19E1 4 'l3l akama&gra). swedestflowers emieled From earibna gardens euli'd with care." BEAUTY'S GRAVE. 'tread' witty, stranger! this is ground • Whibh - no rude footstep should impress; With tender pity gaze around, Let sadness•all thy soul pcissess. < Tread softly! lest thou crush the flowers • that o'er this turf are• taught.to r wave,, 'Transplant:a - from their native bowers To shed their sweets o'er 'lleuty's Grave.' And stranger, let your melting heart Mark well this fresh and verdant sod; And ere you from the scene depart, " 0! let your soul commune with God. Thui fade the fragile buds of earth, • Thua slide the lovely and the brave! Come here, ye thoughtless sons of mirth, And pause awhile o'er 'Beauty's Grave.' Sweet withered rose ! may thy pale doom Call tears into the virgin's eye! Oh may the prospect of this tomb Remind her, 'all that live must die!' And' arn her in the days of youth, To think of Him who being gave, And bid her seek . the ways of truth, Like her who sleeps in 'Beauty's Grave.' - IirANZAS. ST MRS. MARRIRT MUZZY. Doubt, when radiant pearls are shining— Doubt, when clasping hands are twining— Doubt, when honied words are flowing— Doubt, when blushes warm are glowing— but never doubt that TRUTH sincere That glistens in the starting tear. Doubt, when mirthful tones invite thee— Doubt, when gravest hopes delight thee.— Doubt, what'er is fondest, fairest— Doubt, whaVer is brightest, rarest— But never 'doubt that TRUTH can live In hearts that suffer—and forgivb. amoomliagiacta,a. The Rose of alenieith. IFrom the Philadelphia "Casket.") Bunn of MErrrxrni was a beautiful girl; her high forehead and her bright blue eye, the — mild; yet haughty expression of her countenance, her tall and majestic carriage, and the faultless symetry of her shape; ac corded well with the tartan plaid and plunib ed cap the maidens of her country wore. - Bright and beautiful indeed was the fair Rose of Menteith, (for so from her childhood the gallant highlanders had called'her,) yet' the fair form, was surpassed by the noble soul which filled it. Reserved and proud she- certain ,y was, - and yet , Aid/also kind, that you looked upon her as some brighter and puler being; one who was worthy almost of worship. And the old earl of Menteith Boated on his daughter with somewhat of pluntionate.fondness; and the earnest - return she made of his affection endeared her still more . in tne_eyea of all who behold her.— There was another, too, who adored her, not atii a fitther or a brother loves, but passion ately, devotedly,fondly, even as'the young and noble soul lovesh° dear object of his heart's devotedness: 4 rEven froth _ their very childhood, their souls had been, as it were, ‘ s knit into one; and oft 'n had they roved over the ,moutfts and mu of bonny Menteith, - the arm of the young, tnight encircling the tinry form of ,the lowly girl. They had loved on, blindly—fondly; within their own hearts was placed their all of happiness: they dreamed not of the cold and cheerless world--all was. bright and lovely to their 'warm imaginations, as the sun - shining upon the beautiful glens and rocks and mountains, and the placid lakes of Scotland. Sir Mal colin Glenroy had attained the age of man hood, and with a bridal cavalcade he set forth towards the castle of Menteith. for awhile he checked his impatience and the ardour of his courser, and rode Calmly on by the side of the old knight of Clan Aloyns. But the haughty and impatient spirit brook ed net Ion! . the dull 'ace at which the di!. pity of the old knight denied it proper they should march. "Forward, forward, gentlemen; by hea vea-this is a pace fora flineral. On—and tri..the mettle of your steeds." - And -he dashed onward as swiftly as the noble horse could bear him. "Hallo, hallo," cried the old knight, "Sir Malcolm; whither away, in the devils name? Hold, gentlemen, hold; 'tis unseemly to gal lop on in such a deuce of a hurry." But he had better-have talked to the wind than to the hot-blooded gentlemen around him. On they went, over hill, dale and fal low; and Clan Aloyns followed as best he might. But, like the thrice valiant and il lustrious Sir John Falstaff, (whom he rivalled in size though not in instinct,) he found hard . .tding somewhat unpleasant; and his thee ihowt like Mars through a mist, when he reached Menteith. He looked stern and muttered curses as he rode \ through the park, and well . l ween, he meant to bestow a seri ous lecture upon Sir Malcolm as soon as he saw him. , But hie laudable purpose vas most un legally frustrated. As he entered the tle, Sir Malcolm and the' Earl of Menteili passed through the hall. "Good 'God, Sir," exclaimed Malcolm; "nitist I ride so soon, must I leave my gen tle Ellen. For heaven's sake, Sir, let us be married ere we - part; that will allay, in•a measure, the feier of my anxiety. But to leave her thus; I cannot, must' not. Tk, of some other means, I pray your,' an he seized the hand of the old earl. • "Ydung man," said the earl, "the roernan are upon ow% soil; Montrose needs succour, end I have sworn that I and mine shall shed even the hist drop from our veins, should his time and Oleo:Also of our royal Master need it. Once mot's I swear to ye, my delight& -. never.. never. wed anothef.f". •14 deet; 4 4ll4 almost ovArixiiverin ' Otwfilir laoltr o rized'bpm the earl: for a ..ttkaSs"stjka lakeo l ht: thought upon the t ilintlinesVbe about to Hy from; then ~1~ ~- grasping . the hilt of his sword,Aind half drawing it him its sheath-e--"I wwear,,by Iteave_faid the Glenroy .. wanting; I will gather my clan and join ye ere to ? morroii's dawn. Gen tlemen, to hbrve there are helms to be.bro ken." "Good Lord!" exclaimed Clan Aloyn, "why the lad's like wild fire, ye were in such a devil of a hurry to get here, by my troth ye part easily. " "Gentlemen," said Menteith, "we have no time to lose; Montrose is up in the west, and needs the assistance ofpvery loyal heart and hand; he is a false knight who withholds his aid." -"A .. by Saint Mary, I will not for one," cri ' Inland of . .illentnore. "Nor I." "Nor 1." Echoed a dozen highland chieftains. , . "I'm not over fond of fighting," said Clan Aloyn; "because I make a better mark thrill most men to shoot at. But by Saint Andrew, my sword shall net rust for lack of using it." "Well said, Clan Aloyn," said Menteith; "and now my gallant friends, a parting glaF7, and so to horse. Here's a health to brave Montrose, and the - bonny king over the we -- ter," and loud rang the shouts through the hall of the castle; and the next moment Glenrov and his friends galloped over the draw bridge. Over the heaths flew the war sign; old men and boys even gathered around it; for Sir Malcolm Glenroy was dearly loved by his followers. And as the east began to glow with the morning's light, he passed the draw bridge of Menteith with a hundred men at arms, well mounted and equipped. One af ter another the royalists thronged to their rendezvous, and the sun-rise saw them on their, march to Carrickmuir, where Moutrose lay encamped. Malcolm parted from Ellen with a hurried embrace, and his heart was saddened within him; -she stood upon the draw bridge as the - bold knights and chieftains passed before her, and waved again and again her kerchief in adieu. They passed on, and she returned to her chamber in mournfulness ofspirit. Menteith led the way, scarcely allowing .his troops sufficient time to rest their jaded steeds. Each morning ere the dawning of the day, they were marching on, and the sun went down ere they paused to rest. At length the tents of Montrose were in view‘ild each martial spirit throbbed high witherceend.stern determination; and ma ny a silent oath was sworn that they woul(J win a name, or die in the battle field. Monteith, Glenroy and Glenmore rode on before the detachment. Montrose met them; "Welcome, gentlemen, welcome," he ex claimed; and then casting his eyes along the line—"would to-heaven,' he continued, "all who call themselves friends were indeed such friends as ye have proved yeurselves. But there is a craven spirit abroad; a curse upon the cowardly knaves, ',hull one half the assistance promised mel would hurl the usurper from his seat and set our bonny Stewart upon the throne of his fathers. But in, gentlemen, in; ye must be weary. Ye are thrice welcome to what cheer we can offer you. What, Glenroy, have ye, left your bonny bride so soon to wield the sword?" "No • more of that, sir, in the name of heaven; I are half crazed already; Menteith will toll ye all; I must be with my troop.— Gentlemen, good morning," and . springing on his steed, he strove to banish the mourn ful images which had taken possession of his soul. It wore needless to . follow Montrose thro' his successes and adversity. Every one knows the fate of the gallant and unfortunate nobleman. v Glenroy fought well and fearlessly; and hand in glove with Menteith stood by Mont rose to the end. - In-theAtist-and--fatal battle, . . the forlorn hope; and when ha beheld all fly ing before the Southrons and the Campbells, he dashed forwent at the head of his troop to cover their retreat. - - - - As they rode furiously o'er - the dead and the dying, their horses fetlocks cut on the gore; they met Menteith vainly endeavoring to - lead - hisinekbaiek - to the - charge - . ---- More than half of them had fallen; - and of those who remained, many were scarcely able to drag thertserves along. Glenroy paused for a moment, and at that instant a large body "of cavalry rode round a point near them. "Forward with the banner," cried *on teith, "death to the red coats!" "God for Glenroy," shouted Sir Malcolm; "chary l " "Down with the beggar Scots!" cried an English colonel as they met in the charge. Not another worcl ,, was spoken, but hand to hand and steel to steel they engaged.— Vainly did Glenroy lead on again and again his faltering troops. Vainly did the old Earl of Monteith fight as though the battle renewed his youth. Helm after helm was broken; hand after hand resigned its grasp on the sword; and the Scots fled, overpower ed; bearing Monteith with them. Glenroy saw not . the dishonor of his 61- lowers, for a heavy blow had borne himito the earth, cleaving his helmet in its course; and he fell senseless among the bleeding bodies of his gallant warriors. The English dashed onwards in pursuit of the fugitives, and heeded not the cries of the wounded who lay around, Scots and English men, side by side. • Sir Malcolm .revived for -a moment; he gazed around him as one awakening from a deep sleep; but a flmothero moan aroused him, and raising Mintier upon his arm,' he looked around on the moOrnfid. scene. Close by hift side lay Glennxorg, in ,the agoniei of deohi—the death m ond e ..of follOwers . s_truck upon hie sera; sighs, groins . , 4rid the heart=rending cries of the inatnitd aro dying were echoed from side IO side;-- 7 and the sun went down upon-'that spectacle -of twain folly and vindictiveness;',Apm broken helms andlifeless-bodies, as-candy and peacefully, as though it shone on'the greensward. - The damp,. chilly night air hcwered a round him, colder and colder. "Good Hea vens!" he exclaimed, "must I .be here and perish ! Ellen,- dear Ellen, a long, long farewell." And be fell back upon the earth. Again he aroused himself; he essayed to rise, and at length he succeeded. His horse stood grazing at a distance; Glenivy called to him, and the faithful animal came to his side. - He mounted, and looking around to see whom he could aid; he beheld Clan Aloyn vainly endeavouring to rise, Either ' his wounds, or his enormous bulk prevented him: !•Why" God-a-mercy, Sir Malcolm, what dolt thou, there ! • Now I pray thee in Saint Mary's name, diSmount and set me upon my feet again. lam half dead with lying here and I cannot rise, more by token, that I am shot through the leg." Glenroy dismounted with difficulty, and at length succeeded in raising the old knight; and catching a horse which stood near, Clan Aloyn managed, with some trouble and pain, to bestow his weight upon the animal, and off they rode at as round a pace as sore bones would admit of. Hastily and in darkness they rode over bill and valley in their road to Menteith.— More than once were they startled by the tent fires of the English. Small detachments of the red coats were upon every hill and in every pass, and well it was for Glenroy that he knew every rock and pass in his road. They had penetrated unseen through the whole line of picquets, and the last post of the English. was passed, when the sharp roar of the carbine roared through the moun tain glens; and a bullet whistled by Glenroy's ear. Almost worn down with fatigue and the loss of blood, they had but little hope of escape from the hands of their pursuers; yet they spurred on, turd followed by the war cry of the English, dashed from the high road into the forest. It was impossible for the red coats to fol low therri on horseback, and the fugitives gained on them for awhile. "Clan Aloyn," said Glenroy, as they pass ed a place known as the W izzard's Cave, "I can ride no further; every moment I feel as though I should drop from my steed. On to Maateith; bid them farewell for me; for God knows 'tis unlikely we shall ever meet 7 amain - and tell her I will-think of her to the e, . • last." "Nay, cheer up, Sir Malcolm, there is almost a mile between us and our pursuers; we may reach Menteith before them." " 'Tis vain, Sir, I cannot ride further.— Once more I bid ye on, and save yourself; lead off my horse lest they discover me." "Farewell; my chief; by Saint Andrew, I km loath to leave ye thus." "On, on, ye have no time to lose; adieu," returned Sir Malcolm, and upon hie hands and knees he crawled into the cave; and he laid himself down upon a bed of rocks, and slept from very weariness. Half regreting that he had obeyed the command of the chief, Clan Aloyn rode on ward. The noise of pursuit at length ceas ed, and he breathed .more fully. At last, almost dead with fatigue, he reached the castle of Menteith. The draw bridge was up; artitied - inen guarded the _iv : f and all presented a scene of watchfulness. • "Who goes there'!" cried Li - sentinel. "Clan Aloyn; half dead with loss of blood and want of nourishment." The old knight fainted as he passed the' threshold, and they bore him to a couch where he remained senseless until the next day. On the afternoon of the morrow ' he requested his attendant to inform the Lady Ellen that he wished to speak to her. The old-.manbw-upmtliaeoueltossuiterinp-, slow ly certain uncouth words, and tossing from side to side. -The.T.Rdy entered—" Tell telLme_of Glenroy," she exclaimed, "where did ye leave him?" - "In the Wizzard's Cave, Madam, much Against my will; I fear the red coats have himilbr - davpursuit zeased suon -- after - I1 • him, and he was wounded and unable to ride." For a moment the fair Ellen gazed as i but half conscious of what the old knight had spoken; then uttering a wild and mournful cry, she fell to the earth. "Good Heaven I what have I done; a curse on my old tongue. Help—help—for God's sake, help." The cry was heard by Monteith as he stood on the battlement, gazing with ° folded arms upon the scene around him. He rush ed to the spot and beheld his daughter in the arms of her attendant; without motion and apparently without life. He knelt down by her side, and-with all the fond anxiety -of a doating father, strove to recall-her departed senses. She awoke— "Glonroy," she said, "they told me thou Wert dead; but T did not believe them—no, no, no, thou wouldst not die and - leave me here in misery. Yes, yes,—ha l where art thou; father; where is my Malcolm? where; oh tell me, where ?" "Be calm, my daughter; he has not yet returned."' "Then he is dead, and I am miserable." At that instant, a loud shout broke from the troops upon the walls: Menteith rushed to the court yard; "Glenfoy—Sir Malcolm," they cried. The draw brian lowered; a knight rode through; sprang r m his steed; ctssped Menteith by the hand, and in another moment was clasped to the heart b$ the fair Rose of Menteith. ore • Glenroy pad Monteith were pardoned for their aid and abettent•:s to rebellion, by the reigning'monarch, and Sir MalcolmCrlenroy was wed* totllen, the fair Rose of Men= teithr ' AIYVVI/TWEIMENTS: DOM. S. 11%. TUZIOR, OFFERS his ProtessiOnal services to the public generally, aid can always be found at his father's residence, at the house formerly occupied by Jam9s f Moiriason, within one mile and a half onmpton. Fair Mount, June 14, 1831. tf-10 eigkrifiVP 614)2)01 The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has received a late and fresh supply of • NEW GOODS, Suitable to- the - season, which will be sold low for Cush or Country Produce; and also that he has taken ANDREW DEARDORFF in to partnership with him in the Mercantile business. He hereby tenders his thankktft, his friends and ,customers for the liberal en couragement already received, and hopes for a continuance of their favor and patron age. THOMAS McKNIGHT. November 8, 1831. 40-31 Can't wait any longer. OWING to my having made a change in my Mercantile business, it now be comes necessary that I should close my for mer accounts--I therefore notify all those who know themselves indebted to me either by bond, note, or book account, to call •and settle the same against the first day of January neat. After that date those neglecting this notice will find their accounts in the hands of a proper officer for collection. Or Those persons who gave their-notes, at my Vendue last Spring, are informed that they are due, and payment is required and embraced in the above notice. By punctu al attention to this notice, those indebted will confer a great favor on their friend and humble servant, THOMAS McKNICHT. November 8, 1831. 4t.*-31 WORTHY ATTENTION. lirlHE subscriber respectfully informs his customers and the public, that he' is just receiving a fresh supply of - -N., FILIAL G00101%.- - - CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens Ware and Hard Ware, Stoves and Hollow Ware, Iron and Lumber, &c. All CIIEAP for CASH and COUNTRY PRODUCE. &c. THD A NtAs J. COOPER. N. B. 1 return my thaiiis to those that' have attended to my last notice for calling and settling; and wish others to call and , settle where their accounts is of old stand ing. T. J. C. October 18, 1831. 4t-28 4104117 4 COZIWDO3 111111 E subscriber respectfully tenders his 'thanks to his friends,-and the public generally, for their liberal encouragement, and informs them that he ,has just returned fr - ,ern4he Cities - or - Philadelphia and Balti timore with LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF. SEASONABLE GOODS, AMONG WHICII ARE, CLOTIIS I CASSIMERES and SATINETS : BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TARTAN PLAIDS, 4-c. 4.c. English and French super royal MERINOS, & Merino - and Thibet f3HA_WLEI. Otr" As Puffing is unnecessary, I only re quest a call; to oblige • Your obedient serv't. • SAMUEL FAI-INESTOCK. COME,AND SEE MICE PALL SIOCV3. rid:WEL COMFORT has mir just' received from Philadelphia, a new and beautiful assortment of razz aIIITINTER GOODS -CONSISTING OF•••• Superfine Blue, Black, Mixed and Olive CILOTHA CASSINETS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL, . MERINO SHAWLS, French & English Merinoes & Crape Royal, for dresses. Black Bombazetts, Circassians, Tartan Plaids and Camlet - CLOAKS, English & Italian Lustring SILKS, With almost 'every other article in his line of business. His stock of Goods having been selected with great care, will be sold on very accommodating terms. Otri'Per sons wishing to purchase largely, Will find t to theiir advantage to call and examine— they„may rest assured of having Goods,pf fered them as CHEAP as at any other house in the place. —ALS Ll— di large lot of 1R0. 7 V, Has just been rfeeived from Arnold & Ste vens Forge, warranted - of a Superior 'quail ty—which will be sold low. Gettysburg„ Octokr 18,1831. "4C-28 4241 P 1142 1 7:021414PWAgi ,To the .Priiitiktg Buitiness t sonted,,,:ironiediately, the Star; (ice: Elli 11180 LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. The Pennsylvania Telegraph. Will be .published one. large Imperial sheet with new type twice a week, during the Ses sion of the Legislature. It will contain full and impartial Reports of the proceedingig that body, and a summary of the debar,.,, on all important questions, together with such remarks as the independent course of the editor shall deem just, uninfluenced by the hope of gain or reward, and unswayed by the officers of power or dispensers of pa tronage. In the exercise of this privilege, he will from time to time, speak of the conduct of our public men, the character of their mea sures, and their winciples ofadministration. But in doing this he will aim to be just and impartial, as well ns free and independent. Truth shall be spoken, and such facts as be long to the public conduct of public men, shall be given without fear or favor. Able Reporters.nre engaged. Arrangements aro also made for giving the earliest reports of the proceedings of Congress.. A portion of the TELEGRAPH will-be devoted also to liter. ary and general news. The terms will be, For the Session 92 in advance. " " ' For the . Year $3 do. do. . Companies of '6,lforwarding $lO, will re,' ceive six numbers orthe Telegraph during the Session. Larger coMpanies in propor tion. Agents who will obtain five subscri 7 bers, shall receive a sixth copy gratis. Q::7 - All remittances by mail,,at the rich' of the subscriber. THEO. FENN: Harrisburg, Nov. 8, 1831. - 4t-81 Pennsylvania Reporter. G' .4 ! thURING the approaching Session, the Pennsylvania Reporter will contain fill, fair, and impartial reports of the pro ceedings of both branches .of the legislature. Competent reporters are already enkaged, who will attend regularly in the Senate and House of Representatives during their sessions. The Reporter will -be printed.on a fine large imperial sheet, with small type, which will enable us to give the reports of the proceedingsand debates, in both houses, at great length; and no exertions will be spared to render it interesting to the public in general, and particularly to the citizens of Pennsylvania, as a faithful record of its legislative proceedings. The terms will be the same as heretofore, viz: For the session, twice a week, in advance, $2 00 - For - the - whole - year; --30 C* - The accounts due for subscription to the Keporter, trom its commencement, No vember 20, 1827, have been transferred to subsOber, who earnestly requests all those in arrears, to embrace the opportuni ty afforded by the meeting of the legislature, to forward their, dues by the- mbmbers.— Thdie wl4 do not reside convenient totheir members, may transmit bymail atour risk. HENRY WELSH. November, 1,1831. . 4t-30 LEGISLATIVE REPORTS. Pennsylvania Intelligencer. The Pennsylvania Ineelligencer ' being the only paper located at the capital of the State, which independent of men or popu lar caprice, advocates the American Sys tem; and having the advantage of location in a place, to which, all the eyes cl \ '' Conimonwealth are directed, as the sew , * of operations of the State Governme., appeals to the friends of Pennsylvania pc cy for support. The next session of the Legislature will be one of peculiar interest to every class of citizens in this Commonwealth. The sys.. tem of Internal Improvement, and the means to prosecute it, will be engrossing and im portant topics. The Editors themselves will b, in attendance on both Houses, and the debates on all important questions will be given, fully and impartially. The Edi. tors are determined to make the Iniellseen. cer during the coming session of die 4gis. lature, unsurpassed by any public Jeurn4l • in the State, as a faithful Register of Lees. lative debates, which cannot fail to meow. mend it; at thia important crisis in our itn. proiement system and the fiscal concerns of the Cam roonwealth,to every Pennaly mien: The Intelligeneer will be printed QII large Imperial sheet, op the following terms, For the Serif= only, twice a week, , 02,C0 For the *We year, "" „ „4,011- C. MOWRY & Co. 4 '. • Noverdmrl2,l4Bl. • #-4 • MMI t ' r- 113 UM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers