P -77 7 auniuntmlummutunumuumnimumissimmilimintillllllllllllllE ANIS tainvl: 230 S. ALLEN ST. Invites the Class of '66 To Partake of These Bargains ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOw Cut Men's & Women's WHITE TENNIES Wemen's $2.49 Men's S2M Heavy Shaker Boatneck Sweaters 57.98 Navy Blue Black Maroon Green Go West, Young Man, Go West Western Wrangler Dungarees Men s & Women s $3.98 cut info Bermudas Free! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• = SWEAT SHIRTS $1.98 Silver, Grey Green, I vy Blue, White, Light Blue, _ all colors. moodloilowipoeim4,4)4,4,•••••••••• 00000 osoieio = For those football games . . . PULLOVER NYLON PARKAS s6.9BWomen's $7.98 •••••••••••••••••••h•4•••••••••••••••••••••••• = You don't have to be an athlete to wear our ATHLETIC' SOCKS (sweat socks) 2 pr. for 98c ••••••••••••••••••• 000000000000000 ••••• 000000 -- Are you in need of those vital unmentionables? HAINES TEE SHIRTS'' BRIEFS 79c SHORTS G. I. SURPLUS perfect for Nittany Dorms New Army Beds .& Mattresses Office Desks ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• = JIM'S STOREI 230 ALLEN ST. NIIIMIUMIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIMIMMIIIIIIIMINLIVI:11111311115 1 : in our 4, All Colors Men's i THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY P ;Hungry? Confused? Go 'to the HUB To the 10,000 people who use its fArilities each day, the Hetrel Union Building provides cafeteria services, meeting - and reading rooms as well as general informa tion about the University, Supplying the answers to' the = hundreds of questions asked daily = is only one of the many- services = provided by the people' behind ROOM & BOARD • BEAVER HALL M I E. Beaver Ave. TERM RATES for Boa l rd and Room $230:00* $240.50* '!lncludes $5.00 Returnable Breakage Fes Advantages Worth Considering .• • • ' • For your leisUre-hours-5 channel' television • Clean.. pleasant rooms • Family-style meals (no standing in line) • Convenient to town and campus Make Reservations Now for , • fall Term • —Ask for Mrs. Guenot— THINK..-.how aphone can help you in youi college life! \\ . _ Whether you'realvingin a fraternity house or apartment, a phone , in your room pays off in many ways. With it you Can . . . • :Save time handling matters concerning your studies—e.g., determine the -whereaboutslof a hard-to-get-hold-9f book . • I - . . • • =Quickly contact your friends to make plans for extra-curricular activities • •Keep in touch with folks back home—and they in turn will find it so convenient to reach you • ~..4(4' a kb it easy for anyone to contact you directly C - 1 • ' • /To arrange for your personal telephone service, Visit our Business ;/) Office at 6E. College Ave. or call, AD 7-491 L r :1 i PATENTION ROOMMATES: Your names can also be listed under the l rtelephone number in your fgbm. Make it easier for students arid others • I I te reach you. The charge Is low. ' 1 I 1"-------- I . I THE BEL( TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 4 . ) Your neighbors enlarging your world through senfice and sci4e: ARK; PENNSYLVANIA the HUB desk. During 1966-61. about 85000 tickets far sports and Artists Series events were dis tributed at the HUB desk. THE DESK STAFF also handles lost and found items, records, ping pong 'balls, booklets, brochures, invitations, announcements, met ropolitan daily newspapers and copies of The Daily Collegian.- SEPTEMBER 16. 1962,, Any student may select records from the collection at the HUB or bring his - own records and listen to them in one of the record booths on the first f100r... Informal ping gong rounds as well _ as scheduled tournaments are held on ,the grOund floor. Students also gather. informally in the study lounges and Lion's Den. The Book Exchange, non profit, student-operated agency, sells all supplies needed for the classroom as well as the Freshman dink and s liandbook in its quarters onthe ground floor of the HUB. Since 1856, the BX has been affiliated with the Used Book Agency. , .whitth• enables students to buy and sell used books. At the beginning 'of each term, the ÜBA posts a list of the names and prices of books needed for each course. Any student may place an sale a book listed by ÜBA. No student may charge more than 80 per cent of -the book's list price. The ÜBA charges the buyer and seller of .each book a handling fee of 10 cents. THE HUB HAS many facilities/ for meetings ',Study, dining and recreation. Within the period/ Of Sept. 19 to June , 1; 1961, 167-stu dent groups held 1.450 meetings there between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. with an attendance of About 60,000 students. Although, University students began to think about a student union in 1910 it wasn't •until 1951 that they voted to pay a special, fee of $lO each per semester Ito finance•" a campus center. When the , alumni and• administration- added • their• contributions to the fund, the project was , assured. Started in 1953, the HUB was opened in February, 1955. It was named after Ralph Dorn Hetzel. president of• the University from 1926 to 1947. I I \I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers