SEPTEMBER 16. 1962 . . a sr. • WELCOME • • ... a • EMERSON HEATER 2 minutes to make HOT Coffee, Tea, Soup • 69c . . /- 1 , 2-- ' ' Add-a-Nap rA, ........ 2 v • . 97 z, , 3 k electric 1 ... $3 99 } ~__... Artistic wroght iron .bookstand 98c Schaeffer cartridge pen with cartridges $l.OO Penn Stati.sweabhirt $2.98 Penn State Seal stationery - SI A (36 steefsi 18 pnvelapes) Attache Case . Decorated coffee mugs 2.4 Catty:!uf Foods, Cold Sodas: Hallmark Complete Line of Cosmetics, Photo Service School Supplies, Tobacco Dept., Health Aids, Magazines and Newspapers tpai:xs:.;•••; 7,r; [t.t . 1 414 E. College Ave. Campus ,Shapping Center 9 . 40 Doily ...,,:471.:.:.'1' - ':::17:t . .12.‘7 . a.i'''Z':1:"14.: - ' . ..*. , . DISCOUNT PRICES ~ +~,^j 8 ' Colgate Family Size Tooth Paste 8 ' Crest Family Size Tooth Paste Mennen Quinsana 98c, Palmolive Rapid Shave -.11 oz. - Regular ' Listerine Mouthwash, economy size . Hair Spray, Regular Luster Cream Hair Spray, 1.50 Adorn 1.39 Oren Concentrate Shampoo z. 16 oz. 1 r $1.79 DART aI:UMIAK tINIVTRSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Regular 1 " IBufferin Tablets 100's 1.19 Dristan aNsal Misi 98 c J &J Baby Oil - i" Breck Shampoo - 16 oz. 1 " Jergens Hand Lotion 100 . Mennen Spray Deodo:rant " c Ban Deodorant 98c Vitas, 702 McLANAHAN'S l 0 oz. Nei' -14 oz. WE GIVE PLAID STAMPS with Every Purchase OUR PRICE 78c 66c 66c 64c or Mennen 7 79c .11 L4O 80c 78 c Shoe Rack Royal Vernon Line Filler Paper 150 sheets 59c Filler Paper 230 sheets 8k Spiral Notebook 59 pages 350 I - 1 Spiral Notebook j 80 pages He Typewriter Tablet ...... 72 sheets 59; With Carbon Paper HANKIE PACK Scotties. 2 for 25c POP CORN Kernel Fresh Air Popped 25c 39c -` 11i 11,1 Ascii, tr 4 i. 4 11.111.1111111 1111111111111. • .• 49 . • -~;.. , 134 S. Allen St. 9-10 Weekdays • 10-10 Sundays PAGE NI ~~,~ , :-`fir; ~i •:3
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