DAYTON FAIR September 18 to 21 1917 Reduced Fares on all Regular Trains For Particulars. Ask your Agent BUFFALO ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RYE. Man and Woman. Man is the most ridiculous animal on the f&ce of this earth. Women are not nearly so ridiculous, for they are more Instinctive, more like the animals which we call the lower animals in our absurd self conceit. —George Moore. Nothing will make a person color blind like telling white lies. Winged Creaturea. "Is your wife trying to make a so cial butterfly of you?*' "No," replied Mr. Cumrox. "1 don t stand any chance of being a winged creature of airy grace. If yoa want to classify me you'll have to get away from the Insects and try the birds. I'm the goose that lays the golden eggs."— [Washington Star. Typhoons do not occur outside of the tropics. They break out only In hot, damp, still air. Nature and Art. "Do you think art can Improve on nature?" "Yes. A cnckoo clock is no less me lodious than a regular cuckoo and is much more manageable."—Washing* ton Star. May Happen —whirled on skidding fires into a disastrous crash Stop endangering your life as well as the lives of others. When streets /ays "chain your car to e no chances. Equip all four tires with Weed silid Chains The ONLV Positive Safeguard Against Skidding Safety demands that Rubber lacks the all tires be equipped bite-and-hang-on ability with Weed Chains. It to prevent skidding, doesn't require the gift while Weed Chains hold of second sight to see on like a bull dog, pre why this is true. Rub- vent side-skid and drive ber slips—never grips, slip. Equip both front It slides on wet pave- and rear tires with ments and roads like Weed Chains. Do it a cake of soap on the today—before if s too moistened hands. late. A Complete Stock—AH Sizes—For all Makes and Styles of Tire® For Sale By Lightcap Electric Co. 838 PHILADELPHIA ST. k J PUNXSUTAWNEY ...FAIR... | September I 1 to 14 1917 Reduced Fares > on all Regular Trains % For Particulars Ask your Agent BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RY. Voter's Catechism '< - A D. Have you read the Consti tution of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Govern ment is this? R. Republic. D. What is the Constitution of the United States? R. It is the fundamental law of this country. D. Who makes the laws of the United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress con sist of? R. Senate and House of Rep resentatives. D. Who is our State Senator? R. Wilbur P. Graff. j D. Who is the chief executive of the United States? R. President. D. For how long is the Presi dent of the United States elect ed? R. Four years. D. Who takes the place of the President in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name? R. Thomas R. Marshall. D. By whom is the President of the United States elected? R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors chosen ? R. By the people. D. Who makes the laws for, the State of Pennsylvania. R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature consist of? R. Senate and Assembly. D. Who is our Assembly man? R. Wilmer H. Wood. D. How many States in the union ? R. Forty-eight. D. When was the Declaration of Independence signed ? R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. Which is the capital of the state of Pennsylvania. R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each state in the United States? R. Two. D. Who are our U. S. Sena tors? R. Boise Penrose and George T. Oliver. D. By whom are they elect ed? R. By the people. D. For how long? R. Six years. D. How many representa - J tives are there ? R. 435. According to the population one to every 211,000, ■ (the ratio fixed by Congress af ■ ter each decennial census.) D. For how long are they elected ? R. Two years. D. Who is our Congressman ? R. Nathan L. Strong. D. How many electoral votes has the state of Pennsylvania? R. Thirty-eight. D. Who is the chief execu tive of the state of Pennsyl vania? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elect ed? R. 4 years. D. WTio is the Governor? R. Martin G. Brumbaugh. D. Do you believe in organ ized government? R. Yes. Are you opposed to or ganized government? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist? R. Nc. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not be lieve in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poligamist? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or po lygamist ? R. One who believes in hav~ ing more than one wife. D. Do you belong to any se» cret society who teaches to dis believe in organized govern ment? R. No. » D. Have you ever violated any laws of the United States? R. No. D. Who makes the ordinance* for the City? R. The board of aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain permanently in the U. S.? R. Yes. Casa Stabilita nel 1895 PROVATE I L'Olio Marca "La Siciliana" fi a I MARCA "GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI" Prezzo speciale per ordine di 25 casse in su Grande Grosseria All' Ingrosso I Prezzi Ristretti per Generi Garantiti # Pasquale Giunta IMPORTATORE D'OLIO D'OLIVA | 1030 So. 9th Street - ■ Phlladelphia, Pa. [ |
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