PAGE SIX State Can Keep Mitjnger, Terrapins Have Collins As far as Maryland football fans are concerned, Penn State can keep Bob Mitinger, Pitt can have Mike Ditka, Syracuse can have Fred Mautino and Missouri can stick with Danny Larose, The reason is Gary Collins, considered to be one of the finest ends in Maryland’s rich ★ ★ ★ football history. '>• " v Only a junior, Collins has received rave notices wherever the Terps have played for bril liant offensive and defensive work. "At the present time, he defi nitely is the finest pass receiving end Maryland ever has had.” says Terp sports publicist Joe Blair. "He has a great pair of hands and is one of file most spectacular type receivers in football today. "It is a rarity when he drops the ball. He has fine speed and has an uncanny way of getting in the open. "Collins also has exceptional strength defensively. He does a fine job of rushing the passer and is hard to block out of the way,” Blair said. Collins’ all-round ability has put him high on the list of pros pective All-Americans. Just two weeks ago he was selected as the Atlantic Coast Conference lineman of the week . . . All-American Candidate for his defensive performance ir -k ir Wak^Fore"?’ 5 UPSe ‘ ° f ing line wi]l be com P osed of His fourih period interception-sophomores and juniors, of a Wake Forest pass killed thej Gordie Bennett, a sophomore, Deacons’ last scoring chance, andiand junior Tom Sankovich will be' earlier he partially blocked a field .1 p tarklp<- - ! goal attempt that could have pro- _ „ nnn . vided the winning margin. Bennett goes 6-3, 230 and ts Offensively, Collins has done considered to be a fine pro pros an outstanding job. He has caught; peel even though he hasn't IS aerials for 217 yards and two; completed a year of college ball, j touchdowns. Sankovich (6-0, 200) hails from Maryland’s other starting end,Uniontown, Pa., and has done an tomorrow in Beaver Stadium mayiexcellent job for coach Tommy! be Walter Rock or senior co- Nugent’s Terps this fall. j captain Vinnie Scott who is re-1 Dave Crossan (6-2, 205), a con-! covering rom injuries. . !verted center, and junior Bill! the rest of the Terrapin start- Kjrchiro (g.j. 2]s)i a converted l tackle, get the starting assign ments at guard. The center will be Bob Hacker, a 6-1, 215-pound junior from New Brighton, Pa. GRID NOTES There was plenty of confusion at the Mary land-South Carolina game at College Park, Md„ last week end , . . Both teams showed up with red jerseys, while helmets and while pants . . . Terp coach Tommy Nugent solved the prob lem by giving South Carolina a set of white jerseys . . . The Terps Ihen blasted the Game cocks, 15-0, for their third straight win and their fourih win in seven games . . , Their ! other wins have been over West Virginia, Wake Forest and Clemson . . . They've lost to Texas, North Carolina State and Duke. Yanks Hire Hamey To Replace Weiss NEW YORK m Rov Harney. sfi. succeeded George Weiss, 66, as general manager of the New York Yankees yesterday as the latest step of a youth movement that previously resulted in, the fir ing of 70-year-old Manager Casey Stengel. Dan Topping, Yankee co-owner, said Hamey would work on a year-to-year basis at his own re quest. No terms were disclosed but Hamey was believed to have settled for somewhat less than Weiss’ reported $lOO,OOO salary. Topping said Jack White, gen eral manager at Richmond, would be wilh the Yanks in 1061 but did not outline his duties. "I am not going to meddle with suece<s." said Harney, who spent 10 of his 3G years in baseball in the Yankee organization. ‘'How ever. we intend to intensify our efforts in the procurement of raw talent. You can't keep on winning pennants by making trades. You must develop your own. Treat Yourself To an enjoyable weekend of relaxation in the friendly at mosphere of the Lion's Den. You can drop in early Friday morning and stay until late Saturday night and under one roof satisfy your hunger, thirst, and companionship yearnings. Yow favorite beverage, your favorite friends, and your favorite foods. Shrimp Steamed Clams Sandwiches REMEMBER - ADULTS ONLY Lion's Den By SANDY PADWE Place: Waring Lounge THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! ALL GIRLS ADMITTED FREE TO THE WEST HALLS RECORD HOP Lion Harriers Seek Perfect Campaign Penn State’s harriers, winners of five straight this fall, will be seeking their-first undefeated season since 1953 when they meet Manhattan at 3:45 this afternoon in New York. The Jaspers, always tough on their home course, have not lost in Van Cortland Park for o{ the nearest opponent. . ' three years. Gerry Norman, State’s sopho- Coming into today's meet, more sensation, will be shooting Manhattan has a 4-1 record. I for a phenomenal tenth straight with wins over Providence, I first place finish in today’s meet. lona, Dartmouth and Fordham. ; Steve Moorhead, the ihird The loss was to Army. I member of the Lions' big three, Don Cony is Manhattan’s top wiU to | m P rove on last runner. He started off slowly Y, e * performance agamst against Providence and lona, but finished has progressed rapidly and was *£ ft h. Moorhead has garnered the Jaspers top man against firsts for the season along Army. He placed fourth against a second a 9 alnst Miclngan the Cadets and last Saturday; T . , placed first in the Fordham meet. t . How 4 le Deardorff, the Lions Art Evans was the, big gun for ; ° ther , tO P sophomore runner, has the Jaspers in MHnMB i been proving steadily all sca the early part I*® 11 and C0l ! ld chal '* nge the big of the season, thl n ee f ° r . a top Position nlacine first m■ • « Rounding out Werners lineup atrainst Pmvi ft &I [are Dennie Johnson, Fred Larson, dence, lona, and ' ■ ! Lione! Bassett, Mike Miller, Dave , - -vl, v.- Dartmouth.' He has tapere'd off since, finishing eighth against i Army and third | against Fordham. \ Larry St. Clair, * John Corry, and ; Joe Dreiss are sitv* Moorhtad other returnees from last year’s team. Lion senior Herm Weber, run ning the lasi dual meet of his varsity career, will captain the Lion harriers today. Weber ran his best race of the season last year against the Jaspers, finish ing first a full 50 yards ahead GUS'ES for the BEST PIZZA in Centre County AD 8-1461 AD 8-9012 between 8:30 and 9:00 p. m. Time: 8:30 to 12:30 LaHoff and Ernie Noll. wi 1k Coveted A.I.M. Trophy Awarded At TONIGHT'S PEP RALLY Who has the most spectacular banner! The final test oi Penn Stale spirit... the proof to squelch the spirit-doubting cynics . . ..the answer to which dorm unit is on top. Lick 'em. Lions! FRIDAY. NOVEMBER A. 1 CLASSIFIEDS—RESULT! 50c BUYS 17 WORDS \ Swing BILL'S featuring THE STAN BARTON PIZZA • SANDWICHE ! and Your Favorite Bevera! { 238 W. College Av FRIDAY NITE And TONITE QUARTET
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