i • SiedIAWAY 'SEPTEMBER 22. 1962 TO-0.:- .. 'fiverios,' , ..• . : Sev. Aripr`Assoeiateit Press • • , The , 1962 • college. foOtball season i zooros off the launching pad today 'with ail the thrtist that cln be; - mi4stered by hav ing eight of the nation's top ten teams in action, topped by a poSsible Rose Bowl preview betw44l. Purdtte's•Boilermak ers and the Waddington Husk ies. . , C Only Ohio State, figured the No. team in The -Associated Press' Pre-:season poll, and its Big Ten rival Michigan State (No. 4) • be idle this weekend Both -get down to businetis next Saturday. A dCrzen or more; new head coaches will 'get their baptism of fire, , including Lousiana State's Charlie McClendon, Paul Dietzel at Arrny, Hank Foldberg at Tex as A&M, Charlie . Bradshaw at Kentucky, Bud Davis at Colorado and Lloyd Eaton at Wyoming. ' The baptism doesn't end there, either; Texas' Longlkorns, rated • Get thet.,New Term Started , at the - AEPi JAMMY_ -/ . , -.,,. "featuring ~, • i . . THE ADVENTURERS : . OPEN at 9:30 to fraternity men and the dada's, transfer students , • - ... and visiting Middies . . • , Here's deodorant YOU CAN TRUST OR Spice Stick Dreodgazt...fattest, - man: toy to Jai: every day protecrknif It's the =tier deodorant for active men...abooltetely dependable. Glides 4m smoothly. ipipidy...dries in record time. Old Spice Stitt Deodorant - —most coincident, most . ecennmical deodorant money can buy. 100 Oakum. Oice 1- P I sP DE9DORANT u ! --roNg ' . t.tl T,HE DAILY C011E01441. UttIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA 'No. 2. are at horns 20 Oregon • State in a night gime and their Southwest .Conference .aspira lions will get - a solid test from the Webfoot? well-balanced at tack. " So will,Alabama's defending na tional champions, ranked No. 3. Bear Bryant's Crimson Tide takes on tough Getirgia in a night game at home. minus some of,,the stars of their 10-0 1961 season. McClendon's LS11:- Tigers (No. 5) also open under - the lights at home against Foldberes Piggies, while the Duke Blue Devils. fa vored to repeat as Atlantic Coast Conference, champs, are in Los Angeles to play the University of Southern California in a national ly televised game. Purdue (No. 7) and Washing ton (No. 6) could have the day's biggest battle. The "Boilermakers have an all-veteran team -- one that missed by only 'lO points of turning , three losses into. a 9-0 record in 1961. The Huskies, figured to battle with Southern California for the Big Sbe., Rose Bowl berth, • have speedster ,Charlie (The Missile) rotection o Open Mitchell operating behind a big veteran line and barked by full back Jim Stiger.' Quarterback Mel Renfro and tackle Steve Barnett will put Tex as to a; severe test, but the Long horns still have fullback Ray Poage and halfback Jerry Cook as returning offensive guns. llama lost fullback Mike Frac chia for the year with a knee in jury, but Bryant's men are' fa vored to overwhelm Georgia. In top action in the South, Southern Methodist travels to Maryland, sixth ranked-Mississip pi plays Memphis State at night, Floridalfaces Mississippi State at night. Georgia Tech is host to Clemson and North Carolina and North Carolina State meet. BEAT NAVY et Lots More from Ell d' more body in the blend T. ! _ a ,,, 1 .0 more flavor 111 ' in the smoke ezz:n more taste through the filter Ws the rich-Iltror lea! that does itt Among L&M's choke tobaccos there's: more of thisionger-aged, extra -cured leaf than even in some unfiltered cigarettes. And iithlattra !nod= the Miracle Tip only pure white touches your lips. Pet lots more from LikliCL the filter cigarette for people who really like to smoke. Niffany Baskelballers Announce Schedule for 1%143 Campaign Eighteen games plus a holiday in the first of their eight home tournament are scheduled for games. Other home opponents era Penn State's basketball squad this Col gate, Pittsburgh, Temple t season. Bucknell, Carnegie Tech, Wen Coach John Eglrs 1962.43 edl-1 Virginia, and Rutgers. tion will play eight games at home.l The schedule: Dec. t, at -Mary -10 on the road, and on Dec. 28 and hod; 4, at Lehigh; 8, Syracuse; 11. 29 FDI compete with Miami of Colgitte• 22, Pittsburgh; 28-* Ohio: Marshall, and Morris Harvey !Alpine Tournament; Jan. 5, in the frst Alpine Tournament ;Temple; 8, at Beucknell; 11, at at Charleston, West Va. ' !Colgate; 12, at Syracuse; 18, at The Lions will open their cam-, West Virginia; 28, Bucknell; paign Dec. 1 at Maryland and on; Carnegie. Tech; Feb. 9, at Nayy; Dec. 4 will play at Lehigh. On 1 12, at Gettysburg; 16. at Army; Dec. 8 they'll entertain Syracuse! 20. West Virginia; 23, at Pitts burgh; March 2, Rutgers. Lion-Army Goma on TV The Penst.State- Army football! Frosh Soccer Mooting game' at • West Points Michie The first meeting for all can- Stadium Oct. 13 will be televised ididates for the freshman soccer in the East as part of the NCAA- team will be held Monday at T CAS series. p.m. in 114 Rec Halt: LEI P11.7110‘111 urn • Arremi isimcco co. PAGE IWENIY-0141 f 3:333 ===ri
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