PAGE TWENTY-TWO Delegates Selected for Golf Tourney Jal GRATA State golf coach Joe Boyle today announced that four Lion linksmen. will represent the Nittanies in the qualifying round the E.C.A.C. Fall Tournament at Naval Acad emy Course on Oct. 6. Juniors Jim Tabor. Dave Liebau, captain-elect Roland Gartner and iciphomore 'Barry Masich were selected as delegates to the third annual event, which last year attracted 174) 'golfers from 43 mem ber colleges. In the 1E961 regional round held on the University links, Tabiar Qualified for the Nittanies and proceeded' to capture third place in the E.C.A.C. finals at Beth Page Park (Long Island)_ in Farmingdale, N.Y. • During the regular season last spring. Tabor piced the Lions So a' record-tying 11-1 mark by accumulating victories in each of 12 matches. Gartner (9-3) and Liebau (6-4) played consistent golf last year. Liebau fictiShed the season strong with wins in his last four outl:,gb following an advance to the semi finals in the E.I.G.A. tourney. The tournament will mark the first intercpllegiate varsity meet The n FH I Uthiii' esne Football Scoreboard was tabbed as "varsity killer" last season for strong performances against all of the Nittany regulars. Boyle explained that he selected the delegate himself rather than the golfers hold an intra-squad playoff. "I did this because of the small mount of time we have to pre- DANCE' TOMORROW NIGHT at the Lutheran Student Centei 412 W. College Ave. 8 - 10:30 P.M. ' _AS PIECE -COMBO PLAYING Evoryone Welcome Following . _Pon L - State., . Fedihall Tune in WMAJ 1450 for t' e e.?# ~ ♦ .r Jerry Abram s THE - DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA * * * ... undefeated last year • * * with i 4 , r 1 ' i ..... /J # pare for the tournament," the golf boss said. ',The Navy course is tight and will require carefully placed shpts." Qualifying rounds will also be taking plt.ce at Army and Drum lins (Syracuse, INT.T) with the last of four regional qualifying rounds scheduled at Dartmouth on Oct. 13. - THE 10 GqI..FERS with The lowest scores in each of,the fog sections will acfsraM'e to the finals, again set for Beth Page Park. The two colleges with low score totals in each group will compete for team laurels, - Boyle's contingent placediourth last year behind team-crown vic tors Syracuse and second' place Massachutetts Institute of• Tech nology. t - I • • - "I won't jump to any optimistic !conclusions," Boyle said, "but I ;think these boys are our best bet 'onthe tricky AnnApolfs course." . , The administrative personnel of the tournament are expecting a record number of [individual and team entries. Winners will be deterrnineipYy medal play. • 28 Won 4 Grid Letters Only 28 players' in Penn State history -have won four letters in varsity footbalL NCAA rules no longer permit' freshman to par ticipate' in varsity combat: New`Golf Caddy Shop in Opqratia Flotirescent lighting, sun, patiO, large picture* windows, shower facilities and interchangeable soft rubber tiles are just a few of the innovations at the new golf caddY shop, completed over the suni mer months at an estimated cost of ;46,000. The addition, to the west end Rec Hall replaces the former two: story frame building now being dismantled to make way for still more expansion. ' Most regular student, faculty and public patrons of the Univer sity links have found the new golf shop a far cry from the for mer 19th hole headquarters. PrObably the biggest convent` lance to pros, amateurs and tni polished duffers alike is the additional - space which Nis ' ..mado it possible for the shop Co 'house adequate locker and :Jai age facilities. 1 . Red brick walls and a new-type flooring, along .'with black wrought iron lawn sets; add an outside atmosphere to the shOp. The large picture window faces No. 1! tee and No. 9 green. Probably the biggest discussion piece t stands as the soft-rubber 1 , I:, :SATURDAY. 5616.0 ER 22. 19621 file flooring..The.tiles, about two feet square, are interlocking and when one of the gray and white marbilized tiles shows wear, it's simply lifted out of place and. exchanged with one of the bet ter 'Wes t The golf ; 'shop personnel, coni-! monly known as Bob, Earl, Joe and Jerry,' report "people come in just to see how this tile really, Works." Included in the building is al passage into the• — men's locker room in Rec Hall. ' "The Rec Hall faculty has aisj covered this passage and is wear ing a path into the golf shop, now thtir new home,", one hystandee quipped. ' • • The University golf course and; the .new caddy shop are expected. to remain open for the next five weeks.—Grata Lions in Fout;Arls Penn State football team have; played in four different post-sea son bowls: the Rose .in 1923, the Cotton in 1948, the. Liberty in 1959 and 1960, and the Gator in' 1961.- EIMEI
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