SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1960 West Close By SANDY PADWE Cautious Gene Corum re fuses to make any predictions about the outcome of next Saturday's Liberty Bowl bat tle between Penn State and Oregon. However, he is certain about one thing—"the fans are going to see a great ball game between a wide-open Oregon team and a hard-hitting Penn State team that blocks exceptionally well." For those who don't remember, Corum is the unlucky fellow who inherited a crumbling football dynasty at West Virginia Univer sity this year and watched help lessly as the Mounties wound up with an• 0 1 8-2 record. Two of those losses were to Penn State (34-13) and Oregon (20.6), so Comm, who is still recovering fr o m shellshock, qualifies as an expert on the two teams. "Oregon is a different type team than Penn State," Corum drawled into the phone yesterday from his office in Morgantown. "They use what we call a pro offense With split ends and wide backs." They have a real fine quarterback to run that offense in Dave Grosz. "They also have a real crowd pleaser in this little scooter Cleveland Jones (5-3, 148). He's a dangerous outside runner and pass receiver. "Now the other halfback—Dave Grayson—is more of an all4ound player than Jones and he has good speed too," Corum said. • Corum explained that the Ore gon attack is basically a passing SERVING FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY FISH in a BASKET w/tartar sauce, french fries, our own baked bread, creamery butter, apple butter, rind tea or coffee $.95 Dutch Pantry 230 E. College Ave. ~., W ow is the time , „ ..„. ~,,,, •..,_...--. to Reinembet" c..„..... i i ..,.,, 0 j .We are CHRISTMAS CARD HEADQUARTERS + See our We feature ossoß special values. Fine Quality Christmas Cards Available at KEELER i s THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE . On E. College Across from East Gate Since 1928 Virginia Coach Predicts Battle in Liberty Bowl offense because of the wide flank ers and split ends. It was originated by Stanford and it is now used widely in pro fessional circles. The way Corum sees it, next week's game could turn into a battle between the swift Oregon backs and State's battle-hardened linemen. "Down here, we were a little more impressed with Penn State's line than Oregon's. "Now don't get me wrong," ICorum said looking ahead to fu ture meetings with Oregon, "they have a good line and they are tough defensively but Penn State's itwo lines blocked better than any one team we played this year." Cortnn isn't the only coach who THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Gene Corum came up with such an endorse ment. Tommy Nugent of Maryland stated flatly that State's line play was the margin of victory when the Lions beat the Terps, 28-9. The next week Dr. Eddie An derson shook his head in amaze ment as he thought about the beating his Holy Cross linemen took from Penn State. It was the same story the week after against Pitt. "Lhonestly don't know how this one will come out," Corum said, "all I know is that I'm glad I'll be watching instead of coaching." Packers Battle 49ers SAN FRANCISCO (?P It's Green Bay's power against San Francisco's shotgun attack in to day's battle between two of the three clubs sharing the top spot in the National Football League's Western Division. • '!' 'Jr '• • ''',, C. -' 4 ,„... 1 ~, ~/t , z-, • i O , • , ss:, -,,... . , s i 44 ~..,. .1 • ;rye - ;A s .., 1 1 1 „4,1 1 : 4 ,' or 10 9;4 40, flo o („) • ;•"" atioF. • en ekt ! A/A, Bktvvt, CANDIES Famous Russell Stover chocolate assortments and home-fashioned favorites, packed in colorful Christ mas-decorated boxes, $1.40 one-pound box. Other sizes from 70c to $6.75. Exclusively at Griggs Pharmacy East College Avenue Have a real cigarette-have a CAMEL - '.:;44o'in ;5.V.k1? s)•-' 1 !m oo WI , ' ..}Y: •,,i .. A ,F 1 e0...r....,': . ... W....,, , . ':,. . .. 0 . i. • A ‘ofAir ' it> , ' / 5 '''' .. 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Morquene Drops MILWAUKEE Mar- ing "We Want football —we want quette, the nation's largest Catho- justice • lie university, dropped football Faced with a recently an nounced fund-raising drive for and track yesterday in a sta gg er- ,530 million in a 10-year academic ing blow to the role of intercol- expansion program, the Mar legiate athletics in the academic quette powers decided the loss of program. ,!soine $50,000 on football this year The action' leaving Marquette : was too much to take, despite a with only one major sport, bask- 78-year tradition as a major in etball, touched off an angry pro- dependent. test by some 3,000 students who: Track, perennially a money emptied classrooms and marched loser, will be abolished after the on downtown Milwaukee chant-1960-6I school year. FRESHMEN OPEN HOUSE PHI DELTA THETA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 , / x - v (WEST CAMPUS) 2 - 4:30 P.M. Refreshments -...- :::-.,-- .1 ....,. ;:-.;•,-...-; ' , .., - .... i.:::' • ) 4. :.• / .. .. :0 0...ft.4. *: .... .„:. i 4 i' : ', ~; .. , ... VA S 1 I I ) kn.- s Itie 1 4 , 1 4 . '...-...-. - .W t . .:,'ilkk .. .`" .. :::......24.:. ;;. m et 2 PAGE SEVEN Football
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