ornamental, and domestic arts, and in the conduct. of life--being a complete family dictionary. No ono who appreciates the importance of household management will be without a copy of this valuable work. Price SI 25. It contains over 700 pages, handsomely bound. jThe silver watch and hat sup posed to have been stolen recently Iron? a student in the College by the naini, of Jolts S. LEES, have since been found. An English Lady sad Slavery, Miss Murray, in her book on Armor" ea, presents to Abolitionists the follow,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers