TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1960 Lions Hand Mounties 6th Loss (Continued from page one) cule broke loose on runs of 18 and 25 yard in the second quarter to set up Penn States third touch down. Gursky. who scored the touch down a few minutes later, fin ished the afternoon with 51 yards rushing to tie Hoak for runner-up honors. "Our first two teams played well," Engle said ,"but the al ternate backfield seemed to have a little more fire. They picked up the offense when it seemed to be lagging." The combination of Penn State's high-powered ground at tack and vicious line play was just too much for the Mountain eers who now have lost six games and tied one. The Lions dominated play from the outset, rolling up 339 yards on the ground to 58 for Gene Car om's sophomore stocked Moun taineers. However, the Mountaineers had the edge in passing, 207-115, but the Lions and Hoak made theirs count. After Penn State's initial drive had ended with a wild pitchout on the West Virginia sewn, the Mounties took over but couldn't move the ball. The Lions then took the pig skin on the West Virginia 48 and moved it to the 31 in four plays. On third down, Hoak dropped back and tossed a short pass to end Dave. Truitt who took it on the 20 and dashed into the end zone for Penn State's first score. Captain Henry Ompermann booted the extra point to make it 7-0. State. State's next drive began when Clursky intercepted a Dale Evans pass on the Penn State 14. After two plays, the first unit came into the game and Galen Hall's wrecking crew marched 82 yards in 10 plays with Sam Sob czak going three yards through the middle for the score. Hall passed to halfback Jim Kerr for the two-point conver sion and the Lions were ahead, 15-1, with three minutes gone in the second quarter. Shortly before the end of the half, Gursky ended a 91-yard march when he - scored from the one to give the Lions a 21-0 half time lead. . The Lions didn't let up in the second half and they added their final two touchdowns during the last three minutes of the third quarter. Hoak was involved in both scoring plays. Ho made it 27-0 at 11:40 when he kept the ball and simply hurdled over the Mountie defensive line from the three. The extra point at tempt failed. With 1:58 left in the quarter, guard Dave Robinson recovered a Jim Bargeloh fumble on the Mountie 17. On the next play, Hoak hit his cousin, fullback Bud Torris, on the two and Torris went the short distance for the TD. Oppermann kicked the extra point and the Lions were on top, 34-0. With the game out of reach, Corum sent his third string quar terback Larry Tracewell --- ------ - i :WAIL ARPERJ ACKH A RPERJACKTIARPER.I ACKIIARPER3 ACKHARPER3ACKIIARPER3 ACKII ARPERJ ACKHARPERJ ACKHK t) . L. oft .4 en a HEADQUARTERS x sa Tx a. FOR ;. w. .03 •at ~:, E THE ORIGINAL GENUINE . L ,, c. a. a to te. t.) .4 4-, 4 too ILIJIIVIIM3YftIadIiVIINDYftIadIIVIINDYfUdIIYtIaIaYftIadIIVIODVTLIadIiYiII 3 VD IH d IIYIIIIIYfIIadiIYIIX3YrIIadUVI3 * * * CLOSING IN—West Virginia's Bob Benke (35) closes in on Penn State quarterback Dick Hoak (23). Benke nailed Hoak after the Lion senior had picked up four yards in the second quarter of Penn State-West Virginia game Saturday. The Lions won, 34-13. into the game and the Mounties+ point and the game ended with started to move. Penn State ahead, 34.13. Tracewell's pin-point passes * * and short gains moved the Moun-1 The 27th meeting between the ties 68 yards for their first score. l two teams was marred by two Tracewell scored from the one severe leg injuries. and Bob Lively kicked the extra ; Penn State end John Bozick point to make it 34-7. Ibroke his left leg just above the Later in the last period, Trace--; ankle in the first period and well took advantage of a pass in—Mountie center John Skinner terception and engineered the broke his ankle later in the game. Mounties to the Penn State 11 Bozick was taken to Geisinger where he found halfback MarvirOVlemorial Hospital in Danville for Sleith wainting with open armsitreatment but Skinner went back in the endzone. to Morgantown on the bus with Robinson blocked the extra Ito West Virginia team. Game Statistics WEST VIRGINIA Ends—Timmerman, Banoti, Lavelle, Struck, Schneider, Heeter Tackles—Winter, McGraw, Haggerty, Bowman, Sizemore, Sirianni Guards—Melenyzer, DeLorenzo, Tolley, Fuller, Gatto, Martin Centers—Lanasa, Shillings. Skinner, Lively, Haynes Backs—Evans, Moss. Wootleshick„ Benke, Williams, Pomponio. Holdinaky. Bar gelob, Lamb, Garrett, Sleith, Myers, Huston, Tracewell, Marra, Kosanovich, Bennett PENN STATE Ends—Oppermann, Bozick, Alexander, Mitinger, Truitt, Davis, Schwab Tackles—Barber. Sieminski, Smith, Farkas Tietiens Guards—Blasenstein, Berfield, Popp, Rob inson, Hart, Malello, Wilson, Waresak, Gilmore Centers—Huffman, Saul, Raisig, Galardi Backs—Hall, Hoak, Jonas, Gursky, Kerr Pae. Sobezak, Hayes, Torris, Lang. DEMEIESIMEM Score by periods: W. Viricini_a 0 Penn State West Virginia scoring: Touchdowns—Tracewell (1-rush), Sleith (11 -pass from Tracewell). Cohversions—Lively (kick). Penn State Scoring—Truitt. 31-pass from Hoak, Sobczak (3-rush), Cursky (1-rush). Hoak (3-rush), Torris (17-pass from Hoak). Conversions—Oppermann 2 (kicks), Kerr (Imes from Hall). STATISTICAL SUMMARY This rugged water repellent wool winter coat with detachable hood is the ideal winter wear on this campus. The colors are camel, jet black, navy and Loden green. Around the corner from Bostonian Ltd THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA P.S. W.V. First downs _27 9 Yards rushing 339 Yards Passing 207 Passes completed 9 of 19 10 of 21 Passes had intercepted 2 8 Punts ____ 2 8 ==nl=MMl Fumbles lost Yards penalized ___ =MEI Hoak FENN Jona■ 5 Hayes 7 Sobczak Hoak - WEST VIRGINIA RUSHING Tracewell 10 Holdinaky Bargeloh Woodeshick Player WEST VIfiGIANtItA. Comp. PAS4l l N nt a er. Yds MIM1111111111!1!1!1!1!1!Ii] MEM Tracewel I DUFFER* THE PRICE 29.95 *in women's sizes also 09d4 icia Custom Shop for Men The Cathaum Theatre Bldg. * * * INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS PENN STATE RUSHING Timex Net Carried Yorde PENN STATE PASSING Att. Comp. Inter, Yds Times Net Carried Yards lINNN __3 10 __3 7 8 1 0 54 _9 4 0 17 ort- oto by Rick Bower UP AND OVER goes Penn State quarterback Dick Hoak (23) for a touchdown in the third quarter of Saturday's Penn State -West Virginia game at Beaver Stadium. Hoak's dive from the three yard line was one of three touchdown plays he was involved in as the Lions won, 34-13. PAGE NINE * * * ~~ ~^ ,;:< -‘..k. ~...4,.... ...ti,. 0 .,......4 ~ .4 ' ;4 ;i:4 :';,..V.11 1- . ..*.ii'e , . • ~1- , --, ' .1 .
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