• ',OFF ICE OF THE STAR, . . , , CHAXBIONIBtrIio STREtT, .1 FEW D901t6 • 4 . .. g . , ~, • - ...i" . Wirt' OF ME. - FOXILY-YE - I AVERN. . AIWEItTISEMENTS ConspienonslY inserted FOUR times for osE ' , ovu m per square—over fdiir times, TWENTY-FITS own per rquistawill be charged. csistitillib Urtil 12(013:Satk - 71..Y0 TilaWW`thlA4 l 3l4 At $2 per annum, half-yearly In advance. ADVERTISEMENTS. CABIKET WARE-1101_ zoavntzo atalottsr, C KIRIN ET -111 L ViklEA RETURNS, his . , giateful acknowledg ments for the very liberal encourage ment which , bas heretofore been extended to him, and respectftilly informs them that he Emil. CONTINUES HIS SHOP AT THE OLD STAND, IN CIIA)1111.111SISUIte STR.ECT, Where he is prepared to execute the neatest& most c-lacar,osiLatla worz, Which he will warrant EQUAL, if not sc .- PERIOR, to any in the place. -ON HAND— . A general and extensive assortment of Mahogany, Maple and Cherry L aYi' aim And of a quality, which he only asks an ex amination to be pronounced sumaroi. KrHis prides are'reasonable and suited to the present times. Purchasers will save by calling at his Ware-house before they purchase elsewhere. Otr - All kinds of LUMBER and COUN rRY PRODUCE will be taken in ex change for Work—for - which the highest price will be allowed. . o:7 — He deems it unnecessary to nottce, par ocularly, that he is always prepared to make Corrnis from his long r_ at. Imo practice in die business, and strict atten. , tion, he presumes it generatly known; and ...flatters.himself that, from the general satis action: his work has given, he will continue to receive a share of patronage. Gettysburg, November 8, 1831. ;iti A (Pii . -1-% 41 iN pursUance of an order of the Orphans' - Court of Adams County, the subscribers wv,ii offer at public stile, Olt Saturday the 10th off'DCCaTtber next on they premises, THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY. Late the estate of Daniel Spangler,.deed, situate in Mountjoy township, Adams co., consisting of a FARM containing 200. ACRES, - 4 • more or less, adjoining lands of Jacob Spangler, Jonas Spangler, and others, on which are erected, two good , DWELLING ~" iii ROUSES, N'll;+:.!f.- - a large Stone Barn, and a good O*chard; Alloway's Creek runs close to the ho Ise. , A .good proportion of rsaid farm is in 1' M. 7 1 11EIL lin d_the....bulance cleured,lancLwi. good Meadows. The New Road from Lit= flestown to Emmittsburg passes a►y this thrill, Terms will be made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at l 2 - o'clock, M., when due attendence will be given hy JONAS SPANGLER, . _: J0HN....L1 Adm'rs. November_ 8,1831. ts-31 PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' AL Court - of Adams County, will be ekpos to Public sale on ?Saturday the 17th day ,qf December next, on the premises, lL TRA.CT 010 LA!r D 9, • J 406 .Est at oof John Fiches, Esq. dec'd. C wataining, 21 .Irres and 3S 'rti "fetes, with allowance, situate in Hunt . ..i4en, townshiv, Adains - ountjr, adjacent . • t0%.11 of 'Petersburg, '(York Springs,) adjoining lands of Fletcher Morehead, Ja ,:ob Gardner and others on ,which are erec ted a large and convenient two story BRICK HO JSE • • and KITCHEN, a Brick Sprit - yr-Heusi", a double Barn , antiFrorne Wood-House.— There is a never failing Spring of _Water Convenient to the House and Barn, with a Fountain Pump near the Kitchen door. About SEVEN • ACR.FIS of the above Tract is cleared and under good . fence, the {O , remainder covered with excellent Timber. There is an Orchard of Peach and Apple Trees on the premises. - • Sale to commence ; at o'cloelc, M. of said day, When attendance will be givth, and terms of sale made known, by - FICKES, • PETER 11. SMITH, 5 By)the Court, 4 / .I.QHAT CLARIC, Clerk. ,vo ri be 20 1 • 1881 t*--84 • ~:.., .. • ,- - -- - ' • .1. illk, - -4 - _ ~..... ~ . , . . . ... , ___ • , . . .• . . . . . , . . ~. . • cotantit 4 ' 1 ' tillitt Itra It . It . assurr „ 1 DUCIT AMOR. I Cit %IR M 4101. 