PAGE TEN MUSCLES STRAIN: Ste_le's Bob Haney grap- j pies with Bethel (Sonny) Greenhalgh : of Syra cuse in their 130• pound bout Saturday night * * * : * * Eierythini°Goes Wiling -' In. Grapplers ' 15-15.. DO* By DEAN SILLICK Assistant Sports Editor Some days ‘t just doesn't pay to , period on a front roll-out escape.! gel out: of . bed and„satorday POHLAND HAD a reversal. two takedowns. the near fall and AT 177 BILL POLACEK wres- i. : proved to be one of those days for; :a stalling penalty point to score'tled the best match of his career ' perm State's wrestling team. nis points. Lewis . - but was tied at the 'buzzer, 2-2,, On those days you just can't, had thr e e es- when Gary Sirota scored a re - . . win for losing and that was the'capes: • . - , -. versal. . i Lions' problem as Syracuse used,' The - h eav y- . ;• -, . ••,'.. Polacek knotched a first peiiod, Lady Luck to the fullest to tie weight bout was %,'-- ;' :.,. ,-., ••.•••• takedown' and seemed to !lave thei • . State-, 15-15, before 6,000 scream- typical of the en- L .,..',....” . ..,: • bout won, when with five sec ing fans in Rec Ran. tire it ig n t of ' 11 7 .47%." -44.. onds to go Sirota started his move; ..4 -I , . wre s't 1i n g for . -'; .. ; - for the reversal. Just as the buz- In fact the Orange came so close State. grapplers. , e , ' .- zer went off Sirota was awarded to winning with their run-away who ' are now ~ . - -_, '• ' two points. I tactics and good fortunes tliat . ., , would .x ~.-1.:, In exactly '• • ,z, ' ,v, : ti.,jsir - : .' The draw enabled Syracuse to even Barntim & Bailey 'four other caste , - N i ~ ...- i i take a 15-9 lead into the final two have been proud of the Lions' State came with- - ,:::, - : , bouts instead of a 13-10 advan-' that -saved' the day. .• -co m eback in seconds of - -,_ '- 4 tage. • BEHIKD, 15-8, with only two winning . Ed Paktum! John Barone was the other Lion bouts to go, State got a lop:lided At z 123 Denny Slattery and loser. The 157-pounder dropped' 5-0 win from co-captain Phil Myer. Larry, Nealon iought to a 1-1 to George Reidener, 5-2. 14 191 and a 9-4 rout from heavv-:draw; The Lion junior just missed CO-CAPTAIN ROWPIFEFI gave weight Ed Pohland to knot the.winning when he-locked nine sec-' State three pointi at 147 when, score at 15. Before that it locked onds aiding time of the one min like Syracuse would walk out vie-.ute advantage needed fora point. he survived a last period rally by' torious. . • *, SlalterY, now 0-1-2, had an es- Dick Slutzky to win, 5-4 on three .minutes riding time. Pifer, who cape, : as . did Nealon.. Pohland made a gallant bid to dropped from 157, led. 4-0, in the .- give State the victory when he 808 'HANEY was ;be next last period but Slutzky scored *a came within one-half second of. Lion '. - to . feel the sting of Dame takedown and then pancakestpifer planing his man, but things went Fortune , and the previously un-'into a two point predicamen't . ? - like_that all night, for Charlie beaten sophomore dropped his. • George Edwards 'dropped from Speiders grapplers. , 'first of the season. 5-4, to Bethel 147 and was held to a 1-1 tie by • ;Fred Hoffman. Both , scored es his 24 .seconds remaining i n :(Sonny) Greenhalgh. , bout with Art Lewis. Pohland. Haney : led 4-2 with 1:45 re-' capes with Edwards' having a had the Orange junior fiat on his maining in the 130-pound bout 37-second riding time advantage. back.-But Lewis wiggled free and but got called for stalling to nar--i . SUMMAR= it was State's last chance. :- ,row the margin to 4-3. Then with!, irs-siaiter v . Penn State. and Nolan. , ten -seconds left. Greenhalgtvdrew• 1- i. Some Lion fans felt Poland ten a leg takedown ,to w i n. 1,..4-4; teen hli Leh. Syraenfe. dee. Hailer. had the pin but referee John En-Thiney lacked seven seconds rid-1 137--Edteartla. Penn StiFte. and Hoff gel disagreed. "Pohland had his ircx time to get the point that man.' drrw• / 4 - man flat on his shoulders,l but would have tied the match. 147-142er. Penn State. ter. Slatak.r. 44- Is7-Cha nn el Syracuse. 4ue. Stegner. 2-I. Paid Stegner, wrestlinihis first 147—Reickener. Syracuse. !doe. Barone_ 4-2.. bout ;of tfie season for State, 2 1:n4/Leek. Penn State. and Skate. )(ISt, dr i77— •z. a heartbraking. 2-1 decision to; 191-Myer. Perin suite: rwe. Timmins. ] Bob Chappell at 167._Leading 1-0;s -t. going iuto the final Period. Stag-I,Tirt-Pobland. Penn, State' dec. Ltaria, nor watched 'Chappell ekape at. lieferr.e: Jahn...Engel. Priscaro - Named State! Non-Pro Baseball Chief WICHITA, Kan. (AP)—Anthony, Priscaro, New Castle, Pa., yester-' day was named Pennsylvania; state commissioner of non-pmfes sional baseball by the Nalional t -Baseball Congreb. The congress also announced the 26th annual! Pennsylvania championships would begin July 15 at New' Castle. COLLEGIAN PHOTO STAFF Compulsory Meeting Wet, 1 pm. Collegian Office Only excused absences will be accepted. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. - UNIVERSITY PARK PENNSYLVANIA before COW in Ric Hall. Haney his fi rst of the year, 5-4. as Syracuse held the i Lio ns to a 15-15 tie. !needed _another half-second for 2:11 and then score a takedown the pin`" Engel explained after with just 18 seconds remaining. !the mate)). Stegner scored in the second ,CAMP CHOCONUT friendsville, Susquehanna Co., Penna.. will interview- upperclassmen for Counsel lor positions In swimrrdrig, Red Cross instructioh,*shop and conservation (fores= . try skills) . . irstervifeWs: Friday afternoon / February 23 Further htfennetiti I. appeinhnents• Office of Student &id, 218.W8lird * it * Freedman Wins 5 . 00 t On Regional. ''Kegier Penn State's Jerry Freedman won - sece n nd place with a total of 1767 pins in the all-events scoring of the Region 3 Face-to-Face Men's Bowling TUurngnient held at 'tee Hall Saturday. - Facing in the top five qualifies Freedman to compete for the National , lntersollegiate Championship at the Ameri can Bowling Congress Tournarnekt in, Des ls:loines, 'lowa, April 7, 8 and 9:I : i Freedman rolled games. of 182, 257 and 180 in _the team event; 1.84,. 204 and 17i- in the' doubles; and 199, 178 and 212 it the singles. Three Picked: "I had one good game (257 ) . F0r NIT -Field that carried the rest. The of' were about average or si ly better," Fri mari said of success after tournament State's four bow' Jim Stanko 29), Charlies ler (1575). Al cher (1550) Al Haberl (1538)_f a ti e d t o Jetty ?rapists qualify for the 'Des Moines trip; • THE LION;BOWLERS, f inish . ed ment, with a • 12-team feild, is sceond -in the team- event 'with a!„sch,,ecLuiecl for March 15-24 at 2681 total, but failed to place in;'"'"'"'"n - Square Garden in New and top three of the singles or !York. The NCAA semi-finals doubles events. finals are slated at Louisville March 23-24 after a series of John Sfaclos of Newark Stateregional eliminations involving placed first in the all-events con-125 teams. test with a total of 1775 pins. The; The NCAA teams all picked other three places were -won by as at-large representatives--were In., Van Vliet, Rutgers, 1717; 'announced by Bernie Shively, ath- Ralph Perulo, SL Peter's College, lletic director at the University of 1716; and Tom Nligrock. West Vir-tlCentucky and NCAA tournament ginia. 17 . 03., • -chairman: Flowers . for Mil Bali? You'd. better order now BILL ULLEN . . - 130 fast Avenue io TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1962 By DENNIS KNECHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Three teams were picked for the National Invitation Tournanient yesterdaY as the tug-of-war for talent began between the two major post-season basketball tournaments. Here's how the first. chips fell: NCAA-0 rego n State (17-3), Creighton (16-4), Detroit (14-7), Villanova (16-6). NIT Providence (16-5), Du pguesne (16-5),, Loyola of Chicago 1 (16-2). The National Invitation.Tourna-
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