FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1960 Student Gets Suspended Suspension A third semester student was placed on suspended sus pension by the Senate Sub committee on discipline, Le roy S. Austin, associate dean of men, said Wednesday. The student, whose misbehavior in his living unit had been dis turbing to the other members in the residence hall, Austin said, was warned either this semester by the coordinator of the area. Repeated misbehavior on the part of the student 'hen came to the attention of the North Halls’ tribunal which recommended that he be suspended from the Univer sity for one week. . Any recommendation for sus-j pension made by a tribunal is automatically referred to the Senate Subcommittee on Disci pline. Austin said that the sub committee decided not to suspend the student now because he has a very poor academic standing. Suspension now might prove to be an unduly harsh punishment if it caused the student to flunk out of the University, he added. Instead the subcommittee unan imously decided to place him on suspended suspension for the en tire academic rear until June 1961. In action taken Tuesday night, the Nittany Area tribunal recom mended to the dean of men’s of fice that one student be put on office probation for the balance of the semester.' Austin added. The student, a freshman in the College of Chemistry and Physics, was drinking in the residence hall. He had no previous offenses and his probation will not cause him to lose any privileges.. Banners Up? Deadline4:4s Cut classes! Miss lunch! Do anything, but get those banners up. Today at 4:45 p.m. marks the close, the absolute end, of the Collegian Banner Contest. As the final minutes near, the Collegian judges will begin mak ing the rounds of dormitory units, evaluating each according to clarity and adherence to’ theme which is (just in case you don’tj know) to promote spirit for the Penn St.ate-Maryland game to morrow. No application blanks are neces sary and any unit is eligible. First prize, a trophy from the Asso ciation of Independent Men, will be awarded at the pep rally to night. •V 1 ” Student Luncheon Special This Week We Are Serving Spaghetti with Meat Sauce. Fresh Baked Bread Garden Fresh Medley Salad- Creamery Butter Apple Butter only 99c • * the DUTCH PANTRY * ™ Y r. 230 i. College Ave. “C, Come to Scrolls' Big JAM SESSION 3 Great Bands from 8:30 to 12 • JEFF BROWN & THE COLLEGIANS • FOUR DIMENSIONS • HI-FIVES THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Blue Band to Lead Parade Tonight Socief y to Hear chemlst . » .. . . Dr. Harold Hart, professor of In Preparation tor Maryland Game chemistry at Michigan state um- A parade led by the Biue Band.starting at noon tomorrow at Wesb vers *ly< will address the meeting will “spirit” students to the pepj Halls. The parade will proceed of the Central Pennsylvania sec rally tonight in preparation forj over to Beaver Stadium, where| s ion of the American Chemical the Lions-Terrapins game tomor-j it wil! make a gl . anc j e ntrance. ls °cie(y at 8 p.m. Tuesday in 111 10 'y- . onto the field. Cheerleaders and Boucke. Students will meet in the park-jstudents may walk along with: His subject will be, “Stable ing lot behind Sigma Nu fra-jthe band. ;Multipositive Carbonium lons.” ternity at 7 p.m., and march up Burrowes Rd., and down Curtin to Shortlidge Rd. The parade will then proceed down Shortlidge, left on Pollock Rd. and will stop behind Simmons Non-pop rally traffic on cam jpus will be detoured around the parade route. At Simmons, the cars will dis band and participants will walk over to Old Main, where the pep rally will be held. The Ying Yang Band, a group of men from the Nittany area interested in furthering Penn State spirit, will lead a parade Let's Swing ! It's Friday, Nov. 11 in the HUB Ballroom. Just SOc a Person. Music from 8:30 to 12. -ft-;' ft-ft' ftftftftftftft;;-:vftft;:ftft : JAZZ CLUB WORKSHOP No. 2 Free for Club Members and their dates THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. in 117 Carnegie Starring: ★ THE DON KREBS QUARTET ★ Introducing the ★ and other especially invited Penn State talent • Memberships will be available at the door The DELTA SIGMA PHI FRATERNITY invites all interested freshmen to a rushing smoker tonight at eight o'clock at the chapter house, Locust Lane and Fairmont Avenue. dress is informal refreshments football films * MISS FREDIA LEE "COLLEGIANS" PAGE FIVE
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