1 N G 4 House mad t Sigla P'aiattingl&c 221 The subscriber respectfully informs the-ci tizens of Gettysburg and its vicinity, 711 AT 11E HAS OPENED A SHOP, In Chanibersburg Street, -nearly opposite Mr. Ecrri.tei Tavern, FOR MAIUFACITFRIN(. ANI) RIPAIRING • CHAIRS 9 - 02, • OF EVERY DI SCRIVIION —A LSO— ' Mouse and Sign Painting, AND TU'R•VI•VG, OF ALL KINDS, Neatly & expeditiously executed at all times. As he has just commenced business in this place, lie hopes, by making good work on reasonable terms, to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronaLre. WILLIAM C. MARTIN. oz!rAn APPRENTICE to the above bu siness is wanted immediately. November 29, 1831. LAND FOR IN pursuance of ao Order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, the subscribes will oiler at public sale, On Saturday the 10th of December next, at 12 o'clOA, M. on the premises,' TILICT or -.L•I. 1 171) 9 Part of the Estate of JACOB GILBERT, deceased, situate in Menallen township, Ad amS county; adjoining lands ofPlulip Long, John Rex, Henry Bender, and others, Containing 11 6 Acres, and al lowance, of Patented Land, On which are erected; a two-story weather-boarded ' .11wellin*-111ouse, " and Stone Back Building, which has been kept as a TAVERN, a: -Bank Barn, Ten ant-house, and Smith-shop. There are two Wells of good water, and two Orch ards, on the prentises. Attendance will be given, and terms of ans ' sale made known on the day of sale, by sibers DAVID WILLS, Adm l r. By the Court, der next, . „WEAL CLARA, Clerk. November 22, 1831. is-33 tf-31 PUBLIC SALE. On Monday the 12th, anti Tuesday the 13th of December next, I will sell my stock of ; ); 4 S HORSE . 9 T6t; h •iN,4 CATTLE c typ iL raitzazNa UTENSILILS, and other things usual to carry on Farming. A credit will be given. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock." A. __ac._ ouch , day. THADDEUS STEVENS. November 29, 1831. ts-34 WILL be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 17th day gf December next, at the-house of John Bair, Innkeeper in the Borough of Hanover; at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property, viz: A 2 STORY BRICK HOUSEsir. II r. 1••• and Lot of Ground, situate in the Borough of Hanover, Baltimore-street, next door to Gohrechts' Apothecary, late the residence of John Michael, 'deceased. lie above property is well calculated for any kind of . public business, and has been occupied by said deceased as a store for a number of years, being the third lot from the corner or square. The condition of sale will be as follows: One half of the purchase money in hand on delivery of the Deed, which will bon or before the Ist day of April 1832, and the residue in two equal annual payments; the - .purchaser to give his bonds with approved security. . JOHN MICHAEL, Jr. Ker. October 25, 1831. is-29 STRAY CAIrfLE. CIA ME la the enclosures of the • ber, in ,Cumberland towns • , county of Adams, two stray (1," 1, 31 1 7/14 .\\ STEERS, about 2 years old, •'11),0,11 , , , '; one a browh colour, and the other a red -with - a, white streak , along the back, and slits or holes in the ear. - The aforesaid cattle - value, to the en closni* ''of the subsc"riber sometime about the Bth of this month.. The owner is . ed come forward, prove roorty, vatcl}aigOs, chare, \ and take them away; ' HENRY BISHOP,. ,Nnvoraher,ll7,. PRODESSE NVIBUS ortatteltazatcsia, zeac) tetpatinuarc,, zoxcoatatmaut aaoa% pun= _SALE. • 4.4 "THE LOVE OF MY 1 1,01INTE - Y LEADS MK TO BE OF ADVANTAGE TO MY Fri.r.ow-CrrizrNs." 4 g Farina,'; • - Thal the mind of destillory man, B:rations of chant:, And permed with novelly, Islay he indllgrl.l." To conduct. a leading newspaper well, is not so easy a matter aS many idlers imagine. Every body who spins out morning a long rigmarole speech—or who strings a few rlivine , s tO , r(tther 7 -or any 31. C. M u ; bores the nation and puts Congress to sleep --imagnies that to write editorials for news papers IS like Dogkrry's reading and IVrit ilpr---,4it comes by lirittir." To n take a 'rood editor, requires the essence of flinty mein. .hers of Congress, twenty fourth of July ora tors, and about a dozen modern poets, to'sztv nothing of the thousand flowers caught from the "living manners as they rise." OCC tr LTA TI ON.—Early in the even ing. of Friday, Decemlxtr Oth, the beautifid planet Jupiter, will, with all his satelites, appear to the inhabitants of the U. states, to be eclipsed by the moon, under circum stances the most favorable to o►bservation. A phenomenon, which it is hoped, will not be permitted to polo unnoticed. The Inm►ersion will take place on the dark and the Emersion on the enlightened side of the ttlooll. tf-34 An occultation of this planet is of very rare occurrence; the last that was obServed in this country, happened in the autumn of 1820, and another t* not to be expected li►r many years. The nurnhor of inhabitants in the United States according to this census is as follows Free white persons, 10,526,368 Free colored persons, 310,467 slaves, 2,010,572 South Carolina and Louisiana have, more slaves than free persons. South Carolina has 31 slaves idllo fro persons, Louisiania 11 slaves to 10 free. Georgia .21 slaves to 30 free. North Carolina 1 slave to 2 floe. Alabama 12 slaves to 10 free. Virginia 4.6 staves to 74 free,&e. The population of the six New England states iii 1,964,605; of New York 1,913,603; of Pennsylvania 1,317,572; Virginia 1,211,. 266; Ohio 937,679. NOw York contains more free persons than these four states uni ted—Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro lina and Georgia. The money received fi)r passengers on the Liverpool and Manchester rail-road, last year, was about 9414,000, and nearly as much was gathered for conveying inerchan dize. • We learn fron► of authentic sourgelsays the Poughkeepsie Journal, that Mr. ;Solomon Wright, of the town of Fishkill, died last week in consequence of drinking a large quantity of rum, which he took to relieve himself from an attack of intennitting tiwer. We are assured that Mr. Wright waQ a 90- ber,respectable inati,& a member of the Bap tist church. lie fell a martyr to quackery. A Northampton farmer has for three yearstried_the-__experimentor seleeting-seed- 1 corn from stalks having two or more ears, and the result has exceeded his expectation: he freqnently finds stalks with 3,_4,_..5,_zuul sometimes 6 ears, and __3 of them, fair, full grown, and fit for seed, and that too in hills of 4 or 5-stalks.: - His -crop-is increawd- this year several bushels by the experiment. In picking corn, tic those ears found on one stalk together, and they can be recognized when husking. At Delaware Water Gap, 20 miles above Easton, in 'Bucks county, Pa.owhero the rocks am piled up 1200 feet high, James M. Porter has a manufactory of Cyphering Slates, operating by water power: They are smoothed, framed ready for sale, supe rior to imported ones, each in two minutes. Last year it made 4200 dozen slates; and will finish 5000 dozen the present year. The fallowing story gives a livery idea of the Russsian ride of Poland: 7 —A Jew met a Cossack in the forest; the titter robbed him of his Horse. On returning to .thq,town he lodged a complaint with the mayor in com mand, who was, with what truths "we shall see, reputed to be a most rigOrous disciplin arian. The Cossacks were paraded, the robber pointed out v when, with the utniost effrontery, he declared _that he had,. found the horse. "How," replied the Jew; was on his back.?' "Yes," replied the Cos sack, "I found you too; but having no use for, a Jew, I did not keep you." The excuse was deemed sufficient, and the Jew lost his steed. MGM , in the ' On the Bth .ult.. two , gentlemen of Louis ville, with their friends crossed aver in the Steam Ferry boat to the Indiana shore, to settle a dilibalee.beiween them by due.- The. boat was crOwded with 'passengers, who went over to witness . the scene. Alter the duel, in which one of th e party were. slightly ,wounded in the head, all hands mil l:larked On board the boat, to return to Lon, isville when i botlf bursted, apd four poisons Word instantly !tilled, LQgile 12,'!356,407 Total, of Louisville, Mr. Crow of—Jeffersonville Springs, the engineer and a fireman; one } person since died and several others wound ed, one of whom is not expected to recover. From the number of hats and shoes found, it is tbared there were more deaths than are here reported. - . The magistrates of Birmingham, Eng. have lately made a decision which affects the usual rules observed in the Love_Feasts of the :Methodists. On the previous Son(lay afternoon, a man named Ingrain, Who had either been expelled or who had w,ithdrawn ti.orn the society, presented hiniself.at the door, to attend the Love Feast, but had no "admission ticket." On his persisting that he had aright to enter, he was (breed out, and complained betbre the magistrates of the assault. They decided that, "as it was a registered place of public worship, .the de fendants had no right to prevent any person whatever from attending any service;" and the defendants were accordingly fined for, the assault. The Vermont Legislature, in joint com mittee, on the 7th instant, elected Samuel S. Phelps a Judge of the Supreme Court of that State. Mr. Phelps was supported by the antimasons. lie received 10 votes, and a majority 0f , 26 over all hisskpmetitors. Anti-masonry is making clean work in Ver mont, and doing it soberly, and with discre tion and credit. At Kenwy . y-n, during divine service, two dogs, one of which. was the parson's, were fighting at the west end of the church. The parson, who was then reading the second les son, rushed out of his pe*, and doubtful where ho had left oft . , asked the clerk, "Roger, where was P" " hy , down part ing the, dogs, moister, to be sure," replied Roger, to the no small amusement of the congregation. BREAD.---,"Bread is the staff. of life"—so says the ancient proverb. Bread is literally a composition of flour, water, and yeast; and it is seldom the case in this happy coun try, ;let quidnunces grumble as they may, that a sober and industrious family is in want of a morsel of bread. In many parts of the world bread in a lit eral4sen.se is seldom seen. in the West In dies, and some parts of South America, plantains and yams are most common:illy used instead; and in Ireland pgatoes are naually_subst itutedfor_that article. 'An Irishman was once taken before a Magistrate - in - Dublin for refusing to give a proper account of himself, and how he ob, tained a livelihood; when the following dia logue ensued between the dispenser of jus tice and the Hibernian: l e iragistrate.—WW Igo you? irishman.-;--A man at your service. . Magistrate.—You are an impudent fel. ow. /rishnsam—What, for calling myself a Inn? Magistrate.—How do you get your bread? Irishman.—No how at all at all! . .Magistrate.—lf that is the best account you can give of yourself. I shall commit you upon the vagrant act. You say you have no houe4 ------------------------------- 7risknan.—By °the holy Shannon, your worship spaiks nothing 'but truth. I have no honest way oflgettingtny breadf_lbeeause I never eat any at all at all—fbr I lives up , on potatoes. CIILORINII, an Antidote far Poison.—lt is said to have been satisftwtorily ascertained that Chlorine is' an effectual antidote to Prussic Acid.. If thif be so, the wonderful Fire' King's important secret• is out. A very large reward is said to have been offer ed for it in France. From the Little Fulls People's Friend, Nov. 17. PROVIDENTIAL AND EXTRAORDINARY ES CAPE FROM DEATIL.—On the 10th inst. as Abijah Mann, Esq. of Fairfield, a gentle man some sdenty years of age, and his son, our late Asseniblinan, of the same name, (on his way to take passage on the canal for New Yorit,) were crossing the Mohawk bridge at this place in a one horse wagon, they were met about 30 feet from the south end by a di•ove of more than 90 oxen,. the property of Messrs. Averell and Sons, St. Johnsville, when suddenly the inside timbers of all that part of the bridge *gave way, and the two men witl their horse, wagon and baggage together with twenty-seven head of cattle; were precipitated into the foaming torrent of the river, nearly "twenty feet in depth. The Messrs. Mann, on rising to the sur face, each. succeeded in. laying hold of an ox's horn in such a manner as to enahfe. them to float down 30 or 40 rods, when find ing the animals likely to sink, and seeing. a largoaiece of the timber approaching, the youngEr grasped one end of it ; 'by which means and the assistance of . Mr. S. .Brown, himself _ and father reached Cl :shore; their/ liorse; closely surrounded I the Plank froth tho bridge, atlengthdirected his course towards then), and wasgot out by the aid of the by-standersv part olthet wagon sunk near the .hridge, some of the .-trunks . dzxn, lodged at the reeky java: below, and the ratratinder ofthemagen went Ternas—Two noLtracs • • . e payable half•yeakly in advance' 'Ma anfi script - ions taken for lese t laii*Cvnonthi none diScontinued larreargesarepaitt —A failure to notify a discontinuance, will be considered a new engagement ancrther paper forwarded accordingly. • • Whole Number , - over the fftlievthe-whohOloweve , terwards recovered, excepting some articles of trifling value. All.the oxen got safely , ashore but two, who were so badly wound • as to be obliged to be elangl►tcred im •if ately. Bath__ gentlemen, Rarticithirly_lhe_elder,_ were most ik)vorely bruised;- but—directly receiving the most carefbl