PAGE TEN Corum's Black Suit Tells Story of Lion-Mountie Tilt West Virginia's Gene Corum didn't act like a coach whose team was in the process of being slaughtered for the sixth time this season as he stood on the sidelines and watched Penn State methodically crush his Mountaineers, 34-13, Sat- urday. As the game progressed the! black suit that Corum wore! seemed more and more appropri-I ate. Time and again his young! sophomores committed mistakes! to give the Lions more scoring! opportunities than they could! handle. But Corum never lost his pa tience or his composure. He never raised his voice. After Penn State scored its fifth touchdown to make the score 34-0, the Mountie coach walked slowly over to the bench where one of his third string halfbacks was sitting with his head droop ing. "Move over, son," he said as the player looked at him apologeti cally., "might as well sit down and take it easy." Later in the locker room, Cor um admitted that he isn't a "fire and brimstone" coach. 'You can't be," he said, "not when you have players like these fellows. It takes patience lots of 'patience, and sometimes it's hard. But right now these boys need friends. "I admire the way they (the team) have stuck with it. We have a tough schedule and these kids have been through a lot. At a time like this I think the boys would be in bad shape if they couldn't feel that the coaches were behind them." Corum has taken over The task of rebuilding the fallen dynasty of Art "Pappy" Lewis, who re signed last spring after producing McCormick, Baumann Win 1960 ERA Championships NEW YORK (N) Young Mike ,a 2.79 mark. He yielded 78 earn- McCormick of the San Franciscoled runs in 252 innings while win- Giants and Frank Baumann of the; Chicago ng 11 games and losing 14. ! Chicago White Sox won the ma-' ru jor League earned run champion-1 Whitey Ford of New York, the ships in 1960. final averages re-' ERA champion in 1956 and vealed yesterday. Both pitchers. 1958, was third with 3.02 fol are lefthanded. lowed by Art Ditmar of the Yankees and Hector Brown of McCormick led the National " Baltimore 306 • each. League wtih a 2.70 ERA. and Bau-: mann topped the American with Ernie Broglio, a 21-game win -2.68, according to figures cm- ner for the. St. Louis Cardinals. piled by the Associated Press. 'was second in the National Each is a former bonus, boy. Lea g ue. He gave up 69 earned ; Baumann received a reported $9O, runs in 226 innings for a 2.75 - 000 from the Boston Red Sox in earned run mark. Broglio had 1952. He was traded to the White:three shutouts. Sox last Ncvember for first base man Ron Jackson. McCormick re ceived an estimated $50,000 from' the Giants in 1956. His triumph made it three ; 246, Bob Friend of the pennant consecutive ERA crowns for winning Pittsburgh Pirates and Giant pitchers. Stu Miller was Stan Williams of Los Angeles tied the NL leader in 1958 and Sam ; for fourth with 3.00. Jones in 1959. - --• McCormick finished the . p „ sti Pitt Still Hopeful of Bid season with 15 victories and 121 PITTSBURGH UP) Athletic losses. He gave up 76 earned runs' Irector Frank Carver of the Uni in 253 innings and pitched four i versity of Pittsburgh said yester shutouts—tbree against the Los lay the Pitt football team still Angeles Dodgers. In 1959, the could get into a bowl game de- Paswlena. Calif., native had a 12-Lspite its mediocre 3-2-2 record. 16 record and a. 3.98 ERA. • ! "There are seven major howl Baumann's 1960 won-lost rec- games," Carver said at a lunch ord was 13-6. He is the first White eon? "That means 14 top teams Sox pitcher to win the earned run will have to be invited. If we win title since Billy Pierce in 1955. our next three games. who knows Jim Bunning of Detroit was the but that they may ask us to play American League runner-up with in one of the post-season games." WANTED . %den's and Full-lime Workers with experience in electronics con struction. Students applying must be of junior standing or under. Salary commensurate with experience. Contact Mr. Cook AD 8-0541 By JIM KARL. some standout Mountaineer teams during his 10-year tenure in the hill country. The Mountie coach, who didn't even have a full coaching staff in spring practice, has been play ing sophomores and hoping for the best. But the best hasn't been too good so far. West Virginia has been shut out by VPI (15-0), Illinois (33- 0). Pitt (42-0), and Syracuse 45-0). The two touchdowns they scored Saturday were only their third and fourth of the year. Although Pitt and Syracuse both ran up higher scores against West Virginia, Corum didn't un derrate Penn State. • . "Penn State is, in my opinion,' , —Collegian Photo by John Beauga one of the most underrated teams 1 COUSIN TO COUSIN—Lion quarterback Dick Hoak (falling) flips pass to his cousin Buddy Torris in the nation," he said. "I think! in the third quarter of Saturday's Penn State-West Virginia game at Beaver Stadium. Torris went they have exceptional balance.) into the end zone -for the score as the Lions won, 34-13. depth, and good morale. Your two( quarterbacks have a lot _of fin-1 esse. polish and poise, and I think! Hoak (Dick) is an exceptional'. • I • . runner. that Pitt, think that Pitt, Syracuse and, ark to P uot San FrqncLsco Penn State are just about equal in, most respects. I certainly wouldn't want to rate one team over the others." Asked if he thought he found a new starting quarterback in sophomore Larry Tracewell, who led the Mounties to two touch downs in the last quarter, Corum replied, "he's only a sophomore and has a lot ( - if potential. But 'he'll do some things he shouldn't do." Don Drysdale of the Dodgers was third at 2.84. The big right hander pitched five shutouts and led the majors in strikeouts with THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA SAN FRANCISCO (EP) —1 Alvin Dark, former field cap tain of the Giants, yesterday was named the new San Fran cisco baseball manager and given a two year contract The 37-year-old National Lea gue veteran, with no previous managerial experience, succeeds Tom Sheehan who took over from fired Bill Rigney last June 18. To get Dark, who finished the 1960 season with Milwau kee, the Giants traded utility infielder Andre Rodgers to the Braves. Dark played for the Giants from 1950 to 1955, •and was the spark plug shortstop of the champion ship clubs of 1951 and 1954. His selection was announced yesterday by Vice President Char les Feeney, To Dark goes the job of re juvenating a club that finished fifth last season after many tabbed it the pennant winner in the pre ,season forecasts. The Giants were 'second when Rigney was fired but wound up 16 games off the Pittsburgh Pirates' pace. Salary terms for the two year contract were not dis cussed. Asked whether managing a A slim "secretary" for your purse or pocket. While "on the go" you can note appoint ments made and always be sure of planned activities. This convenient organizer opens flat, shows a week at-a glance. Smart die•stamped binders of simulated leather in rich colors. Page size: 6 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " (less than 3 / 4 " thick). $l,OO A thoughtful and useful stocking gift! AVAILABLE AT The University Bookstore 206 E. College Ave. Since 1926 i leaSCOte POCKET WEEK AT-A-GLANCE KEELER'S team had been a long-time de-!man has ability he should be giv !sire, Dark replied that most baWenthe opportunity to express his ;players have the desire to man-lability." age as soon as they start playing) In answering the question. the 1"I have always wanted to stay new manager declared: "Some in baseball in some capacity," helpeople might think that because 'said. I'm from the South I'm preju , Dark will meet with President!diced. But' I have played with Horace Stoneham of the Giants atimanY Negroes and I never the major league conferences in thought I'd treat a colored fellow December. Most of his consulta-: unfairly." tions with the Giant front office" ' Asked if the thought of hand prior to next season, will be by; ling a major league club as his telephone. Dark said he has many' first managerial job was fright speaking engagements lined up, ening, Dark • replied. "Not at and feels he is committed to keep all." them. Dark, from Lake Charles, La., Both Stoneham and Sheehan ,starred in football at Louisian , sent cabled congratulations to ' State University before signing Dark . and welcomed him back a bonus contract with the I3oston , to the Giant fold. They are in Braves in 1946 Japan where the Giants are playing a series of exhibition games. Dark was asked if he thought' the Giants had too many Negro players and replied: "I don't see' how you .can separate players. I hear •on TV every day that if a im tab idstAia traiwumammaamo rr w 111111111M1a. 111 NI 1 mumma air atil w 4, 9111 • 110%1111 Motorola Stereo 111-Fl SPECIAL Colors. (Quantities Limited) Specia l • TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET 2nd Floor T-V and Hi-Fi Department FREE PARKING In Front and Rear of the Store Open Daily to 5:30 Mon. and Fri Until S TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1960 PARISH'S MENS SHOP Shortlidge Rd. at College Ave. SPECIAL! nortneck Sweaters $7.95 STATE COLLEGE, PA.
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