TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1960 Hosterman Lions' Stiff Lion coach Ken Hosterman summed up his hooters upset of previously undefeated Navy Friday in one sentence: "I don't think their offense lost it, I think our defense won it." After Lion center-forward Howie Farrer put Penn State in the lead late in the first period, the Middies threatened repeatedly throughout the re mainder of the rain-drenched con test but the Lion defense re mained goal-proof. "Our defense was rugged," Hosterman said. "Wayne Rod gers played his best game. of the year and Dave Grubbs was outstanding. Navy put the pres sure on throughout the game and when they had the wind at their back they were rough:' The Lions were given little chance to upset the defense minded Middies, who had allowed only four goals in five games. State's offense had been sputter ing all year, producing only eight goals in five games. .To make matter's worse, Hos terman decided f. the day before - • the game that his two regular : wing s, Glenn , ' al Ream and Lou 4:I" Van Rafelghem, . : : would not make .. : .• - the trip due to :.• leg injuries. 4. • . "We were defi- , "A • k. • nitely hurt by - !..,- „,- our lack of ex- ' `,,:'' : perience at - wing;"Hoster- Howie Fairer man said "I think we could have scored a few more goals if we'd have been able to use our regu- Although the Lions were out shot, 22-11, Hosterinan said that many of Navy's attempts weren't of the dangerous variety. The Lions face another tough team this Saturday when they travel to Philadelphia to meet a Temple squad that has lost only to West Chester in six outings. Temple has downed Bucknell, 5-0; Wagner. 5-0; Hofstra. 10-2; LaSalle, 2-0; and Lafayette, 8-0. Crash Victims Make Final Trip TOLEDO, Ohio (A Author ities took up the grim task yes terday of preparing the bodies of 22 victims of Saturday's air liner crash for return to their homes. All but three of the dead lived in California. Two were from Elkton, Md., and one lived in Chicago. They died when a twin-en gine charter flight, attempting a take-off in a heavy fog, crashed and burned. The Cali fornia-bound aircraft carried 48 persons, including the Califor nia Poyltechnic College . !ootball team. In Washington, the govern ment suspended the flying cer tificate of Arctic Pacific, Inc., which operated the C 46. Circumstances of the accident "indicate a gross disregard for public safety and the regula tions of the Federal Aviation Agency," said E. R. Quesada, federal aviation administrator. The Oakland, Calif., firm op erates three aircraft in addition to the one that crashed. Yearning for A New Taste Thrill? Try an ITALIAN STEAK at Gusles AD 8-1461 or AD 8-9012 Lauds Defense Maryland Wins Third Straight Maryland won its third straight game Saturday, downing fum bling South Carolina, 15-0. The victory gave the Terrapins a 4-3 record going into their game with Penn State at Beaver Stadium Saturday. Pittsburgh, another future Lion opponent, pulled one of the big gest sttrprises of the year by stopping Syracuse, 10-0, to halt the Orangemen's 16 game win ning streak. In other games featuring Lion opponents, Army won easily over Miami of Ohio, 30-7; Boston Uni versity defeated Massachusetts, 20-7; Missouri shutout Nebraska, 28-0; Illinois edged Purdue, 14-12; and Holy Cross downed Mar quette, 20-0. STU'S EXPLAINING HOW MACHINES WILL SOME DAY "OUTTALK" PEOPLE "Stu" Smith graduated from Southern Cal 'with a powerful yen for excitement. His kind of excitement—Engineering. He got what he bargained ,for (and a little more) when he joined Pacific Telephone.. One of Stu's early assignments was to find out how existing Long Distance networks could be used to pipeline high speed "conversations" between computers in distant cities. The fact that he did a fine job did not go unnoticed. Today, four years after starting his tele phone career, Senior Engineer Stuart Smith heads a staff of people responsible for telegraph and data transmission engineering in the huge THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Harriers Driven to Top By BILL , BARBER The Navy cross country team may not be a power house, but the effort it put out Friday pushed Penn State to its best performance of the year and brightened the Lions' chances for their first unde feated season since 1953. Nine of Coach Chick Werner's 12 starters broke their best times in Friday's meet. But the most surprising re sult of the day was the per formance of Herm Weber. Gerry Norman and Steve Moorhead. They swept home in a three way tie (25:44) for first, marking the fourth time this year . they've tied for the top position. The Lion trio ran in a pack from the start and after the one mile mark, they were never pressed for the lead. Although Weber, Moorhead, and Norman have been winning for the Lions, the whole squad has shown a steady improvement, since the Michigan State meet. Sophomore Howie Deardorff and senior Ernie Noll have shown the most improvement. Deardorff started with a 27:13 against the Spartans, brought it down to a 26:31.4 in the West Virginia meet, and last Friday "Our number one aim is to have in all management jobs,the most vital, intelli gent, positive and imaginative men we can possibly find." FREDERICK R. KAPPEL, President • American Telephone & Telegraph Co. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES romped home fourth .with a to get in there and get a good time of 26:06. team," Werner said. Noll,. who started the season ! The harriers' bid for their first after a year's layoff from running,lundefeated season in seven years has been a consistent performer. will come to a climax Friday Against Michigan State the when they..go against the always Lion senior rambled home in strong Jaspers from Manhattan. 27:49, came down to 26:31.4 1 against West Virginia, and drop-I ped still lower in the Navy meet I t , appears that some of the with a 26:30. v a r's it y confidence finally Werner attributes this steady rubbed off on the Lion Cube be team improvement to several) cau s e th e y won their first things: hard work, .determination,. ; meet Friday, topping Navy's and the proper attitude. ! undefeated plebes, 20.40. "All of the boys are out there! Previously the Lion Cubs lost trying all the time," Werner said.ito Pitt and Cornell. "A lot of the credit must go Frosh coach Norm Gordon was to captain Herm Weber. He, along very pleased with his team's with Norman and Moorhead, have:showing in their first victorious been encouraging the other boys effort of the season. CREDIT STAFF Billing Meeting Tonight 7 p,m. Collegian Office PLEASE BRING PENS 4 i t a i Los Angeles area. As a pioneer in this new data transmission field' Stu predicts data processing machines will some day do more Long Distance "talking" than people. Stu contacted 12 other companies before join ing Pacific Telephone. "I don't think there's any limit to where a man can go in the telephone business today. Of course, this isn't the place for a guy looking for a soft touch. A man gets all the opportunity he can handle right from the start. He's limited only by how well and how fast he can cut it." If Stu's talking about the kind of opportunity you're looking for, just visit your Placement Office for literature and additional information.. ti k, i PAGE ELEVEN Effort
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