ARY 20. 1962 Varsity Swimming Pool, Rec. Hall Expansion Slated If planning continues at its current pace, out-moded Rec` Hall will have room. for 3,000 more people in 1965 and Penn State will be well on its way toward forming a varsity swimming team. . Plans for a new western extension to Rec Hall which would extend the ( playing floors almost 90 feet and increase the seating capacity from ,6,000 to 9,000 were exainined late last week' by the`General State Au"thoritv in Harrisburg. Wafter H. Wiegand, direCtor of physical plant, said that it usually takes,three years to complete con struction, after the initial steps have been taken. I 'GSA also has apprbvedla rough draft; for a Pool Building to be constructed on Curtin Road where the . flower -plots are presently located. THE POOL BUILDING will house a varsity-size pool (75 feet) and a beginners pool and will have a seating capacity of be tween 1,500 and 2,000. GSA has appropriated $110,500 in architectural fees for the com pletion of plans for the building. Wiegand said that money7for the construction of the pool may not be approved until two years from how when GSA meets again to handle such matters. In addition to these two .proj ects, plans have been completed for a southern wing - on. Rec Hall. They will be out fpr biding some time before summer. :THE SYUTHERN=RUNG Will have eight courts each for each, for, handball and, squash and a' gym' floor the size of the current, gym floor ; minus the areas .for wiestling: and weight •lifting: . There will be limited seating, capacity for such events as fresh-' Shooters Trounce Duquesne 1412-1350 The Penn. State rifle team rolled to its ninth victory of the season at Duquesne Saturday by the con vincing score of 1412-1350., ; The, Lions (9-3) usually score 'higher than their 1412 score, but several of State's top shooters •didn't make the trip to Pittsburgh. Both' teams were - hindered by the .poor, lighting conditions in the Duquesne rifle range. Daye Kline and Dick Gogolkie wicz set the. pace for Penn State with, a score of 285. Other scorers for - ,the Lions were Bill Dankes ritei,.2l:ll, Walter Estep, 281, and Tom: Goff, 280. The rifle team's next match-will be • Saturday when it. entertains Carrgie Tech at the Rec' Hall rifle range. After that Penn State will be idle ;until March 30-.31 when they travel to Grove -city, Pa, for the National Rifle As sociation sectional matches. Ex-Grid Mentor Dies BETHESDA', Md. (AP) -- Scitt spoken Dick Harlow, gentleman, scholar : and football coach, died yeste i rday at the age,of.72: • He had been under treatment at Bethesda Naval Hospital since -Jan. 4 for a circulatory ailment. His death apparently was caused by , a heart attack. A member of Football's Hall of Fame, l HarlOw coached at Penn State.. from 1915-1017, amPiling a 20-8 record. " m 7,f to ;zit tt . _ Time To Order MIL- - BALL WOOD RING'S 1 Floral Gardens 117 E. Beaver Mt. - (across from Post Of fi ce) i• AD 8-056 6 tarianimeasoloomer.,,,, THE DAI man basketball game; and intra mural championships. i Several ' multr-purpose • rooms will be builtin the soutkiem wing. Wiegand said, that these rooms could be used for some form of athletic competition or for class-' rooms. S,'tiltl, c' .t ItS• WA. gotten'. All It'akti• yi• 1 c,,1 n * tier 230 new an I Ilnaall .C:it , i. A ; fa- it..niro's . Jaguar-,; lift:TCs; Tti , lit . V., !fealty's . an.rt Smite.: . '%oi • olt . c r , 3 .. iii ,, ,..::ht i : , ; t . -7 . ker! :frite Lama • I Lit, .. I , r ark t and trade Ilil . Construction of the western ex-! 'al ear. 1t.1.1 BC)" IW:tilt-Y. art It lira. tension probably will start;with-i opt.* (la •i ism. Write. or nhone Iktailtst , 311anatret foran,' Owes on' rtrodrilt •in six to eight months. Wiegand i .. tritl cniort in Lbre.ted in. ) . :1 , tones*. M'llnrk said the.rost of construction will 1 Rilif.V. ilk. York Cinnit 1 • Penna. bone be. $1.3 million. -: 1 PERFECT FORM: Mike Bullock of Alpha Chi Rho shows perfect inimhum 1,41. .... . ~... action , iiA 1.1.1 Cif A PrEfts 5..1.1 1 .., Head. , form in " executing ?ii. front dive in infra - mural swlrinnin7 TENTATIVE PLANS CALL for ' , h..... Placed ft,. than 3 hour., t3'S-00. diving th Bullock w on. ^. g even N ‘,.,1,: *he, 7, hydraulic lifts to be installed in last night in the Glenniand Poo?. !I . .... ....... ' part of . the gym floor, so that with a 23.7. but his team lost to Phi Epsilon Pi. 22 - '1 • i [NI NINI„ i:9),‘ is . . ins. 9. Good roddittom. , when the lifts are raised the floor I ,-.• 1.-m.lWe price, Call IN ft-011;4, -.- _ , ' W il l ' become a stage. Wiegand . : ~..,,,, ~.,Evv.. flood condition. tomvectrat. said that the,lighting and acoustics Close meets Mark 1M SwiiiiiT Achon ' • - ~, Mpit, Will tiara fa any reartoisablai of ter, riot TOM UN 5.44114 systems will also be irriproved.! 114 itcr Ift I.F RI.ECTIt (I B.ating — lifiCit;ine--• Thus Rec Hall will be better: 1 , • suited for Artist Series and sink-; With 2 c ; o i n iforn.::,-; : i -..'„E1h,.:i.....7.tii!.k;;, - :".. .:r,i- :: lar type: productions, I ontesis Decided by ......... „1,,,,,,.,...,--. iiitit•tr l ' trical;io;n-•1 ,3 *"`" 1 ' Pait of the bleachers in the new !, . • 33.4%; li itr ra S..aa, All nontilar lahrtis, oiling will be of a fold-away de-,' By JOE GRATA ',event with 19.7 points and thn ' backstroke, whiter teammate Jim oaoy, Tet..t tt• 4.1 At Sears Itilehtlck acid Com' sign, permitting removal andt Three close decisions were re-I :!..01 w. Collette ,we. • 1 - t won the breaststroke corn-'....- ****** ........,...................................... i . storage of entire sections tvhen!corded iu fraternity •intra-mural Kridel but it wasn ' t enough as FOB RENT not in use. '-','i, , - iswimming action at ' , GlenrilandiP etiti°r4 Po ' AVAILAIII.F. IM KED! AT i't Meta Sig fell one, , po int short of •••••••----..,••••- ri.....17.u.....:—..v0ur. The balcony track Peiln Stato's!Pool last' night when - Phi Epsilon . '•- iindoor track team uses for prac-iPi defeated Alpha Chi Rho, 22-13, victory.' ~. , nodsed on* bedroom anartnotat; heat, . itc ,. Rice will be extended around theiPhi Mu Delta edged Beta Sigma Mike Bullock of Alpha Chi Rho • rater, star, and retriaerator turnlihedi. ;perimeter :of the western; wing. inho, 21-20, and Siginm Phi Epsi- ` cored • a brilliant 23.7 in the div- 'rw _ turtlter larormath oi rail AD yas , ' lon eked cut a 20-19 ” win over ing event, but hil team fell torutr 1:1.6611 turn ishe.l efficiency apart. WIEGAND SID the vaisitylLambd3 Chi Alpha. . . iPhi Epsilon Pi, 22-18. , men( in Panorama lf Matte, tor 2 • .at. ' Idea t• or married coopla. 240 itwilatte pool will .have a diVing well and f i rst !in t heßullockhad, a 1.6 on the front " maim AD 74172 • John Agnew took - ' boards at one end. The beginners' backstroke;-Dave Reeler tarok first di , .9.6 •e, on the brick dive, and an *****'••« 1,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I poi) will have a maximum depthiin diving with a 13.3 and the re- t 8.5 on the optional dive, _which' ' LOST of five feet. , !lay • team won to pace Lambda Chikeai a fo”ward flying ;orriers - eult .---"4—**--""*" "" * "" -- " -- " :4 , —*-- " * " The building also will include:Alpha to its win over -Sigma. Phi ' with a difficulty of 1.7. • PAM Or stinoote• in ',lofts Line raw. telt I ill .11.1 Willard. C3ll eunal• UN 54142. ;locker rooms, showos, and coach-,Epsilon. The losers. previously . - - ies and offtcials roams. !heat Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 24.-17, , • . _ ittEv,Aitro Foe tit.• retool' of tot litit , qr "We're not certain just whatiin their only other start. _ IP/AA Playoffs Here 120 no r adar. rill Jan i'sN 4mis.• . the building will look like," Wie- 1 CHUCK CHAMBERS took the - Mt. Nittany seems to have a, winwr !NAT( it, whit.. c&.). Li ' di.- - 11, - ..". !gond - said, "but it may be design-!freestyle in 34.9 seconds and theiperfect set-up for Pennsylvania. Moe. Vicinity Itoort.e.loittiorl, Hien ant. led in such' n way that , the end relay., team copped first' place to:lnterscholastic Athletic Associa- 4 !1" 1- . 11'; 5-3'111 " , wall—probably to the south—will Phi Mu Delta over Beta - Sig ' tion (high school); playoffs. Each t I. % :i IST my funny little stsitare irlisaeals Ibe. open.. In summertime we can-ma Rho in the first start of theyear cross-country.. wrestling.' . ` I3Y. r‘n'ivr "ii " rh 6 ' 2.: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I have an,outdoor beach effect ' with;year for both squads. !tennis, golf, and trac are staged , • . WANTED isand."—Jim Karl • - t Peter Roth won the diving at Penn State. • SPACE, MISSILE & JET PROJECTS AT DOUGLAS have created outstanding career opportunities for . SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS B.S. degrees or better Assignments include the following areas: - Servo-Nbschonlsros-: relating to. Heat Transfer—relating to rnis all types of control problems . • site and space vehicle structures Electronic Systems—relating to Strusliures —relating to cyclic all types of guidance, detection, loads, temperature effects, and the control-and communications investigation of new materials, Propulsion —relating to fluid- methods, products, etc. mechanics, thermodynamics, Aeradrunnics—relating to wind • dynamite, internal aerodynamics tunnel, research,, stability and Environmental relating to air control Conditioning, pressurization and oxygen systems Solid State Physics—relating to metal surfaces and fatigue • Human Factors r analysis of i environment affecting pilotand • Spins 'vehicle and wealion space crevis; design of cockpit con- system studies--of all knie a, soles, instrument panels and pilot involving if vast range of scientific equipment and engineering skills • ' ' Get full information at INDIVIDUAL ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS We urge you to make as appointment through George N. P. Leetch, Dit.ectcr Placement S.7.rvic^.. If you varrit pteaie write to S. A. Amestoy; Staff Assistant to VP Engineering DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC. 3000 Ocean Park Blifd., SeinteMonica, California LLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PEN, with a Douglas represontative Monday, February' 76 or Tuesday February 27 An equal opportunity employer PAGE ELEVEN COLLEGIAN ICLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE Nj()S, t:KES, GUIt4IIII. Plana*, Has monJ OrirAn*—ateints. books, all atuala .upolt.c. Paste. 3,14,5te Center*. Rennet Pita Open •ttl * p taw- daily e*c-ept Wrdr Prows 1.• 5.3441 . _ _ _ ._ ..._ !THAI* -IS Th.L.EVISION 5,',11.s , ' , 11. cumlysel, rivomi it yn,,l, 14..2. Zetlit h T. V. KIK.. ,tc4nlc set . ice TF I.F.Vl:::tiri SERY tele iCENTIA: At ~ : r ATE a.. tztl.l“.F, TV. . .... 1 COMPI.KTE; SCIPLIA Dielit Outfit, 11.44. MiME=EIM T11.%11.K12. I:Vvrt• use. NAsitt!.% /.414e /1.16 vnd pAiw, Thnea .:31111111,, NO, 01 AD 4.004. 1111==1 na , :e h.* r.t 2o,thht Talc( Over nt, of sl , Wenn.% Call ==l TI) WENT br , g4nn.nat 'verb •• /Sport. ',writ (or the - rot• nr , or t• m 7.71.1 • (t , r 7:34. (:11t1, TO 3)IA apapriMet)/ for *print trim. real Ifelvo Al) 7-zn4l:- if VLF . ' It 'Of: def nernif Iv n..41#.1 (ur twe 10.%itiorri ) ,, Pmna. 112 . %I(inity., Any Orme- W ANTI.r): IWf.) waite , r*. - Al.) 1.1144. Aplik f.inr the rytorer Etii,lttitlle SALK:O4IW, pert tino. Wein; hour wf4k M.tlutr major •Pith. . eve lc Igo * tits V. 1,01 4. , M171144641,. C..fliart C. I. ltrydon, Itnrhor.lit iinct t'nronats • _HELP WANTED •••• • ;•••• ••••••• •••••••••••.• lIFILP ••••••• WANTED —l:ttrhrn •• holt). ••• Ctill AO or-ditt se* for ratorer. ==l WORK Wr.MTED WI&&iN1&& p•••• ••••••••.••• LL DO lICON,. • •••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••WII•040 MISCELLANEOUS 000000 PAW/ TOSE Employ rot•nt. Collet* eirodolkik: /nal. nt remal• A ft.roott atto4 onrenloll Work. 17 hours pot w...k ettiodttlo wilt bo erromited to suit (111111 . SA4 - WWI orbodul• ind/.lu-V. , we,/ hi fo, Csfl M, K i ps/. f.r f o.ot • t o.ou AD i-708,110.. 1 E• 4 O prr wrlwk wrior.virritErg -- cArinitin — AnzNci open }in,r•dar !btu Oder VW} VS fisturdey 9:30.:.34, ,CR A D 'ATi. CDENTS. lipprrerurtnirrt ' m for t l• It. Wont* With hat •n 4 r 414 •rUn'tlntr iral t tr or *firm. hntb, Sr or.. ,Ap'ring• matt/v:4ok 1 17.16NT1A4 Parriepr. to Inapri an/ Cooropir.... C' , 4.101•1. 113 Wlnit Ntttnaf, 411 k b 7.llvrt for AD 1.4460. • ~25 as COMMUNION DRICAKVAXT Feb Su a.m.. - NUM TITTBOV aslfroolg & If. ;make,: rather Jossob LArklir. -t 4 '•t: fißowt Srostotrd Pi Ow. n 0 V l'f;Y:T Tit iNTI ran -An 7 , 1054. klnt STA NumnD •nd 'Wide tY7Mvir' , " rrritielc. I qffmkt• tylle7rrit.7 typal,♦ ism an•t •it tilinis t►Okr* frativike !tint , Offiee Ir.quiponelet. tat Al) 4-41=. PovventsslArs ilvo”. Ar) 111-inlll ar PL £4$4S *lt 1 're CA MPS, temorta, A mobsnal pork • hay+ "1fm.411 over t,9050 sunompir job .urn. iort fqr mew é wcwvien Information ' , oil beatimr. dates or I& Nola r'446. ireosi Wile* of litu4rert 01. W !tart DP: It ABBY— What ea. 1 vpre • ' • HEIJA ABC RH*GiNG." Y. st. 21 jo B , •firwalw! Und.2W4t4L. 1.8 GALLERIA% Turis44l 111 6 4 )40.014 , 4 Patst-oro ma String 111 1 •Irt4, 3.1•4 Hrosol-74‘... starlTi rimer. Wkly.-YOU 0.• MMEMi7M
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