Cr-: EIf;HT A . iCIVAge reg ', Welcomes the Class of ;here are sonie,of the many services we offer you: •Watches by Bulova 7 Hamilton-Longines-Wittnauer •Diamonds and birthstone rings •Scheaffer and Parker pens •Charms in sterling silver and gold - • •Watch bands by Speidel and Geznex •Heirloom sterling *lBBl Rogers Silverplate •Guaranteed watch and Jewelry repair service •Engraving done on premise's AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT We located at 220 Si Allen St. PENN WHELAN . DRUGS Corner of Beaver and Allen Sts. State College SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS New Gillette Slim Adjustable Razor $ 1.50 PAPER MATE PENS MOO & $ I .69 EXTRA SPECI/4 '.k LARGE (2 or 3 RING) PLASTIC RING BINDER WITH bOUBLE BOOSTER --PLUS-- 144-PAGE FILLER --PLUS--. 5 INDEX DIVIDERS -Com p Value ALL FOR 99 ( 2.98 'RIG. 49c )IVIEN'S METAL SHOE TREES • PAIR 34C SNEAFFER BALL PEN 2.49 . EXTRA RElFitl_79e VALUE 3.28 111 ALL FOR PLOS 98. FREE • NAWOVIIITING BOOKLET PLASTIC SOAP BOXESISc &29c 1966 AD 7-3896 OLD SPICE Deodorant STICK GILLETTE SUPER. BLUE BLADES 69c & 01.00 joo WHITE Ernielopes 29c SPECIAL SELLING OF ALARM CLOCKS Old Tymer Double Bell • , Extra Loud $5149 Ingraham Electric Clock $4.44 • `sk Baby Ben & Big Ben Clocks West Clox Fawn Clock $3.98 Westclox Electric Alarms $3.98 to $8.98 SPECIAL :PIPE SALE $3.50 King Cross . 0 : $2. $2.50 Gold Grain 111.98 /O f $4.98 Duke of Kent *4.98 ~. •_, - $4.50 Captain Fortune 13.00 ?Ti - Kaywood $5.00 to $15.00 :.... ~ Sasieni .. - $3.95 to $17.50 Yello Bole' -:, $1.50 to 5.00 Frank Medico $1.95 to $5.00 Coppertone BRONZE:t TAN THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, * UNIVERSITY ,PARK, PENNSYLVANIA Stud Abroad Program Term A year-old progradi which en ables students to e.kparid- their knowledge of the culture of a for eign country by living and study ing abroad will be continued this spring, -under the supervision of the• College of the Liberal' Arts. The program, first tried this year •at universities in Cologne, UNITED FILM (120-620) 127 3 rolls Tic MENNEN SPEED STICK . Deodorant 89c 14" NYLON ZIPPER BAG Sturdy nyloh bog, roomy 59 enough for books, gym needs, lunch Strong bon• diet. furl rapper. Woe Of Reg.; Iron.' 16** CANVAS ZIP BAG Lgo CLOSE OUT - ALL SUN TAN LOTIONS 30% PENN UNITED STO PENN' UNITED - STORES Corner of College and Pugli:Sts. - State College TOP BRASS HAIR CREAM ISI.OCI CARTON OF 50 BOOK MATCHES 3c 100 S HEETS , TYPE'. - WRITER PAPER 29c Pure; Badger SHAVE BRUSH 88c off• SICOL ' SOLAIitCAINE ONLY Europe Offered Germany, and Strasbourg France, includes study of languages, so cial sciences, literature and art. An attempt is made to house stu dents with families•in the univer sity area. Fifty students have been ten tatively accepted to go to France and 25 to Germany. The program NEW GEM SINGLE • EDGE RAZOR 69c 25c NAIL CLIP i 5c ? ;turd ? 74.6 construrbon with 9 3 ", ot•Con. Wpterp,..( ,::•,11, 1 , FAMOUS "HUGHES" ..,;_:--i, /- - 77 - :` , HAIR BRUSHES t....„, ~.,, • ii t','..L.s. :,,,,.., 49 / ./ • Usually 5.00 MEN'S & UDIES' " 1 11 ' SUNGLASSES LATEST FASNIIVES FROM FIANCE ITALY ... V 5.A. 47 REG. 2.98_2,23 net. REG. 338_2.91 1.98 u:nlT_D Edge . BUIE BLADES sr Or INJECTOR 401 Reg. 98c ZIPPO LIGHTERS $3.50 to $5.00 METAL U.S.A. - WASTE IL BASKET -.3 y . win coca Si sun RELIEF MAP gla;4 . • 98 c riomioessed •4.41 U $. is' open to students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors during the 1962-63 academic year. THE COST of the term abibad will be' approximately the same as the cost of a term' at the Uni versity with the addition of travel expenses and a registration , - •fee of $35.: iEfforts are now being made to arrange three additional foreign study 'groups in 1963, Dagoliert de Levie, director of the Sttidy Abroad Program, — said. • !Negotiations have been under w4y since May with , two leading Spanish universities- to establish a !program in Spain. Forty stu dents have been tentatively ac cepted for this term abroad. j"We are also attempting to or ganize a program in England for the spring- term 1963," de Levie said. ,Under this plan, architec ture students would take courses in - architectural design and art plus the liberal arts, he added. ;THE .STUDY • ABROAD corn niittee'also hopes to plan a term of study in England preceding the University Chapel Choir's tour of Europe next summer, de Levie said. No final agreement has been reached on either English plan or a ,program in Spain, he added. IBen Euwema, dean of the Col lege of the Liberal Arts, is sched uled to visit France, Germany and Spain this fall to conclude agree ments, de Levie said. Announce ments of the students , partici pating will then be made, Twirling the outcome of final applications and interviews of those students tentatively accepted. 'DE LEVIE also said that the University hopes to establish a Liberal .Arts Stud Abroad Pro gram iri England for the spring term 1964. This term would be open to all students of the Uni versity without foreign language facility who possess an interest in the liberal arts, he added. Students considered for the program must have . a 2.5 All- University average and must show evidence of maturity, sell-disci pline and strong academic moti vation. Information about the program is available in the Study Abroad office, 4 Sparks. MENNEN SPRAY Deodorant 64c & $l.OO • Objective News Reports •, • Cotutrudire Background Maierkal 0 [Hairy and • Entertainment News SEPTEMBER 16, 1962 BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO • Penetrating Editorials Clip this edverthement end ves ture it with your check or mososei order to: The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Reston IS, Msu. ' p 1 Year $ll CI IS mot. $5.50 AMA' spode! offer dmiLloble to cone., student& Facts lty amesibers end college Birgit, oho ellgAtiay ; Irian adman*, thessefres. ' • P-Cti
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