Here shall the PRESS the People's simrre proclaim Unato'd by influence, and unbrib'd by GAIN. Tuesday Morsitui, ilibvemboe 11181. "THE 1111UPREMACY OF THE LAWS." Democratic Auti•alasonlc Nomination I FOR PREEIDENT, William Wirt, of Md. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, .Imos Elhanker, of Pa. LTSeveral articles intended for 'this No. have beon c.rliwded out. !tTWo hope all who are Opened to Gov. Wolf and Taxation, will attend to the call in to•day's paper for a county convention. BALTIMORE MARKET.—nour last Friday, bro't •S 37i per brl, from the wagons. Wheat and other grain remain about the same as last .week's quotations. The election in this Congressional District has terminated in favor of the McCoy and Wolf party. This result was anticipated by all. The opposi, tion were divided between Mr. McSherry and Mr. Mahon. Mr. McSherry, through some misappre hension, for which wo believe blame can be imPu ted to no one, was withdrawn in Cumberland, Petry, and some parts of Franklin counties. 'rho re no tickets wore distributed for him. He was, however, supported in Adams county, unde - Fa those disadvantages, by most of those Anti-Masons who voted, and received nearly two to ono over McCoy. In this county, more than one hundred Anti. Masons voted for Mr. Mahon; thinking his chance the best against McCoy. We have gained N.,N4i i all we expected. We have demonstrated the en. •• ascendency of Anti-Masonry in Adams cowl : • t If the day had been fair, Mr. McSherry'S ni 'ority would have been at least 700. We will take a short review of the political complexion 9f the different election districts in this county. In the Borough district, owing to the location of the Lodge, the People have hard ■truggling to keep even with the Nobility—we lead them 19. Franklin is "true blue"-2 to 1. ena en, onest Menalien! there are scarcely as many political sinners in it as it required righ. 1 teous men to save a city! • 4 for MCCoy Stra- - ban, the spirit of self-righteousness hath possess ed a few. Tyrone, honest all, except 12. •Sul pltur Springs, now as ever—orthodox. Reading, too many hood.winked—but as they are honest, they will come right. Berlin: Give them "more light!"----they are improving—room for it. Ox ford, that is the vineyard of honest intelligence, and effective zeal—let others note their. example —lO to 1: ! Conowago, ditto. Germanl, her people mean well. Mountjoy, too many kederal Jacks—they are slow to believe—but they toil/ believe—our majority already right. Bonaugh toWii,-true as steel. Milierstown. the righteous have a- "malign and busy inflitenee" to contend with thero--butthey battle it manfully. Finally, take it all in all, Adams county is "lovely to be-, hold!" 111 7 e speak of her moral and political as pect. ID - Next Fall, she will show Wolf and Taxation ow appalling phalanx. Noatz SENTIMiNT.-"I dedicate myself to such • a cause,. [the A.nti.Masonicj as of justice supreme —of dignity supreme—and supreme in its con, nexion with the public goal.'—Ricitano Ruen. Thelion.loirn - Qursor ADAM passed through Philadelphia last week. on his way to Washington City, The Poet says, he was greeted by numbers of the most respectable of their citizens, who wit nessed with particular pleasure his vigor of body, and activity of mind. We learn, from the Philadelphia. Post, that, at their ward and township meetings the Jackson party hire agreed to hold a State Convention on the 4th of March, and, recommended the Tol. lowing ticket—President, ANDREW JACKSON; Vico PrOSidoll ll . GEOROZ - MIFFLIN DALLAS • Govenor, --thraninilirolyro—All-high-Magons, On Monday next,. Congress will' meet. The Legislature of this State meets on Tuesday next. It is stated in the Washington (Pa.) Re porter, that Mr. Christian Keefer attempt. ed, in a state of intoxication, to walk a log across C'har.tiers Creek, but fell _oft and was drowned. MISSOTTEL—From the returns received it is most probable.that Gen. ASHLEY is elect to Congress in the place of Mr. Pettis.— R. W. Welles the regular .Jackson and anti-U. S. Bank candidate—Ashley inde pendent candidate, having publicly declared himself in favor of the prominent measures to which Jackson is opposed. BANK OF TI UNITE D STATES. ' I • —The Nashville (Tenn.) Herald of the 10th inst. says—the resolutions for instructing the Tennessee delegation in Congress to Vote against the re-chartering of the United Slates Bank, were taken up in the Senate of .that State on the 7th .inst. After a speech in favor of the resolutions, their further dis ,euesion was postptmed till the.l4th. The 'Herto thinks it ;probable the resolutions will ,pass. • The ease of Thonuts J. Bend, charged From the Philadel l ga Sentinel. _ with the murder of negro Daniel Plaster, - MRS. CHAPM TAKEN. (removed from Talbot county,) carpe up for The governor of thiftommonwealth hay tritd in Queen Ames County Court, on ing received authentiOforination from the Ttt-a&ay week last. From the evidence de. inquisitthn who exa ed the , body of the tailed in the Centreville Times, it appears deceased Mr.. Chap . , of Andalusia, that that deceased was free, but in thdeirigloy of he had come to his th by poison. admin. j the prisoner, which he appears to have left istered to him by and Mrs. Chapman, without the consent of the latter;—and that issued his proclaim n some weeks ago, of. the wound which occasioned his death. was feting a reward of hundred dollars for inflicted ia a Bettina, at Miles river ferry, in her apprehensith ina having been previ fr consequeme of an attempt on the part. of oily arrested committed to prison.— : tleceased . .ta force a p oar on board the initnediatelY e receipt of this, our ae, fetry boat in which .prisoner wail, against ' tive and effici igh Constable, Willis H. k i l the warnings and effort, of the latter. The Blayney, set Patsuit of herto the state defence was managed, with, much ability, by o f N ow y, or *hither it was ascertained, • • i Gen. Chatabern. The jury, afteitui absence' vArdict of-niur, Uu .Thursday, which was 12 (ate penitentiary. ;more Patriot. GREENSBURG, Nov. 25. . A case of slander was tried before the court on Thursday laSt---James 111cCright vs. Gabriel Kinimell—in which we under. stand the jury rendered a verdict of one thou sand dollars fur the plaintill:7-,Gazette. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, November 16, 1831. %c., "" The Secretary of the Treasury has -re ceived one hundred and seventy ; tiVe dollars, transmitted annonymously through the Post Office, as "a balance acknowledged at the confessional, to be due unto the U. States', by a member of the Catholic Church." SCRAP IRON.An action was brought, a few days since, in . the Salm:sine Court of New York - by Moses 11. Grinnell, against the Collector of the Port,. to recover from 'him an alleged surplus of duty paid tViiim on a large quantity of old iron which was imported' to this city from London. The iron consisted chieflyof worn out articles used in husbandry and domestic concerns, such as broken spades, shoveltrieuen - out adzes, &c. The Collector charged on the iron a duty of 62i cents per 112 lbs. as scrap iron, while the-pb. intitilronfPnded_that-iron,in-the-state. of that in question, was - not "scrap iron" in the meaning of the law—that it was "old iron," a commodity not specified in the tar iff; and which should,Aherefore, be subject only to the duty of 15 per cent, ad. volorum, as a non-enumerated article. The question for the jury to decide was, whether the iron was or was not known as scrap - irow --- Thergave uveTdirt - Tfor - th - e plaiutiti; who consequently recovers back the sum over paid, amounting to $764.. New York Enquirer. Man has 246 bones:—the head and face 63, the trunk 59, the arms 64, and lower. extremities 60. There are in man 201 muscles, or: pairs of muscles. THE AMERICAN SYSTEM, FOREVER! We understand that Arthui Johnston, Thomas Martin and Win. Price, Esq. are erecting a Factory in the north end of the town, and have purchased the Mill site on the Cavetown road, abort two miles from this place, for the purpose ot-erectu►i machi: nery for the manufacture of Edge eels and Cutlery. .A Factory similar to this is now in successful operation in Chambersburg— which proves to be highly beneficial to the town, as well as to the proprietors—besides giving employment to a great number of hands, horses, eitc. __Were it not-for a few enterprising men, our town would be entire. ly lost in respect to Domestic Manufactures. Chambersburg is now doing twice the busi ness that Hagerstown is. In fact, there is us little business doing in Hagerstown, as any town of its size in r - the Unfelt. We -however,-that- the enterprize or the gentlemen above nanied, may prove suc cessful and incite others to invest their ,cap ital in other establishments which are high ly necssary for theimprovement of our town. Huzza for the American System would not he for . WILLIAM WIRT, and the American System!—Hag. Free Press. We understand the Merchant Mill (eom itiotitylitioWiiiiindi4Ell-Mill) itiidliar - j - orthe Saw Mill, situate on the Turnpike - 4mi, be 7 tween Boonsborough and Sharpsburg, was consumed -by fire on Tuesday - night, 13th inst. The . loss to the proprietor; 11Ir. John Shirr, is said to be pretty conilrahle.— I s The ignition-is.said' lie have boo Troduced by, tho friction of the machinery. ? Flits may "Sitive as another warning to MO, .--161 d. The Editor of the "Mail" bohit of an . ear of corn presented to him , oonthning 798 . grains, which he says he has a great mind to call Jackson Corn; and the'lditor of the "Torch" has an ear of corn whoh has'. on it 1328 grains, which he styles dux Coax. Well, we are satisfied; but tOy are both beaten by an ear acorn rahledon the farm of one of our subscribers, and rich 'we Will call WIRT CORN. The tir contained 2415 good 'sound grains.— id. nti At the time Mr. Randolph e his epoch to hi's "dear constituents," l rode to the hustingiin a London made each, drawnhy four liorsqs, in which he cut A ludicrous a figure 010,he Mock Dyke inihe play. The coach was bought out of tki *20,000 paid him for his ten days bulPtery at St. Pe tersbarg.—Baltimore Pitioi. she bad fled. After.lfti*wing her:turfitr us Graife. in_Alleighehy.oo4lity, Mr. I3ltiyney found himself lit the midst of a number of her relatives, and finding that the prospect of her arrest was endangered by his person al presence, he made an affidavit of her be ing a fugitive froth justice before Spire Jones, who afforded him every facility. in his power, and made such arrangements with Mr. Boswell, and Mr. Wright, the postniiis ter of that town, as rendered her arrest cer tain,:and then returned to this city, alter an ahsence . of fifteen days. •-;, It is stated in the 'Erie - Olserver, that the object of his journey hast efibeted, and Le tliat she MIS arrested, a f . days ago, in Gireenfielain that county, at . t is confined in Erie, gaol, from which she will, of course, be conveyed to Doylestown jail without delay . . , need by eompe or quality, has on land of Mr. near the Get- Gazette. WILLIAM N. JE RS.—Te Tren ton (N. J.) Union of the 19th inst.,' has the following paragraph : "Unexpected ,N. JEF- Fults„Charge deg Atlitirs to Guatemala, ar rived in this city on Saturday last, and, it is said, has gone onto Washington, to explain away the charge of forgery brought against him." The object of his return is no doubt cor rectly stated, but whether he will succeed in "explaininkaway" the charge of fbrkery,, , remains to be seen. But a lute Cincinnati Gazette says, the Administration were long since informed that Jeffers stood indicted for forgery 'in the Court of Common Pleas of Hamilton county; Ohio:—That :the Depart ment of State, on the suggestion of Senator Dickerson, of New Jersey. seat to the Clerk of the Court there, and obtained a copy of the indictment, with a certificate that he tuf_iii&ited...lis..recognizatice. Still, and with this knowledge, he was sent on his em- bassy in a National vessel ! Have the re formers 'on second thought, concluded that the moral sense of the-country would rebel against such an appointment, and therefore requested him to return and "explain away"? It Seems, he was in Washington last week as the Intelligences states he tell that place .2aturday. Wu trust. - thelackson Ad, - ; Ministration will be full in their ,EXPLIVA. A Tuns of thitt -Whole matter. The public ought to know why an individual so charged was ever appointed.. = Buitimore Patriot. It is time to be up and doing. Our op ponents arebn the alert.. A convention for the nokninatiori of a candidate for Governor, as will. be seen by this days paper, has been announced by the state committee to be held en the 22d of February neat at Harrisburg. Joseph Ritner is the man whom, we believe the anti-masonic party will rally round in opposition to . Wolf. A practical farmer of honest industry and a vigorous mind,. wen tiequaintid with the true leterettte and policy of his native state. He Stands before the public the friend of the fanning interest, the. encourager of Domestic . Manufactures —the champion of equal rights, and the firm opponent of secret societies. It is time for the freemen :of this State to open their eyes to the true interest of their country; The monster Masonry has the reins of gov ernment in her hands, with a set of hireling mercenaries, palmed on the people by ma. sonic influence, bargain and intrigue._._ the holiest yeomanry of the country wear any longer the shackles Of inaSonry, and lick the dust at her bidding? Fellow-citizens look wolf to this thing. The fact is just here: oilt..of 160,000 voters in this State, I.2;oooarb believed to be masons. Masons it is well known, hold nearly all the offices. Can freemen any longer tolerate this aristo enob order, leagued together by oaths_ to suppott each other right or tors*, and laficith4_4ll_the af._tmet_atui_poweri Chrtainly they will not... Joseph Niftier will Ne presume be elected nest fall, by a large majority, and the reign - of masonic -influence cease to exist.— West Chester Register. •At the late term of the Superior Court of law . and Chancery, for Ohio county, JOHN 714 4 FIRRAN, Esq. formerly. of Baltimore, was admitted and qualified as an Attorney. Wheeling Times. • *?dams Co. Ofireial Returns . Of the Election fof Member of Congress, of the Eleventh District, in room of llou. W. Ramsey, dec'd. '2' tt • 0.4 Gettysburg and t 126 107 '42 275 Cumberland t• p. Littlestown, 83 19 00 102 (ixford, 110 10 2 122 Petersburg, 76 20 41 143 Millerstown, 85 85 L 5,, 185 Berlin, 11 49 00 - 08 Woollen, -34 4 16 - .54 Hunterstown, 39 14 29 82 Franklin, 44 22 00 66 Conewago, • 51 17 00 68 Tyrone, " 28 12 13 53 Mountjoy, 32 .24 5 61 Bonaughtown, _ 50 20 1° 71 Hampton, 23 3fi 61 Oz Franklin .County gives *Sherry 349-:-M'Coy 754, and Mahon 671. The official returns. from Cumberland anJ fed)" have not yet boon received. There is no doubt of Gen. *Coy's Wine . elected... THE NEXT GOVERNOR. toi , - 0 ;'&" 0 1 ho . 1. 7 *:;13 '24 Total, 793 444 167 1403 • • • • -• On the Sd hurt:Air:the Rev. S Gutedins,..Mr. JON ATRIACKLEI N PETER, tO Miss MAR eZZL.L.RM--. both of this county.. • • • ' On tho 10th inst. by Me same, Mr. JAMES CRIIPS, of this county, to MISS SUSANNAH MAUs, of Fred. erick county,by. -On the 9th Wit. lit-the Rev. T. L. Hinech, Mr. HENRY CRUM, tO MiSSCATIIAR INC STEiNous—both Of Menallen township. On Tuesday week last,. by the same Mr.Tnos. 811.1.1e1t, to Miss ELIZABETH Kroiuss-4eth of Me. nallen township. On the• same day; - by the same, Mr. ARTHUR SrawkNa, ofCumberland county, to Miss Maaw SWISHER, of township, Adams county. In the.fitate of Tennessee , _ on the 6th ult. Dr. Wm. H. THOMPSON, 10 Miss HANNAH L.GII4.Ii.AND, daughter of Samuel Gilliland, deceased, formerly or this county. On Friday week last, Jolts Lucius, infant son of John L. Fuller, Esq. of this borough, aged 3i months. On TrieSday the Mt inst. JONATHAN NEELY, Esq. of Tyrone township, aged 73 years. On the 14th ult. Mrs. SARAH MONFORT, of Stra : bun township, in the 64th year oilier age. On the Bth lust Mrs. BARBARA MILLER, Of Mt. Pleasaiirtownship, in the 88th year of her ago. On the 4th inst. Mrs. MARY consort of Mr.. Henry Little, of Littles-Town, -in the 59th year of her age. On the same - dity; - MARoAartvdaughter - of - Mr: John Ungerer, of Germany township, in the 10th year of her age. This unfortunate child was in. stonily killed, by having her head smashed by the rolling of a log, which her father was putting on the saw-mill.—Conipiter, CR AIR MALKIN G I Mouse and Sign Painting, &c. The subscriber respectfully informs the ci tizens of Gettysburg and its vicinity, THAT HE HAS OP} NED A SHOP, in Chanibersburg Street, nearly opposite Mr. Forry's Tavern, • . _FOR MANUFACTURING AND JiMPALILING- CHAIRS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION —A4SO— and Sfria Painting, • TURA/YAW, • OF AL L . KINDS, Neatly & expeditiously executed at all times. As he has just commenced business in this place, he hopes, by making good work on tea.sona.ble terms, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. • •• _ .• WILLIAM C. MARTIN. • Ott - An APPRENTICE to the above bu siness is wanted immediately. November 29,.1831. PUBLIC , -- On Monday the 12th, and Tuesday the 13th of December next, I will sell my stock of 'log HORSES, , Hy! CATTLE, PAIMINCIATTENSILS, Mica (iv eartitilh e . and other 'things usual to carry on Farming. A credit will be given. Sale to commence Will let 10 o'clock, A. H. eftcluday, THADDEUS STEVENS. November 29, 1831. ts-34 PUBLIC SALE. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams County, will be expos to public sale on Saturday the 17th day of December next, on Ihe premises, KiritA.C e t ov .1:711 4 D Late-the-EstateofJokn Fickes, Esq.- ee'd. Ctaining 21 and 3S - on perches, with allowance, situate in Hunt ington township, Adams - county, adjacent to the town of Petembuig, (York Springs,) adjoining lands of Fletcher Morehead, Ja cob Gardner andothers, on which ire erec ted a largo and con: ient two story BRI • : ,HOUSE pi • and KITCHEN, a Brick Spring-Houk, a double Barn, and Frame Wood-House.-- There is a never failing Spring of Water convenient to the House and Barn, with a Fountain Pump near the Kitchen door. About SEVEN ACRES of the above Tract is cleared and under good fence, the remainder covered with excellent Timber. There is an Orclard.of Peach and Applo Trees on the premises. Sale to commence at 12 1 ,,u , 'elock, M. of w said day, When,atiendande ißbe given, and terivaf sale made known, by JACOB FICK ES, PETER H. SMITH, M 'rs By the Court, - . co • JOHN B. CLARK, Clerk. • • November 29, 1841. • ts-34 A MEETING of the "Temperance So: ciety of Gettysburg and its vicinity" will be held at the Court House, on Satur day the 10th of December nesteat 3 o'clock .. P. M., when several addresses will bo'de livered by persons Selected , for. that purpose. It is earnestly requested that the Members of the Society will be more punctual in their attendance than heretofore, as there will be a:motion made at that time to amend one of the Aiticlei of the Constitution.--The Citizens are respectfully invited to attewl: S R It. RETISS.gI4, Sec'rv. Nov. 20, I!ax. tm--34 DI ED, NOTICE. COUNTY Daugnwik Pmeirm of Adanweoestiy, Opp* to Aristocracy in - all its shamOitse reqmst , ed to meet,apt i liair usual places ofvhokihig. r _ elections in the Borrtugh and Tolitsnehili f '.' Org__Sa turday Ike 17th Of Picatber Not' to elect two Delegates from eauh. kneliship_ to meet in Convention at the Court-Hothie, ' in tettysburg, on Monday following,' the 19th, to select Representatives to the filtrate Convention in Harrisburg on the 22d 'Of February next. The object of the State Convention being to Li-innate a Freeman as a 'Candidate be-. fore the People of Pennsylvania' for the im portant office of Governor of the Common wealth, and to prompte the "Stmanmuunt ow run taws, , " by forming an unshackled E lectoral Ticet for President and Vice -Prep- Went-of the United-Stutes, expct•ted that every part of Adams County will be represented in the County Comet - - tie!). R. GILBERT, , • JAMES, RENSHAW, • ' JAMES ROBINETT, JAMES WILSON, ROBERT - SMITH, • -- CORNELIUS SMITH, • WM. ALBRIGHT, ... November 29, 1831. f" •.. BOROUGH giCCOUJV'TS. Robert Smith, Treasura•of the Borough of Gettyabtorg, R. 1830, Aug. 24. To cash rec'd of Burgess for - liconse to Messrs. Harri. $lO,OB son & Miles Le. Ap. 25. To cash of D. McCreary 5.00 , cos Pump, " July 23. To duplicate Borough Tax, 269,013 . pte4,oa Balance dtierß. Smith Trea'-r 't 17,1 t on settlement May 2, 1831, By balance on settlement Aeril 16. 021,6.1 1830,Ap. 17. By cash paidiD. *Elroy, 7,,.* " June 9. Do. Do. M. M'Clean, Esq. 1,07 II Do. Do. he. Bowen, 4,00 ‘4 Do. Do. D. Ziegler, 5,00 " Sept. 3. Do. Do. S 4 S. King, Esq. 11;00 4' "9. Do. Do. T. J. Cooper, 1,95.6 4 , 20 Do. Do. C. Christian, j 55,00 Borough, Nov. 11. Do. Dc4.F..M.Farlatie, 11,04 " 29. Do. Do.„ G. Smyser, Esq. 140,73. 1831, March 7. D. T. Stevens, Esq. 5,00' • "May 2. Iro. Do. D. lifElroy, a Do. Do._T. J. Cooper. 4.09 U la A , Z Do. Do. Inch Slants, trik 1 " " " Do. Do. Wm. MtPherson, . D. Little,T. X. Coop- ag 00 E. Martin, and Jno. '"''' Slents, town council "" " Do. Do. - Waltel Smith, 5 - ,oo' . i " " " By outstanding in hands u ec ci of C. Chritzman. "'''. " " " Treater and Crk fi3es, 163 , 430.00 I=llMll tf-34 LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. SESSION OF 1831-'32. The Harrisburg Chronicle Will contain an accurate andimpartial - teptireof the proceedings of the Legislature, at its sneak* Session, which w ill commence at Harrisburg on Tuesday, December 5, 1831. A competent Re porter will be engaged for the House of Repreoen, tativea, and one of the Editors will attend person. ally in the Senate. No exertion will be spared To — furnish the peopliTif i . medium of the Chronicle, with a summary of all that may be done, and a ketch of all that may be said, by their Representatives at the approaching Session. The reports of Legislative Proceeding. are giv en in small type, which enables as to give an er. cellent summary, in a small space, leaving room for .pplitics, News, and Literature. . Postmasters, or friends to the establishment; Alio will procure 6 session subscribers; and 60. ward $lO, shall receive a seventh copy gratis.-- will risk all remittances by mail. For the Session, twice a week, in advance, $2 Fur the whole year, in advance, $3 Subset iptions_and_Advertisements always, thank. fully - received - and punctually attended to. - HUGH HAMILTON & SON. • Harrisburg, Nov. 29. 3t.-194 To Editors and Publishers of IVeuntintpers: A CARD—EXCIIANGI& _ The publisher of the "AusitlCAN FARMER" is of: ten solicited to exchange his journal fur country papers, which, .however excellent in thenuielves, are of little or no use to him—he has therefore frequently been obliged to dec/ine ouch request.. when it would have given him pleasure to comply with them, if' he could have done so consistently with his own interest. In order, however, to make such exchanges mutually beneficial, he now pro.. poses to exchange with any editor who will eye thisVard an insertion or two, and thereafter copy weakly the Contents of each number of the Far mer as it shall reach him, introducing and con- chiding it in something like the following form: The slihnerican Partner, A NEAT WEEKLY PAPER,in guar •!--,....443 form, Edited by GrnEON Sewn, is published in Baltimore, Md.; by 1 /mins Hitchcock, at $5 - per tinnum. It is devoted exclusively to 41gripoIture, Horticulture and 'Rural Domestic' , !nestle Economy. It contains also every week the Prices Current in the commer cial and common markets, of the principal' komtnodities which Farmers want to buy or sell, and such intelligence, Foreign aid Do mestic, as is interesting to them, with re- gard to the current value of their &educe. CONTENTS OF N0.V0L.,18. [Always found in the hot column Of tho Farnter.] o::!TThose who wish to see the AmeriCan . Farmer, with a view to subscribing for it, may address the publisher by mat,l, Week of postage„) who will send a speeime, of the , work containing terms,dici, imexaminaticiha All postmasters_ am. agents for the work_ Novernbar • • 21,1-IX4 Will bi taken piiymi4lbt Okl' OE II $3§1,19 CR: 061,19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers