SEPTEMBER 16.'1962 Variety of Publications Serve Campus Readers University students are served by a variety of publications pro viding humorous, news and photo graphical coverage of the campus and, individual college scene. ,- Froth is the campus humor magazine, which is circulated eight times during the gear. Each issue • parodies campus subjects. The titles range from _"Greeks" to "animals," and regular columns 'such as "Campus Calendar" and "Mug and Jester" are featured. THE DAILY -COLLEGIAN is a student - operated new spaper which is published Tnesday through Saturday mornings. Eight thousand copies are circulated each' day and are read by an esti mated 15,000 people. Students staff both the business :and newawriting operations of the ;Collegian. They are . advised by an executive. secretary of Collegian, Inc., the publisher chartered by the state. - The Collegian publishes editor cartoons, campus news and sports, phis national and interna tional news received from the As sociated Press wire service. THE PAPER is uncensored by the 'faculty and is supoprted by advertisements - , circulation rev enues and allocation from student fees, Interested students begin work on the paper by attending a can didate school- which is under the direction of the board of editors. For students interested in year -book w0rk,..1..a Vie, the University yearbook, is published every June. Work on the 1963 book began during the summer term and will continue throughout the year. Plans for this year's book include more student participation in art and layout work.! STUDENTS who 'wish to, work on the yearbook; should contact the La Vie office: La Vie holds an annual training" program. - The- Spectrum: •is the 'official publication of the Colleges of . Cheniistry and Physics, Engineer ing and Architecture and Mineral Industries. . It is a student-published maga zine which features scientific AWS Sponsois . • Vaned Projects, Fireside chats, service projects and' residence hall art exhibits are among' the community pro jects of the Association of Women Students, the governing body for women 'students. _ !AWS is composed of three branches —legislative, executive, ait d . judimaL The legislative branch .is composed of the ,mem bers of eight. community councils. SEPARATE COUNCILS ar e eleCted for Pollock, South Halls, East Halls; West - Hal %, North Halls, Atherton, • Simmons 7 and McElwain. The executive branch is- com posed of officers elected' each spring. These officers are presi dent,- first and second vicerpresi dents, secretary and treasurer. The officers and the president and treasurer.of each community council mak; up the AWS Senate, which makes rules involving the entire women's community_ ' Representatives from the Pan hellenic Council, the Women's Recreation Association and AWS standing committee heads also sit as members of Senate; THE FUNCTION OF the judi cial branch is"to hear and decide punishment in cases concerning -breaking of women's rules. It con sists of community judicial boards and a central judicial board, which hears cases involving more serious infractions or those re ferred or appealed from a local board. BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto New Bike.-1 yr. Guarantee 112 8. FRAZIER ST. AD 7-7992 THE DAILY C knowledge and current topics. A staff of approximately 100 stu dents produces the magazine each month. \ La Critique is a student mag azine which reveiws campus poli cies and 'serves as an outlet for student opinion and cre at ive thought Essays, short -stories and poetry are featured. It is published quarterly and was founded in 1960. NEWS AND VIEWS is an offi cial publication of the College of Home Economics and serves to give students of that college journ alism experience. It is published four, times each year and features articles of special interest to stu dents in home economics: Pivot is published ;by 'the- stu dents of the Poetry Workshop (English 113). It appears during the spring, and is under the di rection of Joseph Grucci, associate professor of English. In addition to thesepubliclitions, newsletters and papers are dis tributed by individual college councils. We've been serving AO clothes care txtecliisf , oudents for years and years, quickly, dependably and at nominal cost. We would like, to serve you, tool Whatever your need . . . those hurry up jobs of cleaning and pressing a ,suit or skirt, quick little alterations, expert shirt laundering, 'Shower-proofing or cont. pleti laundry service . . . Balfurd kindles all with matchless care. LLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA, Godbey Receives , Posts 0 Gordon C. Godbey halt been ap pointed assistant dean - for con tinuing education in tte - College of Education and profOsor of ed. ucation. His appointrneilt was ef fective July 1. Room • juliet. Room is fashion and fashion costs no more ..•.' Town & Country Special • Black or Brown Calf $10.99 id-Heel Pump Hi tx Penny Loafer to 00 .41,0 Sandler , .7 P. F, Sneaks $4,69 New Fall e-otors Adler Knee Socks $2.00 • You'll find two Belfurd stores convenient to the campus. Stop In at the one nearest you and get acquainted. _ . ar. • • t e • la • • • . • • • Doge wardrobe 'is to Isso`a little travel - ry. Ws a good time to got acquainted with, ;Balfurd Careful Cleaners. L.(wdAw. GARNER ST. BEAVER AVE. Assistant Dean, Prof Before coming to the Univer sity, Godbey was director of the Division of University Extension and associate professor of educa tion at the 'University of Dela ware. •Aws PAGE SEVEN Through the Looking Glass with Gabbi , Welcome and welcome back. (Must include the entire crew —trceth - and upperclassmen— 'since there are some amongst , us). Yes. I'm' stilt here—a per ennial student—that's me' Who !am I? (Don'? look at the bot !tom of the page oopa, you did!) Yes, I am Ctabbi. Let me make some introduc tions. Did you pass or go into an exclusive looking store on East College Avenue? You must have. Ttiat's Mid pismires's. But don't let the front of the store fool you. Just walk into Ethers and look around and you'll find beautiful and un usual gifts and items—reason ably priced too, to fit your bud get (it you're so lucky as to be able to keep track of your ex penses.) A B C . .. Did you say you do not know the rest of the alphabet? If so, I suggest that you. -- learrt - It since it comes in handy, at rare moments. You'll need .it for all those letters you do plan to write while here - at State? Don't let me catch you using scratch paper. • Eilsog has all types of stationery, but you Frosh I am sure want - Penn State stationery. If you really want to be newsy, PSU paper in white, light blue, ; light cor al, and pink with the PSU in signia engraved on each sheet. Fur Just a note, &hal has PSU informals in white with the same emblem. The pricey _Yes. I'll divulge that secret—why keep it to myself. The station ery, $1 00 and the informals are $1.50 a box. TELL ME A STORY From a seed comes a tree and from a tree comes seeds . . . Once upon a time there lived a seed, but this was no ordinary kind of seed. Its an cestors also, special - type seeds. This seed, along with its brothers and sisters, was picked off the parent tree. Since they were unusual and possessed extraordinary char acteristics, they were not re planted. No. not that—too com mon for them. Instead, they were used for beads and beads and beads (this was a large type family). Put them all together in a rope of beads, and what do you have JOB'S TEARS. Yes, this strand of beads two yards long -1s as unusual look ing as is its name. In a dozen asaorted colors. And the price; only $l.OO. Just the right type thing to match your outfits. Now that 1 have introduced you to Ethel Msssrvs's, stop in tomorrow. Buy or Browse. Tell them Gabbi sent you. So long, 112 t., CoMogi Am.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers