PAGE EIGHT Deadline Set For BusAd $lOO Award The deadline for applica tions for the Business Admin istration Council award of $lOO was extended to Wednes day, Jan. 4 recently at a meet ing of the council. A motion was made by John 13onella, senior in business ad ministration from Philadelphia, to drop the requirement of a 3.0 All-University average, but after discussion council members de cided to keep the original require ments. As originally stated by the council, applicants will he con sidered on the basis of service to the College of Business Adminis tration and the University, char acter and at least a 3.0 All-U. They must also be enrolled in the College of Business Administra tion and must he of junior or senior standing. A letter will be sent to all eli gible students this week. These must he returned to the council by the deadline date. Larry Abrams. president of the council, reported that further in vestigations of the "K" rules and their effect on the students and faculty will be conducted. Find ings will be revealed at the next council meeting. . More Arctic Weather To Bring Snow Flurries Mostly cloudy, windy and chilly weather is expected today. The high temperature will be near 35 degrees. Snow flurries should begin late in the day and continue tonight. Colder weather is predicted for tonight and the low will be near 16. Snow flurries, breezy and quite cold weather is due tomorrow and the high should be about 27 de grees. Christmas Party-- (Continued from page four) ricks, as hostess for their Christ mas party at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity house. Miss Hendricks will narrate and illustrate a Christmas story for the 20 local children in attendance. Kappa Sigma fraternity and Theta Phi Alpha sorority are fix ing used toys to be turned over to the Bellefonte Children's Wel fare Organization for distribu tion to needy children in the area. 4iduttwek„ ecoul4. Wken y tate mei to sod thr rag Oust CHRISTMAS CARD COLLECTIONS IN BOXES From 59c to $2.50 Rich designing at a moderate price makes it so nice to remember those near and dear with a Hallmark card—from our large selection of Hall mark boxed collections. • McLANAHAN'S Self Service 414 E. College Ave. McLANAHAN'S Drug Store Coaly Society Will Sponsor Speech Contest The Penn State Coaly Society, agricultural activities honorary society, will sponsor the fifth an nual Guilden Speaking Contest beginning at 8 p.m., Monday in 105 Armsby. The contest is open to students in the College of Agriculture. !Competing students will speak on subjects concerning agriculture. Finals will be held at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, in the same room, The prizes to be awarded are $75 and a gold medal for first place, ; $5O and a silver medal for second place, $25 for third place and $lO leach for fourth, fifth and sixth places. Karl Koch, contest chairman, • will be assisted in the judging by !Miss Patricia Terry, graduate stu dent in speech from State College; 'Kenneth Williams, graduate stu dent in speech from State Col lege; Harold Walton, associate professor of agricultural engineer ; ing and Howard Bonser, professor of rural sociology extension. MRC Constitution-- (Continved from page one) ,'set into law, on matters with which the area judicial boards have had difficulty. All of the members of the MRC will have to maintain an All- University average of 2.0. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Oklahoma Votes to Stay NORMAN, Okla. (?P) Disre garding differences with the Big Eight conference, the University of Oklahoma voted to stay with the loop and not go independent. BELL 20-WATT Stereo Amplifier, $70.; AM-FM Timer $25. Call Vito, AD 8-1158. THREE LIBERTY BOWL seats, 35-Yd. line, cheap. Call Charles at AD 84795. GARRARD HI FL good condition. Call Alpha Xi Delta and UN B-8500. Goes to highest bidder. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe sedan, 7500 miles; twin beds; large two bedroom apartment for rent. Phone AD 8-6087. SINGER ELECTRIC Portable Sewing Machine, used and in perfect condition Can he guaranteed if desired. $29.95 AD 8-5267. HOUSE TRAILER, 1955 Colonial 35'N8', excellent condition. 2 bedrooms. Franklin Manor Trailer Court. Call AD 7-2555. 1559 REMBRANDT Trailer, 43:00, excel lent condition. Two bedrooms, full bath. porch, patio owning, lots of extras. Park Forest. Call AD 7-2819 after 5:30. ARE YOU OUT OF STATE? Handsome imported ALFA ROMEO, light yellow, illegal in Pennsylvania, can be had at a bargain. Call ADams 7-2801. USED TELEVISION sets, 17" - 21" table and floor models. Bums TV, AD 7.3962. MR. SPENCER will speak to interested students on the Civil Service exam. government jobs & summer jobs for jun iors. 103 Willard, Dee. 12, 7.0 P.m CASUAL COATS! For rain, wind, sleet or :mow (short or long): $10.95 - $39.95. ,Atherton Shop, 234 E. College Ave., AD 18-2212. SPACE TECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES INVITES GRADUATE STUDENTS to discuss careers in the space sciences with members of its technical staff when they visit your campus on . DECEMBER 15, 16 maintains a large staff of skilled specialists who are devoted entirely to the research and development of advanced space and missile systems. Recent STL achievements include Explorer VI and Pioneer V, for which STL had complete systems responsibility. In addition, STL provides systems integration and test for the major Air Force Ballistic Missile Weapon Systems. Please make arrangements with your placement office for interview appointment. If unable to see our representatives, you may contact STL by mail. Address your resume to: College Relations. Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. P. O. Box 95004, Los Angeles 45, California. SPACE TECHNOLOGY LABORATORIES, INC. • • COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Space Technology Laboratories:lnc. of Los Angeles, California, You are urged to see our representatives if your interests are in any of the following challenging fields Theoretical Physics Magnetohydrodynamics Experimental Physics Solid State Physics Applied Mathematics Digital Computers Space Communications Computer Design Radar Systems Guidance & Navigation Research Profs to Talk 0 "Artificial Intelligence" will be Science Research Center to be discussed by Dr. Dean Browning held at 12 noon Thursday in din and Dr. W. W. Bledsoe, of Ad- ing room A of the Hetzel Union. vanced Research in Palo Alto, Calif., at a luncheon of the Social' WANTED RIDE TO N.Y.C., Dee. 16 after 2 p.m and return Sunday. Dec. 18. Urgent Call Bobbie, UN 6.8759. WANTED PAIR men's :size 12 figure Antes. Call after 6:00 p.m. at AD 7-7141. A RIDE WEST, preferably to Mexico, Christmas vacation. Call Denny" AD 8-2944 evenings. FLOOR SHOW for ISA Club Hubana Dec. 17. Persons with suitable act please contact Dick or Lloyd AD 8-1989 after 7 p.m. RIDE TO N.Y.C. for two, Dec. 9 or 10 Urgent I Call AD 8-8384. AUTOMOBILE, PLEASE, to rent for this Saturday. I offer you 10a a mile and will return Sunday. UN 5-4535. EIDE TO Valley Forge Monday. Dee. 19 after 9:00. Call Mario UN 6-2.065. WANTED: USED TOYS for needy chil dren. Call Kappa Sigma AD 7-2044 or AD 5-0464. We will pick up toys. HELP WANTED ACCOMMODATIONS NEAR campus in exchange for good typing (male). 129 S. Pugh, Apt. 1. Leave note if nobody home. PHI KAPPA TAU will interview waiters for the spring semester. Apply in per son for the best food in town. PART TIME WORK—college students (male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rogers between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. AD 8-2051 Salary $46 a week. Antennas and Microwaves Telecommunications Inertial Guidance Electro-Mechanical Devices Analog Computers Engineering Mechanics Aerophysics Applied Aerodynamics Propulsion Systems Systems Engineering SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1960 'Artificial Intelligence' COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS BUY. SELL, TRADE, TELL ==l LOST WILL PERSON who accidentally picked up my blue Penn State jacket outside 202 Willard, between 3:00-5:00 Tuesday, please call UN 5-5581, ask for Luke. LOST! TRI-DELI PIN, basement of Schwab; necessary to return. UN 5-4213. AFROTC OVERCOAT containing three keys, in Wagner, Dec. 8. Cali Brad UN 6-5713. LOST: PAIR OF black frame - glasses, yellow case. Call UN 5-2065, Vicki. GREEN CORDUROY stadium coat between 11 and 12 a.m. in 9rd floor 'Douche. I have yours!! Call UN 5-2940. PAIR BLACK-RIMMED glasses, probably in Waring South -Dining Hall. Also black Timex Watch in Rec Ball. Call Ken UN 6-2278. FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM Apartment, $B2 per month. Available Feb. 'l, 1961. Call Federated Home and Mortgage, AD 8-8600. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY . Apartment suitable for couple; parking. Available Feb. Ist. Phone AD 7-7792 or AD 8-2208. 46x10 FURNISHED TALLER at 1255 N. Allen. Call AD 7-7055 for information. ROOMS FOR RENT—Comfortable week- end accommodations for "PARENTS" and "FRIENDS." Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave. Telephone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-9850, ask for Mrs. Cox. MEN STUDENTS: One vacancy In fur. nished apartment for two—s 39 ends month; Including everythlmr. Coll AD 8-1409 after 8:30 p.m.
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