FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1961 Katanga Possible ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga, the Congo (P) Presi dent Moise Tshombe declared yesterday that the Communist bloc threatens to create a Korea-type civil war in the Congo. He expressed belief the West would avoid such a trap. The chief of independence-minded Katanga Province also charged that a prime aim of the Communists in exploiting the death of ex-premier Patrice Lu mumba is to get_ r:d of U.N. sec retary-General Dag Hammar akjold. While he often has quarreled with the U.N. official and has defied U.N. efforts to investi gate Lumumba's death, Tshom be said "Hammarskjold has the least responsibility in this af fair." Katanga insists Lumumba was killed by villagers after escaping from a prison farm and Tshombe chided the West for falling "into the Communist bloc's trap by ac cepting the theory of a political assassination and by glorifying an individual who was no more than a common criminal. Tshombe was replying to writ ten questions submitted by four correspondents. One dealt with recognition by the Communists and some other nations of Antoine Gizenga's rebel regime in Stan leyville, capital of Oriental Prov ince north of Katanga. "The decision of certain Com munist bloc countries to recog nize the Stanleyville government as the only legitimate government of the Congo promises to create a Korean situation," Tshombe said. Air Tragedy Brings Halt To Skating Tournament DAVOS, Switzerland (JP) —The International Skating Union yes terday decided to cancel the 1961 world figure skating champion ships scheduled to open in Prague next Wednesday. The tournament was called off because of the deaths of 18 members of the American team in the Brussels plane crash Wednesday. HEYI * Have You Hoard THE GREAT NEWS? FRANK NOW MAKES 8 GREAT BIG HOAGIES salami ham chicken tuna salad egg salad ham salad cheese and the fool long regular Bar-R-Qued . Chicken Halves and Wholes 50C and up FRANK'S HOAGIE HAVEN (Formerly Morrell's) 112 S. Frasier St. SPEEDY DELIVERY 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. CALL: AD 8-8381 ON ' FEBRUARY 21 Predicts in Congo Chief Korea 6 Workers Killed At Missile Base ROSWELL, N.M. (1P) An un attended 35-ton crane toppled into an underground . .-nissile silo and exploded yesterday. At least six workmen were killed and 14 were injured. Two of the injured were not expected to survive. The silo a 172-foot-deep pit on the southeastern New Mexico plains was to house one of the 12 intercontinental Atlas missiles which will be scattered around the city. Men working on the concrete sides of the silo were brushed from the walls like flies when the huge steel crane took its plunge. Me Pas Signs with Bucs PITTSBURGH tIP) Outfield er Ramon Mejias Wednesday re turned his signed 1961 contract to the Pittsburgh Pirates. Mejias, 28, of Havana, appeared in only three games for the Piz rates last year. He spent most of the season with Columbus, Ohio, in the International League where he hit .278 in 131 games. OME ANY WAY YOU ,AN .if you're about to receive a iegree in electrical, mechanical or industrial :ngineering. Our representative will be on ;ampus on the date at lower left. Sign up 'oday with your Placemeit Officer for an Iterview with an engineering-minded cora ony that talks your language. • M iwrw q • •• 'o4e ... ft • • * • Ni/ % t S % I t I WEST PENN POWER COMPANY CANN Mt, GUMMI*. PA. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Balloon Satellite Soars in Silence WASHINGTON VP) The United States put up a 12-foot balloon type space vehicle yester day but 3 1 / 2 hours later officials could not say whether it had gone into orbit around the earth. The balloon, folded lifte an ac cordion in the nose of the four stage Scout rocket, was success fully ejected ani inflated in space and began sending back radio signals. It was heard as it soared over Johannesburg, South Africa, at 8:42 a.m., at, possibly 16,000 miles an hour speed. And it was still beeping when it zoomed over Woomera, Aus tralia, at 9:20 a.m. but since then —Silence. Cuban Declaration Minted HAVANA (JP) Cuba is mak ing a pitch to stamp collectors with a, new postage stamp bear ing last fall's 2500-word Havana declaration. Anyone with a strong magnify ing glass can read the declaration which, among other things, says U.S. policies toward Cuba threat en peace. GET AWAY FROM IT AU! Stork by the Poet's Corner Hub Reading Room Tugs.. Wed., Thurs. 10:05-10:35 4+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44++++++++4 3. t The Chinese have their Chop Suey The Italians their Pizza Pie But the food that really hits the top Can be purchased by a visit to the ' SPUDNUT SHOP Made With Tender Loving Care h+++++++++44+44+++44++++++++++++++++++++++++44+44. "A GUIDE FOR THE DATELESS" With the cost of dating rising: higher and higher it is no wonder that so many of us men arc turning to discus throwing. Natur ally, we would prefer nuzzling warm coeds to flinging cold disci, but who's got that kind of money? Prices being what they are, the average man today has a simple choice: dating or eating. Unless the average man happens to be Pinter Sigafoos. Finster came to college with the normal ambition of. any average man: he wanted to find the prettiest coed on campus and make her his. He looked long and carefully, and at last he found her—a tall job named Kretchma Inskip, with hair like beaten gold. He asked her for a date. She accepted. He appeared at her Forority house that night, smiling, eager, and carrying a bouquet of modestly priced flowers. "Now then," said Kretehina, tossing the sleazy flora to a pledge, "where are we going tonight?" Master was a man short on cash, but long on ideas. He had prepared an attractive plan for this evening. "How would you like to go out to the Ag campus and see the milking machine' he asked. "Id," she replied. "Well, what would you like to do?" he Raked. "Come," said she, "to a funny little place I know just outside of town." And away they went. 1 : 1 1 WL1 ......., ,1--- . _ , .., . • •-. '...-.t , , , :: - -77 - - --,.- 7 t ~, I --- --- .1.4...„... , C ;. 4, - ** *, t ...,.. .14.. il ' r, '',—...,, • —• ' 1 —r. s.I . --4 ---. - _, --- , , '4,:..1,. edeeraetild The place was :Millionaires Rood, a simple country inn made of solid ivory. It was filled with beautiful ladies in backless gowns, handsome men in dickeys. Original Rembrandts adorned the walls. Marlboro trays adorned the cigarette girls. Chained to each table was a gypsy violinist. Mister and Krctchma were seated. "I," saki Kretchma to the waiter, "will start with shrimps remoulade. Then I will have lobster and capon in maderia sauce with asparagus spears. For dessert I will have melon stuffed with money." "And you, Sir?" said the waiter to Finster. "Just bring me a pack of Marlboros," replied Finster, "for if ever a man needed to settle back and enjoy the mild benefi cence of choice tobacco and easy-drawing filtration, it is the shattered hulk you see before you BOW." So, smoking the best of all possible cigarettes, Finster watched Kreteinna ingest her meal and calculated that every time her fetching young Adam's apple rose and fell, he was out another 970. Then he took her home. It was while saying goodnight that Finster got his brilliant idea. "Listen!" he cried excitedly. "I just had a wonderful notion. Next time we go out, let's go Dutch treat!" By way of reply, Kretchma slashed him across the face with her housemother and stormed into the house. "Well, the heck with her," mid Finster to himself. "She is juSt a gold digger and I am well rid of her. lam sure there are many girls just as beautiful as Kretchma who will understand the justice of my position. For after all, girls get as much money from home as men, so what could be more fair than sharing expenses on a date?" With good heart and high hopes, Finster began a search for a girl who would appreciate the equity of Dutch treat, and you will be pleased to hear that he soon found one—Mary Alice liematoma, a lovely three-legged girl with sideburns. We're no experts OM Dutch treat, but here's an Arnerkan trcat we recommend with enthusiasm—Marlboro's popular new partner for non-filt sr snsokers—the Ph il(p Morrie Commander. 111 B. Pugh St. On with Maxghtilman or of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf' "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc) . 1 . ~....,,,. 4 , ~,,,- , _, ~ ~,, ._ _,,,,,,...t,..... ) ,,,........„ Ikg (1 6 4 '1'710i *fe: 4ft l t I ' . 1 / , 1 % ',i - ,i, 't i; vl.'f..! / PAGE THREE C !DOI M at lllkoksaa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers