PAGE EIGHb i'Al tueen Ccmpetition To Begin The contest for Mil Ball queen starts today and will rim to Nov. 15. Anyone planning to attend the dance on Dec. 9 at Rrecre ation Hall, may enter his date in the contest. A photograph with the escort's and the contestant's name and ad dress on the back should be sub mitted to the Hetzel Union desk. The photograph should be a mini mum of 5 x 7 inches. All photo graphs will be returned to the owner. Ten semi-finalists will be chosen froth the pictures sub mitted by a group of cadets from the Air Force Academy. Cadets and midshipmen from thr Mil Ball committee will chose five finalists from the photo graphs of the semi-finalists. The queen will be chosen the night of the dance by a panel of professors of military science, na val science, and air science. She will be chosen on the bases of poise, personality and appearance. The queen will be crowned dur ing the dance and she will be pre sented with a trophy. The four runners-up will also receive tro phies. The queen will reign 'ls Hon orary Commandant of cadets and midshipmen of the University for the year 1960-61. SGA to Hold Ist Coffee Hour The first Student Government Association coffee hour of .the se mester will be held from 3-5 p.m. today in the Hetzel Union Lounge. In an effort to bring about a closer contact between SGA As sembly and the students, the coffee hours will present an op portunity for students to voice their opinion and offer their sug gestions to the student leaders. Earl Gershenow, SGA public re lations chairman, said. Tomorrow's coffee hour will stress better understanding of SGA by foreign students. Gershe now added. A special invitation has been issued to foreign stu dents, he said. The coffee hour will encourage informal student questioning of the SCA assemblymen on student affairs and SGA actions. Gershenow stressed that "stu dents who do not take advantage of this opportunity certainly do not have the right to voice irre sponsible criticism of SCA," Prof Gets Grant Dr. John W. Mastalerz, profes sor of floriculture: has received a $250 grant from the Armour Re search Found; lion of Illinois In stitute of Technology to support his research i the field of soil preparation and fertilization of greenhotise floricultural crops. Mastalerz plans to study the sources of organic matter foi greenhouse soil preparation in an effort to find a substitute for peat moss. c Th it - -- - 7 - 15,4 s 1:hme ,„ 0 41•41, 1 / 4 4) , , ) Announcing! 4 ' THE ..,,.aGREATEST SNACK OF THEM ALL! ( FRANK'S ITALIAN Steak Sandwich FROM 14)4Prilis 112. S. Frazier Si. SPEEDY DELIVERY S p.m. to 12:30 a.m. CALL: AD 8-8381 —Cstlegion Photo by John Brow NIXON OR KENNEDY? That is the question which is facing many students as they fill out their absentee ballots for the Nov. 8 election. Marilyn West, senior in elementary education from Ash ley, ponders this questicfn as she prepares to fill out her ballot. lndie Finalists Vie For Tennis Crown The 1960 IM singles tennis tour nament is nearing its final stages ,both in fraternity and independ ent action. ! Chriss Wasson and Steve Seit chik will play for the independ ent title. On the fraternity side, Bill Charron of Theta Chi will ;battle John Ericson of Lambda Chi Alpha in one semi-final match, while Whitfield Gray of Beta Theta Pi will meet Bruce Derman of Phi Sigma Delta in the other. Gray was the 1959 indie champ, !and Ericson lost the fraternity clown in the finals to Vance Rea ;who now is a varsity performer. 'Dorman lost to Rea in last year's semi-finals. Wasson advanced to the finals by beating Charles Moore 6-2, ;6-3, and Seitchik beat Bob, Jar mon 6-2: 6-2 to gain his spot in the finals. The Daily Collegian Banner Contest Let's show the Lick 'urn, Lions spirit Penn State vs. Marylon JUDGING; • CLARITY 20 Points ORIGINALITY 30 Points CRAFTSMANSHIP .. 20 Points EXPRESSION OF PENN STATE SPIRIT .... 30 Points Use Your Originality and Support the Team! ANY DORM UNIT MAY ENTER • Trophy Awarded by AIM THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Penn State Text ;Printed in Japan "College Physics" written by R .L. Weber, M. W. White and K. V. Manning, all members of the Department of Physics, has been .printed in a special Asian Stu dents' Edition. The Kogakusha Company, Ltd., ;Tokyo, by producing the books in Japan, can offer them at prices within the reach of students in !Asian countries. Their distribution is in Japan, South Korea, Okinawa, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, In donesia, Singapore, Malaya, South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thai land, Burma, Ceylon, India, Paki stan, and Afghanistan. Congressman Justin P. Morrill, who sponsored the act which brought ROTC to the Penn State Campus never served in the armed forces nor did he have any connection with them. Russian Will Speak To Ed Fraternity V. Trifonov, an attache -of the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C., will be the featured speak er of the dinner meeting of Phi Delta Kappa, professional educa tion fraternity, in dining room "A", of the Hetzel 'Union Build 'ing tomorrow. night. He will speak on "Recent 'ln -4iovations in RuSsian Education." !Interested persons may attend the meeting. Dinner is cafeteria !style, beginning at 5:30 p.m, THE PARTY WEEKEND: ITS CAUSE With the season of party weekends almost upon ns, my mail of late has been flooded with queries from young inmates of women's colleges wishing to know how one conducts one's self when one has invited a young gentleman for a weekend, so let us today take up this burning mite. Well, my dear girls, the first thing to remember is that your young gentleman is far from home and frightened. Put him at his ease. You might, for instance, surprise him by having his mother sitting in a rocker on the station platform when he gets off the train. Next, what kind of corsage should you send your young gentle man? Well, my beloved maidens, orchids are always acceptable. So, indeed, are phlox and delphinium. In fact, most any flora will serve. Lk, try, however, to avoid carnivorous plants. 'lf you find, my esteemed fillies, that your local florist has run out of stock, do not be dismayed. Make a corsage out of paper. But pick good, stiff, durable paper--:-twenty dollar bills, for exam pie. Remember at all times, my fond wenches, to Show your young gentleman courtesy and consideration. Open doors for him, walk on the traffic side of the path, assist him to the punch bowl, tip his parka, light his Marlboros. (What, you ask, if he doesn't smoke Marlboros? Ridiculous, my precious uyniphs! Of curse, he smokes Marlboros! Don't you? Don't I'? Doesn't everybody who knows a hawk from a handsaw? What other cigarette gives you such a lot to like? Such easy-drawing filtration? Such unfiltered taste? Such soft pack or flip-top box? No other, my sweet minxes, no other. Marlboro stands alone, and any man worthy of you, my estimable damsels, is bound to be a Marlboro man.). g,,-,:- • '''...:m••-''.l7' ' .sl ':: -. 3-•:::r ";•!!",..„,„, Ulati,i 4 e;.-..:._ -, 1; ~,,,, t..:„."; -,..•-.4 , ,,,, .. . 4 ? - .- -- -.. - - ,- . , - - -'!* - -g' ' ' ''''- ,41i. ‘ f . ..... 4 .,. - '.: 14, tsfilittr , It' 4:- 5..., . '''• ,-,..--•-- ' -.•:- 1 - .1:.),', , 5.4,.--. 4 l': , • ',' a+ .:, ka ft :* '.. .., : e' r i:: , V i V 7 4 <:.-,,..Nz . ,, 0 , , ,-, , , ,, r...,..._ r 1 7, 4 0....... --- clitiQ id!" Oa fitt be 6 lata tiyaz„.•• If you will follow the simple instructions stated above; my good lasses, you will find that you have turned your young gentleman into a fast and fervent admirer. There is nothing quite like a party weekend to promote romance. I am in mind of a party weekend some years ago at Iliss Pomfritt's Seminary for well-born females in West Linotype, Ohio. Serafina Siga loos, a sophomore at this institution, majoring in napkin folding, sent an invitation to a young man named Fafnir Valve, a junior at the Joyce Kilmer School of Forestry, majoring in sap and boles. Serafina had been ape for Fafnir since high school, but Fafnir preferred a girl named Gelia Fleshwound, the high school drum majorette who once threw a baton so high she impaled a. south bound mallard. Anyhow, Serafina sent an invitation to Fafnir, and he came, and she showeied him with kindness and cuff links, and then he went, away, and Serafina sar anxiously by the mailbox, wondering whether she would ever hear from him again. Sure enough, two weeks later she got a letter: "Dear Serafina, Can you let me have fifty bucks? Yours; Fafnir." Whimpering with ecstasy, she ran to the bank and withdrew the money and mailed it to Mtn. From then on, she got the same request every week, and as a result, she became very well acquainted with Ralph T. Involute, teller of the West Linotype Bank and Trust Co.; and their friendship ripened into-love, and today they are happily married and live in Stamen, Oregon, where Ralph is in the extruded molasses game and Serafino, is a hydrant. C 19(4) Mat Shulman Every weekend is a party weekend with Marlboros—,-or Marl boro's unfiltered companion cigarette—mild, flavorful Philip Morris. Try the newest Philip Morris—the sensational king aize Commander. Have' a Conunander—wekome aboard/ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1960 Botany, Plant Pathology To Receive $l5OO Grant The California Spray-Chemical Corporation will give a $l5OO ie search grant to the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. According to Dr. 3. E. Living ston, professor and head of the department, the money will be used to study means of combat ing fungus diseases In grapes, fruits,trees and golf course greens turf now being carried on by de partment staff members. Penn State is the only institu tion in Pennsylvania giving work in Home Economies leading to the Ph.D. degree. On ealliPug hor of "I Was a Tan-agc Dwarf," "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis," etc.) AND CURE
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