SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22; 1-962 : I 1 •• . . ' . • . _ . . , A . 1.1 `-''' . . , , Argentine institute - katert Agreement. Debate . Tecl .: Seek Members The , men s and women s debate . technical assistance necessary for the;inticipated research projects. teams are both looking for new the fulfillinent of the objective may involve the training of Ar- members ' • of the prcip-ara. The University, gentine graduate students at the The men's debate team will hold when circumstances permit, will University. as well as sending , a coffee hour from 7 to a p.m.. assign members of its man staff .graduate.students Imm the Uni-t • esday. in 212 Hetzel Union to Argentina to collaborate „ v end versit7 to Argentina i n or d er to BbilifitT 4 while the women will potential debaters from cooperate in the ex ec u ti o n , wiper- help - in the work and obtain thesis en • •7 toN al 4n. tomorrow in Simmcms Imam aniA evaluation of the pro- credits. . . lounge. jects undet this tuogram. THE TOTAL anticipated cost '..3, The intercollegiate debate topic The University University will also be re- of the 'five-y ea r sponsible for the initiation and $1.0000,00. besides necessary ex- P- -.. rnurarn- --- — i ` for this year is "Resolved, that the non-communist nations of the operation !of training projects to penditures in Argentine currency- world should establish an eco acquaint IINTA personnel with r ' Chester Ritz. professor of po- nomic torrimuity," Modern Methods employed in the ' growing, processing and market-1 mology represented the Univer- Th een' debate team, coached. • - • m s ing of fruit , sa i y n initiating, the agreement. by Ronald Nicoson and David INTA will be responsible far the II practical operation of the program: provision, of personnel, funds, labor, equipment and facilities. INTA will also provide financial support for the project. The program, besides involving The University and the Institute Niaonal• de- Tecnologia -Agrnpee uaria of Argentina- have entered into an international agreement designed to promote cooperation and understanding between the United States and Argentina. The agreement covers the period frog. Jan. ; 1„1963, to Dec. 31. 1968. THE OBJECTIVE of the agree ment, is to , establish a -workable arrangement between the Univer sity. and INTA for improving and developing deciduous fruit pro ' duction in the upper valley of the Ria Negro of Argentina. The project will include, the cultivating, handling, storing, pro mising and imarketing of apples and pears in .the fertile Rio Negro Valley. The University will be respon sible for , providing advice - . and en you buy Sheaffers back-to-school special! • • now' when you buy your Sheaffer - Cartridge Pen fdr ached, you zet 98# worth of Strip; cartridges FREE...a 1/3.9A value for just 32.95. 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Allen AD 8-6779 Loneita Nsuebaurn Josephine Gettig Betty Vinson Janet Dahbren Carolyn Taylor PAGE TWENTY-THREE Coodhart. wilt be traveling to Wayne State University, the Col lege of William and Mary, Holy Cross, New York City and Roches ter University this year The women, coached by Clay ton H. Scbtig. will compete at Duque..-ne University, - New York City, the Capitol Hill Tourna ment In Maryland, the Delaware Valley Tournament, Franklin and Marshall College and Bucknell University. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS ==l MM!!!!M!!! FOR SALE .•••••••••q••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• **** ••••••••••••••• FRESHMAN' I.NGINFIF Rs K.. 41 wed •1,.1 othyr driewline equ:pmatnt. El. i 9212. . . d a D j 3OTO sedan. t:001 eonilition. Vino trimonipi~bmt - Mom, well. phone AD 7-t6lll- After &:00. 1934 etilek owner in ~ ibßliterranrevh. (kr& sate car. Working nartil in runt.. lent Osolttlon. sacrifien for talk ADIf./0.81. . JA72. I.P.a , for Sale. dood condition. eat Al Wt 1,6449. 194 (SHY'S. IF:It Imperial Hardtop New *she Job. ."o4 tires. new molt. Phone Alt 1 1 1 M 691 or OM Grad Cirri,. ALI. KIND!( rtirbiture, Dressers, Cheat a-Drawer*. Itreakfaat Meta, laraskshr Tables and Heats. !bes Tleed Eurnitstros Lemont_ N'tion. AD K.04:0 after fire. 81Nti1it PORTARLK Itlectrtc Seeing Machine.. used and in perfect comiltion. Can be guarantesnl. 112945. Call AD 19511 tlßcy RENAULT--clan, excelled"' rannint condition, "eat. PAUL. Aeltlng $4111". Wilt "enabler best otter. Frank, AD K-3111.61. .lilAirt I.:tit:l4BH Ilikr. Call Jrrry, Ulf _ . . . . . , MANN ills. Call AD 11.13x6, root s A 14114 than mow row 41141. :VA re. roll Elloarar.A, AI) a (.11111. II 1 T V., 'brimfull *eve. Will onr4ll f or It o ; t UN 8-1049. F. 164 1 1 :Yin 'lt %NI'S v rCCiirliiireE. %Utah, - Fir*. Niim r SCOO ter I nsarranaas. Phan* Al) )1•44).111. Mr. Trrarl.a. ifiiwwii~ 1 TOR RENT GRADUATE STUI)ENT:4. I.;pporela..nmpe. . • CiPmfortpltle rensw„ runnit+.; Will.?. ps. weft onetrel location tor siontie.l 14,tleity csMuotnl for r•.l aluktir. 114.. Cobbetial, 121 W. Nlluny. - AD 7.1 - or2. AD 7-Min. Mrs. eox. WAIIIIT.D ••••••4•••••• pone FIVE 'ON to 'guilt in kitehro. rill AD 'n•li fur inn Spahr Phil. . , TWI) ArriIDENT3 ii t, trd in radii.. Oinit at Nritcl4 2 mea. n sr. env se Ihnonese an emetic re for puree re tr, et' n.f. f Matte Cailoct , *twat. 011 WULF' - W (.5 , 1 It FN. trio 1 t , ..1 3.0k0k 'Es. Nis, h . Mot 44, itoit.- fonts; Tin ika. UP r 3. 4 4 NI EN It'. semi t is re, yew rthede $l. Nk tame. ,-,_ lIITtnIiES Pi KIX et Alpe* I': Peil'm rt. ran AD, 7.:9F1. ark fee en , orrr rim Rirti "DR.ino Contract. t'■rr 11.r. -- 1"/ AD t rtlt. IMMI2II2=I at) WAITS NT I.: D to work for mr*bilb Coal gal4r.r ; YI VI.: • WAITE:3M w. , ,tod or rn•atr a* glare roNrk. l'lll AI /41.03 . 011 AD T 4444. HELP WANTED ••••••••t••••••••••••••••••••••• •.•••0•• sTe4I I :3T“, UNtiPttf:RADVATKA, .ft 4 gralluitee. e•rl. lihermt tottunis44.ola al . lons fnedwill Sian-up HOW at 237 )I.l4.rokatioin Holt. if A A.IIIA/Inehrw•ets;rl6 wantort M-3021. . . WAI7Eft:4 WANTID. Apidr PI Kral,* Pht frolernitv, AYt 7.P737. +ink for •t.arr4. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44.1.511 TYPING PHOPEKSIONA TY PIM: .t.rtrb typewriters. m.nuserlvt^ term i popera, topplafetems, ♦►ruff+ orrreecesl. P.rusor,ohl. rslti. APCO Enter‘ofirtes, 1120 Gri."0(1.!.1 Avenue, burgh )7, P.. HAY,rI ••••••••••+••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MS LOST SCA/AIR ?MAC LICT Wet M.rovt • y twee* ,Hilo Ittrlora rd. Yaw. tonal' Value. Itortnl. M.ll 7.774 n worolusa••••tweirmws•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND A WAY TO LONE t•n us!? ►«nintso— alt. NAtatir with Th. Penn st.l Out ihr Club. MISCELLANEOUS PSOC Slt. ! ,, littany •tart• !whirs& ()amnia Lab. p rfe- S4Un4sy. • **Wirt DO WY. WA rot th. Weld to Whi 11 3 m/ ig.; W., 7' wilui Dr. P.la6lnr K/., . Sand NI Wit. $6411•41,1101 Ren 4 ll4 lOrornhr.wer Chaps& Wh.r. I* row. stassoihrtrt PIANOS TI:1414: Dirk lwriorr;l, C•Il AI! 4...10 2 . 1, Will - ANY PITT PAR MiniAt.r• Colt Count". Ktorlanta nava tte:,! Itrins IM• *4 skrMr. 1....ata4 Rt. *22 north an 4 y0r4 1, !? Htn , POinte Cant*, on Westort, Pan)l4wsy. . . SIV-lANKRS nt Vannton Pbi Colas. acrnihalty Invite all „TV:IP mombernt ara4 Mk/o , r trantrfer rtudonia to an (tram Howie IV44fieidar. 24. p.m. Ari l eMonew•llor. Y.,,voikar• PM ttt W. Collator Aro. i 4 jiC ;;Aniekelisla HUM mt.gfnrir Top 4. -t- p.m; rowearr: *Part 23.
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