PAGE SIX Duke Trounces Cagers, 69-46 Poor Shooting Hurts Lions; Heyman High CHARLOTTE, N.C., Dec. 9 Poor shooting hampered Penn State again tonight and the Nittany Lions dropped a 69-46 decision to Duke's battling Blue Devils before 6500 in the spacious Charlotte Coliseum. The Lions, who play Wake Forest here Saturday night, are now 2-2 for the campaign and * * * both losses have been to Atlantic Coast Conference teams State lost its opener to Mary land, 64-47, when tht• Lions con nected on just 24 per - , •nt of their shots. Tonight it wa the same story. Coach John Egli's crew made only 17 of 60 shots (28 per cent) and were held to a lowly 14 points in the first half. Duke didn't do much better in the first half but they led 25-14. at the intermission, The Blue Devils increased their lead to 15 points shortly after the start of the second half and then State came to life. The Lions cut the Duke lead to nine. 37-28, the closest they e;trte on night excent for the opening minutes. Art Heyman, who may be the best sophomore in the country, Carroll Youngkin, and 6-9 Doug Kistler quickly opened the gap again with excellent board con trol and deadly shooting. With 5:36 left, Duke led 57-37. Al this point, coach Vic Bubas be gan to clear his bench. Heyman was the top scorer for both teams, with 27 points. Young kin had 17 and Kistler 14 for Duke. Gene Harris, who scored all his points in the second half, was high for State with 16. Mark Do- Mars had 14 and John Mitchell had 12. In the second half of tonight's doubleheader. West Virginia beat Wake Forest, 80-73. Wake Forest's All-American center Len Chappell made his first appearance of the year with his injured knee heavily taped and scored 21-points. Rod Thorn had 24 for the; Alounties and Billy Packer scored! 27 for Wake Forest. SET SHOTS Duke only had four more rebounds than State (50-46) but it seemed the Blue Devils came up with the im portant ones all evening . . Guard John Mitchell was State's top rebounder with 12 followed by Gene Harris with 9 .. . Jake Trueblood only made one of ten shots for Penn State . Earl Hoffman was 0-5 . . . Duke made 29 of 65 shots for The All American RATHSKELLER Presents HOLIDAY WEEK DEAN of the College of Malt Beverage Invites One and All for OLD FASHIONED FUN COMBO NIGHT Monday, Tuesday BOWERY NIGHT Wednesday DIXIELAND NIGHT Thursday, Friday with girl waitresses FAVORS FREE MARK DuMARS . . . scores 14 * * * 42 per cent ... State's two wins were over Purdue, 63-59, and Lehigh, 66-50 . . , Duke is 2-0 . . The Blue Devils beat LSU, 80-74, in their only other game. DUKE 1601 PENN STATE (46) Fg F Tp Fr F Tg Heyman 11 6- 7 27 111161ars fi 4- 6 14 Hurt 2 1- 1 6 Hoffman 0 0- U 0 Younvkin /.; 1- 6 17 Phillips 0 0- 0 0 Kistler 6 2- 4 14 Tlllollllod 1 2- 4 4 Frye 1 0- 1 2 11.,rriFt 6 4- 6 16 Mullen 0 0- 0 0 Mitchell 6 2- 2 12 Cantwell 1 0- 0 2 Mew hurt 0 0- 0 0 fle9l 0 2- 2 2 Albright 0 11- 0 0 Totals 22 11-2 0 lIS Totals 17 12-17 41' Basketball Scores NBA St. Louis 131 racuse 11? College St. Johns 55 Kansas 54 Western Hy. 77 East. Tennessee 65 Duke 69 Fr nn State 48 Army F 4 Pitt Sn Indiana St. 73 F.dinlioro 43 Lafayette 64 Nlavilltittnn 59 Princeton 95 Nfivy 72 Penn Rutgers 80 ilftmilhat SI Harpur 66 llccrifin Tech 57 SMII 64 - Morris Harvey 150 Concord 56 VPI 105 Davidson 59 Iltirstra Ff. Mt. St. Marys 75 Rochester Gil Amherst 58 Maine 114 Vermont 63 Western 51aryIntul 54 Lycoming 78 Western Reserve 66 Thiel 61 11214' mil 53 North Dakota 62 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Matmen Meet Mounties Today; Seckler Gets Starting Berth Co-captain Jerry Seckler, ousted from the starting line-1 up by Neil Turner last week,! will get his first start of the! year this afternoon when the Penn State wrestlers meet unH beaten West Virginia at Morgan-; town. Seekler, who went undefeated' 'in ten regular season matches last' year. won the starting assignment • thanks to a strong showing in practice this week. Seckler and Turner have proved through their performances in practice that they are evenly matched. Good friends off the mat, they will probably be fighting for the starting berth at 147 each week In the only other lineup change, John Barone may re place Bill Pola cek at 167. Ba- Jerry Seckler cone, a junior, has been giving Ron Pifer tough workouts at 157 all year, and Speidel may decide to give him a chance at 167 Carbo Linked With Liston WASHINGTON UP) A St. say whether mobsters are be- Louis police lieutenant testified hind Liston. yesterday that imprisoned hood- Vitale and Mitchell who a lum subcommittee lawyer indicated Frankie Carbo owns 52 per' - h cent of the contract of ranking have extensive police records were threatened with citation for heavyweight boxer Sonny Liston. contempt of Congress. Lt. Joseph Kuda told the Sen-: It was the first time witnesses ate Antimonopoly subcommittee have li balked at answering clues- • ons since the subcommittee re he also had found that Philadel- opened its hearings on gangland phia racketeer Frank (Blinky) influence in the ring busines. Palermo owns 12 per cent, John Onetime bigshot fight promoter J. Vitale of St. Louis another 12. James D. Norris earlier told the per cent, and the remaining 24;subcommittee behind closed doors per cent is owned by others. that Carbo was "especially help- Kuda was summoned after Vitale and Frank Mitchell, pub lisher of a weekly newspaper in St. Louis, both invoked the Fifth Amendment in refusing to IF IT'S A 800 K... WE'VE GOT IT! Over 5,000 Titles in PAPERBACK EDITIONS In a Wide Variety of Subjects. Also NEW and USED BIKES New Bikes ... $37.95 to $54.95 Girls Used Bikes ...$19.95, $22.50 and $24.50 You can get it at . . . METZGER'S (on College Ave.) By JIM KARL against the Mounties. If a pre-meet rumor comes true, one of the best matches of the afternoon should be the 191-pound battle between State's John Tro jan and Mountaineer junior Ray Bazzoli. Bazzoli was a second-unit' end on the Mountie football team this fall. He won all eight of his matches at heavyweight last year and copped the Southern Con ference heavyweight crown but Mountie Coach Steve Harrick may move him down a notch today. Sophomore Denny Slattery will start at 123 for State. The former Williamsport high school star de cisioned Army's Phil Burns, 12-6, last week. Senior Ralph Staten (11-3) will get the nod for WVU. Tony Scordo meets Mountie eorge Thompson at 130. Scordo tas a career record of 8-4-2 and 'hompson is 6-6-1. State's Dan Johnston and West irginia's Bob Petres will hook up ip in a dual .at 137. Petres, runner-up for the South rn Conference title last year, tas a career mark of 17-5-1. Johns on (10-4) decisioned Army's Den ny Benchoff, 8-4, last week as the Lions won 24-10. At 147, Seckler will probably meet Howard Lester, who was 2-5 as a sophomore last year. Either Mike Locke or Gary Wilson will ful" in lining up fighters Jake La- Motta, Carmen Basilio and Tony DeMarco for matches sponsored by Norris' International Boxing Clubs. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1960 !provide the competition for Pifer at 157. Barone will meet Mike Su Ivan, an untested sophomore from !Martinsburg, W. Va., in the 167- pound , class. Phil Mycr will go against Paul Hoblitzell at 177. If Bazzoli drops down to 191, Torn Greaser will handle the iheavyweightehores for the Moun taineers. Co-captain Johnston Ob erly will represent the Blue and White. Paret Defends Title NEW YORK (IP)—Benny (Kid) ;Paret, a hustling little Cuban, makes the first defense of h;s world welterweight boxing title tonight in a 15-round pick-'em fight at Madison' Square Garden with Argentina's Federico Thomp son. campus character: BLACKSTONE TORT Pride of the law school, Blackstone has never lost a moot trial. But there's noth ing moot about his prefer ences in dress. He finds that when he's comfortable, he can trap a witness and sway a jury like Clarence Darrow. So he always wears Jockey brand briefs while preparing his briefs. Exclusive Jockey tailoring gives him a bonus of comfort he gets in no other underwear. Fine Jockey combed cotton is more ab sorbent,smootherfitting, too. To look your best, feel your best, take a tip from Tort. Always insist on Jockey brand briefs, $1.25. Your campus store has them now! corms I NCORPORATCD • KENOSHA, WIS. 'Jockey briefs
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