PAGE TWO 500 Sign Petition For Full Budget Well over 500 students have signed the Liberal party peti tion for a full University ap propriation horn the state, Dale Harris, campaign chair man, said yesterday. Student resrxinse to the cam paign effort has been good on the whole, Miss Harris said. However, she commented that some stu dents were apathetic and did not sign the petition after having the situation explained to them. "Ap parently," she said, "some people just don't care whether tuition goes up or not." Many students have remarked that they intend to write to their assemblymen in Harris burg to protest the governor's recommendation that the ap propriation be kept at $l7 mil lion (last year's sum), according to Miss Harris. President Eric A. Walker has asked for a Vi increase in appropriations for 1961-62 to pre vent a raise in tuition. Headquarters for petition circu lation were established on the ground Ifryir of the lletzel Union Building, just outside the card room. Petitions were also available at the HUB desk and several were circulated in the Lion's Den. Lib eral party members and volun teers are also canvassing frater nity houses and dormitories, in an effort to get as many signatures s pos n b le. The Liberal party campaign will continue for a week and a half, Miss Harris said, with petitions. circulating in all areas of the' campus. She has set no quota for the number of signatures for the petition. Physics Prof Receives Award for Microscope Dr. Erwin W. Mueller, research professor Of physics, who devel oped the• field ion microscope, most powerful microscope in the world, has been awarded first prize in the apparatus competi tion sponsored by the American Association of Physics Teachers. His prize-winning entry WaS a simplified version of the instru ment which has won him inter national recognition. NOT MUCH TIME LEFT! FEB. 17-18 • FEB. 24-25 "SUMMER AND SMOKE" by Tennessee Williams at Center Stage for reservations UN 5-2563 T. •. I. • It's Time Again for the WEST HALLS RECORD HOP • Featuring the Tap 40 Tunes NO Boys Admitted Without Sportcoats Girls Admitted Free from 8:00 - 8:30 No Action Taken In AWS Suspension The administration will take no action in--the matter of suspension of the Association of Women Students Senate meetings. Robert G. Bernreuter, - special assistant to the president in charge of student affairs, said, "This is a case of the girls running their own affairs" "This matter requires no ad ministrative action, nor will any be taken," he said. AWS Senate vas suspended Wednesday night by President Margaret McPherson. Miss Mc- Pherson said that any work ac complished by the senate this year could have been done in a committee. She explained that senate members have not taken their position and responsibility se riously and have not attempted to represent the women stu dents. She said that council repre sentatives and other senate mem bers have failed to supply /ny ideas. The suspension aroused varied comment from administration and senate members, as well as from the student body. Mrs. Mazian Davison, assis tant to the dean of women. commented, "I was surprized when Margaret announced that she was suspending the senate meetings, I am afraid she for gets that new ideas should be iA Xi belt Offers Grant Alpha Xi Delta sorority will' 'award a $l5OO graduate fellow-: !ship for advanced study in the; field of social service. Individuals interested in the award may obtain applicationsi .now from Nancy Griffin. Pollock! 4. The deadline for filing appli-1 cations is March 1 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA coming from the community councils." Susan Robbins, freshman in lib eral arts from Latrobe said, con cerning the suspension, "I think they really did it for show. They were really not planning to meet for several weeks anyhow. It sounds to me like they made a tot out of nothing." Patricia Dyer, chairman of `,he AWS Central Judicial Board, said, "I feel the suspension of senate is worthwhile if it accom plishes anything." . . • JUST RELEASED - MAKE WAY -',* THEKLINIW7STON . TRIP . . . , 4 0 Side 1: En El Agua; Come All You Fair and Tender Lades; Jug of Punch; Bonny - H,etan' Ladd,e; Utawena Hard Travel; n' Side 2: Hangman Speckled Roan; Tne Rt,erts Wide Oh, Yes, Oh'; Blow The C3ed:e Out Blue Eyed Gal _ (Sri 1474 C l / 4 -W Cay.toi , Inc 11=1 Grange to Interview A group meeting for June 1961 graduates interested in em ployment with Grange League Federation Exchange, Inc., will be held at T p.m. Monday In 210 Armsby. Individual inter views are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. NOW SNOWING No more exotic places or stranger moralities have ever reached the screen . . . nor any more fender, touching story of love! TONITE GABLE - MONROE - CLIPT NITTANT John Huston's "THE MISFITS" f :CI - 9:05 p.m. No one under la admitted except with adult! THE HIDDEN You gladly pay your share of taxes for America's defense and other needed federal services. But do you know that you and other Americans have been taxed more than $5,000,000,000 to put the federal government into the electric power business? And that may not be the end. Pressure groups for this government power are try ing to get the federal government to spend billions more/ This spending goes on regardless of the facts: There are hundreds of independent light and power companies, like this one, ready and able to supply all the electricity Americans will need—without depending on your tax money. WEST PENN POWER b.w..41 4w 1 A „....., *1 Writers' Pimettaide FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1961 M==l • • ••• • • •• • • • . • • • -. C:(fOf • '•• • TL ..-• • .••••• • • vao ••• ti fi .7.itf, ••••• • c TAXI RETURN GRATIS 0:1;1;11=1;1 ATHILUM Feature Regina 2:08, 4:30, 7:00. 9120 p.m. aWe ballasa 4k.11•1012 11PaIgla • k riemaao lass Aogoti rt' FEDERAL TAX YOUR CHECKBOOK -~_~~~
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