inedical and tither tiWridanee, they were filially able to be car. lei] home yesterday. It is stated in a If urrisbing Paper,: that a gentleman residing in that neighborhood, has made this year, from-the.product of his own vineyard, IS barrels of wine, estimated at 20 dollars per brl. The. vines occupy 3 acres of land, and were planted font. years MI A barn w 11.9 destroyed by fire at- Longue 'Point, near Montreal, on the 14th inst. A young man, thirty-three head of cattkt; and one horse, where destroyed in the flamesi --- --- The remains of the untbitunate young mad were found near the outer door, where it is supposed he fell at the moment when a. few steps would have rescued _him _from the flames. He had only been a few weeks married. His mother, as , we have been in. formed, was an eye-witness of the shocking scene,Sind her cries were truly heart-rending.. • ,1 A NTI ASON R Y --A good beginrring. —We, the other day, gave the first message of the first anti-masonic Governor, as a prac tical improvement in official State papers, and We are gratified to learn that a resolution passed they Legislature of Vermont wilier 26th of October, aves 162, noes 21, direct. , ing the Judiciary tommittee to report a bill abolishing imprisonment for debt on all con tracts entered into since the first ofJasauttry last. We note this for .the benefit of those , old friends and new allies, the Richmond Ennui. rer and the Natiohdintelligencnr t - whohave of late taken the alarm, and seem to be run ning into sweet communion ,for the purpose of extinguishing the "fipaticisse.."--rUnited States Telegraph. We find the following in the Richmond Whig "A voluminous - writer in the Lexira (Va.) Intelligencer, urges a division o thtt Commonwealth--ittnnt the line el.. lbw top of the Blue - Rld: . -. is tator pronounces his reasons substantial, and acknowledges they are such as have been preparilig - itnome.— Whenever that measure is submitted to-the , people, a thing will happen not very com mon—both sides will vote for it." RAIL ROAD CARS.:- , LTwo new nag._ eenger cars were placed on the Baltimore, and - Ohio Reit Road;last some respects, in construction,, but nearly Similar in plan, size and convenience, ,and certainly much better for the comfortable accommodations of passengers, than ail ow that have yet been placed on the Road. of these cars named "The Frederick," is, in shape and _appearance, in our opinion, the best model for Rail Road passenger cars, in , general use - , that we have yetseeri. Who' construction of it all short curses . tionable on Rail Roads,) have been judicious ly dis - pensed with, as they add greatly to the expense while-they-lessen the convenience of cars for travellers. - Sliding mites with glass, to admit the light, while they excluder the cold air, are most beneficially substitu. , ted for curtains, both in the ends and sides. of the new cars; and the interior ef.each-le- . - divided by partitions. They- are in fine, great improvements in the construction Rail Road cars, both as regards conveniencer and expense; and will be preferred by air who prefer comfort and vscfsdness to shoat and fashion.—)3altimore Gazette, Singular death at a christening.--Cht Sunday four or five children were taken to Bourn church, to be chrkened. Among these, one of the infants on being taken by the clerg,yrnan, was discoveird to tie dead, and returned to its afflicted parents, whp could assign no cause for the event. Stamford Champion. G AMBLERS ARRESTED.---Comer hie Hays, and assistants, succeeded on Sat-. urday evening, in breaking up a nest or Gamblers at the corner of CallowhM and John streets, Philadelphia. About sixty persons were congregated, and engaged in the various birsiness of gambling ? when the police officers came upon them. There was a* tremendous rush to the windows and down the stair-way; but the officers succeed• ed in capturing nine of them—mome of whom were immediately committed to prison, and the remainder Sued. . "Love among the Roses.;'—Six bait* or the name of "'lose were recently rciainied *1 Portia-14 Maine,. in at ain,ll,o week. Why is Preemnsorry like Senehts gourdf Because it grows Hs the night AniWitho. ere int‘the light. Why lei IllsiedyPik r Talk reptisivar carder' the gelloissi Because he hee had tine halter mud 14,, neck. , „t EIM A '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers