_ .... . _. k fArArills PAPZR. 11•44144• f ,allll *4 V . . .. r CS i'4.l, I : . 1 :!,, , ; : ..:....:\ : ,___ .., #144 i 4, fre 4 , i "I :-.1 .11 .. A t such aupxpen illt Ofialliellii lerelleiliiiitetil every Monday • ' I • ,-' , *. i v .1 1 '7 ._ / C" V 1• • 11) • *' I 00 e 4 •• ''. *1 " + .i I eutielhatAlr 111111NaT a. 43iratrier, at $1,75 per ..- .• . 1 ! ar ,• • • 11 •• i 4 I . 4i : as I ' J . . 1 ,, 11 ° I ' ti. r 7. 4 , u fall* In agaissiilt paid etrietlEy TT ADVLICII-•-$2,00 per • 4 0 easiest 10 eel pat& is advent. e. No a abeeri .. , _,4 4, •, 4_ 4 411 I d• . • - ' ainaiNlibte' seism tir :which it can bo boll p * ` 34.. " 4 : 4 4 boll6ll64lliiiiii; eats/ el tete option of the . ♦ . t 4104 "' •t' 4 •I • • % 4.,“ • ' • . A bit :* 4 • , 1* :4*.,—A4 • ' iv 1 NI pubtishilt#;leticall arrearepree are paid . - ' , Mir - ~.1. • ' - • - . _ .. Altilreltizliese- inserted at the usual We- • Araistirra ..ani rates. Piiirstairdotte arfth neatness and dis patch, lad at atdderate prices. Ist South 'Baltimore street, direitly Inunpler's Tinning Establishment, oar anti it half squares from the Court Route— " Coartota 4 on the sign. - .:7;0:i List;—Atignst Term. . G USD 'CAT. • Ben;Te t .k Bor.L-Joeeph B. Ilenrjr. tharitlrg--Jaoth Brinkernotl. Wm. Recant, %Ali= I. Culp, Georg...knob*. Mountpleasant--Solomon Toot. Cmsbodandl—alohn'Syder. 4154., -Emanuel Brough• rissiper*l4 Dearatorik, Cut6hall, Ar gar Geyer. . ' ""7, win Lanais. I • ' Ph Trimmer,. r . ' lllltehtel•Bohn %old Bair. z Ganilner, jean DuU, fonathan 14111000.415 t Harper. than Brenneman. Dia 194 p..,..4ac01, Laughs/lan. SIN ELM, Jt: gr. Galt urg—Pi t.r Itstfenpergrr. Gertuauy—David Weil., rt, John Miller. Mar tin Steffy, J. Au,,.-ustna Shorb. IntitiliinUni:,-Tiobert . McCleaf. Jaeob Hoke. Jeptha -Chtbbe. Daniel !dumdum°, Adam Hntuilion—Charles Robert, •George King. Oxford--Abdiel F. Gitt, George Smith. Butler—John Itaffensperger. Michael Dietrich, Jobe Iticholtz. Ld *seta—Jesse ',eta. Joseph Mohr. edhowsgod—Christian Weisensole. Frimputit...tiataniel Lehr, Isaac Ai (e, henry Jilinkley. Ephraim Newman. Straban—llenry .11unfort, Jacob King, Geo. Weaver. ficintlngton—Cyrus Betleq, James H. Neely, lb. John H. Mar,dcn, Alain Weigle, Jacob anarffer, John ?sillier (4 Charles.) hiOn ntjoy —Da n&I &metier . lr l iy.sh . Eeken rude. Peter Ormiorff, l'eter Baker. Liberty—Jacob Krisu. James O'Brien, Joseph Itiddlemoser. • Cumberland—Joseph llai;ey. Freedom-40mph Hoffman. Berwiek—Samuel Geiselman. Tyrone—George Fuller of J.. David Iterman. IteedEng—Fiat Bushey, George Leoi(a. Menalleir--Peter Adams. July 19. 1.8:58. Administrator's Notice o•T1N L. EQ.'S TATE.—Letters of adininimtrution on the tottEte of John L. Go kernator, Evi., late of Cenostago townottitp„i.lattut county, deceas ed. hillritig been granted to the undersigned. h• hereby gives notice to all persons in debted to said equtte w make immediate payment, and those Living claims againgt the same to preent them pruperly authentii cited for settlement—lo JOHN L. Gl BEILNATOR.Jr.,.4 , /aer. Or at the Store of Kelly I Suetringer, is Mt:Sherry:4 ,wn. July 26, 1653. 6t Executor's Notice. TTEVIIY KOSER, Sr's. ES f.kTE.—Letters ' LA ' eutttri on the eitate of llenry tosts Kosur, 'Ku late of Buttet township, Adams county, --, eeeesed, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the seine township, he hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said estate t) wake im mediate payment. and those having claims against the seine to present them properly authenticated for settL,oiettt. ALEXINUER KOSEIt, J effly 19, 1858. la W. R. Linn 4 Nicw viLLE, PA., A GENT fir' Prioiee Cu.',l Improved _V I,' 1, ODEONS. THE BEST IN THE WORLD? M.o, the w,,r1.1 ren .w•ned (7111CKER7Y(1 PIANOS. Ifirlastrutuents delivered to may cittlreas at Mauufneturerti' prieex. tcyj-Keery /astral wee wrorran ed Mar Sold for a circular. July 12, LsZig. 3m• The First of the Season! ARC US SAMSON Ims just received from •L'A• to New York A‘tetioti Sale-, a large kiloof DE CLOTHING for sprit,g aril simmer, which he nide to ken nt prices unprecepentedly low. The new arrival con sists of Frock, Sack and Raglan Coats, with Pants and Vests, in Brest tariLly, new qtyle. &Ad Rauerris—for. Men and 13,.y s. Call and e*tua pie the large assortment before pur chasing elsewhere. Goods will be received from New York every few weeks throughout the P e 9,4011. Inducements ' to purchaze such as eanoot be offered by any other establishment in tl. *panty arc 'toe', and will continue to Le, offe red. at SAMSON'S, March _'9,'55. Opposite the Bank. - Removal fmr, irebstriber has reutoved his Plough L. and Machine Shop from the Fotrudry building to ll,oilroad street, opp osite fate's Blaokataltit shop. back of the - Eagle Hotel, sqlbeee Leas' Letter prepared than ever to at tend to east:liners. Plough.' always on hand and wade to order at the shortest notice, an d Reaperst Lo., repaired. Abw he will atomd taieloaaiag and repairing Clocks. May 10. DAVID WAILJIL.N. Jnst Atriving! - NEW MS at GILLEsPiE & roceries, Fiith, Spice=. CunfeMone, Freda; 4a., Le. Selling chcaper than ever. (ire's* a - cult - Mee; the Jones Patin t COAL OiI:LAMPS —the greatest improvement of the age. June 7,111 U. G i9c ElaioB.—lfioit want a good assort anent "of rfroeseties, such as Syrups, Mu lies, Sugar and ecifee, you . will de wall by examainhts the asselttnent at H. S. k E. 11. Misrsrmns'., • MA•QatillY has jest returned from with a fresh assortment of Noo sks.lnglish Straw and Colored Straw Cell and see them. hEILLISTAT.—IIiss LOUISA KATE LITTLIS whams to Inform the ladies oftown and eematry, that she is now prepared to elecate Millinery in all its branches, in West Middle IRMA a fear deers below Mr. George Little' 11 sMa Wort done cheaper than elsewhere in isslns..' Piton coil and see. lapr. 21, 7.4. - SlCAL—Vielina, Flutes, eloeordems, , • 4s, feria& law at PICKING'S. .f3r sale cheep st F. B. PICKING'S. WORTS, Cigars awallosoms, wool and cot ,Q 4y}rts Drawers, floelery, 104 Suspenders, • 77 fiit n.‘a —sotto be beet in 4 • ,14 Ch§P f,UpWrs. 44 . 90 of es'ar'y 4 lesorrpCson to It lEraltlreptithe ie dare itta rafsal• tirkeielido bad veldt ist the 'tore dr ILllittOTßltraB. rlßTS—insob aaiithi, halite' tiled, Bat __APO White, it ellflicL mu l m ewl p osit. le, • 1 4 z.itsng S. :: CCo = dlo2o oolppfr of ' a"t; 21/4110011. rffetamat Iblacastielkic.awaad:fresk lionifiellitana Miss /a Amerobibm tat :Mire IrigishbOubbk, AimaissaLlbmenad talatAkssaiClaa4srstr ill !' tole* bad al 531450 BY If • 4:I • ' 14 ";177. 4di 11 0: 1:1 8 • 1...v):4.41at • .. 1 • 4 7:4 1 14 TY SB -- 16* 1858 -t NO. , 47. Il f'oefs Coos. For Tha Compi Liam es 'ilhe Deaf\ •f Mrs. 'A. Cosborlow Chamber.. ET LILY Lir INGATO% _ . W . A rkTilAnVill CTIALnERS lay on her eel, whit ?ler friends were weeping aioasid er at the proetpvt,t of losittu; her, She w.te it ippy, torn ard to her heat enly home with joy A few moments betore she breathed her tact, she said '• Uhl give me up. If lam dying, do not detain me." "0 site me up. - I am dying now, The death-damp is wlther,ng round my brow, My eyes arc dim, my forehead is pale, I am passing through the shadowy rale. U give me up now," for all is well, And soon shall my voice with the angels' eirell, My loving S.lriour with joy to penis*, For protecting care, and sustaining grace. O girt me up,” though 'tis hard to part, let bi reft of pain it death's piercing dart, For I know that I soon shall rest. at home, Nu more through this dreary world to ruins., O give me up," dear mother, farewell, Mr soul is happy—l'm gollet.: to dwell Where "orrow and trouble ems nearer come, Where the weary wanderer tan real at home. "0 give me though much we lore, Yet, soon we filtall meet Wlthio,l above ; Though dreary the way, 0, d fl oc despair, Farewell, dear, mother, U, melt me there. "0 giro me ep," dear Meters, Though much I would lute to stay with you, Yet I'm "going home to die no more," - I seem "barest we tweet Casiwea &bro. " 0 give me np," though the world is fair, There are trouble" heir O—none Mtn enter lltete; " A ereir. of HA" b the faithful Adieu. deareisterN U, meet me is heaven. giveC) low eilQ 2 4/61104504b."4 Um, 'Tie bard to say farewell to yott . 'Tis lard to parenfrittilirdtUrs i ditar,• t 1.1 Whom 1 Mare tilted so fiaadly here. • , "0 give n& •p f' and be falthhid has,, ' Ast•l rot Mae provire.pour .spiriM skeet ; • .. When death shall come, and the last link sweet, You shall dwell with Gud in peace reviver. "0 give me up," dear bnil - pandinow, • . Come wipe the Beath-damp nom my hiowl I all growint etinS-44sisee ours I will rest b.. My weary bead tut thy faithful heart., NVbea I am gone and resting ennui, Dear Mary will miss a tmther's care. 0, guide her in tha way or truth And virtue, in her' eutly south. • 0, teach her pow to fear the Lord, . „, To love God's holy day and word, For Heaven her youthful heart prepare, Help her to meet her mother there. • And thou, my son, my darling Loy, Lief of my Ffel, my ifilde7illeM•• - •' • "" Follow the footstep. thy mothet *Oa, And meet her at the hisemoMiod. • 'Tie growing dark, dear fricpols, Lbw Sweet music diet my' soul loth cheer, • Angels are hoTerlng round me now, And 'thing up my drooping brow. And there asylovinsegasiostr 'Mash, • • Waiting for we with osthstritehed hands, I. 4IIIIWiIIIPW, dear Marimir---allis we'l— -1 am almost liospt r iicar ones, farewell Gettysburg, August 10, 183 S. . • Select iffisTell4qp. A Thrilling Revolutionary Laccideat., Mr. J. T. Headley ins publishing in a• New York weekly religious pnper. "The Diary of a Chaplain in the army of the Devolution." From the last chapter we extract the following: • " Sept. 18, 1776.-1 was told an inci dent to-day, that illustrates more pain fully the unnatural war now raging be tween the Colonies and mother country, than anything i have before heard.— At the battle of Bunker Hill, as the were advancing through Charles town, to the attack, a soldier entered a house where the hatband lay sick. His wifh was young and beautiful, and hearing the soldier in the next room, went out to meet him. lie immediate ly addressed insulting proposals to her. Being angrily repulsed, he attempted violence, when her screams aroused her sick husband from his hod. Nerved with tho sudden excitement ho leaped up, and seeing his wile straggling in the arms of a British soldier, ran him throngt, the body, The man fell hack en the Iteor; and its hlseryo Met that of his destroyer, - ho ehriekod out "nay brother!" The recognition WIL3 mu tual, and with the exclamation, have killed my brother," the over-excited invalid husband - tell dead on the corpse. These unhappy brothers were Seoteltmen. One had -emigrated to America several years before, the other had joined the English army, and after a long aeparatiou had thus met to perish together." 1161 - The beet nitot ever heard of has been made in - Callas; 'Maine, where a gentleman fired, lit midnight darkness, at the bark of A dog, and the nest morning found the animal dead, the buffet having hit him in the threat The .entire race of Englishmen, froth thyrnint thrartning tingnishable Ctreirney, may be •safely challenged to beat this: - • Sir"'My dear,cothe in and go to bed," said the wife of a jolly son of Erin, VIO4 I o had jnst returned from Ix fair, in a de cidedly how4xime-yoss , so state, "you must. be dreadfullrtired, Akre, with your long walk of BM miles." "Arrsh i get away wid jiournomiensetaitld rat: It wasn't tlelength of the way thzt fatiguatrnie—:'twaslhe Orecuyi 04 it." bilr - Ainong theTniViaico in pi nc i n . 111114 last week was !Oar. Moon . to a .111 he Shim'lll this case to one will stagy lb* vnirxriage selnetel-ehine. lacer' Nariag,,--:- Obi gddrt* niikarpoimihrof iddi ifitck6ol, three eggs) ellgaz tei # ktdertathP 94,511V.:01.11=4 Vstok-tA .!4irtihst: WW I 1.4 As" th• isn't l 44* 7_ e !4094rit 4 01 4 11 - 00 AO Vit940# 1 4 1 7 °ming ing Pmecratir, polio awl, Pmilg *anal. Doesticks on Lager Beer Doestie4 haut be94Arying to ascer: tamp by oxperithent - whether or not La ger is intoxleating, and below is given, in his own language, the.rcsult The host Oa,* seemed like sour strong beer with a good deal of water in it; the next was not quite so sour, and the next one tasted as though the original beer bud been stronger arid thoy did not dilute it much. Then we rested, and as I had drank three pints already, I watt willing to quit, but Damphool assured me " Lup,er Isn't in toxicating," so after a little settling down I thought I could hold another glass and ordered it; it was trough t by a young lady who seemed to have four eyes ottil two noses pointing in different diroctams, which unusual effect was uu duo.htudly caused by smoke. Then I thought I'd have a glass oil Lager (a liquid known to moat of the inhabitants of 31toiliatten.) It was brought by a girl so pretty that I imme diately ordered two more, and kept her waiting for the change each time so I could look at her—then we had some cheese full of holes; then we took sonic. Lager to fill up the holes; and then we took a sat•age ; Datuphool sugges ted that the euuha,e was made of d 0, ,, so wo had seine Lager to drown 'trio dog; thou we had some sardines; Dam pliool said it would be cruel to keep the' fishes without & supply of the liquid element, so we had some Lager for. the fishes to swim in; then we had some bretzuls; Tht 4hdol said the bretzels were's° crooked that thef Would not pack close, so we Lad bonus... Lager to fill up the chinks; then 1 made a oppeo . to the company i short but to thupotnt,_tind received with tiplitallso-= It' idit ' e'rdwd to . itftbet f : " Gen tlemen, let's hive sonmasaget 1 4: this tizneAly,,ciritplitart be- some mritgriolis Emcees buns niyisterioug ly ithaltiplleet;and thtle were fatty Duni thwjo,nil 'etteepteiG tM Jowl. tstlun, and we. had the Ingilr;ither.o wore Arty . glasses, and in trying to hake she eusait of the soma and touch smy ghluts.lo. every ono of theirs I fell' over tilble Wirkit very•imtportinently telbre litipad*ss }want dawn Iced Is assail Detbfiniati Into the cyrfair;Wo ,X,1411 uver hi in s then,.l 'pa r.. blab- jpeogero.4ny,..le,(yit,mk i sa,‘_ 09. his. head, Weal emt up %A stepped on his stomach, then I .demanded tastant apstagyyaben I called tar sin Iglesias of Lageroind the girl brought them all in one band. j tried to take themlnll iu one - hafid;l7nt - brok'e aligns, tTwn'l'trivtt' to drink our'Zif t,o rernitinink three all at once , but in so doing I took an invol untary shower-both, theaiuriod to pay for the whole fifty glasses and the dam• age 'with a dime and a it nnish qUarter, and deihanded that lie'dhould my change in gold dollars; there seemed to, be some ditficullyiroh:end if I hadn't...known that. Lager isn't intoxi cating 1 should . hava thought the man was drunk. AlCrookEd iMus*. _Deem ick ft, ha ui ftwniehtxl the Nev York Piengt!ne sn iteeount ut' his visit, bi ilosten, from which 'thoMild' ex - tracts-are made: • Ninety-nine extra ailed a,uttle laurels looomotiag at. high pressure sipe i mi, a bout a garden walk of &showery after noon, aid being perpetually turned hack when they got to the ttigiWaricr ccuupelled to cross each other's trails in innumerable directions, would, if the ground were soft, and every footstep plainly visible, draw, on the garden walk aforesaid, a tolerably accurate map of the city of Boston. It Is eroekeder than nine acres of ram's horns,. and has gut iuvro ekruerti than a cord of oeusa cut saws. You_eleeour friend, and you call' out to him " Jones, wait a. minnte!" and Vero start to F. G Jones, thinking that, Le fa just - non - As . ttle ntroet. • Itiiiguidod man t far distant Jones .Youelitub.about nine hills, and turn ninety corners lifore you get in tailing distance of Jones again. • The streets look se if they had .been made somewhere, and dumped hew in a hu,ge tangle, and nobody had taken the trouble to straighten them out again. It looks, as if somebody had been building a lot of cities by contract and the job hadn't. wise nut eves, sad he had thrown down remnants of streets and, odds and ei:ds of alloys, and little snip ped off bits of lanes' and Avenues, and called it Boston. llerThe scrnatriage bells" aye tintin nabblated in the hymenial lista of some (Al aut c...uhauAgr i a aftpr.this fasbion : Affer;4Lin county, North Caro lina, by itev, —, Capt. Graves to Miss Nancy Graves. A j' ' • ?The Oar's, Nis said, ° Will yield their dead When the last truulpet shakes the skies : But if God please, Wain Graves like dune A lionea tiring folks may rise. ' ' • 'l3 " fr ttfelOttlY Yr. Wilttgar Bban to Miss Sarah It Grohtrltekt. " Ulnae shalt to tisk alriskos yield, Ansi tale le ITU! his i t time may itestow on this Green tleld; • A lovely crop of Beans. In Ede, MIN henry Wiser to Ilielobtoomelts -Mead., • ;.. Viirevtit HstirylVister wed, la 11:riq Own, Ltieretia Head ; inlay-tastily prise htit i Forlihmsen aliresiest set beast, an #l. wise r. Virrifk paper rec9lll the, mar riage of As Jane Lemoct,f4o Eb enezer Stfcet; ._....wheremP9n o4r devil sousasibecioikurs-z * * How happay extremes do meet - In Jane and Bbenttet, . 1111 V 0 ***/s 4 l9r illonri3miaveer - ,„ And he's* Lemonmqueeler 1 Chskloor Sports: Being &mai by a mall oz ertelleetinw Who far ptiatoers• 11E=E=1:11 "TRUTH 14 ,MIGILTY ) .AND WILL PIRKVATt." A Chailsi of Sestbnett. Vercriont has boeome tied of anti. slavery- excitement. She has had too Much of the good thing, and is now oaring lustily to 'slay negroes from coming, 'Read the following from the Vermont Pitin'ot: What is to be done with this class of our population, is the point to will( It the attention of philanthropists and statesmen should be directed. The en. tering wedge to all action is the inaug uration of some system by which a cer tain stop will be put to the illegal in troduction of colored persons into the free 'States. In other words, a log must hie jaid across the track of the under grogn:tl railroad. This would prevent alurge yearly increase of that class of population. which is hanging like a mill, stone around the nQek of our industrial pprogress. Then thin the present pipit tion by fostering the colonization plan by all possible means, and the question what shall we do with the free pegroes ofl.the North 1' is in a fair way ofjeceiv ing practical solution. Negro Plalantliropy and its Victim.— It is stated, and is donhtless true, that Tony Berns, the slave, who a few years ago was ohtained in Boston only at the point of tire bayonet, and who was afterwards purchased and set five, is nqw in the Penitentiary of 31assachnsetts, for the crime of robbery-., It stietfhttiot be forgotten that when BithisAsturfal tfeiloston after his lib- AerAtioth not *ono among al( the negro hiving Odle' tuntits of the 'modern A thens would give the Moor fellow 'ent ploymontenotigh tnearn h is' daily bread'. And this state of things was prohn- My' the bat* hts •ectrontrting the crime fbr which he now suffers:' The saNntroliies faCt, &Lib' ; . ctr 1,11Oli• Zoloriiralirallfeeitnd• ‘:egeltrikoni a tappyßontliern hornet* oitjbs Lis equsfity and inalkonableriglits • in a Northern prisdul "Rntazisfg he . enmity to Abe nV it : i —X. r Num. -•'• L 2,1 fl ." TrAfff 4 (Wtatlrtht : M/4"litetWelli" Clay GAM' Ritni?"lt.-' 4 2litS'ttnitets rft the duel tiepte4ii Mesa 'Nliefltikulethed Men, Was ttie . following insulting. Initguage used by 3lr. Randolph towards Mu. Clay, in seerst-sonsion of the donate, wt It§26 • stids'-maal-{ maaltimi ( tAerste <Tose, plerfloA)w-this Vern, (littleriihs4eits Air give the insnit,)` Vim' 14 ft - eitt.'or the. woo pr \Fpakilkiglf-tz'wtt.i„ritisetl o a . b igli I` fin; thailig,:ira'boin 'to; for hk . o was4aised to the eoelety,oll)4u.:kguartis. gone ttirtaito, kind to'him, eyelet tams, hes leostsi him to the Seeretaryollitute. Contempt has the pmperty of Iltiseetl -1 i nit biric itiet irs'llsritaklof him.—' 81d,.wOlitit 40 l'ur'filiki iii4lo' Audi hi in; hC diiels' Tori• Ileilitli. I *out(' hate him if 1 dill ,noCduspiso iii.n.' It is' hot *hat bo is; bat where he la that puts my thoughts iti tiotieit! - Thd Ai-. pit Abbt . ; vtlfh'tiie leiter ' trf ittyrOlites, of liielwrild, '6fAiffilidity,' hittiseir her lettem ftli:liin . Mit 'clillid Olin iis nil *hat t it iiiiii'dfkrik.sic:citti lispeoety • ttiiiik •pa hint. A' hiperbele fOrskaisio." nass - woatd - be an ellipsis fdr Vl . irr.,Rl • =Si ~ H ~ ~ .ftrillifirit lid you few* with:,stieh a shucking looking coat on ?" said a yernlg• el** btu pretelttiout; 'than brains, cue •fhorning to old'lt,nger. • "I feel," said old iteikeil• 4 x)king at. hint steadily with one eve hull' closed. ah Irtakfris aim at Ott victim, 41 1 feel, lOW* nom, if k had a oast en which has been • uxury of feeling , which I t cer wilt expert. once" ' - • iir3"'A scoare b:ll , Jw went up to au old gefitleman, ittid hulling out hie hand, refoorked w i th a 1-,stile:— "My dear sir , / cannot call you by name, bet-lam Imre, we have been to gether somewhere." ''%Vu may have," said the old gentle man,,gior ,I,ltava bom tn some It ery bad company m aiy days." member of the I.azy Society was wauplained of fdr running, de • fence was tit:Lt./le geiug (Jou u and that it was mote lairor to walk than-run. Complaint waa dismissed with expenses. 16" it Is tattier mehticholy‘ that the two greatest living npvelists, Diekenq and .I.llllwer, ate separated fl-om their wives. Each of them aeons to be liked by every lqty in't - he~wiarrd except the one he interchanged vows with at the altar. • soirThere is a mpOt on the brain-4 1 h. point of tho "pen" of the calantas scrip. totEus--not larger than the head of pins which, if touaiod, is sudden death, so instant as Kr To 044,000 .- 41 , nift4 talFaa cold lowa with pe .rsiring. A. bowl or inio of cold water. and A ha r 4 malt towel, used- vigorously over toe whole-body, are air that are ue4ssari (exccpt a clear conscieflcif,)td`iiicure a good night's rest. The government'* orpititzing a &irarap 8f caniets to fabittflite ti, b tran sit of emigrants to thli territory Of Ari zona.' The camels. are to arose the tervening Assert viowarti, gia.Aihtlf of California. Plump, tikod Sized Gitise.4burfinaier ton (Gazette Wit tilailAbore *V four sisters in that townotweighiag nino bun atiti tittpty-Are pAnts; thi eMOrt eat, being stem six toeslisitoNgliivir two hundred fuyil 44 4 4r, , . • • .-A litL a child Iu ob i nrch obeervini the miniter.lie beovery vehement pia his eroids , : aemi-gestures, cried Quil: Mothevetyion't they lot the man out of 04 bea r - • •,." • .40IRChidego 4 1 1 so-lodiarb 9spio n sig ? nifying, " he Plana of Skunioq' • . 11E1 • Prnetihirillholliegtos semi. Probabts- Itrpssaitaset at tits Fiscal Tear 1858=9.—LAirpropriations an sot Sapanditatea, A pionsist e en afro rt. is made by the op position 10 create a popular belief that the expenditures of the government the rurri.nf fisettl Tear am to he unpre cedented in nt.4iiit uile. It k aiso ro pre,,enteil with great industry and dill. gene° tb3L, ors ing to the fulling off in government revenues from ths recent paralysis of business, the government will Snit a prodigious excess of expendi tures over receipts to moetat the next footing up of its annual accounts, re quiring a resort to loans of immense amount. In connexion with tlais gloomv picture ofgovernment affairs drawn by our unhappy croakers, they represent ufac taring enterprise itX tlia.man u facturing districts of the country to bo l:reatly depressed, and in vital need of the foßtering help mid , preteetion of the government. They are theta en deavoring OA discredit th 9 sidsninlistra t iun with the people to excite a pope= lsr distrust in the solvency of the gov ernment; and, at the same time, to di vide the Democratic party in the menu- Metering , districts, on the expedioney of hardening a govern meat, aliteli.Lhey represent as iywivent and unable to take care of it l / 4 elr, with the gei l e'eal profeiction of the pt+Vate'intiertistcielf the umnafacturefs. ' There might be some danger of snob impreseions as thaestotaking root in t popular mind, slid Alma onisellief re sulting in the legislation of ihe country, if' he; whole of the story rotirlt . riot nt Wont, Which has:been final Oar to the, ears gfaho-people,far, thirty years, If its sophistries 1401,ir‘ b evagile4 thousand times, and if iiie•peoplo had. not aftttietiteltelk , tionirtiVtl*fist chit- A:minded- the inventors ofitiilitenriningiri devisert fhble , by the'reestsesphatie re. pudippon of theisselves sac!, their do., anill",pdTiciti'lin4dlCh"dliti to the indnstrions AinertiontiVlM which the oppowition )enritla are Afo, iridie 4r 84111 tropeatad aliewoeouLleseet.4 bp their npeakers,..intregard to the limitable ex- . penilitures of the government for.flic fiscal year wide% coninieriee4 on the' first intitiint,ihnder the typropriations of C.ougnons at km)** seseiea.l The al lotrukifweifAlisiee Otittore suiii,edi tors is, dug, the anthorized expendittures of the eprertinimt for tlii!flse:il fittienoq,just eomrpc4ncebl tire, n t s grvier iv a tinsic n 41190, Pr*OM; . 1 1 %-v.en asserilion„ WSTO. ,4 1 44.4 ,1v#( 1 . not. foUostthatiat judicious adipinistration would aetnally expeadithe. authorize& I amount. The extravagance, if the nl legation be true isiq ttio action•Oteon gress, and not YlVltetlOWlSflifir ad ministration. Eight months or a year will 4iiire..trit• elispee.. before it can -be i LiCOMPiI Whether them .w.ill tpAhaelaal eipcndituro of that amount or not; unit then, but, not, until then, Will the ministration be an swung*, to,the colts- try , for the impaled eAlovitgattre. ~To use a western phrase, the APPAsifitare " shouting before they . ,,got ont.o the woods," in their outcry against the , lege.] extravagant Antonia cif an expels ditere which is yet only arithoriv.d..---. The action of the adtainistrathni,during the cuprent fiscal year iney ‘ be . l(lce , that of the past. , The oppositton orators and writers confess that it did not ex pend the 'amount. , -asthcwizeit by , the Black 11,4:publican House of Represen tatives of 1850-7, by sixteen and a half millions of dollarS. We tfrentill'o' the prediction that,although the appropria tions of Congress at its last session were stndiously vartailetlquil reiloced to sleet the exigencies of the treasury, yet it, will be found at the they of the year that, reduced as' they. wilt exceed the actual elyentlitums of the 11,1 in i oh , Irailon by ?tom shinty tot wen ty-ticti millions. But w,ustas,liirave the future to take care au. tf In this per imeter. i 'f heoppsi tion. howewer„would gain nothing even if they Khowid loweect: in convincing the country that, the expen ditiumittutioriscol fur tiie.year ikt, the lasi 0,1 C4)14411:1;5 s I'IWY LOW . LY waort, OlItt) liundrtsi JiiilliiniL :noes, womb/ only siicice&A in zonoicheig Coa l ;,mesa of oatruvagant action in .4hia rev gard;-I—noit ,11114 lohnnowratie portion of Congress, but, as we shall show e4tairl3- esiou,gb ere_ doug,.tltu oppoaltiuti ram bora turd loaders of.A.lowgrvehi. Scte the only • Iktitrarugaiki bo kouini,• when weriitimatxl f to /Lave Weariest:do by the opposaion in a body, aided • tor a small portion only of: the Deniocrodo mom bore. . . We, say the tivositioct would, gain aethidg if they could prove that, LltAup pec ions of the /sat somien author izetl an expenditure of a hundred WI- Homo, Yet ,they can prove oo ouch thine. The rF ,, cdar statenient of t 10 app'rofilatens drtfio'fas't ieggion, of every iiramiglit d dedeription, ha. been matte ottsalkiamminiostad to the Treaaary Depattateft‘ Expesing of 4 / 1 01410141Xy4Vibm 419,000 lianutacture of arms 00 Pension for dip1iii48110...a . .«..e.749,5011 00 /nl'4,4644BVONlVPV—arilt• 00 with Delmar ..... 408,731 44 Deficiency printing, 33d and 34th Cvngretsts ........... 341,189 58 petkiancido general toi the year • . 9,704,209 89 1n1 8.5 ' 8. 150 * te .: ga "" la — r " il4lc3 S. ;Ttcio'l,s3B,l64 49 alilltaiy Du ties yeat's9 182,804 Atelelq . Deaf, darith and D t sinc 7 • 1 ..1090 00 Oolambia Comberktaasi -17,000 00 liattaimavo, kumaisOari aaer..o9ll. dal for the year . 6,127,608 61 Mika In Ltitd offices; 'l%OOO 66 Badiralyithd of Iwo 80,000. 00 Coned; anitidipl for the '141:116 60 16 004•01* 1 40 yew 2 as l2 .•••4 l 6ifige I 2 Indian snpplentental for the year ...... a.... 966,88i': Army Ler the year:lB39—a. ..... ../1,1620P6,46 Revenue from customs Air the • I .1.. er r :,--~-- • J Pe' 1 41 , 0 69 1••••••.....rt.r. ..... 3,C.00.000 00 roadie ... 3unDo ({0 Indian de 'Henry fhrteid yeitt '741 139.59.1 00 ilontort 4Vi ihmsi i r, 1,0430 - ,ir•U uo E‘l).l-1(-4, , ttliet.uthof$,.u,000,00u 5 Imo 00 Putt Mire 'fir the Veer ¶R7l# • R.A00;000 Tope paid from the rel=nry .... 79 Awning. contained m act for roWcting re venue feeo,site toma, SO mach on. beinz contained in the jail/true.. -. as - pAtioq at , 341.4. February, • foi said purpose r ,S,4so,ooo 00 • At t ' aal amount approprisleS $64,611,763 78 Ara% brought ti0vra,644017,112 IS • A I'D.- Indeti nit @ ap proTirkeinni eon. taiat4 hr the vari ous acts and in private 011. which omit/ pvabittily • , toosint to, doting the year 1859 1.!1R.2.227 23 • • TuL& piount pt appropriutichei r .4R.ooo,ooo 00 It, shows that the Retrial ascertained aptiropriations of the session were 1164,- 617,762 IS oind that the indefinite at)- } rintione of the session are estimated to amOtint to about tho sum of 6:i,:.N.2.,- 23-r 22, „Se that the grand total of ex rwridituros nuthorizea for the year 10466-9, payable out of the treasury, is 8684100,64. - Thin is the total amount authorized hxyotigress to be paid out of the tree suyy, except a standing surn of 22,4511,- Offitattitirir.ed by a genera! la* 05 be appended in the collection of the reve nues; which would make the grandest passible total $70,450,000. The efforts of the opposition to run tir . thifilikure *to $100,091.1,000, are in• gtWilons and rti\insing. In the fire place they resort to the ofpriviite iusiness which is conducted, by the gevcriiinent, that of carrying' letters add mail packages, snd•trittmater tats let penititeireu of the tlPPOWeator which never comes iallithe Walser; met hal never been 0 4 1 1‘144 1s Pi A grilha W's al waysO been m eribrt of tho government, to Make the Post Offielfflepartment pay its bwn way ; neither rereiviagits re. celptirintw the stireaderry tar paying its chief empanel• out of the treasury.— tratitalip etii w of ocean service, it 1 11111Xesarally sticeCetreirin nearly' equal therig- reci.Zifts '6ll miVenditures ; so 'Lk; they-14mreerer been *armee ted siith ulmsgroserail stxpendieures of the I goverruamit °Muria the estimates of i its treasury officers, or in the contests of patlinan§: The opposition of the present day, however, tit A 1os:4 ter other itinna, make bold to eapbareithoilioney , boxesof the th4latoriudvand-one postinas tp studiuistressesof the country, great and small, sand by the careful collection ofthrtweent pieces acid coppers, have rakedirpoiiw-diver little total of 414,-. they insist shall bo esti mated 4 119 . 11. part of the appropriations of the Jest session of Congress,- whereas Congress only appropriated the excess of the estimated expenditures of the ferisartnsent-iorer. the roreipts, chiefly on *sweat of tho mail 14teamor service, to irk: 84,580,750, which is includes in foregoing fa 1,12. - The other item with which the oppo sition sock to swell the appropriations iof Congiess in order to run the expendi tures of the year up to a hundred mil liens, is a balance of appropriations for tbelast year which' though authorized by the Congress of l'ss4-7, the adminis tration slid not expend, viz : 8161)86,- AM. We have heretofore_ exposed the absurdity of time nsitig this item. The' assertion is that the administration will not only expend, dortiig the present fisml year, the whole Amount antlioris et! by Congress dt its last aession, but slaw this unexpended halapee.reinaining .over of the appropriations-of previous sessions. Assertion can only be an swered by assertion ; and wemeet that of the Opposition by this one ()four own, that the administration will have an unexpended balance of twentymllions of apkropristionslying over at th i e ond I of tbe current Areal year. - if the opposition insist upon' adding the 'sixteen millions and a half of the unoxpendeit halaueetuf the last - yeses ilippropriaticuis, we shall lLsiet upon enbtras:ting, allot they do 89, the tivo'n i ty-(xid which will. be unexpehd i ed'at the end of the current fiscal year. They can,therefore, by aso poseitility endue 0 1 044 eil 416.4.4 agggiirite. Of a berelied millions fur the present year. If we assume•that they are assailing the airininistratien . When they charge. that the expenditures for the year wilt be a hundred millions, the, wactaairo. smiler expenditures of_ an aLI n (rs.tjoit eat) enly bkasm)rtidnixi with reasop l l4 i thiticfltude after they are made ; and that it would be bits*, jest to anspeactsisa Wane untitesighw months:. or -a. paw ; bane* . 1 Piet aire , jampiug.Wpre Ahey aie sir 74 , :t is icto charge that an adaikaio4natiim wit tAr l i xd, becau.,43 Congress /tilt a*. it to • expend ) alt; aittsavagsat ansosin of manegy. • '• fitthe. charge he meant airy "amp, upon thepresent Congress, then' ' assailants eqqells at fault; for present canexpeiTii.LiieCituthorixed. the esixpeeTifen 4 millior We have lieu!: that' It has itetlially tborjsedtihsi lkt 4lghtmliilliaits; and thitibe reSithie the teems hi • ; male sip ooaati reiuil of laws easeleti ,2ntyloss ,Conigressea: - Mite Itaithee the preen* aimmillis tridoti her the presentthingsswealiati. icor W *lsenberg° of elpenditegmetin teniiiheto'orpend a haimieeitistillkine during ;the tiarrent fiscal 'year. .44atairio , • i4•l • • )I' I ECM t ; -4 1 1 114•110ffliVRII A-YIOAIL, ' RECAPITULATYON ... • t • t (1. 4 *may. the aortic* wholl of y with thenrmy; and ,of the • ...ro prkirifft;gtlikkrut* • • • iiiiiryariteenntke • bin camptikii, 'or •._,' ro at all. FQ.E._tliq"ll2s 7+11.= pm:lntent atom Wat)P14441a."64 in it a singlstileutlAnAlltiiiil iii, for expesititerve- daring itut4entrlllsll- 1 7, two ycsrelessk—expenslisseeekseerr e d before either the present Congress or Lresent adiainistration had extatetpo.— This itoin of a million and a quarter of debars is a part of the aggregaterof.six• ty-eight millions shown by the Ibregcs. ing table of appropriations by the last Cougresa; and it is represented lay•the opposition as a part of the expenclitires chargeable to the year 1!45g-'9 ! The' the- largest,' this item is btitionegif a chess embraced in that general dation. cy bill; and wo believe it. would belief° tn isgptbut, net half the atuouut of nine raillioos sad a fraction which the bill appropriates is chargeable to toe ienr rent fiscal year. • There is also the hiematikeiralan tired thousand dollars, Judd ist under a treaty Poole by a prerej9us ad ministratiOn, under the sanetiCat eta preCions Congress, which klidieded' in the alleged expenditures °taint tear , leoe--D,, of the prebuilt misitissietrotio n and present Congress. This - error of the opposition is palpable, but they stiek to it, palpable twit ie. -4' 4 'lovi There, arc Also additional defiqepey and other iteinsspocititxl in tho. eye ing table, made on account of tint ear 1!357-S, amounting to $750,800, titich it Is the sltallotvest trick in therVerld to attempt to represent as okinvisble to the year 1858-9. the •trseit is not too shallow for the ,opponjtjpg to employ. . There aro "als o items in the opri. ations proper of •the year 11da . "su thorixed for works of permanent pion struetton, such as_publi4 eilikm, and. c tl o le oa N tril e t ' i l o u i < l 3' o l f e c ee tifi - to in na' W -h u oLe ing le ttpli tra th ri e . one parts of the Unibn, a erection of forts and making of roadspiitti manu facture of arras, thd • greaten of ottlees, anii - the puilding_.ofx of war. The construction of the ;olio works and these yesitets and men one of war are commanded by COngiteswid are not chargeable to the expel's* of administering the government. Altos° expenses are not aptionict 40W, bet mandatory upon, the administration; aed they copsAtuto envooltila of cf the sixty-eight millions et in tho foregoing table of appropriatiOna. It-follows, from what- we Kiel aid, that, from the authorized expenditures the government, 0f1170,4,50,000, men tioned before as atithorlz6dl7lls digit Congress to be paid• out of the we ought tiodue t for items le to preceding years: elf <_. c7,1,067,7C2 78 Half the general deficiency bill Other deficiencies specified ..... V4l: Denmark treitty..t...;.:r......./..A:..,n.:rmiliONWO4 sjsss,ooo 3isking a sum of live ratilloasnmay nothing of tho several million" ro. printed for, works of . po, rttt ,9o n . structiori. Deduct these, an. •.eag gregato proporly chargeable, *kb to the neighborhood of fifty * The resultof the &it 'SW. 41011110111 in Oregon is vary. gratifyingsAlL'ithe Dansocrati,ts party. Although - ler aeracy had a slight family cl arn result shows that the princiiiiii 4 4 the party were or more moment tbilititAbss election of this or that man. VOA is in the hands of -Democratic rs, who will keepher in thefsait doable's& to honor, prosperity and /nifipinent er .• She wia be represented in COW... by L. F. Grover , in the Provaisi,land it seems certain General Lime in the deflate, 14481^4"nlie colleague will be, is not. yct bat that he will be, like GAL Ships national Democrat, . there* inntilikait for doubt. 1:! Ore erected to be ft* apem rittE! State: TiO`at MAIMS gain dellaixitl Maie, 4 decided against slavery; she troubtroto the Republican ticket, hat LhaUptaDes• moeraey of the . ,now Aind, State were not wilting to,* such an imputation and fight istibly have they vhstlisa — Ml tbreiftedifs the national men of Kin ts, font charge of disloyeltM i lir task*. In tier next presides test, Oregon and' Mlisossiala 410bsine found in the DemaerittsinAquilh ring their attaelimont. pati o and measures, and thint iik r love r the entire ' -r Perfectly Corregt. ~ ~ The Trenton americOs re, very justly that the opposition 'th.. oat any polities! manesiloitakitatienttie people. kit* whole of one .. N 1 ~ ospariesoe )08 do, fiCkt,ruCe • - * Witen tile oppouente of Ile t , .''' - r - - °party bail been'scrwhlttlly itiotioviepos 'Mt ielli So re . wi so Ft s . Volition, or ao raisersU ; _ Abashing toisvent *mut .11b4it k ulesutons they might hope to week into power and pines. ' ....-- INtif The Oregon Eleetion.
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