(SEPTEMBER 16 / 1962 Student Insurance Plans Sponsorecl by USG Insurance policies are again being - offered to all freshmen and 'upperclassmen - enrolled at the University. These policies are made avail able under the sponsorship of the jrndergraduate Student Govern ment. Higginbottom, Mai l quette & Bur roughs, Inc., of Pittsburgh, ,an nounced recently that' students will have three plans from which to amine. Each plan provides both accident and sickness insurance for a period of one year, the ef fective date of the policy to be the date of purchase. The 'policy is in effect during, all University vaca tions and covers the student no matter where he may be. THE BROADEST PLAN offered covers a student by both a basic plan, which covers initial medi cal expenses up to, $l,OOO and a major medical plan which pays succeeding expenses. : Beyond this amount, the com pany will pay 80 per cent of the eirpenses to a total of $7,500. • 'A second plan Includes 'the ma jor medical feature only BM re quires the insured student to pay the first $5OO. of expenses as a result of sickness ,or accident. The third plan has the basic benefit payments but not the major medical coverage. VOGUE Beauty Salon Our Specialized, Service HAIR COLORING by- Mr. Rom ' Open Mon. thru Sat. Tues.. Thurs. er Fri. evening Zit) 7-2286 364 .E. College :Ave. THE ATHLETIC TEXT BOOKS, NEW & USED DRAWING MATERIALS SPORTING GOODS STATIONERY OP OSITE MAIN GA A $l,OOO accidental death bene fit feature is included in the com prehensive plan—basic and major medical benefits = and in the plan covering basic benefits only. The insurance covers the stu dent while participating in intra mural athletics, except that pay ments for first aid treatment are not covered. • Application forms, further in formation and cost data can be obtained at the Hetzer Union desk, and in Recreation Hall dur ing regiStration. ,•., t", ' MEE THE DAILY 'COLLEGIAN. UNIV'ERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA -The Personnel of Kahn's Dress Shop extend a cordial invitation to to visit, our• shop. Browse around and become familiar With the names MADEMOISELLE, SEVENTEEN, GLAMOUR, HARPERS and VOGUE. latest fashions from Lanz of California, Johnathan Login, David Crystat, Sportivear,! Century, Lassie Coats, Weatherbee, Florence Walsh and ma nationally advertised lines. You will find a full range of sportswear, dress dumpers, lingerie, &yes, etc. KALIN'S DRESS SHOP 130 S. Allen St - 1 • WELCOME , . Open Monday 'til 9 p. m 11ATS TEA you mean fighting the ladies to get to a . beat-up "what-nor that's been tossed on a Ible, forget it! 2 you. mean Fashion that's new and is and wearable...for months, laybe years...with a price tag' ►at.knows how to behave lo l a easonable way ... get it . . . at FIRESIDE SHO at e go 417 - " E. COLLEGE All S OR .11' , %`" 11, i.r.;,,,t)._ r . 1.,,.inAmt,.. .4i,‘,1,..,,t,,,,.7.1174_14.1. ~..ei. _4,1. ,A, , , t' l ' ,A. i.; i • , . 1 " 1. 4 r Ol l4, 4..
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