SATURDAY. JUNE 1 L 1960 s donor, and Nancy Clark of Paoli was voted women's class Mill Miller donor. This honor is based on contributions to the class and the University and on popularity, ;'; , ' 4 ,0*1 1 0 144 ! ..-,,t. 'OP • ! ; ': .." -... r._ ' Remaning awards and the recipients are: "10. ! and personality. classmates of outstanding senior women Lamp Girl, Sherry Parkin, State College, for woman most likely to contribute to the University after commencement. Scepter Women, Carol Frank, Pittsburgh; Mary Ann Ganter, Bethel Park; Dorothy Newman, Philadelphia; for contributions to the class and participation in activities. ties and personality the senior class Pipe Man, Vincent Marino, Clearfield, for most humorous senior man. Torch Man, Theodore Haller, Bradford, for man most likely to contribute to the University after commencement. Mace Men, Patrick Botula, Pittsburgh; William Jaffe, Philips burg; and Samuel Minor, Carmichaels, for contributions to the Uni versity before commencement. A special award was made to Martin Leshner, chairman of th , class day committee. He was named permanent secretary of th. Class of '6O. Senior Class Day was held on Mother's Day weekend this yea] instead of the usual time on the day before graduation. It replace/ the discontinued May Day exercises. 2683 Degrees— (Continued, front page one) several academic awards were presented. Lois DiJoseph, vale dictorian, received the John W. White Fellowships were award ed to Vernon Barger, James Fawcett (in absentia) and Ron al d Reinhard, salutatorian. Leonard Julius received the Ralph Dorn Helsel Award. The awards presentation was followed by a charge to the grad uates by President Eric A, Walk er. The graduates closed the cere monies by singing the Alma Mater. Diplomas were then dis tributed by college. ' THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Seseesior to THE FREE LANCE. eat. 1887 Published Tuesday through Batords, "mornings inclusive during the University year by the staff of The Daily Collegian of The Pennsylvania State University. '', entered as am:lnd-elan matter July O. 1934. at the State College, Pa.. Post Office under the set of Starch 3, 1879: DENNIS MALICE', Editor GEORGE McTURK, Business Manager HTAFF THIS ISSUE i; Denny )4alick, George McTurk. 13111 Jaffe, Marty Scher'. 60 Students Award Classmate Honors Eighteen seniors were selected for special honors by the ss of '6O. The honors were announced at Senior Class Day rcises, held last month. The seniors were chosen for the honors in a special elec i. Each Was presented with a miniature replica of the any Lion Shrine. Leonard Julius of West Palm Beach, Fla., was selected men's Bow Girl, Jessie Janjigian, Kingston, for scholarship activities Slipper Girl, Helen Skade, Summit, N.J., for popularity among Mirror Girl, Ellen Butterworth, Allentdwn, for most humorous Fan Girl, Marjorie Miller, Bryn Mawr, for beauty. Spoon Man, Steven Ott, Westfield, N.J., for scholarship, activi- Barrel Man, Richard Lucas,' Glassport, for top male athlete in Cane Man, Lawrence By,ers, New Oxford, for popularity. To: The Class of 1960 From: The Nittany .Lion Inn RE: Graduation Message: Congratulations . . . 2900 Times ! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Memo See You at the Missouri Game 1 The Nittany Lion Inn Highway Construction May Delay Class Gift Construction on the Class of '6O gift, an entrance way for Beaver Stadium, may be delayed by work on a four-lane by-pass of State College. Theodore Haller, class president, said that specific de tails of the highway's route are not yet known. The class gift would serve as an entrance to the: stadium from the bypass, he ex-i plained, so that the location may! even have a bearing on the actual design of the entrance way. Haller presented a check for' nearly $4OOO to Dr. Howard A. Cutler, representing the Univers ity, during Senior Clasr Day cere- 1 monies May 7. No specific ideas have been drafted for the entrance way. Haller said. He will meet this weekend with officials of the Department of Physical Plant to decide on a definite idea. "The amount of funds will' naturally be a limiting factor,"l Haller said. The West Gate along Route 322 cost approximately $4OOO, hut most of the cost went' into an expensive finishing job,l he added Miss Parkin Use of a less expensive method of finishing might allow a much larger entrance way which would be needed to keep in the propor tions of Beaver Stadium, Haller said. MI Newman Misr Butterworth Walter Wiegand, head of Phys- Do You Know . •That over 5,000 of your fellow students will be at tending Summer Sessions. *That The Daily Collegian will publish THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN full of all the campus and area activities, newsy and pictures to That THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN will be published twice a week—Tuesday and Friday. *That a summer subscription costs only $l.OO Get all the campus news this summer by subscribing to THE SUMMER COLLEGIAN. Stop in the Carnegie office or fill out the coupon below. 0 Check Enclosed THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Box 261 , 0 Money Order ' STATE COLLEGE, PA. Name Subscripti®n address .. Campus address The Summer Collegian $l.OO per subscription PAGE THREE ical Plant, outlined plans for preparing preliminary sketches to be presented to the adminis tration for approval. Design fitness and cost would be the major considerations, he said. Once these are okayed, detailed drawings would be made and construction would begin. No completion date has been set. More than $l2OO was collected for the gift during registration last September. Additional con tributions were made throughout the year. By previous agreement, President Eric A. Walker con tributed—from a special fund— s 2 for every $1 collected by the class to bring the total to nearly $4OOO. . Blanck New Captain John Blanck of Manheim Town ship will captain the 1961 Penn State tennis team. He compiled a record of six victories and four defeats in the 1960 campaign.
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